[2022] FWCA 2546
The attached document replaces the document previously issued with the above code on 28
July 2022.
Financial Services Union has been replaced with Finance Sector Union of Australia. The title
has been amended to ‘Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022’ instead of
‘Application for Approval of the Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement’.
Associate to Deputy President Young
Dated 28 July 2022.
Aware Super Services Pty Ltd T/A Aware Super & VicSuper Pty Ltd
Banking, finance, and insurance industry
Application for approval of the Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022
[1] Aware Super Services Pty Ltd T/A Aware Super & VicSuper Pty Ltd (the Employer)
has made an application for approval of an enterprise agreement known as the Aware Super
Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 (the Agreement) pursuant to s 185 of the Fair Work Act
2009 (the Act). The Agreement is a single-enterprise agreement.
[2] The Employer has provided written undertakings. A copy of the undertakings is
attached at Annexure A. I am satisfied that the undertakings will not cause financial detriment
to any employee covered by the Agreement and the undertakings will not result in substantial
changes to the Agreement. The undertakings are taken to be a term of the Agreement.
[3] Subject to the undertakings referred to above, and on the basis of the material
contained in the application, the accompanying statutory declaration and the additional
information provided by the Employer. I am satisfied that each of the requirements of ss 186,
187, 188 and 190 as are relevant to this application for approval have been met.
[4] Pursuant to s 202(4) of the Act, the model flexibility term prescribed by the Fair Work
Regulations 2009 is taken to be a term of the Agreement.
[5] The CPSU, the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU), Finance Sector Union of
Australia (FSU), and Public Services Association (PSA), being bargaining representatives for
the Agreement, have given notice under s 183 of the Act that they seek to be covered by the
Agreement. In accordance with s 201(2) and based on the statutory declaration provided by
the organisation, I note that the Agreement covers these organisations.
[2022] FWCA 2546
Fair Work Act 2009
s.185—Enterprise agreement
, AUSTRALIA FairWork Commission
[2022] FWCA 2546
[6] The Agreement was approved on 28 July 2022 and, in accordance with s 54, will
operate from 4 August 2022. The nominal expiry date of the Agreement is 30 June 2025
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[2022] FWCA 2546
Annexure A
FWC Matter No.:
Aware Super Services Pty Ltd & VicSuper Pty Ltd
Section 185 - Application for approval of a single enterprise agreement
Undertaking - Section 190
I, Steve Hill, Group Executive - People & Workplace, have the authority given to me by Aware
Super Services Pty Ltd and VicSuper Pty Ltd to give the following undertaking with respect to
the Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 ("the Agreement"):
1. For so long as the Agreement is in operation, no employee will be employed as a
shiftworker for the purpose of the National Employment Standards (NES) in the Fair
Work Act 2009.
2. Clause 41.3 of the Agreement will not operate such as to allow deductions from
accrued but unused NES entitlements.
These undertakings are provided on the basis of issues raised by the Fair Work Commission
in the application before the Fair Work Commission.
21 July 2022
IN THE FAIR WORK COMMISSION FWC Matter No .: AG2022/2251 Applicant: Aware Super Services Pty Ltd & VicSuper Pty Ltd Section 185 - Application for approval of a single enterprise agreement Undertaking - Section 190 I, Steve Hill, Group Executive - People & Workplace, have the authority given to me by Aware Super Services Pty Ltd and VicSuper Pty Ltd to give the following undertaking with respect to the Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 ("the Agreement"): 1. For so long as the Agreement is in operation, no employee will be employed as a shiftworker for the purpose of the National Employment Standards (NES) in the Fair Work Act 2009. 2. Clause 41.3 of the Agreement will not operate such as to allow deductions from accrued but unused NES entitlements. These undertakings are provided on the basis of issues raised by the Fair Work Commission in the application before the Fair Work Commission. Signature 21 July 2022 Date
Note - this agreement is to be read together with an undertaking given by the
employer. The undertaking is taken to be a term of the agreement. A copy of it
can be found at the end of the agreement.
Aware Super Services
Enterprise Agreement 2022
aware SUPER
Where is everything?
Part 1 – Welcome .................................................................................................................... 1
1 What do we stand for? ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 What is this all about? ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 What is the name of this Agreement and where can I find it? ......................................................................... 1
4 Who is covered by this Agreement? ........................................................................................................................... 1
5 When does this Agreement commence? .................................................................................................................. 2
Part 2 - Salaries and Related Matters ................................................................................... 2
6 What is my annual salary? ............................................................................................................................................... 2
7 How will I be paid? ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
8 How will my salary be reviewed? ................................................................................................................................. 4
9 Commitment to gender pay equality ......................................................................................................................... 5
10 Your Superannuation ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
11 Allowances ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Part 3 – How and when you work ......................................................................................... 7
12 Types of Employment ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
13 When can I work my ordinary hours?......................................................................................................................... 9
14 Changing your ordinary hours ...................................................................................................................................... 9
15 How can I work more flexibly? ...................................................................................................................................... 9
16 Additional Hours ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
17 Time Off in Lieu (TOIL) .................................................................................................................................................... 12
18 When can I take a break? .............................................................................................................................................. 12
19 Training and Development ........................................................................................................................................... 13
20 Job Flexibility ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13
21 Where can I work? ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
Part 4 - Leave and public holidays ...................................................................................... 14
22 What Annual Leave will I receive? .............................................................................................................................. 14
23 Purchased Leave ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
24 Personal/Carer’s Leave ................................................................................................................................................... 16
25 What Compassionate Leave am I able to receive? .............................................................................................. 16
26 Parental Leave .................................................................................................................................................................... 17
27 Transgender Transition Support Leave .................................................................................................................... 19
28 Long Service Leave........................................................................................................................................................... 19
29 Wellbeing Leave ................................................................................................................................................................ 20
30 Sabbatical Leave ............................................................................................................................................................... 20
31 Community Service Leave ............................................................................................................................................. 20
32 Natural Disaster Leave .................................................................................................................................................... 20
33 Volunteering Leave .......................................................................................................................................................... 20
34 Family and Domestic Violence Leave ....................................................................................................................... 21
35 Jury Service ......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
36 Additional Leave ............................................................................................................................................................... 21
37 Public Holidays .................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Part 5 – Consultation, redeployment, and redundancy .................................................... 22
38 Consultation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 22
39 Appointing a representative ........................................................................................................................................ 23
40 What happens if my role is made redundant? ..................................................................................................... 24
Part 6 – Termination and Dispute Resolution .................................................................... 25
41 What is my notice period? ............................................................................................................................................ 25
42 What is the process for dealing with disputes? .................................................................................................... 26
43 Union Representation ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
44 Managing under performance .................................................................................................................................... 27
45 Managing misconduct .................................................................................................................................................... 28
46 Work Health and Safety ................................................................................................................................................. 28
47 Definitions and Interpretation ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Schedule A ............................................................................................................................. 30
Former Pillar Agreement Employee redundancy entitlements ........................................................................................... 30
Schedule B .............................................................................................................................. 31
Transitional arrangements for employees of VicSuper Pty Ltd .......................................................................................... 31
Execution ................................................................................................................................ 32
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 1 of 34
Part 1 – Welcome
1 What do we stand for?
At Aware Super, our purpose is to be a force for good in super and retirement, shaping the best
outcomes for our members, their families and communities, and our industry.
Our vision is to be the most trusted choice for super, retirement and advice. We earn trust every
day by the way we invest and provide the right help and advice. This means we Lead Bravely;
Deliver Honourably and Care Deeply.
We aim to serve all Australians, particularly those that are community minded. This includes
educators, health care workers, aged care and childcare, public sector and police and emergency
2 What is this all about?
Our Agreement is about providing you with the support and flexibility needed to allow you to
meet your personal and professional goals, while being recognised and rewarded for your
efforts. This Agreement details information regarding your work terms and conditions,
entitlements, and benefits, in addition to those found within your Employment Agreement and
Company policies. For the avoidance of doubt, your Employment Agreement, the Award and
any Company policies do not form part of this Agreement.
This Agreement has been negotiated with Employee and Union Representatives and will not
reduce any entitlements provided by the National Employment Standards (NES), or applicable
long service leave legislation. Where there is any inconsistency between this Agreement and the
NES or applicable long service leave legislation, the more beneficial provision will apply to you.
3 What is the name of this Agreement and where can I find it?
This Agreement will be titled Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 and will be
posted within the People Policies & Documents page on HR & Me.
4 Who is covered by this Agreement?
This Agreement covers:
a) Aware Super Services Pty Ltd and VicSuper Pty Ltd;
b) Employees of Aware Super Services Pty Ltd and of VicSuper Pty Ltd who work in roles
classified at Bands 1 – 4 using the AON classification framework, with the exception of all
non – administration roles in Investments;
c) The Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) and the Finance Sector Union (FSU),
provided that the Fair Work Commission (FWC) has noted in its decision to approve the
Agreement that the Agreement covers these organisations.
Former Pillar Agreement Employees who are covered by this Agreement have particular
entitlements which are set out in Schedule A of this Agreement.
