Fair Work Act 2009
s.185—Enterprise agreement
The Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of
QUEENSLAND 2019-2023
Education services
Application for approval of the Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective
Agreement - Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019-2023 – agreement approved – application
for variation or amendment under s.217 or s.586.
[1] An application has been made for approval of an enterprise agreement known as the
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement - Diocesan Schools
of Queensland 2019-2023 (the Agreement). The application was made pursuant to s.185 of
the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act). It has been made by The Corporation of the Trustees of the
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane; The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the
Diocese of Cairns; The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Rockhampton;
The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Townsville; and the Corporation of
the Roman Catholic Diocese of Toowoomba (the Applicant). The Agreement is a single
enterprise agreement.
[2] The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), The United Workers
Union (UWU) and the Independent Education Union (IEU) are bargaining representatives of
the Agreement. The ANMF filed an F18 supporting approval. The IEU filed an F18
supporting approval, but subject to several concerns raised in response to the F17. The ANMF
filed an F18 indicating that they opposed approval of the Agreement, levying concerns with
the Agreement.
[3] All parties to the Agreement agreed that this matter should be heard alongside the
application for approval of the “Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective
Agreement - Religious Institutes Schools Queensland 2019 – 2023.” Given the degree of
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AUSTRALIA FairWork Commission
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similarity, I agreed to hear the matters together. A separate Decision approving that agreement
has also been published.i
[4] Alongside the applications for approval, a Form 1 was filed in respect of each
agreement regarding a variation or correction under s.217 or s.586 of the Act.
Outstanding Issues
[5] Chambers raised concerns and invited further submissions from the parties.
Submissions were provided by the parties and a hearing was scheduled to hear the parties on
the outstanding issues. Prior to the hearing, Chambers issued directions instructing the parties
to convene and prepare an agenda of outstanding issues, as draft undertakings had been
provided that alleviated many of the initial objections. An agenda was provided which
outlined two final issues that required attention.
[6] At this point, the UWU confirmed “that the employer response adequately addresses
any issues within the UWU areas of coverage and [they did] not seek to be further heard in
the matters”.
[7] Prior to the hearing, I sought confirmation that unions did not press any submissions
other than those raised in the most recent agenda. The IEU provided:
“The IEUA-QNT confirms that (form our point of view) the only matters for
determination tomorrow are the two matters identified in the attachment to Mr Kelly’s
email on 26 October 2020. The IEUA does not press any other submissions”.
[8] The ANMF provided:
“We have had an opportunity to review the Agenda items provided by the Applicant
which reflect the resolution of the issues as they relate to school nurses as identified by
the Commission. On that basis the issues which the QNMU had with the Agreement
are now resolved”.
[9] The UWU provided:
“UWU has had the opportunity to review the matters of concern identified by FWC and
the Agenda items provided yesterday. UWU confirms that the employer response
adequately addresses any issues within the UWU areas of coverage and we do not seek
to be further heard in the matters”.
[10] On this basis I was satisfied the only matters that required addressing at the hearing
were those in the agenda. The matters were jointly heard at Brisbane, on Friday 30 October
[11] At the hearing, the Applicant was represented by Mr Ray Kelly, of the Queensland
Catholic Education Commission, and Mr Colin O’Neill, on behalf of the Corporation of the
Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, trading as Brisbane Catholic
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[12] Mr John Spriggs, Senior Industrial Officer, and Ms Monique Roosen, Industrial
Services Officer, appeared for the IEU.
[13] Mr Christopher Murray, Industrial Officer, appeared on behalf of the ANMF.
[14] Mr Murray, for the ANMF stated that they no longer had any outstanding issues and
supported the position of the IEU with respect to the outstanding Agenda items.
[15] I heard from the parties on the two outstanding issues raised in the Agenda, with the
previous objections being addressed by the undertakings provided by the Applicant.
[16] The remaining issues focussed upon:
That there is no right to request causal conversion for the relevant casual employees
(which excludes Teachers and School Officers, as there exist limitations on their
maximum period of casual employment); and
That under the Agreement, a termination payment would be payable as late as one
fortnight after termination, as opposed to 7 days as required by the Award.
[17] Following the hearing, a conference was conducted which the IEU and the Applicant
attended; the ANMF having nothing else to add chose not to attend. At this conference the
remaining agenda items were addressed and it appeared there may be the opportunity for a
further conference to ameliorate these issues.
[18] On 2 November 2020, I directed the parties to attend a further conference to address
the outstanding agenda items and copy of the written submissions of the Applicant (which
included two further draft undertakings to address the outstanding issues) were provided to
the unions. A copy of the Unions’ written submissions was requested.
[19] On 4 November 2020, the IEU provided their submissions. These addressed the
submissions at the hearing and asserted that the further undertakings provided by the
Applicant would prevent the Agreement passing the BOOT. In these further undertakings, the
minimum and maximum hours that a part-time Services Staff employee could undertake were
removed. The IEU raised concerns that removal of the 12-hour minimum would cause a
financial detriment and therefore be a cause for concern in the Agreement passing the BOOT.
[20] These submissions were drafted after a meeting between the IEU and the Applicant on
3 November 2020. They therefore included the updated position of the IEU following those
discussions. The new position highlighted that, provided current engagements were not
altered, there would be no detriment:
Recent assertions from employers and impact on IEU Submissions
26 In discussion between the employer and employee representatives on Tuesday 3
November 2020, the employer representatives stated (in response to concerns
identified by the IEUA both on 30 October and on 3 November 2020) that clauses
3.2.2, 3.2.3, and (particularly) 3.2.4 of the proposed enterprise agreement would
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prevent an employer from reducing the current minimum hours of employment of
a part time employee.
27 Clause 3.2.4, provides as follows:
“Subject to clause 8.5.3 the agreed number of ordinary hours per week may
be varied by mutual agreement. Any such agreed variation to the number of
weekly hours of work will be recorded in writing.”
28 For the sake of completeness we record that clause 8.5.3 provides as follows:
“The normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours shall be
established at the point of engagement. The normal starting and finishing
times can only be varied:
(a) by the employer giving two (2) weeks’ notice of the change; or
(b) where the employee agrees to the change.
29 The employers stated that clause 8.5.3 deals only with normal starting and
finishing times, and does not deal with the quantum of hours for which an
employee is engaged.
30 Further, the employers stated that clause 3.2.4 does not permit a unilateral
variation of the quantum of ordinary hours by the employer, rather that clause
only allows such a variation “by mutual agreement.”
31 If the employers’ statements, as detailed at points 26 to 30 above are accepted,
then the employer could not reduce the minimum engagement of a part time
employee (other than by mutual agreement), and hence such an employee would
not be “likely” to suffer a “financial detriment”.
32 The further consequence, then, would be that the FWC would not be prevented
from accepting the Undertaking (Attachment 1) as proposed by the employers.
33 However, the above reasoning would not be obvious to the average employee in a
school or college. The IEUA, therefore, respectfully requests that if the
Commission as currently constituted is minded to accept the proposed
undertakings on behalf of the employers, then the Commission’s Decision
specifically note that the Undertaking which would result in the removal of the
minimum periods of ordinary hours is accepted on the basis that an employer
cannot alter such periods, except by mutual agreement.
[21] On 11 November 2020, I wrote to the parties seeking confirmation that the
undertakings addressed any remaining concerns. The IEU concurred with the undertakings
provided, noting one caveat as follows:
“The IEUA, with one caveat, concurs with the Undertakings provided on behalf of the
employers. In the event that the Commission approves the subject Agreements, then
the IEUA respectfully reiterates its request that the Commission note in its Decision
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that the Undertaking which removes the minimum engagement provisions for certain
part time employees is accepted on the basis that an employer cannot alter such
minimum engagement periods, except by mutual agreement”.
[22] The ANMF and UWU supported the position of the IEU. For the purposes of this
approval, I note that the removal of the minimum engagement provision for those particular
part-time employees can only be done by mutual agreement.
[23] The Applicant has provided written undertakings. In accordance with s.190 of the Act,
I am satisfied that the undertakings will not cause financial detriment to any employee
covered by the Agreement and that the undertakings will not result in substantial changes to
the Agreement. The undertakings are attached to the Agreement and are taken to be a term of
the Agreement.
[24] The Form 1 filed in respect of both agreements had several variations, which could be
grouped into two categories:
Minor corrections to expression (changing time to 24-hour time), heading numbering
and inserting asterixis to bring to employees’ attention their correct entitlements (the
Minor Amendments); and
Correcting the uniform allowance found in the schedule from roughly $19.70 down
to $6.00, so that it accurately reflects the employees’ intended entitlement (the
Uniform Amendments).
The Minor Amendments
[25] As to the Minor Amendments, it is clear that this is an exercise of the intended
function under s.217, or under s.586 of the Act.
[26] The corrections sought remove ambiguity, or alternatively increase clarity. Mr Spriggs
submitted at the hearing on behalf of the IEU that “the range of other issues that are involved
in the Form F1 we think are exceptionally sensible additions to make the document more
readable”.ii Mr Spriggs added:
“MR SPRIGGS: Yes, well if I could pick one of the most obvious ones as an example, in
July next year notwithstanding the body of the agreement says there's a 2.5 per cent
wage increase, there's a cohort of employees that will receive a 4.5 per cent wage
increase. One of the variations is to put an asterisk and say that the actual wages are
higher than the 2.5 per cent increase in the body of the agreement because of a re-
alignment of classifications. So as I've said in our opinion they are sensible and they
actually go to making it, as you said, more readable, better understood.”iii
[27] As to the section under which any amendments or corrections would appropriately be
made, the Applicant submitted:
“MR KELLY: Just on those other issues, Deputy President, we think they'd be amenable
to change pursuant to section 217, because the actual provisions in the agreement as
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they stand create an ambiguity for employees, so section 217 could be the discretion
you could use or the alternative section 586 as well.”iv
[28] I am inclined to agree that the Minor Amendments should be allowed. This could be
done either under s.217 or s.586 of the Act, but for clarity this amendment is made under
s.217, as the Minor Amendments are properly concerned with some uncertainty, borne from
various errors.
The Uniform Amendments
[29] In accordance with the agenda as filed, the Applicants sought the Uniform
Amendments, as explained below, to “align the weekly quantum of the Uniform allowance for
Services Staff to that outlined in Table 4 (No. 7) and Table 5 (No. 5) of the Agenda, namely
“$6.00”.v The Applicant clarified at hearing:
“MR KELLY: … So in relation to when the applications for approval of the
agreements were lodged in July, in addition to the form 16s there was also two form 1
applications for variations of the agreement, and I'd just like to go through those
applications at this point in time. Now at the outset as was foreshadowed in the actual
agenda that was submitted on 26 October, there is an amendment that we're seeking to
be made to those form 1 applications and those amendments are basically to align the
uniform allowance that is outlined in - it's on page 17 of the agenda, so that we're
using that one consolidated document. There's an increase of those rates to $6. In the
original form 1 application the amounts were $5.80, $5.90 and $5.96, from memory,
but in conversations and discussions with my friend Mr Spriggs and given the BOOT
issues, we're seeking an amendment to that form 1 for all those figures in the
allowance for uniform to be $6.”vi
[30] In its written submissions the Applicant stated:
“The amount of $6.00 per week is the same for other employee cohorts (School Officers
and Boarding Supervision Staff) in undertakings numbered 24 and 25 of Table 3 of the
Agenda, which in turn is the same amount in the Modern Award (see clause 19.3(c)).
This amendment removes any BOOT concerns arising from the original Form 1
Applications and the amounts that were outlined”.vii
[31] The Applicant submitted that “[w]ith these amendments being made”, the changes as
sought in the Form F1 applications are not opposed by any respondent unions, and are not
considered contentious as a result of discussions that took place between the parties further to
the Commission’s directions of 7 October 2020.
[32] As to the amendments sought in relation to the uniform allowance, the Applicant
submitted that the removal of the “operative $5.00 per week allowance from the currently
applying enterprise agreements … as outlined in the Form 1 Applications was in error”.viii
[33] At hearing, the amendments as sought were raised as follows:
“MR KELLY: Yes, that's right. It would be page 15 and page 17 because there's two
separate form 1s for each of the separate applications for approval of the agreements.
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THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: The numbers in there are $19, $20 and $20.69, is that -
- -
MR KELLY: Which is in the current - those are the current figures in the agreement
that was lodged and this is the application to amend those figures to the $6.
MR KELLY: And I've got some submissions in relation to that, Deputy President.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: You should make those submissions, yes, I'm interested
to see how you can give me the power to reduce some benefits that were put in an
agreement that was voted on but - - -
MR KELLY: If you can bear with me.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: If you have something novel and interesting I'm sure my
colleagues down south would love to see it as well.
MR KELLY: Let's give it a whirl. So I'm assuming that you've accepted the
amendments to that form 1 application, not the approval of the form 1 application but
just the amendments to those $6. So with these amendments, if they've been accepted
by the Commission, the changes then sought by the applicants in the form 1
applications are not opposed by any respondent unions or considered contentious as a
result of the discussions that took place between the parties in accordance with the
Commission's directions of 7 October 2020, which my colleague Mr Spriggs had
confirmed at the outset of this hearing.
In relation to the amendments sought for the uniform allowance, there is information
outlined in the form 1 as to the factual matrix that occurred there. The removal of the
operative $5 per week allowance from the currently applying agreements which I have
noted in paragraph 43 of my submissions, but I'll just take those as read, those
changes to the removal of that $5 reference in the agreement was in error. In the Full
Bench decision of the ANMF v Domain Aged Care, this is on page 11 of my
submissions, and that's 2019 Full Bench decision, the majority in that case and
referring to section 586 of the Act stated and I quote from paragraph 52, and I have
copies of the decisions if you would like me to hand them up.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: I think there's a quotation from Shakespeare in that one.
MR KELLY: Yes, I think there is.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: If that's the one I remember.
MR KELLY: I'm not focusing on the quotation though.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: No, it did strike me though that Shakespeare had
entered the Commission.
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MR KELLY: Yes, and it even got a footnote as well, so - sorry, did I hand up two -
sorry, there's one copy for the union, sorry, Associate, I didn't have a fourth copy. So
I've just handed up that for your information but I'll be concentrating on paragraph 52
which I have highlighted there wherein it says:
In our view, corrections or amendments to agreements should be made sparingly.
MR KELLY: However, in that case the majority went on to state in the circumstances
of that case which did involve an amendment to a disputed - so there was a disputed
coverage clause between the parties in this which we would put is a significant issue
in relation to these matters in your exercise of your discretion in relation to section
586. So it was a disputed coverage clause between the employer and the union, and I
quote from paragraph 45 where the majority said:
This is the type of obvious error that would be amenable to correction under
section 586.”ix
[34] The Applicant submitted the decision of Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining
and Energy Union,x provided confirmation, which will be addressed later.
[35] The Applicant submitted that in seeking the Commission to exercise its discretion
pursuant to s.586 in relation to the uniform allowance, “there are particular circumstances that
apply in this case that are unique to the circumstances in other cases:
a) Importantly, the application to change the uniform allowance to $6.00 per
week is not opposed by any party (ie. it is not a contested issue);
b) It has been the subject of discussions by the parties in accordance with the
Commission Directions of 7 October 2020;
c) The change from the $5.00 per week outlined in the relevant clauses of the
current applying enterprise agreements (see paragraph 43) above for details)
i) an obvious error;
ii) not the subject of any claims by any party in negotiations for the
iii) not discussed at any time during negotiations or drafting of the
iv) not part of the explanation of changes document relating to the
Agreements (see Attachment 5 of the Form 17 Declarations for both
Applications) provided to relevant employees as part of the “access
period” requirements of the Act;
v) not expected to be mentioned by, or to, any employees in any
information sessions about the Agreements as part of the “access
vi) not expected to have been known or relied upon by any employees, or
at the very least, a significant majority of employees who voted to
approve the Agreements;
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vii) not expected to have affected the approval of the Agreements in the
employee ballots in any way, or at the very least, in any material way;
d) If the change was not made as sought, then there would be extreme differences
in the amount of the uniform allowance paid to different cohorts of employees
covered by the same Agreements ($6.00 compared to $20.69 come 1 May
2021) that are not able to be rationally justified.”xi
[36] At hearing the Applicant submitted:
“… importantly the application to change the uniform allowance to $6 per week is not
opposed by any party. That is it's not contested.”xii
[37] The Applicant submitted that in granting the corrections or amendments as sought, the
Commission would be:
“…performing its functions in a manner consistent with the requirements of sections
577 and 578 of the Act, namely that:
a) “is fair and just”;
b) “promotes harmonious and cooperative workplace relations”; and
c) takes into accounts “equity, good conscience and the merits of the
The matter of $5 or $19 for the uniform allowance
[38] Further to the corrections sought under the Applicant’s Form F1 applications, the
following discussion was had at hearing regarding the proposed error of $19 for uniform
“THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: It wasn't explicitly noted that - and we can have a look
at it in a sec - that uniform, the rate was going to increase by a percentage or it was
just going to be a rolled over amount or anything like that?
