Understand the work we are doing to improve the experience of small business owners. We are working to provide better support and more information at the right time.
As small business owners, we know you face challenges accessing our services. We want to empower you to access our services with confidence. There is work underway to improve your experience. This includes:
- a Flexible Delivery Model pilot for conciliation of dismissal claims
- New learning modules for our Online learning portal.
Flexible Delivery Model pilot
We are piloting an alternative approach to our conciliation process. During the pilot, we will test a new Flexible Delivery Model (FDM).
The pilot is an opportunity to:
- review our processes
- find efficiencies
- meet the changing demand for services.
We will select cases at random to be part of the pilot where:
- the claim involves small business (up to 49 employees) AND
- is an unfair dismissal claim OR
- is a general protections involving dismissal claim.
We will deal with all other cases in the normal process. We will compare results with the normal process to help us measure the success of the pilot.
A Flexible Delivery Team will manage cases selected for the pilot. This team includes dedicated case managers and conciliators. They will engage with both parties (applicant and respondent) earlier in the process and:
- explain our processes
- explain the potential outcomes
- help them to prepare for conciliation with the other side
As part of the pilot, staff conciliators will deal with cases more flexibly. They will determine the most efficient process for dealing with each case. As part of our flexible approach, not all cases will need a conciliation conference. Some will resolve early in the process without the parties meeting. In other cases, parties will need to meet with the help of a staff conciliator.
Our current conciliation model has been in place for over 10 years. In designing the pilot, we have considered client feedback about this model. We are confident this flexible approach better reflects your needs.
If your case is selected for the pilot, you do not need to do anything. We will lead you through the pilot process and answer any questions you have as your matter proceeds.
New online learning modules
We have developed new online learning modules to support small business owners. The modules provide information on:
- preparing for conciliation of unfair dismissal claims
- workplace sexual harassment.
All learning modules are available on our Online Learning Portal .
Preparing for conciliation of unfair dismissal claims module
This module supports employers and employees to prepare for an unfair dismissal conciliation with a staff conciliator.
The module:
- clearly explains the conciliation process
- provides tips about how to prepare
- outlines the role of conciliators and other participants
- explains potential outcomes
- provides referrals to more information and support.
It also includes interviews with conciliators, as well as a downloadable checklist to help people prepare.
The module will take about 25 minutes to complete.
Workplace sexual harassment module
This module focuses on workplace sexual harassment. It will improve your and your employees' general awareness and understanding. The module explains:
- what is sexual harassment at work
- the impact of sexual harassment
- the impact a bystander can have
- other resources and our jurisdiction.
The module features case studies, interactive scenarios and activities. The module will take about 20 minutes to complete.