Employees who were employed by VicSuper Pty Ltd as at 30th June 2020 and were covered by
the VicSuper Enterprise Agreement 2017 at that time have particular entitlements which are set
out in Schedule B of this Agreement.
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 2 of 34
5 When does this Agreement commence?
This Agreement will operate seven (7) days after it is approved by the FWC and has a nominal
expiry date of 30 June 2025 unless otherwise terminated in accordance with the Act.
The Company will aim to commence discussions relating to a replacement agreement six (6)
months prior to the nominal expiry date.
Part 2 - Salaries and Related Matters
6 What is my annual salary?
6.1 Job Classification
We use a job classification framework which is aligned to the AON job evaluation methodology
to group together jobs with similar role factors. They are the:
• knowledge requirements of the role and its application to perform core role requirements;
• the levels of accountability and impact the position has;
• the levels of complexity in problem solving required as well as who the role interacts with
both inside and outside the organisation.
The job classification framework determines which band level a role operates at, and in turn this
band is used to determine the salary range for your role. This band is confirmed in the schedule
of your Employment Agreement and is able to be viewed by you on our HR system. Once a band
has been determined for your role, it will not change unless the requirements of the role
substantially change, and only then after consultation with you.
6.2 Your annual salary
Your annual salary comprises both your base salary and superannuation contributions made by
the Company on your behalf. If you are a part-time employee, you will be paid a pro-rated
annual salary based on your ordinary hours of work.
Your hourly rate will be calculated by dividing the base salary (being your annual salary excluding
employer superannuation contributions) for your role by fifty-two weeks (52) and then by thirty-
eight hours (38).
6.3 Minimum annual salary
If you are a full-time employee, you will be paid no less than the minimum annual salary for the
band level of your role within the appropriate job family as per the following:
Effective the first full pay period in September 2022 or in the first full pay period after the
Agreement has been formally approved by FWC, whichever is the later, (inclusive of employer
superannuation contributions at a rate of 11% of base salary). In either event, the adjustments
will be backdated to the first full pay period in July 2022.
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 3 of 34
Job Classification
Minimum Annual Salary
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4
Corporate Services
(HR, Finance and Admin
$61,200 $65,500 $75,700 $92,400
Advice Planning
(Financial Planners and
Technical support)
$60,400 $67,200 $85,800 $115,500
Projects and Change $60,400 $70,000 $85,000 $122,500
Member Growth $60,400 $72,300 $80,800 $102,000
Member Service
(Service Centre, CSO Network
and Member Solutions)
$60,400 $65,500 $75,700 $92,700
Risk and Legal $60,400 $73,000 $89,300 $99,500
Technology $61,300 $69,700 $82,500 $100,000
Effective the first full pay period in July 2023 (inclusive of employer superannuation contributions
at a rate of 11.5% of base salary)
Job Classification
Minimum Annual Salary
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4
Corporate Services
(HR, Finance and Admin
$63,320 $67,769 $78,322 $95,601
Advice Planning
(Financial Planners and
Technical support)
$62,492 $69,528 $88,772 $119,501
Projects and Change $62,492 $72,425 $87,944 $126,743
Member Growth $62,492 $74,804 $83,599 $105,533
Member Service
(Service Centre, CSO Network
and Member Solutions)
$62,492 $67,769 $78,322 $95,911
Risk and Legal $62,492 $75,529 $92,393 $ 102,947
Technology $63,423 $72,114 $85,358 $ 103,464
Effective the first full pay period in July 2024 (inclusive of employer superannuation contributions
at a rate of 12% of base salary)
Job Classification
Minimum Annual Salary
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4
Corporate Services
(HR, Finance and Admin
$65,512 $70,115 $81,034 $98,910
Advice Planning
(Financial Planners and
Technical support)
$64,656 $71,935 $91,845 $123,638
Projects and Change $64,656 $74,932 $90,989 $131,131
Member Growth $64,656 $77,394 86,493 $109,187
Member Service
(Service Centre, CSO Network
and Member Solutions)
$64,656 $70,115 $81,034 $99,231
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 4 of 34
Job Classification
Minimum Annual Salary
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4
Risk and Legal $64,656 $78,143 $95,592 $106,511
Technology $65,619 $74,611 $88,313 $107,046
You will not be paid less than the national minimum wage or any minimum wage detailed in the
Banking, Finance and Insurance Award 2020 that would apply to you but for this Agreement.
Where a scheduled change to the minimum annual salary level occurs and this results in your
actual salary falling below the new minimum salary after any salary increase in clause 8.1 has
been applied, your salary will be increased to the new minimum salary. You will be paid the
increase in September of that year provided you remain in employment at that time, and it will
be backdated to the first full pay period in July.
6.4 Cost of Living Allowance
If you are a permanent or maximum term full-time employee, you will receive a one-off cost of
living allowance of $1,000 (gross). If you are a permanent or maximum term part-time employee,
you will receive a pro rata equivalent of $1,000. This allowance is inclusive of an employer
superannuation contribution at a rate of 11%.
The payment of this allowance will be made to you if you are employed by us on or before 1st
July 2022 and is conditional on:
a) a successful vote being held before 30 June 2022; and
b) you being employed by the Company on the date the payment is made, and not
otherwise serving any resignation or termination notice period
The allowance (less applicable tax and superannuation) will be paid by the end of July 2022 at
the latest.
7 How will I be paid?
Your base salary (being your annual salary exclusive of employer superannuation contributions)
will be paid fortnightly by electronic funds transfer. You will be provided with an electronic
payslip for each pay period. If you are paid on a monthly basis as at the commencement of the
Agreement, the transition of your payment frequency to a fortnightly basis will occur within two
(2) months of the Agreement being approved by the FWC.
8 How will my salary be reviewed?
8.1 You will receive an annual salary increase as detailed in the following table provided that as at
1 July of that relevant year you
a) have been in your current role for greater than six (6) months and;
b) are not on a performance improvement plan (PIP) and;
c) have not otherwise received an increase to your annual salary of at least the prescribed
increase in the last six (6) months.
If you are on PIP as at 1 July of the relevant year, you will receive the salary increase for that year
effective from the next pay period following the date your people leader assesses you as
meeting performance expectations.
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 5 of 34
2022 2023 2024
3% 3% 3%
8.2 All increases in salary will take effect in September of the relevant year and will be backdated
to the first full pay period in July of the same year.
9 Commitment to gender pay equality
We strive to be an employer of choice for gender equality and, as such, we commit to addressing
gender disadvantage in the workplace. We do this in a number of ways including addressing
any form of relative pay inequity that might occur between genders in comparable roles. We
will actively review pay data so that we can identify any issues and we commit to taking action
to address any gender pay gaps that might be identified.
If you have a concern regarding your pay relative to other employees with a different gender
identity to you and performing the same role as you, then you should raise this with your people
leader in the first instance. If the concern is unable to be resolved, it will be escalated to your
people leader once removed or a member of the People Advisory team who may commission a
review by the Head of Performance and Reward.
10 Your Superannuation
10.1 Employer contributions
We will pay a superannuation contribution on your behalf equal to the prevailing SGC rate, plus
an additional 0.5% of your base salary. Superannuation contributions are included within the
minimum annual salaries in clause 6.3.
When the prevailing SGC rate increases, your annual salary will increase by the additional 0.5%
of your base salary in the first full pay period in July, and your base salary will not decrease as a
result. This increase is in addition to any increase provided for in clause 8.1.
10.2 You can choose your own fund
We will make superannuation contributions to the fund of your choice, provided it is a
complying fund under all relevant superannuation legislation.
Where you have not nominated such a fund, we will make contributions to the superannuation
fund stapled to you. If there is not such a stapled fund, then the Aware Super fund will be the
default fund for all superannuation contributions the Company makes on your behalf.
10.3 Voluntary employee and salary sacrifice contributions
a) You may authorise us to pay, on your behalf, a specified amount from your post-taxation
salary into your chosen superannuation fund.
b) You may elect at any time to make additional pre-tax contributions into your chosen
superannuation fund provided that:
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 6 of 34
i Such election is made prior to the commencement of the period of service to which
the earnings relate;
ii Where salary sacrifice arrangements attract fringe benefits tax you will be liable for
any payment of the fringe benefit tax;
iii Salary sacrifice will not reduce your salary for the purposes of superannuation,
redundancy, termination payment or for the calculation of allowance, penalty rates
and additional hours payments; and
iv You do not make more than four (4) variations to your salary sacrifice arrangement
within a financial year.
10.4 Contributions while you are absent from work
Subject to the governing rules of your nominated superannuation fund, we will make the
superannuation contributions provided for in clause 10.1 in the following circumstances:
a) whilst you are on any paid leave, including the paid portion of parental leave
b) whilst you are on unpaid parental leave, up to a maximum of thirty-two (32) weeks in the
twelve (12) month period following the relevant birth, adoption or placement;
c) whilst you are on unpaid carer’s leave;
d) for the period of absence from work (subject to a maximum of fifty-two (52) weeks) due
to work-related injury or illness, provided that you are receiving workers compensation
payments, or receiving regular payments directly from us in accordance with relevant
statutory requirements, and that you remain duly employed.
