A selection of newspapers articles about costs of housekeeping and living in the early 1900s.
The following newspaper articles were sourced from the National Library of Australia's Australia Trove: Digitised newspapers and more .
The Butcher's Bill – The Argus, Thursday, 18 April 1901 (pdf)
Cost of Living in the Early Days – The Advertiser, Saturday, 11 October 1902 (pdf)
Fruit and Nuts as Food – The Queenslander, Saturday, 19 December 1903 (pdf)
The Cost of Living: Letter to the Editor – The Argus, Monday, 11 January 1904 (pdf)
The Cost of Living: Letters to the Editor – The Argus, Tuesday, 12 January 1904 (pdf)
Victorian Labour Colony – The Mercury, Saturday, 4 February 1905 (pdf)
The Simple Life: How to Live on Five Shillings a week – The Mercury, Tuesday, 28 November 1905 (pdf)
The Cost of Living – The Sydney Morning Herald, Monday, 25 February 1907 (pdf)
The Cost of Living – The Mercury, Tuesday, 13 August 1907 (pdf)
The Cost of Living – The Advertiser, Monday, 2 September 1907 (pdf)
Sunshine Harvester Case: The Cost of Living – The Advertiser, Wednesday, 23 October 1907 (pdf)
The Cost of Living: Albury – The Argus, Thursday, 31 October 1907 (pdf)
The Cost of Living at Clifton – The Sydney Morning Herald, Friday, 29 November 1907 (pdf)
A Living Wage: Fixed at 7/. – The Advertiser, Monday, 14 December 1908 (pdf)
Cost of Living – The Advertiser, Thursday, 24 December 1908 (pdf)
The Cost of Living: Letters to the Editor – The Advertiser, Wednesday, 30 December 1908 (pdf)
The Cost of Living: Letters to the Editor – The Advertiser, Saturday, 17 April 1909 (pdf)
Cost of Living – The Sydney Morning Herald, Tuesday, 27 April 1909 (pdf)
The Cost of Living: Increased Price of Foods – The Mercury, Friday, 7 May 1909 (pdf)
"An Ideal Diet": Dr Arthur's List – The Advertiser, Tuesday, 21 October 1913 (pdf)
Penelope's Weekly Notes – The Sydney Morning Herald, Wednesday, 28 April 1915 (pdf)
How to Live on 6d. a Day – Camperdown Chronicle, Saturday, 8 April 1916 (pdf)