[2013] FWC 4163 [Note: An appeal pursuant to s.604 (C2013/6008) was lodged against this decision - refer to Full Bench decision dated 13 September 2013 [[2014] FWCFB 613] for result of appeal.]



Fair Work Act 2009
s.394—Unfair dismissal

Debbie De Laps
Victorian Association for the Teaching of English Inc



Termination of employment - jurisdiction (voluntary resignation) - forced to resign - reasonableness of employee response - options other than resignation.

[1] The Applicant, Ms Debbie de Laps was employed by VATE as its Executive Officer since 2004.

[2] On 14 December 2012 Ms de Laps wrote a letter to the President of the Council of VATE in which Ms de Laps gave 6 weeks’ notice of her intention to retire from her position as Executive Officer. The termination of the employment relationship ended on 25 January 2013 due to the effluxion of the 6 week notice period.

[3] On 15 February 2013 Ms de Laps filed an application for an Unfair Dismissal Remedy. Ms de Laps asserted that she “resigned, in circumstances giving rise to a constructive dismissal of her employment by” VATE.

[4] VATE filed a Form F3 on 28 February 2013 in which it raised a jurisdictional objection to the application as follows:

[5] A Notice of Listing and Directions were issued on 2 April 2013 in which the matter was listed for hearing in relation to both the jurisdictional challenge and the merits application over 3 days in early June 2013. The Directions required Ms de Laps to file and serve the material she wished to rely on by 22 April 2013. This material was filed on 23 and 26 April 2013 and was quite voluminous. On 24 April 2013 VATE sought that the matter not proceed as planned but rather that the jurisdictional objection be dealt with separately.

[6] The matter of the jurisdictional objection by VATE was then listed for hearing on 21 May 2013 with VATE limiting its filed material to the jurisdictional issue.

[7] At the hearing on 21 May 2013 Ms de Laps gave evidence on her own behalf. Ms de Laps also adopted as her evidence the contents of her witness statement filed in the matter, Exhibit A5. This evidence included all of the evidence that Ms de Laps relied on in relation to the merits of her substantive application as well as in relation to the jurisdictional issue. Ms de Laps was cross-examined in relation to her decision to retire. Ms de Laps also tendered 4 statutory declarations made by persons who were supporting Ms de Laps application. None of the 4 persons were called to give evidence.

[8] No evidence was led by VATE.

Evidence of Ms de Laps

[9] Ms de Laps evidence comprised both her witness statement, which she adopted as her evidence and additional oral evidence.

[10] The witness statement, Exhibit A5, comprised 222 paragraphs and 63 attachments. Whilst there is much in the evidence of Ms de Laps which goes to the merits of her application the witness statement does include the evidence of Ms de Laps upon which she relies to establish the course of conduct of the employer which forced her to end the employment relationship.

[11] Ms de Laps’ evidence at paras 13 to 22 of Exhibit A5 includes an account of events which led her to suffer a workplace illness or injury which was caused by a combination of events. Firstly, the conduct of Mr Terry Hayes, the Chairperson of the Conference Committee for the 2011 VATE national conference, in or about April 2011 where he displayed “an arrogant manner towards my staff, including intimidating, harassing and bullying them”. Secondly, the conduct of Mr Hayes in January 2012 in relation to a requisition by members for a special meeting of all members of VATE to consider the performance of Ms de Laps in the context of organising the 2011 national conference. Thirdly, the conduct of signatories to the requisition in June 2012 who, in response to the Councils’ refusal of the requisition, wrote to VATE in terms which “were generally vitriolic, aggressive and nasty towards VATE and the Council”. Ms de Laps was “quite upset by the nature and quantity of these emails”. Ms de Laps “formed a view that Mr Hayes was attempting to have me removed as the Executive Officer of VATE and had developed some groundswell of support amongst VATE's members to achieve this objective.” Ms de Laps “was very upset by this” and “began to have trouble sleeping, frequently waking at 2:00am or 3:00am with heart palpitations.”

[12] Ms de Laps’ evidence at paras 22 to 29 of Exhibit A5 identifies that she was on WorkCover approved leave for the period from 2 July 2012 until 29 July 2012 and was ready to return to work on 9 August 2012. Ms de Laps described the grounds for the WorkCover claim as “that I had been bullied and harassed by Mr Hayes and the signatories to the requisition”.

[13] The course of conduct upon which Ms de Laps relies to assert that she was forced to resign (retire) only commences at the time that VATE initiated actions in relation to the return to work.

