Fair Work Act 2009
s.185—Enterprise agreement
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd
Building, metal and civil construction industries
Application for approval of the McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning
Greenfields Enterprise Agreement 2023
[1] McDermott Australia Pty Ltd has made an application for approval of an enterprise
agreement known as the McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Greenfields
Enterprise Agreement 2023 (the Agreement) pursuant to s 185 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the
[2] This is a greenfields agreement that meets the requirements of s 172(2)(b) of the Act. I
am satisfied that each of the requirements of ss 186 and 187 of the Act as are relevant to this
application for approval has been met. In accordance with s 187(5)(a) of the Act, I am satisfied
that the Australian Workers’ Union (AWU) and Communications, Electrical, Electronic,
Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia (CEPU) are
entitled to represent the industrial interests of a majority of employees who will be covered by
the Agreement in relation to work that is to be performed under it. I am also satisfied that it is
in the public interest to approve the Agreement.
[3] I note that the Agreement was made with the AWU and CEPU and therefore covers
these organisation (see s 53(2)(b)).
[4] The Agreement was approved on 12 October 2023 and, in accordance with s 54, will
operate from 19 October 2023. The nominal expiry date of the Agreement is 22 March 2026.
Printed by authority of the Commonwealth Government Printer
AE521867 PR767132
[2023] FWCA 3347
AUSTRALIA FairWork Commission
1. TITLE 4
15. TRAVEL 25
SCHEDULE 1- RATES OF PAY _____________________ 38
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 3
28. OFFSHORE EMPLOYEES WORKING ONSHORE 33 29 CLASSIFICATIONS 34 SCHEDULE 1 - RATES OF PAY 38 SCHEDULE 2. ALLOWANCES 40 SIGNATORIES 43 McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 3
This Agreement shall be known as the McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Off.shore
Decommissioning Greenfields Enterprise Agreement 2023
This Agreement shall commence seven days after it is approved by the Fair Work
Commission and shall remain in force until 22 March 2026 (Nominal Expiry Date). After
the Nominal Expiry Date, this Agreement will continue to operate until terminated or
This Agreement shall cover and apply to:
3.1. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd [ABN: 99 002 736 352] ("the Company"); and
3 .2. Employees of the Company employed in a classification specified in CL 29 -
Classifications, engaged to perform 'Decommissioning Work' in State or
Commonwealth waters off the coast of Western Australia or the Northern Territory
3.3. Any employee organisation noted by the Fair Work Commission in its decision
approving this Agreement.
"Act" means the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)
"Casual" is an Employee engaged as such in accordance with the Act.
"Company" or "Employer" means the Company being McDermott Australia Pty Ltd.
"Continuous Shift worker" means an Employee engaged in an enterprise in which shifts are
continuously rostered 24 hours per day, seven days per week and who is rostered regularly to
work those shifts and works 'regularly' on Sundays and public holidays.
"CPI'' means the annual percentage index of the comparison of the December quarter of the
previous year to the recent past December quarter, for Perth; as published by the Australian
Bureau of Statistics.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 4
1. TITLE This Agreement shall be known as the McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Greenfields Enterprise Agreement 2023 2. COMMENCEMENT AND DURATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall commence seven days after it is approved by the Fair Work Commission and shall remain in force until 22 March 2026 (Nominal Expiry Date). After the Nominal Expiry Date, this Agreement will continue to operate until terminated or replaced. 3. APPLICATION OF AGREEMENT AND PARTIES COVERED This Agreement shall cover and apply to: 3.1. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd [ABN: 99 002 736 352] ("the Company"); and 3.2. Employees of the Company employed in a classification specified in Cl. 29 - Classifications, engaged to perform 'Decommissioning Work' in State or Commonwealth waters off the coast of Western Australia or the Northern Territory 3.3. Any employee organisation noted by the Fair Work Commission in its decision approving this Agreement. 4. DEFINITIONS "Act" means the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) "Casual" is an Employee engaged as such in accordance with the Act. "Company" or "Employer" means the Company being McDermott Australia Pty Ltd. "Continuous Shift worker" means an Employee engaged in an enterprise in which shifts are continuously rostered 24 hours per day, seven days per week and who is rostered regularly to work those shifts and works 'regularly' on Sundays and public holidays. "CPI" means the annual percentage index of the comparison of the December quarter of the previous year to the recent past December quarter, for Perth; as published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 4
"Decommissioning Work" means work undertaken during the final stage of an oil and gas
asset's life where the asset is no longer in production; which includes shutting down,
dismantling, demolition, removing an operational asset from use and any associated
maintenance occurring while the process is being undertaken.
"Demobilisation Shift" means the day the employee travels from the Offshore Facility to
commence their Off-Duty Period.
"Employee" means an employee of the Company to whom this Agreement applies.
"Emergency or Pandemic Situation" means an emergency/situation declared under
applicable emergency legislation or a directional order issued by an industry regulator (i.e.
NOPSEMA) requiring an immediate coordinated response.
"Mobilisation Shift" means the day the employee travels to the Offshore Facility to commence
their On-Duty Period.
"NES" means the National Employment Standards as per the Act.
"Night Shift" means any shift scheduled to finish after midnight and at or before noon; except
in the circumstances detailed in subclause 13.6.
"Offshore Facility" or "Offshore Facilities" means the offshore site/s, installation/s, facility/s
where Decommissioning Work is occurring.
"Offshore Pay" means the amount paid when an Employee is considered to be working
offshore which includes the applicable hourly rate of pay, applicable allowances and includes
the Offshore Allowance.
"Off-duty Period" means a period in a Work Cycle during which an Employee does not have
rostered shifts. Days during an Off-duty Period are typically unpaid non-working days. The
Off-duty Period shall commence on the day of demobilisation from the Offshore Facility.
"Onshore Pay" means the amount paid when an Employee is considered to be working
onshore which includes the base hourly rate of pay, applicable allowances and excludes the
Offshore Allowance.
"On-duty Period" means a period in a Work Cycle during which an Employee has rostered
shifts, being either day or Night Shifts. The On-duty Period shall commence on the arrival at
the Offshore Facility.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 5
"Decommissioning Work" means work undertaken during the final stage of an oil and gas asset's life where the asset is no longer in production; which includes shutting down, dismantling, demolition, removing an operational asset from use and any associated maintenance occurring while the process is being undertaken. "Demobilisation Shift" means the day the employee travels from the Offshore Facility to commence their Off-Duty Period. "Employee" means an employee of the Company to whom this Agreement applies. "Emergency or Pandemic Situation" means an emergency/situation declared under applicable emergency legislation or a directional order issued by an industry regulator (i.e. NOPSEMA) requiring an immediate coordinated response. "Mobilisation Shift" means the day the employee travels to the Offshore Facility to commence their On-Duty Period. "NES" means the National Employment Standards as per the Act. "Night Shift" means any shift scheduled to finish after midnight and at or before noon; except in the circumstances detailed in subclause 13.6. "Offshore Facility" or "Offshore Facilities" means the offshore site/s, installation/s, facility/s where Decommissioning Work is occurring. "Offshore Pay" means the amount paid when an Employee is considered to be working offshore which includes the applicable hourly rate of pay, applicable allowances and includes the Offshore Allowance. "Off-duty Period" means a period in a Work Cycle during which an Employee does not have rostered shifts. Days during an Off-duty Period are typically unpaid non-working days. The Off-duty Period shall commence on the day of demobilisation from the Offshore Facility. "Onshore Pay" means the amount paid when an Employee is considered to be working onshore which includes the base hourly rate of pay, applicable allowances and excludes the Offshore Allowance. "On-duty Period" means a period in a Work Cycle during which an Employee has rostered shifts, being either day or Night Shifts. The On-duty Period shall commence on the arrival at the Offshore Facility. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 5
"Over Cycle" means hours worked on the Offshore Facility in addition to the Rostered Hours
of Work.
"Point of Assembly" or "POA'' means the Company appointed airport where the Employee
boards the helicopter to travel to or from onshore to the Offshore Facility.
"Point of Hire" or "POH" means either the POA airport, or the nearest capital city airport to
the Employee's Usual Place of Residence when the Employee is employed by the Company.
For avoidance of doubt, the POH will be stipulated in the Employee's Letter of Offer and will
remain as this location unless changed by agreement by both the Company and the Employee.
"Rostered Hours of Work" means the hours an Employee is scheduled to work on a particular
shift during the Employee's On-duty Period which are made up of ordinary hours.
"Swing" means the Employee's designated roster panel of On-duty Period of the Employee's
Work Cycle.
"Usual Place of Residence" or "UPR" means the location in Australia at which the Employee
resides when they are not on the Offshore Facility which is notified to the Company by the
Employee prior to employment and updated in accordance with this Agreement.
"Work Cycle" means a period consisting of On-duty Period/sand an Off-duty Period/s where,
except for Work Cycles introduced in an Emergency or Pandemic Situation, Over Cycle and
not including mobilisation or demobilisation days which may be worked; the number of On
duty days does not exceed the number of Off-duty days.
5 .1. It is a fundamental term of this Agreement that parties covered by this Agreement will
not for so long as the Agreement remains within its nominal term:
a) support or advance any other or extra claims; or
b) threaten, organise or engage in any industrial action in support or connection with
such extra claims or any other matter unless as provided for under the Act.
6.1. If Decommissioning Work is scheduled to occur in the same work cycle to perform
offshore construction work, the Employer agrees to pay the Employee at the established
rates of pay outlined in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 of this Agreement for the duration
McDennott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 6
"Over Cycle" means hours worked on the Offshore Facility in addition to the Rostered Hours of Work. "Point of Assembly" or "POA" means the Company appointed airport where the Employee boards the helicopter to travel to or from onshore to the Offshore Facility. "Point of Hire" or "POH" means either the POA airport, or the nearest capital city airport to the Employee's Usual Place of Residence when the Employee is employed by the Company. For avoidance of doubt, the POH will be stipulated in the Employee's Letter of Offer and will remain as this location unless changed by agreement by both the Company and the Employee. "Rostered Hours of Work" means the hours an Employee is scheduled to work on a particular shift during the Employee's On-duty Period which are made up of ordinary hours. "Swing" means the Employee's designated roster panel of On-duty Period of the Employee's Work Cycle. "Usual Place of Residence" or "UPR" means the location in Australia at which the Employee resides when they are not on the Offshore Facility which is notified to the Company by the Employee prior to employment and updated in accordance with this Agreement. "Work Cycle" means a period consisting of On-duty Period/s and an Off-duty Period/s where, except for Work Cycles introduced in an Emergency or Pandemic Situation, Over Cycle and not including mobilisation or demobilisation days which may be worked; the number of On- duty days does not exceed the number of Off-duty days. 5. NO EXTRA CLAIMS 5.1. It is a fundamental term of this Agreement that parties covered by this Agreement will not for so long as the Agreement remains within its nominal term: a) support or advance any other or extra claims; or b) threaten, organise or engage in any industrial action in support or connection with such extra claims or any other matter unless as provided for under the Act. 6. OPERATION OF AGREEMENT 6.1. If Decommissioning Work is scheduled to occur in the same work cycle to perform offshore construction work, the Employer agrees to pay the Employee at the established rates of pay outlined in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 of this Agreement for the duration McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 6
of the Decommissioning Work. In any event, the Employer may provide for terms and
conditions, in writing, prior to the Employee commencing their work cycle.
1. To avoid doubt, the Employer will ensure that the varied terms and conditions
will not, overall, result in the employee receiving less pay than they would
have had the terms and conditions of this Agreement been applied to their
ii. Overall (e.g. not a "cherry picking" basis) and on a holistic measure of
entitlements, the Employees will be paid no less than the entitlements
prescribed under this Agreement.
6.2. No provision of the NES is displaced by this Agreement, other than to the extent
permitted under the NES. Accordingly, the NES will continue to apply to the extent
that any term of this Agreement is detrimental in any respect when compared to the
Enterprise Flexibility
7.1. All Employees will carry out lawful directions and duties that are within the skill,
competency and training of their respective classification provided the Employee is
capable of performing the work in a safe manner.
Individual Flexibility
7.2. The Employer and Employee covered by this enterprise agreement may agree to make
an individual flexibility arrangement to vary the effect of terms of the agreement if:
a) the agreement deals with one or more of the following matters:
i. arrangements about when work is performed;
ii. allowances; and
iii. leave loading.
b) the arrangement meets the genuine needs of the Employer and Employee in
relation to 1 or more of the matters mentioned in paragraph a); and
c) the arrangement is genuinely agreed to by the Employer and Employee.
7.3. The Employer must ensure that the terms of the individual flexibility arrangement:
a) are about permitted matters under Section 172 of the Act; and
b) are not unlawful terms under Section 194 of the Act; and
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 7
of the Decommissioning Work. In any event, the Employer may provide for terms and conditions, in writing, prior to the Employee commencing their work cycle. i. To avoid doubt, the Employer will ensure that the varied terms and conditions will not, overall, result in the employee receiving less pay than they would have had the terms and conditions of this Agreement been applied to their work ii. Overall (e.g. not a "cherry picking" basis) and on a holistic measure of entitlements, the Employees will be paid no less than the entitlements prescribed under this Agreement. 6.2. No provision of the NES is displaced by this Agreement, other than to the extent permitted under the NES. Accordingly, the NES will continue to apply to the extent that any term of this Agreement is detrimental in any respect when compared to the NES. 7. FLEXIBIILTY Enterprise Flexibility 7.1. All Employees will carry out lawful directions and duties that are within the skill, competency and training of their respective classification provided the Employee is capable of performing the work in a safe manner. Individual Flexibility 7.2. The Employer and Employee covered by this enterprise agreement may agree to make an individual flexibility arrangement to vary the effect of terms of the agreement if: a) the agreement deals with one or more of the following matters: i. arrangements about when work is performed; ii. allowances; and iii. leave loading. b) the arrangement meets the genuine needs of the Employer and Employee in relation to 1 or more of the matters mentioned in paragraph a); and c) the arrangement is genuinely agreed to by the Employer and Employee. 7.3. The Employer must ensure that the terms of the individual flexibility arrangement: a) are about permitted matters under Section 172 of the Act; and b) are not unlawful terms under Section 194 of the Act; and McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 7
c) result in the Employee being better off overall than the Employee would be if no
arrangement was made.
7.4. The Employer must ensure that the individual flexibility arrangement:
a) is in writing; and
b) includes the name of the Employer and Employee; and
c) is signed by the Employer and Employee and if the Employee is under 18 years of
age, signed by a parent or guardian of the Employee; and
d) includes details of:
i. the terms of the enterprise agreement that will be varied by the arrangement;
ii. how the arrangement will vary the effect of the terms; and
iii. how the Employee will be better off overall in relation to the terms and
conditions of his or her employment as a result of the arrangement; and
e) states the day on which the arrangement commences.
7.5. The Employer must give the Employee a copy of the individual flexibility arrangement
within 14 days after it is agreed to.
7.6. The Employer or Employee may terminate the individual flexibility arrangement:
a) by giving no more than 28 days' written notice to the other party to the
arrangement; or
b) if the Employer and Employee agree in writing-at any time.
Consultation Clause Application
8.1. The parties will consult as provided for in this clause when the Company:
a) has made a definite decision to introduce a major change to production, program,
organisation, structure or technology in relation to its enterprise that is likely to
have a significant effect on the Employees; or
b) proposes to introduce a change to the regular roster pattern or ordinary hours of
work of Employees.