11 Allowances
11.1 Stand-by allowance
If you are required to be on stand-by to perform additional work outside your ordinary hours
of work, you must be contactable, fit for duty and available to return to work within a reasonable
period of time.
If you are formally rostered to be on stand-by, you will be paid an allowance of $50 per instance.
If you are recalled back to work within the rostered stand-by period, the additional hours worked
will be compensated in accordance with clause 16.
Where the recall to work requires you to attend the office, you are entitled to a cab charge or
reimbursement of a ride share or taxi fare for the journey between the office and your place of
residence in accordance with clause 16.8.
For the avoidance of doubt, where you are still completing tasks for which you were recalled on
stand-by for, when ordinary working hours commence, the additional hours arrangements in
clause 16 do not apply, unless you have not had a 10-hour break between work.
11.2 Additional hours meal allowance
If you are entitled to additional hours payment under Clause 16, and have either worked:
• one and a half (1½) additional hours beyond your ordinary working hours on a day or
• five (5) or more additional hours on a Saturday outside of the span of ordinary hours or on
a Sunday or public holiday,
you will receive either a suitable meal or a meal allowance in accordance with the following:
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 7 of 34
a) $25 per occasion effective from 1 July 2022;
b) $25.63 per occasion effective from 1 July 2023;
c) $26.27 per occasion effective from 1 July 2024
11.3 Safety allowance
If you agree to be appointed by us as a qualified and accredited First Aid Officer to perform first
aid duties, you will be paid an allowance of $16.55 per week while you remain in the role of First
Aid Officer. The safety allowance will increase annually each July by the percentages detailed in
clause 8.
11.4 Higher Duties allowance
All permanent and maximum-term employees are eligible to receive a higher duties allowance
where they are required to act in a higher position for a period of no less than five (5) consecutive
Where all duties of the higher position are undertaken, and this has been formally agreed with
your people leader, you will be paid the minimum annual salary of the higher role for the period
during which higher duties are performed. Where partial duties of the higher position are
undertaken, an amount which is equal to 50% of the difference between the minimum annual
salary of the higher role and your current annual salary will be paid.
Where you are a part-time employee, any higher duties allowance payable will be pro-rated
based on your ordinary hours of work.
11.5 Travel allowance and reasonable work-related expenses
All reasonable travel and business expenses will be reimbursed with the approval of your people
leader upon production of receipts, in accordance with the Travel and Reimbursement Policy,
which does not form part of this Agreement.
Part 3 – How and when you work
12 Types of Employment
You may be engaged on a full-time, part-time, maximum-term or casual basis.
12.1 Full-time employment
As a full-time employee you are engaged to work an average of thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours
per week or an average of one hundred and fifty-two (152) hours over four (4) weeks. You may
be employed on a permanent or maximum-term basis.
12.2 Part-time employment
As a part-time employee you:
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 8 of 34
a) are engaged to work an average of less than 38 ordinary hours per week or less than 152
hours over 4 weeks;
b) will receive, on a pro-rata basis, equivalent pay and conditions to those of full-time
employees who do the same kind of work;
c) will receive details of the number of hours to be worked each week and your starting and
finishing times;
d) may be employed on a permanent or maximum-term basis.
12.3 Maximum-term employment
As a maximum-term employee you will be engaged for a specific period of time or for a specific
task or tasks. Your Employment Agreement will specify the expiry date. You may work in a full-
time or part-time capacity for the duration of your employment.
12.4 Casual employment
As a casual employee you will be engaged by the hour and paid by the hour. The minimum
engagement period as a casual employee is three (3) hours.
For each hour worked, you will be paid the relevant hourly rate of pay for your role in accordance
with clause 6.3, plus a casual loading of 25%. If you work outside the span of ordinary hours in
clause 13.1 the provisions of clause 16 will apply to you.
The casual loading is paid in lieu of annual leave, personal/carer’s leave, notice of termination,
redundancy benefits and the other attributes of full-time or part-time employment. Unless
otherwise stated, casual employees are not entitled to any forms of leave provided for under
this Agreement.
12.5 Request for conversion
If you are a casual employee, you may be eligible to request to work as a part-time or full-time
employee in accordance with the NES. If you have been employed as a casual employee for at
least 12 months and in the past 6 months, worked a regular pattern of hours on an ongoing
basis, then you may make a request in writing to the Company to convert to:
a) a full-time employee if you were working the equivalent of full-time hours in the 6 months
prior to the request; or
b) a part-time employee with hours consistent with your regular pattern of hours in the 6
months prior to the request.
The Company will not refuse the request unless it has consulted with you and there are
reasonable grounds to refuse the request, and those reasonable grounds are based on facts that
are known, or reasonably foreseeable, at the time of refusing the request. Reasonable grounds
for refusing the request include, but are not limited to, the following:
c) it would require a significant adjustment to your hours of work in order for you to be
employed as a full-time employee or part-time employee;
d) your position will cease to exist in the period of 12 months after making the request;
e) the hours of work which you are required to perform will be significantly reduced in the
period of 12 months after making the request;
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 9 of 34
f) there will be a significant change to either (or both) the days or hours of work you are
required to perform in the period of 12 months after making the request which cannot
be accommodated within the days or times you are available to work during that period.
If you make such a request, the Company will provide you with a written response within 21
days after the request is made stating whether the request is granted or refused. If it refuses
your request it will provide you with reasons. If it grants your request, the Company will, within
21 days after the request is made to it, give written notice to you of the following:
g) whether you are converting to full-time employment or part-time employment;
h) your hours of work after the conversion takes effect;
i) the day your conversion to full-time employment or part-time employment takes effect
(which will be the first day of your first full pay period that starts after the notice is given,
unless agreed otherwise with you).
The Company will discuss the above matters with you prior to providing you with this written
13 When can I work my ordinary hours?
13.1 The span of ordinary hours in the Service Centre will be 7.00 am to 8.30 pm Monday to Friday,
and 8.00 am to 12.00 noon Saturday.
The span of ordinary hours in all other functions will be 7.00am to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday.
13.2 If you are a part-time employee, you will work the hours agreed between yourself and your
people leader, within the spread of ordinary hours of work. All work performed by you outside
of the agreed spread of ordinary hours, and where you have been directed to do so, will be paid
in accordance with clause 16.
14 Changing your ordinary hours
Your ordinary hours of work may be changed from time to time by mutual written agreement
between you and your people leader. If agreement cannot be reached, we may change your
hours by providing you with four (4) weeks’ written notice of the change. If a dispute arises in
relation to your ordinary hours, it will be resolved in accordance with clause 42.
15 How can I work more flexibly?
15.1 While there are options about how you work in this Agreement, sometimes they won’t fit your
exact circumstances and we will need to agree with you to vary the effect of the Agreement so
that you can work how you want to.
We recognise you may have a wide range of family and personal commitments, including child
and elder care responsibilities or cultural practices. In support, we are committed to providing
flexibility so you can fulfil these responsibilities or practices, provided of course that our
business and member needs continue to be met.
15.2 Changes to working arrangements may include:
a) changing total weekly hours/days worked;
b) working fewer days in a week by working greater hours on those days you do work (a
compressed work week);
c) variation to allowances;
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 10 of 34
d) varying pattern of work to include split shifts or job sharing; or
e) change in start/finish time.
15.3 You may request a variation to how the terms of this Agreement apply to you in accordance
with this clause 15. If approved, an ‘Individual Flexible Work Arrangement’ will commence. An
Individual Flexible Work Agreement is unlikely to be necessary or appropriate where the
changes you seek are ad hoc in nature or on a one-off basis.
All Individual Flexible Work Arrangements implemented must be genuinely agreed to by both
you and us.
15.4 What can I change?
In your Individual Flexible Work Arrangement, we may both agree to change any one or more
of these matters:
a) arrangements for how and when work is performed;
b) additional hours rates;
c) allowances
In considering your request for an Individual Flexible Work Arrangement, we will ensure that the
arrangement only involves permitted matters under section 172 of the Act and does not include
any unlawful terms (as defined in the Act). We will ensure that the arrangement will result in you
being better off overall than if no arrangement was made.
15.5 Details of the Individual Flexible Work Arrangement
All Individual Flexible Work Arrangements will be documented in writing and will include details
of how the arrangement will work. Where the arrangement is approved, we will provide you with
the written agreement within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the arrangement request. It will
a) some formalities – your name, the Company name, the date it commences and our
signatures (you cannot have someone sign the Flexible Work Arrangement on your behalf
unless you are under 18 years of age, whereby a parent or legal guardian will sign for
b) which terms of the Agreement will be varied and how they will be varied; and
c) how you will be better off overall as a result of the arrangement.
15.6 How can I end the arrangement?
If an Individual Flexible Work Arrangement has been put in place, you or the Company may
decide at any time that the arrangement no longer works for one or both parties.
If this happens, either you or the Company may terminate the Individual Flexible Work
Arrangement by providing twenty-eight (28) days’ written notice (unless legislation provides for
a longer period), or the arrangement may terminate at a date that both parties have agreed to
in writing.
