1.1 This agreement shall be known as the Cancer Council Victoria Collective
Agreement No. 1/2006.
1.2 The parties bound by this Agreement shall be:
1.2.1 Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria trading as The Cancer Council Victoria.
1.2.2 All persons whose employment is subject to this Agreement.
This Agreement is arranged as follows:
Part 1—Application and operation of agreement
1. Agreement title and parties
2. Arrangement
3. Definitions and interpretation
4. Awards and agreements
5. Commencement date of agreement and period of operation
Part 2—Communication and dispute resolution
6. Communication
7. Disputes settling procedures
Part 3—Employment relationship and related matters
8. Employer duties
9. Employment categories
10. Redeployment and redundancy
11. Termination of employment
12. Disciplinary procedures
Part 4—Salary framework and related matters
13. Salary framework
14. Salary review
15. Higher duties allowance
16. Salaries
17. Method of payment
18. Allowances
19. Superannuation
Part 5—Hours of work and time in lieu
20. Hours of work
21. Time in lieu
Part 6—Leave of absence and public holidays
22. Recreation leave
23. Additional leave
24. Personal/carers leave
25. Infectious diseases/serious illness
26. Compassionate leave
27. Parental leave
28. Long service leave
29. Community service
30. Public holidays
31. Study leave
32. Military Service Sick Leave
33. Leave without pay
34. Cultural and ceremonial leave
35. Religious leave
Part 7—Training and Development
36. Training and development
Part 8—Transfers, travelling and working away from usual place of work
37. Excess travelling time
38. Personal expenses
39. Use of private motor vehicle
Part 9—Workplace safety and discrimination
40. Accident make-up pay
41. Rehabilitation
42. Occupational Health and Safety
43. Employee assistance program
44. Workplace harassment, discrimination and bullying
Part 10—Miscellaneous
45. Facilities, equipment and accommodation
46. Availability
47. Joint consultative committee
48. Accrued entitlements
49. Protection for accredited representatives
3.1 In this agreement, unless inconsistent with the context of the subject matter:
3.1.1 Base Salary means the TEPV of an Employee less the annual leave loading,
superannuation and Fringe Benefits Amount payable in respect of the
3.1.2 Employer means the Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria trading as The Cancer
Council Victoria.
3.1.3 Employee means any person employed by the Employer whose position is
classified within the Salary Framework in accordance with the Work Level
Descriptors other than an Executive.
3.1.4 Executive Committee means the executive committee as constituted by the
Cancer Act 1958 (Vic).
3.1.5 Executive means a person employed by the Employer and designated as an
Executive by the Executive Committee.
3.1.6 Fringe Benefits Amount means the taxable value of the non-salary benefits
payable in accordance with clause 16.2.
3.1.7 Parties means the Employer and the Employees.
3.1.8 Salary Framework means the salary framework in Schedule 1 to this
3.1.9 Total Equivalent Package Value or TEPV means the sum of the Base Salary,
annual leave loading, superannuation and Fringe Benefits Amount payable in
respect of an Employee.
3.1.10 Union means the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU).
3.1.11 Work Level Descriptors means the work level descriptors in Schedule 2 to
this Agreement.
3.2 The policies of the Employer referred to in this Agreement are not incorporated into this
Agreement and do not form part of this Agreement.
4.1 The parties intend that this Agreement provides a comprehensive statement of the terms
and conditions of the employment of the Employees.
4.2 This Agreement supersedes and replaces in its entirety any previous certified agreement
covering employment with the Employer.
4.3 This Agreement operates to the exclusion of and wholly replaces any award of the
Australian Industrial Relations Commission that would, apart from this clause, apply to
the employment of Employees by the Employer.
4.4 This Agreement expressly excludes all protected award conditions.
5.1 The provisions of this Agreement will commence on the date of lodgement with the
Office of the Employment Advocate.
5.2 The nominal expiry date of this Agreement is 31 December 2010.
6.1 The parties acknowledge that effective communication between Employer and
Employees is essential to ensure that the organisation meets its objectives. To achieve
the aim of effective communication, the Employer will institute and practice wide and
formal dissemination of any information relevant to the working terms and conditions of
Employees. The parties also acknowledge that there will be many instances where
communication will not be sufficient and on these occasions the Employer undertakes to
consult regularly with any affected Employees and to give prompt and due consideration
to matters raised by Employees.
7.1 Definitions
7.1.1 In this clause 7, “party” means the Employer or one or more Employees,
involved in a dispute and “parties” has a corresponding meaning.
7.2 Resolution of disputes and grievances
7.2.1 Unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, a dispute or grievance about a
matter arising under this Agreement must be dealt with in accordance with this
clause 7.
7.2.2 This clause 7 does not apply to any dispute on a matter or matters arising in the
course of bargaining in relation to a proposed workplace agreement.
7.2.3 A party may choose to be represented at any stage by a representative, including
a union representative or Employer’s organisation.
7.3 Obligations of the parties to a dispute
7.3.1 The parties to the dispute or grievance must genuinely attempt to resolve the
dispute or grievance through the processes set out in this clause and must
cooperate to ensure that these processes are carried out expeditiously.
7.3.2 Whilst a dispute or grievance is being dealt with in accordance with this clause,
work must continue in accordance with usual practice, provided that this does
not apply to an Employee who has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk
to his or her health or safety, has advised the Employer of this concern and has
not unreasonably failed to comply with a direction by the Employer to perform
other available work that is safe and appropriate for the Employee to perform.
7.3.3 Neither party will be prejudiced as to the final settlement of the dispute or
grievance by the continuance of work in accordance with this clause.
7.4 Agreement and dispute settlement facilitation
7.4.1 For the purposes of compliance of this Agreement (including compliance with
this dispute settlement procedure) an accredited employee representative must be
released by his/her Employer from normal duties for such periods of time as
maybe reasonably necessary to enable him/her to represent Employees
concerning matters pertaining to the employment relationship including but not
limited to:
7.4.1(a) Investigating the circumstances of any dispute or any alleged breach of
this Agreement:
7.4.1(b) Endeavouring to resolve any dispute arising out of the operation of the
Agreement at the request of another Employee
7.4.1(c) Participating in conciliation, arbitration of any alternative dispute
resolution process at the request of another Employee
7.4.1(d) The release from normal duties referred to in this clause is subject to
the proviso that it does not unduly affect the operations of the
7.5 Internal process
7.5.1 If the dispute or grievance falls within the scope of an agency’s internal dispute
or grievance resolution process, the matter may first be dealt with in accordance
with that process.
7.5.2 If the dispute or grievance is not settled through an internal dispute or grievance
resolution process, the matter will be dealt with in accordance with the processes
set out below, provided that sub-clauses 7.5.1 and 7.5.2 will not apply to the
extent that their requirements have been satisfied as part of an internal review
7.6 Discussion of grievance or dispute
7.6.1 The dispute or grievance must first be discussed by the aggrieved Employee(s)
with the Employee(s) immediate supervisor.
7.6.2 If the matter is not settled, the Employee(s) can require that the matter be
discussed with another representative of the Employer appointed for the
purposes of this procedure.
7.6.3 If the matter is not settled, a party to the dispute may apply to the Australian
Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) to have the dispute or grievance dealt
with by conciliation.
7.7 Disputes of a Collective Character
7.7.1 Subject to clause 7.6.3, disputes of a collective character concerning more than
one Employee may be dealt with more expeditiously by a direct reference to the
7.7.2 In the event of a dispute of a collective character the parties may agree to
progress the dispute by a direct reference to the Commission under clause 7.7
and 7.8 without taking the steps provided for in clauses 7.4 and 7.5 above,
provided that clause 7.6.3 is complied with.
7.7.3 No dispute of a collective character may be referred to the Commission directly
unless there has been an attempt to resolve the dispute prior to it being referred
to the Commission.
7.8 Conciliation
7.8.1 Where a dispute or grievance is referred for conciliation, a member of the AIRC
shall do everything that appears to the member to be right and proper to assist
the parties to agree on terms for the settlement of the dispute or grievance.
7.8.2 This may include arranging:
(a) conferences of the parties or their representatives presided over by the
member; and
(b) for the parties or their representatives to confer among themselves at
conferences at which the member is not present.
7.8.3 Conciliation before the AIRC shall be regarded as completed when:
(a) the parties have reached agreement on the settlement of the grievance or
dispute; or
(b) the member of the AIRC conducting the conciliation is satisfied that there
is no likelihood that within a reasonable period, further conciliation will
result in agreement by the parties on terms for settlement of the grievance
or dispute; or
(c) Either party have informed the Commission member that there is no
likelihood of agreement on the settlement of the grievance or dispute and
the member does not have substantial reason to refuse to regard the
conciliation proceedings as completed.
7.9 Arbitration
7.9.1 If the dispute or grievance has not been settled when conciliation has been
completed, either party may request that the AIRC proceed to determine the
dispute or grievance by arbitration.
7.9.2 Where a member of the AIRC has exercised conciliation powers in relation to
the dispute or grievance, the member shall not exercise, or take part in the
exercise of, arbitration powers in relation to the dispute or grievance if a party
objects to the member doing so.
7.9.3 Subject to sub-clause 7.9.4 below, the determination of AIRC is binding upon
the parties.
7.9.4 An appeal lies to a Full Bench of the AIRC, with the leave of the Full Bench,
against a determination of a single member of the AIRC made pursuant to this
7.10 General powers and procedures of AIRC
7.10.1 Subject to any agreement between the parties in relation to a particular dispute or
grievance and the provisions of this clause, in dealing with a dispute or
grievance through conciliation or arbitration, the AIRC may:
(a) determine matters of procedure as if clause 110 of the Workplace Relations
Act 1996 applied to the proceeding; and
(b) exercise the powers set out in clause 111 of the Workplace Relations Act
1996 to the extent relevant, as if clause 111 applied to the proceedings.
(c) In the course of dealing with a matter by arbitration, make an interim
decision at any stage in the arbitration prior to the final determination of
the dispute by arbitration.
7.10.2 Publication and privacy obligations during disputes
7.10.3 In accordance with the provisions of s707 and more particularly 707(2)(b) of the
Workplace Relations Act 1996, the parties consent to and empower the
Commission at its discretion to publicly disclose or use any document or
information given in the course of conducting alternative dispute resolution
under this agreement for the purposes of resolving the dispute.
8.1 Appointment on merit
8.1.1 The Employer, in appointing applicants covered by this Agreement whether
from inside or outside the Employer’s organisation, shall ensure that such
appointments are based on merit, will be open and fair, and be non-
discriminatory in accordance with relevant legislation.
8.1.2 On appointment, Employees will be given a letter of appointment and a position
description which will form the basis of the contract of employment. The letter
will specify:
(a) the employment status;
(b) band of the position on the Salary Framework;
(c) the initial TEPV;
(d) any special conditions or benefits in addition to the provisions included in
this Agreement.
8.2 Position description
8.2.1 The position description will detail the skills, functions, duties and
responsibilities of the position.
8.3 Probation period - new Employee
8.3.1 All new Employees employed in senior positions within the salary framework
(in a Research related area) whose work involves academic research, will be
subject to a probationary period of up to twelve months.