MR KELLY: There was no mention of it at all.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: So it was silent completely.
MR KELLY: The explanation documents were completely silent, there was no change
to what had been happening from the previous agreement essentially. And the
previous agreement had, as outlined, it had in the clause that's specific in the schedule
- I think it was schedule 12 of the EBA agreement, 15 is it depending on which one
you're looking at. In the schedule - and it outlined in the form 1, it noted that the
uniform allowance per week was $5. However, in the schedule that relates to the
wages and allowance, it had a figure of 19 - the $19 figure we're referring to but that
figure had been inserted into that particular provision at a late drafting processes of
the EB8. I won't go into the details of that because it's not really relevant here,
Deputy President, but there was an inconsistency between the schedule 15 that
referred to the $5 and the actual $19 that was noted in the schedule 1 wages and
allowance clause. So there was a complete inconsistency there.
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THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: So the document - but the document that - - -
MR KELLY: The EB8 document, the previous enterprise agreement.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: But what did people vote on? Was it clear - in that
document was there any inconsistency between the five and the 19 or was it just 19 in
the schedule?
MR KELLY: No, the error that had been made was that the actual $5 reference was
incorrectly removed and it just referred to what was in schedule 1, which was the - - -
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: And the schedule had 19.
MR KELLY: But there was no - there was not - - -
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: It would have helped if it had $5 in there.
MR KELLY: Sorry?
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: It would have helped your case if you'd had $5 in there
but - - -
MR KELLY: That's the issue in terms of trying to make the agreement more user
friendly. It was not identified that there was a difference and it was unknown to any of
the employer representatives at any stage that that figure of $19 was somehow
relevant to the uniform allowance, particularly when you consider that that's $1000 a
year for actual laundry. For just laundering - so it has no justification in relation to
that amount, it was not even bargained as part of the previous agreement for EB8, it
never came up. It was just inserted at the very late stages of the drafting process that
came along and the employees did not pick up that there was a difference at that time
between what was in the schedule 1 which was the wages and allowance and what was
the actual thing that was being paid, and it was operative for employees which was the
At no stage - and it was only just towards the last part of the access period or even
when the vote started that was actually identified as an issue by the employers. It was
never point of mind of any of the parties during these negotiations or that that would
be an issue. That's why we're saying even though you're looking at the issue that - I
accept it's not an ambiguity, if you just look purely at the provisions of the current
agreement that's been proposed to you. However, we are relying on the fact that that
is an obvious error that has been made when you look at the history of the processes
and if it's not corrected there would be a significant difference between what laundry
allowance is paid for some cohorts of employees which would be the $6, which is part
of the undertakings which have been accepted by it, and then this amount of $20 per
week. It's in exercising your discretion under section 586, we think that it is totally
relevant the fact that it's not disputed by the parties. It's not contested by the
parties. It's not going to be taken forward by the parties. It wasn't raised in the
explanation documents and we would submit that it's an obvious error that can be
corrected by section 586, in line with the references we've made to the Domain
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decision of the Full Bench majority, and also as happened in the CFMEU decision
that we have in 2020 as well.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: That's only affecting the services staff?
MR KELLY: It is only the services staff, Deputy President, that's correct. Everyone
else will be receiving the - what would be the expected rational laundry allowance of
$6 per week. It was - that $19 was never part of any bargain or agreement reached
between the parties.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: How many approximately staff are in that sort of
category, the services staff? Just roughly, that's okay.
MR KELLY: I think there could be - at the big schools there potentially could be 10 at
each big school do you think, or there could be more. Sorry, I'm looking around for
help, it's like an auction here at the moment.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: That's okay, probably 1000 all up or something like
that, in terms of total.
MR SPRIGGS: Your Honour, it would depend on the type of school.
MR SPRIGGS: Whether a school has a boarding component there would be
significantly more employees in that area.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Yes, that'll just give me an idea of the impact I
guess. That's okay.
MR O'NEILL: Sorry, if I could jump to my feet there, I guess amongst - I'm just sort of
thinking in broad numbers of around about 12,000 employees in Brisbane Catholic
Education there would be probably in the hundreds would be services staff across the
144 schools. So is that of assistance?
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Gives me an idea anyway, yes.
MR KELLY: Deputy President, in some of the larger schools that have significant
grounds and plus with the boarding school component there'd be a - there'd be a
higher proportion than those because they've got to look after a significant - - -
MR KELLY: When you start looking at a place like Nudgee College et cetera, so there
would be more but they've obviously a very big number of employees at those large
schools anyway. So the proportion is probably irrelevant, still between the - we could
get some information for you. It's hard to get some of the data from some of the
employees in relation to it but we can't help you much more at this stage from the Bar,
I'm sorry, Deputy President.
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THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: The 19 figure, have you been able to find where that
came from or what - - -
MR KELLY: We have no idea, Deputy President. We asked the union during the -
when it was identified as where did that figure come from and we didn't have that
explained to us and that was noted in our form 1. I can't see where it could come from
because it's a laundry allowance of $1000 a year effectively and that has no
precedent. Having worked in the police service many, many years ago as an
industrial person, even the detective clothing allowance was only in the vicinity of
about $2500. So to have just laundry allowance and they're expected to buy suits et
cetera for that, so I don't know any precedent where a $19 - that's - we are absolutely -
a mystery to us.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Yes, yes. So you're saying using the explanations you've
provided here that I could or should exercise my discretionary power to correct that.
MR KELLY: In these very unusual circumstances, yes, Deputy President, that is what
the applicants are asking, which is not being contested by the union in relation to that
particular matter.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: I'd be just interested, Mr Spriggs, do you have anything
to add or at least to put some colour on this.
MR SPRIGGS: Your Honour, perhaps a little bit of further explanation and it is not to
oppose what my friend is asking for. As he has said we support the application to
amend as it is now before you. The $19 appeared some years ago and my friend has
indicated that he has not found genesis of it. We also have searched for that and not
found genesis either.
MR SPRIGGS: It was in the last agreement, so the agreement which is still actually in
MR SPRIGGS: EB8. In EB8 there was what you would call a classic anomaly. I
apologise if I'm repeating some of what my friend has said. In the body of the
schedule it did refer to $5 and some cents. In the wages schedule which listed
allowances it referred to the $19 figure, so there was a conflict between the body of
the schedule and the allowance of schedule so far as the uniform allowance was
concerned. Our only comment here is that it would have been good for it to have been
picked up last time round, not this time, but we do not - we do not say that to oppose
the application because we accept that last time there was an anomaly, that anomaly
was compounded by the initial removal of the $5 from the body of the schedule this
time round, but that clerical action does not take away from the fact that there was an
anomaly previously and that is what is sought to be corrected through this application.
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THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: So if I have it correctly, EB8 had in the text, say for
example, $5 or $5.20 or $5.80, whatever the amount was, but if you turned over to the
schedule that was attached to that agreement it had $19.
MR SPRIGGS: The allowances schedule, yes.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Yes, so the schedule (indistinct). Now during that
period when EB8 occurred everyone was paid I assume the $5 allowance, $5.20,
whatever it was.
MR KELLY: That's correct, Deputy President.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: And even despite the schedule showing a much greater
MR SPRIGGS: We do not (indistinct) with that.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: It wasn't agitated back in EB8 there was a difference
between the two or people were happy to get through EB8 and move forwards and - - -
MR SPRIGGS: Again, there were unique circumstances around EB8 but we would
endorse your observation that there was nothing agitated in EB8.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: I guess I'm asking you to help me in terms of the
understanding of where we might be able to - I have to be careful exercising
(indistinct) it has to be used sparingly et cetera, so I'm very cautious.
MR KELLY: And I thank and appreciate the submissions made by Mr Spriggs in
relation to that. I might just add just from my understanding and we had had that
conversation previously with Mr Spriggs' point when this was identified, that it was
not - this $19 was not bargained as part of EB8. It was not agitated as EB8 as Mr
Spriggs has said. After the negotiation had been finalised and it was a big negotiation
which went to new approaches model, there was very much extended industrial
actions prior to the parties agreeing to the new approaches model. So I think when
everyone had finally had a sigh of relief that they had come to - and I wasn't there at
the time, Deputy President, but there's a lot of war stories have been told to me about
it, that a collective sigh of relief once that had come to an arrangement through new
approaches. Then it was about the drafting process, and it wasn't until about the late
stages that I could try and work through from our computer system that this particular
figure came up. And it was well and truly after the - it was never discussed and it
wasn't picked up by the employer representative at that time because everyone had
been paying the $5 and that $5 was still in the schedule.
However, again when it came to this particular one as Mr Spriggs says, if anybody
had identified that the removal of that $5 would have changed that particular amount
then the parties would have talked about it and it would have been resolved quite
quickly, in terms of it would have been that amount that would have applied - this is
my submission at the moment, I'll let Mr Spriggs come up.
[2020] FWCA 6349
MR KELLY: Because the employers would not have accepted a laundry allowance
equating to $1000 per week and I would suggest that the union at that particular time
would have incredible difficulty trying to justify where that had came from. So if the
issue had come up, I would be suggesting that it would have been resolved in exactly
the way that the parties are trying to resolve it now through the form 1 by a consent
process. That's why it is such an unusual circumstances which has never come up in
previous decisions in relation to section 586 of the - - -
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Yes, yes. So in EB8 you had that tension between the
schedule and the text in the agreement.
MR KELLY: Which no one knew about, Deputy President.
MR KELLY: No one new there was a tension.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: The payroll systems just look straight at - - -
MR KELLY: It was just $5.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: - - - programmed to $5 or whatever and they paid
it. Not one of your 12,000 employees plus (indistinct) raised the issue when they
looked at the schedule. It just shows how well read these are, these documents are
MR KELLY: 334 pages, Deputy President.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Yes. No one identified that and obviously made a claim
I guess.
MR SPRIGGS: We can concur that there was no claims made through us in relation
to that issue.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Yes. An alternative may be that as - to reduce that
number in the schedule is to change - I think what Hatcher VP would call a sacred
text, in his words would be to insert the number back into the agreement, so put the 5 -
the number $6 and insert that back into the agreement. In this case then it doesn't
necessarily resolve the tension but it means I'm not changing something that people
have voted on in a way that's seen as a reduction in their terms. That may be what I
have to offer in terms of taking something out of a schedule. Because to remove
something out of a schedule that's been voted on isn't a small matter. I appreciate all
the text and the sort of background around it but if there's only one dollar figure and I
change it from 19 back to six, that's a lot of dollars that I have - people have voted on
that I've said I've made a correction to and I guess - I understand my colleagues do
say it should be used sparingly. So one of the alternatives I might consider is that we
insert the right number back into the document, which then is consistent with the
previous EB8, the payroll systems continue to pick it up.
[2020] FWCA 6349
It still does then mean that if there's an employee out there that does raise that as an
issue then there's consistency with EB8 in the way it's being managed and it was
identified as an issue, documented and voted on, we put it back into the agreement and
please don't bring EB10 through here. It'll be the first thing I look at if it's me, that's
for sure. But that may well be somewhere that might be the easiest and best way to go
without a risk of an employee raising it and then saying well you need to pay me $19
and that obviously getting legs because people will see that's got some benefit to them
financially that's for sure. There may have to be something in that text to say that this
is the amount and not refer to the schedule for example, or something like that, just to
take out the ambiguity. Obviously I'm leaving - I'm putting ambiguity back into
agreement so I face another issue there but it's a thought anyway to see how I can best
manage that. Given that like yourselves I'd like to get this through but I'm given
considerable statutory and hurdles to get over to make sure it's approved. Do you
make comment?
MR KELLY: Deputy President, from the applicants' perspective that would be
something that we would accept if that was to be put forward. The only issue I would
raise in relation to that for transparency is that there would then be the issue of there's
a lesser amount in the agreement that employers would be paying and obviously
there'd be the issue about having those arguments later on which employers would be
comfortable about, being able to justify that the lesser amount would apply. But at the
moment that $5 would be less than the $6 that's in the modern award. So if you were
to insert that $5 back into the amount from the Bar table the employers would pay the
$6 in any event - - -
MR KELLY: - - - or if you'd rather have it inserted into the agreement then we
provide an undertaking of that $6 for the purposes of that. So I'm just wanting to not
confuse it but just wanting to me transparent.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: That's okay, well at this stage we're just trying to see if
we can find a solution.
MR KELLY: But I would - the employers would be paying $6 even if just $5 was put
back into the agreement.
THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Right, okay. I understand.”xiv
[39] This issue was clearly the subject of significant consideration and a matter I feel would
align generally with the Commission’s objectives under s.577 and s.578, in the sense that it
would be efficient and would promote the cooperative approach to workplace relations the
parties have taken. Despite this, I am not satisfied the power exists and therefore, that I am
capable of making the Uniform Amendments, either under s.217 or under s.586 of the Act.
[40] Under s.217, an ambiguity or uncertainty must first be identified before the power to
amend is enlivened – there is “no general power to vary agreements to correct mistakes or
errors.”xv The current Agreement is not subject to any uncertainty or ambiguity; unfortunately
for the Applicants, the Agreement has removed any previous reference to the lower uniform
allowance. On a plain reading, the Agreement is clear as to what the uniform allowance is.
[2020] FWCA 6349
While I am conscious of the context and history of the previous iterations of the agreement,
this does not change the Agreement as it stands currently.
[41] As to s.586, the decision of ANMF v Domain is often quoted and relevantly provides:
“[52] The Agreement was plainly intended to cover the employees in the
classifications in the Agreement. What other purposes the attachment of a
classification structure might have is not explained by the ANMF. To contend that the
Agreement did not cover any employees at all prior to the Commissioner’s
amendment, when the intended coverage is so abundantly clear, is in our view an
unsustainable argument founded on a literal and un-contextualised reading of the
instrument. The ANMF contended that the amendment made the Agreement
substantively something different from what the employees had voted on. Their
submissions cite the king in Shakespeare’s Henry IV, who says to Falstaff ‘presume
not that I am the thing I was.’ 25 But here we consider the contention is ‘much ado
about nothing’. It was not necessary for the Agreement to be amended under s 586. In
our view, corrections or amendments to agreements should be made sparingly. The
Commission should not concern itself with infelicities of drafting in enterprise
agreements: ‘Let me be that I am and seek not to alter me.’26
[53] At the conclusion of the proceedings, the Full Bench identified that an additional
change had been made to clause 4 of the Agreement that was not brought to the
Commissioner’s attention. Opal submitted to Commissioner McKinnon a revised
coverage clause with the new wording marked up (i.e. ‘cover employees who perform
the work described in Schedule A and B of this Agreement’). However, the new text
also inserted at clause 4(b) the words ‘and North Lakes’ after the words ‘trading
facilities in Queensland including Ashmore, Kirra Beach, Leamington, Caloundra,
Nambour and Kawana’. This change was not marked-up. The Full Bench invited the
parties to make submissions on this matter. Opal contended that this was an oversight
that arose because it solicitors amended a different version of the clause from the one
that was actually voted on. The ANMF sought leave to amend its notice of appeal to
include a new ground 11, contending that the Commissioner erred by amending the
Agreement to include this change.
[54] We accept that the inclusion of the additional words ‘and North Lakes’ was
inadvertent. The locations referred to in clause 4(b) are inclusive, and so the addition
of these words did not change the coverage of the Agreement. These words were not
brought to the Commissioner’s attention and there is nothing at all to suggest that she
actually decided to amend the Agreement to include them. This is the type of obvious
error that would be amendable to correction under s 586. However, as we have
determined to quash the Approval Decision, it is not necessary for us to correct this
error and remove the words ‘and North Lakes’. “corrections or amendments to
agreements should be made sparingly” and I am not satisfied the Uniform
Amendments are of the kind that can be made.”
