Use this form to provide information about the Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (CFMEU) Construction and General Division.
We are seeking information, materials or evidence from any person, worker, company or organisation that may have knowledge of or have witnessed conduct or activity involving possible contraventions of the law by CFMEU Construction and General Division officials or representatives.
Any alleged non-compliance with the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (the RO Act) will be responded to consistent with our Compliance and Enforcement Policy. This includes any allegations of non-compliance with anti-avoidance provisions.
Factsheet: Obstructing the administration of the CFMEU Construction & General Division (pdf)
Any information we receive which relates to allegations of contraventions of other laws will be appropriately referred to other regulators and law enforcement agencies.
Protections available for those coming forward
It is unlawful for the CFMEU Construction and General Division to take adverse action against a member, or a non-member or independent contractor, because the person makes a complaint or inquiry to our General Manager.
This type of adverse action includes:
- organising or taking industrial action against the complainant, including where the complainant is an employer
- taking action that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of prejudicing the complainant in the person’s employment, and
- if the person is an independent contractor, taking action that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of prejudicing the complainant in relation to a contract for services.
It is also unlawful for an employer to take adverse action against an employee because the employee exercises the workplace right to make a complaint or inquiry to our General Manager.
Adverse action includes dismissing an employee, injuring the employee in his or her employment and altering the position of the employee to the employee’s prejudice.
You may also be considered a protected discloser (whistleblower) under the RO Act. This means you will be protected from reprisals taken or threatened against you as a result of making a disclosure.
You can find more information about protected disclosures and how they are investigated here:
How to provide information
You can provide information to us using the form below. You can also provide information by phone on 03 9063 7633 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (AEST). You have the option to provide this information anonymously.
We are working closely with other regulatory and enforcement agencies to assess concerns raised. If you report a concern that relates to conduct that falls outside our jurisdiction, please be aware that your information may be passed on to the relevant agency for further assessment. Your information will be deidentified before it is shared with other agencies unless you have given express consent for us to share your contact details.
You can report concerns anonymously. However, we and other regulatory and enforcement agencies may not be able to use the information provided.
Report to the CFMEU administrator
You can also report to the CFMEU Administrator .
The Administrator has established a procedure for making complaints about officers, employees, members and workplace delegates of the Construction and General Division or its Divisional branches, and may refer complaints to our General Manager or another law enforcement agency or regulator for investigation.