The Award stage of the 4 yearly review dealt with award specific issues in each of the modern awards.
The Award stage of the 4 yearly review dealt with award specific issues in each of the modern awards.
All award-specific reviews have been completed.
Documents relating to the review of each modern award can be accessed via the links in the table below.
If the review you are looking for is not available, please email [email protected] to request that it be added to this page.
Case no. | Award title | Award code | Award group |
AM2014/250 | Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services Award 2010 | MA000115 | 4A |
AM2014/251 | Aged Care Award 2010 | MA000018 | 4A |
AM2014/252 | Air Pilots Award 2010 | MA000046 | 4B |
AM2014/253 | Aircraft Cabin Crew Award 2010 | MA000047 | 4B |
AM2014/254 | Airline Operations-Ground Staff Award 2010 | MA000048 | 4B |
AM2014/255 | Airport Employees Award 2010 | MA000049 | 4B |
AM2014/198 | Alpine Resorts Award 2010 | MA000092 | 2A |
AM2014/64 | Aluminium Industry Award 2010 | MA000060 | 1B |
AM2014/65 | Ambulance and Patient Transport Industry Award 2010 | MA000098 | 1A |
AM2014/256 | Amusement, Events and Recreation Award 2010 | MA000080 | 4D |
AM2014/199 | Animal Care and Veterinary Services Award 2010 | MA000118 | 2B |
AM2014/200 | Aquaculture Industry Award 2010 | MA000114 | 2A |
AM2014/66 | Asphalt Industry Award 2010 | MA000054 | 1B |
AM2014/217 | Banking, Finance and Insurance Award 2010 | MA000019 | 3A |
AM2014/67 | Black Coal Mining Industry Award 2010 | MA000001 | 1D |
AM2014/259 | Broadcasting, Recorded Entertainment and Cinemas Award 2010 | MA000091 | 4D |
AM2014/260 | Building and Construction General On-site Award 2010 | MA000020 | 4C |
AM2014/261 | Car Parking Award 2010 | MA000095 | 4E |
AM2014/68 | Cement and Lime Award | MA000055 | 1B |
AM2014/263 | Children's Services Award 2010 | MA000120 | 4A |
AM2014/69 | Cleaning Services Award 2010 | MA000022 | 1A |
AM2014/219 | Clerks - Private Sector Award 2010 | MA000002 | 3A |
AM2014/221 | Commercial Sales Award 2010 | MA000083 | 3A |
AM2014/222 | Contract Call Centres Award 2010 | MA000023 | 3A |
AM2014/201 | Corrections and Detention (Private Sector) Award 2010 | MA000110 | 2D |
AM2014/71 | Cotton Ginning Award | MA000024 | 1A |
AM2014/223 | Dredging Industry Award 2010 | MA000085 | 3C |
AM2014/264 | Dry Cleaning and Laundry Industry Award 2010 | MA000096 | 4F |
AM2014/224 | Educational Services (Post-Secondary Education) Award 2010 | MA000075 | 3B |
AM2014/225 | Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award 2010 | MA000076 | 3B |
AM2014/266 | Educational Services (Teachers) Award 2010 | MA000077 | 4A |
AM2014/226 | Electrical Power Industry Award 2010 | MA000088 | 3C |
AM2014/265 | Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award 2010 | MA000025 | 4C |
AM2014/267 | Fast Food Industry Award 2010 | MA000003 | 4F |
AM2014/202 | Fire Fighting Industry Award 2010 | MA000111 | 2D |
AM2014/227 | Fitness Industry Award 2010 | MA000094 | 3A |
AM2014/268 | Food, Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Award 2010 | MA000073 | 4E |
AM2014/269 | Funeral Industry Award 2010 | MA000105 | 4C |
AM2014/72 | Gas Industry Award | MA000061 | 1E |
AM2014/270 | General Retail Industry Award 2010 | MA000004 | 4F |
AM2014/203 | Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award 2010 | MA000026 | 2A |
AM2014/271 | Hair and Beauty Industry Award 2010 | MA000005 | 4F |