[42] The Applicants made reference in their submissions to a recent decision applying
ANMF v Domain, where it was stated:xvii
[2020] FWCA 6349
“In ANMF v Domain Aged Care (Qld) Pty Ltd [2019] FWCFB 1716, the Full Bench
majority accepted that, while the power to allow a correction to an agreement under s
586 should be used sparingly, obvious errors could be rectified (at [52] and [54]). In
my view the present matter presents a case of obvious error in the Agreement and it is
appropriate to allow its correction.”
[43] That case concerned changing the correct name of the company, which was incorrect
under the agreement - Deputy President Colman considered this an obvious error. I agree that
a name change is an example of an obvious error, the type of which can be corrected. In
approving that agreement, the CFMMEU submitted that “employees were not likely to have
been disadvantaged”.xviii To alter the text of an agreement to decrease the quantum of an
allowance is not within the same realm and I am not satisfied I can make such an amendment
under s.526.
[44] Practically, given the agreement of all parties, it would be beneficial to be able to
make the Uniform Amendments. However, I am not satisfied that I have the powers at my
disposal to do so, given the substantial impact such a change would have on the entitlement
under the Agreement.
[45] I am satisfied that in accordance with s.188(1), the Applicant took all reasonable steps
to ensure that the terms of the agreement, and the effect of those terms, were explained to the
employees and the explanation was provided in an appropriate manner.
[46] I am satisfied that each of the requirements of ss.186, 187, 188, and 190 as are relevant
to this application for approval have been met.
[47] In accordance with s.201(2), I note the Agreement covers the ANMF, the UWU, and
the IEU.
[48] The Agreement is approved and, in accordance with s.54 of the Act, will operate from
2 December 2020. The nominal expiry date of the Agreement is 30 June 2023.
Printed by authority of the Commonwealth Government Printer
PR724894 AE509628
i [2020] FWCA 6351
[2020] FWCA 6349
ii Transcript at PN238.
iii Transcript at PN240.
iv Transcript at PN242.
v Submissions of the Applicant filed 30 October 2020, at [39].
vi PN133.
vii Submissions of the Applicant filed 30 October 2020, at [40].
viii Submissions of the Applicant filed 30 October 2020, at [43].
ix Transcript at PN135-154.
x [2020] FWCA 2017.
xi Submissions of the Applicant filed 30 October 2020, at [47].
xii Transcript at PN159.
xiii Submissions of the Applicant filed 30 October 2020, at [48].
xiv Transcript at PN161-230
xv Australian Nursing Federation [2011] FWA 2430, [44].
xvi Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation v Domain Aged Care (Qld) [2019] FWCFB 1716, [52] (ANMF v Domain).
xvii Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union [2020] FWCA 2017, [5].
xviii Ibid, [4].
Catholic Employing Authorities
Single Enterprise
Collective Agreement
Diocesan Schools of
PART 1 APPLICATION AND OPERATION ......................................................................................... 7
1.1 Title .......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Commencement Date .............................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Definitions and Interpretation ................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Coverage .................................................................................................................................. 8
1.5 Access to the Agreement and the National Employment Standards ...................................... 9
1.6 Application of the National Employment Standards ............................................................... 9
PART 2 CONSULTATION AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION ................................................................... 10
2.1 Consultative Arrangements ................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Consultation Regarding Major Workplace Change................................................................ 11
2.3 Workload/Intensity of Work (Managing Significant Change) ................................................ 12
2.4 Procedures for Preventing and Settling Disputes .................................................................. 14
2.5 Agreement Flexibility ............................................................................................................. 16
PART 3 TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT AND TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT ..................................... 18
3.1 Type of Employment .............................................................................................................. 18
3.2 Part-Time Employment – School Officers and Services Staff ................................................ 18
3.3 Job Share ................................................................................................................................ 18
3.4 Casual Employees .................................................................................................................. 21
3.5 Contract of Employment – School Officers and Services Staff .............................................. 21
3.6 Fixed-Term Contracts ............................................................................................................. 22
3.7 Termination of Employment .................................................................................................. 23
3.8 Redundancy ........................................................................................................................... 25
3.9 Redeployment ........................................................................................................................ 28
3.10 Timely Notification of Resignation ........................................................................................ 29
3.11 Flexible Working Arrangements ............................................................................................ 29
PART 4 WAGES AND RELATED MATTERS ..................................................................................... 31
4.1 One-off Payment .................................................................................................................... 31
4.2 Salary and Allowances – Teachers ......................................................................................... 32
4.3 Wages and Allowances - School Officers ............................................................................... 33
4.4 Wages and Allowances - Services Staff .................................................................................. 36
4.5 Payment of Wages and Salaries ............................................................................................. 36
4.6 Payment of Wages – Part-Time Teachers .............................................................................. 36
4.7 Payment of Wages – Casual Teachers ................................................................................... 36
4.8 Superannuation ..................................................................................................................... 37
4.9 Annual Leave Loading ............................................................................................................ 38
4.10 Overpayments ....................................................................................................................... 39
4.11 Termination Payments ........................................................................................................... 39
4.12 Annualisation of Salary – Term-Time School Officers and Services Staff Employees ............ 40
4.13 Payment of Public Holidays – Term-Time Employees ........................................................... 45
4.14 Pay Advice Slips ...................................................................................................................... 46
4.15 Salary Packaging – Other than to Superannuation ................................................................ 46
4.16 Salary Package into Superannuation Funds ........................................................................... 47
4.17 Deferred Salary Scheme ........................................................................................................ 47
PART 5 HOURS OF WORK AND RELATED MATTERS...................................................................... 49
5.1 Ordinary Hours of Work ......................................................................................................... 49
5.2 Meal Breaks and Rest Pauses ................................................................................................ 49
PART 6 LEAVE ............................................................................................................................. 51
6.1 Annual Leave – Teachers ....................................................................................................... 51
6.2 Annual Leave - School Officers and Services Staff ................................................................. 51
6.3 Long Service Leave ................................................................................................................. 54
6.4 Personal/Carer’s Leave .......................................................................................................... 58
6.5 Health Check Leave ................................................................................................................ 59
6.6 Access to Leave – Terminally Ill Member of Household ........................................................ 60
6.7 Unpaid Parental Leave ........................................................................................................... 60
6.8 Paid Parental Leave ................................................................................................................ 61
6.9 Compassionate Leave ............................................................................................................ 66
6.10 Emergency and Natural Disaster Leave ................................................................................. 67
6.11 Defence Force Reserve Leave ................................................................................................ 68
6.12 Cultural Leave ........................................................................................................................ 69
6.13 Extended Unpaid Leave ......................................................................................................... 70
6.14 Union Education Leave .......................................................................................................... 70
6.15 Union Development Leave .................................................................................................... 71
6.16 Public Holidays ....................................................................................................................... 72
6.17 Domestic Violence Leave ....................................................................................................... 72
PART 7 CONDITIONS APPLYING TO TEACHERS ............................................................................. 75
7.1 Classification .......................................................................................................................... 75
7.2 Experienced Proficient Teacher ............................................................................................. 78
7.3 Highly Accomplished Teacher (HAT) ...................................................................................... 78
7.4 Lead Teacher (LT) ................................................................................................................... 79
7.5 Recognition of Prior Non-Teaching Service and Experience – Teachers ............................... 80
7.6 Recognition of Additional Qualifications Prior to Commencing Teaching Career ................. 81
7.7 Timely Notification of Qualifications and Experience ........................................................... 82
7.8 Positions of Leadership .......................................................................................................... 83
7.9 Appointment Process – Positions of Leadership ................................................................... 84
7.10 Support for Graduate Teachers ............................................................................................. 84
7.11 Hours of Duty ......................................................................................................................... 86
7.12 Itinerant Specialist Teachers – Primary ................................................................................. 87
7.13 Class Sizes .............................................................................................................................. 87
7.14 Vocational Education ............................................................................................................. 88
7.15 Teaching Resources ............................................................................................................... 88
7.16 Staff Mobility ......................................................................................................................... 89
7.17 Co-Curricular Activities .......................................................................................................... 90
7.18 Part-Time Teachers ................................................................................................................ 90
7.19 Safe Work Practices ............................................................................................................... 91
7.20 Remote Area Provisions (ITAS and IPRASS) ........................................................................... 92
8.1 Induction ................................................................................................................................ 94
8.2 Classification .......................................................................................................................... 94
8.3 Incremental Advancement .................................................................................................... 95
8.4 Recognition of Service – School Officers ............................................................................... 95
8.5 Hours of Work – School Officers ............................................................................................ 97
8.6 Payment or Banking of Ordinary Hours for School Officers .................................................. 97
8.7 Payment or Banking of Overtime Hours for School Officers ................................................. 98
8.8 Range of Duties of Support Staff ........................................................................................... 99
8.9 Multiple Contracts of Employment ....................................................................................... 99
8.10 School Officer Relief Provision ............................................................................................. 100
8.11 School Officer Review – Joint Working Party ...................................................................... 100
PART 9 CONDITIONS APPLYING TO COUNSELLORS .................................................................... 103
9.1 Common Employment Arrangements Applicable to Counsellors ....................................... 103
9.2 Guidance Counsellors (Teacher) .......................................................................................... 103
9.3 Guidance Counsellors (Without Teacher Qualifications) .................................................... 105
9.4 Counsellors (Without Teacher Qualifications) ..................................................................... 107
9.5 Career Counsellor/Career Adviser (Teacher) ....................................................................... 109
PART 10 MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONS ...................................................................................... 111
10.1 Students with Special Educational Needs ............................................................................ 111
10.2 Appraisal .............................................................................................................................. 112
10.3 Professional Development ................................................................................................... 112
10.4 Workplace Stress ................................................................................................................. 113
10.5 Workplace Harassment ........................................................................................................ 114
10.6 Complaints Against Employees ............................................................................................ 115
10.7 Breastfeeding and Expressing Facilities ............................................................................... 115
10.8 Resourcing of School Level Industrial Practice .................................................................... 115
10.9 Incidental and Peripheral Tasks ........................................................................................... 116
10.10 Outsourcing ......................................................................................................................... 116
10.11 Position Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 116
10.12 Affirmative Employment of the Disabled ............................................................................ 116
10.13 Services Staff Provisions ...................................................................................................... 116
10.14 Boarding House Supervision Provisions ............................................................................... 116
10.15 Flexible Learning Centres ..................................................................................................... 116
10.16 Signatures ............................................................................................................................ 116
PART 11 SCHEDULES ................................................................................................................... 117
SCHEDULE 1 WAGES, SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES ........................................................................... 118
S1.1 Teachers ............................................................................................................................... 118
S1.2 Teaching Allowances ............................................................................................................ 120
S1.3 Positions of Leadership ........................................................................................................ 121
S1.4 Guidance Counsellor, Counsellor and Career Counsellor/Career Advisor .......................... 124
S1.5 School Officers ..................................................................................................................... 127
S1.6 Annualised Wages for Term-Time School Officers (Archdiocese of Brisbane and Cairns
Catholic Education Service) ................................................................................................. 129
S1.7 Services Staff ........................................................................................................................ 131
S1.8 Boarding House Supervision Staff........................................................................................ 136
S1.9 Children’s Services Employees ............................................................................................. 137
S1.10 Nurses .................................................................................................................................. 138
S1.11 Divisional and District Allowances for Employees Other Than Teachers ............................ 139
SCHEDULE 2 POSITIONS OF LEADERSHIP IN DIOCESAN SCHOOLS ...................................................... 140
SCHEDULE 3 HOURS OF DUTY (TEACHERS) ........................................................................................ 188
SCHEDULE 4 ISOLATED TEACHERS’ ASSISTANCE SCHEME (ITAS) ........................................................ 193
SCHEDULE 5 INCENTIVE PAYMENTS – REMOTE AREA STAFF SCHEME (IPRASS) .................................. 197
SCHEDULE 6 FLEXIBLE LEARNING CENTRES ........................................................................................ 210
SCHEDULE 7 APPRAISAL PROCESS PRINCIPLES .................................................................................. 212
SCHEDULE 8 SCHOOL OFFICERS’ CLASSIFICATION .............................................................................. 214
QUALIFICATIONS – DUTIES AND SKILLS ......................................................................... 228
SCHEDULE 10 TERM-TIME EMPLOYEES OTHER THAN TEACHERS ......................................................... 232
SCHEDULE 11 NURSES ......................................................................................................................... 236
SCHEDULE 12 SERVICES STAFF ............................................................................................................ 252
SCHEDULE 14 CHILDREN'S SERVICES ................................................................................................... 292
SCHEDULE 15 LONG SERVICE LEAVE - TEACHERS ................................................................................. 319
SCHEDULE 16 - PORTABILITY OF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ......................................................................... 320
TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS) .......................................................................................... 321
SCHEDULE 18 SUPPORTED WAGE SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 324
SCHEDULE 19 SIGNATORIES ................................................................................................................ 327
Page 7 of 334
1.1 Title
This document shall be known as the Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective
Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019-2023.
1.2 Commencement Date
1.2.1 This Agreement shall operate seven (7) days after approval from the Fair Work Commission.
1.2.2 This Agreement shall remain in force until 30 June 2023 unless otherwise agreed in terms of
the provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009.
1.2.3 Where this Collective Enterprise Agreement specifies an earlier operative date in relation to a
particular provision, then that provision shall operate from that date for all applicable
employees employed at that earlier date.
1.3 Definitions and Interpretation
1.3.1 "Duty" includes all tasks related to the educational development of students and tasks
concerned with the maintenance of good order and behaviour.
Such tasks include class and group teaching and instruction; conducting excursions for
instruction in school curriculum during school hours; setting and correcting assignments, tests,
laboratory work, and examination papers; supervision of tests and examinations conducted in
connection with the school curriculum; evaluating and assessing students' work; care of
laboratories and their equipment; compiling mark registers; compiling syllabuses and work
books; giving written reports on students' work and progress; and supervising students
detained for punishment.
In the case of resident teachers "duty" also means any supervision or other tasks in connection
with the boarding establishment of the particular school required of the resident teacher the
school authority.
1.3.2 "Teacher" means and includes any employee other than the headmaster/headmistress or
principal, who is ordinarily engaged in teaching full-time or part-time on the staff of a school.
The term also includes any teacher engaged in giving class instruction in physical education,
commercial subjects, home science, agricultural subjects, art, music, manual training subjects
or such other subjects approved by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
The term also includes teachers who are seconded to the following organisations:
(a) Brisbane Catholic Education;
(b) The Catholic Education Offices (Dioceses of Toowoomba, Cairns, Townsville, and
(c) the Queensland Catholic Education Commission;
(d) the Association of Independent Schools of Queensland; and
(e) the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
1.3.3 "Union" means the Independent Education Union of Australia (IEUA) (which includes, where
appropriate to the context, the Independent Education Union of Australia – Queensland and
Northern Territory Branch (IEUA-QNT)), the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation,
Queensland Branch/Queensland Nurses Union of Employees (ANMF/QNU) and/or any other
Page 8 of 334
organisation which is registered pursuant to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009
and which is eligible to cover an employee to which this Agreement applies.
1.3.4 "Year of Service" for the purpose of assessing the salary payable to a teacher shall be
determined with due regard to their qualifications and years of service in a capacity equivalent
to the particular category of teacher in a school or schools to which this Agreement applies, in
a school or schools controlled by Education Queensland, and such other teaching service as
the employing school might recognise.
1.3.5 "Fixed-term appointee" is defined as an employee appointed by the school to accommodate an
identifiable short term need.
1.3.6 "Term-time employee" is an employee, other than a casual, who is engaged to work:
(a) thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours per week but less than fifty-two (52) weeks per annum;
(b) less than thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours per week and less than fifty-two (52) weeks per
The term-time definition in clause 1.3.6 applies to all categories of employees covered by
this Agreement other than teachers. Specific terms and conditions applicable to term-
time employees are contained in Schedule 10.
1.3.7 “Act” means Fair Work Act 2009.
1.3.8 “Party” means, for the purposes of this Agreement, an employer, an employee or a union
which is covered by this Agreement.
1.3.9 “Immediate family” is defined in section 12 of the Fair Work Act 2009 and means, for the
purposes of this Agreement:
(a) a spouse (or former spouse), de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or
sibling of the employee; or
(b) a child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of a spouse (or former spouse) or de
facto partner of the employee.