8.3.2 All other new Employees will be subject to a probationary period of three
8.4 Performance review
8.4.1 The Employer is committed to regular performance reviews of Employees.
8.4.2 The performance review process runs over a 12-month period, and all full-time
and part-time Employees are involved. The timing of Performance Reviews is
linked to the budget cycle of the Employer.
8.4.3 Unit Heads must ensure that the performance review process is completed for all
Employees in their Unit. The process begins when an Employee commences
employment with The Cancer Council Victoria. Together with the supervisor,
the Employee will develop a Probation Plan containing measurable goals for the
probationary period (3 months or up to 12 months for research Employees).
8.4.4 Upon successful completion of probationary period, the next phase of the
process begins. Together with their supervisor, Employees complete a
Performance Plan and a Training and Development Plan. For new Employees
the time between the Performance Plan and the Performance, Training &
Development Review will vary. The supervisor and the Employee should have a
progress meeting at approximately 6 months or at the half-way point of the
8.4.5 At the end of the cycle, the supervisor and Employee meet for a Performance,
Training & Development Review. Performance is measured against the
outcomes set in the Performance Plan. Comments are documented on the
Performance & Development Review Form.
9.1 Categories of employment
9.2 The categories of employment within The Cancer Council Victoria are:
9.2.1 Continuing appointment;
9.2.2 Limited Tenure appointment;
9.2.3 Casual employment.
9.3 Employees who hold a Continuing appointment or Limited Tenure appointment may be
9.3.1 Full-Time - A full-time Employee is one who is engaged to work the ordinary
hours of work prescribed in Clause 20 hereof; or
9.3.2 Part-Time - A part-time Employee is one who works less than 75 hours per
fortnight. A part-time Employee shall receive all the provisions of this
Agreement on a pro-rata basis in accordance with the number of hours worked.
9.4 Continuing Appointment:
9.4.1 Continuing appointment is offered where a position is required in an ongoing
capacity and it is funded continuously through core funds.
9.5 Limited Tenure appointment:
9.6 There are three types of Limited Tenure appointment:
9.6.1 Longer Term Funding by Grants or External Providers;
9.6.2 Specific Tasks/Projects;
9.6.3 Leave Replacement.
9.7 The terms of these Limited Tenure appointments are:
9.7.1 Longer Term Funding by Grants or External Providers - the term offered would
be for the time (or the remainder of the time) that funds are available for the
9.7.2 Specific Tasks/Projects – the term offered would be for the time identified for
the specific task or project to be completed.
9.7.3 Leave Replacement - the term offered would be for the time the position will be
9.8 In all cases a Limited Tenure Employee:
9.8.1 Is informed that they are appointed for a specific term.
9.8.2 Is given a date at which the appointment expires.
Will be advised of the impending expiry of their term of employment, or be made an
offer of renewal of Limited Tenure, at least four weeks prior to the event.
9.9 A Limited Tenure appointment may be offered and/or renewed for the purposes of
completing a higher degree where candidature depends on employment at The Cancer
Council Victoria.
9.9.1 Renewal of this appointment relies on the candidate for a higher degree working
substantively on their thesis during their employment such that the position can be
characterised as a training position.
9.9.2 Upon completion (awarding) of the higher degree, the Employer may offer the
Employee up to an additional 6 months Limited Tenure appointment to facilitate the
production of publications based on the higher degree research.
9.10 Casual Employees:
9.11 For short periods at various times throughout the year, The Cancer Council Victoria
needs extra human resources for tasks that cannot be done by Continuing or Limited
Tenure Employees due either to lack of time or expertise. The Employer will employ
suitable people on a casual basis to carry out these tasks.
9.12 The rate of pay for casual Employees will be the appropriate Cancer Council base salary
level for the task calculated as an hourly rate plus a casual loading as described in clause
9.16. The hours worked will be by agreement between the Employee and the relevant
unit head.
9.13 After an extended period of casual employment, either party may initiate a review of the
Employee’s status to determine whether a move to Limited Tenure or Continuing
employment is appropriate.
9.14 These provisions may be modified where the nature of the Employer’s operations are
such that ongoing casual employment is an integral feature of the enterprise.
9.15 Casual Employees – Loading
9.16 Employees employed on a casual basis will receive a loading of 25% (subject to clause
9.17) in addition to the applicable hourly rate of pay as compensation in lieu of any
entitlement to the following benefits, unless expressly provided in this agreement:
9.16.1 public holidays;
9.16.2 recreation leave and recreation leave loading;
9.16.3 sick leave;
9.16.4 serious illness leave;
9.16.5 special infectious diseases leave;
9.16.6 accident make-up pay;
9.16.7 paid parental leave;
9.16.8 paid carer’s leave;
9.16.9 compassionate leave;
9.16.10 jury service;
9.16.11 military service sick;
9.16.12 cultural and ceremonial leave;
9.16.13 religious leave; and
9.16.14 study leave.
9.17 For as long as a casual Employee is covered by this Agreement, the casual loading that
is payable to a casual Employee will not be less than the default casual loading provided
by Division 2 of Part 7 of the Workplace Relations Act 1996.
9.18 Volunteer Labour:
9.19 The Cancer Council Victoria is a volunteer-based organisation dependent on the support
of the community. The involvement of unpaid volunteer labour will complement the
work of Employees. In deciding whether or not to involve volunteers, the Employer will
ensure that Employees are not displaced.
9.20 All Employees who:
9.20.1 were offered an initial Limited Tenure appointment on or after 1 July 1999 and
before 1 July 2003; and
9.20.2 have maintained continuity of service,
will, on expiry of that appointment, be offered a new appointment, as either a
Continuing Appointment or Limited Tenure Appointment. While the new appointment
will be dependent on the further need for the position and the availability of funding, an
Employee in this group will be offered a Continuing Appointment after five years of
continuous Limited Tenure employment.
9.21 All Employees who:
9.21.1 were offered an initial Limited Tenure appointment on or after 1 July 2003;
9.21.2 have maintained continuity of service,
will, on expiry of that appointment, be offered a new appointment as either a Continuing
Appointment or Limited Tenure appointment. The new appointment will be dependent
on the further need for the position and the availability of funding.
9.21.3 All Employees who commenced on or after 1 July 2004 or who commence on
or after the day this Agreement commences will be appointed as a Continuing
Appointment, Limited Tenure Appointment or Casual Employee.
10.1 Redeployment
From time-to-time positions become redundant. When this occurs it is agreed that the
first preference is to redeploy the Employee to another position in The Cancer Council
Victoria. It is recognised however, that in a number of cases the nature of the job or the
circumstances of the incumbent are such that severance may be offered. This should
happen only after the maximum effort has been made to redeploy any Employees whose
positions have become redundant.
10.2 Implicit in this Agreement is the principle that no Employee is redundant, it is the
surplus position which is redundant and these guidelines shall apply irrespective of the
cause of redundancy.
10.3 Options for discussion should include, but not be limited to:
• Retraining;
• Redeployment;
• Counselling;
• Severance.
10.4 A valid offer of redeployment shall be:
10.4.1 A position for which the Employee is already qualified or for which he/she will
be qualified on retraining and which is of the same or equivalent level or status
as that previously occupied; or
10.4.2 A position of different level or status for which the Employee is qualified and
which is acceptable to the Employee concerned.
10.5 Formal Advice
10.5.1 Employees shall be given ten weeks from the date of formal advice of the
position becoming redundant to indicate a preference for one of the offers made
available by the Employer.
10.5.2 If an Employee declines a valid offer to redeployment, he/she will be deemed to
have resigned and a severance package will not be payable.
10.5.3 If a redundancy results in severance the package will comprise:
(a) 4 weeks pay in lieu of notice, plus;
(b) 2 weeks per year of service to a maximum of 20 weeks (plus pro-rata for an
incomplete year of service);
(c) All leave entitlements will be paid out on a pro-rata basis;
(d) If an Employee has five years or more service (as defined in clause 28)
then long service leave shall also be paid out on a pro-rata basis.
11.1 Notice of termination by Employer
11.1.1 In order to terminate the employment of an Employee other than a casual, the
Employer shall give to the Employee the following notice:
Period of continuous service Period of notice
Up to completion of three years two weeks
Three years and up to completion of five years three weeks
Five years and over four weeks
11.1.2 In addition, Employees over 45 years of age at the time of the giving of the
notice, with not less than 12 months continuous service, shall be entitled to an
additional week’s notice.
11.1.3 Payment in lieu of notice shall be made if the appropriate notice period is not
given, provided that employment may be terminated by part of the period of
notice specified and part payment in lieu thereof.
11.1.4 In calculating any payment in lieu of notice, the TEPV the Employee would have
received in respect of the ordinary time he or she would have worked during the
period of notice had his or her employment not been terminated shall be used.
11.1.5 The period of notice in this clause shall not apply in case of dismissal for serious
or wilful misconduct or redundancy or in the case of casual Employees.
11.2 Notice of Resignation by Employee
11.2.1 The minimum notice of resignation to be given by an Employee shall be four
11.2.2 Subject to financial obligations imposed on an employer by any act, if an
Employee fails to give notice, the Employer shall have the right to withhold
monies due to the Employee with a maximum amount equal to the ordinary time
rate of pay for the period of notice not worked.
11.3 Time Off During Notice Period
11.3.1 Where the Employer has given notice of termination to an Employee the
Employee shall be allowed up to one day’s time off without loss of pay per week
for the purpose of seeking other employment.
11.3.2 The time off shall be taken at times that are convenient to the Employee after
consultation with the Employer.
11.4 Statement of Employment
11.4.1 The Employer shall provide to the terminated Employee a written statement
specifying the period of his or her employment and the classification of or the
type of work performed by the Employee.
12.1 Disciplinary procedures are in place to enable The Cancer Council Victoria to discipline
Employees in cases of unsatisfactory work performance, misconduct or serious
12.2 All disciplinary action should be carried out fairly and in a non-discriminatory manner.
12.3 In considering each individual case, which should be judged on its merits, the
Employee’s past employment record, length of service etc. should be taken into account.
Where appropriate, counselling should be provided.
12.4 The above disciplinary procedure does not affect the Employer’s common law right of
instant dismissal and the Employee’s right to exercise the appeals process that may be
available to him/her under the provision of this Agreement or by statute law.
12.5 The procedures set out in this clause may be initiated by the Supervisor, Unit Head, or
the Human Resources Manager, but disciplinary action defined as being the outcome of
a disciplinary procedure may only be taken by the Director or the Human Resources
12.6 The disciplinary procedures relating to Employees comprise two streams:
12.6.1 Disciplinary Procedures for Unsatisfactory Work Performance;
12.6.2 Disciplinary Procedures for Misconduct/Serious misconduct.
12.7 Disciplinary procedures for Unsatisfactory Work Performance
12.7.1 Disciplinary procedures for Unsatisfactory Work Performance involve a series of
three formal warnings. The unsatisfactory performance will be identified, the
standard required will be outlined and a plan of action within a specific time
frame will be developed.