Maior change
8.2. For a major change referred to in 8.1 (a):
a) the Employer must notify the relevant Employees and the unions covered by the
Agreement of the decision to introduce the major change; and
b) subclauses 8.3 to 8.9 apply.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 8
c) result in the Employee being better off overall than the Employee would be if no arrangement was made. 7.4. The Employer must ensure that the individual flexibility arrangement: a) is in writing; and b) includes the name of the Employer and Employee; and c) is signed by the Employer and Employee and if the Employee is under 18 years of age, signed by a parent or guardian of the Employee; and d) includes details of: i. the terms of the enterprise agreement that will be varied by the arrangement; and ii. how the arrangement will vary the effect of the terms; and iii. how the Employee will be better off overall in relation to the terms and conditions of his or her employment as a result of the arrangement; and e) states the day on which the arrangement commences. 7.5. The Employer must give the Employee a copy of the individual flexibility arrangement within 14 days after it is agreed to. 7.6. The Employer or Employee may terminate the individual flexibility arrangement: a) by giving no more than 28 days' written notice to the other party to the arrangement; or b) if the Employer and Employee agree in writing-at any time. 8. CONSULTATION Consultation Clause Application 8.1. The parties will consult as provided for in this clause when the Company: a) has made a definite decision to introduce a major change to production, program, organisation, structure or technology in relation to its enterprise that is likely to have a significant effect on the Employees; or b) proposes to introduce a change to the regular roster pattern or ordinary hours of work of Employees. Major change 8.2. For a major change referred to in 8.1 (a): a) the Employer must notify the relevant Employees and the unions covered by the Agreement of the decision to introduce the major change; and b) subclauses 8.3 to 8.9 apply. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 8
8.3. The relevant Employees may appoint a representative for the purposes of the procedures
in this term.
8.4. If:
a) a relevant Employee appoints, or relevant Employees appoint, a representative for
the purposes of consultation; and
b) the Employee or Employees advise the Employer of the identity of the
representative, the Employer must recognise the representative.
8.5. As soon as practicable after making its decision, the Employer must:
a) discuss with the relevant Employees:
i. the introduction of the change;
ii. and the effect the change is likely to have on the Employees; and
iii. measures the Employer Is taking to avert or mitigate the adverse effect of the
change on the Employees; and
b) for the purposes of the discussion-provide, in writing, to the relevant Employees:
i. all relevant information about the change including the nature of the change
proposed; and
ii. information about the expected effects of the change on the Employees; and
iii. any other matters likely to affect the Employees.
8.6. However, the Employer is not required to disclose confidential or commercially
sensitive infonnation to the relevant Employees.
8.7. The Company must give prompt and genuine consideration to matters raised about the
major change by the relevant Employees.
8.8. If a term in this agreement provides for a major change to production, program,
structure or technology in relation to the enterprise of the Employer, the requirements
set out in paragraph 8.2(a) and subclauses 8.3 and 8.5 are taken not to apply.
8.9. In this term, a major change is likely to have a significant effect on Employees if it
results in:
a) the termination of the employment of Employees; or
b) major change to the composition, operation, or size of the Employer's workforce
or to the skills required of Employees; or
c) the elimination or diminution of job opportunities (including opportunities for
promotion or tenure); or
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 9
8.3. The relevant Employees may appoint a representative for the purposes of the procedures in this term. 8.4. If: a) a relevant Employee appoints, or relevant Employees appoint, a representative for the purposes of consultation; and b) the Employee or Employees advise the Employer of the identity of the representative, the Employer must recognise the representative. 8.5. As soon as practicable after making its decision, the Employer must: a) discuss with the relevant Employees: i. the introduction of the change; ii. and the effect the change is likely to have on the Employees; and iii. measures the Employer Is taking to avert or mitigate the adverse effect of the change on the Employees; and b) for the purposes of the discussion-provide, in writing, to the relevant Employees: i. all relevant information about the change including the nature of the change proposed; and ii. information about the expected effects of the change on the Employees; and iii. any other matters likely to affect the Employees. 8.6. However, the Employer is not required to disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information to the relevant Employees. 8.7. The Company must give prompt and genuine consideration to matters raised about the major change by the relevant Employees. 8.8 If a term in this agreement provides for a major change to production, program, organisation, structure or technology in relation to the enterprise of the Employer, the requirements set out in paragraph 8.2(a) and subclauses 8.3 and 8.5 are taken not to apply. 8.9. In this term, a major change is likely to have a significant effect on Employees if it results in: a) the termination of the employment of Employees; or b) major change to the composition, operation, or size of the Employer's workforce or to the skills required of Employees; or c) the elimination or diminution of job opportunities (including opportunities for promotion or tenure); or McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 9
d) the alteration of hours of work; or
e) the need to retrain Employees; or
f) the need to relocate Employees to another workplace;
g) or the restructuring of jobs.
h) change to regular roster or ordinary hours of work.
8 .10. For a change referred to in paragraph 8 .1. b):
a) the Employer must notify the relevant Employees of the proposed change; and
b) subclauses 8.11 to 8.15 apply.
8.11. The relevant Employees may appoint a representative for the purposes of the procedures
in this term.
a) a relevant Employee appoints, or relevant Employees appoint, a representative for
the purposes of consultation; and
b) the Employee or Employees advise the Employer of the identity of the
the Employer must recognise the representative.
8.12. As soon as practicable after proposing to introduce the change, the Employer must:
a) discuss with the relevant Employees the introduction of the change; and
b) for the purposes of the discussion-provide to the relevant Employees:
i. all relevant information about the change, including the nature of the change;
ii. information about what the Employer reasonably believes will be the effects
of the change on the Employees; and
iii. information about any other matters that the Employer reasonably believes
are likely to affect the Employees; and
c) invite the relevant Employees to give their views about the impact of the change
(including any impact in relation to their family or caring responsibilities).
8.13. However, the Employer is not required to disclose confidential or commercially
sensitive information to the relevant Employees
8.14. The Employer must give prompt and genuine consideration to matters raised about the
change by the relevant Employees.
McDennott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 10
d) the alteration of hours of work; or e) the need to retrain Employees; or f) the need to relocate Employees to another workplace; g) or the restructuring of jobs. h) change to regular roster or ordinary hours of work. 8.10. For a change referred to in paragraph 8.1.b): a) the Employer must notify the relevant Employees of the proposed change; and b) subclauses 8.11 to 8.15 apply. 8.11. The relevant Employees may appoint a representative for the purposes of the procedures in this term. If: ) a relevant Employee appoints, or relevant Employees appoint, a representative for the purposes of consultation; and b) the Employee or Employees advise the Employer of the identity of the representative, the Employer must recognise the representative. 8.12. As soon as practicable after proposing to introduce the change, the Employer must: a) discuss with the relevant Employees the introduction of the change; and b) for the purposes of the discussion-provide to the relevant Employees: i. all relevant information about the change, including the nature of the change; and ii. information about what the Employer reasonably believes will be the effects of the change on the Employees; and iii. information about any other matters that the Employer reasonably believes are likely to affect the Employees; and c) invite the relevant Employees to give their views about the impact of the change (including any impact in relation to their family or caring responsibilities). 8.13. However, the Employer is not required to disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information to the relevant Employees 8.14. The Employer must give prompt and genuine consideration to matters raised about the change by the relevant Employees. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 10
8.15. In this term "relevant Employees" means the Employees who may be affected by a
change referred to in sub clause 8 .1.
Consultative Committee
8.16. The Company and the Employees may form a Consultative Committee to assist the
parties in the implementation of initiatives consistent with the objectives and the intent
of this Agreement. The Consultative Committee shall consist of management
representatives and elected Employee representatives.
8.17. The makeup of the Consultative Committee will be designed to meet business
requirements and provide coverage of the majority of Employees. The Consultative
Committee shall include no more than three (3) elected Employee representatives per
Offshore Facility and up to an equivalent number of management members.
8.18. The function of the committee is to:
• Support cooperation between the Company and the Employees;
• Encourage facilitation on high level employment related matters; and
• Consult with Employees on any proposed major change.
Consultative Committee Meeting (CCM)
8.19. A CCM shall be held at an agreed frequency where management and the appointed
Employee representatives can meet to discuss an agreed agenda.
8.20. Employee representative's attendance at these meetings will be at paid time at the
applicable Onshore or Offshore Pay and if attended during the Off-duty Period will be
paid as a meeting in accordance with Cl. 24.
8.21. Other than Employee wellbeing initiatives, issues relating to occupational health and
safety shall not be brought to the CCM.
8.22. Where requested, to communicate CCM outcomes a regular schedule of meetings
between Employee representatives and Employees may be scheduled provided these
meetings are of no more than one hour per month and are approved by the Client.
Employee Representatives
8.23. 8.23 The Employees will be responsible for the identification process of the appointed
Employee representatives on the basis that it is a fair and reasonable process. An
Employee elected as a 'Employee Representative' will be recognised by the Company
once it is put forward by the Employee group.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 11
8.15. In this term "relevant Employees" means the Employees who may be affected by a change referred to in subclause 8.1. Consultative Committee 8.16. The Company and the Employees may form a Consultative Committee to assist the parties in the implementation of initiatives consistent with the objectives and the intent of this Agreement. The Consultative Committee shall consist of management representatives and elected Employee representatives. 8.17. The makeup of the Consultative Committee will be designed to meet business requirements and provide coverage of the majority of Employees. The Consultative Committee shall include no more than three (3) elected Employee representatives per Offshore Facility and up to an equivalent number of management members. 8.18. The function of the committee is to: · Support cooperation between the Company and the Employees; . Encourage facilitation on high level employment related matters; and . Consult with Employees on any proposed major change. Consultative Committee Meeting (CCM ) 8.19. A CCM shall be held at an agreed frequency where management and the appointed Employee representatives can meet to discuss an agreed agenda. 8.20. Employee representative's attendance at these meetings will be at paid time at the applicable Onshore or Offshore Pay and if attended during the Off-duty Period will be paid as a meeting in accordance with Cl. 24. 8.21. Other than Employee wellbeing initiatives, issues relating to occupational health and safety shall not be brought to the CCM. 8.22. Where requested, to communicate CCM outcomes a regular schedule of meetings between Employee representatives and Employees may be scheduled provided these meetings are of no more than one hour per month and are approved by the Client. Employee Representatives 8.23. 8.23 The Employees will be responsible for the identification process of the appointed Employee representatives on the basis that it is a fair and reasonable process. An Employee elected as a 'Employee Representative' will be recognised by the Company once it is put forward by the Employee group. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 11
8.24. 8.24 An Employee representative shall be permitted reasonable time during working
hours to carry out their representative role but shall not leave their place of work without
first obtaining permission from their immediate supervisor. This sub-clause does not
relieve the Employee Representative of any obligations or duties imposed on them by
being an Employee of the Company.
Employee Representative Training
8.25. Each calendar year, the Company will pennit up to three (3) Employee Representatives
per Offshore Facility to attend paid training time during their Off-duty Period for no
more than three (3) x 7.6-hour days to assist the Employee Representatives to undertake
their Employee Representative role.
8.26. The Company may assist arranging relevant training or relevant training may be
organised by the Employee Representative. Where the Company provides the training,
the Company will pay for the cost of training and training time. Where the Employee
organises their own appropriate training, the Company will pay training time only.
Payment for training time will be as provided for in Cl 24.
8.27. Payment for relevant training in each calendar year will be made in the next pay period
once reasonable evidence of attendance and applicable training time is provided.
9 .1. If a dispute relates to:
a) a matter arising under this Agreement; or
b) the National Employment Standards;
this clause sets out procedures to settle the dispute.
9.2. Parties to a dispute under this clause may be represented by any representative of
their choice at any stage of this procedure.
9.3. Level 1: In the first instance, an attempt must be made to settle the dispute through
discussion on the job between the affected Employee(s) and their immediate
Supervisor. If the matter involves the Supervisor, in the first instance, the matter
can be raised at Level 2.
9.4. Level 2: If the dispute is not resolved at Level 1, it will be further discussed
between the affected Employee(s) and the appropriate Superintendent. If the
matter involves the Superintendent, in the first instance, the matter can be raised
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 12
8.24. 8.24 An Employee representative shall be permitted reasonable time during working hours to carry out their representative role but shall not leave their place of work without first obtaining permission from their immediate supervisor. This sub-clause does not relieve the Employee Representative of any obligations or duties imposed on them by being an Employee of the Company. Employee Representative Training 8.25. Each calendar year, the Company will permit up to three (3) Employee Representatives per Offshore Facility to attend paid training time during their Off-duty Period for no more than three (3) x 7.6-hour days to assist the Employee Representatives to undertake their Employee Representative role. 8.26. The Company may assist arranging relevant training or relevant training may be organised by the Employee Representative. Where the Company provides the training, the Company will pay for the cost of training and training time. Where the Employee organises their own appropriate training, the Company will pay training time only. Payment for training time will be as provided for in Cl 24. 8.27. Payment for relevant training in each calendar year will be made in the next pay period once reasonable evidence of attendance and applicable training time is provided. 9. DISPUTES SETTELMENT PROCEDURE 9.1. If a dispute relates to: a) a matter arising under this Agreement; or b) the National Employment Standards; this clause sets out procedures to settle the dispute. 9.2. Parties to a dispute under this clause may be represented by any representative of their choice at any stage of this procedure. 9.3. Level 1: In the first instance, an attempt must be made to settle the dispute through discussion on the job between the affected Employee(s) and their immediate Supervisor. If the matter involves the Supervisor, in the first instance, the matter can be raised at Level 2. 9.4. Level 2: If the dispute is not resolved at Level 1, it will be further discussed between the affected Employee(s) and the appropriate Superintendent. If the matter involves the Superintendent, in the first instance, the matter can be raised McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 12
at level 3. Where no superintendents are employed, Level 2 will be refeITed to
the appropriate Project or Contract Manager.
9.5. Level 3: If the dispute is not resolved at Level 2, it will be further discussed between
the affected Employee(s) and the Project Manager or Project Director should
Project Manager be Level 2. If the discussions at this level do not resolve the
dispute, a party to the dispute may refer the matter to the Fair Work Commission.
9.6. Level 4: The Fair Work Commission may deal with the dispute in 2 stages:
a) the Fair Work Commission will first attempt to resolve the dispute as it
considers appropriate, including by mediation, conciliation, expressing an
opinion or making a recommendation; and
b) if the Fair Work Commission is unable to resolve the dispute at the first
stage, the Fair Work Commission may then:
1. arbitrate the dispute; and
2. make a determination that is binding on the parties.
Note: If Fair Work Commission arbitrates the dispute, it may also use the powers that
are available to it under the Act. A decision that Fair Work Commission makes
when arbitrating a dispute is a decision for the purpose ofDiv 3 of Part 5.1 of
the Act. Therefore, an appeal may be made against the decision.
9.7. While the parties are trying to resolve the dispute using the procedures in this term:
a) an Employee must continue to perform his or her work as he or she would
normally unless he or she has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk
to his or her health or safety; and
b) an Employee must comply with a direction given by the Employer to perform
other available work at the same workplace, or at another workplace, unless:
i. the work is not safe; or
ii. applicable occupational health and safety legislation would not permit
the work to be performed; or
iii. the work is not within the skill, competency and training of the
Employee's respective classification.
9.8. The parties to the dispute agree to be bound by a decision made by Fair Work
Commission in accordance with this term, subject to any appeal rights.
