Telstra Corporation General Conditions Award 2001
AP806392 - Telstra Corporation General Conditions Award 2001
8.1 Telstra will on the engagement of a full time or part time employee, provide the employee with a written statement. The statement will inform each employee whether they are to be full-time or regular part-time. Where Telstra engages an employee for a fixed term this will be indicated in the written contract. Such fixed term employee may be engaged for a specific period of time or for specific task/s. The details of the specific period of time or specific task/s will be included in the written statement.
8.2 Regular part-time staff
8.2.1 Telstra may employ regular part-time employees in any job.
8.2.2 A regular part-time employee is a person who:
8.2.2(a) works less than full-time hours; and
8.2.2(b) has reasonably predictable hours of work; and
8.2.2(c) receives, on a pro rata basis, equivalent pay and conditions to those of full-time employees who do the same kind of work.
8.2.3 At the time of engagement, Telstra and the regular part time employee will agree in writing on a regular pattern of work specifying:
8.2.3(a) the ordinary hours worked each day;
8.2.3(b) which days of the week the employee will work;
8.2.3(c) the actual start and finish times; and
Any agreed variation to the regular pattern of work will be recorded in writing.
8.2.4 Except as provided in clause 8.2.5, the actual weekly hours and ordinary hours of duty agreed in accordance with clause 8.2.3 will not be varied, amended or revoked without the written consent of the employee.
8.2.5 The actual hours to be worked in a particular week may be varied by an oral agreement to which the employee willingly consents provided that the total hours to be worked in that week are not changed. Any variation extending beyond a particular week will only be with the written consent of the employee.
8.2.6 A regular part-time employee will be paid for all ordinary hours worked at the ordinary hourly rate of pay for a full time employee.
8.2.7 A full time employee may revert to part time if agreed by the manager. The agreement will specify:
8.2.7(a) the agreed period of part time employment;
8.2.7(b) the ordinary hours worked each day;
8.2.7(c) which days of the week the employee will work;
8.2.7(d) the actual start and finish times; and
8.2.7(e) the method by which the hours may be varied.
8.2.8 An employee who reverts to part time in accordance with 8.2.7 will not be required to revert to full time employment during the agreed period, nor will Telstra be required to convert such an employee to full time employment during the agreed period of part time employment At the end of the agreed time the employee will revert to full time employment unless there is another agreed period of part time work. Any arrangement made, will all be in accordance with 8.2.3 above.