12.7.2 Failure by the Employee to satisfactorily improve those aspects of his or her
work performance deemed unsatisfactory will result in subsequent warnings.
12.7.3 The third warning is a final warning and Employees should be aware that failure
to achieve satisfactory levels of work performance is likely to result in their
employment being terminated.
12.7.4 At the warning meetings, the Employee is entitled to representation by a union
official or a fellow Employee.
12.8 Disciplinary Procedures for Misconduct/Serious Misconduct
12.9 Allegations of Misconduct/Serious Misconduct are investigated following reports to
either the Director or Human Resources Manager.
12.9.1 Any allegation of misconduct or serious misconduct must be investigated and an
Employee is required to respond to the allegations.
12.9.2 Depending on the seriousness of the misconduct, the allegation may be
investigated by a Committee nominated by the Director.
12.9.3 During the investigation, the Employee is entitled to representation by a person
chosen by the Employee, including being represented by a union official or a
fellow Employee.
12.9.4 Disciplinary action in relation to misconduct may include one or more of the
(a) A formal censure/written warning;
(b) Counselling;
(c) Reduction of TEPV within the band of the position;
(d) Transfer to another position and paid a TEPV appropriate to that position;
(e) Suspension with or without pay.
12.9.5 Disciplinary action in relation to Serious Misconduct may involve any of the
above or the following:
(a) Termination of employment of the Employee without notice.
12.9.6 The onus of proof will be on the Employer to substantiate that the conduct
concerned is sufficiently serious to justify instant dismissal.
13.1 The Employer will determine the appropriate band of the Salary Framework (see
Schedule 1) for each Employee in accordance with the Work Level Descriptors (see
Schedule 2).
13.2 The Employer will adjust each band of the Salary Framework annually to reflect market
movement. Market movement will be monitored using data provided by an external
agency. TEPVs for Employees are adjusted in accordance with clause 14.
13.3 Mandatory term about basic periodic rate of pay
For so long as an Employee is subject to this Agreement, the Employer will provide a
basic periodic rate of pay that is at least equal to:
13.3.1 the basic periodic rate of pay that would have been applicable to the Employee
under the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard as it applies in Victoria if
the Employee was not subject to an award or this Agreement;
13.3.2 if clause 13.3.1 does not apply and the Employee is:
(a) under the age of 21;
(b) qualified for a disability support pension or would be qualified but for
paragraph 94(1)(e) or 95(1)(c) of the Social Security Act 1991 (Cth);
(c) subject to a training arrangement, as defined in section 4 of the
Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth),
the amount calculated in accordance with regulation 21.2 in Part 21 of Chapter
2 of the Workplace Relations Regulations 2006 (Cth); or
13.3.3 if clauses 13.3.1 and 13.3.2 do not apply, the standard federal minimum wage.
14.1 TEPV Reviews will be conducted when the Performance Review (see Clause 8) has
been completed.
14.2 All Employees will have their TEPV reviewed annually by their supervisor as part of the
Performance Review Process. Unit Heads are responsible for ensuring that the TEPV
Review process is completed for all Employees in their Unit.
14.3 Salaries can also be reviewed at completion of the probationary period, at the
commencement of a new employment contract, when a position is reclassified, and
when the duties and responsibilities within a position change.
14.4 The criteria for TEPV increase are clear, objective and measurable. To be awarded a
band-specific market increase, an Employee must have maintained competent
performance. To be eligible for a performance-based increase above the market
increase, an Employee must have performed above expectations. If performance
declines, an Employee may receive less than the band-specific market increase.
14.5 The Unit Head will review all recommendations for salary increases. Recommendations
are then made to the Cancer Council Director (via Human Resources) for decision.
15.1 Where an Employee is assigned extra tasks and duties when another Employee of a
higher classification is absent for more than two consecutive calendar weeks, the
Employee is eligible for a higher duties allowance. In some circumstances, a higher
duties allowance may also be paid for special short-term projects.
15.2 The allowance is calculated on the difference between the Employee’s TEPV and TEPV
band starting point of the classification of the job being performed.
15.3 The percentage of allowance payable depends on the proportion of higher tasks
15.4 The allocation of additional responsibilities and the recommendation that a higher duties
allowance be paid require the approval of the Unit Head.
16.1 Increases in TEPV will be paid as follows from the first full pay period on or after 1
January each year:
2006: An increase to TEPV of 4.2%, for all Employees covered by this Agreement
2007: Performance based band specific market movement increase with a minimum
of 2.5% to TEPV
2008: Performance based band specific market movement increase with a minimum
of 2.00% to TEPV
2009: Performance based band specific market movement increase with a minimum
of 1.00% to TEPV
2010 Performance based band specific market movement increase to TEPV
16.2 Salary packaging
16.2.1 A full-time or part-time Employee will have their TEPV packaged in accordance
with the Cancer Council Salary Packaging Policy (available on the Cancer
Council’s Intranet).
16.2.2 In the event that the Employer is liable, for whatever reason, to pay Fringe
Benefits Tax (FBT) in respect of an Employee, the amount of the FBT liability
will be passed on to the Employee.
16.2.3 Where Employees elect to access Salary Packaging, the Employee will pay any
administration fees.
17.1 Payment method
There shall be two methods of payment – fortnightly and monthly. All Employees that
are current Employees of The Cancer Council Victoria on date of lodgement of this
Agreement shall be paid fortnightly and may opt to be paid monthly. Employees who
are newly engaged on or after lodgement of this Agreement shall be paid monthly. All
casual Employees shall be paid fortnightly. All payments, whether fortnightly or
monthly, shall be paid by direct credit to a bank account, credit union or building society
nominated by the Employee.
17.2 Fortnightly payment shall be paid to Employees 2 weeks in arrears, on the same day of
each fortnight except where such day falls on a public holiday in which case payment
shall be made on the previous working day. Monthly payments shall be paid to
Employees 2 weeks in arrears and 2 weeks in advance, on the same date each month
except where such a date falls on a public holiday or weekend, in which case payment
shall be made on the previous working day.
17.3 Provided that an Employee proceeding on a period of paid leave of a minimum of five
working days duration, shall on request receive advance payment with three weeks
notice to the Employer.
17.4 Calculation of Fortnightly Base Salary—Full-time Employees
For the purpose of calculating the amount payable fortnightly, the amount shall be
calculated as follows:
Annual Base Salary
17.5 Calculation of Fortnightly Base Salary—Part-time Employees
In the case of part-time Employees, the amount shall be calculated as follows:
Fixed hours of duty x Annual Base Salary
Ordinary hours of duty 26
17.6 Calculation of Monthly Base Salary – Full-time Employees
For the purpose of calculating the amount payable monthly, the amount shall be
calculated as follows:
Annual Base Salary
17.7 Calculation of Monthly Base Salary – Part-time Employees
In the case of part-time Employees, the amount shall be calculated as follows:
Fixed hours of duty x Annual Base Salary
Ordinary hours of duty 12
17.8 Any additional hours worked by part-time staff shall be paid via timesheet on an arrears
18.1 First aid allowance
The Employer may nominate an Employee as first aid officer for a given workplace.
18.2 Where an Employee so nominated holds a first aid certificate issued by the St John
Ambulance Association or a qualification deemed equivalent by the Employer, the
Employer may authorise the payment to such an Employee of an annual allowance
calculated as follows:
Annual Allowance = 1.5% of the TEPV minimum of Band A (see Schedule 1).
19.1 The Employee may choose a superannuation fund which receives their compulsory
superannuation guarantee payments. The superannuation fund must comply with the
Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act and the Superannuation Industry
(Supervision) Act. Should an Employee not elect a superannuation fund of their choice
they will default to the Employer’s choice of default fund.
19.2 An employee may make pre tax contributions into a complying superannuation fund.
20.1 Introduction
20.1.1 The Parties acknowledge that in most instances Employees will work during
ordinary hours on Monday through Friday. Further that the extension of ordinary
time to include Saturday is to accommodate the specific operational needs of
certain units. Therefore the parties agree that Employees will only be offered
contracts of employment for ordinary hours of work including a Saturday where
there are genuine operational needs and where there is genuine agreement
between the Employer and Employee.
20.1.2 The Parties are committed to providing flexibility of working hours subject to
operational requirements. This can be achieved through negotiation of start,
finish and break times to allow for accrual of time-in-lieu.
20.2 Ordinary hours of work
20.2.1 The official spread of ordinary working hours of The Cancer Council Victoria
are 8.00 am to 8.00 pm, Monday to Saturday.
20.2.2 Ordinary hours of work for a full-time Employee on a fortnightly pay cycle shall
be 75 hours per fortnight (37.5 hours per week), and for a full-time Employee on
a monthly pay cycle shall be 162.5 hours per month (37.5 hours per week).
Employees may be required to work reasonable additional hours.
20.2.3 Usual starting time is 8:30 am and usual finishing time is 5.00 pm with an hour
for lunch. Actual starting and finishing times can be negotiated with the Unit
Head, in accordance with the needs of the Employer and Employee concerned,
provided that a minimum break of 30 minutes is taken after an Employee works
for 5 hours.
20.2.4 Employees may be required to work outside the official spread of hours. An
Employee will work the number of hours per fortnight as specified in the letter
of appointment, or any subsequent letter amending hours of work.
20.2.5 Any alteration to the hours of work of an Employee must be negotiated with that
20.2.6 An Employee may negotiate with their Unit Head to work their total number of
hours per fortnight under a flexible hours working arrangement.
20.2.7 The Employer may average the Employee’s actual hours worked over a 12
month period for the purpose of determining compliance with the Australian Fair
Pay and Conditions Standard.
20.3 Breaks
20.3.1 Employees are entitled to morning and afternoon “tea” breaks, provided that
each break is no longer than 15 minutes.
20.3.2 A meal period of at least 30 minutes shall be taken. No more than five hours
shall elapse after the commencement of work and the taking of such a meal
20.3.3 The Employer may stagger the time of taking a meal break to meet operational
21.1 An Employee may be required to work more than their ordinary hours per week. The
Employee shall be entitled to receive time off in lieu of overtime as follows:
21.1.1 Extra hours worked between 8.00 am-8.00 pm Monday to Saturday shall be
reimbursed as time off in lieu, on an hour for hour basis.
21.1.2 Extra hours worked between 8.00 pm-8.00 am Monday to Saturday and all day
Sunday shall be reimbursed as time off in lieu, on an hour and a half for hour
21.1.3 Where an Employee works extra hours on any Public Holiday they shall be
reimbursed as time in lieu on a two hour for one basis.
21.1.4 When an Employee is “on call” it means that they must be:
a) Contactable via telephone.
b) Available and capable to work.
c) Within 1.5 hours drive of The Cancer Council Victoria’s Head Office.
d) Where a position that has an “on call” component is required to be “on
call”, this provision must be set out in the Position Description and be
classified accordingly. Requests for an “on call” service provided by an
Employee must be approved by the relevant Manager.
21.1.5 Where an Employee is ‘called out’ and required to work extra hours outside of
their ordinary hours of work then the minimum will be 3 hours including travel
21.1.6 Time-in-lieu is to be accrued and taken at a time to be agreed between the
supervisor and the Employee. Records must be kept at the Unit level.