McDennott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 13
at level 3. Where no superintendents are employed, Level 2 will be referred to the appropriate Project or Contract Manager. 9.5. Level 3: If the dispute is not resolved at Level 2, it will be further discussed between the affected Employee(s) and the Project Manager or Project Director should Project Manager be Level 2. If the discussions at this level do not resolve the dispute, a party to the dispute may refer the matter to the Fair Work Commission. 9.6. Level 4: The Fair Work Commission may deal with the dispute in 2 stages: a) the Fair Work Commission will first attempt to resolve the dispute as it considers appropriate, including by mediation, conciliation, expressing an opinion or making a recommendation; and b) if the Fair Work Commission is unable to resolve the dispute at the first stage, the Fair Work Commission may then: 1. arbitrate the dispute; and 2. make a determination that is binding on the parties. Note: If Fair Work Commission arbitrates the dispute, it may also use the powers that are available to it under the Act. A decision that Fair Work Commission makes when arbitrating a dispute is a decision for the purpose of Div 3 of Part 5.1 of the Act. Therefore, an appeal may be made against the decision. 9.7. While the parties are trying to resolve the dispute using the procedures in this term: a) an Employee must continue to perform his or her work as he or she would normally unless he or she has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety; and b) an Employee must comply with a direction given by the Employer to perform other available work at the same workplace, or at another workplace, unless: i. the work is not safe; or ii. applicable occupational health and safety legislation would not permit the work to be performed; or iii. the work is not within the skill, competency and training of the Employee's respective classification. 9.8. The parties to the dispute agree to be bound by a decision made by Fair Work Commission in accordance with this term, subject to any appeal rights. 10. COUNSELLING AND DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 13
10.1. Following an investigation, where the Company has detennined misconduct has
occurred, the following disciplinary process will be applied. The application of this
procedure together with the circumstances and the severity of each case, will determine
the appropriate step/s to be taken with respect to an Employee by the Company.
10.2. The relevant steps are:
Step 1. An Employee may be verbally counselled. Where requested by the Employee,
the counselling will be in the presence of an Employee representative or support person.
Written notice of the verbal counselling will be provided to the Employee and a copy
will be placed on the Employee's file.
Step 2. An Employee may be counselled in the form of a written warning. Where
requested by the Employee, the counselling will be in the presence of a representative
or support person and the warning will be confirmed in writing. A copy of the warning
will be provided to the Employee and placed on the Employee's file.
Step 3. An Employee may be issued a final written warning. Where requested by the
Employee, the Company representative will conduct the counselling in the presence of
a representative or support person and the final warning will be confirmed in writing,
and the Employee will be advised that dismissal may result from any further acts of
misconduct. A copy of the warning will be provided to the Employee and placed on the
Employee's file.
10.3. A Step 3 warning will be only issued where the Employee has:
• received a previous warning or warnings; or
• engaged in serious or wilful misconduct that does not warrant termination.
10.4. The role of the representative or support person requested by an Employee to be present
under this clause is to act in a confidential and objective manner. The Employee will be
responsible to ensure this occurs. The representative or support person may ask
questions regarding the process and speak to the Company representative during the
process, however it is not the representative or support person's role to disrupt the
process, to directly speak for the Employee or to answer questions on behalf of the
Employee. The representative or support person may make reasonable requests for
breaks during the disciplinary process to speak privately with the Employee.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 14
10.1. Following an investigation, where the Company has determined misconduct has occurred, the following disciplinary process will be applied. The application of this procedure together with the circumstances and the severity of each case, will determine the appropriate step/s to be taken with respect to an Employee by the Company. 10.2. The relevant steps are: Step 1. An Employee may be verbally counselled. Where requested by the Employee, the counselling will be in the presence of an Employee representative or support person. Written notice of the verbal counselling will be provided to the Employee and a copy will be placed on the Employee's file. Step 2. An Employee may be counselled in the form of a written warning. Where requested by the Employee, the counselling will be in the presence of a representative or support person and the warning will be confirmed in writing. A copy of the warning will be provided to the Employee and placed on the Employee's file. Step 3. An Employee may be issued a final written warning. Where requested by the Employee, the Company representative will conduct the counselling in the presence of a representative or support person and the final warning will be confirmed in writing, and the Employee will be advised that dismissal may result from any further acts of misconduct. A copy of the warning will be provided to the Employee and placed on the Employee's file. 10.3. A Step 3 warning will be only issued where the Employee has: · received a previous warning or warnings; or · engaged in serious or wilful misconduct that does not warrant termination. 10.4. The role of the representative or support person requested by an Employee to be present under this clause is to act in a confidential and objective manner. The Employee will be responsible to ensure this occurs. The representative or support person may ask questions regarding the process and speak to the Company representative during the process, however it is not the representative or support person's role to disrupt the process, to directly speak for the Employee or to answer questions on behalf of the Employee. The representative or support person may make reasonable requests for breaks during the disciplinary process to speak privately with the Employee. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 14
10.5. Where no further warnings are issued in the proceeding twelve (12) months, any
remaining written warnings under Steps 1, 2, or 3 will not be used or referred to. If
requested by the Employee these will be removed from the Employee's personnel file.
10.6. Where the Employee disputes the legitimacy of the verbal or written warning, the matter
will be dealt with in accordance with the dispute settlement procedure, provided that
the dispute is raised by the Employee within 7 days of the warning being issued.
10.7. Nothing in this clause limits or regulates the process or decision of the Company to
terminate the employment of an Employee.
Pre-employment Training and Inductions
11.1. Prior to or at the commencement of employment, candidates may be required to
undertake pre-employment training, verification of competency, medical examinations,
drug and alcohol screening and demonstration of compliance with legislative
requirements as part of the employment process.
11.2. As part of the onboarding process Employees may be required to undertake Client and
or Company specified inductions, which may include an online component. Employees,
who complete inductions as part of their preparation for mobilisation will be paid for
inductions at the Onshore Pay ( as per Cl.24) provided they mobilise to the Offshore
Facility. Where there is an online induction completed in the candidate's own time, the
Employee will receive payment for the Company allocated induction time to the
applicable online learning module at the Onshore Pay. Company allocated time may be
more or less than actual time taken, and no additional time will be paid. The Company
allocated time will be a time calculated on the basis of the time it would take a
reasonable person to complete a particular unit of training.
Employment - Casual
11.3. A casual Employee may be employed at any time and their period of employment may
vary with each engagement.
11 .4. A Casual Employee will be engaged as such, by the hour and ongoing work is not
guaranteed. A Casual Employee will be paid the flat Hourly Rate of Pay provided for
in SCH.1(2) for each hour worked. The Hourly Rate of Pay for a Casual Employee
includes a casual loading of 15% of the base rate, paid as compensation for paid annual
leave, paid personal/carer's leave, community service leave, notice of termination,
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 15
10.5. Where no further warnings are issued in the proceeding twelve (12) months, any remaining written warnings under Steps 1, 2, or 3 will not be used or referred to. If requested by the Employee these will be removed from the Employee's personnel file. 10.6. Where the Employee disputes the legitimacy of the verbal or written warning, the matter will be dealt with in accordance with the dispute settlement procedure, provided that the dispute is raised by the Employee within 7 days of the warning being issued. 10.7. Nothing in this clause limits or regulates the process or decision of the Company to terminate the employment of an Employee. 11. CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT Pre-employment Training and Inductions 11.1. Prior to or at the commencement of employment, candidates may be required to undertake pre-employment training, verification of competency, medical examinations, drug and alcohol screening and demonstration of compliance with legislative requirements as part of the employment process. 11.2. As part of the onboarding process Employees may be required to undertake Client and or Company specified inductions, which may include an online component. Employees, who complete inductions as part of their preparation for mobilisation will be paid for inductions at the Onshore Pay (as per C1.24) provided they mobilise to the Offshore Facility. Where there is an online induction completed in the candidate's own time, the Employee will receive payment for the Company allocated induction time to the applicable online learning module at the Onshore Pay. Company allocated time may be more or less than actual time taken, and no additional time will be paid. The Company allocated time will be a time calculated on the basis of the time it would take a reasonable person to complete a particular unit of training. Employment - Casual 11.3. A casual Employee may be employed at any time and their period of employment may vary with each engagement. 11.4. A Casual Employee will be engaged as such, by the hour and ongoing work is not guaranteed. A Casual Employee will be paid the flat Hourly Rate of Pay provided for in SCH.1(2) for each hour worked. The Hourly Rate of Pay for a Casual Employee includes a casual loading of 15% of the base rate, paid as compensation for paid annual leave, paid personal/carer's leave, community service leave, notice of termination, McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 15
redundancy benefits and public holidays not worked, and all other entitlements
normally reserved for full time/ permanent employees. Tennination of Employment
11.5. Either party may terminate the Employee's engagement by giving the required notice
period in writing or payment in lieu of notice except in the case of a summary dismissal.
The required notice period for both parties shall be 12 hours.
11.6. Where an Employee is summarily dismissed by the Company, the Employee is not
entitled to notice.
11. 7. In calculating the payment in lieu of notice the Company shall pay the Employee the
wages and allowances they would have earned for the period of notice had their
engagement not been terminated.
11.8. If an Employee's engagement is ended while offshore, the Employee shall be provided
with transport back to the Point of Hire.
Ordinary Hours of Work
12.1. The ordinary hours of work will be the average of up to 45 hours per week and may be
averaged over a 52-week period. The ordinary hours for current established Work
Cycles are detailed in sub-clause 12.4.
Offehore Shift Duration
12.2. Excluding hours worked by an Employee on a Mobilisation or Demobilisation Shift the
Rostered Hours of Work for an offshore day shift or Night Shift on the Offshore Facility
shall be 12 hours per shift. However, an Employee may be required to work beyond the
Rostered Hours of Work. Where an Employee works beyond the Rostered Hours of
Work, the additional hours will be treated and paid as Over Cycle.
Work Cycles
12.3. Excluding engagements provided for in subclause 12.5, work Offshore is carried out on
the basis of a Work Cycle consisting of an On-Duty Period followed by an Off-duty
Period. The On-duty Period working time consists of ordinary hours, and if worked,
Over Cycle. The Off-duty Period shall be an unpaid non-worked period in the form of
rest and recreation (R&R) except as provided for in this Agreement.
12.4. The current established Work Cycles are:
a) 6-week Work Cycle (even time) of:
► Mobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or Ix worked Night Shift)
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 16
redundancy benefits and public holidays not worked, and all other entitlements normally reserved for full time/ permanent employees. Termination of Employment 11.5. Either party may terminate the Employee's engagement by giving the required notice period in writing or payment in lieu of notice except in the case of a summary dismissal. The required notice period for both parties shall be 12 hours. 11.6. Where an Employee is summarily dismissed by the Company, the Employee is not entitled to notice. 11.7. In calculating the payment in lieu of notice the Company shall pay the Employee the wages and allowances they would have earned for the period of notice had their engagement not been terminated. 11.8. If an Employee's engagement is ended while offshore, the Employee shall be provided with transport back to the Point of Hire. 12. ROSTERED HOURS OF WORK AND WORK CYCLES Ordinary Hours of Work 12.1. The ordinary hours of work will be the average of up to 45 hours per week and may be averaged over a 52-week period. The ordinary hours for current established Work Cycles are detailed in sub-clause 12.4. Offshore Shift Duration 12.2. Excluding hours worked by an Employee on a Mobilisation or Demobilisation Shift the Rostered Hours of Work for an offshore day shift or Night Shift on the Offshore Facility shall be 12 hours per shift. However, an Employee may be required to work beyond the Rostered Hours of Work. Where an Employee works beyond the Rostered Hours of Work, the additional hours will be treated and paid as Over Cycle. Work Cycles 12.3. Excluding engagements provided for in subclause 12.5, work Offshore is carried out on the basis of a Work Cycle consisting of an On-Duty Period followed by an Off-duty Period. The On-duty Period working time consists of ordinary hours, and if worked, Over Cycle. The Off-duty Period shall be an unpaid non-worked period in the form of rest and recreation (R&R) except as provided for in this Agreement. 12.4. The current established Work Cycles are: a) 6-week Work Cycle (even time) of: Mobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or 1x worked Night Shift) McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 16
► 20 x worked day or Night Shifts
► Demobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or Night Shift demobilisation)
► 20 x days Off-duty Period;
consisting of a total of 264 offshore Rostered Hours of Work per completed
Work Cycle.
b) 4-week Work Cycle ( even time) of:
► Mobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or 1 x worked Night Shift)
► 13 x worked day or Night Shifts
► Demobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or Night Shift demobilisation)
► 13 x days Off-Duty Period;
consisting of a total of 180 offshore Rostered Hours of Work per completed
Work Cycle.
c) 15-week Work Cycle (40% Roster) of:
► Mobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or 1 x worked Night Shift)
► 20 x worked day or Night Shifts
► Demobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or Night Shift demobilisation)
► 27 x days Off-duty Period
► Mobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or 1 x worked Night Shift)
► 20 x worked day or Night Shifts
► Demobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or Night Shift demobilisation)
► 34 x days Off-Duty Period;
consisting of a total of 528 offshore Rostered Hours of Work per completed
Work Cycle.
d) 10-week Work Cycle (40% Roster) of:
► Mobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or 1 x worked Night Shift)
► 13 x worked day or Night Shifts
► Demobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or demobilisation)
► 13 x days Off-duty Period
► Mobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or 1 x worked Night Shift)
► 13 x worked day or Night Shifts
► Demobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or demobilisation)
► 27 x days Off-Duty Period;
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 17
20 x worked day or Night Shifts Demobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or Night Shift demobilisation) 20 x days Off-duty Period; consisting of a total of 264 offshore Rostered Hours of Work per completed Work Cycle. b) 4-week Work Cycle (even time) of: Mobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or 1 x worked Night Shift) 13 x worked day or Night Shifts Demobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or Night Shift demobilisation) 13 x days Off-Duty Period; consisting of a total of 180 offshore Rostered Hours of Work per completed Work Cycle. c) 15-week Work Cycle (40% Roster) of: Mobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or 1 x worked Night Shift) 20 x worked day or Night Shifts Demobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or Night Shift demobilisation) 27 x days Off-duty Period Mobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or 1 x worked Night Shift) 20 x worked day or Night Shifts Demobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or Night Shift demobilisation) 34 x days Off-Duty Period; consisting of a total of 528 offshore Rostered Hours of Work per completed Work Cycle. d) 10-week Work Cycle (40% Roster) of: Mobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or 1 x worked Night Shift) 13 x worked day or Night Shifts Demobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or demobilisation) 13 x days Off-duty Period Mobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or 1 x worked Night Shift) 13 x worked day or Night Shifts Demobilisation Shift (inclusive of day work or demobilisation) 27 x days Off-Duty Period; McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 17
consisting of a total of 360 offshore Rostered Hours of Work per completed
Work Cycle.
12.5. Employees who are engaged for short durations or ad-hoe work may not be required to
work a designated Work Cycle. The guiding principle for the Company engaging
Employees who are not working a designated Work Cycle will be:
• Engagements are for short tenn project, campaign or ad-hoe work
requirements ( e.g. cover); and
• An Employee will not work more than 50% of the available shifts in any
given 6-month period; and
• Shift allocation will take into consideration fatigue management and the
need for reasonable rest and recreation.
