PR569997 |
Fair Work Act 2009
s.789FC - Application for an order to stop bullying
Company A and ED
Applications for an FWC order to stop bullying
A. Pursuant to s.798FF of the Fair Work Act 2009, the Fair Work Commission orders, with the consent of the parties, that:
1. Ms ED is not to make contact with Ms CF or Ms NW, and Ms CF and Ms NW will not make contact with Ms ED.
2. Ms ED will not attend the premises of Company A where Ms CF and Ms NW are employed, whilst they are employed and either Ms CF or Ms NW have evident work capacity.
3. Ms CF and Ms NW are not to attend the premises of the related Company, whilst Ms ED remains employed by that employer.
4. As from when either Ms CF or Ms NW return to their workplace, Ms ED will not have access to Ms CF’s and Ms NW’s portfolios.
5. Company A is to provide anti-bullying training and an updated anti-bullying policy and complaints handling procedure to all of its staff (including Working Directors) by no later than 1 September 2015. However, if Ms CF or Ms NW have not returned to the workplace by this date, the training in their case will be conducted within one month of their return.
6. The anti-bullying policy, referred to in 5. above, will set out appropriate future workplace behaviour and conduct.
7. Company A will provide written clarification of reporting arrangements when either Ms CF and/or Ms NW return to their workplace.
8. Noting that the Commission will issue a public version of the Orders that will not identify the relevant parties and subject to 9. below, all parties, including persons associated with them, are to keep the identity of the parties and their association with the terms of this Order confidential.
9. Order 8. will not prevent the disclosure of these Orders for the purposes of seeking legal, medical or other professional advice or in the course of enforcement procedures and actions.
B. This Order will come into operation on and from 30 July 2015 and will remain in force for a period of 24 months.
Note: This is the public version of orders that have been issued by the Commission. A complete version was provided to each of the parties.
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