Our General Manager has expanded powers and functions to use compliance and enforcement instruments in the regulation of registered organisations. These new enforcement tools are enforceable undertakings and infringement notices.
In this episode we talk about:
- the new enforcement tools and how they may affect registered organisations, as well as the types of conduct they apply to
- the first enforceable undertaking that our General Manager has entered into
- insights into when enforceable undertakings and infringement notices can be used and their interaction with other enforcement actions.
Episode 51: New enforcement tools
Episode highlights
3:08 What is an enforceable undertaking
8:31 What happens if an enforceable undertaking is breached
11:08 When can an infringement notice be issued?
RO pod is the official podcast of the Fair Work Commission. It is copyright to the Commonwealth of Australia. The opinions expressed in RO pod are the opinions of the particular speaker and not necessarily the opinions of the Commission.
This information is general and is not intended to be comprehensive. It is designed to assist in gaining an understanding of the relevant provisions of the legislation, the Commission and its work. The Commission is not able to provide legal or accounting advice.
For further information please see the registered organisations materials on our website or contact us at [email protected].