1.3.10 “Personal leave/Carer’s leave” is defined in section 97 of the Fair Work Act 2009 with
provisions also outlined clause 6.4 of this Agreement.
1.3.11 “Compassionate leave” is defined in section 104 of the Fair Work Act 2009 with provisions also
outlined in clause 6.9 of this Agreement.
1.4 Coverage
1.4.1 This Agreement will cover the following employers in relation to employees identified in
clauses 1.4.2 and 1.4.3:
(a) The Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane (Brisbane
Catholic Education);
(b) The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Cairns;
(c) The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Rockhampton;
(d) the Corporation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Toowoomba; and
(e) The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Townsville.
1.4.2 Any employee of the employers identified in clause 1.4.1 who is covered by the Educational
Services (Teachers) Award 2010 and the Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award
2010 and who is employed in a school accredited by the Non-State School Accreditation Board
(NSSAB) of Queensland or its successor.
Page 9 of 334
1.4.3 Any employee of the employers identified in clause 1.4.1 who is employed as a deputy
principal or as an assistant in a kindergarten or pre-prep which is part of a school accredited by
the NSSAB or its successor and is under the direction of the school’s principal.
1.5 Access to the Agreement and the National Employment Standards
The employer will ensure that a copy of this Agreement, and the National Employment
Standards(NES), are readily accessible to all employees.
1.6 Application of the National Employment Standards
This Agreement will be read and interpreted in conjunction with the National Employment
Standards (NES). Where there is any inconsistency between this Agreement and the NES, and
the NES provides a greater benefit, the NES provision will apply to the extent of the
Page 10 of 334
2.1 Consultative Arrangements
2.1.1 The parties to this Agreement are committed to co-operation and consultation as part of the
climate and culture of Catholic Education. The parties also accept that according to the
authority and responsibility structure of the college/school, final decision making remains the
prerogative of the principal/employing authority. The principal/employing authority however,
in coming to decisions, is committed to the process of consultation with employees.
The school/college has in place structures and may revise structures to facilitate consultation
and to advise the principal/employing authority in decision making. These structures may
(a) regular meetings of staff, middle management and committees;
(b) an Executive Committee of senior staff;
(c) other committees or groups set up from time to time by the principal for a special
purpose; and
(d) various committees or officers appointed according to government regulation (e.g.
workplace health and safety).
2.1.2 An Enterprise Bargaining Consultative Committee is also an important element in the
consultative structure within a college/school. It provides a mechanism to ensure that all
people affected have an opportunity to participate in the implementation and monitoring of
the Collective Enterprise Agreement at the college/school level. Such an arrangement
acknowledges the requirement for an atmosphere of mutual trust and co-operation.
2.1.3 The purpose of the school Enterprise Bargaining Consultative Committee is to:
(a) provide an environment for greater two-way communication between the employer and
the employees;
(b) provide advice on the priorities for the implementation of the Collective Enterprise
(c) provide a forum in which employees participate in the implementation of the Collective
Enterprise Agreement;
(d) address issues and provide advice to the college/school regarding matters arising from
this Agreement;
(e) be responsible for developing a process that informs and encourages the involvement of
parents and parental bodies in the implementation of the objectives of enterprise
bargaining; and
(f) provide the employer with the opportunity to utilise employee knowledge and
2.1.4 The employing authority shall establish (or reconstitute) an Enterprise Bargaining Consultative
Committee at each college/school and shall determine its charter. An allocation of time for
meetings shall be determined by the employing authority, having regard to provisions of
Schedule 3 (Hours of Duty - Teachers).
2.1.5 The Enterprise Bargaining Consultative Committee will reflect the staffing structure of the
college/school and would generally include:
(a) two (2) persons appointed by the college/school employing authority;
(b) one (1) union member elected by the IEUA college/school chapter;
Page 11 of 334
(c) three (3) members, one elected from each of the following areas:
(i) teaching;
(ii) school officer; and
(iii) other services staff.
Provided that staff may agree to an alternative structure as negotiated at the college/school
level and referred to IEUA.
When appropriate, other relevant personnel may be co-opted for input on specific issues.
2.1.6 For Diocesan colleges/schools where the number of staff in a small college/school prevents the
formation of an Enterprise Bargaining Consultative Committee fulfilling the above criteria, then
the whole staff shall agree upon an appropriate composition for that college/school.
A Diocesan Enterprise Bargaining Consultative Committee will operate with the following
(a) identify priorities for implementation of the Collective Enterprise Agreement
(b) oversee the implementation of the Collective Enterprise Agreement at the college/school
level; and
(c) identify any emergent issues which require the reconvening of the Single Bargaining Unit
with a view to negotiating amendments to the Agreement.
2.2 Consultation Regarding Major Workplace Change
This clause is to be read in conjunction with clause 2.3 of this Agreement.
Major Change
2.2.1 Where an employer has made an in-principle decision to introduce major changes in
production, program, organisation, structure and/or to introduce new technology that is likely
to have significant effects on employees, the employer will notify the employees who may be
affected by the proposed changes and will undertake consultation as provided in this clause.
2.2.2 If a relevant employee appoints, or relevant employees appoint, a representative for the
purposes of consultation and advises the employer of the identity of the representative, then
the employer must recognise the representative.
2.2.3 Consultation must commence as early as practicable after an in-principle decision has been
made by the employer to make the changes referred to in clause 2.2.1.
2.2.4 The employer will consult with the employees affected and their representatives, if any, in
relation to: the introduction of the changes referred to in clause 2.2.1; the effects the changes
are likely to have on employees; and measures to avert or mitigate the adverse effects of such
changes on employees. For the purposes of the consultation, such information will be
provided to relevant employees (and their representative(s)) in writing, however, the
employer is not required to disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information.
2.2.5 The employer will give prompt consideration to matters raised by the employees and/or their
representatives in relation to the changes as part of making a final decision.
2.2.6 In clause 2.2.1, “significant effects” include: termination of employment; major changes in the
composition, operation or size of the employer’s workforce or in the skills required; the
elimination or diminution of job opportunities (including promotion opportunities or job
tenure); the alteration of hours of work; the need for retraining or transfer of employees to
other work or locations; and the restructuring of jobs.
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2.2.7 If a term in this Agreement makes provision for a major change referred to in clause 2.2.1,
then clauses 2.2.3 to 2.2.5 are taken not to apply.
2.2.8 Where an in-principle decision is made by the employing authority to contract out work
currently being done by a school employee(s), that decision will be deemed to be a major
change as encompassed by this clause. In such circumstances the employer will consult with
the affected employee(s) and the relevant union(s) before a decision on this matter is finalised.
Such consultation need not occur where contracting out is for circumstances such as
temporary increased workflow or staff on leave and does not result in a school employee(s)
being disadvantaged.
Change to Regular Roster or Ordinary Hours of Work
2.2.9 If the employer proposes to introduce a change to the regular roster or ordinary hours of work
of employees:
(a) the employer must notify the relevant employees of the proposed change; and
(b) clauses 2.2.10 to 2.2.14 apply.
2.2.10 The relevant employees may appoint a representative for the purposes of the procedures in
this clause.
2.2.11 If:
(a) a relevant employee appoints, or relevant employees appoint, a representative for the
purposes of consultation; and
(b) the employee or employees advise the employer of the identity of the representative;
the employer must recognise the representative.
2.2.12 As soon as practicable after proposing to introduce the change, the employer must:
(a) discuss with the relevant employees the introduction of the change; and
(b) for the purposes of the discussion—provide to the relevant employees:
(i) all relevant information about the change, including the nature of the change;
(ii) information about what the employer reasonably believes will be the effects of
the change on the employees; and
(iii) information about any other matters that the employer reasonably believes are
likely to affect the employees; and
(c) invite the relevant employees to give their views about the impact of the change
(including any impact in relation to their family or caring responsibilities).
2.2.13 However, the employer is not required to disclose confidential or commercially sensitive
information to the relevant employees.
2.2.14 The employer must give prompt and genuine consideration to matters raised about the change
by the relevant employees.
2.2.15 In this clause: relevant employees means the employees who may be affected by a change
referred to in clauses 2.2.1 to 2.2.9.
2.3 Workload/Intensity of Work (Managing Significant Change)
2.3.1 Consideration shall be given at school and system level sites to the nature and implementation
of changes that result from regulatory requirements and employer and/or school initiatives
including the introduction of new technology.
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2.3.2 Staff at the workplace level and at the system level shall be involved in the process of
identifying and clarifying the industrial implications of such changes.
2.3.3 Before any significant change is introduced, that proposed change will be subject to a work
impact study. A work impact study will involve consultation with all employees potentially
affected by the proposed change.
The following matters shall be considered:
(a) the Mission Statement of the school/system;
(b) identification of the matters to be implemented;
(c) clarification of the process of implementation;
(d) clarification of the relevant structures to be implemented;
(e) the resource support to be provided to staff. Consideration shall be given to the planning,
implementation and evaluation of the change when determining this support;
(f) the time frame for implementation;
(g) the on-going role of staff in the process of implementation;
(h) the structures and process by which relevant staff may acquire appropriate professional
development, where necessary;
(i) appropriate staffing formula;
(j) identification of the short term and on-going impact on workload of the staff from the
process of implementation;
(k) identification of the technology hardware, software and associated professional
development needed to implement the change; and
(l) identification of teacher support, in particular for data entry and other clerical support,
classroom resource development and other tasks associated with implementation of the
2.3.4 School Based Trials
(a) The following initiatives may be trialled in an endeavour to respond to issues of workload
and intensity of work. The decision of the number and type of initiative(s) trialled will be
determined by each school using the established consultative mechanisms contained in
this Agreement.
(b) Matters which may be subject to trial shall include but not be limited to the following:
(i) scheduling and structure of uninterrupted rest pauses and meal breaks;
(ii) scheduling and structure of playground duty and other student supervision;
(iii) arrangements for pastoral care responsibilities;
(iv) processes and structures for both communications with parents and scheduled
parent – teacher interviews;
(v) processes and structures to address communications (including emails);
(vi) ways of using time effectively and efficiently for a collegial approach to planning,
setting, delivery and evaluating learning outcomes with year level, subject area
and classroom colleagues;
(vii) effective methods for use of time for individual planning, preparation and
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(viii) processes and structures for more effective ways to manage administrative
tasks arising out of the implementation of curriculum;
(ix) consideration of ways to more effectively use time for the planning, setting,
delivery and evaluation of specialist curriculum;
(x) consider structures and time for teachers meetings with other specialists (such
as inclusion teachers, hearing impairment specialists and psychologists) in paid
(xi) structures for individual program development;
(xii) structures and processes to fulfil QCAA requirements;
(xiii) structures and processes to ensure that staff meetings and curriculum meetings
are an effective use of time;
(xiv) identification of the timetabled planning, preparation and correction time
periods that may be reclaimed for supervisions;
(xv) arrangements for the administration of planning, preparation and correction
time in primary schools/middle schools;
(xvi) review current school practices and participation for the undertaking of
voluntary extra-curricular activities;
(xvii) structures and processes for the implementation of emerging curriculum; and
(xviii) timetable structures and school calendar effect on classroom time.
(c) Terms of reference will be established at the commencement of a trial and should include
the following:
(i) identification of the matter(s) to be trialled;
(ii) clarification of the process of trialling;
(iii) determination of the realistic time frame for the trial;
(iv) clarification of roles;
(v) identification of the necessary resources; and
(vi) determination of the review process.
2.4 Procedures for Preventing and Settling Disputes
The matters to be dealt with in this procedure shall include all grievances or disputes between
an employee and an employer in respect to any industrial matter and all other matters that the
parties agree on and are specified herein. Such procedures shall apply to a single employee or
to any number of employees.
2.4.1 In the event of an employee having a grievance or dispute the employee shall in the first
instance attempt to resolve the matter with the immediate supervisor, who shall respond to
such request as soon as reasonably practicable under the circumstances. Where the dispute
concerns alleged actions of the immediate supervisor the employee/s may bypass this level in
the procedure.
2.4.2 An employee who is a party to the dispute may appoint a representative for the purposes of
the procedures in this clause.
2.4.3 If the grievance or dispute is not resolved under clause 2.4.1, the employee or the employee's
representative may refer the matter to the next higher level of management for discussion.
Such discussion should, if possible, take place within twenty-four (24) hours after the request
by the employee or the employee's representative.
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2.4.4 If the grievance involves allegations of unlawful discrimination by a supervisor the employee
may commence the grievance resolution process by reporting the allegations to the next level
of management beyond that of the supervisor concerned. If there is no level of management
beyond that involved in the allegation the employee may proceed directly to the process
outlined at clause 2.4.6.
2.4.5 If the grievance or dispute is still unresolved after discussions mentioned in clause 2.4.3, the
matter shall, in the case of a member of the union, be reported to the relevant officer of the
union and the senior management of the employer or the employer's nominated industrial
representative. An employee who is not a member of the union may report the grievance or
dispute to senior management or the nominated industrial representative. This should occur
as soon as it is evident that discussions under clause 2.4.3 will not result in resolution of the
2.4.6 If, after discussion between the parties, or their nominees mentioned in clause 2.4.5, the
dispute remains unresolved after the parties have genuinely attempted to achieve a
settlement thereof, then notification of the existence of the dispute is to be given to the Fair
Work Commission.
2.4.7 Fair Work Commission may deal with the dispute in two (2) stages:
(a) Fair Work Commission will first attempt to resolve the dispute as it considers appropriate,
including by mediation, conciliation, expressing an opinion or making a recommendation;
(b) If Fair Work Commission is unable to resolve the dispute at the first stage, Fair Work
Commission may then:
(i) Arbitrate the dispute; and
(ii) Make a determination that is binding on the parties.
(Note: If the Fair Work Commission arbitrates the dispute, it may also use the powers
that are available to it under the Act.)
A decision that the Fair Work Commission makes when arbitrating a dispute is a decision
for the purpose of Division 3 of Part 5.1 of the Act. Therefore, an appeal may be made
against the decision.
2.4.8 Whilst all of the above procedure is being followed, normal work shall continue except in the
case of a genuine safety issue.
2.4.9 The status quo existing before the emergence of the grievance or dispute is to continue whilst
the above procedure is being followed.
2.4.10 All parties to the dispute shall give due consideration to matters raised or any suggestion or
recommendation made by the Fair Work Commission with a view to the prompt settlement of
the dispute.
2.4.11 Discussions at any stage of the procedure shall not be unreasonably delayed by any party,
subject to acceptance that some matters may be of such complexity or importance that it may
take a reasonable period of time for the appropriate response to be made. If genuine
discussions are unreasonably delayed or hindered, it shall be open to any party to give
notification of the dispute in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
2.4.12 So as to remove doubt, the parties record that the reference to disputes or grievances in
respect to any industrial matter includes disputes or grievances in relation to whether the
employer had reasonable business grounds for refusing a request under the National
Employment Standards for flexible working arrangements or an application to extend unpaid
parental leave.
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2.5 Agreement Flexibility
2.5.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, an employer and an individual
employee may agree to vary the application of certain terms of this Agreement to meet the
genuine individual needs of the employer and the individual employee. The terms the
employer and the individual employee may agree to vary the application of are those
(a) arrangements for when work is performed;
(b) allowances;
(c) leave loading;
(d) overtime rates; and
(e) penalty rates.
2.5.2 The employer and the individual employee must have genuinely made the Agreement without
coercion or duress.
2.5.3 The Agreement between the employer and the individual employee must:
(a) be confined to a variation in the application of one or more of the terms listed in clause
2.5.1; and
(b) result in the employee being better off overall than the employee would have been if no
individual flexibility agreement had been agreed to.
2.5.4 The Agreement between the employer and the individual employee must also:
(a) be in writing, name the parties to the Agreement and be signed by the employer and the
individual employee and, if the employee is under eighteen (18) years of age, the
employee’s parent or guardian;
(b) state each term of this Agreement that the employer and the individual employee have
agreed to vary;
(c) detail how the application of each term has been varied by agreement between the
employer and the individual employee;
(d) detail how the Agreement results in the individual employee being better off overall in
relation to the individual employee’s terms and conditions of employment; and
(e) state the date the Agreement commences to operate.
2.5.5 The employer must give the individual employee a copy of the Agreement and keep the
agreement as a time and wages record.
2.5.6 Except as provided in clause 2.5.4 (a) the Agreement must not require the approval or consent
of a person other than the employer and the individual employee.
