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AN170096 – Silviculture and Afforestation Award



(a) Where an employee has submitted a request concerning any matter directly connected with employment to a foreman or a more senior representative of management and that request has been refused, the employee may, if he/she so desires, ask the job representative to submit the matter to management and the matter shall then be submitted by the job representative to the appropriate representative of the employer concerned.

(b) If not settled at this stage the matter in dispute shall be submitted by an organiser or the secretary of the union to the employer.

(c) If not settled at this stage the matter in dispute shall then be discussed between such representatives of the union as the union may desire and the employer who may be accompanied by or represented by such officers or representatives of an association of employers as they may desire with a view of settling the dispute.

(d) If the matter is still not settled it shall be submitted to the Commission for determination.

(e) Where the above procedures are being followed work shall continue normally in accordance with the established custom and practise except as to bona fide safety issues. No party shall be prejudiced as to the final settlement by such continuation of work.

(f) The parties shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the above procedures are completed within five working days of a grievance or dispute being raised by an employee.

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