Mobilisation and Demobilisation Shifts
12.6. Where an Employee mobilises to the Offshore Facility on a Mobilisation Shift (i.e. part
worked day shift or full worked Night Shift) the Employee will be paid one full shift
( 12 hours), inclusive of time worked, at the applicable day or Night Shift rate of pay for
that Mobilisation Shift.
12.7. Where an Employee is working Day Shift on the Offshore Facility and is on a
Demobilisation Shift, the Employee will be paid one full shift (12 hours) at the
applicable Day Shift Offshore pay for that shift. Day shift employees may be required
to work during a Demobilisation Shift and the payment for time worked will be included
as part of the shift payment made for that Demobilisation Shift.
12.8. Where an Employee is working Night Shift on the Offshore Facility and the following
day is a Demobilisation Shift, the Employee will be paid one full shift (12 hours) at the
applicable Day Shift Offshore Pay for that Demobilisation Shift.
12.9. Except as stated in Clause 15 (Travel), time paid on Mobilisation and Demobilisation
Shifts detailed in subclause 12.6, 12.7 and 12.8 is paid in lieu of all payment for
travelling and travelling time undertaken between the Offshore Facility and the Point
of Hire.
12.10. The unworked time paid on a Mobilisation Shift and Demobilisation Shift shall be paid
as Rostered Hours of Work.
12.11. In circumstances where an Employee has been demobilised to the Point of Assembly
and is held there during an On-Duty Period, except as stated elsewhere m this
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 18
consisting of a total of 360 offshore Rostered Hours of Work per completed Work Cycle. 12.5. Employees who are engaged for short durations or ad-hoc work may not be required to work a designated Work Cycle. The guiding principle for the Company engaging Employees who are not working a designated Work Cycle will be: Engagements are for short term project, campaign or ad-hoc work requirements (e.g. cover); and . An Employee will not work more than 50% of the available shifts in any given 6-month period; and . Shift allocation will take into consideration fatigue management and the need for reasonable rest and recreation. Mobilisation and Demobilisation Shifts 12.6. Where an Employee mobilises to the Offshore Facility on a Mobilisation Shift (i.e. part worked day shift or full worked Night Shift) the Employee will be paid one full shift (12 hours), inclusive of time worked, at the applicable day or Night Shift rate of pay for that Mobilisation Shift. 12.7. Where an Employee is working Day Shift on the Offshore Facility and is on a Demobilisation Shift, the Employee will be paid one full shift (12 hours) at the applicable Day Shift Offshore pay for that shift. Day shift employees may be required to work during a Demobilisation Shift and the payment for time worked will be included as part of the shift payment made for that Demobilisation Shift. 12.8. Where an Employee is working Night Shift on the Offshore Facility and the following day is a Demobilisation Shift, the Employee will be paid one full shift (12 hours) at the applicable Day Shift Offshore Pay for that Demobilisation Shift. 12.9. Except as stated in Clause 15 (Travel), time paid on Mobilisation and Demobilisation Shifts detailed in subclause 12.6, 12.7 and 12.8 is paid in lieu of all payment for travelling and travelling time undertaken between the Offshore Facility and the Point of Hire. 12.10. The unworked time paid on a Mobilisation Shift and Demobilisation Shift shall be paid as Rostered Hours of Work. Standby 12.11. In circumstances where an Employee has been demobilised to the Point of Assembly and is held there during an On-Duty Period, except as stated elsewhere in this McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 18
Agreement, the Employee will be paid their Rostered Hours of Work at the Onshore
12.12. In circumstances where an Employee is unable to mobilise or has been demobilised to
their Point of Hire or Perth and is held on 'standby' during an On-Duty Period with the
expectation they are ready, willing and able to mobilise, except as stated otherwise in
this Agreement, the Employee will be paid 7.6 hours for each On-duty rostered shift at
the Onshore Pay. Should an Employee be on standby for an entire Swing, the
Demobilisation Shift will be unpaid. Nothing in this subclause prevents the company
from ending an engagement by providing the required notice.
12.13. In circumstances where an Employee is placed on standby, and when asked by the
Company to mobilise and is unable to, the period of Standby will be unpaid.
12.14. In lieu of a 'standby', the Company may require an Employee to undertake onshore
training or alternative duties where the Employee will be paid at the Onshore Pay. For
clarity, any paid hour for training or alternative duties is paid in lieu of a paid hour for
standby and should the alternative training/work not cover the duration of standby
hours, the Employee will be paid the outstanding hours as standby.
Work Cycle Change & Emergency or Pandemic Situations
12.15. Except in the case of an Emergency or Pandemic Situation, the Company may introduce
a roster change after it has provided a full Work Cycle of notice to Employees and has
consulted with affected Employees in accordance with the Consultation Clause 8 of this
Agreement as may be necessary about such a Work Cycle change. Under this clause the
Company will not introduce a new Work Cycle where the On-duty Period is more than
22 shifts (excluding Mobilisation and Demobilisation Shifts) worked in a row unless
the Company has agreement with the majority of affected Employees at the time of the
roster change.
12.16. The On-duty hours of work for an Employee working offshore will commence when
the Employee has arrived at the Offshore Facility and commenced their Rostered Hours
of Work. On-duty hours of work will cease when the Employee completes their
designated Rostered Hours of Work prior to departing the Offshore Facility.
12.17. In the case of an Emergency or Pandemic Situation the Company may vary or suspend
any roster arrangement immediately. In circumstances where the Company introduce a
new Work Cycle to manage an Emergency or Pandemic Situation:
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 19
Agreement, the Employee will be paid their Rostered Hours of Work at the Onshore Pay. 12.12. In circumstances where an Employee is unable to mobilise or has been demobilised to their Point of Hire or Perth and is held on 'standby' during an On-Duty Period with the expectation they are ready, willing and able to mobilise, except as stated otherwise in this Agreement, the Employee will be paid 7.6 hours for each On-duty rostered shift at the Onshore Pay. Should an Employee be on standby for an entire Swing, the Demobilisation Shift will be unpaid. Nothing in this subclause prevents the company from ending an engagement by providing the required notice. 12.13. In circumstances where an Employee is placed on standby, and when asked by the Company to mobilise and is unable to, the period of Standby will be unpaid. 12.14. In lieu of a 'standby', the Company may require an Employee to undertake onshore training or alternative duties where the Employee will be paid at the Onshore Pay. For clarity, any paid hour for training or alternative duties is paid in lieu of a paid hour for standby and should the alternative training/work not cover the duration of standby hours, the Employee will be paid the outstanding hours as standby. Work Cycle Change & Emergency or Pandemic Situations 12.15. Except in the case of an Emergency or Pandemic Situation, the Company may introduce a roster change after it has provided a full Work Cycle of notice to Employees and has consulted with affected Employees in accordance with the Consultation Clause 8 of this Agreement as may be necessary about such a Work Cycle change. Under this clause the Company will not introduce a new Work Cycle where the On-duty Period is more than 22 shifts (excluding Mobilisation and Demobilisation Shifts) worked in a row unless the Company has agreement with the majority of affected Employees at the time of the roster change. 12.16. The On-duty hours of work for an Employee working offshore will commence when the Employee has arrived at the Offshore Facility and commenced their Rostered Hours of Work. On-duty hours of work will cease when the Employee completes their designated Rostered Hours of Work prior to departing the Offshore Facility. 12.17. In the case of an Emergency or Pandemic Situation the Company may vary or suspend any roster arrangement immediately. In circumstances where the Company introduce a new Work Cycle to manage an Emergency or Pandemic Situation: McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 19
• the new roster will remain in place whilst the Company can demonstrate that the
roster is required due to the Emergency or Pandemic situation.
• the new roster On-duty Period on the facility will not exceed 28 consecutive shifts
excluding Demobilisation Shifts. For the avoidance of doubt an onshore quarantine
period may occur as part of the Off-Duty period and Over Cycle will not apply
unless the worked hours are in excess of the Rostered Hours of Work.
• where the Company introduces an onshore quarantine period, and the Employee is
held in isolation at an onshore location away from their UPR, the Employee will be
paid for each additional customary day shift hour the Employee is held at the
isolation location, at the Dayshift Onshore Pay. Isolation hours falling over a
customary night shift are unpaid. For the avoidance of doubt this subclause is only
applicable where a pre-mobilisation quarantine period is introduced, Employees
will receive 12 hours' pay for each 24-hour period of isolation, and isolation hours
are not paid on the day an Employee mobilises to the Facility.
Over Cycle
12.18. Except as noted in this Agreement, any hours or shifts worked offshore in addition to
the designated Rostered Hours of Work, or shifts worked offshore in excess of 21
consecutive shifts ( excluding Demobilisation Shift), will be regarded as Over Cycle.
Over Cycle hours will be paid as according to the table in SCH 1(1.3). The Company
may require Employees to work Over Cycle to meet operational requirements.
12.19. Where an Employee completes an On-duty Period of a designated Work Cycle, and
prior to completing the Off-Duty period starts a new On-duty Period, provided the
Employee has at least 7 days of Off-duty Period; those hours will not be regarded as
Over Cycle.
In circumstances where an Employee completes an On-duty Period (including
Employees covered in subclause 12.5 who have worked an On-duty Period longer than
2 weeks), and prior to completing the Off-duty Period starts a new On-duty Period, the
Employee should have no less than 7 days ( excluding mobilisation and demobilisation
days) off-duty. Where the Employee has less than 7 days off-duty ( excluding
mobilisation and demobilisation), those days worked up until 7 days after the previous
demobilisation day will be regarded as Over Cycle.
Additional Time Not Paid as Over Cycle
12.20. The following additional time outside the Work Cycle will not be paid as Over Cycle:
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 20
the new roster will remain in place whilst the Company can demonstrate that the roster is required due to the Emergency or Pandemic situation. · the new roster On-duty Period on the facility will not exceed 28 consecutive shifts excluding Demobilisation Shifts. For the avoidance of doubt an onshore quarantine period may occur as part of the Off-Duty period and Over Cycle will not apply unless the worked hours are in excess of the Rostered Hours of Work. . where the Company introduces an onshore quarantine period, and the Employee is held in isolation at an onshore location away from their UPR, the Employee will be paid for each additional customary day shift hour the Employee is held at the isolation location, at the Dayshift Onshore Pay. Isolation hours falling over a customary night shift are unpaid. For the avoidance of doubt this subclause is only applicable where a pre-mobilisation quarantine period is introduced, Employees will receive 12 hours' pay for each 24-hour period of isolation, and isolation hours are not paid on the day an Employee mobilises to the Facility. Over Cycle 12.18. Except as noted in this Agreement, any hours or shifts worked offshore in addition to the designated Rostered Hours of Work, or shifts worked offshore in excess of 21 consecutive shifts (excluding Demobilisation Shift), will be regarded as Over Cycle. Over Cycle hours will be paid as according to the table in SCH 1(1.3). The Company may require Employees to work Over Cycle to meet operational requirements. 12.19. Where an Employee completes an On-duty Period of a designated Work Cycle, and prior to completing the Off-Duty period starts a new On-duty Period, provided the Employee has at least 7 days of Off-duty Period; those hours will not be regarded as Over Cycle. In circumstances where an Employee completes an On-duty Period (including Employees covered in subclause 12.5 who have worked an On-duty Period longer than 2 weeks), and prior to completing the Off-duty Period starts a new On-duty Period, the Employee should have no less than 7 days (excluding mobilisation and demobilisation days) off-duty. Where the Employee has less than 7 days off-duty (excluding mobilisation and demobilisation), those days worked up until 7 days after the previous demobilisation day will be regarded as Over Cycle. Additional Time Not Paid as Over Cycle 12.20. The following additional time outside the Work Cycle will not be paid as Over Cycle: McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 20
• Where the Company implements a once off change to the Work Cycle to facilitate
Employees to not have to work two consecutive Christmas /New Year periods.
• Shift swap arrangements organised privately between the Employees themselves.
• Time associated with safety drills or routine musters.
• Time associated with travel as detailed in Cl. 15 of this Agreement.
• Time attending training, meetings or medicals as detailed in Cl. 24 of this
Rest and Meal Breaks
12.21. Employees shall be paid for time worked offshore at the appropriate Offshore Pay
inclusive of rest and meal breaks occurring during a shift, which shall be counted as
time worked.
12.22. Rest and meal breaks shall be aligned to Client operational requirements which may
• Two (2) separate 30-minute meal breaks; or
• Three (3) separate breaks consisting of a 15-minute rest break, 30-minute meal break
and a 15-minute rest break; or
• An equivalent alternative rest and meal break pattern encompassing one (1) hour rest
and mealtime.
12.23. The aforementioned breaks do not include the time required to wash up prior to
Employees commencing a meal or rest break.
12.24. An Employee shall not be required to work longer than six (6) hours without a break.
Call Backs
12.25. An Employee recalled to work after the completion of their Rostered Hours of Work
for that shift will be paid Over Cycle and shall be paid a minimum of four ( 4) hours
pay, except where the additional work is continuous with the rostered hours, whereby
the Employee will be paid for the additional hours worked at the relevant Over Cycle
12.26. Where an Employee is required to work outside the Employee's Rostered Hours of
Work, the work shall, unless agreed with the Employee, be arranged so that the
Employee has at least 10 consecutive hours off-duty between completion of work and
the commencement of the next rostered shift without loss of pay.
12.27. For the purpose ofsubclause 12.25 and 12.26, musters or safety drills are not considered
call out situations and are not paid work time.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 21
· Where the Company implements a once off change to the Work Cycle to facilitate Employees to not have to work two consecutive Christmas / New Year periods. . Shift swap arrangements organised privately between the Employees themselves. Time associated with safety drills or routine musters. Time associated with travel as detailed in C1. 15 of this Agreement. Time attending training, meetings or medicals as detailed in Cl. 24 of this Agreement. Rest and Meal Breaks 12.21. Employees shall be paid for time worked offshore at the appropriate Offshore Pay inclusive of rest and meal breaks occurring during a shift, which shall be counted as time worked. 12.22. Rest and meal breaks shall be aligned to Client operational requirements which may include: · Two (2) separate 30-minute meal breaks; or · Three (3) separate breaks consisting of a 15-minute rest break, 30-minute meal break and a 15-minute rest break; or · An equivalent alternative rest and meal break pattern encompassing one (1) hour rest and mealtime. 12.23. The aforementioned breaks do not include the time required to wash up prior to Employees commencing a meal or rest break. 12.24. An Employee shall not be required to work longer than six (6) hours without a break. Call Backs 12.25. An Employee recalled to work after the completion of their Rostered Hours of Work for that shift will be paid Over Cycle and shall be paid a minimum of four (4) hours pay, except where the additional work is continuous with the rostered hours, whereby the Employee will be paid for the additional hours worked at the relevant Over Cycle rate. 12.26. Where an Employee is required to work outside the Employee's Rostered Hours of Work, the work shall, unless agreed with the Employee, be arranged so that the Employee has at least 10 consecutive hours off-duty between completion of work and the commencement of the next rostered shift without loss of pay. 12.27. For the purpose of subclause 12.25 and 12.26, musters or safety drills are not considered call out situations and are not paid work time. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 21
Mobilisation Delays
12.28. Where an Employee is required to mobilise to the Offshore Facility and their flight is
unexpectedly delayed at the Point of Assembly or the Point of Hire through no fault of
their own, the Employee will be paid the hours they would have worked had they not
been delayed at the Offshore Pay.
12.29. Where an Employee is required to stay overnight at the Point of Assembly or in transit
(i.e. Perth for interstate Employees) due to a delay under subclause 12.28 the Company
shall provide accommodation and meals for the Employee as well as transportation to
and from the accommodation.
