Introduction When you apply to us to approve an enterprise agreement, we add details to ‘Agreements in progress’. This is usually 2 business days after we receive the application. Content If the agreement is not in progress, you can: search for an agreement (approved agreements only) find a decision on an agreement (approved or refused). Find out how long it takes to approve an agreement. Some applications may be listed for a hearing. Find out how to ask for a hearing. About the list of applications Use the search boxes to filter the list. To sort the results, click on the headings in the table. ‘Type’ refers to ‘approval’ of a new agreement or ‘variation’ to an existing agreement. ‘Status’ shows if we are assessing the application or we have passed it to a Commission Member to consider. Application Matter No. Applicant Industry Application type Type Approval or Variation Status Type Initial assessment or Member consideration Record per page 50 100 All Please wait, we are loading the list of applications