21.1.7 Part-time Employees who are required to work more than their ordinary hours in
a contracted position may negotiate with their supervisor to work up time in lieu
as above, or be paid for the additional hours worked (up to a total of 75 hours per
fortnight) at their normal hourly rate and accrue leave entitlements on the
additional hours worked.
21.1.8 Part-time Employees who work extra hours outside their ordinary hours in either
another Unit or in a different position from the one that they are contracted for,
will be paid the additional hours worked at the ordinary hourly rate of that
position and accrue leave entitlements on the additional hours worked.
21.2 Up to 37.5 hours of Time in Lieu (TIL) can be accrued at any one time. An application
which will take the TIL balance over 37.5 hours must be accompanied by a leave form
with plans to reduce the balance. TIL can be directed to be taken at the Manager’s
request if the Employee is unable to appropriately manage reducing the TIL balance.
TIL is not a bank of leave stored for use at a later date rather than using annual leave.
TIL is recognition of hours worked over and above normal working hours due to the
particular requirement. Any unused TIL will not be paid out on resignation.
21.3 Out of hours Meal Allowance
The Employer will cover reasonable costs for meals and other unavoidable expenses
related to work done out of hours. The aim is to cover the Employee for reasonable
expenses that could not be avoided, or would not have incurred, had they not been
required to work outside normal hours.
22.1 Leave Entitlement
Every Employee other than a casual Employee shall be entitled to four weeks paid
recreational leave for twelve months continuous service, to be taken at a time mutually
convenient with his/her supervisor.
22.1.1 Employees who are employed on a part-time basis shall receive their recreation
leave entitlements on a pro-rata basis.
22.2 Broken Service
In determining the entitlement of an Employee to annual leave, there shall not be
regarded as service any periods where the Employee was absent without pay. There
shall be included, however, all periods of paid leave and any public holidays taken.
22.3 Public Holidays
An Employee’s leave entitlement shall be in addition to any of the Public Holidays
prescribed by this Agreement.
22.4 Leave to be Taken
Each Employee will plan to take leave so that their leave balance is contained within the
normal limit of twenty (20) days. However, no Employee shall accumulate more than
forty (40) days at any given time during a calendar year (pro-rata for part-time
Employees). If an Employee has more than 40 days accrued leave and is unwilling to
negotiate a time to take the leave then a Manager can direct the Employee to take no
more than ¼ of the accrued leave. Failure to take leave as directed would be considered
in breach of a reasonable request and would be considered grounds for disciplinary
22.5 No payment shall be made or accepted in lieu unless on termination or resignation.
22.6 Proportionate Leave on Termination
Any Employee who leaves the employment of the Employer after having given the
prescribed period of notice or whose services are terminated (or the Employee’s legal
representative in the case of the death of the Employee) shall be paid an amount
calculated on the basis of 1/12th of an ordinary week’s pay in respect of each completed
five working days of continuous service with the Employer, for which leave has not
previously been granted.
22.7 Leave Loading
In addition to ordinary rates as prescribed in Part 4 a loading of 17.5% ordinary rates
shall be paid for the period of recreation leave.
23.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, an Employee may, with the
agreement of the Unit Head, work either a 48/52, 49/52, 50/52 or 51/52 year. This
would enable an Employee, in a year, to work for between 44 and 48 weeks, take the
normal 4 weeks accrued recreation leave as well as the additional leave.
23.2 Where the Unit Head and an Employee agree to a reduction in the number of working
weeks the Employee will work and receive additional leave as follows:
• 48/52 year – work 44 weeks, take accrued 4 weeks recreation leave and 4
weeks additional leave.
• 49/52 year – work 45 weeks, take accrued 4 weeks recreation leave and 3
weeks additional leave.
• 50/52 year – work 46 weeks, take accrued 4 weeks recreation leave and 2
weeks additional leave.
• 51/52 year – work 47 weeks, take accrued 4 weeks recreation leave and 1
weeks additional leave.
23.3 The Employee will receive a salary equal to the period worked plus the accrued 4 weeks
recreation leave (eg. 44 weeks work plus 4 weeks leave – 48/52), which will be paid
over the 52 week period.
23.3.1 Access to this entitlement may only be granted on application from an Employee
and cannot be required as a precondition for employment.
23.4 Approval to this entitlement will be given by the Unit Head on the basis that the
operational needs of the Unit are being met. This commits the Employee to continue on
this basis for a year at a time and also requires that all recreation leave and additional
leave that accrue during the approved 12-month period be taken during this year.
23.5 A Unit Head may grant an Employee access to this entitlement from any date during a
year but for not less than a year at any one time.
23.6 A Unit Head may approve this entitlement for a maximum period of one year at a time.
Access to this entitlement in subsequent or future years may only be granted on
submission of a further application from an Employee that is approved by the Unit
23.7 Previously accrued personal/carer’s leave and long service leave by the Employee shall
remain unchanged.
23.8 The amount of compulsory Employer superannuation and Annual Leave Loading paid
to each Employee will be calculated against the reduced gross salary received during the
23.9 The Unit Head will endeavour to accommodate Employee requests for arrangements
under this clause, and where such requests are granted will make proper arrangements to
ensure that the workloads of other Employees are not unduly affected and that excessive
work outside ordinary hours is not required to be performed by other Employees as a
result of these arrangements.
23.10 Subject to Clause 23.6, an Employee will revert to ordinary 52 week employment at
the end of the 12-month period.
24.1 Every Employee other than a casual Employee is entitled to 10 days paid
personal/carer’s leave per annum.
24.2 Employees who are employed on a part-time basis shall receive their paid
personal/carer’s leave entitlements on a pro-rata basis
24.3 Paid personal/carer’s leave is cumulative.
24.4 Employees may use paid personal/carer’s leave for:
24.4.1 sick leave: leave because of personal illness or injury of the Employee; or
24.4.2carer’s leave: leave to provide care or support to a member of the Employee’s
immediate family or household required on account of personal illness or injury,
or unexpected emergency.
24.5 For the purpose of this clause, the Employee’s “immediate family” means:
24.5.1 the Employee's spouse (including the Employee's former spouse, de facto spouse
and former de facto spouse). The Employee’s "de facto spouse" means a person
who lives with the Employee as husband, wife or same sex partner on a bona
fide domestic basis, although not legally married to the Employee; and
24.5.2 a child or adult child (including an adopted child, a step child or an ex-nuptial
child), parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the Employee or the
Employee's spouse or de facto spouse.
24.6 After paid personal/carer’s leave is exhausted, Employees are entitled to 2 days unpaid
carers leave on each occasion that a member of the Employee’s immediate family or
household required care or support on account of personal illness or injury, or
unexpected emergency.
24.7 Where more than two consecutive days of sick leave is required, the Employee must
24.7.1 a medical certificate from a registered health practitioner, where practicable,
stating the practitioner’s opinion that the Employee was, is, or will be unfit for
work during that leave period because of a personal illness or injury; or
24.7.2 a statutory declaration made by the Employee, stating that the Employee was, is,
or will be unfit for work during that leave period because of a personal illness or
24.8 Where more than two consecutive days of carer’s leave is needed, the Employee must
24.8.1 a medical certificate from a registered health practitioner stating that a member
of the Employee’s immediate family or household had, has, or will have a
personal illness or injury during the period when leave is required; or
24.8.2 a statutory declaration made by the Employee stating that the Employee requires
(or required) leave to provide care or support required by a member of the
Employee’s immediate family or household on account of personal illness or
injury or an unexpected emergency.
24.9 Where possible, the Employee should contact their immediate Manager by no later than
9.00 am on a day that personal/carer’s leave is required to inform them of that
24.10 Where an Employee has taken more than five (5) days of personal/carers leave within
a calendar year without providing documentation, a Manager may require that any
further personal/carers leave is to be accompanied by:
24.10.1 in the case of sick leave, the documentation required by clause 24.7;
24.10.2 in the case of carers leave, the documentation required by clause 24.8.
24.11 If an Employee is going to be on personal/carers leave for longer than two (2) weeks,
then an estimation of the expected duration of the absence must be documented in a
letter from the registered health practitioner to the Human Resources Manager.
25.1 Infectious Diseases Contact
25.1.1 If an Employee is unable to attend for duty due to contact with a person suffering
from an infectious disease, the Employer may grant the Employee special leave
with pay.
25.1.2 The Employee should furnish a medical report regarding the danger of the
infectious disease and the time off work required.
25.1.3 Upon receipt of the medical report, the Employer may direct the Employee to be
absent from duty for a specified period or, if already on leave of absence, direct
such Employee to continue on leave for a specified period, and the absence of
such Employee shall be regarded as absence on leave owing to illness.
25.2 Serious Illness Leave
Where an Employee is diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer, the Employer
may grant a period of special leave with pay.
26.1 Leave of absence of up to three (3) days on full pay shall be granted to an Employee on
account of the death or serious illness of a member of the Employee’s immediate family
or household or in any other case where, in the opinion of the Employer, special
circumstances exist.
26.2 For the purpose of this clause, the Employee’s “immediate family” means:
26.2.1 the Employee's spouse (including the Employee's former spouse, de facto spouse
and former de facto spouse). The Employee’s "de facto spouse" means a person
who lives with the Employee as husband, wife or same sex partner on a bona
fide domestic basis, although not legally married to the Employee; and
26.2.2 a child or adult child (including an adopted child, a step child or an ex-nuptial
child), parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the Employee or the
Employee's spouse or de facto spouse.
26.3 Where, in exceptional circumstances or in respect of a period not provided for above,
the Employer is satisfied that, on account of pressing necessity, leave should be granted
to an Employee, the Employer may grant such leave as he or she considers appropriate
and on such terms and conditions as he or she sees fit.
27.1 Subject to the terms of this clause Employees are entitled to maternity, paternity and
adoption leave.
27.2 The provisions of this clause 27 apply to full-time, part-time and eligible casual
Employees, but do not apply to other casual Employees.
27.3 An “eligible casual Employee” means a casual Employee:
(a) employed by the Employer on a regular and systematic basis for several periods
of employment or on a regular and systematic basis for an ongoing period of
employment during a period of at least 12 months; and
(b) who has, but for the pregnancy or the decision to adopt, a reasonable expectation
of ongoing employment.
27.4 For the purposes of this clause 27, “continuous service” is work for the Employer on a
regular and systematic basis (including any period of authorised leave or absence).
27.5 The Employee must not fail to re-engage a casual Employee because:
(a) the Employee or Employee’s spouse is pregnant; or
(b) the Employee is or has been immediately absent on parental leave.
27.6 The rights of the Employer in relation to engagement and re-engagement of casual
Employees are not affected, other than in accordance with this clause 27.
27.7 Definitions
27.7.1 For the purpose of this clause “child” means a child of the Employee under
school age or a child under school age who is placed with the Employee for the
purposes of adoption, other than a child or step-child of the Employee or of the
spouse of the Employee or a child who has previously lived continuously with
the Employee for a period of six months or more.