12.30. Where an Employee is required to stay overnight due to a delay under subclause 12.28
at the Point of Hire and their Usual Place of Residence is more than 100km from the
Point of Hire, the Employee shall be provided accommodation only.
Night Shi-ft Demobilising Delay.
12.31. Where an Employee is demobilising from the Offshore Facility after completing their
last Night Shift and the demobilising helicopter leaves the facility 6 or more hours after
the last Night Shift concludes, the Employee shall receive an additional 4 hours paid as
Over Cycle.
12.32. Where it is determined by the Company that the Employee finishing their last Night
Shift will not be able to depart the Offshore Facility that following day, the Employee
will be provided a cabin and return to working their Night Shift pattern provided they
have met the minimum rest period as per sub clause 13. 5. Where this occurs the payment
in subclause 12.31 will not apply.
Shi-ft Workers
13 .1. All Employees covered by this Agreement are deemed to be shift workers. A shift
worker means an Employee for the time being required by the Employer to work in a
system of shifts, being day shifts or Night Shifts or any combination of them; or
Continuous Shift Work.
13.2. The following shall be paid for Employee's working shift work:
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 22
Mobilisation Delays 12.28. Where an Employee is required to mobilise to the Offshore Facility and their flight is unexpectedly delayed at the Point of Assembly or the Point of Hire through no fault of their own, the Employee will be paid the hours they would have worked had they not been delayed at the Offshore Pay. 12.29. Where an Employee is required to stay overnight at the Point of Assembly or in transit (i.e. Perth for interstate Employees) due to a delay under subclause 12.28 the Company shall provide accommodation and meals for the Employee as well as transportation to and from the accommodation. 12.30. Where an Employee is required to stay overnight due to a delay under subclause 12.28 at the Point of Hire and their Usual Place of Residence is more than 100km from the Point of Hire, the Employee shall be provided accommodation only. Night Shift Demobilising Delay. 12.31. Where an Employee is demobilising from the Offshore Facility after completing their last Night Shift and the demobilising helicopter leaves the facility 6 or more hours after the last Night Shift concludes, the Employee shall receive an additional 4 hours paid as Over Cycle. 12.32. Where it is determined by the Company that the Employee finishing their last Night Shift will not be able to depart the Offshore Facility that following day, the Employee will be provided a cabin and return to working their Night Shift pattern provided they have met the minimum rest period as per subclause 13.5. Where this occurs the payment in subclause 12.31 will not apply. 13. SHIFT WORK AND NIGHT SHIFT Shift Workers 13.1. All Employees covered by this Agreement are deemed to be shift workers. A shift worker means an Employee for the time being required by the Employer to work in a system of shifts, being day shifts or Night Shifts or any combination of them; or Continuous Shift Work. Payment 13.2. The following shall be paid for Employee's working shift work: McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 22
• An Employee working day shift will be paid the applicable hourly rate of pay for
each hour of day shift worked as detailed in Schedule 1.
• An Employee working Night Shift will be paid the applicable Night Shift hourly
rate of pay as detailed in Schedule 1. For avoidance of doubt, the Night Shift hourly
rate of pay is only paid when the Employee is working Night Shift and is not paid
when the Employee is not working Night Shift such as additional day shift Over
Cycle, delays, travel or periods of leave.
13.3. Employees will be rostered to a day or Night Shift and may be transferred from one to
another as operational demands require. The Employer will give 24 hours' notice for a
change of roster to either day shift or Night Shift.
13 .4. Where an Employee is changed between Night Shift and day shift within an On-duty
Period, the Employee will not lose hours for that On-duty Period. For the avoidance of
doubt this subclause is in regard to missed hours worked and those missed hours are
paid at the day shift hourly rate of pay.
13.5. Employees will be given eight (8) hours' rest time in their cabin upon arrival at the
Offshore Facility prior to starting Night Shift. This may be varied upon mutual
agreement. If the rest period does not allow the Employee to start at the commencement
of the normal shift the Employee will be paid as if the entire 12-hour shift was worked.
13.6. In circumstances where the Company changes the shift start and finish times to fall
between 11 am/11 pm to 1 am/1 pm, with the view to Employees receiving the Night Shift
hourly rate of pay when it is night time; instead of the Night Shift rate of pay being paid
on all Night Shift hours as provided for in subclause 13.2 and excluding Over Cycle
hours worked in addition to a day shift; the Night Shift hourly rate of pay will be paid
on any hour worked between 6pm and 6am.
Drug and Alcohol Breaches
14.1. The Company is committed to ensuring a safety culture where Employees are not
impacted by drugs or alcohol while at work. While at work Employees are required to
disclose any substances they are taking which may Impact the safe performance of their
work to the facility medic.
14.2. Employees may be required to undertake drug and/or alcohol (D&A) tests for fitness
for duty:
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 23
· An Employee working day shift will be paid the applicable hourly rate of pay for each hour of day shift worked as detailed in Schedule 1. . An Employee working Night Shift will be paid the applicable Night Shift hourly rate of pay as detailed in Schedule 1. For avoidance of doubt, the Night Shift hourly rate of pay is only paid when the Employee is working Night Shift and is not paid when the Employee is not working Night Shift such as additional day shift Over Cycle, delays, travel or periods of leave. 13.3. Employees will be rostered to a day or Night Shift and may be transferred from one to another as operational demands require. The Employer will give 24 hours' notice for a change of roster to either day shift or Night Shift. 13.4. Where an Employee is changed between Night Shift and day shift within an On-duty Period, the Employee will not lose hours for that On-duty Period. For the avoidance of doubt this subclause is in regard to missed hours worked and those missed hours are paid at the day shift hourly rate of pay. 13.5. Employees will be given eight (8) hours' rest time in their cabin upon arrival at the Offshore Facility prior to starting Night Shift. This may be varied upon mutual agreement. If the rest period does not allow the Employee to start at the commencement of the normal shift the Employee will be paid as if the entire 12-hour shift was worked. 13.6. In circumstances where the Company changes the shift start and finish times to fall between 11am/11pm to 1am/1pm, with the view to Employees receiving the Night Shift hourly rate of pay when it is night time; instead of the Night Shift rate of pay being paid on all Night Shift hours as provided for in subclause 13.2 and excluding Over Cycle hours worked in addition to a day shift; the Night Shift hourly rate of pay will be paid on any hour worked between 6pm and 6am. 14. FITNESS FOR WORK Drug and Alcohol Breaches 14.1. The Company is committed to ensuring a safety culture where Employees are not impacted by drugs or alcohol while at work. While at work Employees are required to disclose any substances they are taking which may Impact the safe performance of their work to the facility medic. 14.2. Employees may be required to undertake drug and/or alcohol (D&A) tests for fitness for duty: McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 23
• while working;
• at the commencement of/during travel to the Offshore Facility;
• at the commencement of/during onshore training;
• during periodic medical assessments.
The form and manner of such assessments or tests will be at the discretion of the
14.3. Where an Employee is found to have refused to undertake a drug and/or alcohol test; or
received a positive screening for the consumption of alcohol or illicit/unprescribed
drugs, the Employee's actions will be regarded as gross misconduct which will result in
disciplinary action up to termination of employment.
Fatigue Management
14.4. The management of fatigue is considered a shared responsibility between the Company
and its Employees.
14.5. The Company will cultivate and support a culture of fatigue risk management in which
personnel are comfortable in disclosing their personal sleep and fatigue status, and
where seeking assistance is encouraged, consistent with the Company protections
afforded to report other safety concerns/risks.
14.6. Employees are responsible for attending work in a fit state (fitness for work) by taking
into account their lifestyle and medical factors that could influence fatigue and
managing these appropriately. All Employees are responsible for ensuring they obtain
adequate rest and sleep prior to travelling to Offshore Facilities or travelling home from
their Point of Hire.
14.7. Subject to the provision of a journey management plan, demobilising Employees who
have a Usual Place of Residence more than 100km from their Point of Hire, and are
driving home as part of their immediate journey and not claiming a taxi as provided in
the subclause below, will be offered accommodation at no cost to the Employee, in
either Karratha or Perth prior to returning to their Usual Place of Residence.
14.8. Employees are entitled to claim a taxi/ride share reimbursement of up to $250 per Swing
( one payment per On Duty period) for travel between their Usual Place of Residence
and their Point of Hire on provision of a tax invoice for an authorised licensed taxi
provider ( or other ride sharing service if not subject to fringe benefit tax). For avoidance
of doubt, travel claims which are not for travel between work and the Employee's
nominated Usual Place of Residence or are not undertaken by an authorised licensed
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 24
while working; at the commencement of/during travel to the Offshore Facility; at the commencement of/during onshore training; during periodic medical assessments. The form and manner of such assessments or tests will be at the discretion of the Company, 14.3. Where an Employee is found to have refused to undertake a drug and/or alcohol test; or received a positive screening for the consumption of alcohol or illicit/unprescribed drugs, the Employee's actions will be regarded as gross misconduct which will result in disciplinary action up to termination of employment. Fatigue Management 14.4. The management of fatigue is considered a shared responsibility between the Company and its Employees. 14.5. The Company will cultivate and support a culture of fatigue risk management in which personnel are comfortable in disclosing their personal sleep and fatigue status, and where seeking assistance is encouraged, consistent with the Company protections afforded to report other safety concerns/risks. 14.6. Employees are responsible for attending work in a fit state (fitness for work) by taking into account their lifestyle and medical factors that could influence fatigue and managing these appropriately. All Employees are responsible for ensuring they obtain adequate rest and sleep prior to travelling to Offshore Facilities or travelling home from their Point of Hire. 14.7. Subject to the provision of a journey management plan, demobilising Employees who have a Usual Place of Residence more than 100km from their Point of Hire, and are driving home as part of their immediate journey and not claiming a taxi as provided in the subclause below, will be offered accommodation at no cost to the Employee, in either Karratha or Perth prior to returning to their Usual Place of Residence. 14.8. Employees are entitled to claim a taxi/ride share reimbursement of up to $250 per Swing (one payment per On Duty period) for travel between their Usual Place of Residence and their Point of Hire on provision of a tax invoice for an authorised licensed taxi provider (or other ride sharing service if not subject to fringe benefit tax). For avoidance of doubt, travel claims which are not for travel between work and the Employee's nominated Usual Place of Residence or are not undertaken by an authorised licensed McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 24
taxi provider / ride sharing service are not to be submitted for claim without prior
Company authorisation. The taxi reimbursement maximum value permitted will remain
as $250 for the life of the agreement.
14.9. Claims for a Swing must be submitted as a single submission and within 6 weeks of the
Swing demobilisation date for the claim to be approved.
Point of Hire and Point of Assembly
15.1. The Point of Hire and Point of Assembly for Employees shall be determined upon
15.2. The Company shall provide the Employee with flight transport between the Point of
Hire, the Point of Assembly, and the Offshore Facility.
15.3. An Employee may request to change their Point of Hire between the available locations
as stipulated by the Company. Approval to change a Point of Hire will be at the
discretion of the Company. For the avoidance of doubt, it is not the Company's practice
to approve requests where the change will increase the cost of travel offered to the
Travelling Payment
15.4. Employees whose Point of Hire is not the same as the Point of Assembly, and
undertakes fixed wing travel to the Point of Assembly and does not mobilise to the
Offshore Facility that day (not a Mobilisation Shift as provided for in subclause 12.6),
will receive a payment of three (3) hours at the Onshore Pay
16.1. In accordance with the requirements of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration)
Act 1992 ("SG Act") the Company shall make the required contribution on the Rostered
Hours of Work for each eligible Employee to the individual Employee's choice of
superannuation fund provided that the fund will allow contributions from the Company
and is a complying fund under the SG Act. For avoidance of doubt, superannuation for
each Employee is not paid on Over Cycle or additional hours which are not ordinary
time and paid up to the maximum Superannuation contribution base.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 25
taxi provider / ride sharing service are not to be submitted for claim without prior Company authorisation. The taxi reimbursement maximum value permitted will remain as $250 for the life of the agreement. 14.9. Claims for a Swing must be submitted as a single submission and within 6 weeks of the Swing demobilisation date for the claim to be approved. 15. TRAVEL Point of Hire and Point of Assembly 15.1. The Point of Hire and Point of Assembly for Employees shall be determined upon employment. 15.2. The Company shall provide the Employee with flight transport between the Point of Hire, the Point of Assembly, and the Offshore Facility. 15.3. An Employee may request to change their Point of Hire between the available locations as stipulated by the Company. Approval to change a Point of Hire will be at the discretion of the Company. For the avoidance of doubt, it is not the Company's practice to approve requests where the change will increase the cost of travel offered to the Employee. Travelling Payment 15.4. Employees whose Point of Hire is not the same as the Point of Assembly, and undertakes fixed wing travel to the Point of Assembly and does not mobilise to the Offshore Facility that day (not a Mobilisation Shift as provided for in subclause 12.6), will receive a payment of three (3) hours at the Onshore Pay 16. SUPERANNUATION 16.1. In accordance with the requirements of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 ("SG Act") the Company shall make the required contribution on the Rostered Hours of Work for each eligible Employee to the individual Employee's choice of superannuation fund provided that the fund will allow contributions from the Company and is a complying fund under the SG Act. For avoidance of doubt, superannuation for each Employee is not paid on Over Cycle or additional hours which are not ordinary time and paid up to the maximum Superannuation contribution base. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 25
16.2. In the event an Employee does not nominate a fund the Company shall make on behalf
of that Employee payments to the Company's default fund, "Australian Super"
provided Australian Super offer a MySuper product.
16.3. Employees may elect to sacrifice part of their gross ordinary pay into their
superannuation fund subject to the conditions of this clause.
16.4. Employees must notify the Company in writing of the amount of their gross ordinary
pay which they wish to sacrifice into superannuation and the Company will then act
upon this request.
16.5. If the rate of superannuation contributions required under the SG Act is increased during
the term of this Agreement or is otherwise increased by the Company, Employees under
this Agreement will be entitled to the increased contribution.
Ongoing Employee Benefit
1 7 .1. The Company shall provide and pay for income protection insurance ( covering sickness
and injury) for Employees who:
• have worked at least 50% of the available shifts (excluding cyclone stand downs)
in a three (3) months period immediately prior to a personal injury or sickness
• and have scheduled work in the month following where a personal injury or sickness
has occurred.
For the purpose of this subclause, worked shifts will include shifts worked with
McDermott Australia where an Employee transitions from/to another McDermott Oil
and Gas Project.
