[2018] FWCFB 7528


Fair Work Act 2009

s.185 – Application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement

Fair Work Amendment (Repeal of 4 Yearly Reviews and Other Measures) Act 2018
(AG2018/3842 and others)



[1] This Statement concerns the amendment that will be made by the Fair Work Amendment (Repeal of 4 Yearly Reviews and Other Measures) Act 2018 (Amending Act) to s.188 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Act), to confer a discretion on the Fair Work Commission (Commission) to approve an enterprise agreement despite minor procedural or technical errors.

[2] Section 186(1) of the Act requires the Commission to approve an enterprise agreement if the requirements set out in ss.186 and 187 are met. If the agreement is not a greenfields agreement, the approval requirements include that the Commission ‘must be satisfied that … the agreement has been genuinely agreed to by the employees covered by the agreement’ (s.186(2)(a)).

[3] Section 188 of the Act provides that an enterprise agreement has been ‘genuinely agreed’ to by the employees covered by the agreement if the Commission is satisfied that:

[4] Section 173 sets out the requirements for giving the NERR to employees:

[5] Section 174 sets out content requirements for the NERR:

[6] The Amending Act creates a discretion to find that an agreement has been genuinely agreed to despite minor procedural or technical errors, by renumbering the s.188 as s.188(1) and adding a new s.188(2) as follows:

[7] The Revised Explanatory Memorandum to the Fair Work Amendment (Repeal of 4 Yearly Reviews and Other Measures) Bill 2017 (EM) suggests that ‘minor procedural or technical errors’ might include:

[8] The EM states that:

[9] The Amending Act received the Royal Assent on 11 December 2018 and the amendments to s.188 will commence on 12 December 2018.

[10] The new discretion under s.188(2) will apply in relation to an application under s.185 for approval of an enterprise agreement, where the application is made:

[11] Staff of the Commission have undertaken a review of s.185 applications presently before the Commission and have identified a number of examples of apparent non-compliance with s.188 of the Act to which the new discretion may apply. These matters reflect procedural or technical issues that are commonly identified in relation to s.185 applications. No Member of the Commission has yet considered whether these examples do involve non-compliance with s.188.

[12] In order to provide some early clarity around the operation of the new s.188(2), the President has decided to refer these matters to this Full Bench for hearing. The Full Bench will only be dealing with this aspect of these s.185 applications; it will not determine whether the agreements concerned are capable of approval (such as considering whether or not the agreements pass the Better Off Overall Test).

[13] Where any of the matters requires further consideration as to whether or not the agreement concerned is capable of being approved, it will be referred to a single Member for decision.

[14] The referred matters (the Matters) are grouped below by issue type (some Matters may be listed under more than one heading):

An earlier version of the NERR appears to have been given to employees who will be covered by the agreement, not the current prescribed form (s.174(1A))

The content of the prescribed form of the NERR appears to have been altered (s.174(1A))

Blank fields in the NERR may not have been properly completed (s.174(1A))

Material provided with the NERR

Pre-approval statutory timeframes may not have been met

[15] To assist the parties, the Commission has identified some issues as to the proper construction of the new s.188(2) that might be raised by one or more of the Matters, as follows:



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 1   Defined in s.180(4) as the 7-day period ending immediately before the start of the voting process.

 2   Defined in s.180(2) as ‘during the access period … the employees … employed at the time who will be covered by the agreement’.

3 Defined in s.173(2) as the time when the employer agrees to bargain or initiates bargaining for the agreement, or a majority support determination, scope order, or low paid authorisation comes into operation.

4 See Fair Work Regulations 2009 reg 2.05 and the prescribed NERR in Schedule 2.1.

 5   Amending Act Schedule 2 item 2.

 6   EM at para 47.

 7   EM at paras 45-46 and 48.

 8   Amending Act Schedule 4 item 1.

 9   See Productivity Commission, Workplace Relations Framework, Final Report, Vol. 2 at p.665.