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API for the Modern awards pay database coming soon

16 Feb 2023

Our new application programming interface (API) for the Modern awards pay database will be released in the week of 20 March 2023. 

The API is a digital tool which will provide access to our Modern awards pay database's current and historical minimum rates of pay, allowances, overtime and penalty rates data in a digital format. It will mean that data from the database can be integrated into accounting software, payroll systems and other digital pay tools.

You can view a test version of the API and read the terms of use ahead of its release in our Developer Portal  test site.

Users who would like to use the API from March 2023 can register their interest by sending us a letter of intent (doc). We will then provide registered users who have signed a letter of intent with access to the API when it's released.

We will hold webinars and provide educational materials for registered users, to support the release of the API in March.

If you have any questions please contact us at