17.2. The Company will appoint Chifley Services as Broker to source the policy.
McDennott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 26
16.2. In the event an Employee does not nominate a fund the Company shall make on behalf of that Employee payments to the Company's default fund, "Australian Super" provided Australian Super offer a MySuper product. 16.3. Employees may elect to sacrifice part of their gross ordinary pay into their superannuation fund subject to the conditions of this clause. 16.4. Employees must notify the Company in writing of the amount of their gross ordinary pay which they wish to sacrifice into superannuation and the Company will then act upon this request. 16.5. If the rate of superannuation contributions required under the SG Act is increased during the term of this Agreement or is otherwise increased by the Company, Employees under this Agreement will be entitled to the increased contribution. 17. INCOME PROTECTION INSURANCE Ongoing Employee Benefit 17.1. The Company shall provide and pay for income protection insurance (covering sickness and injury) for Employees who: · have worked at least 50% of the available shifts (excluding cyclone stand downs) in a three (3) months period immediately prior to a personal injury or sickness occurring; . and have scheduled work in the month following where a personal injury or sickness has occurred. For the purpose of this subclause, worked shifts will include shifts worked with McDermott Australia where an Employee transitions from/to another McDermott Oil and Gas Project. 17.2. The Company will appoint Chifley Services as Broker to source the policy. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 26
Key Terms of Cover
17.3. Subject to subclause 17.6, eligible Employees will receive income protection insurance
in accordance with the following terms:
• Cover for 100% of an Employees average weekly earnings to a maximum of $2,300
per week for 104 weeks applying to personal injury or sickness;
• An excess ( waiting) period of 14 days ( except sporting injuries - 28 days) applying
to personal injury or sickness;
• The income protection shall not include workers compensation top up or lump sum
17.4. It is a requirement of the cover that the claimant Employees undertake reasonable
rehabilitation programmes as directed by the Company and/or insurer.
17.5. All Employees making a claim for a period of absence will be reviewed immediately
and thereafter on a regular basis as requested by a Company nominated medical
17.6. During the life of the Agreement if the Company's insurer makes a significant change
to the underlying policy, the Company will consult with the impacted Employees to
detail and explain the impact of these changes. Where justified, excluding the maximum
weekly payment, the Company may adjust the policy entitlements and any change will
be communicated to the Employees covered under this Agreement.
Sick Whilst Offshore
18.1. An Employee who is on the Offshore Facility, who is unable to attend work due to
illness or is deemed unfit for work as instructed by the Offshore Facility medic will
continue to be paid their Rostered Hours of Work as if they are at work at the Offshore
18.2. On assessment and as instructed by the Offshore Facility medic, installation manager
or their delegate, an Employee may be demobilised from the Offshore Facility. On
being demobilised from the facility the Employee shall receive payment for their
demobilisation shift as provided for in subclause 12.7 or 12.8, after which the Employee
will no longer be paid.
Entitlement to Leave
18.3. Employees are entitled to all leave in accordance with the NBS.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 27
Key Terms of Cover 17.3. Subject to subclause 17.6, eligible Employees will receive income protection insurance in accordance with the following terms: · Cover for 100% of an Employees average weekly earnings to a maximum of $2,300 per week for 104 weeks applying to personal injury or sickness; . An excess (waiting) period of 14 days (except sporting injuries - 28 days) applying to personal injury or sickness; . The income protection shall not include workers compensation top up or lump sum benefits. 17.4. It is a requirement of the cover that the claimant Employees undertake reasonable rehabilitation programmes as directed by the Company and/or insurer. 17.5. All Employees making a claim for a period of absence will be reviewed immediately and thereafter on a regular basis as requested by a Company nominated medical examiner. 17.6. During the life of the Agreement if the Company's insurer makes a significant change to the underlying policy, the Company will consult with the impacted Employees to detail and explain the impact of these changes. Where justified, excluding the maximum weekly payment, the Company may adjust the policy entitlements and any change will be communicated to the Employees covered under this Agreement. 18. SICK WHILST OFFSHORE & LEAVE Sick Whilst Offshore 18.1. An Employee who is on the Offshore Facility, who is unable to attend work due to illness or is deemed unfit for work as instructed by the Offshore Facility medic will continue to be paid their Rostered Hours of Work as if they are at work at the Offshore Pay. 18.2. On assessment and as instructed by the Offshore Facility medic, installation manager or their delegate, an Employee may be demobilised from the Offshore Facility. On being demobilised from the facility the Employee shall receive payment for their demobilisation shift as provided for in subclause 12.7 or 12.8, after which the Employee will no longer be paid. Entitlement to Leave 18.3. Employees are entitled to all leave in accordance with the NES. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 27
19 .1. Jury Service will be paid as per the applicable State legislation or any other legislation
that takes its place.
Notice and Evidence Required
19 .2. An eligible Employee who is working the designated Work Cycle shall notify the
Company as soon as practicable of the date upon which the Employee is required to
attend Jury service.
19.3. Further the Employee shall give the Company proof of attendance, the duration of such
attendance and the amount received for such attendance.
Jury Service Period
19.4. The entitlement to Jury Service will only be paid for actual days in attendance, however,
• Jury duty continues from a Friday to the Monday of next week; and
• The Employee is rostered to work on the applicable days; and
• The Employee is unable to return to work due to the unavailability of flights;
then the Employee will be paid the hours they would have worked at the applicable
Onshore Pay.
20.1. The provisions of the Construction Industry Portable Long Service Leave Act 1985 as
amended from time to time and paid in line with the Long Service Leave Act 1985, will
be applied to Employees employed under this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt,
Long Service Leave accrual will be calculated on the ordinary hours (Rostered Hours
of Work) of the applicable Work Cycle.
21.1. Parental leave provisions as prescribed in the Act and the applicable Company policy,
as amended, will set the minimum standards for eligible Employees under this
21.2. For the purposes of this clause, the term Parental Leave shall include an entitlement to
maternity leave, paternity leave and adoption leave.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 28
19. JURY SERVICE 19.1. Jury Service will be paid as per the applicable State legislation or any other legislation that takes its place. Notice and Evidence Required 19.2. An eligible Employee who is working the designated Work Cycle shall notify the Company as soon as practicable of the date upon which the Employee is required to attend Jury service. 19.3. Further the Employee shall give the Company proof of attendance, the duration of such attendance and the amount received for such attendance. Jury Service Period 19.4. The entitlement to Jury Service will only be paid for actual days in attendance, however, if: . Jury duty continues from a Friday to the Monday of next week; and The Employee is rostered to work on the applicable days; and . The Employee is unable to return to work due to the unavailability of flights; then the Employee will be paid the hours they would have worked at the applicable Onshore Pay. 20. LONG SERVICE LEAVE 20.1. The provisions of the Construction Industry Portable Long Service Leave Act 1985 as amended from time to time and paid in line with the Long Service Leave Act 1985, will be applied to Employees employed under this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, Long Service Leave accrual will be calculated on the ordinary hours (Rostered Hours of Work) of the applicable Work Cycle. 21. PARENTAL LEAVE 21.1. Parental leave provisions as prescribed in the Act and the applicable Company policy, as amended, will set the minimum standards for eligible Employees under this Agreement. 21.2. For the purposes of this clause, the term Parental Leave shall include an entitlement to maternity leave, paternity leave and adoption leave. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 28
22.1. The Company is committed to the principles and objectives of reconciliation where we
work towards a future that recognises the contribution of Aboriginal or Torres Strait
Island peoples.
22.2. On the provision of reasonable notice and with approval from the Company, an
Employee who is legitimately required by Aboriginal tradition to be absent from work
for an Aboriginal ceremonial purposes will be entitled to take a single absence of up to
10 working days unpaid leave in each year of continuous service.
22.3. In circumstances where an Employee is unable to be mobilised due to logistical or
operational reason following a period of Ceremonial leave, the Employee will be
entitled to take unpaid leave until they are mobilised, or they have completed their
23.1. The Company will require an Employee to work on a Public Holiday where it falls
during an Employee's rostered Work Cycle. Payment for public holidays worked or not
worked has been included in the rate of pay.
23 .2. Time worked on a Public Holiday will be paid at the base hourly rate of pay as provided
for in Schedule 1 of this Agreement.
23 .3. An Employee who is not rostered to work on a public holiday is not entitled to payment
for such a day.
24.1. Employees may be required to attend training, meetings and medicals during both their
On-duty Period and their Off-duty Period while they are not on the Offshore Facility.
24.2. Employees are required to possess and maintain the qualifications and skills required
to perform the role for which they were engaged and to enable the Employee to work
24.3. The Employee will be responsible for any fees associated with the maintaining of
licenses or trade qualifications. For clarity, this includes Electrical Licenses, High Risk
Licenses, and trade qualification inherent requirements.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 29
22. CEREMONIAL LEAVE 22.1. The Company is committed to the principles and objectives of reconciliation where we work towards a future that recognises the contribution of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island peoples. 22.2. On the provision of reasonable notice and with approval from the Company, an Employee who is legitimately required by Aboriginal tradition to be absent from work for an Aboriginal ceremonial purposes will be entitled to take a single absence of up to 10 working days unpaid leave in each year of continuous service. 22.3. In circumstances where an Employee is unable to be mobilised due to logistical or operational reason following a period of Ceremonial leave, the Employee will be entitled to take unpaid leave until they are mobilised, or they have completed their Swing. 23. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 23.1. The Company will require an Employee to work on a Public Holiday where it falls during an Employee's rostered Work Cycle. Payment for public holidays worked or not worked has been included in the rate of pay. 23.2. Time worked on a Public Holiday will be paid at the base hourly rate of pay as provided for in Schedule 1 of this Agreement. 23.3. An Employee who is not rostered to work on a public holiday is not entitled to payment for such a day. 24. TRAINING/MEETINGS/MEDICALS Training 24.1. Employees may be required to attend training, meetings and medicals during both their On-duty Period and their Off-duty Period while they are not on the Offshore Facility. 24.2. Employees are required to possess and maintain the qualifications and skills required to perform the role for which they were engaged and to enable the Employee to work offshore. 24.3. The Employee will be responsible for any fees associated with the maintaining of licenses or trade qualifications. For clarity, this includes Electrical Licenses, High Risk Licenses, and trade qualification inherent requirements. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 29
24.4. The Company will provide and pay for the following refreshers, renewals and training
for Employees currently engaged and who have completed at least 6 weeks (504 hours)
of offshore work (excludes Off-Duty Periods) in the preceding 5-month period; who
are required by the Company to undertake duties requiring the refresher, renewal or
o Confined Space Entry
• Working at Heights
• First Aid
• EEHA - Inlec/Elec
• Flange Management Level 1 & 2
• Gyroloc Small Bore Fittings
• VOCs for High Risk Licenses and Welder Qualifications
• Rope Access
• NACE Levels 1, 2 or 3.
24.5. For training which is a requirement for the Employee'being able to work Offshore, the
Employee will be responsible to ensure any applicable training is scheduled prior to
expiry. All Company provided training must be approved by the Company prior to it
being undertaken.
24.6. In addition to the training in subclause 24.4 the Company may also require an Employee
undertake additional training for operational reasons or upskilling.
24.7. The Company will endeavour to provide at least eight (8) weeks' notice where training
is expected to occur on an Off-duty period.
24.8. Employees who have a Usual Place of Residence of more than 100km from the
designated training location and are required to attend training which continues for
more than one consecutive day in duration, will be provided accommodation and meals
(an evening meal and breakfast) for each night of accommodation required for the
training duration. For avoidance of doubt, for a two (2) day course, an Employee is
entitled to one night of accommodation plus two (2) associated meals.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 30
24.4. The Company will provide and pay for the following refreshers, renewals and training for Employees currently engaged and who have completed at least 6 weeks (504 hours) of offshore work (excludes Off-Duty Periods) in the preceding 5-month period; who are required by the Company to undertake duties requiring the refresher, renewal or training: · BOSIET/FOET i.e. T-BOSIET/T-FOET MSIC · Confined Space Entry Working at Heights First Aid LVR/CPR EEHA - Inlec/Elec . Flange Management Level 1 & 2 . Gyroloc Small Bore Fittings CA-EBS VOCs for High Risk Licenses and Welder Qualifications . Rope Access · NACE Levels 1, 2 or 3. 24.5. For training which is a requirement for the Employee being able to work Offshore, the Employee will be responsible to ensure any applicable training is scheduled prior to expiry. All Company provided training must be approved by the Company prior to it being undertaken. 24.6. In addition to the training in subclause 24.4 the Company may also require an Employee undertake additional training for operational reasons or upskilling. 24.7. The Company will endeavour to provide at least eight (8) weeks' notice where training is expected to occur on an Off-duty period. 24.8. Employees who have a Usual Place of Residence of more than 100km from the designated training location and are required to attend training which continues for more than one consecutive day in duration, will be provided accommodation and meals (an evening meal and breakfast) for each night of accommodation required for the training duration. For avoidance of doubt, for a two (2) day course, an Employee is entitled to one night of accommodation plus two (2) associated meals. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 30
24.9. The Company will endeavour for Employees who live in regional areas or outside
interstate to be offered the opportunity of undertaking training and VOC at an approved
RTO closest to their Usual Place of Residence.
Payment for Training/Meeting
24.10. Where an Employee is required to attend training as provided for in subclause 24.4 and
24.6 during their Off-Duty period while they are not on the Offshore Facility they will
be paid for the duration of the training at the Onshore Pay.
24.11. Where an Employee is required to attend a meeting onshore, they will be paid for the
duration of the meeting at the Onshore Pay.
24.12. Employees will be required, as an inherent part of their role, to hold a current medical
as per Client requirements.
24.13. Pre-employment medicals will be provided by the Company however this will be
undertaken as part of the pre-employment process and the time will be unpaid.
24.14. Where an Employee is required to have their medical renewed, the Company will
provide the medical and the Employee shall receive a payment of four (4) hours pay at
the Onshore Pay for the time taken to complete the medical.
24.15. Where an Employee is required to complete a medical for a return to work situation
after absence, the medical will be provided by the Company and the time will be unpaid.
Return to work medicals will only be required where the Company has a genuine
concern regarding the ability for the Employee to be able to safely undertake their role
and will be managed through the Company Health and Rehabilitation department.
Payment of Wages
25.1. All monies paid pursuant to this Agreement shall be paid fortnightly by electronic
transfer of funds into one account nominated by the Employee with a bank or other
financial institution recognised by the Company.
25.2. The Company shall have the right to deduct any amount required to be paid by the
Employee under this clause for cases of any overpayment or there are outstanding
monies owing by the Employee to the Company. Prior to any deduction the Company
will put in writing to the Employee details of the overpayment, the outstanding amount
and a proposed deduction method. If the Employee disputes the deduction prior to the
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 31
24.9. The Company will endeavour for Employees who live in regional areas or outside interstate to be offered the opportunity of undertaking training and VOC at an approved RTO closest to their Usual Place of Residence. Payment for Training/Meeting 24.10. Where an Employee is required to attend training as provided for in subclause 24.4 and 24.6 during their Off-Duty period while they are not on the Offshore Facility they will be paid for the duration of the training at the Onshore Pay. 24.11. Where an Employee is required to attend a meeting onshore, they will be paid for the duration of the meeting at the Onshore Pay. Medicals 24.12. Employees will be required, as an inherent part of their role, to hold a current medical as per Client requirements. 24.13. Pre-employment medicals will be provided by the Company however this will be undertaken as part of the pre-employment process and the time will be unpaid. 24.14. Where an Employee is required to have their medical renewed, the Company will provide the medical and the Employee shall receive a payment of four (4) hours pay at the Onshore Pay for the time taken to complete the medical. 24.15. Where an Employee is required to complete a medical for a return to work situation after absence, the medical will be provided by the Company and the time will be unpaid. Return to work medicals will only be required where the Company has a genuine concern regarding the ability for the Employee to be able to safely undertake their role and will be managed through the Company Health and Rehabilitation department. 25. PAYMENT OF WAGES Payment of Wages 25.1. All monies paid pursuant to this Agreement shall be paid fortnightly by electronic transfer of funds into one account nominated by the Employee with a bank or other financial institution recognised by the Company. 25.2. The Company shall have the right to deduct any amount required to be paid by the Employee under this clause for cases of any overpayment or there are outstanding monies owing by the Employee to the Company. Prior to any deduction the Company will put in writing to the Employee details of the overpayment, the outstanding amount and a proposed deduction method. If the Employee disputes the deduction prior to the McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 31
next available pay period, the Company will not deduct the money until the amount and
deduction method is discussed and agreed. The agreed plan for repayment will not
exceed three (3) months. If an agreed position cannot be reached, either party may place
the overpayment in dispute under Cl.9 of this Agreement. In circumstances where the
Employee's employment is terminated and there are outstanding monies owed by the
Employee to the Company, including overpayments made to the Employee, the
Company may withhold the outstanding amount from the final payment.