27.7.2 Subject to clause 27.7.3, in this clause 27, “spouse” includes a de facto or former
27.7.3 In relation to clause 27.12, “spouse” includes a de facto spouse but does not
include a former spouse.
27.8 Basic entitlement
27.8.1 After twelve months continuous service, parents are entitled to a combined total
of 52 weeks paid and unpaid parental leave on a shared basis in relation to the
birth or adoption of their child. For females, maternity leave may be taken and
for males, paternity leave may be taken. Adoption leave may be taken in the case
of adoption.
27.9 Maternity leave
27.9.1 A female Employee who has 12 months continuous service will be entitled to:
(a) A 12 week continuous period of paid maternity leave to be taken in
connection with the birth of her baby either before and/or after the birth.
(b) If she is the primary care giver, she will be entitled to a further period of 40
weeks unpaid leave less any parental leave taken by her spouse. The total
period of paid and unpaid leave must not exceed 52 weeks.
(c) If she does not qualify for paid maternity leave, she will be entitled to take
up to 52 weeks unpaid maternity leave.
27.9.2 Subject to clause 27.10, parental leave is to be available to only one parent at a
time, in a single unbroken period, except that both parents may simultaneously
(a) for maternity and paternity leave, an unbroken period of up to one week at
the time of the birth of the child;
(b) for adoption leave, an unbroken period of up to three weeks at the time of
placement of the child.
27.9.3 An Employee must provide notice to the Employer in advance of the expected
date of commencement of parental leave. The notice requirements are:
(a) of the expected date of confinement (included in a certificate from a
registered medical practitioner stating that the Employee is pregnant) – at
least ten weeks;
(b) of the date on which the Employee proposes to commence maternity leave
and the period of leave to be taken – at least four weeks.
27.9.4 When the Employee gives notice under clause 27.9.3(a) the Employee must also
provide a statutory declaration stating particulars of any period of paternity leave
sought or taken by her spouse and that for the period of maternity leave she will
not engage in any conduct inconsistent with her contract of employment.
27.9.5 An Employee will not be in breach of this clause if failure to give the stipulated
notice is occasioned by confinement occurring earlier than the presumed date.
27.9.6 Subject to clause 27.8.1 and unless agreed otherwise between the Employer and
Employee, an Employee may commence parental leave at any time within six
weeks immediately prior to the expected date of birth.
27.9.7 Where an Employee continues to work within the six week period immediately
prior to the expected date of birth, or where the Employee elects to return to
work within six weeks after the birth of the child, the Employer may require the
Employee to provide a medical certificate stating that she is fit to work on her
normal duties.
27.9.8 Where leave is granted under clause 27.9, during the period of leave an
Employee may return to work at any time, as agreed between the Employer and
the Employee.
27.10 Special maternity leave
27.10.1 Where the pregnancy of an Employee not then on maternity leave terminates
within 28 weeks of the expected birth other than by the birth of a living child,
then the Employee may take unpaid special maternity leave during the period
in which a medical practitioner certifies that she is unfit for work.
27.10.2 Where an Employee is suffering from an illness not related to the direct
consequences of the confinement, an Employee may take any paid sick leave
to which she is entitled in lieu of, or in addition to, special maternity leave.
27.10.3 Where an Employee not then on maternity leave suffers illness related to her
pregnancy, she may take any paid sick leave to which she is then entitled and
such further unpaid special maternity leave as a registered medical practitioner
certifies as necessary before her return to work. The aggregate of paid sick
leave, special maternity leave and parental leave, including parental leave
taken by a spouse, may not exceed 52 weeks.
27.11 Paternity leave
27.11.1 A male Employee who has 12 months continuous service will be entitled to:
(a) The equivalent of one weeks paid paternity leave to be taken in connection
with the birth of a child he has accepted responsibility, to be taken either
before and/or after the birth.
(b) If he is the primary care giver, he will be entitled to a further period of 51
weeks unpaid leave less any parental leave taken by his spouse. The total
period of paid and unpaid leave must not exceed 52 weeks.
27.11.2 An Employee will provide to the Employer at least ten weeks prior to each
proposed period of paternity leave, with:
(a) a certificate from a registered medical practitioner which names his spouse,
states that she is pregnant and the expected date of confinement, or states
the date on which the birth took place; and
(b) written notification of the dates on which he proposes to start and finish the
period of paternity leave; and
(c) except in relation to leave taken simultaneously with the child’s mother
under clause 27.9.2(a), a statutory declaration stating:
(i) he will take that period of paternity leave to become the primary
care-giver of a child;
(ii) particulars of any period of maternity leave sought or taken by his
spouse; and
(iii) that for the period of paternity leave he will not engage in any
conduct inconsistent with his contract of employment.
(d) The Employee will not be in breach of clause 27.11.2 hereof if the failure
to give the required period of notice is because of the birth occurring earlier
than expected, the death of the mother of the child, or other compelling
27.12 Adoption leave
27.12.1 If an Employee is adopting a child and has at least 12 months continuous
paid service, he or she will be entitled to
(a) 12 weeks paid adoption leave in connection with the adoption if the
Employee is to become the primary care-giver of the child; or
(b) 1 week paid and 2 weeks unpaid adoption leave at the time of the
placement if the Employee is to become the secondary care-giver of the
If the Employee is the primary care giver he or she will be entitled to a further
period of unpaid leave provided that the total period of paid and unpaid
parental leave taken by the Employee and the Employee’s spouse do not
exceed 52 weeks.
27.12.2 The Employee will notify the Employer at least ten weeks in advance of the
date of commencement of adoption leave and the period of leave to be taken.
An Employee may commence adoption leave prior to providing such notice,
where through circumstances beyond the control of the Employee, the
adoption of a child takes place earlier.
27.12.3 Before commencing adoption leave, an Employee will provide the Employer
with a statutory declaration stating:
(a) except in relation to leave taken simultaneously with the child’s other
adoptive parent under clause 27.9.2(b), that the Employee is seeking
adoption leave to become the primary care-giver of the child;
(b) particulars of any period of adoption leave sought or taken by the
Employee’s spouse; and
(c) that for the period of adoption leave the Employee will not engage in
any conduct inconsistent with their contract of employment.
27.12.4 The Employer may require an Employee to provide confirmation from the
appropriate government authority of the placement.
27.12.5 Where the placement of the child for adoption with an Employee does not
proceed or continue, the Employee will notify the Employer immediately and
the Employer will nominate a time not exceeding four weeks from receipt of
notification for the Employee’s return to work.
27.12.6 An Employee will not be in breach of this clause as a consequence of failure
to give the stipulated periods of notice if such failure results from a
requirement of an adoption agency to accept earlier or later placement of a
child, the death of a spouse, or other compelling circumstances.
27.12.7 An Employee seeking to adopt a child is entitled to unpaid leave for the
purpose of attending any compulsory interviews or examinations as are
necessary as part of the adoption procedure. The Employee and the
Employer should agree on the length of the unpaid leave. Where agreement
cannot be reached, the Employee is entitled to take up to two days unpaid
leave. Where paid leave is available to the Employee, the Employer may
require the Employee to take such leave instead.
27.13 Right to request
27.13.1 An Employee entitled to parental leave pursuant to the provisions of clause
27.8.1 may request the Employer to allow the Employee to return from a
period of parental leave on a part-time basis.
27.13.2 The Employer shall consider the request having regard to the Employee’s
circumstances and, provided the request is genuinely based on the
Employee’s parental responsibilities, may only refuse the request on
reasonable grounds related to the effect on the workplace or the Employer’s
business. Such grounds might include cost, lack of adequate replacement
staff, loss of efficiency and the impact on customer service.
27.13.3 The Employee’s request and the Employer’s decision must be recorded in
27.13.4 Where an Employee wishes to make a request, the request must be made as
soon as possible but no less than seven weeks prior to the date upon which
the Employee is due to return to work from parental leave.
27.14 Variation of period of parental leave
Where an Employee takes parental leave, unless otherwise agreed between the
Employer and Employee, an Employee may apply to their Employer to change the
period of parental leave on one occasion. Any such change is to be notified as soon as
possible but no less than four weeks prior to the commencement of the changed
arrangements. Nothing in this clause detracts from the basic entitlement to parental
27.15 Parental leave and other entitlements
An Employee may in lieu of or in conjunction with parental leave, access any annual
leave or long service leave entitlements which they have accrued subject to the total
amount of leave not exceeding 52 weeks.
27.16 Transfer to a safe job
27.16.1 Where an Employee is pregnant and, in the opinion of a registered medical
practitioner, illness or risks arising out of the pregnancy or hazards connected
with the work assigned to the Employee make it inadvisable for the
Employee to continue at her present work, the Employee will, if the
Employer deems it practicable, be transferred to a safe job at the rate and on
the conditions attaching to that job until the commencement of maternity
27.16.2 If the transfer to a safe job is not practicable, the Employee may elect, or the
Employer may require the Employee to commence paid leave for such period
as is certified necessary by a registered medical practitioner or which ends
the day before the end of the pregnancy (whichever is the shorter). This
leave is in addition to any other leave entitlement.
27.17 Returning to work after a period of parental leave
27.17.1 An Employee will notify of their intention to return to work after a period of
parental leave at least four weeks prior to the expiration of the leave.
27.17.2 An Employee will be entitled to the position which they held immediately
before proceeding on parental leave. In the case of an Employee transferred
to a safe job pursuant to clause 27.16.1, the Employee will be entitled to
return to the position they held immediately before such transfer.
27.17.3 Where such position no longer exists but there are other positions available
which the Employee is qualified for and is capable of performing, the
Employee will be entitled to a position as nearly comparable in status and
pay to that of their former position.
27.18 Replacement Employees
27.18.1 A replacement Employee is an Employee specifically engaged or temporarily
promoted or transferred, as a result of an Employee proceeding on parental
27.18.2 Before the Employer engages a replacement Employee the Employer must
inform that person of the temporary nature of the employment and of the
rights of the Employee who is being replaced.
27.19 Communication during Parental leave
27.19.1 Where an Employee is on parental leave and a definite decision has been
made to introduce significant change at the workplace, the Employer shall
take reasonable steps to:
(a) make information available in relation to any significant effect the
change will have on the status or responsibility level of the position the
Employee held before commencing parental leave; and
(b) provide an opportunity for the Employee to discuss any significant
effect the change will have on the status or responsibility level of the
position the Employee held before commencing parental leave.
27.19.2 The Employee shall take reasonable steps to inform the Employer about any
significant matter that will affect the Employee’s decision regarding the
duration of parental leave to be taken, whether the Employee intends to
return to work and whether the Employee intends to request to return to work
on a part-time basis.
27.19.3 The Employee shall also notify the Employer of changes of address or other
contact details which might affect the Employer’s capacity to comply with
clause 27.19.1.
27.20 Leave accrual
27.20.1 Leave granted under this clause shall be included as service for the purpose
of recreation, personal/carers and long service leave.
27.20.2 The maximum period to count as service for the purposes of recreation leave,
personal/carers leave and long service leave is 26 weeks.
28.1 Entitlement to Leave
28.1.1 An Employee who has completed 10 years continuous service shall be entitled to
long service leave with pay.
