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AP789529CRV - Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998


A trainee who attends in any one year not less than 80 per cent of the maximum possible attendances of the approved course at the training institution at which she/he is pursuing their course of study, and passes the annual examinations in that year, or, if there is no examination, receives a satisfactory report, shall be reimbursed by the employer all fees paid by him/her for that course during the year. In the case of a trainee who complies with the foregoing requirement for attendance and who passes or receives a satisfactory report in a proportion of the subjects taken by him/her in any year, the employer shall reimburse a like proportion of the fees. The employer shall not, however, be required to reimburse fees or a proportion thereof for more than one year in excess of the period prescribed by a training institution for the approved course.

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