You can apply or submit a claim online or download forms on our website.
In most cases, you’ll find the answer to your question on our website or by using one of our free online tools.
Our staff also use this website and our online tools to answer your questions, so you can save time by checking online first.
You can use our free and simple self-help tools.
Can you apply? Dismissal, bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination
Take one of our eligibility quizzes to see if you can lodge an application.
- Have you been unfairly dismissed? – check if you're eligible to apply for unfair dismissal
- Can you apply for an order to stop bullying? Stop bullying eligibility quiz
- Can you apply for us to deal with a sexual harassment dispute?– Check if you are eligible to apply
- Can you apply for a general protections dismissal? – General protections dismissal eligibility check
- If you need advice – Request form for the Workplace Advice Service
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