28.1.2 Up to and including 31 December 2003 an employee has accrued credit towards
a long service leave entitlement at the rate of 5 days per year (adjusted on a pro-
rata basis for periods of less than full-time service). On completion of 10 years
continuous service, an Employee had accrued an entitlement to 10 weeks leave.
Further, for each additional five years continuous service completed, an
Employee had accrued an additional entitlement to a further 5 weeks long
service leave with pay.
28.1.3 From 1 January 2004, an Employee accrues credit towards a long service leave
entitlement at the rate of 6.5 days per year (adjusted on a pro-rata basis for
periods of less than full-time service). On completion of 10 years continuous
service at this rate of accrual, an Employee will accrue an entitlement to 13
weeks leave. Further, for each additional five years continuous service
completed, an employee will accrue an additional entitlement to a further 6.5
weeks long service leave with pay.
28.1.4 An Employee who with not less than 7 completed years of continuous service
resigns or whose services are terminated shall receive payment of a sum
representing pay in lieu of long service leave with pay, less any long service
leave already taken.
28.1.5 Any public holiday that occurs during the period of long service leave shall not
be regarded as part of the leave. The Employer shall grant to the Employee a day
off in lieu.
28.2 Definition of Continuous Service
To be eligible for long service leave, the Employee must have 10 years of continuous
service with the Cancer Council. For the purposes of determining continuous service,
the following are not considered to break continuity of employment:
28.2.1 Any period of paid or unpaid leave;
28.2.2 Any period on WorkCover for which accident make up payments are made, for a
maximum of 12 months;
28.2.3 Termination of employment by the Employer if the Employee is re-employed as
either a Limited Tenure or Continuing Employee within a period not exceeding 3
months from the date of the termination;
28.2.4 The absence of a casual Employee for a period of:
(a) no more than 3 months between engagements by the Employer;
(b) more than 3 months between engagements by the Employer due to the
terms of the engagement.
28.2.5 Any absence from work of a woman due to pregnancy, for a period not
exceeding 12 months;
28.2.6 Any period of leave approved under Clause 27, Parental Leave;
28.2.7 Such other leave as the Employer may determine in a particular case.
28.3 Continuous Service When Long Service Leave Entitlements Accrue
Not all periods of service counted as continuous service described in Clause 28.2 are
the type of service which allows long service leave entitlements to accrue. The
following absences are periods of continuous service in which long service leave
entitlements accrue:
28.3.1 any period of leave with pay including leave due to war disabilities;
28.3.2 unpaid sick leave up to a maximum of 48 weeks in a year;
28.3.3 unpaid carer’s leave up to a maximum of 26 weeks;
28.3.4 leave of absence granted under Clause 27, Parental Leave, up to a maximum of
26 weeks;
28.3.5 any period of WorkCover for which accident make up payments are made, for a
maximum of 12 months;
28.3.6 such other leave as the Employer may determine in a particular case.
28.4 Continuous Service When Long Service Leave Entitlements do not Accrue
Normally, long service leave entitlements do not accrue for any extended period where
the Employee has not received a salary. Long service leave entitlements do not accrue
during the absences listed below. Normally, the Employee is not in receipt of a salary
during these absences:
28.4.1 any periods of unpaid leave unless specified in Clause 28.4;
28.4.2 periods off duty arising, either directly or indirectly, from an industrial dispute;
28.4.3 termination of employment by the Cancer Council if the Employee is re-
employed within a period no greater than 3 months from the date of such termination;
28.4.4 leave of absence granted under Clause 27, Parental Leave, in excess of 26
28.4.5 absence on WorkCover in excess of 12 months.
28.5 Any periods of long service for which leave has been taken or pay in lieu made shall be
used for the purposes of calculating service, but no further payment can be made or
leave taken with respect to those periods.
28.6 Recognition of Prior Service
28.6.1 Except where continuity of service is unbroken, as described in Clause 28.2,
prior service with the Cancer Council shall not be recognised in the calculation
of long service leave.
28.6.2 Periods of prior service with any other organisation shall not be recognised for
the purposes of calculating long service leave entitlements.
28.7 Taking of Long Service Leave
28.7.1 Long Service Leave shall be taken at times which are convenient to the needs of
the Employer but as far as is practicable the wishes of the Employee shall be
considered when fixing the time for taking of leave.
28.7.2 At the request of the Employee and on the basis that the operational needs of the
Unit will be met, the Unit Head may approve that the whole or part of long
service leave is taken at half pay.
28.7.3 When an Employee has an accrued long service leave entitlement of fifteen (15)
weeks, he or she must, within three (3) months, make arrangements with the Unit
Head, to take part or all of that leave.
28.7.4 No Employee shall accumulate more than 19.5 weeks (for employed on a part-
time or fractional basis, the number of weeks will be calculated on a pro-rata
basis) long service leave entitlement.
28.8 Payment of Long Service Leave
28.8.1 Long Service Leave granted with pay shall be paid at the Employee’s ordinary
rate of pay, as defined in Clause 16 & Schedule 1.
28.8.2 Provided that where the length of service includes periods of less than full-time
service, calculation and payment of such periods of service shall be on a pro-rata
28.8.3 Long service leave shall be payable fortnightly/monthly except that on request of
the Employee and with the agreement of the Employer the amount be paid in a
lump sum at the commencement of the leave.
28.8.4 Payment to an Employee during long service leave shall be adjusted to include
any variation in salary, which occurs during the leave period.
29.1 Emergency Service
Employees who are registered members of a volunteer organisation who wish to respond
to a declared emergency situation may be released from their normal duties without loss
of salary to participate in firefighting, flood relief or other emergency activity. Provided
29.1.1 Release for volunteer activity is subject to no undue inconvenience being caused
to the Employer;
29.1.2 Satisfactory evidence is provided of an Employee’s bona fide involvement in the
emergency activity.
29.2 Leave granted under this clause shall be included as service for the purpose of
recreation, personal/carer’s leave and long service leave.
29.3 Jury Service
An Employee required under the Juries Act 2000 to appear and serve as a juror in any
court shall be entitled to be granted leave with pay for the period of required attendance
at court. Fees received for jury service shall be paid to the Employer.
29.4 Court attendance
An Employee required to appear in court as a crown witness, or required and/or granted
leave to attend in an official capacity, as a consequence of or in connection with his or
her employment, to give evidence or to produce papers in any court, shall be granted
leave without loss of pay for the period of required attendance. Fees received for the
performance of official duty shall be paid to the Employer.
29.5 To obtain approval for leave under this clause, a leave application must be supported by
a notification that the Employee is required to attend.
29.6 Leave granted under this clause shall be included as service for the purpose of
recreation, personal/carers and long service leave.
30.1 An Employee, other than a casual, shall be entitled to the following holidays without
loss of pay. Part-time Employees shall only be paid for public holidays which fall on
days on which the part-time Employee would normally work.
30.1.1 New Year’s Day, Australia Day, Labour Day, Anzac Day, Good Friday, Easter
Saturday, Easter Monday, Queen’s Birthday, Melbourne Cup Day, Christmas
Day, and Boxing Day.
30.1.2 When Christmas Day is a Saturday or a Sunday, a holiday in lieu thereof shall be
observed on 27 December.
30.1.3 When Boxing Day is a Saturday or a Sunday, a holiday in lieu thereof shall be
observed on 28 December.
30.1.4 When New Year’s Day or Australia Day is a Saturday or a Sunday, a holiday in
lieu thereof shall be observed on the next Monday.
30.2 If, in the State of Victoria, public holidays are declared or prescribed on days other than
those set out above, those days shall constitute additional holidays for the purposes of
this agreement.
30.3 Another day may be substituted for any prescribed in this clause, by agreement between
the parties.
30.4 Christmas Closure
The Cancer Council Victoria is generally closed from Christmas Day through to New
Year’s Day each year. Those Employees not required to work during this period shall
be required to take recreation leave or accrued time in lieu for those days which are
not public holidays. For new Employees only who have not accrued sufficient
entitlements then leave without pay will be granted.
31.1 The Employer may grant to any Employee part-time leave of absence with pay of up to
four (4) hours per week for the purpose of acquiring a qualification or studying a course
or part of a course or attending lectures and/or exams.
31.2 Employees are eligible to apply for study leave, providing they are full-time Continuing
Tenure employees; or they are Limited Tenure Employees with at least 12 months
service and at least a further 12 months appointment in prospect; and they have
completed their probationary period. Part-time Employees are eligible for pro-rata study
leave. Casual Employees are not eligible for any study benefits.
31.3 To be eligible for study leave, a course of study must be relevant to the Employee’s
position (or approved for future ambitions), and have the ability to enhance the
knowledge, skills and/or expertise of the Employee. It is the responsibility of the Unit
Head to determine whether or not a course of study meets these requirements in order
for an Employee to have entitlement to this provision.
31.4 In exceptional circumstances, the Employer may grant leave of absence either without
pay or upon the condition that leave of absence will be offset by the performance of
duties by the Employee outside working hours.
31.5 Financial support for external study is a discretionary investment on the part of The
Cancer Council Victoria. It is not an Employee entitlement. The level of financial
support is based on the relevance of the course to the applicant’s current or future work
at the Cancer Council, and on a balanced assessment of competing demands to invest
available funds in other Employees or in other forms of training and development. If the
Employee wants to enrol in a course of study that involves study leave or fee
reimbursement, prior approval must be obtained from the Supervisor/Unit Head.
31.6 In all cases, Employees must make satisfactory progress with their studies. The
Employer may require evidence of satisfactory progress to be produced at any time
during the period of study leave.
31.7 The above study leave and financial support arrangements do not apply to a student
employed to complete a Doctorate of Philosophy. In those cases leave and financial
support are governed by the contract of employment between the Cancer Council and
the student.
32.1 Where the Employer is satisfied that an illness of an Employee with at least six months
continuous paid service is directly attributable to, or is aggravated by, service recognised
under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986, including:
32.1.1 operational service; or
32.1.2 peacekeeping service; or
32.1.3 hazardous service,
the Employee shall, apart from any sick leave which may be standing to the
Employee’s credit, be credited with 15 days’ special sick leave with full pay in
respect of such service.
32.2 For each period of military service sick leave taken, the Employee must satisfy the same
evidentiary requirements as specified in clause 24.7.
33.1 The Employer may, for special reasons, grant an Employee leave of absence without
pay for any period not exceeding twelve months. This twelve month maximum period is
inclusive of leave granted for other reasons such as recreation leave or long service
33.2 Approval for a period of leave without pay is at the discretion of the Unit Head and
approval shall be based on suitable alternative staffing arrangements that meet the
operational requirements of the Unit.
33.3 Leave of absence granted under this clause shall not be counted as service for the
purpose of assessing recreation leave, personal/carers leave and long service leave.
33.4 Any period of leave without pay will not break continuity of service in relation to
assessing long service leave (see Clause 28).
33.5 Leave without pay will not be granted unless all other paid entitlements of annual leave,
time in lieu and long service leave have been exhausted.
34.1 Employees of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent shall be entitled to leave
without pay up to five days in each calendar year for cultural purposes.
