Introduction The Mining and Energy Union (MEU) has applied for a regulated labour hire arrangement order. Content On 13 March 2024, the MEU applied for a labour hire arrangement order (C2024/1506).The application was made under section 306E of the Fair Work Act 2009 and seeks a regulated labour hire arrangement order that covers:WorkPac Pty Ltd and WorkPac Mining Pty Ltd as the employersemployees of WorkPac Pty Ltd and WorkPac Mining Pty Ltd who perform work at the Callide Mine near Biloela (Qld) as regulated employeesBatchfire Callide Management Pty Ltd as the regulated hostthe Callide Mine Union Enterprise Agreement 2021 as the host employment instrument. Subscribe to updates Content Subscribe now to stay up to date with new information about regulated labour hire arrangement orders and applications. Documents The search fields and filter below can be used in combination (in any order) to find relevant documents.Click in the Description field and start typing to search for a document by description.Click in the Party or organisation field and start typing to search for a document by party or organisation.Use the All documents drop-down list to filter by type of document (only one type of document can be selected at a time).Combine any of these options to narrow down your search further. Application Description Party or organisation All documents Applications Correspondence Decisions & statements Directions Draft documents Evidence Notices of listing Orders & determinations Research & information Submissions Transcripts All topics No matters listed.