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Modern Awards Review 2023-24: Final Report published

18 Jul 2024

We have published the Modern Awards Review 2023-24 (the Review) Final Report from the Full Bench. The Final Report finishes the Modern Awards Review 2023-24.

The Review considered 4 priority topics: award coverage in the arts and culture sector, job security, work and care and making awards easier to use. The Final Report notes that this was a targeted review, which provided parties an opportunity to identify award provisions for consideration. In these circumstances, the Full Bench did not consider it appropriate to finally determine the issues raised.

Based on suggestions made in the Review, we have identified some priority issues and we will start new cases concerning the following modern awards and/or issues:

(1) Amusement, Events and Recreation Award 2020 (coverage of arts workers).
(2) Live Performance Award 2020 (correcting errors and deficiencies).
(3) General Retail Industry Award 2020 (further considering parties’ proposals).
(4) Clerks Award – Private Sector Award 2020 (working from home provisions).
(5) Higher Education Industry – Academic Staff – Award 2020 and Higher Education Industry – General Staff – Award 2020 (fixed term contracts).
(6) Part-time employment.

Proceedings (3) and (4) will start in August 2024. Proceedings (1), (2) and (5) will begin in September 2024. Proceedings concerning part-time employment will not start until a suitable time in 2025.

Further information on each of these cases, including how parties can be involved, will be released in due course.

Our President, Justice Hatcher has also issued a statement about the findings of the Review and the Final Report published by the Full Bench. The statement provides a short summary of the Final Report and the key outcomes, being the 6 new cases identified above.

We thank everyone who was involved in the Modern Awards Review 2023-24 for their contributions.