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16 Additional Hours
What happens if I am required to work additional hours?
It is generally expected that you perform your work within your ordinary hours. However, we
may at times require you to work reasonable additional hours where such work is unavoidable
because of operational demands. We will endeavour to provide you with reasonable notice of
the requirement to work additional hours. However, in the case of an emergency, it may not be
possible to provide reasonable notice.
16.1 If you are in a role classified at Bands 1 – 3 and we have directed and approved you to complete
additional hours of work, you must agree with your leader in advance whether these additional
hours worked may be taken as Time Off in Lieu (TOIL) or paid at the applicable additional hours
rates detailed in clause 16.5.
16.2 Regardless of which band you are in, your annual salary compensates you for the first 15 minutes
of additional hours work after your 7.6 ordinary hours per day (or part time equivalent) and no
additional rates or TOIL will apply in this circumstance.
16.3 If you are in a role classified at Band 4, your annual salary compensates you for reasonable
additional hours worked outside of your ordinary hours. However, if you do work in excess of
180 hours in a 4-week period, and those excess hours have been pre-approved by your
Manager, then additional hours payment rates would apply for those excess hours. If you work
on a part time basis then the 180 hours will be pro-rated.
16.4 You may refuse a request to work additional hours where you have reasonable grounds for
doing so.
16.5 Additional hours payment rates
Subject to this clause, all time worked at the direction of, and approved by, the Company outside
the span of hours or in addition to your ordinary hours of work will be paid as follows:
Overtime hours worked
Full-time and part-
time employees
Casual employees
% of ordinary hourly rate
Monday to Friday
First 3 hours 150 175
After 3 hours 200 225
Saturday – outside ordinary hours of
200 225
Public holidays
In computing pay rates for additional hours worked, each day’s work will stand alone. For the
avoidance of doubt, the rates of casual employment are inclusive of the 25% casual loading.
Additional hours payments will only be made where you are required to work additional hours
or have had a request to work them approved by your people leader.
You are not entitled to payment under this clause in respect of ordinary hours worked outside
the span of hours if such hours are worked other than at the direction of the Company.
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16.6 Subject to clause 16.3 if you are in a role classified at Bands 1 – 3 and are required to work
outside the span of ordinary hours on a Saturday, Sunday, or a Public Holiday, you are entitled
to a minimum payment of four (4) hours at the appropriate additional hours rate.
16.7 If you are required to work additional hours, you are entitled to a twenty (20) minute paid rest
break once five (5) hours have elapsed since the last rest break. It is your responsibility to agree
with your people leader when you will take your rest break, and to take your paid rest break. If
you do not take your paid rest break you will not receive any additional compensation.
16.8 Travel after additional hours worked
Where you have been required to complete additional hours of work which results in you leaving
the workplace after 7:00 pm, you are entitled to a cab charge or reimbursement of a ride share
or taxi fare home for the journey between the office and your place of residence.
Prior approval for all additional hours of work and subsequent cab charge / taxi fare home is
16.9 Reimbursement for care expenses
If you are required to work additional hours with less than 24 hours’ notice and as a result you
incur additional childcare, elder care or disabled dependent care expenses that you otherwise
would not have incurred, you are able to receive reimbursement for these expenses so long as
they are reasonable in the circumstances. We may request appropriate proof of costs incurred
to support your reimbursement.
Prior approval of all additional hours of work and subsequent additional care expenses is
17 Time Off in Lieu (TOIL)
If you are in a role classified at Bands 1 – 3 and are required to work additional hours, and where
agreed between you and your people leader, you may elect to take TOIL instead of receiving
additional hours pay rates.
If you elect to take TOIL, you:
a) Will be entitled to take one hour off for each additional hour worked;
b) Must take the TOIL at a time agreed between you and your people leader; and
c) Will not be entitled to take time off work in respect of any additional hours for which you
have already been paid.
Arrangements for TOIL to be taken are to be made with your people leader, and as far as
possible, TOIL should be taken within four (4) weeks of it being accrued. If an accrued TOIL
balance exceeds 20 hours, the excess amount will be paid out at the appropriate additional
hours payment rate. Any accrued but untaken TOIL will also be paid out at the additional hours
payment rate upon termination of employment.
18 When can I take a break?
You are not required to work more than five (5) consecutive hours without a meal break.
However, where your daily hours to be worked are six (6) hours or less, you may agree with your
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people leader to work the extended six (6) hour period with no break.
18.1 Meal breaks
Meal breaks:
a) will be no less than 30 minutes and no more than one (1) hour in duration;
b) are to be taken at a time agreed between you and your people leader; and
c) do not count as ordinary hours worked and are therefore unpaid.
18.2 Rest breaks
a) If you are working more than 5 hours a day during your ordinary hours of work, you are
entitled to two (2) 15-minute paid rest breaks.
b) All paid rest breaks will be taken at a time mutually agreed by you and your people leader.
It is your responsibility to agree on that time with your people leader, and to take your
paid rest break. If you do not take your paid rest break you will not receive any additional
c) In any circumstance where you work more than 5 hours a day and take more than two (2)
15-minute rest breaks, those additional rest breaks will not count as working time and
your finish time will be extended accordingly. Where this results in your finish time falling
outside the span of ordinary hours, you will not be entitled to TOIL or additional hours
18.3 Unless otherwise agreed between you and your people leader, you will not be required to work:
a) more than 10 hours in any one day without having a break of at least 10 hours between
finishing work one day and starting work the next day.
19 Training and Development
Permanent employees have access to internal and external learning and development
opportunities, aligned to your current role or professional development, and in accordance with
company policy.
Costs may be reimbursed for approved courses with prior approval of your people leader.
Reasonable time off for study, examinations or lectures will be granted when they occur during
normal hours of work.
20 Job Flexibility
During the course of your employment and where business needs require, we may temporarily
or permanently move you into a similar level position to your current position, where you have
the requisite skills and/or experience. Where that move will be for a period longer than two (2)
weeks or on a permanent basis, we will consult with you two (2) weeks prior to a requirement
for you to move into a similar level position.
21 Where can I work?
We believe in embracing an approach to work that embeds the benefits of home-based working
with those of working together in the office to connect and collaborate with colleagues. You will
be assigned a primary office location in your Employment Agreement. However, you may choose
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to work from an office location closer to where you live or to work from home on some occasions
by agreement with the Company.
None of our roles will operate fully from home. You will be required to have regular attendance
in the office. We expect on average that office attendance will be at least one (1) day a week,
with more time being spent in the office for key activities that your leader will determine in
consultation with you and your team members.
When you do work from home, it is expected that you will work your usual pattern of hours.
Outside of those pattern of hours, it is not expected that you remain connected to work.
Part 4 - Leave and public holidays
22 What Annual Leave will I receive?
Time out is important - we all work hard and have busy lives. If you are full-time, you will accrue
four (4) weeks of annual leave per year of service or a pro-rata equivalent if you are part-time.
Leave is accrued according to your ordinary hours of work. However, it does not accrue during
periods of unpaid leave.
Unused annual leave accumulates from year to year and is paid out to you if it has not been taken
when you leave your employment with us.
22.1 Letting us know when you want to take leave
You are required to provide us with as much notice as possible of the dates of your proposed
annual leave by applying for leave no less than four (4) weeks prior to the date that your annual
leave is proposed to commence. Your people leader will confirm your leave request within two
(2) weeks of submitting it.
Your people leader will not unreasonably decline your request for annual leave. In considering
whether to approve your request, your people leader will consider your personal circumstances
and the timing of your proposed leave with regards to business needs, and other team member
leave dates.
22.2 Requiring you to take a break
We encourage you to take your leave and sometimes we will direct you to take annual leave –
but we’d only do that if it’s reasonable. We may require you to take leave where:
a) you have accrued an excessive amount of annual leave of eight (8) weeks or more; or
b) where we shut down part or all of the business like we usually do over the Christmas and
New Year period.
If we wish you to take leave because you have an excessive amount of leave, we will attempt to
agree a plan with you to reduce your excessive balance. If no agreement is reached, we may
then direct you take leave providing such a direction will not result in your remaining accrued
entitlement to annual leave being less than six (6) weeks.
If we require you to take annual leave, we will give you a minimum of four (4) weeks’ notice.
22.3 Requesting to take a break
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If you have held an excessive amount of accrued annual leave of eight (8) weeks or more for
more than six (6) months and have not been required to take leave as described in clause 22.2,
you may submit a written request to your people leader to take annual leave.
We will accommodate that request providing that you give a minimum of eight (8) weeks’ notice
before the leave is to be taken, and the leave you are proposing to take is taken within twelve
(12) months’ of the notice being given. The duration of leave requested cannot be less than one
(1) week and no greater than four (4) weeks. It must not result in your remaining accrued
entitlement to annual leave being less than six (6) weeks.
22.4 Not paid annual leave
You are not taken to be on paid annual leave where:
a) A day or part day that is a public holiday occurs in your work location, during your period
of annual leave (it will count as an ordinary workday instead); or
b) If, during a period of paid annual leave, you take any other leave type (other than unpaid
parental leave) provided for in the NES; or
c) You are absent from employment due to community service leave provided for in clause
22.5 Cashing out excess annual leave
We want you to take your annual leave, but we understand that from time to time you may
accrue excess leave and would prefer to receive a payment for the leave.
