RO pod: Talking about Governance of Registered Organisations is a podcast focusing on information, tips and tools for improving compliance with legislative requirements.
Click on an episode to listen, access a transcript, get episode highlights and related links.
Email us at with any questions about anything in an episode.
- Episode 57: Developing an internal whistleblower policy
- Episode 56: Compliance snapshot and setting up for a successful holiday season
- Episode 55: Common protected disclosure issues
- Episode 54: Emerging trends in financial reports
- Episode 53: How we regulate
- Episode 52: Our education resources
- Episode 51: New enforcement tools
- Episode 50: Changes to right of entry permit applications
- Episode 49: A conversation with the General Manager
- Episode 48: Altering your organisation’s rules
- Episode 47: Governance training and training exemptions
- Episode 46: Current issues in the elections space
- Episode 45: Compliance update with the Executive Director
- Episode 44: New officer essentials
Episodes published by the former Registered Organisations Commission (ROC)
The ROC was abolished on 6 March 2023. The Fair Work Commission is now the regulator for registered organisations.
Although processes may change, much of the podcast content is still useful.
- Episode 43: Effective minute-taking
- Episode 42: You’ve identified non-compliance... what’s next?
- Episode 41: Don't miss the deadline
- Episode 40: A chat with the Commissioner about contemporary good governance
- Episode 39: Good governance in practice – what makes a good expenditure policy
- Episode 38: Good governance in practice – managing your related parties
- Episode 37: Does the ROC have jurisdiction? (Obsolete)
- Episode 36: ROC Inquiries and investigations
- Episode 35: Making your rules work for you
- Episode 34: Good governance in practice – compliant committees of management
- Episode 33: Managing conflicts of interest
- Episode 32: Auditing in our jurisdiction – what auditors want you to know
- Episode 31: Good governance in practice – financial decision-making
- Episode 30: Whistleblower investigations – what you can expect
- Episode 29: The annual return – compliance simplified
- Episode 28: The ROC Executive Director on priorities for 2021–22 (obsolete)
- Episode 27: Good governance in practice – building trust through transparency
- Episode 26: Do you know who your related parties are?
- Episode 25: Good governance in practice – the duties of officers
- Episode 24: Corporate governance experiences and what registered organisations can learn from them
- Episode 23: Is it time to change your registered auditor?
- Episode 22: Lodge on time, one time, every time
- Episode 21: Lessons from the Federal Court
- Episode 20: Good governance in practice – creating a 'speak up' culture
- Episode 19: Election exemptions – what they are and how do they work?
- Episode 18: Working together to assist registered organisations
- Episode 17: Good governance in practice – conflicts of interest
- Episode 16: The Commissioner: 2020 and the year ahead (obsolete)
- Episode 15: Good governance in practice – officer induction
- Episode 14: The ROC Toolbox
- Episode 13: Good governance in practice – holding meetings
- Episode 12: Working together for an efficient election
- Episode 11: Good governance in practice – record keeping and decision making
- Episode 10: Behind the scenes with the ROC (obsolete)
- Episode 9: Help for organisations during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Episode 8: How the ROC regulates (obsolete)
- Episode 7: Demystifying the ORP statement
- Episode 6: Spotlight on whistleblower disclosures
- Episode 5: Dual registration
- Episode 4: Who is an officer?
- Episode 3: Interview with the Commissioner (obsolete)
- Episode 2: The importance of good governance
- Episode 1: What to expect from your auditor
RO pod is the official podcast of the Fair Work Commission. It is copyright to the Commonwealth of Australia. The opinions expressed in RO pod are the opinions of the particular speaker and not necessarily the opinions of the Commission.
This information is general and is not intended to be comprehensive. It is designed to assist in gaining an understanding of the relevant provisions of the legislation, the Commission and its work. The Commission is not able to provide legal or accounting advice. For further information please see the materials on our website or contact us at