If your entry permit is lost or stolen, you must report this to us immediately. You must provide details about the loss or theft. The lost or stolen entry permit will be cancelled, and the union will need to apply for a new entry permit for you.
On this page:
What to do if an entry permit has been lost or stolen
If your entry permit is lost or stolen, you or your union must notify us immediately so we can cancel and remove the permit from our ‘Find an entry permit’ website search.
The lost or stolen permit may be replaced if the union makes a new entry permit application for you. Where a new entry permit is issued, it will have a different permit number and a new expiry date.
If the lost or stolen entry permit has not expired, use a Form F42D to make a new permit application and lodge it with a statutory declaration. If the lost or stolen entry permit has expired, use a Form F42 and lodge it with a statutory declaration.
Template statutory declaration for a lost or stolen entry permit
Download the template for a statutory declaration for a lost or stolen entry permit.
The statutory declaration must be made by you and witnessed by a person who is listed as an approved witness. The template provides a list of approved witnesses.