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AN170096 – Silviculture and Afforestation Award


For the definition of classifications in this award reference shall be made to following:

‘Axeman’ An employee using an axe for delimbing but not engaged in falling.

‘Chainman’ An employee who:

‘Store Person’ An employee engaged in stores activities (locating, picking, inventory items and the appropriate recording systems).

‘Tree Measurer (Basic)’ An employee who is competent in:

‘Tree Measurer (In Charge)’ An employee who is competent in:

‘Utility Man’ An employee competent in:

‘Silviculture and Afforestation Worker Grade 1’ shall mean a labourer with less than 3 months experience in the silviculture and afforestation industry.

‘Silviculture and Afforestation Worker Grade 2’ shall mean an Assistant Powder Monkey, axeman, Chainman, an employee engaged in Pruning, planting, and assessment, fertilising, thinning, Tower man, Fire Guard, Fire Pump Operator, Pick and Shovel and Slasherman, Seed Collector (fallen trees), tree lifting or the collection of field data (eg. Insect monitoring, survival counts, regeneration surveys, eagle nest searches, etc). An employee not elsewhere classified.

‘Silviculture and Afforestation Worker Grade 3’ shall mean a Chainsaw Operator, Fencer Fire Guard (with certificate), Patrolman, Powder Monkey, Utility Man, Noxious Weed Employee, Propagator, Seed Collector (standing trees), Vermin Destroyer, Power driven portable saw Operator, Fire Pump Operator (certificate), bush fire fighting and/or other fire suppression duties including tree falling as part of or as an incidental duty of fire fighting or fire suppression activity

‘Silviculture and Afforestation Worker Grade 4’ shall mean, Tool Sharpener, Tree Climber, Tree Measurer (basic), Treemarker (for retention or removal), Storeman.

‘Silviculture and Afforestation Worker Grade 5’ shall mean a Store Person-in-charge.

‘Silviculture and Afforestation Worker Grade 6’” shall mean Tree Measurer (in Charge).

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