The Closing Loopholes No. 2 Act introduces collective agreements for employee-like workers and road transport contractors from 26 August 2024.
On this page:
A collective agreement provides terms and conditions for employee-like workers or regulated road transport contractors who perform work under a services contract.
Types of collective agreements
The 2 types of collective agreements are:
- employee-like collective agreement – made between:
- a digital labour platform operator and
- an organisation (union) that can represent employee-like workers
- road transport collective agreements – made between:
- a road transport business and
- an organisation (union) that can represent regulated road transport contractors.
Who can make a collective agreement
A collective agreement may be made between a regulated business and a union that represents regulated workers.
Regulated businesses include:
- digital labour platform operators, and
- road transport businesses.
Regulated workers include:
- employee-like workers performing digital platform work, and
- regulated road transport contractors engaged in the road transport industry.
Register a collective agreement
From 26 August 2024, you can apply to us to register your collective agreement.
To find out more see our Collective agreement for regulated workers process (infographic).
We will also be able to change (vary) them and register when they are terminated.