2.5.7 Where an employee or an employer seeks to enter into an Agreement as provided by this
clause, the initiating party must provide a written proposal. Where the employer initiates the
proposal and where the employee’s understanding of written English is limited, the employer
must take measures, including translation into an appropriate language and the opportunity to
seek advice and assistance, to ensure the employee understands the proposal.
2.5.8 The Agreement may be terminated:
(a) by the employer or the individual employee giving four (4) weeks’ notice of termination,
in writing, to the other party and the Agreement ceasing to operate at the end of the
notice period; or
(b) at any time, by written agreement between the employer and the individual employee.
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2.5.9 The right to make an Agreement pursuant to this clause is in addition to, and is not intended to
otherwise affect, any provision for an agreement between an employer and an individual
employee contained in any other term of this Agreement.
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3.1 Type of Employment
3.1.1 Employees under this Agreement will be employed in one of the following categories:
(a) full-time employment;
(b) part-time employment;
(c) job share employment;
(d) casual employment;
(e) fixed-term employment; or
(f) term-time employment.
3.2 Part-Time Employment – School Officers and Services Staff
3.2.1 A part-time school officer is an employee who:
(a) is employed for less than thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours per week on the basis of fifty-
two (52) weeks per annum; and
(b) has reasonably predictable hours of work; and
(c) receives, on a pro rata basis, equivalent pay and conditions to those of full-time
employees covered by this Agreement.
3.2.2 At the time of engagement, the employer and the employee will agree in writing on the
number of ordinary hours per week and the pattern of work required in accordance with
clause 3.5 of this Agreement.
3.2.3 Any variation to the work pattern, including the normal starting and finishing times prescribed
in clause 8.5.3 of this Agreement, will be in accordance with methods of altering the ordinary
hours of work for full-time employees.
3.2.4 Subject to clause 8.5.3 the agreed number of ordinary hours per week may be varied by
mutual agreement. Any such agreed variation to the number of weekly hours of work will be
recorded in writing.
3.2.5 A part-time employee employed under the provisions of this clause must be paid for ordinary
hours worked at the rate of one-thirty-eighth (1/38th) of the weekly rate prescribed for the
class of work performed.
3.2.6 Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally employed, that
employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that
3.2.7 Where an employee and their employer agree in writing, part-time employment may be
converted to full-time, and vice-versa. If such an employee transfers from full-time to part-
time (or vice-versa), all accrued entitlements shall be maintained. Following transfer to part-
time employment accrual will occur in accordance with the provisions relevant to part-time
3.3 Job Share
The following provisions provide the minimum requirements to be included in job share
3.3.1 Where job share guidelines currently do not exist, employers will develop, in consultation with
employees and their representatives, guidelines which will address the areas listed below in
Table 1. The provisions outlined below in Table 1 will be the minimum conditions to be
included in any guidelines.
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3.3.2 A central registry of names and relevant data of employees interested in job share
arrangements shall be promoted and maintained. Such a registry will:
(a) allow employees to enter their relevant data; and
(b) be accessible such that employees may be able to identify and make contact with
potential job share partners.
3.3.3 Where an employer does not offer a register, it may be established by IEUA.
3.3.4 Notwithstanding the above, employees are required to apply for job share positions in
accordance with existing policies and procedures, (incorporating the minimum provisions
listed in the table below):
Table 1
Definition The guidelines will define job share as a voluntary arrangement
in which a full-time continuing position, occupied by a full-time
continuing employee, is divided between that employee and
another suitable employee. Both employees will share
responsibility for the position for a fixed-term period.
Principles underpinning
the guidelines
The guidelines will state that job share arrangements are
arrangements entered into at employee initiative and that no
employee will be coerced into taking up or converting to such a
Size of school ratio The number of job share positions offered in any school shall
not normally exceed one (1) to seven (7) – (one job share
position to seven full-time positions). The employer may vary
the ratio above the maximum of 1:7 where necessary or
Subsequent appointment The guidelines will state that at the conclusion of the job share
period both employees return to the position as designated in
the relevant letter of appointment and the employment status
each held before the job-share began.
Length of appointment The guidelines will indicate that the job share positions are
usually for one school year. Job share positions may be for
shorter periods and may be negotiated at the end of each year
for a subsequent period.
Arrangements Arrangements of the job share position will be detailed in a
document signed by the employer/principal and employees to
include but not limited to: days/hours worked, communication
protocols, planning time, non-contact time, excursions, parent
– teacher interviews, assessment and reporting procedures,
playground and bus duty, attendance at staff meeting,
timetabled sport and related arrangements, and professional
The arrangements should outline the protocols to be followed,
if for whatever reason, one member of the job share is unable
to continue in the position during the period of the job share.
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Alterations to
The guidelines will indicate that alterations to arrangements
may be initiated by the employee/s or employer and need to be
mutually agreed. Such alterations will require at least two
weeks’ notice or a shorter period by mutual agreement, before
Division of position The guidelines may recommend the position be divided
according to full days but will provide for other options which
may be mutually agreed between the employer and employees.
Rates of pay The guidelines will specify that employees of job share positions
are to be remunerated on a pro rata basis according to their
classification and include reference to any relevant allowances.
Pro rata conditions and
The guidelines will specify that employees in job share positions
will receive on a pro rata basis all entitlements in regard to:
annual leave, annual leave loading, personal leave, long service
leave, superannuation and all other relevant benefits and
The guidelines will specify that where one employee in a job
share position accesses personal leave or other short term
leave the remaining employee will be offered the relief work.
The method of remuneration associated with such relief work
whether it be at the hourly rate with accrued leave
entitlements or at the casual rate without accrued leave
entitlements, will be agreed to and stated in initial
The guidelines will indicate that usual replacement conditions
apply for leave such as long service leave, special leave,
maternity/paternity and adoption leave.
The guidelines will specify that where situations of redundancy
occur, redundancy provisions will apply to the job share
The guidelines will acknowledge that job share employees are
entitled to access professional development and promotion as
can full-time employees.
Calculation of service Guidelines will specify that all work done by job-share
employees counts towards incremental progression on a pro-
rata basis.
development planning
Guidelines will specify that teacher job share employees are
expected to attend professional development days as
designated by the employer. The guidelines will specify
remuneration arrangements for such attendance.
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3.4 Casual Employees
3.4.1 Casual Teachers
(a) A casual teacher shall be employed on an intermittent basis to relieve a teacher absent
from duty or to meet a short term staffing need.
(b) A casual teacher shall be employed for a minimum period of three (3) hours per day and
a maximum period of eleven (11) days in respect of any one engagement. There shall be
a minimum payment of three (3) hours for each day so employed.
(c) Casual teachers will be paid for the hours they are required to work.
(d) Remuneration for a casual teacher shall be based on the scale of salaries prescribed in
Schedule 1 – S1.1 (Wages, Salaries and Allowances) to this Agreement and in accordance
with the formula contained in clause 4.7 (Payment of Wages – Casual Teachers).
(e) Casual teachers in secondary schools will be paid for preparation and correction time at
the rate of one hour for every five hours of teaching time. Casual teachers will not receive
such payment in respect of the first two (2) days of any one engagement.
(f) For the purposes of salary increments a casual teacher shall be deemed to have
completed a year of service when the aggregate amount of time paid is 1,200 hours. Prior
to 1 January 2013 a casual teacher was deemed to have completed a year of service when
the aggregate amount of time paid was 1,000 hours.
3.4.2 Casual School Officers
(a) A casual school officer means an employee engaged and paid as such and who is
employed by the hour for a maximum period of twenty (20) working days on any one
(b) A casual school officer shall be paid an hourly rate equal to 1/38th of the weekly rate for
a full-time employee plus twenty-five percent (25%) with a minimum payment of two (2)
hours for each day's engagement. Prior to 1 January 2013 the casual loading was twenty-
three per cent (23%).
3.5 Contract of Employment – School Officers and Services Staff
3.5.1 Each employee other than a casual employee shall be advised in writing at point of
engagement and at other times when varied in accordance with this Agreement, the following:
(a) the nature of engagement as either full-time or such other category as provided in clause
(b) if not full-time;
(i) the weeks the employee is to be employed, and
(ii) the days of the week the employee is to be employed.
(c) the normal starting and finishing time for each day's employment; and
(d) the duration of the engagement in respect of employment for a fixed-term.
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3.6 Fixed-Term Contracts
3.6.1 This clause applies to the use of fixed-term contracts for teachers and school officers
(a) Employing authorities are committed to ensure that:
(i) fixed-term appointments are only used in circumstances where there is a
specific identifiable short term need as detailed in clause 3.6.5; and
(ii) No employee, regardless of category or type of employment, will be employed
as a matter of course on a fixed-term contract. For the avoidance of doubt, it is
recorded that “category or type of employment” includes: part-time employees;
specialist teachers; graduate teachers; learning support employees; and those
providing release for Senior Leadership.
(b) Employing authorities will conduct an annual review, commencing in 2020, to identify
those fixed-term positions which would more appropriately be designated as continuing
3.6.2 Where a position is identified as a continuing position, an employee will be appointed to such
a position on a continuing basis.
3.6.3 Subject to clauses 3.6.5 (a) and 3.6.10, the maximum period for a fixed-term contract is twelve
(12) months or in the case of clauses 3.6.5 (e) or 3.6.5 (f) for the balance of the calendar year.
3.6.4 It is recognised that in some exceptional circumstances an employee may accept appointment
to a series of fixed-term appointments for a series of identifiable short term needs.
3.6.5 An employer will employ an employee on a fixed-term contract of employment only where the
employee is appointed to cover an identifiable short term need. An identifiable short term
need includes:
(a) special projects that operate until a specified date of conclusion;
(b) proposed closure of a school;
(c) short term funding where the position is reliant on such designated funding;
(d) filling the position of a specified employee who is on nominated leave from the school;
(e) filling the position, for the balance of a calendar year, of an employee arising from a
resignation, where such position is declared vacant and no suitable permanent employee
is available;
(f) accommodating, organisational changes, temporary enrolment fluctuations in a school
resulting from a specific short term factor;
(g) providing release time for Senior Leadership in a school where the relevant arrangements
vary for a specific short term arrangement; and
(h) employing a person to address class size issues and/or enhance curriculum offerings on a
short term basis.
3.6.6 A fixed-term contract of employment will not be used as a probationary period.
3.6.7 Where an employer employs an employee on a fixed-term contract, the employer will indicate
in the employee’s letter of appointment the identifiable short term need, including those
identified in clause 3.6.5, which the employee is appointed to fill.
3.6.8 The letter of appointment will also contain the terms, conditions and specific duration
(commencement and cessation dates) of the appointment.
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3.6.9 Where the identifiable short term need exists after the twelve (12) month period, a further
fixed-term appointment (no longer than twelve (12) months) may be agreed between the
parties. Any agreement reached between an employer and an employee as prescribed by this
clause shall be in writing and signed by both parties:
(a) where an employer receives short term funding for a specific purpose/project and that
funding covers a specified period which is in excess of twelve (12) months then an
employee may be appointed for that specified period of time; or
(b) where an employee is provided with a period of parental leave in accordance with clause
6.7 of this Agreement which is in excess of twelve (12) months then an employee may be
appointed on a fixed-term contract for that specified period of time; or
(c) where an employee commences on a specified period of approved leave (paid and/or
unpaid) which is in excess of twelve (12) months then an employee may be appointed on
a fixed-term contract for that specified period of time.
3.6.10 Where an employee is employed on a fixed-term basis but they believe their employment is
not consistent with clause 3.6.5 or if they believe the criteria for their fixed-term employment
has changed they may apply to the employer for continuing status.
3.6.11 Application Procedure
(a) Such written application shall contain the original reason the employee was given for
appointment (where known), information regarding any changed circumstances relevant
to the application and the length of time employed on a fixed-term contract.
(b) The employer shall consider the written request for conversion to continuing status and
notify the employee in writing of the decision within one month.
(c) If after receiving the employer’s notification, the employee believes that their position
has not been correctly designated, the employee may seek to resolve the matter in
accordance with the formal procedure for preventing and settling disputes contained at
clause 2.4 of the collective Agreement. Employees may be assisted by the representative
of their choice, including the employee’s union.
3.6.12 Notwithstanding the above, fixed-term employees are entitled to apply for any other
continuing position advertised in accordance with the normal employment processes
identified by the relevant employing authority.
3.7 Termination of Employment
3.7.1 Statement of Employment Service – Teachers
The employer shall, in the event of termination of employment, provide upon request to an
employee who has been terminated a written statement specifying the period of employment
and the classification or type of work performed by the employee.
3.7.2 Statement of Employment Service – School Officers and Services Staff
A school officer or services staff member, upon termination of the employee's services for any
reason whatsoever, shall be provided by the employer with a certificate of employment signed
and dated by the employer containing the following particulars:
(a) the full name and address of the employee;
(b) a description of position in which the employee was engaged;
(c) the dates on which the employee commenced and ceased employment in each of the
(d) the address of the workplace at which the employee was so engaged;
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(e) the classification levels in which the employee has been employed and the duration at
each level since the 27 February 1995; and
(f) periods of leave without pay taken during the period of employment with the employer.
3.7.3 Termination by Employer - Full-Time Teachers
(a) The employer shall give to a full-time teacher at least one month's notice in writing of the
termination of their services.
(b) Employees over forty-five (45) years of age at the time of the giving of notice, and with
more than two years’ service with the employer, shall be entitled to an additional week's
notice to that prescribed in clause 3.7.3 (a).
(c) Payment in lieu of notice shall be made if the appropriate notice is not given; provided
that employment may be terminated by part of the period of notice specified and part
payment in lieu thereof.
(d) In calculating any payment in lieu of notice the ordinary time rate of pay for the employee
concerned shall be used.
(e) The period of notice in clauses 3.7.3 (a) and 3.7.3 (b) shall not apply in the case of dismissal
for serious misconduct or other grounds that justify instant dismissal.
3.7.4 Termination by Employer - Part-Time Teachers
(a) The employer shall give to part-time teachers the following notice in writing of the
termination of their services:
(i) less than three (3) years' service – two (2) weeks' notice
(ii) more than three (3) years but less than five (5) years – three (3)weeks
(iii) more than five (5) years – four (4) weeks
(b) In addition to the notice in clause 3.7.4 (a) employees over forty-five (45) years of age at
the time of the giving of notice and with not less than two (2) years’ continuous service,
shall be entitled to an additional week's notice.
(c) Payment in lieu of notice shall be made if the appropriate notice is not given; provided
that employment may be terminated by part of the period of notice specified and part
payment in lieu thereof.
(d) In calculating any payment in lieu of notice the ordinary time rate of pay for the employee
concerned shall be used.
(e) The period of notice in clause 3.7.4 (a) shall not apply in the case of dismissal for serious
misconduct or other grounds that justify instant dismissal, or in the case of casual
3.7.5 Termination by Employer – School Officers and Services Staff
The employer will give to a school officer or service staff member notice in writing of the
termination of employment as follows:
(a) if the employee's continuous service is:
(i) not more than three (3) years – two (2) weeks
(ii) more than three (3) years but not more than five (5) years – three (3) weeks
(iii) more than five (5) years – four (4) weeks
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(b) the notice required by clause 3.7.5 (b) will be increased by one week if the employee:
(i) is over forty-five (45) years old; and
(ii) has completed at least two (2) years of continuous service with the employer;
(c) where the employer does not give the appropriate notice payment in lieu of notice will
be made to the employee.
(d) The period of notice in clause 3.7.5 (a) and (b) shall not apply in the case of dismissal for
serious misconduct or other grounds that justify instant dismissal, or in the case of casual
3.7.6 Notice of Termination by Employee
(a) The notice of termination required to be given by a teacher shall be the same as that
required of an employer; provided that there shall be no additional notice based on the
age of the employee concerned.
(b) A school officer or services staff member, other than a casual employee, will give to the
employer two (2) weeks' notice in writing of intention to resign from the position.
(c) If an employee fails to give notice the employer shall have the right to withhold monies
due to the employee with a maximum amount equal to the ordinary time rate for the
period of notice. Provided that employment may be terminated by part of the period of
notice specified and part withholding of wages in lieu thereof.
3.7.7 Termination Payments
A termination payment to an employee shall be paid through an employee’s existing banking
arrangements by no later than the date of the next full pay period after termination.
