When you apply to appeal a decision or order, you need to create and lodge an appeal book. Send a copy of this to us and the respondent in the case within 7 days of your application. Normally, this should be sent by email.
On this page:
What to put in the appeal book
The appeal book is a document that contains a copy of:
- any order the Commission made about the case
- a copy of the decision
- the statement of the reasons for the decision (we may publish these as one document or separately)
- a transcript from the original case, or a relevant extract from the transcript
- a copy of each document from the original proceedings that relates to the reason for your appeal.
You must number the pages in your appeal book.
If you have questions about preparing your appeal book, please contact the chambers of the Commission Member who is dealing with your appeal, or contact us.
How to lodge the appeal book
You must lodge the appeal book with your Form F7 or no more than 7 days after you lodge form F7.
If your appeal book is a printed document and you submit by mail or in person, you must submit 3 copies, which we give to the Members of the Full Bench.
After you lodge the appeal book
No more than 7 days after you lodge the appeal book, you must serve a copy on the other parties. The
Don't forget to bring your own copy of the appeal book to the hearing.