Make a claim about a dispute or incident under general protections laws. In a dispute not about dismissal, you can apply up to 6 years after the incident. This is different from a general protections dismissal claim.
On this page:
Who can use this form
You can apply to us if you believe you are eligible and the general protections cover you.
See About the general protections laws if you need more information.
Only use Form F8C if you are a current or potential
- has not been dismissed AND
- believes someone has taken ‘adverse action’ against you AND
- believes the laws protect you because the reason for the adverse action is illegal ('prohibited').
You cannot apply if you have a current case about this issue with another body under an anti-discrimination law.
Before you start
An application is the start of a legal process. When you lodge this form you will need to pay a fee.
Have this information ready before you begin this form. You may need to give us details including:
- the name and contact details of the person who should respond to this application (usually your employer)
- the details of the company responding to your application, including their ABN, which you may find on your payslip or at
- what harm you experienced because the person responding took adverse action against you
- why you believe the reason for the adverse action was illegal (we give you the options)
- the outcome you want from this application
- details of any claim you have made to any other organisation about this dispute, if applicable.
We store your information in line with the Form F8C privacy notice (pdf).
Apply now
Lodge your form online. To get started click on Apply online , follow the prompts to log in or set up an account. Alternatively email your completed form to
You can also send or deliver your form to the Commission office near you. In some circumstances you can make an application over the phone.
The application fee
You need to pay a fee when you apply. The fee for 2024-25 is $87.20 and changes on 1 July each year.
If you apply:
- online – you can either pay the lodgment fee or request to have it waived when you submit your online application
- by email or post – we will contact you about payment. We cannot process your application until you pay the fee
You may not have to pay a fee if this would cause serious financial hardship. Apply for a
What happens next
NOTE: Employees (not
- your employer dismisses you after you submit a Form F8C application AND
- you believe the reason for the dismissal is because you lodged the Form F8C.
After we receive your application we give a copy to the employer. This does not include the fee waiver form, if you completed one.
Next, we ask the employer to respond to your application. We will organise a conference with you and the employer, if both sides of the case agree to it.
Rules and regulations for this form
Fair Work Act 2009: Section 372
Fair Work Commission Rules 2024: Rule 71