3.8 Redundancy
3.8.1 Consultation Before Terminations
(a) Where an employer decides that the employer no longer wishes the job the employee has
been doing to be done by anyone, and this is not due to the ordinary and customary
turnover of labour, and that decision may lead to termination of employment, the
employer shall consult the employee directly affected and where relevant, their union or
(b) The consultation shall take place as soon as it is practicable after the employer has made
a decision, which will invoke the provisions of clause 3.8.1 (a) and shall cover the reasons
for the proposed terminations, measures to avoid or minimise the terminations and/or
their adverse effects on the employees concerned.
(c) For the purpose of the consultation the employer shall, as soon as practicable, provide in
writing to the employees concerned and, where relevant, their union or unions, all
relevant information about the proposed terminations including the reasons for the
proposed terminations, the number and categories of employees likely to be affected, the
number of workers normally employed and the period over which the terminations are
likely to be carried out; provided that an employer shall not be required to disclose
confidential information, the disclosure of which would be adverse to the employer's
3.8.2 Transfer to Lower Paid Duties
(a) Where an employee is transferred to lower paid duties for reasons set out in clause 3.8.1
the employee shall be entitled to the same period of notice of transfer as the employee
would have been entitled to if the employee's employment had been terminated under
clause 3.7.
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(b) The employer may, at the employer's option, make payment in lieu thereof of an amount
equal to the difference between the former amounts the employer would have been
liable to pay and the new lower amount the employer is liable to pay the employee for
the number of weeks of notice still owing.
(c) The amounts must be worked out on the basis of:
(i) the ordinary working hours to be worked by the employee; and
(ii) the amounts payable to the employee for the hours including for example,
allowances, loadings and penalties; and
(iii) any other amounts payable under the employee's employment contract.
3.8.3 Transmission of Business
(a) Where a business is transmitted from an employer (transmittor) to another employer
(transmittee), and an employee who at the time of such transmission was an employee
of the transmittor of the business, becomes an employee of the transmittee:
(i) the continuity of the employment of the employee shall be deemed not to have
been broken by reason of such transmission; and
(ii) the period of employment which the employee has had with the transmittor or
any prior transmittor shall be deemed to be service of the employee with the
(b) In clause 3.8.3, “business” includes trade, process, business or occupation and includes a
part or subsidiary (which means a corporation that would be taken to be a subsidiary
under the Corporations Law, whether or not the Corporations Law applies in the particular
case) of any such business and “transmission” includes transfer, conveyance, assignment
or succession whether by agreement or by operation of law and “transmitted” has a
corresponding meaning.
3.8.4 Time off During Notice Period
(a) Where a decision has been made to terminate an employee in the circumstances outlined
in clause 3.8.1 (a), the employee shall be allowed up to one day's time off without loss of
pay during each week of notice for the purpose of seeking other employment.
(b) If the employee has been allowed paid leave for more than one day during the notice
period for the purpose of seeking other employment, the employee shall, at the request
of the employer, be required to produce proof of attendance at an interview or the
employee shall not receive payment for the time absent. For this purpose a statutory
declaration will be sufficient.
3.8.5 Notice to Centrelink
Where a decision has been made to terminate employees in the circumstances outlined in clause
3.8.1, the employer shall notify Centrelink as soon as possible giving all relevant information
about the proposed terminations, including a written statement of the reasons for the
terminations, the number and categories of the employees likely to be affected, the number of
workers normally employed and the period over which the terminations are intended to be
carried out.
3.8.6 Severance Pay
(a) In addition to the period of notice prescribed for ordinary termination in clause 3.7, and
subject to further order of the Fair Work Commission, an employee whose employment
is terminated for reasons set out in clause 3.8.1 (a) shall be entitled to the following
amounts of severance pay:
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Period of Continuous Service Severance Pay
(weeks’ pay)
Less than 1 year nil
1 year but not more than 2 years 4
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years 6
More than 3 years but not more than 4 years 7
More than 4 years but not more than 5 years 8
More than 5 years but not more than 6 years 10
More than 6 years but not more than 7 years 11
More than 7 years but not more than 8 years 13
More than 8 years but not more than 9 years 14
More than 9 years 16
(b) “Weeks' Pay” means the ordinary time rate of pay for the employee concerned; provided
that the following amounts are excluded from the calculation of the ordinary time rate of
pay: overtime, penalty rates, disability allowances, shift allowances, special rates, fares
and travelling time allowances, bonuses and any other ancillary payments.
3.8.7 Superannuation Benefits
An employer may make an application to the Fair Work Commission for relief from the
obligation to make severance payments in circumstances where:
(a) the employer has contributed to a superannuation scheme which provides a particular
benefit to an employee in a redundancy situation; and
(b) the particular benefit to the employee is over and above any benefit the employee might
obtain from any legislative scheme providing for superannuation benefits (currently the
federal Superannuation Guarantee levy).
3.8.8 Employee Leaving During Notice
An employee whose employment is terminated for reasons set out in clause 3.8.1 (a), may
terminate such employment during the period of notice, and, if so, shall be entitled to the
same benefits and payments under this clause had such employee remained with the
employer until the expiry of such notice; provided that in such circumstances the employee
shall not be entitled to payment in lieu of notice.
3.8.9 Alternative Employment
An employer, in a particular case, may make application to the Fair Work Commission to have
the general severance pay prescription amended if the employer obtains acceptable alternative
employment for an employee.
3.8.10 Employees with Less Than One Year's Service
Clause 3.8 shall not apply to employees with less than one year's continuous service and the
general obligation on employers should be no more than to give relevant employees an
indication of the impending redundancy at the first reasonable opportunity, and to take such
steps as may be reasonable to facilitate the obtaining by the employees of suitable alternative
3.8.11 Employees Exempted
Clause 3.8 shall not apply:
(a) where employment is terminated as a consequence of serious misconduct on the part of
the employee; or
(b) to employees engaged for a specific period or task(s); or
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(c) to casual employees.
3.8.12 Employers Exempted
(a) Subject to an order of the Fair Work Commission, in a particular redundancy case, clause
3.8 shall not apply to an employer including a company or companies that employ
employees working a total of fewer than 550 hours on average per week, excluding
overtime, Monday to Sunday. The 550 hours shall be averaged over the previous twelve
(12) months.
(b) The Fair Work Commission may amend subclause 3.8.12 (a) if it is satisfied that it would
operate unfairly in a particular case, or in the instance of contrived arrangements.
(c) A “company” shall be defined as:
(i) a company and the entities it controls; or
(ii) a company and its related company or related companies; or
(iii) a company where the company or companies has a common director or
common directors or a common shareholder or common shareholders with
another company or companies.
3.8.13 Exemption where Transmission of Business
(a) The provisions of clause 3.8.6 are not applicable where a business is transmitted from an
employer (transmittor) to another employer (transmittee), in any of the following
(i) where the employee accepts employment with the transmittee which
recognises the period of continuous service which the employee had with the
transmittor, and any prior transmittor, to be continuous service of the employee
with the transmittee; or
(ii) where the employee rejects an offer of employment with the transmittee:
(A) in which the terms and conditions are substantially similar and no less
favourable, considered on an overall basis, than the terms and conditions
applicable to the employee at the time of ceasing employment with the
transmittor; and
(B) which recognises the period of continuous service which the employee
had with the transmittor and any prior transmittor to be continuous
service of the employee with the transmittee.
(b) The Fair Work Commission may amend clause 3.8.13 (a) (ii) if it is satisfied that it would
operate unfairly in a particular case, or in the instance of contrived arrangements.
3.9 Redeployment
3.9.1 Job Security
(a) Staff Reduction
The parties agree that changes to work practices and productivity initiatives must be
consistent with the operation of the school. The parties further acknowledge that
employees are a critical element in the improvement of quality service delivery.
Arbitrary job reductions will not be pursued to secure the ongoing improvement in
productivity and efficiency sought in accordance with the terms and conditions of this
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(b) Staff Redeployment
(i) A redeployment policy and procedure shall be jointly negotiated between
employing authorities and the unions representing the employees. The policy
guidelines shall be used in the event of school closure.
(ii) The following principles shall underpin the policy and procedures. Continuing
employees shall:
(A) be offered maximum employment opportunities within the employing
authority, including retraining, deployment, and redeployment;
(B) be offered voluntary early retirement only after the options in clause
3.9.1 (b) (ii) (A) have been exhausted;
(C) be provided with support, advice and assistance to facilitate transition to
new employment opportunities, where continuing employment in the
employing authority is not possible; and
(D) not be subject to forced redundancy, other than in exceptional
circumstances where redeployment is not an option and after a thorough
consultation process designed to mitigate the negative impact on
affected employees has been exhausted.
3.10 Timely Notification of Resignation
3.10.1 Employees should give as much notice as possible during school term time. The employing
authority and IEUA agree to develop and promote an agreed commentary to inform and
reassure employees regarding:
(a) the operation of clause 4.2.5 (Proportion of Salary) of this Agreement in regard to vacation
leave entitlements;
(b) the recognition by employing authorities that employees will apply for various positions,
and that employing authorities encourage employees to advise of their interest in, and
application for, various advertised positions, and that such advice to the employing
authority will not be to the employee’s detriment; and
(c) minimum notice of resignation in accordance with clause 3.7 of this Agreement.
3.11 Flexible Working Arrangements
3.11.1 The employing authority acknowledges the changes in societal demands and the changing
demographic of the profession.
3.11.2 Flexible working arrangements may be accessible in the following circumstances for an
employee who:
(a) cares for elderly parents, cares for grandchildren or cares for a child who is of school age
or younger; or
(b) is a carer within the meaning of the Carer Recognition Act 2010; or
(c) has a disability; or
(d) is 55 years of age or older; or
(e) is experiencing violence from a member of their family; or
(f) provides care or support to a member of their immediate family or household who
requires this as a result of domestic or family violence.
3.11.3 Employees on continuing; fixed-term; or term-time employment arrangements are able to
make written application for flexible working arrangements.
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3.11.4 The National Employment Standards (NES) pursuant to section 65 of the Fair Work Act 2009,
(a) the rights and obligations of an employee (including long term casuals) to make a request
for a change in working arrangements;
(b) the employer’s obligation to respond to the request (within 21 days); and
3.11.5 A request made by an employee must include details of the period of time that the change in
working arrangements is sought to apply.
3.11.6 In giving consideration to the employee’s application to move to a flexible working
arrangement, the employer will take into account the following:
(a) the particular circumstances of the employee that gives rise to the application;
(b) the impact of the refusal of the application may have on the employee and their family;
(c) the operational requirements of the school, including the employer’s capacity to re-
organise work arrangements and secure competent replacement staff.
3.11.7 Flexible working arrangements shall not be unreasonably refused by the employer.
3.11.8 For the avoidance of doubt, this provision (clause 3.11) does not limit the entitlement of an
employee to be able to request part-time work to assist the employee to care for the child if
the employee:
(a) is a parent and has the responsibility for the care of a child; or
(b) is returning to work after taking leave in relation to parental leave.
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4.1 One-off Payment
4.1.1 Employers will pay a one-off payment of $500 (the payment) to eligible employees in
recognition of the nominal expiry date of 30 June 2023 of this Agreement (being 4 years from
the nominal expiry date of the enterprise agreement being replaced).
4.1.2 The payment will be made to eligible employees (pro-rata for part-time and casual employees)
in the first full pay period following the date this Agreement comes into operation (refer clause
1.2 Commencement Date).
4.1.3 The payment will be made to the following eligible employees:
(a) continuing and fixed-term employees employed as at the date this Agreement comes into
(b) employees on paid leave as at the date this Agreement comes into operation;
(c) casual employees who satisfy the following:
(i) worked a minimum of 100 days in the twelve (12) months prior to the date this
Agreement comes into operation; and
(ii) at least one of those days was worked in the three (3) months prior to the date
this Agreement comes into operation;
(d) Middle Leaders who at the date this Agreement comes into operation are paid as follows:
(i) Tier 2-5 allowance pursuant to clause S2.17.2 with a substantive teacher rate up
to Proficient 4; and
(ii) Tier 1 allowance pursuant to clause S2.17.4 with a substantive teacher rate up
to Proficient 6;
(e) Senior Leaders who at the date this Agreement comes into operation are paid an
allowance pursuant to clause S2.11.5 with a substantive rate up to Proficient 6.
4.1.4 The payment will not be made to the following employees:
(a) employees paid in excess of the equivalent rate of a Proficient 8 teacher on the date this
Agreement comes into operation;
(b) employees who are on unpaid leave as follows:
(i) on the date this Agreement comes into operation; and
(ii) for more than 2 weeks prior to that date;
(c) casual employees who do not satisfy clause 4.1.3 (c); and
(d) Middle or Senior Leaders who do not satisfy clause 4.1.3 (d) or (e).
4.1.5 The payment will be paid on a proportionate basis as follows:
(a) For part-time employees, a pro rata amount based on their full-time equivalent (FTE)
employment status on the date this Agreement comes into operation;
(b) For casual employees, a pro rata amount based on the average hours of work in the twelve
(12) months prior to the date this Agreement comes into operation compared to a full-
time employee.
4.1.6 To remove doubt, the payment made to term-time employees will be the same amount paid
to employees who are not term-time employees based on their term-time FTE status on the
date this Agreement comes into operation.
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4.2 Salary and Allowances – Teachers
4.2.1 Salaries and Allowances
(a) Salary increases are as follows:
(i) 2.5% of the applicable salary rate operative as of the first full pay period on or
after 1 July 2019;
(ii) a further increase of 2.5% from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2020;
(iii) a further increase of 2.5% from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2021;
(iv) from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2022, a further salary increase
that will be the same headline percentage wage increase paid to teachers
employed by the Queensland Department of Education on or from 1 July 2022
(excluding from that headline percentage wage increase any “catch up”
component attributable to any “wage freeze” implemented by the Queensland
Government affecting the increases outlined in the Department of Education
State School Teachers’ Certified Agreement [CB/2019/101]).
(b) The allowances listed in Schedule 1 – S1.1 (Wages, Salaries and Allowances) will receive
the same percentage increases, from the same dates of application as detailed in clause
4.2.1 (a).
4.2.2 Where an allowance is determined by a formula contained in the Agreement that formula will
be applicable.
4.2.3 Increases shall compound over the life of the Agreement.
4.2.4 The actual salaries and allowances for all classifications of teacher are set out in Schedule 1 –
S1.1 (Wages, Salaries and Allowances).
4.2.5 Proportion of Salary
(a) A teacher upon appointment shall be paid from the date upon which the teacher
commenced duty, provided that a teacher who has taught (or has been granted leave by
the school) for each day of the school year at the particular school shall be paid as for a
full calendar year. A teacher who ceases duty before completing ten (10) teaching weeks
of employment shall be paid in lieu of vacation pay an amount equal to one-twelfth
(1/12th) of their ordinary pay for the period of employment.
(b) A teacher who ceases duty after at least ten (10) teaching weeks of employment shall be
paid the proportion of the teacher's annual salary of that year that the teacher's service
excluding school vacations bears to a standard school year; provided that such proportion
of salary shall be calculated on the salary which the employee was receiving immediately
before cessation of employment.
(c) For the purposes of this clause, in any employing authority, a standard school year for a
teacher is calculated as:
One Standard Year = Number of weeks in Term 1 + Number of weeks in Term 2 +
Number of weeks in Term 3 + Number of weeks in Term 4.
4.2.6 Salary Increments
Subject to satisfactory conduct, diligence, and efficiency, a teacher shall receive increments in
salary according to the scale of salaries applicable and the provisions of this Agreement until
the teacher receives the maximum salary for which the teacher is eligible .
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4.2.7 Overtime
(a) A non-resident teacher or a resident teacher required to work in excess of thirty and a
half (30.5) hours per week or forty and a half (40.5) hours per week in a secondary school
and thirty (30) hours per week or forty (40) hours per week in a primary school, as the
case may be, shall be paid at the overtime rate prescribed in Schedule 1 – S1.1 of this
Agreement for the extra time so worked.
(b) This clause will not apply to a teacher where that teacher is excluded by the provisions of
a schedule to this Agreement.
4.2.8 Moderation Allowance
(a) A teacher who performs moderation duties and is responsible to a district moderation
meeting for the assessment of a subject (or subject area) for Year 11 or 12 shall be paid
an allowance as per Schedule 1 – S1.1 of this Agreement.
(b) The moderation allowance will not be paid to a teacher who is in receipt of an Middle
Leader Tier 1 allowance as described in Schedules 2 of this Agreement.
