Use this date calculator when you create a single enterprise agreement. It is a tool to assist you with meeting the genuine agreement requirements in the Fair Work Act.
Where the notification date of an enterprise agreement is on or after 6 June 2023, changes in the legislation mean that the Commission must take into account the requirements in the statement of principles. If your
notification time
is after 6 June 2023, the date calculator should be used as a guide only to assist the planning of your bargaining timeline. It does not represent the legislative requirements that must be complied with.
The date calculator is designed to be used alongside the information in Make an enterprise agreement, our tool to Understand the tests that apply to your agreement and the NERR – Notice of employee representational rights. It is not comprehensive, nor a substitute for reading the specific provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009.
Enter the date you started or will start the bargaining process.
The tool will show you a suggested timeline for each step.