The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) is a registered union of employees connected to the nursing and midwifery industries. Find details of their rules and governance.
About the ANMF
Date of registration: 24 February 1922
Financial year: 1 July to 30 June
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The organisation has a branch in every state and territory. These branches are reporting units for the purposes of financial reporting.
The organisation’s supreme governing body is the Federal Council, which consists of office bearers including the presidents and secretaries of each branch.
All of the organisation's elections are currently conducted by the AEC, except in the NSW Branch in relation to a collegiate election for the offices of Branch President, Branch Vice President and six Branch Executive Members (following a decision [2018] ROCD 157 of the Registered Organisations Commissioner in R2018/144).
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Annual returns, disclosure statements, elections and financial reports
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