34.2 Cultural leave will not accumulate year-to-year.
34.3 Ceremonial leave without pay may be granted, with approval of the Employer, to an
Employee of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent for ceremonial purposes:
34.3.1 Connected with the death of a member of the immediate family or extended
family; or
34.3.2 For other ceremonial obligations under Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
34.4 The maximum period of ceremonial leave that may be granted to an Employee is 10
days in any period of two years and is not cumulative.
34.5 The members of an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander’s family include but are not
limited to, partner, parent, parent of partner, grandparent, grandparent of partner,
brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, cousin, guardian, foster parent,
step parent, step brother, step sister, half brother, half sister, child, foster child, step
child, nephew, niece, or other important family and community member.
35.1 Any Employee is entitled to take either recreation leave or leave without pay to observe
religious holy days. As an alternative, subject to approval from the Unit Head, an
Employee may arrange to work additional hours to make up for the time taken observing
a religious holy day.
36.1 The Cancer Council Victoria is committed to the development of a skilled and
motivated workforce. Staff development is seen as a vital aspect of the growth and
effectiveness of both the individual Employee and The Cancer Council Victoria as a
36.2 Attendance at a training course authorised by the Employer will be regarded as being on
duty. The Employer will pay for or reimburse the cost of fees and legitimate reasonable
37.1 An Employee who is directed to work temporarily at a location other than their normal
place of employment shall be given time off during official working hours in respect of
any period of excess travelling time incurred in travelling to and from this temporary
location; provided that journeys involving less than 30 minutes of excess time are not
taken into account.
38.1 Travel and Accommodation
Where the Employer requires an Employee to be absent overnight or for part of the day,
the Employee shall be eligible to receive payment for travelling, accommodation and
other incidental expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred while travelling on Cancer
Council business. A tax invoice or receipt must be provided.
38.2 Expenses for international travel must be reported in foreign currency and converted to
Australian dollars on an Expenses Claim Form. The exchange rate in effect at the time
of travel shall be applied.
38.3 If approved, cash advances for amounts equal to estimated expenses for the business trip
are available. Should the agreed sum not meet the costs incurred, payments may be
made in advance to a total sum agreed by the Employee and the Employer subject to
39.1 The Employer aims to provide transport for work-related travel where necessary. The
Cancer Council provides adequate resources through a Pool Car, Unit Cars, Cabcharge
vouchers and Hire Cars to avoid Employees having to use their own car. Utilisation of
an Employee’s own car should be a last resort.
39.2 An Employee may use their private motor vehicle for work-related travel only with the
approval of their Unit Head. Before using a private vehicle for work purposes an
Employee must:
39.2.1 check the availability of a Unit or Pool Car;
39.2.2 consider the use of Cabcharge vouchers;
39.2.3 consider the option of hiring a car.
39.3 The driver must have a current Driver’s Licence before the Cancer Council authorises
the use of their private vehicle (copies are held in Human Resources).
39.4 A car usage rate is payable to the owner of the approved private vehicle which covers
the average cost of running a car during a year on a pro rata basis. This rate is reviewed
39.5 No Employee shall be disadvantaged if approval to use their private motor vehicle is not
given or if they do not wish to provide their own vehicle for work related travel.
40.1 Where an Employee is absent from duty as a result of sustaining an injury in respect of
which the Employee is entitled to weekly payments of compensation under the Accident
Compensation Act 1985, the Employee will, except where otherwise provided in clause
40.2 below, be entitled to accident make-up pay equivalent to his or her normal salary
less the amount of weekly compensation payments.
40.2 Payment – maximum entitlement
40.2.1 The Employer will continue to provide accident make-up pay to the Employee
for a period of 52 weeks, or an aggregate of 261 working days, unless
employment ceases.
40.2.2 An entitlement to accident make-up pay will cease at the end of a period of 52
weeks, or an aggregate of 261 working days, or when employment ceases or
when the benefits payable under the Accident Compensation Act 1985 cease.
40.2.3 The Employer may grant the Employee leave without pay where an entitlement
to accident make-up pay has ended.
41.1 The Employer is committed to ensuring that injured workers have every opportunity to
return to their maximum working capabilities and that injured workers and management
are educated as to the process and benefits of rehabilitation.
42.1 The parties acknowledge that the Employer and the Employees have obligations under
the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic).
43.1 The Employer recognises that the social, physical and psychological well-being
ofEmployees is important for the maintenance of a healthy work environment.
43.2 The Employer provides access to an Employee Assistance Program to all Employees
and their families.
43.3 The Employee Assistance Program is independent of the Employer. It provides
confidential telephone and off-site professional counselling.
44.1 The Employer is committed to providing a workplace for all its Employees and
volunteers that is free from discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation.
44.1.1 Harassment is any uninvited, unwelcome behaviour, which a reasonable person
could anticipate would create intimidation, humiliation or offence for the other
person(s) in those particular circumstances. It may be directed at an individual or
group on the basis of attributes covered under legislation, including (but not
limited to) physical contact, verbal comments, mockery, “roughing up”, rumours
and sexual innuendo. Harassment can be aggravated by power imbalance, as
when a supervisor subjects a subordinate to harassment.
44.1.2 Discrimination is the unfair or unequal treatment of an individual on the basis of
one or more attributes, including (but not limited to) age, gender, marital status,
disability, pregnancy or race. Discrimination can be direct or indirect.
44.1.3 Workplace bullying is repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed towards an
Employee that creates a risk to health and safety. The types of behaviour, where
repeated or occurring as part of a pattern of behaviour, could include (but are not
limited to) verbal abuse, intimidation, assigning impossible tasks, constant
criticism, withholding information or the spreading of rumours.
44.1.4 Victimisation means subjecting or threatening to subject a person to any
detriment because that person, or a person associated with that person has, or
intends to, exercise their rights under equal opportunity laws.
44.2 The Cancer Council Victoria has programs in place to educate its managers, Employees
and volunteers as to the nature and affects of discrimination, harassment and bullying to
inform them of their rights and responsibilities.
44.3 It is the intention of the parties to this agreement to achieve the principal object in s.3
(m) of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 through respecting and valuing the diversity of
the workforce by helping to prevent and eliminate discrimination on the basis of race,
colour, sex, sexual preference, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, family
responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social
44.4 Accordingly, in fulfilling their obligations under the Disputes and Grievance procedures,
the parties must make every endeavour to ensure that neither the agreement provisions
nor their operation are directly or indirectly discriminatory in their effects.
44.5 Nothing in this clause is to be taken to affect:
44.5.1 Any different treatment (or treatment having different effects) which is
specifically exempted under the Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation.
44.5.2 An Employee, Employer or registered organisation, pursuing matters of
discrimination in any State or Federal jurisdiction, including by application to
the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.
45.1 The Employer shall provide employees with all necessary instruments, equipment, tools,
stationery and furniture for carrying out their work except as otherwise agreed between
the parties to this agreement.
45.2 The Employer shall provide in easily available locations first aid equipment adequate for
the nature of the Employee’s duties.
46.1 A copy of this Agreement and any agreement made in relation to it shall be kept in an
easily accessible place within each department and be available for inspections at any
time by persons subject to it.
46.2 A copy of this Agreement shall be issued to all new Employees with their official letter
of offer.
46.3 These documents will also be available for viewing on The Cancer Council Victoria’s
Intranet site.
47.1 The parties to this Agreement are committed to ensuring that effective communication
exists between Employer and Employees. The Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) will
facilitate this by providing a forum for discussing employment-related matters of
interest or concern to the Cancer Council’s Employees.
47.2 Membership of the JCC will at least comprise:
47.2.1 Four senior representatives of the Employer;
47.2.2 Four elected members who are Employees;
47.3 The JCC has the power to nominate additional members to the JCC.
47.4 The JCC shall be able to consider any matters relating to the implementation of this
47.5 The JCC will meet on set meeting dates, although other meetings may be called to deal
with specific issues. The JCC shall appoint a secretary who will prepare and circulate
(during working hours) agendas and minutes.
47.6 JCC Staff representatives shall:
47.6.1 Have the authority to convene general staff meetings, to distribute relevant
information and consult with Employees (during working hours) as necessary in
the performance of their roles as JCC Staff representatives;
47.6.2 Be recognised by senior representatives of the Employer and be granted access to
senior representatives of the Employer empowered to make decisions as may be
47.6.3 Be granted access to workplaces as necessary to carry out official functions; and
47.6.4 Provide their section or unit head (or nominee) with as much advanced notice as
possible regarding their actions.
47.7 The Employer must not discriminate against members or former members of the JCC by
reason of their activities as members of the JCC.
47.8 JCC members will be provided with adequate support and training to carry out their
function on the JCC.
48.1 The commencement of this Agreement does not extinguish or reduce any entitlement
accrued by an Employee prior to commencement unless:
48.1.1 expressly required by this Agreement; or
48.1.2 required by law.
48.2 An accrued entitlement that continues under clause 48.1 may be enjoyed in accordance
with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
49.1 An Employee shall not be dismissed or injured in his or her employment or have his or
her employment altered to his or her prejudice, or be threatened with prejudicial or
injurious treatment or with dismissal by reason of his or her status as an Accredited
Representative of a union, engagement in lawful activities as an authorised
representative of a union or on the basis of his or her membership of a union or
participation in lawful union activities.
49.2 The Employer shall not injure a person in his or her employment, or alter the terms or
conditions of employment of a person to his or her prejudice on the basis of his or her
membership of or participation in the lawful activities of a union.
Schedule 1
A $31,080 $34,530 $52,534
B $35,420 $39,350 $58,263
C $40,430 $44,920 $65,300
D $46,960 $52,180 $74,077
E $55,280 $61,420 $82,278
F $63,590 $74,810 $98,901
G $81,900 $96,350 $111,314
Schedule 2
Work Level Descriptors
31 January 2006
Work Level Descriptors
The Cancer Council of Victoria
Work Level Descriptors The Cancer Council of Victoria
Mercer Human Resource Consulting
Band Profile
Positions at this level are typically entry level positions whose work is task orientated and well defined. Roles and their work outputs are closely
Typical Work Level Features
Positions typically require secondary school education, however a Year 12 level of education is not essential. Limited on-the-job training will be
required in order to understand and apply work practices in the area. Most tasks performed at this level require individuals to know what to do and
how to do it with limited instruction. Competency can be reached with minimum job experience. Basic levels of numeracy and writing are typically
Positions generally perform a task or group of inter-related tasks with a common theme.
Basic communication skills are applied by positions at this level, usually to convey or receive factual information. Interactions with others are often
within the unit or with a defined and common group.
Positions typically perform tasks in accordance with well established procedures or through application of standard tools or templates. Work is
regularly supervised. Problems are readily solved by following established procedures and applying basic principles. Established rules or
practices are set out in a clear manner to guide individuals where choice of action is required.
Positions at this level are expected to maintain a system of accurate records, compile or produce routine information for relevant parties or
respond to requests for defined service provision. Positions tend to have little accountability as to how to provide the service or utilise the
information gained. Decisions on the type of service provided, how and when it will be delivered, and the applicable standards are prescribed
through direction, precedent or defined practice.