You may request to cash out accrued annual leave to reduce your excessive annual leave
balance. The maximum amount of accrued annual leave that may be cashed out in any twelve
(12)-month period is two (2) weeks. Following cashing out, a minimum of four weeks' annual
leave must be retained. Approval is subject to the discretion of your people leader.
Any cashing out arrangement will be agreed in writing with you.
22.6 How we calculate and pay your annual leave entitlements
If you work:
a) Full-time - you will accrue leave in accordance with your ordinary hours of work, up to
the maximum entitlement specified for each year of continuous service.
b) Part-time – you will accrue leave on a pro-rata basis based on your ordinary hours of
c) on a casual basis - you do not accrue leave.
Leave entitlements are calculated and paid using your base salary unless otherwise specified.
23 Purchased Leave
If you have an annual leave balance of less than eight (8) weeks, you may be eligible to apply to
purchase up to four (4) additional weeks of annual leave per year (pro-rata for part-time
employees). By purchasing leave, you will be reducing your salary by the monetary value of the
number of weeks’ leave purchased.
Leave can only be purchased in full weeks and must be taken within the twelve (12) month
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period from when the arrangement commenced. Should your employment end part way
through a year, any additional purchased leave will be paid out to you at the rate for which you
purchased it. Further details on the application process can be found in the Purchase of
Additional Leave Policy.
24 Personal/Carer’s Leave
If you cannot work because you are sick or injured, or you need to care for or support an
immediate family member or member of your household who is sick, injured or affected by an
unexpected emergency, you may take personal/carer’s leave.
Where additional carer's leave is required, and you have exhausted your paid personal/carer’s
leave entitlement, you are entitled to an additional two (2) days’ unpaid leave. Your people
leader has the discretion to grant additional unpaid leave if you have exhausted your
24.1 What personal/carer’s leave will I receive?
If you are a full-time employee, you will receive fifteen (15) days paid personal/carer’s leave per
year of service. The entitlement is pro-rated for part-time employees.
Personal/carer's leave accrues progressively from year to year, according to your ordinary hours
of work. Unused personal/carer's leave is not paid out upon cessation of employment.
24.2 Letting us know
We need to plan for your absence, so you are required to give your people leader as much
notice of your absence as possible and explain the likely duration and reason for your absence.
Where reasonably practicable this notification shall be made no less than one (1) hour prior to
the commencement of your workday/shift.
24.3 Evidence
You are entitled to a maximum of three (3) successive days of personal/carer's leave without
providing proof that you were entitled to take that leave, unless those days are taken either side
of a weekend or public holiday, or where the Company considers that there is an identified
pattern of absence, in which case you may be required to provide proof of the reason for the
Proof of the reason for the absence must be provided by way of a medical certificate from a
registered health practitioner or a statutory declaration.
24.4 Superannuation whilst on unpaid carer’s leave
We will continue to make superannuation contributions to your fund during any period of
unpaid carer’s leave, calculated using your applicable salary at the time of that leave.
25 What Compassionate Leave am I able to receive?
Employees (other than casual employees) are entitled to five (5) days of paid compassionate
leave for each permissible occasion. A permissible occasion is when a member of your immediate
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 17 of 34
family, or a member of your household:
a) contracts or develops a personal illness that poses a serious threat to their life; or
b) sustains a personal injury that poses a serious threat to their life; or
c) dies.
Casual employees are entitled to three (3) days of unpaid leave for each permissible occasion.
25.2 Letting us know
You are required to provide notice of the taking of compassionate leave as soon as practicable
and advise us of the period, or expected period, of the leave. We may request appropriate
medical or other evidence such as a Statutory Declaration to support your leave.
26 Parental Leave
You may be eligible to receive parental leave entitlements if the leave is associated with:
a) the birth of a child of you or your spouse, including by surrogacy; or
b) the placement of a child with you for adoption, permanent care, or through long-term
fostering or kinship arrangements which will last for more than two years; and
c) you have or will have the responsibility for the care of that child.
What Parental Leave will I receive?
26.2 Where you are providing care for a child, you are eligible to take unpaid parental leave in
accordance with the NES and this clause 26.
26.3 Where you do not have primary responsibility for the care of a child and your partner is on
parental leave, you may take up to eight (8) weeks of unpaid concurrent parental leave within
the first year or the birth, adoption or placement event.
26.4 If you are a permanent full-time or part-time employee you will be eligible for paid parental
leave in accordance with this clause 26 within the first year of birth or placement of the child.
There is no minimum service period required to access unpaid or paid parental leave.
26.5 If you are eligible for paid parental leave under this clause 26 and you will have primary
responsibility for the care of the child, you will be entitled to up to twenty (20) weeks' paid
primary carer’s leave, calculated on the basis of your pre-parental leave salary. If at the time of
taking paid parental leave you are within your probation period, a maximum of eight (8) weeks
of primary carer’s leave can be taken during your probation period, with the remaining twelve
(12) weeks to be taken after you have completed your probation period.
26.6 If you are eligible for paid parental leave under this clause 26 but you will not initially have
primary responsibility for the care of the child, you will be entitled to up to four (4) weeks' paid
secondary carer’s leave, calculated on the basis of your pre-parental leave salary. If during the
first year of the birth or placement of the child, you take primary responsibility for the care of
the child, you are entitled to take up to twenty (20) weeks paid primary carer’s leave, less any
secondary carer’s leave already taken.
26.7 Paid parental leave payments under this clause 26 may be made on a normal fortnightly basis
or at the rate of half pay over an extended period at your election.
26.8 The entirety of the paid parental leave entitlement must be taken in the period prior to the child
turning one (1) or within the first year of placement.
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Additional details regarding the application and notification of all parental leave provisions can
be found in the relevant Company policy.
26.9 Grandparents leave
If you are or will be a grandparent, and are a permanent employee, you are entitled to five (5)
days’ paid grandparent leave.
This leave must be taken within the first twelve (12) months of the birth, adoption or placement
of your grandchild.
26.10 Pre-adoption leave
If you are seeking to adopt a child, you are entitled to two (2) days’ paid leave for the purpose
of attending any compulsory interviews or examinations as are necessary as part of the adoption
You and your people leader may agree on the length of any unpaid leave. Where agreement
cannot be reached, you are entitled to take up to two (2) days’ unpaid leave.
You may be required to provide satisfactory evidence supporting the leave. Casual employees
are not entitled to this leave.
26.11 Superannuation whilst on parental leave
We will pay the relevant SGC during unpaid parental leave up to a maximum of thirty-two (32)
weeks in the twelve (12) month period following the relevant birth, adoption or placement,
calculated using your pre-parental leave salary.
26.12 Paid special maternity leave
If your pregnancy advances more than twenty (20) weeks and ends other than by the birth of a
living child, or a child born alive does not survive, you are entitled to twenty (20) weeks’ paid
special maternity leave immediately. Casual employees are not entitled to this leave.
26.13 Accrual of leave whilst on paid parental leave
You will continue to accrue annual leave, personal leave and long service leave during any period
of paid parental leave.
26.14 Keeping in touch days
You can work up to ten (10) keeping in touch days during your unpaid parental leave. If you
extend your unpaid parental leave beyond twelve (12) months, you may undertake an additional
ten (10) keeping in touch days.
Keep in touch days may be worked as a part day, single day, or multiple days. They are not
required to be taken and must be agreed to by the Company. The earliest you can take a keeping
in touch day is 42 days after the birth, adoption or placement or, if requested and agreed by the
Company, 14 days after the birth, adoption or placement. You will receive your normal pay and
leave entitlements for each keeping in touch day (or part day).
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27 Transgender Transition Support Leave
We recognise the importance of providing a supportive environment when you are undertaking
a gender transition.
Where you identify as transgender, and you wish to permanently adopt a gender that is different
to your birth sex, you may take up to four (4) weeks’ paid gender transition support leave and
fifty-two (52) weeks' unpaid transgender transition support leave, to undertake the process of
transitioning gender. The period of unpaid transgender transition support leave taken is
inclusive of any other paid leave taken, including the four (4) weeks’ paid gender transition leave.
You must have completed twelve (12) months continuous service at the time of application. On
ending your gender transition support leave, you are entitled to return to your pre leave position
or a substantially similar and available position if your original one no longer exists.
Further detail pertaining to this leave provision is available in the relevant Company policy.
28 Long Service Leave
28.1 You are entitled to receive:
a) Thirteen (13) weeks paid LSL after ten (10) years of continuous service; and
b) A further one and a third (1.3) weeks paid LSL for every additional completed year of
service thereafter.
28.2 The rate of pay at the time you take LSL will be calculated in accordance with the state LSL
legislation applicable to you.
28.3 Your LSL balance can be taken on a pro-rata basis upon completion of seven (7) years'
continuous service and must be taken for periods of no less than one (1) day. You may request
to take LSL before you have accrued the entitlement to it. If we agree to this arrangement and
your employment ends before the LSL has been accrued, you agree that any balance owed will
be deducted from your final pay.
