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AP789529CRV - Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998


The following special conditions shall apply to trainers/supervisors/coordinators at Metal Manufactures Limited and Lucas Industries Australia Ltd-Aerospace Division in lieu of the provisions of 8.1 and clause 9.

10.1 Metal Manufactures Ltd

10.1.1 A trainer/supervisor/coordinator-level 1 shall mean an employee (other than a leading hand) appointed as such or required by Metal Manufactures Ltd to be mainly engaged in the direct supervision of employees , including the supervision of leading hands, covered by the Brass, Copper and Non-Ferrous Metals Industry Consolidated Award, 1975.

10.1.2 A trainer/supervisor/coordinator - level 2 shall mean an employee appointed as such or required by Metal Manufactures Ltd, to be mainly engaged in the direct supervision and coordination of the work of at least two trainer/supervisor/coordinators - level 1 (as defined in 9.1.1) but shall not include employees covered under Part II or professional engineers or scientists, nor works, factory, plant or production managers, nor departmental heads or the like.

10.1.3 The conditions of employment to apply to employees covered under 9.1 shall not be less favourable than those prescribed under the Brass, Copper and Non Ferrous Metals Industry Consolidated Award, 1995. Provided that where it has been the custom to do so, and the employer and employee agree, time off with pay may be taken in lieu of payment for overtime work, shift work or work on Sundays and holidays.

10.2 Lucas Industries Australia Ltd - Aerospace Division

10.2.1 A trainer/supervisor/coordinator-level 1 shall mean an employee (other than a leading hand) appointed as such or required by Lucas Industries Australia Ltd to be mainly engaged in the direct supervision of employees , including the supervision of leading hands, covered by the Aircraft Industry (Manufacture, Maintenance, Overhaul and Servicing) Award 1971.

10.2.2 A trainer/supervisor/coordinator - level 2 shall mean an employee appointed as such or required by Lucas Industries Australia Ltd - Aerospace Division, to be mainly engaged in the direct supervision and coordination of the work of at least two trainer/supervisor/coordinators - level 1 (as defined in 9.2.1) but shall not include employees covered under Part II or professional engineers or scientists, nor works, factory, plant or production managers, nor departmental heads or the like.

10.2.3 The conditions of employment to apply to employees covered under 9.1 shall not be less favourable than those prescribed under the Aircraft Industry (Manufacture, Maintenance, Overhaul and Servicing) Award 1971. Provided that where it has been the custom to do so, and the employer and employee agree, time off with pay may be taken in lieu of payment for overtime work, shift work or work on Sundays and holidays.

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