[14] On 9 August 2012 Ms White, the Acting Treasurer of the Council of VATE, telephoned Ms de Laps and informed her that at the Council meeting on 8 August 2012, she (Ms White), Ms Wagner (the Acting President of the Council of VATE) and Mr Huggard (the Vice-President of the Council of VATE) had told the Council that they had employed a Consultant, Mr Martin Nally (Mr Nally), to settle a grievance between Mr Hayes and the Council. The Council had also decided to appoint Mr Nally to advise on the development of a Return to Work (RTW) plan for Ms de Laps. 1

[15] Ms de Laps was very unhappy about Mr Nally being engaged to deal with both the grievance between Mr Hayes and the Council and her RTW plan as she regarded this as a conflict of interest because her WorkCover claim, which had led to the need for a RTW plan, arose out of bullying and intimidating behaviour that Ms de Laps had experienced from Mr Hayes. Ms de Laps had a preferred RTW coordinator of her own choosing which she wanted VATE to use. On 13 August 2012, Ms de Laps attended her doctor as she was upset about the appointment of Mr Nally by the Council. The doctor recommended that Ms de Laps take sick leave until 20 August 2012

[16] Notwithstanding being on sick leave Ms de Laps did attend a meeting on 14 August with Mr Nally. Ms de Laps described the meeting as follows:

[17] On Sunday 26 August 2012 Ms White, the Acting Treasurer of the Council of VATE telephoned Ms de Laps asking her about the management of the current elections for Council. Ms de Laps later on Sunday 26 August emailed Ms White to advise her that Ms de Laps “would take care of the issue” when she attended the office on Tuesday.

[18] On Monday 27 August Ms White telephoned Ms de Laps and Ms de Laps evidence is as follows:

[19] On 29 August Ms de Laps met with Ms Wagner and Mr Nally in a 2 hour meeting which did not address Ms de Laps return to work but which was focussed on the issues raised by Mr Hayes. Ms de Laps evidence was that questions from Mr Nally “were frequently asked of me in an aggressive and berating tone.” Mr Nally also informed Ms de Laps “that part of his investigation was to establish whether my allegations of bullying against Mr Hayes were "vexatious".” Ms de Laps was distressed by the questioning. Ms de Laps evidence was that Ms Wagner response to Ms de Laps distress was to roll her eyes and sigh in frustration and that at no stage did Ms Wagner “attempt to intervene in Mr Nally's questioning or call a halt to the meeting”. Notes taken of the meeting by Ms de Laps support person (Ms Caruso) support the evidence of Ms de Laps. 2 Mr Nally reported to the Council of VATE on 12 September 2012 and the extract of Minutes of the Council meeting present a view of the meeting of 29 August which is very different from that painted by both Ms de Laps and Ms Caruso. I also note the contents of para 16 of Exhibit A4 where Mr Thompson recalls Mr Nally’s report to the Council meeting.

[20] Ms Caruso’s notes of the meeting of 29 August 2012 record the following exchange between DD (Ms de Laps) and MN (Mr Nally):

[21] In early September 2012 Ms de Laps, being distressed about the way in which her RTW plan was being handled by the Council of VATE, instructed her solicitor to write to VATE expressing Ms de Laps concerns. The solicitor did this on 7 September 2012.

[22] On 11 September while Ms White was in the VATE offices Ms de Laps asked to speak to Ms White.

[23] On 25 September 2012 Ms Wagner requested that Ms de Laps meet with her and
Ms White on 27 September 2012 “to touch base with your return to the office” (Attachment D24 to Exhibit A5) Ms de Laps was accompanied by Mr Tony Thompson as her support person. The evidence of Ms de Laps and Mr Thompson (Exhibit A4), describe a meeting, a significant of which, was not merely touching base but was an exercise in which Ms White, the Acting Treasurer of VATE, made allegations and accusations against Ms de laps in relation to use of a mobile phone, hours of work, WorkCover and travel expenses and sought responses from Ms de Laps in relation to these issues.

[24] At paras 87 to 96 of Exhibit A5 Ms de Laps raises a number of issues under the heading “Continual undermining of Ms de Laps as Executive Officer: September to November 2012”.

[25] At a meeting of the newly elected Council of VATE which was held on17 October 2012, Ms Wagner as President reported on the meeting between Ms Wagner, Ms White and Ms de Laps on 27 September 2012. Ms de Laps objected to the report on the basis that it “was inaccurate and did not properly reflect what had occurred at the meeting”.

[26] On the morning after the Council meeting Ms de Laps who was “upset about the Council meeting the previous evening” (para 97 of Exhibit A5) went to see her treating physician who declared her unfit for work from 18 October 2012 until 26 October 2012.

[27] Whilst it is not clear from the evidence it appears that Ms de Laps only returned to work on 7 November 2012 4 and on the evening of the 7 November 2012 Ms de Laps attended the first meeting of the newly elected Executive Committee.
Ms de Laps’ notes of the meeting were Attachment DL-36 to Exhibit A5.