28.4 Your LSL will continue to accrue when you are on periods of paid leave as well as for absences
of 52 weeks or less when on unpaid parental leave or if in receipt of weekly payments of
compensation as part of a Workers Compensation claim. Your LSL will not continue to accrue
when on other periods of unpaid leave or in the event of a break in service.
28.5 A period of LSL taken is exclusive of public holidays, and because LSL is paid leave, it will count
as continuous service and annual leave and personal leave entitlements will continue to accrue
when you are on LSL.
28.6 Your LSL will be paid out on a pro-rata basis after five (5) years' continuous service if your
employment is terminated by the Company for reasons other than serious and wilful
misconduct. In all other cases, it will be paid out after seven (7) years’ continuous service.
28.7 The LSL entitlement under this clause 28 satisfies, and is not in addition to, any entitlements
you may have under state long service leave legislation.
28.8 This clause should be read in conjunction with the LSL legislation applicable to you. Such
legislation gives meaning to certain terms used in this clause.
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29 Wellbeing Leave
We believe in creating a workplace that supports and cares for the ‘whole’ employee. If you are
a permanent employee you are entitled to two (2) days of paid wellbeing leave to enable you
to take a short break from work and focus on your personal wellbeing. When taking wellbeing
leave, you need to notify your manager no less than one hour prior to the commencement of
your workday or shift.
Wellbeing Leave is credited at the start of each financial year to all employees who have passed
their probation period prior to 31 March of the prior year. Wellbeing Leave does not accrue
from year to year and is not paid out if your employment with Aware Super ends.
30 Sabbatical Leave
We understand that there are times when you might want to take an extended break away from
work to pursue other interests. If you are a permanent employee, you can take up to three (3)
months of unpaid sabbatical leave to enable this once every five (5) years of completed service,
providing you do not have greater than eight (8) weeks of accrued leave. Sabbatical Leave does
not accrue from year to year and is not paid out if your employment with Aware Super ends.
31 Community Service Leave
We recognise and support the valuable contribution you can make by participating in voluntary
emergency management activities.
If you are a permanent full-time or part-time employee and you are a member of an emergency
management body (such as the SES or Rural Fire Service), you are entitled to up to twenty (20)
days' paid Community Service Leave per annum if you are required by them to help deal with
an emergency or natural disaster. This leave does not accrue from year to year.
Under the NES you also are entitled to further periods of unpaid community service leave for
the same purpose. Further detail pertaining to this leave provision is available in the relevant
Company policy.
32 Natural Disaster Leave
We also want to support you at times when you or members of your immediate family are
experiencing difficult circumstances as a result of a natural disaster.
If you are a permanent full-time or part-time employee and need to evacuate or defend your
property or secure alternative premises as a result of a natural disaster, you are entitled up to
one (1) weeks’ paid natural disaster leave. This leave can also be used to support immediate
family members in similar circumstances and may be extended by a further one (1) weeks’ paid
leave at the discretion of your people leader.
33 Volunteering Leave
We care about the wider community and believe in creating a workplace that supports the
connections you have with your community.
One (1) day’s paid volunteering leave is credited at the start of each financial year to all
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employees who have passed their probation period to enable you to undertake volunteering
activities for a registered charity or community organisation. Volunteering leave does not accrue
from year to year and is not paid out if your employment ends.
34 Family and Domestic Violence Leave
We are committed to supporting our employees who are experiencing domestic and family
violence or are providing support to an immediate family member or household member who
is experiencing domestic and family violence.
If you are a permanent full-time or part-time employee and are experiencing domestic and
family violence you can, subject to this clause 34, access uncapped paid leave for the purpose
of obtaining medical and legal assistance, for attending court appearances or counselling, to
assist in relocation or to make arrangements necessary for the safety and security of you and
your family.
If you are providing support to an immediate family member or household member who is
experiencing domestic and family violence, you can access up to ten (10) days’ paid leave per
year. Additional leave may be provided depending on individual circumstances. This leave does
not accrue from year to year. Further detail pertaining to this leave provision is available in the
relevant Company policy.
34.1 Taking leave
To access Family and Domestic Violence Leave, you need to first agree a plan with your people
leader which takes into account your circumstances and identifies the amount of and / or
duration of leave which is available to you. The leave may be taken in one continuous period, in
several shorter periods or as single days or hours, as agreed with you.
You may be asked to provide appropriate evidence (such as a letter from your health practitioner
or a recognised support service, documents issued by the police or a court of law or a statutory
declaration) in support of the leave. If your circumstances change, you need to advise your
people leader of this at the earliest opportunity and a agree a new replacement plan with them.
35 Jury Service
The Company supports you in participating in community services, such as Jury Service.
All permanent and maximum-term employees will receive make up pay for Jury Service. Make
up pay is the difference between what you would have earned under the terms of your
employment and payment you receive for performing jury service.
Further detail pertaining to this leave provision is available in the relevant Company policy.
36 Additional Leave
We have a very comprehensive set of leave arrangements, but also recognise that life can be
unexpected and sometimes unplanned events cause periods of significant stress which require
unplanned time off work. Additional paid or unpaid leave can be considered in exceptional
circumstances and when all other leave options have been exhausted. Should you wish to make
an application for such leave, you should discuss your specific circumstances with your people
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leader, and they will apply discretion on a case-by-case basis, balancing your needs with team
and operational requirements.
37 Public Holidays
37.1 You are entitled to be absent on a public holiday in the state in which you live when that public
holiday occurs on a day that you would normally work.
The following are national public holidays – New Year’s Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter
Monday, ANZAC Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
The following are public holidays declared by individual states:
• In ACT – Canberra Day, Reconciliation Day, Easter Saturday, Queen’s Birthday and Labour
• In NSW – Easter Saturday, Queen’s Birthday and Labour Day
• In QLD – Easter Saturday, Queens’s Birthday and Labour Day
• In VIC – Easter Saturday, Queen’s Birthday, Labour Day, AFL Grand Final Day and
Melbourne Cup
• In WA – Labour Day and Western Australia Day
If the state in which you live declares or prescribes a public holiday in addition to or in
substitution of those set out in this clause 37.1 those days will constitute additional holidays
for the purpose of this agreement.
37.2 If you are required to work on a public holiday, we will give you four (4) weeks’ notice of this
37.3 You can either be paid at double time and a half or you can substitute the public holiday for
another day off in the same period by mutual agreement with your people leader. If we are
unable to agree to your requested substitute day, we will pay you for this day. You will be entitled
to no less than four (4) hours' pay, provided you are available to work for four (4) hours. If you
are in a role classified at Band 4, this clause 37.3 will only apply to the extent that the hours
worked are in excess of the thresholds prescribed in clause 16.3.
37.4 Swapping Public Holidays for a day of cultural significance
You can swap a state-based public holiday for time off on a day of cultural significance to you,
providing you give your people leader at least four weeks’ notice of the day off required and
which public holiday you are substituting it for. You will be required to work your standard hours
on the public holiday that you have nominated to swap and time off in lieu will not apply to this
day. You will not be able to swap with a public holiday that occurs during an office closure
period, or those that fall during a period of leave you are or will be taking.
Part 5 – Consultation, redeployment, and redundancy
38 Consultation
38.1 We’ll consult with you and with relevant union representatives as soon as practicable after we
formally propose to introduce major workplace change. A major workplace change is where a
major change to production, program, organisation, structure, or technology in relation to our
enterprise is likely to have a significant effect on Employees. A major change is likely to have a
significant effect on employees if it results in:
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 23 of 34
a) the termination of the employment of employees; or
b) major change to the composition, operation or size of the workforce or to the skills
required of employees; or
c) the elimination or diminution of job opportunities (including opportunities for promotion
or tenure); or
d) the alteration of hours of work; or
e) the need to retrain employees; or
f) the need to relocate employees to another workplace; or
g) the restructuring of jobs.
38.2 A consultation period of no less than one (1) week will apply for any major workplace change.
The consultation period will be extended by up to one (1) further week if there are still
outstanding queries pertaining to the workplace change.
38.3 Where your role is no longer required as a consequence of a major workplace change, we will
support you in redeployment opportunities and provide access to outplacement services.
38.4 What’s the process?
a) As soon as practicable after we formally propose to introduce a major workplace change,
we’ll discuss with you (or your nominated representative) and relevant union
i the introduction of the change;
ii the effect the change is likely to have on you, including any welfare considerations;
iii measures we are taking to avert or mitigate the adverse effect of the change on
iv We will provide to you in writing:
v all relevant information about the change including the nature of the change
vi information about the expected effects of the change on you; and
vii any other matters likely to affect you.
b) We will consider all matters raised by you about the change and aim to provide any
information and responses to questions as soon as practicable. The Company is not
required to disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information to you.
38.5 Changes to hours of work
We will consult with you two (2 weeks) prior to a proposed change to your roster or ordinary
hours of work. If you are affected by the change, we will:
a) provide you with information about the change;
b) invite you to give your views about the impact of the change (including any impact in
relation to your family or caring responsibilities); and
c) reasonably consider those views.