Pav Queries
25.3. The Employer is committed to responding to Employee payroll queries in a timely
fashion and where possible, make any necessary pay adjustments in the next available
25.4. Where an Employee has an issue regarding their pay, they are required to state their
query clearly in writing using the payroll query process.
25.5. The Employer will respond to this query no later than 10 business days from the date
the query was submitted. Where the Employee does not agree with the response, the
Employee is to arrange a meeting via their manager with the payroll team.
25.6. Should the Employee not receive a response or dispute the response, the Employee is
able escalate their claim utilising the disputes procedure in this Agreement, by
submitting the query in writing with any relevant documents to their Manager. The
relevant CCM representative can be consulted to assist in this process.
Stand Down
26.1. In the event the Company is unable to provide normal work due to a failure in critical
equipment, industrial action, or any circumstances beyond the Company and the
Client's control, the Company is entitled to stand down an Employee and the Company
is not required to pay for any such day on which the Employee cannot be gainfully
employed because of such an event. Where a stand down is to occur, the Company will
provide as much notice as possible.
Cyclone Stand Down
26.2. The following subclauses will apply where a cyclone disrupts operations.
26.3. Where the Employee is retained on the Offshore Facility during a cyclone event, the
Employee will continue to be paid the Employee's Rostered Hours of Work they were
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 32
next available pay period, the Company will not deduct the money until the amount and deduction method is discussed and agreed. The agreed plan for repayment will not exceed three (3) months. If an agreed position cannot be reached, either party may place the overpayment in dispute under C1.9 of this Agreement. In circumstances where the Employee's employment is terminated and there are outstanding monies owed by the Employee to the Company, including overpayments made to the Employee, the Company may withhold the outstanding amount from the final payment. Pay Queries 25.3. The Employer is committed to responding to Employee payroll queries in a timely fashion and where possible, make any necessary pay adjustments in the next available pay. 25.4. Where an Employee has an issue regarding their pay, they are required to state their query clearly in writing using the payroll query process. 25.5. The Employer will respond to this query no later than 10 business days from the date the query was submitted. Where the Employee does not agree with the response, the Employee is to arrange a meeting via their manager with the payroll team. 25.6. Should the Employee not receive a response or dispute the response, the Employee is able escalate their claim utilising the disputes procedure in this Agreement, by submitting the query in writing with any relevant documents to their Manager. The relevant CCM representative can be consulted to assist in this process. 26. STAND DOWN Stand Down 26.1. In the event the Company is unable to provide normal work due to a failure in critical equipment, industrial action, or any circumstances beyond the Company and the Client's control, the Company is entitled to stand down an Employee and the Company is not required to pay for any such day on which the Employee cannot be gainfully employed because of such an event. Where a stand down is to occur, the Company will provide as much notice as possible. Cyclone Stand Down 26.2. The following subclauses will apply where a cyclone disrupts operations. 26.3. Where the Employee is retained on the Offshore Facility during a cyclone event, the Employee will continue to be paid the Employee's Rostered Hours of Work they were McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 32
scheduled to complete at the Offshore Pay. If the Employee remains on the Offshore
Facility beyond their Work Cycle, they will continue to be regarded as being at work
working their customary hours and will be paid Over Cycle until they are demobilised.
26.4. Where an Employee is held in standby at the Point of Assembly, the Employee shall be
held in readiness and continue to be paid their Rostered Hours of Work at the Onshore
Pay. This payment will be paid at the Night Shift Hourly Rate of Pay if the Employee
is being required to return to Night Shift should they be mobilised to the Offshore
26.5. Where an Employee is stood down to their Point of Hire or is waiting to mobilise to
begin their Work Cycle due to a cyclone, the Employee shall be held in readiness and
paid 7.6 hours per On-duty Period shift at the Onshore Pay for a maximum of three (3)
On-duty Period days. The applicable three (3) days shall include any stand down days
paid at the Point of Assembly as provided for in subclause 26.4. Should an Employee
be asked to mobilise during the cyclone stand down at the POH and is not willing or
able to, the cyclone stand down period will be unpaid.
26.6. After three (3 days) stand down as provided for in subclause 26.5, if an Employee is
unable to be mobilised, unworked days will be unpaid.
26.7. In lieu of enacting a cyclone stand down, the Company may require an Employee to
undertake onshore training or alternative duties where the Employee will be paid at the
Onshore Pay. For clarity, any paid hour for training or alternative duties is paid in lieu
of a paid hour for cyclone stand down as provided for in subclause 26.6 and should the
alternative training/work not cover the duration of stand down hours, the Employee will
be paid the outstanding hours depending where the training/alternative duties take
27.1. Employees will be supplied with sufficient PPE which must be used in accordance with
Company policy and will be resupplied on a fair wear and tear basis upon presentation
of the damaged item back to the Company. PPE shall remain the property of the
28.1. From time to time an Offshore Employee may be asked to work Onshore, where they
will be paid at the Onshore Pay.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 33
scheduled to complete at the Offshore Pay. If the Employee remains on the Offshore Facility beyond their Work Cycle, they will continue to be regarded as being at work working their customary hours and will be paid Over Cycle until they are demobilised. 26.4. Where an Employee is held in standby at the Point of Assembly, the Employee shall be held in readiness and continue to be paid their Rostered Hours of Work at the Onshore Pay. This payment will be paid at the Night Shift Hourly Rate of Pay if the Employee is being required to return to Night Shift should they be mobilised to the Offshore Facility. 26.5. Where an Employee is stood down to their Point of Hire or is waiting to mobilise to begin their Work Cycle due to a cyclone, the Employee shall be held in readiness and paid 7.6 hours per On-duty Period shift at the Onshore Pay for a maximum of three (3) On-duty Period days. The applicable three (3) days shall include any stand down days paid at the Point of Assembly as provided for in subclause 26.4. Should an Employee be asked to mobilise during the cyclone stand down at the POH and is not willing or able to, the cyclone stand down period will be unpaid. 26.6. After three (3 days) stand down as provided for in subclause 26.5, if an Employee is unable to be mobilised, unworked days will be unpaid. 26.7. In lieu of enacting a cyclone stand down, the Company may require an Employee to undertake onshore training or alternative duties where the Employee will be paid at the Onshore Pay. For clarity, any paid hour for training or alternative duties is paid in lieu of a paid hour for cyclone stand down as provided for in subclause 26.6 and should the alternative training/work not cover the duration of stand down hours, the Employee will be paid the outstanding hours depending where the training/alternative duties take place. 27. PPE & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 27.1. Employees will be supplied with sufficient PPE which must be used in accordance with Company policy and will be resupplied on a fair wear and tear basis upon presentation of the damaged item back to the Company. PPE shall remain the property of the Company. 28. OFFSHORE EMPLOYEES WORKING ONSHORE 28.1. From time to time an Offshore Employee may be asked to work Onshore, where they will be paid at the Onshore Pay. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 33
28.2. If an Offshore Employee agrees to undertake a short-tenn Perth, Darwin or other
location-based onshore assignment, the Employee may be required to work a different
work pattern or Work Cycle for the duration of the assignment which may include a
Monday to Friday 5-day week.
28.3. All other entitlements and conditions under the Agreement would remain the same.
29.1. This Agreement provides for a six-level classification structure which encapsulated
recognition for skills, experience and competencies. In addition, there is a recognition
process for various specialist skills and positions held in terms of specified allowances
across the offshore operations. Multi-skilling and multi-tasking are a fundamental part
of all classifications prescribed within this agreement.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 34
28.2. If an Offshore Employee agrees to undertake a short-term Perth, Darwin or other location-based onshore assignment, the Employee may be required to work a different work pattern or Work Cycle for the duration of the assignment which may include a Monday to Friday 5-day week. 28.3. All other entitlements and conditions under the Agreement would remain the same. 29. CLASSIFICATIONS 29.1. This Agreement provides for a six-level classification structure which encapsulated recognition for skills, experience and competencies. In addition, there is a recognition process for various specialist skills and positions held in terms of specified allowances across the offshore operations. Multi-skilling and multi-tasking are a fundamental part of all classifications prescribed within this agreement. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 34
Employees will be engaged in one of the Classifications in the table below:
Panel Room Operators or equivalent shall be engaged or appointed by the Company to this
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Employees shall be appointed by the Company to this classification from a Level C.
Senior Trade To be appointed, Senior Trade Employees must demonstrate and maintain the following:
Inlec/Mechanical Techs holds:
- SMOI Simple Mechanical Isolations or EOI Electrical Own Isolations; and
- Complete time writing and job confirmations; and
- PA permit authority, scope and create work permits; and
- Complete and sign off TI work orders.
Boilermaker/Welder holds:
- Special Coded; and
- Compliance with client trade specific training matrix.
Painter Blaster Trade holds:·
Certificate 3 in Engineering Fabrication Trade - Surface Finishing; and
NACE (Level 1 or 2) qualification; and
Compliance with client trade specific training matrix.
Senior Crane Operator To be appointed, Senior Crane Operator Employees must have at least 5 years
offshore experience and demonstrate and maintain the following:
- HRWL with codes RA, SA, DG, CT; and
- Offshore tower crane operator with Crane simulator (PMASUP305); and
- Site specific VOC (Pedestal Crane Operator); and
- Compliance with client trade specific training matrix; and
- A minimum of 3 of either Coxswain; Emergency Response Team Member; Helideck
assistant; complete role requirements; or HLO.
Senior Operator (Production Technician) -To be appointed, Senior Operator (Production Technician)
Employees must demonstrate and maintain the following:
- Be assessed and a roved as corn etent for all core skill ro • • uirements as
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 35
Employees will be engaged in one of the Classifications in the table below: Level A - Panel Room/ CCR Operator Panel Room Operators or equivalent shall be engaged or appointed by the Company to this classification. Level B - Senior Trade / Senior Crane Operator / Senior Operator Employees shall be appointed by the Company to this classification from a Level C. Senior Trade To be appointed, Senior Trade Employees must demonstrate and maintain the following: Inlec/Mechanical Techs holds: - SMOI Simple Mechanical Isolations or EOI Electrical Own Isolations; and - Complete time writing and job confirmations; and - PA permit authority, scope and create work permits; and - Complete and sign off TI work orders. Boilermaker/Welder holds: - Special Coded; and - Compliance with client trade specific training matrix. Painter Blaster Trade holds:' - Certificate 3 in Engineering Fabrication Trade - Surface Finishing; and NACE (Level 1 or 2) qualification; and - Compliance with client trade specific training matrix. Senior Crane Operator To be appointed, Senior Crane Operator Employees must have at least 5 years offshore experience and demonstrate and maintain the following: - HR WL with codes RA, SA, DG, CT; and - Offshore tower crane operator with Crane simulator (PMASUP305); and - Site specific VOC (Pedestal Crane Operator); and Compliance with client trade specific training matrix; and - A minimum of 3 of either Coxswain; Emergency Response Team Member; Helideck assistant; complete role requirements; or HLO. Senior Operator (Production Technician) - To be appointed, Senior Operator (Production Technician) Employees must demonstrate and maintain the following - Be assessed and approved as competent for all core skill group training requirements as McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 35
provided for in company training matrix for a Senior Operator.
Senior appointments must have at least 5 years offshore experience; may be required to undertake duties
across classifications; and must demonstrate that they are experienced, knowledgeable and highly
competent in their classification.
Appointments are required to be signed off by an authorised client project representative (e.g.
MTL/Maintenance Supervisor) ancl an authorised company P.roject representative (e.g.
Superintendent/Senior Supervisor). Once approved new rates will be applied from the next
available pay period.
,,:_:,' a
Trade - Employee must hold a trade qualification that is recognised and utilised by the Company. Trade
Employees engaged at this classification include:
• Inlec (Instrument and Electrical)
• Electrician or Electrical Fitter
• Instrument Fitter
• HV AC Technician
• Mechanical Fitter
• Boilermaker/Welder
• Sheetmetal Worker/Insulator Trade
• Tube Fitter/Pipe Fitter Trade (Including plumber trades)
• Industrial Painter and Blaster (trade qual Cert III Surface Finishing)
Crane Operator- Employees must hold approved qualification/experience that is recognised and
utilised by the Company.
Operator (Production Technician) - Employees must hold the relevant current qualification and/or
relative experience as an Operator (Production Technician) that is recognised and utilised by the
Com an .
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 36
provided for in company training matrix for a Senior Operator. Senior appointments must have at least 5 years offshore experience; may be required to undertake duties across classifications; and must demonstrate that they are experienced, knowledgeable and highly competent in their classification. Appointments are required to be signed off by an authorised client project representative (e.g. MTL/Maintenance Supervisor) and an authorised company project representative (e.g. Superintendent/Senior Supervisor). Once approved new rates will be applied from the next available pay period. C - Trade / Crane Operator / Operator Trade - Employee must hold a trade qualification that is recognised and utilised by the Company. Trade Employees engaged at this classification include: . Inlec (Instrument and Electrical) . Electrician or Electrical Fitter . Instrument Fitter . HVAC Technician . Mechanical Fitter . Boilermaker/Welder . Sheetmetal Worker/Insulator Trade . Tube Fitter/Pipe Fitter Trade (Including plumber trades) . Industrial Painter and Blaster (trade qual Cert III Surface Finishing) Crane Operator - Employees must hold approved qualification/experience that is recognised and utilised by the Company. Operator (Production Technician) - Employees must hold the relevant current qualification and/or relative experience as an Operator (Production Technician) that is recognised and utilised by the Company. D - Multiskilled Services Technician McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 36
Multiskilled Services Technician Employees shall be appointed by the Company to this classification
from a Services Technician classification. To be appomted, Multiskilled Services Technician
Employees must demonstrate and be required to utilise the following:
• Competency -
In addition to their original Service Technician classification qualifications and competency,
Employees will hold and utilise an additional qualification and competency in one of the
roles below:
Advanced Rigger and Advanced Scaffolder
Industrial Painter/Blaster- Qualified and experienced
Insulator/Lagger - Non-Trade - Qualified and experienced
Service Technician - Non-Trade- Qualified, experienced and completes Heli Ops,
Marine Ops and Deck Ops.
For avoidance of doubt, an Advanced Rigger and Advanced Scaffolder who is also competent and
required to undertake the duties of a qualified Service Technician from time to time will be
reco nised at this level.
Employees of this classification will hold the relevant current qualification and experience and be
engaged as:
• Advanced Rigger and/or Advanced Scaffolder
• Industrial Painter/Blaster - Non-Trade - qualified and experienced
• Insulator/Lagger - Non-Trade - qualified and experienced
• Service Technician - Non-Trade - Heli Ops, Marine Ops and Deck Ops.
• Store Person
Employees of this level will be engaged as:
• Operator (Production Technician) Trainee
• Trades Apprentice
• Trades Assistant
• General Services Officer (GSO)- includes basic rigging, and/or scaffolding, stores, lagging,
service tech duties in training.