4.3 Wages and Allowances - School Officers
4.3.1 Wages and Allowances
(a) Salary increases are as follows:
(i) a wage increase of 2.5% (or a flat dollar increase of $26.27 per week, whichever
is the greater) of the applicable salary shall be paid from the first full period on
or after 1 May 2019;
(ii) a further 2.5% (or a flat dollar increase of $26.93 per week, whichever is the
greater) from the first full pay period on or after 1 May 2020;
(iii) a further 2.5% (or a flat dollar increase of $27.60 per week, whichever is the
greater) from the first full pay period on or after 1 May 2021; and
(iv) from the first full pay period on or after 1 May 2022, a further wage increase
that will be the same headline percentage wage increase paid to teachers
employed by the Queensland Department of Education from 1 July 2022 as
referred in clause 4.2.1(a)(iv) (or a flat dollar increase equivalent to that
percentage increase applied to the School Officer classification Level 3 Step 1
outlined in Schedule 1 – S1.5, whichever is the greater).
(b) Allowances listed in Schedule 1 – S1.5 (Wages, Salaries and Allowances) will receive the
same percentage increases, from the same dates of application as detailed in clause 4.3.1
4.3.2 Where an allowance is determined by a formula contained in the Agreement that formula will
be applicable.
4.3.3 Increases shall compound over the life of the Agreement.
4.3.4 The actual wages and allowances for all classifications of School Officers are set out in
Schedule 1 – S1.5 (Wages, Salaries and Allowances).
4.3.5 School Officer – Qualifications Allowance
(a) A school officer at Level 2 and who holds a Certificate Level (III) qualification (or higher)
which is relevant to their work, and who holds a current First Aid Certificate will receive
the Qualification Allowance identified in Schedule 1 – S1.5 (Salary, Wages and
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(b) A school officer at Level 3 and who holds a Certificate Level (IV) qualification (or higher)
which is relevant to their work, and who holds a current First Aid Certificate will receive
the Qualification Allowance identified in Schedule 1 – S1.5 (Salary, Wages and
(c) A school officer at Level 4 and who holds a Diploma or Associate Diploma level
qualification (or higher) which is relevant to their work, and who holds a current First Aid
Certificate will receive the Qualification Allowance identified in Schedule 1– S1.5 (Salary,
Wages and Allowances).
(d) A school officer at Level 5 and who holds a Degree level qualification (or higher) which is
relevant to their work, and who holds a current First Aid Certificate will receive the
Qualification Allowance identified in Schedule 1 – S1.5 (Salary, Wages and Allowances).
(e) A school officer will apply for the payment of the allowance prescribed in 4.3.5 (a), (b), (c)
or (d). Where the employee applies for the allowance within six (6) months of the
qualification being obtained the allowance will be paid as from the date that the
qualification is obtained. In other circumstances the school officer will be paid the
allowance from the date of making the application.
(f) Where a Level 2, 3, 4 or 5 school officer is receiving the Qualification Allowance in
accordance with this clause, the employer will pay any fees associated with obtaining and
maintaining the First Aid Certificate. The employee will contribute the time required to
maintain the First Aid Certificate.
(g) The employer will reimburse enrolment fees associated with obtaining a First Aid
Certificate which are incurred within the twelve (12) month period immediately prior to
the school officer accessing the qualification allowance in clause 4.3.5 (a), (b), (c) or (d) as
appropriate. The employee will contribute the time required to obtain the first aid
(h) A school officer may receive either the Qualifications Allowance (as in clauses 4.3.5 (a),
(b), (c) or (d) or the First Aid Allowance (as in clause 4.3.8) or the Specialised Care
Allowance (as in clause 4.3.6) but not more than one of these allowances.
4.3.6 School Officer – Specialised Care Allowance
(a) A school officer who is designated by their employer to engage in, or assist particular
students with, ongoing specialised care needs (for example, medical, manual handling
and/or hygiene procedures) will receive a Specialised Care Allowance, identified in
Schedule 1 – S1.5 (Salary, Wages and Allowances).
(b) The Specialised Care Allowance shall not be varied to reflect part-time hours.
(c) The Specialised Care Allowance is equivalent in value to the First Aid Allowance.
(d) A school officer may receive either the Qualifications Allowance (as in clauses 4.3.5 (a),
(b), (c) or (d)) or the First Aid Allowance (as in clause 4.3.8) or the Specialised Care
Allowance (as in clause 4.3.6) but not more than one of these allowances.
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4.3.7 School Officer – Special Project Allowance
(a) This clause will apply where the following criteria are met:
(i) the employer requires a school officer to undertake responsibilities, or to
exercise skills, at the level higher than the employee’s classified position for the
purposes of undertaking a designated special project; and
(ii) such responsibilities or skills are not of such a substantive nature as to affect the
classification level of the employee’s position; and
(iii) the special project will only be for a fixed period of time, being at least one week,
and will not be ongoing or indefinite in nature.
(b) Where a school officer undertakes a special project, that employee will be paid the
allowance in clause 4.3.7(c) for the duration of the designated project.
(c) A school officer undertaking a designated special project will be paid a weekly allowance
as per Schedule 1– S1.5 of this Agreement.
4.3.8 School Officer – First Aid Allowance
(a) A school officer who holds a current First Aid Certificate and who is appointed by their
employer to be a First Aid Officer will receive the First Aid Allowance identified in Schedule
1– S1.5 (Salary, Wages and Allowances).
(b) The First Aid qualification obtained or maintained by the school officer must include
proficiency in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), in order for the employer to pay
reimbursement of course fees incurred.
(c) A school officer may receive either the Qualifications Allowance (as in clauses 4.3.5
(a),(b),(c) or (d)) or the First Aid Allowance (as in clause 4.3.8) or the Specialised Care
Allowance (as in clause 4.3.6) but not more than one (1) of these allowances.
4.3.9 School Officer – Employer Requirement to Hold a First Aid Certificate
(a) The employer will reimburse the course fees associated with obtaining and maintaining
the First Aid Certificate for school officers who are designated as First Aid Officers.
(b) Where the employer requires a school officer to hold a current First Aid certificate, the
course shall be undertaken in paid work time.
(c) The First Aid qualification obtained or maintained by the school officer must include
proficiency in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), in order for the employer to pay
reimbursement of course fees incurred.
4.3.10 Acting Position
(a) An employer may require a school officer to act temporarily in a position which has a
classification higher than the employee’s current classification level.
(b) Where the employee is appointed to act for more than one week, the employee will be
paid at the first incremental point of the higher classification level for the whole period of
4.3.11 Divisional and District Parities for School Officers
The divisional and district parities (as described in Schedule 1– S1.11) for employees other
than teachers shall be paid in addition to the employee’s wages as prescribed in Schedule 1
(Wages, Salaries and Allowances) of this Agreement.
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4.4 Wages and Allowances - Services Staff
4.4.1 Wages and Allowances – Services Staff
(a) Salary increases are as follows:
(i) a wage increase of 2.5% (or a flat dollar increase of $26.27 per week, whichever
is the greater) of the applicable salary shall be paid from the first full period on
or after 1 May 2019;
(ii) a further 2.5% (or a flat dollar increase of $26.93 per week, whichever is the
greater) from the first full pay period on or after 1 May 2020;
(iii) a further 2.5% (or a flat dollar increase of $27.60 per week, whichever is the
greater) from the first full pay period on or after 1 May 2021; and
(iv) from the first full pay period on or after 1 May 2022, a further wage increase
that will be the same headline percentage wage increase paid to teachers
employed by the Queensland Department of Education from 1 July 2022 as
referred in clause 4.2.1(a)(iv) (or a flat dollar increase equivalent to that
percentage increase applied to the School Officer classification Level 3 Step 1
outlined in Schedule 1– S1.7, whichever is the greater).
(b) Allowances listed in Schedule 1– S1.7 (Wages, Salaries and Allowances) will receive the
same percentage increases, from the same dates of application as detailed in clause 4.4.1
4.4.2 Where an allowance is determined by a formula contained in the Agreement that formula will
be applicable.
4.4.3 Increases shall compound over the life of the Agreement.
4.4.4 The actual wages and allowances for all classifications of services staff are set out in Schedule
1– S1.7 (Wages, Salaries and Allowances) of this Agreement.
4.5 Payment of Wages and Salaries
An employee will be paid fortnightly by electronic funds transfer to credit an account(s) held
by and/or nominated by the employee, except in circumstances where an employer elects to
pay a leave period as a lump sum in advance.
4.6 Payment of Wages – Part-Time Teachers
The hourly rate of payment for part-time teachers shall be calculated by dividing the
fortnightly rate of prescribed salary for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and
academic qualification by sixty (60). Part-time teachers shall accrue a pro rata entitlement to
personal leave and vacation periods based on the average weekly hours of employment.
4.7 Payment of Wages – Casual Teachers
A casual teacher shall be paid an hourly rate by dividing the fortnightly rate of salary
prescribed by this Agreement for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic
qualification by sixty (60) and adding thereto a casual loading of twenty-five per cent (25%).
Prior to 1 January 2013 the casual loading was twenty-three per cent (23%). No payment shall
be made to such casual teachers for public holidays, school vacation periods or days absent
from duty because of illness or any other reason.
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4.8 Superannuation
4.8.1 Superannuation legislation, including the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act
1992, the Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act 1992, the Superannuation Industry
(Supervision) Act 1993 and the Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Act 1993, deals with
the superannuation rights and obligations of employers and employees. Under superannuation
legislation individual employees generally have the opportunity to choose their own
superannuation fund. If an employee does not choose a superannuation fund, any
superannuation fund nominated in the Agreement covering the employee applies.
4.8.2 The rights and obligations in these clauses supplement those in superannuation legislation.
4.8.3 The employer will make such superannuation contributions to a superannuation fund for the
benefit of an employee as will avoid the employer being required to pay the superannuation
guarantee charge under superannuation legislation with respect to that employee. As at 1 July
2014, this contribution is equal to nine and a half per cent (9.5%) of an employee’s ordinary
4.8.4 Catholic education employing authorities recognise that an increased employer contribution
combined with an employee co-payment, delivers a substantial benefit to the employee’s
superannuation savings.
4.8.5 Any additional superannuation contributions from employees are a matter of employee choice
within the options available. The payment to be made by employing authorities will be
subsumed into any payment mandated by Superannuation Guarantee Charge legislation, if any
such payment is mandated.
4.8.6 Employees shall receive a minimum level of superannuation consistent with contractual
arrangements which apply in each employing authority.
4.8.7 The employing authority shall make available to all employees the following options:
(a) a superannuation employer option of ten and three-quarter per cent (10.75%) inclusive
of the Superannuation Guarantee Contribution, with a co-payment of three per cent (3%)
as the minimum employee contribution; or
(b) A superannuation employer contribution of eleven and three-quarter per cent (11.75%)
inclusive of the Superannuation Guarantee Contribution, with a co-payment of four per
cent (4%) as the minimum employee contribution; or
(c) a superannuation employer contribution of twelve and three-quarter per cent (12.75%)
inclusive of the Superannuation Guarantee Contribution, with a co-payment of five per
cent (5%) as the minimum employee contribution.
(d) Where an employee wishes to access one of the options identified in paragraphs (a), (b)
or (c) above, the employee will make written application to their employer.
4.8.8 An employee’s voluntary superannuation co-payment may be before tax in accordance with
the salary packaging provisions.
4.8.9 Where an employee salary sacrifices all or part of their income to an approved and designated
superannuation fund the employing authority will transfer such salary sacrificed contributions
to the designated superannuation fund of each employee within fourteen (14) days of the end
of each month.
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4.8.10 Unless, to comply with superannuation legislation, the employer is required to make the
superannuation contributions provided for in clause 4.8.3 to another superannuation fund that
is chosen by the employee, the employer must make the superannuation contributions
provided for in clause 4.8.3 and pay the amount authorised under clause 4.8.1 and 4.8.2 to one
of the following superannuation funds or its successor:
(a) Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund (ACSRF);
(b) NGS Super Pty Limited; or
(c) any superannuation fund to which the employer was making superannuation
contributions for the benefit of its employees before 12 September 2008, provided the
superannuation fund is an eligible choice fund.
4.9 Annual Leave Loading
4.9.1 A teacher who has taught (or has been granted leave by the school) for each day of the school
year at the particular school shall receive an annual leave loading equivalent to seventeen and
a half percent (17.5%) of four (4) weeks' salary calculated upon the salary which such
employee was receiving immediately before commencing the midsummer vacation.
4.9.2 Teacher who commences employment after the beginning of a school year and:
(a) has actually taught for at least twenty (20) weeks; or
(b) has taught for at least a full school term and who teaches to the end of the school year,
shall be paid the proportion of the annual leave loading prescribed in clause 4.9.1 that the
teacher's service (excluding school vacations) bears to a standard school year.
4.9.3 A teacher who resigns, having given the prescribed notice in writing, or whose services are
terminated by the employer for some reason or reasons other than serious misconduct and
who has taught for at least the full first school term shall be paid the proportion of the annual
leave loading prescribed in clause 4.9.1 that the teacher's service (excluding school vacations)
bears to a standard school year; Provided that such loading shall be calculated upon salary
which the employee was receiving immediately before cessation of employment.
4.9.4 The full amount of the above mentioned annual leave loadings shall be paid to the teacher at
the commencement of the midsummer vacation or prior date of cessation of employment.
4.9.5 For the purposes of clause 4.9, a standard year shall be deemed to be as described at clause
4.2.5(c) (Proportion of Salary) of this Agreement.
4.9.6 For the purposes of clause 4.9 salaries shall be regarded as including allowances prescribed by
Schedule 1.
4.9.7 Annual leave loading for a teacher shall be paid to an employee by one of the following
(a) in employer designated pay periods in December each year, or
(b) where an employee has a salary packaging arrangement (in accordance with clause 4.15)
it may be agreed that the loading be paid fortnightly in the regular pay periods.
4.9.8 Annual leave loading for an employee (other than a teacher) shall be paid by one of the
following methods:
(a) at the time of taking annual leave, or
(b) where an employee has a salary packaging arrangement (in accordance with clause 4.15)
it may be agreed that the loading be paid fortnightly in the regular pay periods.
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4.9.9 Where an employee to whom paragraph 4.9.2 (a) applies takes annual leave at the conclusion
of a school year, the annual leave loading due will be paid in employer designated pay periods
in December of that year.
4.10 Overpayments
4.10.1 Current Employees
(a) If an employee is overpaid, the employer will have the right to recover such an
(b) Where the employer seeks to recover such an overpayment the employer will contact the
employee in writing to request that a mutually acceptable repayment schedule be agreed.
(c) In the event that a repayment schedule has not been agreed after twenty-eight (28) days
from the date of the written request, the employer will have the right to deduct money
from the employee’s ordinary wages subject to the following:
(i) any deduction shall not reduce the employee’s fortnightly wage to less than
either the minimum wage, or seventy-five per cent (75%) of the employee’s
gross fortnightly income, whichever is greater;
(ii) the minimum period over which the deductions can be made is thirteen (13) pay
periods; and
(iii) any deductions will be made in equal instalments in each pay period, except for
the final instalment which may be less than the preceding instalments.
4.10.2 At Date of Termination
(a) If, at the date of termination of an employee’s services, it is clearly established and
accepted by the employee that the employee owes the employer money (for example, in
the case of overpayment of wages), the employer is entitled to and may withhold from
monies due to the employee, as either wages or leave entitlements, an amount equivalent
to the overpayment.
(b) Where an employee fails to give the minimum prescribed notice of resignation, the
employer shall have the right to withhold monies due to the employee up to a maximum
amount equal to the ordinary time rate for the period of notice, provided that
employment may be terminated by part of the period of notice specified and part
payment in lieu thereof.
This sub-clause shall not apply where an earlier resignation date is mutually agreed
between the employee and employer.
(c) The employer is also required to provide the employee payment in lieu of notice, if the
appropriate notice is not given, provided that employment may be terminated by part of
the period of notice specified and part payment in lieu thereof.
4.11 Termination Payments
A termination payment to an employee shall be paid through an employee’s existing banking
arrangements by no later than the date of the next full pay period after termination.
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4.12 Annualisation of Salary – Term-Time School Officers and Services Staff Employees
4.12.1 Annualisation of Salary – Term-Time School Officers and Services Staff Employees (except
Toowoomba, Cairns and Brisbane Dioceses)
(a) Where a school officer or services staff employee is employed on a term-time basis, the
employee may elect to have his/her salary annualised. School officers or services staff
employees engaged for a fixed-term of less than one (1) school year will not be eligible to
elect to annualise their salary.