This clause does not apply to you if you have irregular, sporadic or unpredictable working hours.
39 Appointing a representative
You may appoint a representative for the purposes of the procedures contained within clause
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 24 of 34
40 What happens if my role is made redundant?
The provisions of this clause apply to you if you are a full-time or part-time employee. It does
not apply to casual employees.
You may be entitled to receive redundancy pay if your employment with us ends:
a) at our initiative because we no longer require the job to be done by anyone, except where
this is due to the ordinary and customary turnover of labour; or
b) because of the insolvency or bankruptcy of the Company.
Your redundancy pay entitlement is dependent on your period of continuous service with the
Company, as per the following:
Your period of continuous service with the Company on
Redundancy pay period
At least one year but less than two years Four weeks
At least two years but less than three years Six weeks
At least three years but less than four years Seven weeks
At least four years but less than five years Eight weeks
After five (5) years’ continuous service, you are entitled to an additional two (2) weeks of
redundancy pay for each year of continuous service thereafter and the pro-rata equivalent for
each month of completed service in your last year, to a maximum total of forty (40) weeks after
twenty (20) years of continuous service.
For former Pillar Agreement Employees, entitlements in a redundancy situation will be in
accordance with Schedule A.
You will not be entitled to redundancy pay under this clause 40 where there is a Transfer of
Employment in relation to you and your new employer recognises your service with us for
redundancy pay purposes or where:
c) you reject an offer of employment by another employer that:
i is on terms and conditions substantially similar to, and considered on an overall
basis, no less favourable than your terms and conditions of employment with us
immediately before the termination; and
ii recognises your service with us for redundancy pay purposes; and
d) had you accepted the offer, there would have been a Transfer of Employment that relates
to you
Notice of termination will be in accordance with clause 41.1.
If you are a part-time employee at the time your employment ends on the grounds of
redundancy, but you have been engaged to work a greater number of hours in the past five (5)
years, then your redundancy pay entitlements will be calculated on a weighted average of the
hours you have worked over the past five (5) years and on your base salary at the time of your
employment ends.
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 25 of 34
Any accrued but untaken Annual Leave is paid out to you in accordance with clause 22 and
where you have worked more than 5 years continuous service, your pro-rata long service leave
will be paid to you in accordance with clause 28.6. Any accrued but untaken TOIL will also be
paid out at the additional hours payment rate.
40.2 Employee leaving during notice period
Where you are given notice of termination in circumstances of redundancy, you are required to
work that notice period in order to receive your redundancy pay. However, the Company may
permit you to cease employment earlier, in which case you will remain entitled to receive the
benefits and payments you would have received under this clause had you remained in
employment until the expiry of the notice. You will not, however, be entitled to payment in lieu
of the remaining period of notice.
40.3 Job search entitlement - redundancy
Where you have been given notice of termination in circumstances of redundancy, you will be
entitled to one (1) day of paid leave during each week of notice for the purpose of seeking other
Part 6 – Termination and Dispute Resolution
41 What is my notice period?
41.1 Termination by the Company
We will provide you written notice that we are ending your employment by way of termination,
as per the following:
Period of Notice
Your period of continuous service If you are 45 years
old or younger
If you are over 45
years old
Within your probation period 1 week 1 week
After completion of your probation
period if you have less than 5 years'
continuous service
1 month
1 month
More than 5 years of continuous service 1 month & 1 week
We may pay you in lieu of part or all of the required period of notice. Where we choose to do
so, the payment will equal the total of all amounts that, if your employment had continued until
the end of the required period of notice, we would have been liable to pay you during that
period in respect of your ordinary hours.
The period of notice in this clause 41.1 will not apply where:
i your employment is terminated for reasons warranting summary dismissal;
ii you were employed for a set period of time, or for a set task/s that has since
completed (i.e. maximum-term contract);
iii you are a casual employee.
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 26 of 34
41.2 Resignation
If you choose to resign from the Company, you are required to provide the notice period
specified in your Employment Agreement or where a notice period is not specified, you are to
provide the same notice as that required to be provided by the Company in clause 41.1.
If you are over 45 years old, you are not required to provide us the additional one (1) weeks'
41.3 What happens if I resign and don’t give the required notice period?
If you don’t give us the required notice, we may deduct from your final salary a sum equal to
the amount of notice you did not give.
You may request, subject to mutual agreement, to work a shorter notice period without penalty.
42 What is the process for dealing with disputes?
If a dispute arises about a matter under this Agreement or the NES, the following process
a) As soon as practicable, you will raise the matter with your people leader and allow them
the opportunity to remedy the dispute.
b) If you and your people leader are unable to resolve the dispute by mutual agreement, or
where the dispute means that direct discussions between you and your people leader are
not possible or impractical, you can refer the matter to your next senior people leader or
Group Executive and allow them the opportunity to remedy the cause of the dispute.
c) If you and your senior people leader and/or Group Executive are unable to resolve the
dispute, you can refer the matter to Human Resources who will attempt the resolve the
d) If the matter remains unresolved, it may be referred by either party to the Fair Work
Commission to resolve as it considers appropriate, including by mediation, conciliation,
expressing an opinion, or making a recommendation, arbitration, or making a binding
You may appoint a representative at any time during the process to deal with a dispute.
42.1 Continuing to work:
Whilst attempting to resolve the dispute, you must:
a) Continue to perform your normal duties unless it is not practicable to do so (e.g. because
of health and safety reasons, security or because you are suspended while the matter is
being investigated).
b) Comply with a direction given by us to perform other available work at the same
workplace, or at another workplace, unless:
i the work is not safe;
ii applicable occupational health and safety legislation would not permit the work to
be performed;
iii the work is not appropriate for you to perform; or
iv you have other reasonable grounds for refusing to comply with the direction.
You will not be prejudiced as to the outcome of the dispute by the continuance of work in
accordance with this clause 42.1.
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 27 of 34
43 Union Representation
We recognise the rights of our employees to choose to be a member of a union and to elect
union workplace representation for the purpose of this Enterprise Agreement (union workplace
representation). Where requested by a union, we will inform them of new starters to the
Company and assist with the scheduling of voluntary induction sessions.
A union workplace representative will perform their representative duties with minimal
disruption to our normal business. For the purpose of performing representative duties, you
may request and will, subject to operational requirements and the request being reasonable, be
released by your people leader, from your normal duties without loss of pay.
43.1 Taking leave for union training
A union workplace representative may apply for a maximum of five (5) days’ paid leave in any
year to attend industrial relations training courses recognised by the Company and the relevant
Your people leader reserves the right to request details of the nature, content and duration of
the training course and have this provided by you prior to approval being provided to attend
the course.
Approval will be granted for the leave, subject to the Company being able to make adequate
staffing arrangements for the duration of the leave period.
We may require you to provide proof of attendance at the course before paying for the leave
and we will not be liable for any other expenses.
44 Managing under performance
Performance objectives will be agreed between you and your people leader annually and may
be reviewed and / or adjusted during the course of the performance year. Objective setting will
be fair and transparent taking into account the business outcomes required, the role you are
performing and your experience.
In the event that concerns emerge with regard to your performance, we are committed to
ensuring procedural fairness is followed when managing under performance your people leader
will first raise any concerns with you and, where the Company considers it appropriate, address
them through informal performance management and coaching in the first instance.
If concerns remain unresolved or an informal step is not appropriate, formal performance
management and/or disciplinary action may be taken provided that:
a) You are notified of the reason(s) and given an opportunity to respond before action is
taken; and
b) During all steps in the performance management procedure, you have the right to
representation of your choice, including a union.
A detailed procedure for managing these matters is contained in the Aware Super Disciplinary
Policy which does not form part of this Agreement.
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 28 of 34
45 Managing misconduct
We will also ensure procedural fairness is followed when managing allegations of misconduct.
Where concerns emerge with regard to your conduct, your people leader will raise these
concerns with you and, where the Company considers it appropriate, address them through
informal performance management and coaching in the first instance.
If concerns remain unresolved or an informal step is not appropriate, formal performance
management and/or disciplinary action may be taken provided that:
a) You are notified of the reason(s) and given an opportunity to respond before action is
taken; and
b) During all steps in the performance management procedure, you have the right to
representation of your choice, including a union.
A detailed procedure for managing these matters is contained in the Aware Super Disciplinary
Policy which does not form part of this Agreement.
46 Work Health and Safety
We care about the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees and are committed to our
Work Health and Safety (WHS) Duties to ensure our people’s physical and psychological health
and safety at work. Our commitments are reflected in our WHS Policy which is reviewed annually.
As part of our duty of care, we commit to maintaining appropriate agreed work health and safety
consultation arrangements. Where those agreed arrangements are to have a Work Health and
Committee, the Committee will meet quarterly as a minimum to engage and consult on matters
that relate to, and/or impact, our people’s health and safety.