[28] At paras 100 to 110 of Exhibit A5 Ms de Laps details what happened at the Executive Meeting. After the meeting Mr Huggard sent an email to all Council members in which he said "at Debbie's suggestion, no Executive minutes would be circulated". Ms de Laps considered this comment to be a misrepresentation of what occurred at the Executive Meeting and she sought that Mr Huggard correct the misrepresentation which he declined to do. Ms de Laps subsequently addressed this issue in her report to the Council meeting on 21 November 2012.

[29] On 21 November 2012 Ms de Laps attended the Council meeting accompanied by her support person, Ms Janny McCurry. Ms de Laps describes her involvement in the Council meeting as follows:

[30] At paras 117 - 119 Ms de Laps describes events after that Council meeting:

[31] On 10 December 2012 Ms Wagner wrote to Ms de Laps in the following terms:

[32] On the same day Ms de Laps went to see her treating doctor who certified her unfit for work on 11 and 12 December 2012. At 4.45pm on the same day Ms de Laps emailed Ms Wagner, cc’d to Mr Huggard as follows:

[33] Ms Wagner replied at 10.58pm the same day as follows:

[34] On 12 December 2012 Ms de Laps wrote to Ms Wagner in reply to the letter of 10 December 2012

[35] Ms Wagner replied to Ms de Laps in writing on 13 December 2012 advising Ms de Laps that the meeting would be held on Monday 17 December at 2.30pm and provided an agenda for the meeting which contained a list of 22 specific allegations against Ms de Laps which were set out in 15 paragraphs. The letter also contained the following:

[36] Ms de Laps gave evidence as follows:

[37] In her oral evidence before the Commission Ms de Laps, in examination in chief, said:

Applicant’s Submissions

[38] The Applicant’s submissions filed on 26 April 2013 state in part:

[footnotes omitted]

Respondent’s Submission

[39] The Respondent’s submissions filed 17 May 2013 state in part:

The Case Law

[40] Both parties took me to relevant case law. Ms de Laps relied primarily upon the decision of Deegan C in Davidson v Commonwealth of Australia 7, where the Commissioner provided a useful summary of the case law. VATE drew my attention to a number of relevant authorities and in particular the decision of Bissett C in Ashton v Consumer Law Action Centre.8

[41] VATE also drew my at attention to the decision of DP Sams in Gunther and Daly v Melouney T/a Easts Riverside Holiday Park  9 where the Deputy President cited extensively from a decision of Roberts C in Daffey v MSS Security P/L10.

[42] In Mohazab v Dick Smith Electronics Pty Ltd (Mohazab) a Full Court of the Industrial Relations Court of Australia said:

[43] In Pawel v Australian Industrial Relations Commission (Pawel) Dowsett J of the Federal Court said:

[44] In P O’Meara v Stanley Works Pty Ltd (O’Meara), a Full Bench of the AIRC said:

[45] A further relevant decision is that of a Full Bench of Fair Work Australia in Davidson v Commonwealth of Australia:

[46] Finally I note the recent decision of a Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission in Bruce v Fingal Glen P/L (in liq)  15, which said:


[47] I now need to determine whether there was conduct or a course of conduct by VATE which, judged objectively, was intended to bring the employment relationship to an end or had the probable result of bringing the employment relationship to an end. I also need to have regard to the response of Ms de Laps to the conduct of VATE and whether her decision to retire was because she was left with no reasonable choice but to retire/resign.

[48] I accept the evidence of Ms de Laps that various actions initiated by members of VATE led to Ms de Laps suffering stress and anxiety which led to Ms de Laps requiring time off work to recover from the stress and anxiety. However whilst various actions initiated by members of the Council led to Ms de Laps suffering further stress the cause of the further stress cannot solely be laid at the feet of VATE as part of the cause of the stress and anxiety suffered by Ms de Laps was caused by the conduct of Ms de Laps.

[49] The actions of Ms White, Ms Wagner and Mr Huggard in employing Mr Nally, to settle a grievance between Mr Hayes and the Council of VATE, combined with the action of the Council of VATE in deciding to appoint Mr Nally to advise on the development of a RTW plan for Ms de Laps was cited by Ms de Laps as part of the conduct that forced her to retire/resign.

[50] In written submissions filed with the Commission Ms de Laps complains that the employment of Mr Nally to settle a grievance between Mr Hayes and the Council of VATE was “at its highest, a careless and incompetent appointment that exposed Ms de Laps to further involvement in Council's dealing with Mr Hayes in circumstances where she was returning to work following a bullying claim (which was accepted) which had caused Ms de Laps great distress.” There appears to be no justification for this assertion. Mr Hayes had a grievance with the Council of VATE over the refusal of the Council to put a matter to the members of VATE through the requisition process. VATE were entitled to employ someone to assist in resolving this grievance.

