The fastest way to contact us is by calling. We try to answer all calls within 10 minutes.
On this page:
We cannot give you advice
We recommend you use our self-help tools before contacting us.
We can only provide you with information already available on our website. We cannot provide you with legal advice. We cannot comment on your individual circumstances.
Contact us
Call 1300 799 675 within Australia between 9 am and 5 pm (local time), Monday to Friday. We are closed on public holidays. Our staff cannot give you legal advice.
If you are overseas, call +61 293 081 808 between 9 am and 5 pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday to Friday. Your service provider will charge its international rate for calls from overseas.
Registered organisations: contact details are on our Registered organisations page.
Media representatives: contact details are on our Media enquiries and access page.
Who else can help
The Fair Work Ombudsman can help with:
- pay , including pay rates, unpaid wages, final pay and payslips
- redundancy and notice periods
- leave and breaks
Contact the FWO online or over the phone.
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) can help with:
- taxation (tax) for individuals and businesses
- superannuation for employers and superannuation for employees , including unpaid superannuation.
Contact the ATO online or over the phone.
SafeWork can help with:
- safety at work, or
- workers compensation.
Safework can help you find the contact details for the agency in your state or territory.
Contact a Commission Member
The email of every Commission member is on this page.
Request a document or case file
Use this form to request a document from us.
Office locations
See details for the office in your state or territory.
Help in your language
Call 131450 to use the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)
Question? Ask us online
Ask us a question through our webform.
Feedback and complaints
We'd like to hear from you.