Fair Work Commission staff undertake and organise research as part of our award reviews and annual wage reviews.
On this page:
Expense-related allowances
In June each year Fair Work Commission staff prepare draft determinations adjusting expense-related allowances in modern awards for the applicable CPI index figure. The determinations are published consistent with the process outlined in the Statement issued on 20 May 2010 ([2010] FWA 3857).
Go to information about the Annual Wage Review to see the latest information.
Multiple modern award coverage & the utility of majority clauses
As part of the Award flexibility common issue in the 4 yearly review of modern awards the Commission engaged an external research provider to conduct research into multiple modern award coverage and the utility of majority clauses.
The qualitative research was conducted with 27 employers and 19 employees covering small (5–19), medium (20–199) and large (200+) enterprises in Sydney and Melbourne. Two employee and two employer organisations also participated in the research.
Multiple modern award coverage and the utility of majority clauses report (PDF)
Appendices to the multiple modern award coverage and the utility of majority clauses report (PDF)
Modern awards – Citizen co-design with small business owners
The Commission commissioned research into the usability of modern award documents for small business owners (1-19 employees) located in metropolitan and regional areas.
The report details the findings of focus groups and in-depth interviews undertaken with 47 small business owners from both metropolitan and regional areas of Victoria and New South Wales.
Draft awards audit
Awards list
Commission staff prepared a list of federal and state awards (award-based transitional instruments) which were relevant to the Part 10A award modernisation process. This list can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet through the link below.
This list contains industry/occupation award-based transitional instruments which are potentially affected by award modernisation. The allocation of instruments to modern awards is indicative only. The coverage clause, classifications and any exclusions contained within modern awards determine their coverage. Employers or employees seeking advice to determine which modern award they may be covered by should contact the Fair Work Ombudsman .
The first tab (Pre-reform awards and NAPSAs) lists all industry/occupation federal pre-reform awards and state awards operating under the national workplace relations system as Notional agreements preserving state awards (NAPSAs) and the modern award(s) which may now cover employers and employees previously bound by this award or NAPSA. The text of each award can be viewed by clicking on the code for that award.
The second tab (Modern award titles) lists all modern awards that commenced on 1 January 2010 with a link to the modern award.
The third tab (sorted by Modern award) lists all modern awards and the pre-reform awards and NAPSAs which may have covered these employers and employees prior to the making of this modern award.
This audit is currently a draft for comment. Please email any enquiries or feedback to the Modern Awards Team at awards@fwc.gov.au.
Draft awards audit by modern awards (Excel) (revised 22 February 2022)
Termination of some of these instruments is required by the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 (Item 3 of Schedule 5).
Lists of instruments containing long service leave & specific transitional provisions
Section 113 of the Fair Work Act 2009 has the effect of preserving long service leave terms in a pre-reform or state reference transitional award, regardless of whether that award has been terminated.
Commission staff have prepared a list of award-based transitional instruments relevant to the Part 10A award modernisation process that contain long service leave provisions.
This list is intended to be indicative only.
List of instruments containing long service leave provisions (Word)