[51] I am of the view that the conduct of the Council of VATE in also appointing Mr Nally to assist in the RTW of Ms de Laps was highly inappropriate. It may have been possible for a single person to carry out the two separate roles without causing further stress to Ms de Laps but it certainly was not practical to do so. Mr Nally did not approach each task as a separate matter but rather conflated both matters together. There was clear conflict between the two specific roles Mr Nally agreed to perform for VATE. The evidence of Ms de Laps that Mr Nally also informed Ms de Laps “that part of his investigation was to establish whether my allegations of bullying against Mr Hayes were "vexatious". Given that Mr Nally was also engaged by VATE to assist Ms de Laps return to work after suffering a workplace injury through Mr Hayes intimidatory conduct the conflict of interest between Mr Nally’s two roles couldn’t have been clearer.

[52] Ms de Laps was advised of the appointment of Mr Nally on 9 August 2012. Ms de Laps spoke to Mr Nally after the 9 August 2012 and agreed to meet him on 14 August 2012. Ms de Laps attended her doctor on 13 August 2012 and was given a certificate of incapacity for the period 13 August 2012 to 20 August 2012. Once having been deemed unfit to work Ms de Laps was entitled to spend the period of incapacity away from work so that she could regain her capacity to work. Yet, despite being incapacitated for work Ms de Laps attended a meeting on 14 August 2012 with Mr Nally. After the meeting on 14 August 2012 Ms Wagner sent an email to Ms de Laps on 17 August 2012 concerning the RTW plan and Ms de Laps responded by email on 19 August 2012. Ms Wagner then replied to Ms de Laps email on 20 August 2012.

[53] Neither Mr Nally nor Ms Wagner should have had work related contact with Ms de Laps whilst she was incapacitated for work where the contact was part of the process of resolving a dispute between Mr Hayes and the Council of VATE. It would appear that Mr Nally and Ms Wagner acted improperly in that Ms de Laps had every right not to attend any meeting with Mr Nally or to engage with any member of the Council of VATE concerning the resolution of the dispute between Mr Hayes and the Council of VATE whilst she had a certificate of incapacity for work. I note however Ms de Laps that attended a meeting with Mr Nally and engaged by email with Ms Wagner. However it is clear that Ms de Laps attended a meeting with Mr Nally and Ms Wagner on the basis that it was a meeting only in regard to the RTW yet the meeting turned into a discussion about resolving the dispute between Mr Hayes and the Council of VATE.

[54] I accept the evidence of Ms de Laps and Ms Caruso concerning the meeting held on the 29 August 2012 that the attitude of Mr Nally and Ms Wagner was hostile towards Ms de Laps. Ms de Laps was very distressed by the conduct of Mr Nally and Ms Wagner at the meeting and this level of distress continued for some days.

[55] Ms de Laps made two appropriate responses to the meeting of 29 August 2012.

[56] Firstly, she contacted the WorkCover insurer who advised her “to apply for a conciliation with the Accident Compensation Conciliation Service (ACCS), as I needed to challenge the acceptance of only limited liability for compensation arising out of my WorkCover claim (that is, liability only until 29 July 2012).” Ms de Laps made the application for conciliation.

[57] Secondly, Ms de Laps sought advice from her solicitors and she instructed them to write to VATE, which they did on 7 September 2012 and which Ms de Laps emailed to the Council of VATE on 10 September 2012.

[58] Notwithstanding that Ms de Laps had formally communicated her concerns to the Council of VATE through her solicitors letter, Ms de Laps then on 11 September 2012 sought to engage in a conversation with Ms White on the reasons behind the letter. Not surprisingly Ms White did not engage with Ms de Laps but simply listened to her. Ms de Laps described the one sided conversation thus:

[59] The conclusions drawn by Ms de Laps concerning Ms White are quite unreasonable. One day after having received formal communication from Ms de Laps solicitor it would have been unusual for any member of the Council of VATE, let alone the Officers of the Council, to have engaged in conversations with Ms de Laps about the solicitors letter. This is especially so given that the Council of VATE was due to meet on 12 September 2012.

[60] It would have been more prudent for Ms de Laps to wait until after the Council of VATE had formally responded to her solicitors letter before attempting to engage in conversation with any member of the Council of VATE about the letter. It was prudent for Ms White not to respond to Ms de Laps and it is unreasonable for Ms de Laps to interpret Ms White’s silence in the way she did.

[61] Ms de Laps did not attend the Council meeting on 12 September 2012 as her doctor had restricted her hours of work and the 12 September 2012 was not one of the days that she was working.

