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AP789529CRV - Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998


[Part I - Schedule B - see also Common Rule Declaration PR954297 appended to this award]

The following persons, organisations, industries and employers are exempted from coverage under this award:

[Pt I:Sched B:1.0 deleted by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

[Pt I:Sched B:2.0 renumbered as 1.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

1.0 BHP Steel (AIS) Pty Ltd, as to its employees at Port Kembla is exempt from this award.

[Pt I:Sched B:3.0 renumbered as 2.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

2.0 Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited as to its employees at Newcastle is exempt from this award.

[Pt I:Sched B:4.0 renumbered as 3.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

3.0 The Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited shall apply to its employees covered by the BHP Steel Long Products Division-Welded Products Plant Employee Relations Agreement registered under the New South Wales Industrial Relations Act the terms of that agreement in lieu of the terms of this award.

[Pt I:Sched B:5.0 renumbered as 4.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

4.0 BHP Steel (AWI) Pty Ltd: This award shall not apply in respect of employees covered by the BHP Steel (AWI) Pty Ltd Geelong Wiremill Award 1994 (Print L5737 (B0402)) (or any award replacing or succeeding that award).

[Pt I:Sched B:6.0 renumbered as 5.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

5.0 BHP Steel (AWI) Pty Ltd as to its employees at Newcastle is exempt from this award.

[Pt I:Sched B:7.0 renumbered as 6.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

6.0 BHP Steel (AWI) Pty Ltd: This award shall not apply in respect of employees otherwise covered by the Australian Wire Industries Pty Ltd Sydney Wiremill Award of the Industrial Commission of New South Wales.

[Pt I:Sched B:8.0 renumbered as 7.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

7.0 Electrical Trades: Employers in the State of New South Wales as to the employment of persons in connection with wiring contracting and the installation of electric light and power plants are exempt from this award. This exemption shall not apply to employers who are manufacturers or vendors of plant or equipment who install or maintain the said plant and equipment in high and low tension power stations and/or substations for the generation and/or transmission of electric power.

[Pt I:Sched B:9.0 renumbered as 8.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

8.0 BHP Steel (JLA) Pty Ltd.

With the exception of matters provided for by clause 3 Area and Incidence, of the BHP Steel Sheet and Coil Products Division, Westernport Tradespersons Award 1994.

[Pt I:Sched B:10.0 renumbered as 9.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

9.0 Master Plumbers, South Australia: This award shall not apply to master plumbers in South Australia except insofar as they may employ engineering or electrical tradespersons as such.

[Pt I:Sched B:11.0 renumbered as 10.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

10.0 Metal Manufactures Limited: This award shall not apply to employees of Metal Manufactures Limited, New South Wales.

[Pt I:Sched B:12.0 renumbered as 11.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

11.0 Oil Companies: This award shall not apply to employers bound by the Engineering (Oil Companies) Award 1980.

[Pt I:Sched B:13.0 renumbered as 12.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

12.0 Plumbers: This award as to plumbers shall only apply to respondent employers whose establishments are predominantly metal trades establishments, but excluding plumbers whose normal duties in the classification require them to perform work away from the employer's establishment and plumbers employed by any respondent employer whose plant is principally concerned with the erection, repair, or demolition of buildings.

[Pt I:Sched B:14.0 renumbered as 13.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

13.0 Queensland Sugar Industry: This award shall not apply to any employees in the sugar industry in Queensland, but this exemption shall not include employees of contractors, members of the Metal Trades Industry Association performing work in sugar mills, bulk sugar and molasses terminals, sugar refineries and sugar industry research organisations.

[Pt I:Sched B:15.0 renumbered as 14.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

14.0 Rubber Industry: Named respondents, and respondent members of the Australian Chamber of Manufactures (all of whose employees are members of the National Union of Workers ) to the Rubber, Plastic and Cable Making Industry General Award 1996, and who are observing the said award shall not be bound by this award in respect to employees covered by the Rubber, Plastic and Cablemaking Industry General Award 1996.

[Pt I:Sched B:16.0 renumbered as 15.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

15.0 Sandvik Australia Pty Limited and Sandvik Hard Materials Pty Limited shall apply to their employees covered by the Sandvik General Agreement registered under the New South Wales Industrial Relations Act the terms of that agreement in lieu of the terms of this award.

[Pt I:Sched B:17.0 renumbered as 16.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

16.0 Tubemakers of Australia Limited: This award shall not apply to employees of Tubemakers of Australia Limited at its Kilburn Works, South Australia, except:

This award shall not apply in respect of employees covered by:

Tubemakers of Australia Limited as to its employees at Mayfield NSW is exempt from clause 4.4 Severance Pay of this award.

[Pt I:Sched B:18.0 renumbered as 17.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

17.0 Vehicle Industry: This award shall not apply to employers who are parties to and bound by the award known as the Vehicle Industry Award 1982 or any award subsequently made to replace it insofar as such employers are bound to observe that award towards their employees.

[Pt I:Sched B:19.0 renumbered as 18.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

18.0 This award shall not apply to Security Personnel, Cleaners (subject to the next clause hereof) and gardeners.

[Pt I:Sched B:20.0 renumbered as 19.0 by Q2527 from 30Jun98]

19.0 This award shall apply to cleaners engaged in cleaning work only where the work is incidental to the performance of other work covered by this award or where the employee is engaged for the greater part of their working time in cleaning in engineering, metal working, fabricating, manufacturing, repairing or any other operation referred to in Schedule A of this award. This award shall not apply to cleaners principally engaged in the cleaning of offices, administrative buildings and canteens, nor in the cleaning of toilets and amenities which are separate and distinct from the production areas of the establishment.

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