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AN170096 – Silviculture and Afforestation Award


(a) Definitions

(b) Roster

Shifts shall be worked according to a roster which shall:

(c) Ordinary hours

(d) Rostered off shift

24 minutes of each eight hour shift worked during a shift cycle shall accrue as an entitlement to take a rostered off shift after each nineteen shifts worked. The rostered off shift shall be paid for as though worked.

(e) Paid leave

Each day of paid leave taken and any public holiday occurring during any shift cycle shall be regarded as a shift worked for accrual purposes.

(f) Pro rata accrued entitlements

(g) Taking of rostered off shifts

(h) Work on a rostered off shift

(i) Overtime

(j) Shift allowances

(k) Saturdays

(l) Sundays and holidays

(m) Five successive shifts

(n) Call outs

(o) Transport after overtime, etc

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