We can provide general information about our applications and processes. You can also find the same information on our website.
On this page:
We aim to answer your question within 5 business days.
If you have been dismissed and you think it’s unfair or discriminatory, you may be able to start a case at the Commission.
There is a 21-day time limit to apply. Please don’t wait for us to respond if it means your application will be late.
See job loss and dismissal for more information.
How we can help
We can only deal with specific applications under the Fair Work Act 2009.
When you lodge an application with us, you are starting a legal process.
We can provide general information about our applications and processes, but cannot give you legal advice.
Common applications that you can make include:
- applications about job loss or dismissal
- applications to stop workplace bullying and discrimination
- disputes about sexual harassment at work
- disputes about making and bargaining for enterprise agreements
- applications to approve, change or terminate enterprise agreements.
We can't
- give you our opinion on your situation
- investigate complaints based on tip-offs
- give you legal advice
- represent you in a case
- tell you if you should make an application
- tell you which application would be best for you, or
- tell you how to run a case.
Who else can help
The Fair Work Ombudsman can help with:
- pay , including pay rates, unpaid wages, final pay and payslips
- redundancy and notice periods
- leave and breaks
Contact them through My Account on their website or contact them over the phone .
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) can help with:
- taxation (tax) for individuals and businesses
- superannuation for employers and superannuation for employees , including unpaid superannuation.
Contact the ATO online or over the phone.
SafeWork can help with:
- safety at work, or
- workers compensation.
Safework can help you find the contact details for the agency in your state or territory.
Question? Ask us online
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We are currently unable to respond to emails from optusnet email addresses due to their security settings.
This means if you give us an email address with @optusnet.com.au in it, our response to you may be blocked (you may not receive it).
Please give us a different email address when using the online enquiry form below.