[2017] FWC 856


Fair Work Act 2009

s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards—Public holidays



4 yearly review of modern awards – public holidays common issue

[1] A Statement in this matter was issued on 30 November 2016 1 attaching a summary of outstanding claims in relation to Public holidays. Parties were directed to confirm that the summary was accurate. Submissions were received from the “Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union” (the AMWU), the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) and the Health Services Union of Australia (HSU).

[2] While confirming that the substance of the summary is correct, the AMWU took the opportunity to make a minor amendment to their claim 2. The HSU also made an amendment to their claim and are now only pursuing their claim to provide public holiday rates to employees who work on the public holiday itself, as opposed to the substitute day.3 The AHA confirmed the summary is correct with respect to their claim to vary the part-day public holidays provision.4 The AHA’s award-specific claim will be dealt with after the Part-day public holidays schedule has been reviewed more generally.5

[3] An additional claim made by Clubs Australia Industrial that was initially part of the Penalty rates case in AM2014/305 will also be dealt with by the Public Holidays Full Bench. Attachment A to this Statement is an updated summary of the public holiday claims.

[4] In accordance with the Directions issued on 27 April 2016, submissions in reply are due by 15 March 2017 with a mention listed for 9 am on Wednesday 22 March 2017, in Melbourne before Vice President Hatcher. Any requests for video links are to be directed to [email protected]



1. Proposals relating to Public Holidays have been separated into three categories:

2. Directions were issued on 27 April 2016. Reply submissions are due by Wednesday 15 March 2017.

Part-day public holidays

3. The interim schedule in modern awards regarding part-day public holidays has been varied to cover 2016 part-day public holidays. 6 The part-day public holidays aspect of this common issue is to be determined after other public holiday common issues have been determined in 2017. The Australian Hotels Association (AHA) are proposing to insert certain provisions from the part-day public holidays schedule of the Hospitality Industry Award 2010 into the body of the award and delete the schedule.7

Employer claims

4. Clubs Australia Industrial outlined they would be seeking changes to the public holidays clause in the Registered and Licensed Clubs Award 2010. 8 Their claim specifically seeks:

5. The following claim made by Clubs Australia Industrial as part of their submission to the Penalty rates case in AM2014/305 9 has been referred to the Public Holidays Full Bench. Their claim seeks to amend clause 29.3(c) of the Registered and Licensed Clubs Award 2010 as marked below:

Union claims

6. Proposed variations relating to the public holiday provisions in various modern awards have been filed by the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA), the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU), the Health Services Union of Australia (HSU) and the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) 10 . There are two broad types of proposals: the non-working day claims and the weekend public holidays claim.

(a) Non-working days claim (SDA)

The Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA) filed a submission 11 seeking to vary seven awards12 to rectify an anomaly relating to public holidays for workers with non-standard work arrangements. The SDA propose the following subclause be inserted into the awards:

(b) Weekend public holiday claim

(i) AMWU claim (Christmas Day only): the AMWU filed a submission 13 seeking to vary four awards14 with respect to Christmas Day entitlements when 25 December falls on a weekend. The variation sought is:

(ii) HSU claim: the HSU seeks to vary six 15 awards. The proposed draft clause is as follows:

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 1   [2016] FWC 8606

 2   AMWU submission, 14 December 2016

 3   HSU submission, 19 January 2017

 4   AHA submission, 15 December 2016

 5   [2015] FWC 7248 at [7]

 6   See PR580863

 7   See Correspondence, 13 February 2015; see also AHA submission, 15 December 2016

 8   See Correspondence, 12 February 2015

 9   Ibid

 10   The ANMF have withdrawn their claim – see Correspondence, 10 October 2016

 11   See Submission, 10 October 2016

 12   General Retail Award 2010; Hair and Beauty Industry Award 2010; Fast Food Industry Award 2010; Pharmacy Industry Award 2010; Mannequins and Models Award 2010; Storage Services and Wholesale Award 2010; Vehicle Manufacturing, Repair, Services and Retail Award 2010

 13   See Submission, 20 October 2016; see also AMWU submission, 14 December 2016

 14   Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award 2010; Food, Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Award 2010; Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award 2010; Vehicle, Manufacturing, Repair, Services and Retail Award 2010

 15   Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services Award 2010; Aged Care Award 2010; Ambulance and Patient Transport Award 2010; Health Professional and Support Services Award 2010; Nurses Award 2010; Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010.

 16   See Outline of Submissions, 13 February 2015; see also HSU correspondence, 16 December 2016