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AN170096 – Silviculture and Afforestation Award


The provisions of this clause apply to full-time and regular part-time employees (on a pro rata basis) but do not apply to casual employees. The entitlements of casual employees are set out in subclause (l) - Casual Employees – Caring Responsibilities.

(a) Definitions

(b) Amount of Paid Personal Leave

(c) In the case of an employee who claims to be allowed paid personal leave in accordance with this clause for an absence of one day only such employee if in the year he/she has already been allowed paid personal leave on two occasions for one day only, shall not be entitled to payment for the day claimed unless he/she produces to the employer a certificate of a duly qualified medical practitioner stating that the employee was unable to attend for duty on account of personal illness or injury.

(d) Personal leave with an employer shall accumulate from year to year so that any balance of the period specified in subclause (h) hereof which in any year has not been claimed by the employee and subject to the conditions herein prescribed shall be allowed by that employer in a subsequent year, without diminution of the personal leave prescribed in respect of that year.

(e) Any personal leave for which an employee may become eligible under this award by reason of service with one employer shall not be cumulative upon personal leave for which the employee may become eligible by reason of subsequent service with another employer.

(f) If an employee is terminated by his employer and is re-engaged by the same employer within a period of six months, then the employee's unclaimed balance of personal leave shall continue from the date of re-engagement.

(g) Personal Leave for Personal Injury or Sickness

(h) Personal Leave to Care for an Immediate Family or Household Member

(i) Employee Must Give Notice

(j) Evidence Supporting Claim

(k) Unpaid Personal Leave

(l) Casual Employees – Caring Responsibilities

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