[2012] FWA 9137

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Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009
Sch. 5, Item 6 - Review of all modern awards (other than modern enterprise and State PS awards) after first 2 years

Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union

Airline operations



Review of modern awards - application to vary the Airline Operations— Ground Staff Award 2010 - correct classification level for check-in staff - part time employees rostered days off falling on a public holiday - is clause 37.5(a) ambiguous - does clause 37.59(a) result in a loss of benefit for part time employees - Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009, Sch 5 Item 6 - Fair Work Act 2009 ss.116,134, 138.


[1] This decision concerns an application by the Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union (ASU) to vary the Airline Operations—Ground Staff Award 2010. 1 The application is made under Sch. 5, Item 6 of the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 (the Transitional Act) as part of the review of all modern awards of which Fair Work Australia is required to conduct after the first two years of all modern awards coming into effect (the 2012 Review).

[2] The matter was listed for mention and programming on 20 June 2012. Directions were issued requiring the Applicant to file submissions in support of the application by 3 August 2012, with other interested parties to file submissions in reply by 7 September 2012. The matter was set down for hearing of the application on 24 September 2012. At the hearing Mr J Cooney represented the ASU, Mr M Mead represented the Australian Industry Group (AiGroup) and Ms R Bernasconi, with Ms K Srdanovic represented the Qantas Group (Qantas).

The relevant legislation

[3] Sch. 5, Item 6 of the Transitional Act provides:

[4] Further provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act) are also applicable and relevant to the 2012 Review. Section 134 provides as follows:

The Proposed Variations

[5] The ASU submits two proposed changes in the Award, being the appropriate classification level for check-in staff and clarification of part time employees’ entitlements for a rostered day off falling on a public holiday. Other matters in its original application concerning the variations to the transport social disability allowance and the tropical allowance were not pressed.

Classification of Check-in Staff

[6] Currently check-in staff are classified at level 2 in the Award. The ASU submits that prior to the award modernisation process, check-in staff were indentified at level 3 in the operations stream of the superseded Airline operations [Clerical and Administrative Employees] Award 2 and the Airline Officers (Qantas Airways Limited) Award 2000.3 The ASU submits that aligning check-in staff to the Level 2 classification in the Overseas Airlines Award 19944 was inappropriate. The ASU submits that by virtue of this determination of the classification level, the Award does not meet the modern award objective as it does not provide a fair and relevant minimum safety net of terms and conditions in respect to minimum rates for an employee performing check-in work.

[7] AiGroup and Qantas submit that this application is an attempt to revisit an issue that was dealt with before the Tribunal during the award modernisation process. Further, Qantas disputes the proposition put forward by the ASU that level 3 was the correct classification level of check-in staff prior to the award modernisation process. AiGroup also submits that the ASU has not made a case for the variation based on the minimum wages objective.

[8] AiGroup provided details of the consideration of the matter during the award modernisation process. This included the various submissions and proposals in early - mid 2009 and after the Award was determined a further application by the ASU to address the appropriate classifications for all employees including check-in employees following a variation to the award modernisation request. In determining the exposure draft for this award the Full Bench said: 5

[9] In its subsequent decision 6 the Full Bench was primarily considering whether different classification structures should be adopted for different parts of the industry. It said:

[10] The determination of a single classification structure in this Award was a hotly contested matter in two sets of proceedings before the award modernisation Full Bench. The rates determined were based on the various pre-existing award structures including the check-in clerk at level 2 of the Overseas Airline Award 1994 structure. A case for the alteration of that determination has not been made out. I dismiss this part of the application.

Part-time employees and Rostered Days Off falling on a Public Holiday.

[11] Clause 11.4(a)(ii) of the Award currently reads:

[12] Clause 37.5(a) provides that:

[13] The ASU submits that there is confusion over this provision amongst employers covered by the Award as to whether part-time employees are entitled to a substitute day off on an alternative week day when the employee’s rostered day off (RDO) falls on a public holiday. The ASU submits that the employees concerned work a non-standard working week and their ordinary hours include a Saturday and Sunday subject to agreement between the employer and the majority of employees concerned.

[14] The ASU submits that the ambiguity is that part-time employees, particular part-time shift workers, may or may not be entitled to public holiday in the situation where they are not rostered to work a Saturday or Sunday but their hours are restructured to include a day off and that day off falls on a public holiday.

[15] The ASU further submits that currently clause 37.5(a) results in a loss of a benefit for part-time employees as comparable provisions in two predecessor awards 7 to the Award made provisions for part-time employees to receive the same entitlements as full-time employees on a pro-rata basis.

[16] The ASU submits that deleting the word “full time” on the second line of clause 37.5(a) will clarify that this entitlement is consistent with clause 11.4(a)(i), will remove ambiguity over the application of the clause and will prevent employers claiming that a part-time employee is not entitled to a substitution day where their RDO falls on a public holiday. Further words are proposed by the ASU in placita (i), (ii) and (iii) of clause 37.5 to clarify that the entitlement to payment for part-time employees is on a pro-rata basis.

[17] AiGroup and Qantas do not support the variations and submit that the application should be dismissed. They submit that the variations sought do not have regard to the statutory provisions which guide the Tribunals’ functions as part of the 2012 Review which includes item 6 of schedule 5 of the Transitional Act and ss.134 and 284 of the Act.

[18] Qantas submits that the ASU has not provided sufficient evidence to justify the variations. Therefore with a lack of positive evidence before it, the Tribunal cannot satisfy itself that the variation is necessary as it is required to under the 2012 Review process. AiGroup submits that no ambiguity exists in regard to clause 37.5(a) in its current terms, the clause is in line with other awards and has a long history, the variations sought are inconsistent with s.116 of the Act and the proposition put forward by the ASU that clause 37.5(a) is equivalent to that which was contained in pre modernised awards is incorrect.

[19] Section 116 of the Act and the note that follows it are important. They provide:

[20] This section and the note reflect what I consider to be the general position. An obligation to make payment for public holidays arises where an employee is absent from employment on a public holiday in accordance with the entitlement to the public holiday in s.114 of the Fair Work Act.

[21] Many awards extend this entitlement to payment when a full time employee is rostered off on a public holiday. It appears that the genesis of this provision arose during the award simplification process with respect to the Metal Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998 8(Metals Award). The concept is directed to ensuring that full time employees who obtained an entitlement to a rostered day off as part of the reduction of ordinary hours to 38 per week do not have their rostered days off coinciding with a public holiday, and if it transpires that a public holiday occurs on a rostered day off, an alternative day is provided or an additional days pay is made. In the Metals Award at least the concept has never applied to part-time employees because they do not have rostered days off as such.

[22] By definition part-time employees work less than full time hours - mostly by way of having more days where they are not required to attend for work. The extension of the entitlement to part-time employees would take the concept of payment for rostered days off coinciding with a public holiday beyond its intended purpose and create more confusion than it is intended to resolve. I consider that the clarification provided by rejecting the application is the best way of resolving any existing confusion.



J. Cooney for the Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union.

R. Bernasconi for Qantas Group.

M. Mead for the Australian Industry Group.

Hearing Details



September 24.

 1   MA000048.

 2   AP768636.

 3   AT765780.

 4   Print L5762.

 5   [2009] AIRCFB 450.

 6   [2010] FWAFB 965.

 7   Overseas Airlines (Interim) Award 1999 (AT791898) and Airline Operations - Clerical and Administrative Award 1999 (AP768636CRV).

 8   AP789529CRV.

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