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Changes to casual employment terms – statements published

09 Apr 2021

Tags: Casuals, casual employment, award reviews, Casual terms award review 2021
The President of the Fair Work Commission has today issued a statement relating to changes arising from the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Act 2021.

The changes relate to:

  • how casual employees are defined
  • conversion from casual employment to full-time or part-time employment
  • provisions for the Commission to conciliate disputes about casual conversion
  • provisions for the Commission to vary enterprise agreements to resolve interaction difficulties with the new casual employment provisions, and
  • the requirement for the Commission to review terms in modern awards to ensure consistency with the new casual employment provisions (the Casual terms award review 2021)

A major case website has been established to publish material relating to the Casual terms award review 2021. A statement relating to the review has also been issued. You can subscribe to receive email updates when new documents relating to the review are published.