[62] On 27 September 2012 Ms de Laps met with Ms Wagner and Ms White. This was a work day for Ms de Laps and she was fit to work on that day. Ms de Laps in her witness statement paints a very negative picture of this meeting and of the conduct of Ms White in particular. Having regard to both the evidence of Ms de Laps and Mr Thompson (exhibit A4) who accompanied Ms de Laps to the meeting as her support person it is clear that the questioning of Ms de Laps about her use of a phone and other matters was quite robust. However even on Ms de Laps and Mr Thompson’s evidence it is clear that each issue raised at the meeting was a matter that could legitimately be raised by the Council with its Executive Officer. The conduct of Ms Wagner and Ms White at the meeting is relevant and tends to support the contention of Ms de Laps.

[63] It is also clear from the evidence that on 30 September 2012, 3 days after this meeting, the Council of VATE formally responded to the letter from Ms de Laps solicitors. Ms de Laps solicitors sent a further letter to the Council of VATE on 12 October 2012 raising issues concerning Ms de Laps leave entitlements and the RTW plan. The Council of VATE responded to this letter through their own solicitors on 2 November 2012 and again on 13 November 2012.

[64] During this period Ms de Laps complains of conduct by VATE which Ms de Laps describes as “continual undermining of Ms de Laps in her role as Executive Officer”.

[65] Ms de Laps complains about in November 2012 Ms White called Ms de Laps and advised her that days off work since 29 July 2012 would be dealt with as personal leave. In early November 2012 the position adopted by Ms White was correct. At that time Ms de Laps WorkCover claim only related to a period up to 29 July 2012. It was only on 12 November 2012 that the issue was resolved at a conciliation with the Accident Compensation Conciliation Service when the insurer agreed to pay WorkCover compensation for the period from 2 July 2012 until 5 November 2012. The reinstatement of Ms de Laps leave with VATE only occurred on 6 December 2012 when the insurer advised Mr Doecke to do so.

[66] Ms de Laps complains about Ms White attending the office and searching for documents on Ms de Laps computer and making requests and issuing instructions to staff.

[67] The conduct of Ms White, in her capacity as Acting Treasurer, visiting the office when Ms de Laps was not there and looking for documents on Ms de Laps computer and giving instructions to staff is not a matter which must be characterised, as Ms de Laps asserts, as conduct undermining the Executive Officer. In any organisation the elected officers of the organisation have statutory obligations (in this case under the Associations Incorporation Act) to manage the affairs of the organisation. Even on the evidence of Ms de Laps it appears that Ms White was carrying out the Treasurer’s role. However, the conduct of Ms White in visiting the office when Ms de Laps was not there and looking for documents on Ms de Laps computer and giving instructions to staff appears to be inconsistent with the very purpose of having an Executive Officer and to that extent supports the contentions made by Ms de Laps.

[68] Ms de Laps complains about Mr Huggard sending out the Agenda for the meeting of the Council on 17 October 2012 without having sought any involvement from Ms de Laps who “had always played a role in determining the agenda for Council meetings”.(para 94 of A5)

[69] The contention that Mr Huggard was acting to undermine Ms de Laps is not the only plausible explanation for Mr Huggard’s actions. It is very clear from Ms de Laps own evidence (Attachment DL-36 to A5) that Mr Huggard took the view that when Ms de Laps was incapacitated for work that it was not necessary for her to have contact with VATE nor to respond to communications from the Executive Committee or Council. The evidence supports a conclusion that Mr Huggard was not acting in the way contended for by Ms de Laps.

[70] Ms de Laps complains that the President, Ms Wagner, inaccurately reported to the 17 October 2012 meeting of the Council of VATE on the meeting between Ms de Laps and Ms Wagner and Ms White on 27 September 2012. From Ms de Laps evidence it is clear that Ms Wagner’s report to Council was not entirely accurate. Ms de Laps addressed this matter in her report to Council where she had the opportunity of putting the record straight. The conduct of Ms Wagner supports the contention of Ms De Laps that members of the Council of VATE were hostile towards her.

[71] Ms de Laps complains that Mr Doecke, a newly elected member of the Council of VATE, referred to Ms de Laps as “merely a staff member and not entitled to speak or put a proposal at a Council meeting” during the 17 October meeting of the Council of VATE.

[72] On the 18 October Ms de Laps visited her doctor because she “was very upset about the Council meeting the previous evening” and her doctor recommended that Ms de Laps take leave until 26 October 2012. In her evidence Ms de Laps describes the symptoms she suffered both before and after her visit to her doctor on 18 October 2012 and that her doctor considered that these symptoms were being caused by the stress Ms de Laps was experiencing at work.

[73] It is easy to appreciate that Ms de Laps would have suffered stress over this period given that matters had escalated to the point where Ms de Laps was communicating to the Council of VATE through her solicitors and the Council of VATE were communicating to Ms de Laps through their solicitors.

