New laws for regulated workers and businesses and the road transport industry start from 26 August 2024. This page provides links to information and resources about the laws.
Who are regulated workers and businesses
Regulated workers are:
- 'employee-like' workers performing digital platform work, and
- regulated road transport contractors.
The law also establishes the sub-category of road transport employee-like worker.
See About regulated workers and businesses for more information about how the new laws define regulated workers, regulated businesses and the road transport industry.
Watch our Regulated worker minimum standards functions video .
Our new functions
Minimum standards orders: Making minimum standards orders and guidelines for regulated workers
Road transport contractual chain orders: Making road transport contractual chain orders and guidelines for regulated road transport contractors, road transport employee-like workers and others in contractual chain
Collective agreements: Registering collective agreements between regulated businesses and registered employee organisations setting terms and conditions for regulated workers
Unfair deactivation and unfair termination of a contract: Dealing with applications for remedy in relation to unfair deactivation from digital labour platform and unfair termination of a contract by a road transport business
Timelines for applications affecting regulated workers and businesses
The new laws affecting regulated workers and businesses started on 26 August 2024, but that doesn’t mean you can make an application for all matters straight away, or that we can make an order straight away. You may need to wait until a qualifying period has ended, or until consultation has been completed.
How to get involved
We want to engage with the people and businesses who are affected by these new laws.
You can:
- join our Regulated Worker User Group to share your ideas about how we implement these new laws
- ask for a Commission Member to attend a meeting of your organisation or its members to explain more about our new regulated worker functions. You can ask for them to attend online or in person. To find out more, write to us at
To stay up to date, subscribe to Regulated worker updates or follow us on Facebook , Instagram and LinkedIn .