The Freedom of Information (FOI) disclosure log contains information released by the Commission in response to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
On this page:
Publicly available information released following an FOI access request
The Freedom of Information (FOI) disclosure log contains information released by the Fair Work Commission in response to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
Since 1 May 2011, the Commission is required by the FOI Act to publish a register of information that has been released in response to an FOI request.
The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:
- personal information about any person if publication of that information would be unreasonable
- information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be unreasonable
- other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be unreasonable
- any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed above.
The Commission will publish information in the disclosure log within 10 working days of an FOI applicant being granted access to a document.
Generally, copies of documents released under the FOI Act since 1 May 2011 are downloadable from the disclosure log. For access to documents that are not downloadable, please contact the Commission’s FOI Contact Officer by email to, or by post to:
FOI Officer
Fair Work Commission
GPO Box 1994
Melbourne Victoria 3001
We may charge you for the cost of copying or reproducing the information or sending it to you. We will notify you if there will be a charge, and you will need to pay it before we send you the information.
If you can’t easily read any documents in the format provided please contact the FOI Contact Officer using the contact details above. We will try to meet all reasonable requests for alternative formats quickly and at the lowest reasonable cost to you.
Disclosure log
Reference number: 24/25-47
An edited transcript for Commission matter AB2024/611 was disclosed.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 24/25-44
Correspondence concerning the tenancy of the former site of the Commission's Newcastle premises was released.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 24/25-41
Edited documents pertaining to objections lodged in Commission matter AG2024/4080 were released.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 24/25-31
Edited documents lodged by the parties and pertaining to Commission matters AG2018/1312 and AG2023/240 were released.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 24/25-26
Documents pertaining to the renumeration of the Administrator of the Construction and General Division of the CFMEU were released.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 24/25-33
Edited documents pertaining to the Commission's Editorial Standards and Brand Style Guide were released.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 24/25-15
Edited Instruments of Appointments issued by the Governor-General, under section 626 of the Fair Work Act 2009, for current Commission Members as of 9 September 2024 were released.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 24/25-10
Correspondence received by the Commission in relation to Federal Court matter VID758/2024 was released.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 24/25-9
A letter from the General Manager of the Fair Work Commission to office holders of the Construction and General Division of the CFMEU was released.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 23/24-25 and 23/24-67
Edited application documents were released in relation to Commission matters AG2020/2022 and AG2021/4088.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 24/25-7
A hearing transcript was disclosed for matter C2024/821.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 23/24-51
Edited application documents were released in relation to Commission matter AG2023/5250.
To access these documents, please email
Reference numbers 23/24-31 and 23/24-48
Edited documents were released in relation to communications Commission staff had received pertaining to the Royal Commission on the Robo-debt Scheme.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 23/24-27
Edited documents were released in relation to communications regarding Commission matter C2021/7023.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 23/24-17
Edited documents were released in relation to a compilation of statistics concerning sexual harassment matters before the Commission from the 2020/21 until the 2022/23 financial years.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 23/24-2
A document relating to the budget for the 2023 Members Conference was released.
A document relating to the program for the 2023 Members Conference was released.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 22/23-56
Edited documents were released in relation to all the submissions from ANMF for award reviews and Fair Work Commission approvals in a period of 10 years.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 22/23-50
Edited documents were released in relation to the last five ‘all-staff’ or mass emails sent by the Registered Organisations Commission before it was abolished on 6 March 2023 and its regulatory functions and powers were transferred to the General Manager of the Fair Work Commission.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 22/23-38
The below document was released in relation to the Fair Work Commission:
1. The number of, and list of legal firms contracted by them to provide legal advisory services either specifically for vaccination related cases or for all cases.
2. The amounts per annum for financial year 2021-2022 paid to legal firms under these contracts.
To access this document, please email
Reference number: 22/23-23
A document was released regarding the number of unpublished final decisions in unfair dismissal matters by Deputy Presidents (including Acting Deputy Presidents and excluding Full Benches) of the Fair Work Commission for the years ending 30/6/2019, 30/6/2020, 30/6/2021 and 30/6/2022
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 21/22-49
Edited documents were released that contained certain details in respect to any current or past proceedings before the Commission involving the following entities:
- Murray Zircon Pty Ltd
- Image Resources NL
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 21/22-47
Edited documents were released regarding calculations in matter C2020/157 which was referred to in the hearing on 23 March 2020.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 21/22-44
An edited document was released that contained details in respect to any current or past proceedings before the Commission involving the following entities:
- Mitolo Group Pty Ltd
- Comit Trading Trust
- Maranello Trading Pty Ltd
- Comit Farm Produce Pty Ltd
- Mitolo Wines Pty Ltd
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 21/22-29
The Migration of Commission material to Data Lake – Privacy Impact Assessment Report of 24 May 2021 was released.