[74] To the extent that Ms de Laps was very upset about the Council meeting on 17 October 2012 it would appear that this level of upset cannot and should not be wholly attributed to conduct which was part of a course of conduct to force Ms de Laps to resign. Ms de Laps does not assert that Mr Doecke’s comments were wrong. The complaint by Ms de Laps is that she was “humiliated and shocked” by the comment. If the comment was true: ie that the Executive Officer did not under the rules of VATE have the right to speak at Council nor to put proposals to Council, then Ms de Laps sense of shock and humiliation was misplaced. It might very well be a shock to an Executive Officer to be reminded that the Executive Officer position does not have speaking rights or the right to put matters before the Council but that is merely a shock that needs to be got over. The conduct of Mr Doecke is supportive of the contention of Ms de Laps that members of the Council of VATE were hostile to her and the position expressed by Mr Doecke appears to be inconsistent with the very purpose of VATE having an Executive Officer.

[75] On 7 November 2012 Ms de Laps attended the first meeting of the newly elected Executive Committee which had been elected at the 17 October 2012 meeting of the Council of VATE. Ms De Laps complains about the conduct of that meeting and in particular the conduct of Ms Wagner and to a lesser extent the conduct of Mr Huggard.

[76] Ms de Laps took extensive and very detailed notes of the Executive Meeting of 7 November 2012 and these were exhibited as Attachment DL-36 to Exhibit A5. A careful reading of those notes does not support a contention that members of the Executive Committee were acting in a manner which was intended to force Ms de Laps to resign.

[77] One of the issues discussed at the Executive Meeting was the content of the Director’s Liability insurance that applied to Council members. The issue had been raised at the Council meeting on 17 October 2012.

[78] At the Executive Committee meeting Ms White identified that she had investigated the level of Directors Liability insurance and had found that it did not cover protection for legal action as threatened by Ms de Laps solicitor. Ms White advised that she had arranged for a cover note to extend the insurance protection for Council members. The rest of the conversation on this matter was recorded by Ms de Laps in her notes as follows:

[79] Not only was Ms de Laps of the view that she could easily separate the dispute she had with VATE from her duties as Executive Officer but also the Executive Committee were content to give Ms de Laps the job of ensuring that each Council Member was properly insured against any legal action that Ms de Laps might take against VATE.

[80] Given that this is Ms de Laps evidence there is nothing which suggests that any member of the Executive Committee at that meeting was engaging in conduct which was intended to force Ms de Laps to resign.

[81] A further issue discussed at the Executive Meeting concerned the outcome of the National Conference which had been held in 2011. The evidence of Ms de Laps through her notes of the meeting shows that members of the Executive were concerned about a potential liability to pay a portion of the profits of the National Conference to the national association. Questioning of Ms de Laps was firm but not unfair and it appears that the questioning was necessary to allow members of the Executive Committee to understand the issues and the consequences.

[82] On 21 November 2012 Ms de Laps attended the meeting of the Council of VATE but was required to leave the meeting. Ms de Laps account of the meeting is set out above in para 28 of this decision.

[83] Whilst Ms de Laps was “humiliated, shocked and distraught” by being required to leave the Council meeting this is not sufficient to make out a contention that VATE was engaging in a course of conduct intended to force Ms de Laps to resign.

[84] The very nature of an organisation such as VATE means that where a member of the Council wants to raise allegations of misconduct against the most senior employee of the organisation such allegations should in the first instance be disclosed to the Council in the absence of the employee. This is exactly what occurred.

[85] It is completely understandable that Ms de Laps would be “humiliated, shocked and distraught” by events but that is to do no more than acknowledge Ms de Laps personal and subjective reaction to events as they occurred.

[86] The conduct of Ms Mason in moving a motion to have Ms de Laps excluded from the meeting appears to have occurred in a manner most calculated to openly attack Ms de Laps in her presence. The conduct of Ms Mason certainly supports the overall contention of Ms De Laps as it discloses a level of hostility between Ms Mason and Ms de Laps.

[87] The next event that Ms de Laps complains of is the conduct of Mr Doecke who was elected as the Treasurer at the Council of VATE meeting on 17 October 2012. Mr Doecke advised Ms de Laps on 6 December 2012 that he “would be working directly with the Accounts Officer in future and not with” Ms de Laps. Ms de Laps “was very upset and angry” with the decision of Mr Doecke and Ms de Laps regarded this decision as “completely undermining my authority and role as Executive Officer”.(para 122 of witness statement)

[88] It was for the newly elected Council and the newly elected Executive Committee to decide how they would meet their obligations as elected officers of the organisation. Mr Doecke’s intention to have direct contact with the Accounts Officer related to his role as Treasurer. Ms de Laps may not have been pleased with this but it was not for her to prevent Mr Doecke from carrying out the obligations placed upon him as the Treasurer of an incorporated association. Very clearly at one level there is nothing wrong with Mr Doecke’s conduct. However, the conduct of Mr Doecke appears to be inconsistent with the very purpose of VATE having an Executive Officer.

