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Black Coal Award extensively varied

28 Jan 2022

The Fair Work Commission is extensively varying existing awards as a result of the 4 yearly review of modern awards.

The technical and drafting matters for the Black Coal Mining Industry Award 2010 have been completed. The varied award was published in advance and commences operation today, 28 January 2022.

Any outstanding substantive or common issues claims that have not yet been determined will be incorporated into the varied award by way of a subsequent variation determination.

To access the new version of the award, go to the Modern awards list on the Commission's website.

To see the decision relating to this award, go to [2021] FWCFB 6050.

Modern awards pay database updated

In addition, the 2021 data extracts for the Modern awards pay database have been updated to include the extensive variation PR736274 to the Black Coal Mining Industry Award.

The extracts are available on the Modern awards pay database page of our website.