When we set a date and time to hear or discuss a case, we send details to the people involved. This information is a ‘notice of listing’ and has instructions you must follow.
Who receives the notice of listing
If we send you a notice of listing, you will be:
- the applicant (the person who has applied to us about a case)
- the respondent (a person who must respond to the application)
- a lawyer or paid agentfor the applicant or respondent.
This information will tell you whether you must attend a hearing or conference.
If we ask you to attend in person, we will tell you the location, date and time.
If we ask you to attend by phone or video (Microsoft Teams), we will give you a date and the time you must be available.
To help you understand what happens at the tribunal and to help you be ready, see Prepare for a conference or hearing.
You can ask to delay a hearing or conference. You need an important reason to
Take action if we ask you to
Read the information we send you carefully. We may send directions or requirements with your notice of listing. These will tell you:
- what documents or records we need from you
- when to submit them
- who to send them to (usually a copy to us and a copy to the other party).
You must send your documents before the deadline we give you.
You may need to prepare a document with private information in it, such as medical details.
Your notice will have contact details for the Associate of the Member hearing your case. Contact them to discuss your options before you send private information.