[89] On 10 December 2012 Ms Wagner initiated a request for Ms de Laps to attend on 12 December 2012 a “formal meeting to discuss your performance and conduct during your employment at VATE.” The events between 10 December and 14 December 2012 are set out above at paras 31to 36.

[90] Given the history of events leading up to 10 December 2012 including the broad assertion of “misconduct and failure to follow all of Council directives” raised by Ms Mason at the 21 November 2012 Council meeting, the letter of 10 December 2012 from the President of the Council of VATE must be seen in the context of that recent history.

[91] The letter put Ms de Laps on notice that her entire performance and conduct during her employment with VATE was up for discussion. Notwithstanding the possible breadth of issues that may have been raised Ms de Laps was only given 2 days notice of the meeting and was specifically denied the opportunity of having an advocate at the discussion. The letter from Ms Wagner as President of the Council of VATE made it very clear that Ms de Laps support person would have an extremely limited role:

[92] The tone and content of Ms de Laps response to this letter is understandable. In particular Ms de Laps complained about the lack of detail in relation to the issues to be discussed:

[93] Ms de Laps also raised a specific concern in relation to the fairness of the proposed meeting:

[94] The actions of VATE in setting out in detail the allegations made against Ms de Laps in the letter dated 13 December 2012 was necessary in order to accord any degree of procedural fairness towards Ms de Laps. However, the letter from Ms Wagner, as President of the Council of VATE, merely reiterated that Ms de Laps could have a support person in attendance and thus must be accepted as being a refusal to allow Ms de Laps to have an advocate on her behalf. Notwithstanding the fact that the letter from Ms Wagner, as President of the Council of VATE, contained 22 specific allegations, some of which were extremely broad, Ms de Laps was only given 3 and half days to prepare to discuss all the matters in the agenda.

[95] Importantly, the letter from Ms Wagner, as President of the Council of VATE, on 13 December 2012 made it very clear that the Council of VATE was already in possession of material relating to the allegations and that if Ms de Laps failed to attend the meeting on 17 December then this “could result in decisions being made on the material currently available to Council”.

[96] Whilst the letter from Ms Wagner, as President of the Council of VATE, on 13 December 2012 included a list of the allegations it did not disclose “the material currently available to Council”.

[97] In her oral evidence to the Commission Ms de Laps explained her subjective position very clearly and colourfully. (See extracts of transcript at [37] of this decision.)

[98] It is relevant to note that the letter of retirement sent by Ms de Laps was only sent after Ms de Laps sought legal advice. In that sense it was a carefully considered act on Ms de Laps’ behalf.

[99] The very fact that Ms de Laps has been able to present to the Commission a detailed response to each of the allegations of misconduct made against her suggests that she had the ability to do so at either a meeting with Ms Wagner, President of the Council and Mr Huggard, Vice President of the Council or to an independent investigator.

[100] I have no doubt that there were factions or camps within the Council of VATE. One of those factions or camps appears to have been aligned with Mr Terry Hayes and one with Ms de Laps 16. There may very well have been unaligned Council members. The balance within the Council amongst the three groups appears to have been significantly altered after the Council meeting on 21 November 2012 when three Councillors resigned.

[101] I certainly discern that Ms de Laps was taken aback by the conduct of the new Council in making a significant number of serious allegations about her performance in the role of Executive Officer, but as the most senior employee in the organisation Ms de Laps is accountable to the Council and in turn the Council is accountable to the membership of the organisation for the proper conduct of the affairs of VATE.

[102] There is nothing novel about a new governing body of a membership based organisation deciding to investigate the past conduct of employees of the organisation, including the most senior employee.

[103] The making of allegations by the Council against Ms de Laps does not constitute conduct which was intended to force Ms de Laps to resign or which had the probable consequence of forcing Ms de Laps to resign.

[104] Even if Ms de Laps is correct in that of some members of the Council were motivated to try and have Ms de Laps removed even on the evidence of Ms de Laps it is clear that it is never contended that each and every member of Council was so motivated.

[105] I note the submission put by Mr Millar of Counsel on behalf of VATE in describing the options available to Ms de Laps in dealing with the issues she had with VATE.

[106] I note the submission of Mr Millar as to what other reasonable options Ms de Laps had available to her other then resigning.

[107] VATE also contended that:

[108] Ms de Laps contended that “the decision by the Applicant to resign was not freely made but was objectively the reasonable and most likely result of the conduct of the Respondent over a sustained period.”