AM2014/204 | Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2010 | MA000027 | 2B |
AM2016/3 | Proposed Helicopter Aircrew Award | N/A | N/A |
AM2014/229 | Higher Education Industry–Academic Staff–Award 2010 | MA000006 | 3B |
AM2014/230 | Higher Education Industry–General Staff–Award | MA000007 | 3B |
AM2014/231 | Horticulture Award 2010 | MA000028 | 3D |
AM2014/272 | Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 | MA000009 | 4F |
AM2014/73 | Hydrocarbons Industry (Upstream) Award 2010 | MA000062 | 1E |
AM2014/275 | Journalists Published Media Award 2010 | MA000067 | 4D |
AM2014/234 | Local Government Industry Award 2010 | MA000112 | 3B |
AM2014/277 | Mannequins and Models Award 2010 | MA000117 | 4F |
AM2014/75 | Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award 2010 | MA000010 | 1C |
AM2014/76 | Marine Tourism and Charter Vessels Award 2010 | MA000093 | 1E |
AM2014/235 | Marine Towage Award 2010 | MA000050 | 3C |
AM2014/236 | Market and Social Research Award 2010 | MA000030 | 3A |
AM2014/78 | Meat Industry Award 2010 | MA000059 | 1C |
AM2014/79 | Mining Industry Award 2010 | MA000011 | 1D |
AM2014/237 | Miscellaneous Award 2010 | MA000104 | 3A |
AM2014/207 | Nurses Award 2010 | MA000034 | 2B |
AM2014/208 | Passenger Vehicle Transportation Award 2010 | MA000063 | 2C |
AM2014/239 | Pastoral Award 2010 | MA000035 | 3D |
AM2014/81 | Pharmaceutical Industry Award 2010 | MA000069 | 1C |
AM2014/209 | Pharmacy Industry Award 2010 | MA000012 | 2B |
AM2014/280 | Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award 2010 | MA000036 | 4C |
AM2014/241 | Ports, Harbours and Enclosed Water Vessels Award 2010 | MA000052 | 3C |
AM2014/84 | Professional Diving Industry (Industrial) Award 2010 | MA000108 | 1E |
AM2014/281 | Professional Employees Award 2010 | MA000065 | 4E |
AM2014/86 | Quarrying Award 2010 | MA000037 | 1B |
AM2014/282 | Racing Clubs Events Award 2010 | MA000013 | 4D |
AM2014/210 | Racing Industry Ground Maintenance Award 2010 | MA000014 | 2D |
AM2014/242 | Real Estate Industry Award 2010 | MA000106 | 3A |
AM2014/283 | Registered and Licensed Clubs Award 2010 | MA000058 | 4F |
AM2014/284 | Restaurant Industry Award 2010 | MA000119 | 4F |
AM2014/211 | Road Transport (Long Distance Operations) Award 2010 | MA000039 | 2C |
AM2014/212 | Road Transport and Distribution Award 2010 | MA000038 | 2C |
AM2014/243 | Seagoing Industry Award 2010 | MA000068 | 2A |
AM2014/89 | Security Services Industry Award 2010 | MA000016 | 1A |
AM2014/285 | Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 | MA000100 | 4A |
AM2014/245 | Sporting Organisations Award 2010 | MA000082 | 3A |
AM2014/246 | State Government Agencies Award 2010 | MA000121 | 3B |
AM2014/90 | Stevedoring Industry Award 2010 | MA000053 | 1D |
AM2014/247 | Sugar Industry Award 2010 | MA000087 | 3D |
AM2014/286 | Supported Employment Services Award 2010 | MA000103 | 4A |
AM2014/287 | Surveying Award 2010 | MA000066 | 4C |
AM2014/248 | Telecommunications Services Award 2010 | MA000041 | 3A |
AM2014/91 | Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Associated Industries Award 2010 | MA000017 | 1C |
AM2014/92 | Timber Industry Award 2010 | MA000071 | 1C |
AM2014/215 | Transport (Cash in Transit) Award 2010 | MA000042 | 2C |
AM2014/93 | Vehicle Manufacturing, Repair, Services and Retail Award 2010 | MA000089 | 1C |
AM2014/94 | Wool Storage, Sampling and Testing Award 2010 | MA000044 | 1C |