Characteristics of positions in the next band:
Positions classified at the next band (B):
typically require more experience, vocational training or equivalent competence
are required to work with some supervision
have greater scope to determine how to achieve clearly defined outcomes.
Work Level Descriptors The Cancer Council of Victoria
Mercer Human Resource Consulting
Band Profile
Positions at this level are typically performing routine tasks generally in line with established procedures, with limited supervision. Work requires
some interpretation of data and/or analysis.
Typical Work Level Features
Positions at this level are required to gain knowledge through secondary education or equivalent combined with limited work experience and/or
vocational training.
Contacts are often outside the immediate work unit or are external to TCCV and the purpose of communication may be to identify needs and
exchange information.
Positions typically perform tasks in accordance with established procedures, as a result of structured training, with work often not closely
supervised. Problems are readily solved by following established procedures and applying basic principles, although tasks to be done may be
numerous and defined procedures may be extensive, requiring some interpretation and analysis of data.
Established procedures and rules occasionally may not cover the situation faced.
Positions have limited independence in achieving prescribed goals. They may vary a number of tasks in the work plan process, although the
required outcomes are typically clearly defined.
Positions typically add value to the service through explaining and interpreting information as well as identifying patterns or anomalies to assist in
maintaining the integrity of their work.
Characteristics of positions in the next band:
Positions classified at the next band (C):
typically require a Diploma, vocational training and/or extensive work experience
are required to choose between methods, techniques or processes for completing their work within established procedures, precedents and
balance priorities and modify processes when required
may supervise staff classified in Bands A and/or B.
Work Level Descriptors The Cancer Council of Victoria
Mercer Human Resource Consulting
Band Profile
Positions at this level are typically experienced roles, with the skills to perform a number of integrated tasks, although there are usually a well
defined number of methods available. Supervision of other staff may occur.
Typical Work Level Features
Positions at this level require the capability to apply advanced skills gained through a Certificate, Diploma, vocational training or extensive work
experience. Positions typically require the capacity to understand client needs or technical requirements in order to apply advanced skills to
instruct other staff, identify issues, measure compliance with policies/standards or modify standard office procedures.
Positions call for the application of basic skills in communication usually to direct or supervise other staff, identify needs and convey factual
information. Contacts may be outside the unit or TCCV.
Positions operate in an environment where there are well-defined and limited number of methods, techniques or processes that may be used in
completing the work and work is not closely supervised. Positions are required to discriminate between limited courses of action to make
decisions based on well-established procedures, precedents and guidelines. There is typically a requirement to determine the work program
within established priorities.
Positions have some independence in achieving prescribed goals. They balance day-to-day priorities, undertake investigations, modify
processes, diagnose problems and initiate rectification. Within defined guidelines, supervisory positions are able to plan work allocation.
Positions are involved in identifying service standards, timelines, priorities, targets and then applying the appropriate operational procedure to
meet these goals.
Characteristics of positions in the next band:
Positions classified at the next band (D):
typically require an advanced Diploma together with extensive vocational training/work experience
are required to discriminate between a variety of methods, techniques or processes for completing their work
are typically highly influential in respect to how the work undertaken by the role should be delivered, evaluated or improved.
Work Level Descriptors The Cancer Council of Victoria
Mercer Human Resource Consulting
Band Profile
Positions at this level typically require advanced skills and extensive experience in a particular discipline. Work undertaken usually follows a
sequence of events and requires research, analysis and problem solving, within well established boundaries. Resolution of more complex
problems without reference to a higher level may occur.
Typical Work Level Features
Positions typically require extensive experience combined with an advanced Diploma, in order to demonstrate expertise and competence within a
particular discipline. Roles require detailed knowledge, complemented by applied practice in order to demonstrate high levels of accuracy and
precision and may require a tertiary degree, or equivalent competence.
Positions are engaged in a diverse range of possibly unrelated tasks within their unit, usually represented by a sequence of events with a common
Positions require communication skills to obtain the cooperation of others to comply with defined requirements. Positions may provide information
and advice to internal and external contacts on a course of action appropriate to their needs and consistent with TCCV’s policies and guidelines.
Position objectives are clearly defined, although the role may choose from a range of processes or techniques to perform the work. Scheduling,
organising, researching, analysing, diagnosing, planning, and coaching are tasks typically undertaken by positions at this level. Problem solving is
required, however the choices are typically limited and operating policy generally guides appropriate action.
Positions at this level are expected, where required, to modify or enhance operational practices within TCCV policy or regulatory guidelines. They
may certify the quality of work performed or the integrity of the information/service provided.
Positions at this level may also be called upon to resolve more complex operational problems without reference to other colleagues, managers or
external advisors. Understanding and responding to client needs is a feature, with some independence as to how to achieve these goals.
Characteristics of positions in the next band:
Positions classified at the next band (E):
typically require a degree or equivalent qualification with at least 3 years of relevant work experience
are required to resolve problems where the range of options may be imprecise or where accepted practices or procedures occasionally do not
cover the situation faced
provide sound advice and recommendations to others in relation to the evaluation, analysis and resolution of specific issues and subjects.
Work Level Descriptors The Cancer Council of Victoria
Mercer Human Resource Consulting
Band Profile
Positions at this level are typically solid professional roles with experience in applying a particular discipline. Procedures and operational
standards are defined, however positions identify opportunities for efficient work practices. Roles typically provide sound advice and
Typical Work Level Features
Positions are typically professional or technical roles requiring a degree or equivalent qualification plus some relevant work experience, or roles
requiring significant subject matter knowledge, broad experience, skills and training.
Communications could be both external and internal, including suppliers, counterparts in other units, subordinates, peers, management and
external parties. Positions are required to obtain the cooperation or assistance of others in the administration of well defined activities and/or to
influence others in the achievement of set objectives. Dealing sensitively with and/or considering a range of views, or gaining input from multiple
contacts to reach agreement could be a feature of the role.
Position objectives are clearly defined although a range of varied techniques, systems, methods or processes is available to perform the work and
the range of options may be extensive. More routine aspects of professional work would be performed at this level. Positions are challenged by
changing policies and practices, statutory requirements, market needs or technological demands requiring interpretation of policies and
precedents in order to determine the most appropriate course of action and to identify opportunities for more efficient work practices.
Positions at this level typically provide sound advice and recommendations which influence the decisions made by others, including supervisors
and peers. The advice provided is typically constrained by policy guidelines and professional standards and knowledge, particularly where it is
provided directly to members of the public. Positions are individually accountable within TCCV for the advice provided and often participate in the
decision making process with respect to how the advice should be provided or used.
Characteristics of positions in the next band:
Positions classified at the next band (F):
are typically managerial, professional or technical roles that require a degree plus significant relevant work experience
are required to solve complex problems using existing organisational or professional knowledge and experience
are considered organisational/unit specialists and provide sound advice to others who may have more generalist knowledge
Work Level Descriptors The Cancer Council of Victoria
Mercer Human Resource Consulting
Band Profile
Positions at this level are typically experienced professional positions within a particular discipline. Advice is relied upon by other professionals
and problem resolution is a regular requirement. Work demands detailed analysis of alternate courses of action and their implications, addressing
difficulties/problems in the work environment.
Typical Work Level Features
Positions are typically managerial, professional or technical roles requiring a degree or equivalent qualification plus several years of relevant work
experience, or roles requiring significant subject matter knowledge, broad experience, skills and training. Management of diverse occupational
groups or of complex administrative or regulatory activities or projects may be a feature. Positions typically operate across full range of a
recognised discipline, however may focus closely on one area of speciality.
Positions are required to obtain the cooperation or assistance of others in the administration of well defined activities and/or to influence others in
the achievement of set objectives. The focus of communication is influencing and convincing others of appropriate courses of action or problem
resolution. This may be with both external and internal parties.
There is a regular requirement for some adaptation to techniques or processes that affect the way work is performed. Positions may advance new
approaches in relation to operational systems or standards, typically within their unit or specialist field.
Positions are expected to regularly recommend and implement changes and adaptations to improve the efficiency or effectiveness of processes or
enhance the quality of outcomes.
Problem resolution is a regular feature, however, the types of issues generally recur. Solutions are identified, implications considered,
recommendations provided within existing organisational or professional knowledge and experience.
Positions at this level are typically specialised in a sub-discipline and provide advice relating to the evaluation, analysis and resolution of specific
issues and subjects to others who have a sound knowledge of the general discipline or where the supervisor’s focus is on management rather
than technical issues. Positions are individually accountable within TCCV for the advice provided and participate in the decision making process
with respect to how the advice should be provided or used.
Characteristics of positions in the next band:
Positions classified at the next band (G):
are typically high level managerial or professional roles with many years of experience or requiring postgraduate/second degrees
are required to develop/modify operational methods, policies, practices and standards
may be the reference point for others in relation to policy, precedent, best practice, standards or resolution of problems
provide expert advice or counsel within an established body of knowledge in the area.
Work Level Descriptors The Cancer Council of Victoria
Mercer Human Resource Consulting
Band Profile
Positions at this level are typically senior professional, technical or management positions, required to apply specialised skills to deliver their
advice or service. They are a recognised reference point and may manage other professional roles. Positions devise action plans and advance
new approaches. Complex program or project management or development of research projects may be a focus for roles at this level.
Typical Work Level Features
Positions are typically high level managerial or professional roles requiring well developed skills and many years of experience in a specialised
discipline. Positions may hold technical postgraduate or second degrees.
Positions often perform a range of actions across a total discipline or have management responsibilities for large or multi-disciplinary projects.
Positions may, in addition, have managerial responsibilities over a range of specialist technical/professional roles. Technical positions are
recognised as being highly specialist.
The focus of communication is influencing and convincing others, rather than just asking for co-operation, and could take place both with external
and internal parties. There may be a requirement for regular contact with members of the public on sensitive issues requiring tact or diplomacy in
order to provide and obtain information, convince them to recognise a particular situation, gain their support or provide advice or intense support
and care. Communication with a range of stakeholders with differing views is often a feature of the role.
Positions may be required to develop or modify operational methods or specific operational policies, practices and standards. Planning and
organising large and complex programs or developing research projects may be a focus of roles in this band. The modification and development
of methods and standards may affect the position itself, and will affect the way work is performed by others. Problem resolution is a frequent
requirement, although is typically structured by established management systems, scientific standards or budget parameters.
Roles are required to develop appropriate research or program methodologies, analysing complex data, conceptualising ideas and advancing new
Positions may be the recognised reference point for others in relation to policy, precedent, best practice, standards or resolution of problems.
Positions are expected to provide expert advice or counsel in their area of expertise although the organisation may have access to advice from a
number of other sources and there is usually an established body of knowledge in the area. Positions are fully and individually accountable within
the organisation for the advice provided. Output from these roles may be provided to unit heads for use within the unit, or may impact more
broadly on the wider organisation, and even externally on the broader public.
Mercer Human Resource Consulting Pty Ltd
ABN 32 005 315 917
33 Exhibition Street Melbourne Vic 3000
GPO Box 9946 Melbourne Vic 3001
03 9623 5555