[109] In considering this matter I have had regard to the decision of a Full Bench of the AIRC in ABB Engineering Construction Pty Limited v Doumit which stated:

[110] I have approached the task of considering the evidence of the Ms de Laps which supports her contention that she was forced to resign by examining each of the matters relied on by Ms de Laps and by removing the subjective interpretation of those events as given by Ms de Laps and replacing it with an objective assessment. The result of looking at the evidence objectively is that much of what Ms de Laps asserts falls away but some very important elements remain which point to a course of conduct by the Council of VATE which would objectively have the probable result of causing Ms de Laps to resign.

[111] I have also had regard to the requirement as stated by the Full Bench in Davidson v Commonwealth of Australia that:

[112] In this regard I have specifically taken into account whether the action of resigning was an appropriate response given the very clear alternative response available to Ms de Laps of continuing her employment and attending the meeting that had been scheduled for 17 December 2012 I do not consider that the approach adopted by VATE in its communications with Ms de Laps between 10 December 2012 and 13 December 2012 was designed to accord procedural fairness to Ms de Laps. Whilst a list of 22 allegations was given to Ms de Laps on 13 December 2012 the lack of disclosure by VATE of the material they already had in their possession together with the tight timeframe of having a meeting on 17 December 2012 and together with the refusal to allow Ms de Laps to have an advocate at the meeting on 17 December 2012 all strongly point to a process that was not intended to be fair.

[113] There is a real sense that VATE was giving “lip service” to the concept of procedural fairness. I am minded of the comment made by Moore J in Wadey v YMCA Canberra where His Honour said:

[114] The process adopted by VATE and as outlined earlier in this decision does not appear to have been intended to allow Ms de Laps a proper opportunity to defend herself against allegations of misconduct and certainly does not appear to have been designed to ensure a fair outcome. I note that when dealing with less serious matters concerning Mr Hayes intimidatory conduct of employees of VATE that the Council of VATE utilised the services of an external agent yet chose to reject the request made by Ms de Laps to have her conduct investigated by an independent external person.

[115] In the context of all of the other events and conduct which took place in the latter part of 2012 it appears to me that the response of Ms de Laps was appropriate and was a reasonable response to the actions of VATE. Rather than considering Ms de Laps’ decision to resign as “she presumably decided that resigning was the better course” as does VATE, I have in this decision considered the evidence and the evidence itself supports a finding that Mr de Laps’ decision to resign was an appropriate response to the conduct of VATE.


[116] I am satisfied that, on an objective assessment of the conduct of VATE, acting through its elected Council and Executive Committee and Officers, the conduct was of such a nature that Ms de Laps’ resignation was the probable result of such conduct or that Ms de Laps had no real or effective choice but to resign. Having carefully considered the response of Ms de Laps to the conduct of VATE, acting through its elected Council and Executive Committee and Officers, I consider that Ms de Laps’ response in “retiring” from her employment was an appropriate response to the conduct. I consider that Ms de Laps was left with no reasonable choice but to resign. There were in my view no other reasonable choices available to Ms de Laps.

[117] I find that Ms de Laps was dismissed from her employment with VATE in that while Ms de Laps resigned from her employment, she was forced to do so because of conduct, or a course of conduct, engaged in by her employer.

[118] The file in this matter will be returned to the Panel Head in charge of the Unfair Dismissals Panel for allocation to a Member for arbitration of the merits of the application.



M. Felman, of Counsel, for the Applicant

R. Millar, of Counsel, for the Respondent

Hearing details:



May 21

 1   Exhibit A5 at para 30.

 2   Attachment GC-1 to Exhibit A2.

 3   Exhibit A5 at para 64.

 4   Exhibit A5 at para 100.

 5   Exhibit A5 at para 114.

 6   Exhibit A5 at paras 190-192.

 7   Davidson v Commonwealth of Australia , [2011] FWA 3610.

 8   Ashton v Consumer Law Action Centre [2010] FWA 9356.

 9   Gunther and Daly v Melouney T/a Easts Riverside Holiday Park , [2012] FWA 2473.

 10   Daffey v MSS Security P/L, [2011] FWA 3983.

 11   Mohazab v Dick Smith Electronics Pty Ltd, 62 IR 200 (1995).

 12   Pawel v Australian Industrial Relations Commission, FCA 1660 (1999) at para 58.

 13   P O’Meara v Stanley Works Pty Ltd, PR973462, 11 August 2006 (Giudice P, Watson VP, Cribb C

 14   Davidson v Commonwealth of Australia [2011] FWA 6265, at [14].

 15   Bruce v Fingal Glen P/L (in liq), [2013] FWCFB 5279.

 16   Exhibit A5 at para 65.

 17   Supplementary submission of Respondent, 14 August 2013.

 18   ABB Engineering Construction Pty Limited v Doumit, AIRC Print N69999 (9 December 1996).

 19   Davidson v Commonwealth of Australia [2011] FWA 6265, at para 14.

 20   Wadey v YMCA Canberra, 1996 IRCA 568.

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