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AP789529CRV - Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998


[Pt I:Pt 5:5.3.1 varied by Q1020 R5307 S8605 PR904632 PR918271 PR932048 PR947308; PR959867; substituted by PR969026 ppc 06Mar06]

5.3.1 Apprentice Rates of Pay

Except as provided for in clause 5.4 adult apprentices the minimum weekly and hourly wage rates for apprentices shall be set out in the following tables. Progression through the stages set out in this table shall be in accordance with clause 5.3.2.

5.3.1(a) Relevant attribute of person at the time of entering into an indenture or contract of training as an apprentice

Stage of apprentice-ship

Column 1

Hourly rate

Column 2

Hourly rate

Column 3

Hourly rate

Column 4

Hourly rate


Completed Year 10 or less


Completed Year 11


Completed Year 12


Adult (ie. over 21 years of age)


Stage 1










Stage 2










Stage 3










Stage 4









This table shall apply to higher engineering trade apprentices and advanced engineering trade apprentices except that in stage 4 higher engineering trade apprentices shall receive a minimum rate of 88% of C7 and advanced engineering trade apprentices shall receive a minimum of 88% of C5 in stage 4.

5.3.1(b) The rates in the table in 5.3.1(a) are established on the following basis.


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4


Completed Year 10 or less

Completed Year 11

Completed Year 12

Adult (ie. over 21 years of age)


Stage 1

42% of the C10 trades rate

80% of the unapprenticed junior rate under this award for an 18 year old

The relevant rate applicable to a trainee commencing after year 12 under the National Training Wage Award Skill Level A.

Clause 5.4 of this award.


Stage 2

55% of the C10 trades rate

55% of the C10 trades rate

The relevant rate applicable to a trainee commencing at year 12 plus one year under the National Training Wage Award Skill Level A.

Clause 5.4 of this award.


Stage 3

75% of the C10 trades rate

75% of the C10 trades rate

75% of the C10 rate

Clause 5.4 of this award


Stage 4

88% of the C10 trades rate

88% of the C10 trades rate

The relevant adult apprentice rate under clause 5.4 of this award

Clause 5.4 of this award.

5.3.1(c) Phasing in of New Wage Rates for First Year Apprentices who have Completed Year 12

First Year apprentices who were employed as at 6 March 2006 and who have completed Year 12 shall be entitled to the following rates of pay in lieu of the rate set out in Column 3 for Stage 1:


From 6 March 2006 to 5 September 2006



From 6 September 2006 to completion of stage 1


The above rates shall only apply while the person remains a first year apprentice.

5.3.2 Apprentice Rates – Competency Based Progression

[new Pt I:Pt 5:5.3.2 inserted by PR969026 ppc 06Mar06]

The wage rates for each stage of the apprenticeship are set out in clause 5.3.1 above. The conditions for progression to each stage are set out in the following table.

5.3.2(a) Engineering Trades Person

Where the training plan provides for the completion of a relevant AQF 3 qualification:

Stage of Apprenticeship

Entry, Exit and Progression Requirements

Stage 1

Nil entry requirements
There is no exit point at this stage.

Stage 2


An apprentice enters Stage 2:


on attainment of 25% of the total competency points for the relevant AQF Certificate III qualification specified in the training plan ; or


12 months* after commencing the apprenticeship;

whichever is earlier.

There is no exit point at this stage
*See note below.

Stage 3


An apprentice enters Stage 3:


on attainment of 50% of the total competency points for the relevant AQF Certificate III qualification specified in the training plan; or


12 months* after commencing Stage 2;

whichever is earlier.

There is no exit point at this stage

Stage 4

An apprentice enters Stage 4:


on attainment of 75% of the total competency points for the relevant AQF Certificate III qualification specified in the training plan; or


12 months * after commencing Stage 3;

whichever is earlier.

Upon the attainment of 100% of the total competency points for the relevant AQF Certificate III qualification specified in the training plan and subject to clauses 4.2.6(j) and 4.2.6(m) an apprentice will exit with the relevant AQF Certificate III qualification

5.3.2(b) Higher Engineering Tradesperson

Where the training plan provides for the completion of a relevant AQF 4 qualification:

Stage of Apprenticeship

Entry, Exit and Progression Requirements

Stage 1

Nil entry requirements
There is no exit point at this stage.

Stage 2


An apprentice enters Stage 2:


on attainment of 25% of the total competency points for the relevant AQF Certificate IV qualification specified in the training plan ; or


12 months* after commencing the apprenticeship;

whichever is earlier.

There is no exit point at this stage.

Stage 3

An apprentice enters Stage 3:


on attainment of 50% of the total competency points for the relevant AQF Certificate IV qualification specified in the training plan; or


12 months* after commencing Stage 2;

whichever is earlier.

Upon the attainment of 75% of the total competency points for the relevant AQF Certificate IV qualification specified in the training plan and subject to clauses 4.2.6(j) and 4.2.6(m) an apprentice will exit with the relevant AQF Certificate III qualification.

Stage 4

An apprentice enters Stage 4:


on attainment of 75% of the total competency points for the relevant AQF Certificate IV qualification specified in the training plan or


12 months* after commencing Stage 3

whichever is earlier.

Upon the attainment of 100% of the total competency points for the relevant AQF Certificate IV qualification specified in the training plan and subject to clauses 4.2.6(j) and 4.2.6(m) an apprentice will exit with the relevant AQF Certificate IV qualification

5.3.2(c) Advanced Engineering Tradesperson

Where the training plan provides for the completion of a relevant AQF 5 qualification:

Stage of Apprenticeship

Entry, Exit and Progression Requirements

Stage 1

Nil entry requirements.
There is no exit point at this stage.

Stage 2


An apprentice enters Stage 2:


on attainment of 25% of the total competency points for the relevant Diploma of Engineering qualification specified in the training plan; or


12 months* after commencing the apprenticeship;

whichever is earlier.

There is no exit point at this stage.

Stage 3

An apprentice enters Stage 3:


on attainment of 50% of the total competency points for the relevant Diploma of Engineering qualification specified in the training plan; or


12 months* after commencing Stage 2;

whichever is earlier.

Upon the attainment of 75% of the total competency points for the relevant AQF Diploma qualification specified in the training plan and subject to clauses 4.2.6(j) and 4.2.6(m) an apprentice may exit with the relevant AQF Certificate III and/or AQF Certificate IV qualification.

Stage 4


An apprentice enters Stage 4


On the attainment of 75% of the total competency points for the relevant AQF Diploma specified in the training plan; or


12 months * after commencing Stage 3, subject to clause 4.2.6(j)(ii);

whichever is earlier.

Upon the attainment of 100% of the total competency points for the relevant AQF Diploma qualification specified in the training plan and subject to clauses 4.2.6(j) and 4.2.6(m), an apprentice will exit with a relevant AQF Diploma Qualification.

* Subject to clause 4.2.6(m) – Lost Time.

An apprentice who completes a Diploma of Engineering Qualification and where the qualification is relevant to the employment he or she shall be paid 95% of the C5 rate in the first year after completion of the apprenticeship and subsequently at the C5 rate.

[Pt I:Pt 5:5.3.2 renumbered as 5.3.3 by PR969026 ppc 06Mar06]

5.3.3 See 5.1.1(d) for the criteria regarding absorption of safety net adjustments.

[Pt I:Pt 5:5.3.3 renumbered as 5.3.4 by PR969026 ppc 06Mar06]

5.3.4 An employee who is under 21 years of age on the expiration of his or her apprenticeship and thereafter works as a minor in the occupation to which he or she has been apprenticed shall be paid at not less than the adult rate prescribed for the classification.

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