• Industrial Cleaner
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 37
Multiskilled Services Technician Employees shall be appointed by the Company to this classification from a Services Technician classification. To be appointed, Multiskilled Services Technician Employees must demonstrate and be required to utilise the following: Competency - In addition to their original Service Technician classification qualifications and competency, Employees will hold and utilise an additional qualification and competency in one of the roles below: - Advanced Rigger and Advanced Scaffolder - Industrial Painter/Blaster - Qualified and experienced = Insulator/Lagger - Non-Trade - Qualified and experienced Service Technician - Non-Trade - Qualified, experienced and completes Heli Ops, Marine Ops and Deck Ops. For avoidance of doubt, an Advanced Rigger and Advanced Scaffolder who is also competent and required to undertake the duties of a qualified Service Technician from time to time will be recognised at this level. E - Services Technician Employees of this classification will hold the relevant current qualification and experience and be engaged as: · Advanced Rigger and/or Advanced Scaffolder · Industrial Painter/Blaster - Non-Trade - qualified and experienced . Insulator/Lagger - Non-Trade - qualified and experienced Service Technician - Non-Trade - Heli Ops, Marine Ops and Deck Ops. · Store Person F - General Services/ Entry Level Employees of this level will be engaged as: · Operator (Production Technician) Trainee Trades Apprentice Trades Assistant . General Services Officer (GSO) - includes basic rigging, and/or scaffolding, stores, lagging, service tech duties in training. · Industrial Cleaner McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 37
Flat Hourly Rate
SCH 1 (1). The flat hourly rates in these Schedules incorporate all payments,
entitlements, wage benefits and other compensation except where expressly
provided elsewhere in this Agreement, including but not limited to:
a) All rostered work hours including work on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays;
b) All other applicable allowances, penalties, licences and disabilities associated with the
c) Loadings including casual loading;
d) Shift handovers, attendance at safety meetings, all fire, emergency, first aid, safety
evacuation and muster drills occurring during off-duty time;
e) Shift work;
f) And all other factors associated with the work performed on the Offshore Facility.
Base Hourly Rate of Pay
SCH 1 (2). At the commencement of this Agreement the following flat hourly rates of
pay shall be paid to Employees engaged under this Agreement for all ordinary
hours and additional hours worked which are not Over Cycle.
Level A - Panel Room Operator
Level B - Senior Trade
Senior Crane
Operator Senior
0 erator
Level C - Trade
Crane Operator
Operator (Prod Tech)
Level D - Multiskilled Services Tech
Level E - Services Technician
Level .F - General Services/ Entry Level
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McDennott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 38
SCHEDULE 1 - RATES OF PAY Flat Hourly Rate SCH 1 (1). The flat hourly rates in these Schedules incorporate all payments, entitlements, wage benefits and other compensation except where expressly provided elsewhere in this Agreement, including but not limited to: a) All rostered work hours including work on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays; b) All other applicable allowances, penalties, licences and disabilities associated with the work; ) Loadings including casual loading; 0 d) Shift handovers, attendance at safety meetings, all fire, emergency, first aid, safety evacuation and muster drills occurring during off-duty time; e) Shift work; f) And all other factors associated with the work performed on the Offshore Facility. Base Hourly Rate of Pay SCH 1 (2). At the commencement of this Agreement the following flat hourly rates of pay shall be paid to Employees engaged under this Agreement for all ordinary hours and additional hours worked which are not Over Cycle. Base Hourly Rate of Pay Day Shift Base Night Shift Base Classification Hourly Rate of Pay Hourly Rate of Pay Level A - Panel Room Operator $101.65 $119.33 Level B - Senior Trade Senior Crane Operator Senior $96.05 $112.76 Operator Level C - Trade Crane Operator Operator (Prod Tech) $93.57 $109.85 Level D - Multiskilled Services Tech $90.99 $106.82 Level E - Services Technician $88.40 $103.78 Level.F - General Services/ Entry Level $80.28 $94.25 McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 38
Over Cycle Hourly Rate of Pay
SCH 1 (3). At the commencement of this Agreement the following flat Over Cycle
hourly rate of pay shall be paid to Employees engaged under this Agreement
for all Over Cycle hours of work.
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Level A - Panel Room Operator $119.33 $137.00
Level B - Senior Trade
Senior Crane Operator $112.76 $129.46
Senior Operator
Level C - Trade
Crane Operator $109.85 $126.12
Operator (Prod Tech)
Level D - Multi skilled Services Tech
$106.82 $122.64
Level E- Services Technician $103.78 $119.16
Level F - General Services/ Entry Level
$94.25 $108.21
Wage Escalations
SCH 1 (4). On 22 March 2024 and every 12 months thereafter, the hourly rates of
pay (Base, Night Shift and Over Cycle) detailed above in (2), (3) of this
Schedule will increase by the CPI% (as defined in Clause 4) or 2.5%,
whichever is higher.
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 39
Over Cycle Hourly Rate of Pay SCH 1 (3). At the commencement of this Agreement the following flat Over Cycle hourly rate of pay shall be paid to Employees engaged under this Agreement for all Over Cycle hours of work. Over Cycle Hourly Rate of Pay Day Shift Over Night Shift Over Cycle Hourly Cycle Hourly Classification Rate of Pay Rate of Pay Level A - Panel Room Operator $119.33 $137.00 Level B - Senior Trade Senior Crane Operator $112.76 $129.46 Senior Operator Level C - Trade Crane Operator $109.85 $126.12 Operator (Prod Tech) Level D - Multiskilled Services Tech $106.82 $122.64 Level E - Services Technician $103.78 $119.16 Level F - General Services/ Entry Level $94.25 $108.21 Wage Escalations SCH 1 (4). On 22 March 2024 and every 12 months thereafter, the hourly rates of pay (Base, Night Shift and Over Cycle) detailed above in (2), (3) of this Schedule will increase by the CPI % (as defined in Clause 4) or 2.5%, whichever is higher. McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 39
Offshore Allowance
SCH 2 (1). An Employee will receive an Offshore Allowance for each hour
worked while on the Offshore Facility. For the avoidance of doubt,
the Offshore Allowance is paid when an Employee is working
offshore and it is not paid when an Employee is 'not offshore' except
in circumstances as specifically stated in this Agreement.
The Offshore Allowance will be:
Leading Hand Allowance
$7.74 $7.94 $8.13
SCH 2 (2). An Employee who is appointed by the Company to be a Leading Hand
will be paid a flat leading hand allowance paid on all hours, including
SCH 2 (3). For short term assignments or step up situations, the Company may
require an Employee to temporarily undertake the role of a Leading
Hand (including Rope Access Level 3). In these situations, the
Employee will be paid the Leading Hand Allowance for the duration
they undertake the role.
SCH 2 ( 4). The Leading Hand Allowance will be:
$3.58 $3.67 $3.76
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023
SCHEDULE 2. ALLOWANCES Offshore Allowance SCH 2 (1). An Employee will receive an Offshore Allowance for each hour worked while on the Offshore Facility. For the avoidance of doubt, the Offshore Allowance is paid when an Employee is working offshore and it is not paid when an Employee is 'not offshore' except in circumstances as specifically stated in this Agreement. The Offshore Allowance will be: Commencement First full pay First full pay First full pay period after period after period after Year 1 of the Year 2 of the Year 3 of the commencement commencement commencement anniversary anniversary anniversary Offshore $7.55 $7.74 $7.94 $8.13 Allowance Leading Hand Allowance SCH 2 (2). An Employee who is appointed by the Company to be a Leading Hand will be paid a flat leading hand allowance paid on all hours, including training. SCH 2 (3). For short term assignments or step up situations, the Company may require an Employee to temporarily undertake the role of a Leading Hand (including Rope Access Level 3). In these situations, the Employee will be paid the Leading Hand Allowance for the duration they undertake the role. SCH 2 (4). The Leading Hand Allowance will be: Commencement First full pay First full pay First full pay period after period after period after Year 1 of the Year 2 of the Year 3 of the commencement commencement commencement anniversary anniversary anniversary Leading $3.58 $3.67 $3.76 $3.86 Hand Allowance McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 40
Electrical Licence Allowance
SCH 2 (5). An Employee who is required by the Company to hold a relevant State
or Territory electrical licence will be paid a flat electrical licence
allowance paid on all hours, including training. The Electrical Licence
Allowance will be:
Electrical Licence
Dual Trade Instrument and Electrical Tradesperson Allowance
$2.06 $2.11
SCH 2 (6). An Employee who is required by the Company as a Dual Trade
Instrument and Electrical Tradesperson (lnlec) will be paid a flat dual
trades allowance, paid on all hours including training. The Dual Trade
Instrument and Electrical Tradesperson Allowance will be:
Dual Trade I&E
Trades Allowance
Rove Access Allowance
$2.06 $2.11 $2.16 $2.22
SCH 2 (7). An Employee who is appointed by the Company to undertake Rope
Access duties will receive the following flat Rope Access Allowance for
each shift worked where they are required to undertake those duties. For
avoidance of doubt Rope Access Duties include on-rope and off-rope
category hours such as setting up, work and clear away and associated
paperwork but do not include other related duties such as scoping how a
job can be carried out. The Rope Access Allowance will be:
Electrical Licence Allowance SCH 2 (5). An Employee who is required by the Company to hold a relevant State or Territory electrical licence will be paid a flat electrical licence allowance paid on all hours, including training. The Electrical Licence Allowance will be: Commencement First full pay First full pay First full pay period after period after period after Year 1 of the Year 2 of the Year 3 of the commencement commencement commencement anniversary anniversary anniversary Electrical Licence $1.96 $2.01 $2.06 $2.11 Allowance Dual Trade Instrument and Electrical Tradesperson Allowance SCH 2 (6). An Employee who is required by the Company as a Dual Trade Instrument and Electrical Tradesperson (Inlec) will be paid a flat dual trades allowance, paid on all hours including training. The Dual Trade Instrument and Electrical Tradesperson Allowance will be: Commencement First full pay First full pay First full pay period after period after period after Year 1 of the Year 2 of the Year 3 of the commencement commencement commencement anniversary anniversary anniversary Dual Trade I&E $2.06 $2.11 $2.16 $2.22 Trades Allowance Rope Access Allowance SCH 2 (7). An Employee who is appointed by the Company to undertake Rope Access duties will receive the following flat Rope Access Allowance for each shift worked where they are required to undertake those duties. For avoidance of doubt Rope Access Duties include on-rope and off-rope category hours such as setting up, work and clear away and associated paperwork but do not include other related duties such as scoping how a job can be carried out. The Rope Access Allowance will be:
Level 1 $24.60/shift
Level2 & 3 $36.90/shift
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SCH 2 (8). A Level 3 Rope Access qualified Employee who is appointed by the
Company to undertake Level 3 duties will receive the flat Leading Hand
Allowance as provided for in subclause (2) of this schedule in addition to
the Rope Access Allowance.
Special Coded Welder Allowance
SCH 2 (9). An Employee who is required by the Company to undertake welding
work which requires a specific qualification to meet the desired
Australian Standard, and are welding either:
• stainless steel (304,310,316, or 904); or
• chrome molybdenum; or
• aluminium; or
• other exotic metals as defined by the Company
shall receive a flat Special Coded Welder Allowance for each hour
worked while undertaking those duties. The Special Coded Welder
Allowance will be:
Special Coded
Welder Allowance
$1.96 $2.01 $2.06
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023
Rope Access Allowance First full pay First full pay First full pay Level ($) / Shift period after period after period after Commencement Year 1 of the Year 2 of the Year 3 of the commencement commencement commencement anniversary anniversary anniversary Level 1 $24.60/shift $25.22/shift $25.85/shift $26.49/shift Level 2 & 3 $36.90/shift $37.82/shift $38.77/shift $39.74/shift SCH 2 (8). A Level 3 Rope Access qualified Employee who is appointed by the Company to undertake Level 3 duties will receive the flat Leading Hand Allowance as provided for in subclause (2) of this schedule in addition to the Rope Access Allowance. Special Coded Welder Allowance SCH 2 (9). An Employee who is required by the Company to undertake welding work which requires a specific qualification to meet the desired Australian Standard, and are welding either: . stainless steel (304, 310, 316, or 904); or . chrome molybdenum; or . aluminium; or · other exotic metals as defined by the Company shall receive a flat Special Coded Welder Allowance for each hour worked while undertaking those duties. The Special Coded Welder Allowance will be: Commencement First full pay First full pay First full pay period after Year 1 period after Year 2 period after Year 3 of the of the of the commencement commencement commencement anniversary anniversary anniversary Special Coded $1.96 $2.01 $2.06 $2.11 Welder Allowance McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023 42
Signed on behalfofthe Entployer
ecce A (Q
Position / Authority to Sign
s/ 10/23
Witness Signature
Full Name
IS-I* IN/ t
E R T H 6000
Clarence Paul
W itness Full Name
Signed for on behalf of the Australian Workers Unions
AWU National Secretary
Position / Authority to Sign
5 October 2023
Witness Signature
Level 2, 16-20 Good st Granville NSW 2142
Paul Farrow
Full Name
Level 2, 16-20 Good st Granville NSW 2142
Debra Bushell
WitnßB8 Full Name
5 October 2023
McDermott Australia Ply Ltd Offshore Deconuni8Bioning J!ntgrprlßß Agroetnont 2023
Witness Signature
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Witness Full Name
Signed for on behalf of the Australian Workers Unions
;, Paul Farrow
Signature Full Name
A WU National Secretary Level 2, 16-20 Good St Granville NSW 2142
Position / Authority to Sign Address
5 October 2023
~ Debra Bushell
WHness Sjgnature Wltni,sa Pull Nnmo
Level 2, 16-20 Good St Granville NSW 2142 5 October 2023
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43 SIGNATORIES Signed on behalf of the Employer NATASHA O'DONNELL Signature Full Name 15-17 William St DIRECTOR HR PERTH WA 6000 Position / Authority to Sign Address 5/10/23 Date UPal Clarence Paul Witness Signature Witness Full Name . 15-17 William St PERTH IWA 6000 5/10/23 Address Date Signed for on behalf of the Australian Workers Unions Paul Farrow Signature Full Name A WU National Secretary Level 2, 16-20 Good St Granville NSW 2142 Position / Authority to Sign Address Date 5 October 2023 Debra Bushell Witness Signature Witness Full Name Level 2, 16-20 Good St Granville NSW 2142 5 October 2023 Address Date McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023
Signed on behalfofthe Electrical Trades Union:
Signature Full Name
Position / Authority to Sign Address
Date S 0Cfov'3eL
Witness Signature Witness Full Name
WA-reyC VA Cos
Address Date
McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023
half f the lectrical Trades Union:
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c\U WA ~4NU-\ ;EL-~ ,At'c'.~ 3 i=oc.. f\1..- WA'-\
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Po ition / Autl1ority to Sign Address
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Address Date
McDennott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023
44 Signed on behalf of the Electrical Trades Union: PCIL PETER CARTER Signature Full Name ETU WA BRANCH SECRETARY FOCAL WAY BAYSWATER WA 6053 Position / Authority to Sign Address Date 5 OCTOBER 2023 KSHA kim STEWART Witness Signature Witness Full Name 3 FOCAL WAY BAYSWATER WA 6053 5th October, 2023 Address Date McDermott Australia Pty Ltd Offshore Decommissioning Enterprise Agreement 2023