47 Definitions and Interpretation
Agreement This Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 including
Schedules A and B
Annual Salary Base salary plus employer superannuation contributions
Award The Banking, Finance and Insurance Award 2020 or any successor of
that instrument
Aware or Aware Super Aware Super Services Pty Ltd
Base salary Your ordinary hourly rate of pay multiplied by your ordinary hours
per week, multiplied by 52
Casual Employee A casual employee within the meaning of Section 15A of the Fair
Work Act
Classification The Grade assigned to you based on job family and your annual
salary package as defined in this Agreement
Company Your employer (being either Aware Super or VicSuper)
Continuous service Your length of continuous service (inclusive of service with any
previous employer that is recognised by the Company) excluding
any period prescribed by the Act or long service leave legislation
(where applicable) said not to count as service
Fair Work Act or Act The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) or any successor of that Act
Employee A person employed by the Company and covered by this Agreement
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 29 of 34
Your employment contract detailing the terms and conditions of
employment with the Company
Former Pillar
Agreement Employee
An employee who transferred to FSS Trustee Corporation on 14 April
2014 from Pillar Administration, and who was covered by the Pillar
Administration Enterprise Agreement 2012 immediately prior to the
commencement of the First State Super Service Centre Enterprise
Agreement 2015 and who was in employment with FSS Trustee
Corporation on the date of commencement of the First State Super
Service Centre Enterprise Agreement 2015
Full time An employee engaged to work an average of 38 ordinary hours per
week (either on an ongoing or maximum-term basis)
FWC Fair Work Commission or its successor
Immediate family A spouse, de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or
sibling of the employee.
A child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of a spouse or de
facto partner of the employee.
A spouse includes a former spouse.
A person related to you by Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
kinship structures.
LSL Long Service Leave
Maximum-term An employee engaged for a specific period of time or for a specific
task or tasks. Your Employment Agreement will nominate an expiry
date. You may work in a full-time or part-time capacity for the
duration of the contract.
NES The National Employment Standards as contained in Part 2–2 of the
Part-time An employee engaged to work less than thirty-eight (38) ordinary
hours each week (either on an ongoing or maximum-term basis)
People Leader The person you directly report to
Probation A period of six (6) months after your employment with the Company
commences that enables us to assess if you are suitable for the role
or business and for you to assess whether the role or business is
suitable for you.
Span of hours Monday to Friday, 7.00am – 8.30pm. Saturday, 8.00am – 12 noon.
SGC Superannuation guarantee contribution being a superannuation
contribution equal to the amount we must contribute on your behalf
to avoid being liable for the superannuation guarantee charge under
the Superannuation Guarantee Legislation
Guarantee Legislation
The Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act 1992 (Cth) and the
Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth).
TOIL Time off in lieu
Transfer of
Has the meaning given by the Fair Work Act
Transgender When your gender identity doesn’t match your birth sex
VicSuper VicSuper Pty Ltd
We or us The Company
Year Refers to the Australian financial year, unless otherwise specified
You Employee
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 30 of 34
Schedule A
Former Pillar Agreement Employee redundancy entitlements
Former Pillar Agreement Employees will be entitled to the following payment in lieu of the notice period
in clause 41.1 and redundancy payment in clause 40:
a) four (4) weeks’ notice or payment in lieu, plus
b) for employees aged 45 years and over with five (5) or more years of completed service, an
additional one (1) weeks’ notice or payment in lieu, plus
c) a severance payment at the rate of three (3) weeks per year of continuous service with a
maximum of thirty-nine (39) weeks, with pro-rata payments for incomplete years of service to
be calculated on a quarterly basis; plus
d) the benefit allowable as a contributor to a retirement fund, plus
e) an incentive payment of eight (8) weeks' pay.
For the avoidance of doubt, all other provisions in clause 40 and clause 41 will apply.
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 31 of 34
Schedule B
Transitional arrangements for employees of VicSuper Pty Ltd
For employees who were employed by VicSuper Pty Ltd as at 30th June 2020 and who were covered by
the VicSuper Enterprise Agreement 2017 at that time, the following arrangements will apply.
Annual Leave Loading
Under the terms of the Aware Super Enterprise Agreement, no separate amount is payable as annual
leave loading. Rather the annual salaries referred to in this Agreement are inclusive of annual leave
loading amounts. An adjustment of one (1) years’ annual leave (being twenty (20) days for full-time
employees) paid at 17.5% and capped at $1,665 (gross and inclusive of superannuation contributions)
will be made to the annual salary.
Loyalty Bonus
An adjustment will be made to the annual salary based on each full year of service according to the
following eligibility criteria as at 1st July 2022:
Years of Service Amount Added to Annual Salary (gross and
inclusive of superannuation)
3 – 5 years $1,110
6 – 10 years $1,665
Over 11 years $2,220
Paid Leave at Christmas / New Year
The three (3) days paid leave between Christmas and New Year each year provided for under the
VicSuper Enterprise Agreement 2017 will be replaced in part by two (2) Wellbeing Days as outlined in
clause 29 of this agreement. The value of (1) one additional days’ base salary will be added to the annual
salary in recognition of the third day of leave entitlement.
Annual Performance Bonus
For any employees who are not offered to participate in a structured incentive plan, an adjustment
equivalent to 75% of the average Annual Performance Bonus payment (gross and inclusive of
superannuation) made to you under clause 18 of the VicSuper Enterprise Agreement 2017 for the last
three (3) years will be made to the annual salary.
All of these adjustments will be made on a one off and permanent basis to your annual salary and will
become effective in the first full pay period in September 2022 or in the first full pay period after the
Aware Super Enterprise Agreement has been formally approved by Fair Work Commission, whichever is
the later. In either event, the adjustments will be backdated to the first pay period in July 2022.
Long Service Leave
In addition to clause 28.2 and clause 28.6 of this agreement, if you are an employee of VicSuper Pty
Ltd and have five (5) years of continuous service as at 1st January 2022, you will be eligible to take your
long service leave on a pro-rata basis, and to receive a pro rata payment if you terminate your
employment with the Company.
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 32 of 34
Signed for and on behalf of Aware Super
Services Pty Ltd by its duly authorised
Signed for and on behalf of Aware Super
Services Pty Ltd by its duly authorised
Stephen Hill, Group Executive People & Workplace
Ian Pendleton, GE Legal and Secretariat
Name and Position of authorised representative
(please print)
Name and Position of authorised
representative (please print)
27 June 2022
27 June 2022
Date Date
Address: Level 28, 388 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Address: Level 28, 388 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Signed for on behalf of VicSuper Pty Ltd by its
duly authorised representative:
Signed for on behalf of VicSuper Pty Ltd by
its duly authorised representative:
Stephen Hill, Group Executive People & Workplace
Ian Pendleton, GE Legal and Secretariat
Name and Position of authorised representative
(please print)
Name and Position of authorised
representative (please print)
27 June 2022 27 June 2022
Date Date
Address: GPO Box 89, Melbourne Vic 3001 Address: GPO Box 89, Melbourne Vic 3001
Signature of authorised representative Signature of authorised representative
Signature of authorised representative Signature of authorised representative
laPen Signature of authorised representative Signature of authorised representative Chtepie Power laper Signature of authorised representative Signature of authorised representative
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 33 of 34
Signed for on behalf of the Community and Public Sector
Union by its duly authorised representative:
Signature of authorised representative
t'C re " /3, c.. +f-
--=~:....am_~S_a_~_,_P~....;.sir-;~ .... l---: ~---=-...:,.:::....;.rep-:_,_s~-;!=1;v-e e rc:J 5
e c. r e.~J .
(please print)
Address: L,.£.u e.. ( CO
t-i G~k,'h,4t~o"' S+
Me.. l Soc...r"' e__ 3C:Oo
Haren Bart. Karen Batt CPSU/SPSF group-Federal Secretary Name and Position of authorised representative (please print) 27 June 2022 Address: Level 10 128 Exhibition St Melbourne 3000
Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 Page 34 of 34
Signed for on behalf of the Finance Sector Union by its
duly authorised representative:
Name and Position of authorised representative (please
30 June 2022
Address: Level 1, 341 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3001
Signature of authorised representative
Julia Angrisano, FSU National Secretary
Authorised t.Wlder fwle 49 of the n,11110e Seetor Union ol Auwalia
Rules 110 sign induslrilll agreewnclll~
Signature of authorised representative Julia Angrisano, FSU National Secretary Authorised under Rule 49 of the Finance Sector Union of Australia Rules lo sign industrial agreements
FWC Matter No.:
Aware Super Services Pty Ltd & VicSuper Pty Ltd
Section 185 – Application for approval of a single enterprise agreement
Undertaking – Section 190
I, Steve Hill, Group Executive – People & Workplace, have the authority given to me by Aware
Super Services Pty Ltd and VicSuper Pty Ltd to give the following undertaking with respect to
the Aware Super Services Enterprise Agreement 2022 ("the Agreement"):
1. For so long as the Agreement is in operation, no employee will be employed as a
shiftworker for the purpose of the National Employment Standards (NES) in the Fair
Work Act 2009.
2. Clause 41.3 of the Agreement will not operate such as to allow deductions from
accrued but unused NES entitlements.
These undertakings are provided on the basis of issues raised by the Fair Work Commission
in the application before the Fair Work Commission.
21 July 2022
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