Reference number: 21/22-17
Edited documents were released regarding a vaccine mandate matter (C2021/7023) in which Mt Arthur Coal Pty Ltd was named as respondent.
To access these documents, please email
Reference number: 21/22-15
Circular 2021/09 – Covid-19 vaccination policies in Australian Government workplaces was released.
Reference number: 21/22-14
Edited documents were released relating to the applications for approval of the ANMF (Victorian Branch) (Staff and Council) Enterprise Agreement 2020-2024 and the ANMF (Victorian Branch) (Staff and Council) Enterprise Agreement 2016-2020.
Reference number: 20/21-45
An edited copy of a Fair Work Commission document which explains how to dial parties into video proceedings was released.
Reference number: 20/21-44
An edited copy of a Fair Work Commission document which explains how to organise interpreters for hearings was released.
Reference number: 20/21-42
FOI Guidelines published by the Information Commissioner (Combined June 2020) and (Combined November 2020) were released.
Reference number: 20/21-41
A Fair Work Commission Bullying, Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policies PowerPoint Presentation and Unacceptable Conduct – Workplace Bullying and Inappropriate Behaviours Policy were released.
Reference number: 20/21-33
A document was released containing the number of past or current matters and their dates brought before the Fair Work Commission against Brindabella Christian Education Limited, Brindabella Christian College and/or Brindabella Early Learning Centre, and what types of applications they are – meaning, what section of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) they were made under (for example, under the anti-bullying, unfair dismissal or general protections provisions of the Act), between 1 September 2019 and 30 March 2021.
Reference number: 20/21-30
11 transcripts of proceedings in matter AM2008/44 were released.
Reference number: 20/21-27
A document was released which explains the dates fraud reporting, fraud risk assessments and fraud plans were completed by the Commission for each calendar year from 2016 to 2019 inclusive.
Reference number: 20/21-25
A document was released which states for 2019-20:
- number of decisions by a Member ruling that a dismissal was unfair
- number of unfair dismissal applications finalised by a Member's decision
- number of unfairly dismissed applicants that were reinstated
- number of unfair dismissal decisions that were appealed to a Full Bench, and how many were upheld
- how many unfair dismissal applications went to arbitration and produced an Order
- how many general protections disputes involving dismissal went to arbitration
Reference number: 20/21-24
A document was released containing the number of past or current applications received by the Fair Work Commission that name any of the following as respondent, and what types of applications they are (that is, what section of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) or other applicable statute the applications were made under):
- Aquatec Maxcon Group T/A MPA Engineering
- Aquatec Maxcon Pty Ltd
- Aquatec Services Pty Ltd
- MPA Engineering
- MPA Engineering Pty Ltd
- Maxcon Industries Pty Ltd (A Member of the Aquatec Maxcon Group)
- Aquatec-Maxcon Pty Ltd
Reference number: 20/21-23
Edited copies of 5 Fair Work Commission documents regarding how interpreters are organised, were released.
Reference number: 20/21-15
A written copy of the transcript for Megan Smith v Fearon Howard Real Estate Pty Ltd T/A Ray White Balmain [2020] FWC 6049 (11 November 2020) heard before Deputy President Dean, proceedings no. U2020/8238 was released.
Reference number: 20/21-2
Call detail report of a hearing conducted in the Commission on 9 July 2020 was released.
Reference number: 19/20-45
Lists of Commission matters involving Badge Constructions (QLD) Pty Ltd (Badge QLD) were released.
Reference number: 19/20-40
Data from 2009 to 2019 relating to the number of general protections applications involving dismissal, relating to age discrimination, including data that is only representative of the number of applications.
Reference number: 19/20-35
Documents relating to the contents of the office of Deputy President Boyce, artwork owned by the Commission, policies, procedures, forms and information relating to the work health and safety policies of the Commission were released.
Reference number: 19/20-26
Copies of all written submissions filed with the FWC In the matter of the Entry Permit of Blake Patrick Hynes [2020] FWC 97 (21 January 2020)
Reference number: 19/20-18
Any records regarding bullying, harassment or unfair dismissal claims that have been brought against Fuel Distributors WA.
Reference number: 19/20-20
Documents relating to previous FWC Conciliator including:
- Contract of employment
- Documents referenced in the contract of employment
- Enterprise bargaining agreement (as at August 2015)
- FWC Human Resource Policies and procedures (as at August 2015)
- Conciliator code of conduct (as at August 2015)