Where a school officer or services staff employee elects to have his/her salary annualised,
the employee must make application to do.
(b) Where a school officer or services staff employee elects to have his/her salary annualised,
such arrangement will operate for a period of one year or the remainder of the year as
the case may be and the employee will be paid annualised fortnightly payments for one
calendar year. A school officer or services staff employee will elect whether or not he/she
will continue the arrangement on an annual basis. Having made the election to have
his/her salary annualised, such arrangements cannot be altered during the calendar year
in which they are in operation.
(c) Upon receipt of a school officer’s or services staff employee’s application to have his/her
salary annualised, the employer will provide to the employee confirmation in writing of
the net annualised fortnightly salary which will be paid to the employee for the period of
the arrangement.
(d) A school officer’s or services staff employee’s net annualised fortnightly salary will be
calculated as follows:
(i) a school officer’s or services staff employee’s normal net fortnightly salary (A) will
be identified by multiplying the ordinary hourly rate of pay as prescribed by this
Agreement (B) by the number of hours the employee will normally be engaged to
work per fortnight (C) and subtracting the appropriate amount of tax. (NB: A
change in an employee’s taxation circumstances, leading to an increase in tax,
during the period of the arrangement will impact on the normal net fortnightly
(B x C) less tax = A
(ii) A school officer’s or services staff employee’s normal net annual salary (D) will be
identified by multiplying the school officer’s normal net fortnightly salary (A) by
the total of the number of fortnights the employee will be engaged to work for
the year in which the arrangement will operate (E) and the school officer’s or
services staff employee’s pro-rata entitlement to annual leave (F) (calculated on
a fortnightly basis and in accordance with clause 6.2.2 of this Agreement).
A x (E + F) = D
(iii) A school officer’s or services staff employee’s annualised net fortnightly salary (G)
will be identified by dividing the normal net annual salary (D) by the number of
fortnights in the particular year in which the arrangement will operate (twenty-
six (26) or twenty-six and a half (26.5)).
D/26 = G or D/26.5 = G
(iv) The difference between the normal net fortnightly salary (A) and the annualised
net fortnightly salary (G) will be banked by the employing authority each fortnight
A – G = H (banked each fortnight)
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(v) The school officer or services staff employee will be paid their annualised net
fortnightly salary for each fortnight (26 or 26.5 fortnights) of the year (52 or 53
(vi) In addition, a school officer or services staff employee will be paid out at the end
of each school year his/her pro-rata entitlement to annual leave loading
calculated in accordance with clause 6.2.2 (a) (ii) of this Agreement plus any
additional annual leave accrued during the period of the arrangement due to
additional hours being worked.
(e) Where the number of hours a school officer or services staff employee is normally
engaged to work per fortnight increases during the period of the arrangement from that
identified in subclause 4.12.1 (b) above, through the submitting of an altered contract of
employment, the original arrangement entered into in accordance with 4.12.1 (a) above,
will not be re-negotiated. In this situation, the net fortnightly salary paid to the employee
during term time will be increased to reflect the changed circumstances. The amount that
is banked in accordance with the arrangement each fortnight (H) will however not be
altered. The salary paid to the employee, during school vacation periods that fall within
the period of the arrangement following the increase in hours, will be consistent with the
annualised net fortnightly salary as calculated in 4.12.1 (d) (iii), above, at the time the
arrangement was originally entered into.
(f) Where the number of hours a school officer or services staff employee is normally
engaged to work per fortnight decreases during the period of the arrangement from that
identified in subclause 4.12.1 (b) above, through the submitting of an altered contract of
employment, the original arrangement entered into in accordance with 4.12.1 (a) above,
will become void. In this situation the employee will be paid out the balance of what has
been banked in accordance with the arrangement so far. The employee will subsequently
be paid the normal net fortnightly salary that is consistent with the number of hours for
which it has been confirmed the employee will be engaged to work per fortnight through
the altered contract of employment.
(g) Any additional hours that a school officer or services staff employee may be intermittently
required to work in addition to the total hours identified in 4.12.1 (b) above, will be paid
at the casual hourly rate of pay as prescribed by this Agreement. The employee will be
paid these hours in addition to the annualised net fortnightly salary.
(h) Any overtime hours which the employee is required to work will be paid at the
appropriate overtime rate, calculated using the ordinary hourly rate of pay as prescribed
by this Agreement. The employee will be paid these hours in addition to the annualised
net fortnightly salary.
(i) Any pro-rata annual leave loading to which the school officer or services staff employee
is entitled will be paid at the ordinary hourly rate of pay as prescribed by this Agreement.
(j) Where a school officer or services staff employee ceases the arrangement during the
course of the calendar year, the employee will be paid out the balance of what has been
banked in accordance with the arrangement so far.
(k) Where a school officer or services staff employee elects to have his/her salary annualised,
such an arrangement will be notated and retained within the time and wages record kept
by the employer for the employee.
(l) So as to avoid doubt, where a school officer or services staff employee is entitled to pro-
rata annual leave, that employee will receive payment for any public holiday which falls
within the period of pro-rata leave (calculated in accordance with the employee’s days of
employment immediately before the period of leave).
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(m) School officers or services staff employees who elect to annualise their salary in
accordance with this clause are still eligible to access the banking of overtime provisions
as contained in clauses 8.6 or 8.7 of this Agreement.
4.12.2 Annualisation of Salary – Term-Time School Officers and Services Staff Employees (Archdiocese
of Brisbane and Cairns Diocese)
(a) This clause (clause 4.12.2) will only apply to employees who are employed as school
officers or services staff employees and who are employed by either the Archdiocese of
Brisbane or the Cairns Diocese.
(b) Where a school officer or services staff employee is employed on a term-time basis, that
employee may elect to have his/her salary annualised.
(c) A term-time school officer or services staff employee will receive a contract of
employment which identifies the term time weeks and which specifies the contracted
hours that the school officer is required to work during term time.
(d) Where a school officer or services staff employee elects to have his/her salary annualised,
that employee will receive the annualised rate of pay, specified in Schedule 1 – S1.6 of
this Agreement, paid fortnightly and based on the term-time contracted hours for the
calendar year.
(e) For the purposes of this clause the commencement of the calendar year (of 52 weeks) will
coincide with the commencement of the school year.
(f) After a school officer or services staff employee elects to have his/her salary annualised,
such arrangement will operate until the school officer or services staff employee elects
not to annualise their salary.
(g) Any hours worked in addition to those provided for in the term-time contract of
employment (e.g. extra hours during term or additional weeks to term-time) will be paid
for such hours at the casual rate specified in Schedule 1– S1.5 or Schedule – S1.7).
(h) Any overtime hours which the employee is required to work will be paid or accessed in
accordance with clause 8.7 of this Agreement. Overtime will be paid at the appropriate
overtime rate, calculated using the ordinary hourly rate of pay as prescribed by Schedule
1– S1.5 or Schedule 1 – S1.7of this Agreement.
(i) A school officer or services staff employee subject to this clause will be paid their
annualised rate for the calendar year.
(j) Notwithstanding paragraph (i) above, a school officer or services staff employee subject
to this clause will be paid annual leave loading (the quantum of such loading will be equal
to the loading received by an employee whose salary is not annualised) in the two pay
cycles immediately following the end of Term 4.
(k) Where the employment of a school officer or services staff employee terminates prior to
the end of the year that school officer will be paid the proportion of their annual salary
(as prescribed by Schedule 1– S1.5 or Schedule 1 – S1.7 for that year that the employee’s
service, excluding school vacations, bears to the full number of term time weeks.
The following example is provided to assist in the interpretation of paragraph (k)
above. Where the employment of an employee terminates after 20 weeks, and there
are 39 term time weeks in the year, that employee will receive a total payment for
that year equal to 20/39 of the appropriate annual salary prescribed by Schedule 1
– S1.5 or Schedule 1 – S1.7. Hence the calculation of any amount due on termination
will be: 20/39 of the appropriate annual salary prescribed by Schedule 1 - S1.5 or
Schedule 1 – S1.6 less any payments already made in that year.
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(l) Where a school officer or services staff employee has elected to annualise their salary,
their long service leave balance will be converted to an annualised balance. If an employee
subsequently decides to cease annualisation their long service leave balance will be
adjusted to recognise the changed method of payment.
(m) Long service leave is exclusive of school vacation periods for school officers or services
staff employees who have annualised their salary in accordance with this clause.
4.12.3 Annualisation of Salary – Term-Time School Officers and Services Staff Employees
(Toowoomba Diocese)
(a) Full-time and part-time employees who are not required to work forty-eight (48) weeks a
year may elect to have their salary annualised.
(b) Employees who choose to have their salary annualised must notify the employer in
(c) Where a school officer or services staff employee elects to have his/her salary annualised,
such arrangement will operate for a period of one year or the remainder of the year as
the case may be and the employee will be paid annualised fortnightly payments for one
calendar year. A school officer or services staff employee will elect whether or not he/she
will continue the arrangement on an annual basis. Having made the election to have
his/her salary annualised, the election cannot be altered during the calendar year in which
they are in operation.
(d) Where a school officer or services staff employee elects to have his/her salary annualised,
such an arrangement will be notated and retained within the time and wages record kept
by the employer for the employee.
(e) The employer will provide to the employee the comparative annualised and standard
hourly salary rates prior to the school officer being required to make an election.
(f) Any employee electing to have their salary annualised under this clause will have their
weekly payment calculated by the following formula:
(i) 0.8333 × W (where term weeks equal forty (40)); or
(ii) 0.8500 × W (where term weeks equal forty-one (41))
(g) The school officer or services staff employee will be paid their annualised net fortnightly
salary for each fortnight (twenty-six (26) or twenty-six-and-a-half (26.5) fortnights) of the
year (fifty-two (52) or fifty-three (53) weeks).
(h) In addition, a school officer or services staff employee will be paid out at the end of each
school year his/her pro-rata entitlement to annual leave loading calculated in accordance
with clause 6.2.2 (a) (ii) of this Agreement.
(i) Any additional hours that a school officer or services staff employee may be intermittently
required to work in addition to the total hours identified in clause 4.12.3 (c) above, will
be paid at the casual hourly rate of pay as prescribed by this Agreement. The employee
will be paid these hours in addition to the annualised net fortnightly salary.
(j) Any overtime hours which the employee is required to work will be paid at the
appropriate overtime rate, calculated using the ordinary hourly rate of pay as prescribed
by this Agreement. The employee will be paid these hours in addition to the annualised
net fortnightly salary.
(k) School officers or services staff employees who elect to annualise their salary in
accordance with this clause are still eligible to access the banking of overtime provisions
as contained in clauses 8.6 or 8.7 of this Agreement.
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(l) Any pro-rata annual leave loading to which the school officer or services staff employee
is entitled will be paid at the ordinary hourly rate of pay as prescribed by this Agreement.
(m) Where a school officer is entitled to pro-rata annual leave, that employee will receive
payment for any public holiday which falls within the period of pro-rata leave (calculated
in accordance with the employee’s days of employment immediately before the period of
(n) Annual Leave and Payment on Termination
The provisions of this clause shall apply where:
(i) An employee ceases employment;
(ii) An employee commences employment after the school service date;
(iii) An employee accesses approved leave without pay or parental leave for a period
which (in total) exceeds twenty (20) pupil days in any year;
(iv) The working hours of an employee are varied since the school service date.
(o) Calculation of payments
A payment pursuant to clause 4.12.3 (n) (i), (ii) and (iii) shall be calculated in accordance
with the following formula:
Step 1 A × B = D
Step 2 D – E = F
Step 3 F × G = H
A = The number of term weeks worked by the employee since the school service date.
B = The number of non-term weeks in the school year.
C = The number of term weeks in the school year.
D = Result in weeks.
E = The number of non-term weeks already paid to the employee since the school
service date.
F = Result in weeks.
G = The employee’s current fortnightly salary.
H = Amount due.
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(p) A payment made pursuant to clause 4.12.3 (n) (iv) shall be calculated in accordance with
the following formula:
Step 1 A – B = C
Step 2 C × D = F
Step 3 F – B = G
A = Total salary paid to the employee since the school service date.
B = Salary paid to the employee in respect of non-term weeks since the school service
C = Salary paid to the employee in respect of term weeks since the school service date.
D = The number of non-term weeks in the school year.
E = The number of term weeks in the school year.
F = Result in dollars.
G = Amount due.
For the purpose of this clause: “School service date” means the usual date the employee
commences duties at the school in any year.
4.13 Payment of Public Holidays – Term-Time Employees
The following provisions shall apply to an employee who is employed on either a continuing
term-time basis or on successive fixed-term term-time contracts.
4.13.1 Where a public holiday falls on a day where a term-time employee normally would be
expected to work, then that employee shall be paid for the hours normally rostered to work
for that day.
4.13.2 Employees, other than new employees, shall be paid for their normal rostered hours for any
public holiday that occurs on the day before the employee’s first day of work for that term and
for any public holiday that occurs on the day after the employee’s last day of work for that
term if they are normally rostered to work on that day.
4.13.3 Term-time employees commencing employment with a new employing authority shall be paid
from their first day of work. If the preceding day is a public holiday they will not be paid for
the public holiday. Such an employee shall be paid for their normal rostered hours for any
public holiday that occurs on the day after the employee’s last day of work for that term if they
are normally rostered to work on that day.
4.13.4 The public holiday(s) paid in accordance with these provisions shall be included in the
calculation of the employee’s length of service for all purposes.
4.13.5 For the purposes of this clause, a successive fixed-term term-time employee is one who is as
defined in clauses 1.3.5 and 1.3.6 of this Agreement and who is employed on two or more
successive contracts with the one employing authority and has not more than three months
break between such contracts.
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4.13.6 Payment of Good Friday for Fixed-term Employees
(a) An employee who is employed on a fixed-term contract of at least six (6) weeks during
Term one and whose contract ceases on the day before Good Friday and who is then re-
employed for a contract commencing in the first week of Term two, shall be paid for Good
Friday if they normally are rostered to work on a Friday. Such payment would be for their
normal rostered hours.
(b) This provision will not apply to those employed on casual rates or those employed under
clause 3.2 of this Agreement
4.14 Pay Advice Slips
4.14.1 The employing authority agrees to the implementation of measures to provide all employees
with details of leave accruals where the employing authority does not currently provide such
details on pay advice slips.
4.14.2 Where information concerning the accrual of personal leave and annual leave is not currently
reported on pay slips, the employing authority will respond to employee requests for this
information within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the request.
4.14.3 Where the capacity to report on these accruals currently does not exist, the employing
authority will work towards achieving this capacity within the life of the Agreement.
4.14.4 Employees who currently receive such information on pay advice slips shall continue to be
provided with such information on pay advice slips.
4.14.5 Employing authorities will advise employees when they are eligible for long service leave. They
will respond to requests from employees for an assessment of current long service leave
accrual within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the request.
4.14.6 Employees will have access to payslips and leave balances online through ‘web self-service’.
However, where it is not reasonable or convenient for an employee to access this information
online, the employer will make available the provision of this information as a ‘paper’ pay slip.
4.14.7 The employer will use its best endeavours to ensure that the leave balances made available to
employees are accurate. There may be occasions where delays in the provision of information
to the employers’ payroll area may result in information which is not up to date.
Consequently, employees will use the information so provided as a guide and will be able to
seek specific identification of entitlements as required.
4.15 Salary Packaging – Other than to Superannuation
4.15.1 The employing authority agrees to the implementation of salary packaging for components
other than superannuation. Administrative guidelines will be made available to all employees.
4.15.2 Components that may be subject to salary packaging arrangements shall be specified by the
employing authority and may include, but are not limited to: mobile phones; laptop
computers; self-education expenses; motor vehicles; childcare expenses; work related
equipment; accident or income protection insurance premiums; technical journal
subscriptions; uniforms; protective clothing; union fees or professional association fees. The
employing authority shall notify in writing those items which may be included in the salary
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4.16 Salary Package into Superannuation Funds
4.16.1 Employees shall be permitted to elect to salary package into an approved superannuation
fund, subject to compliance with superannuation legislation. Where the employing authority
and individual employee agree an additional contribution may be made into a complying
superannuation fund within the range of funds offered by the employing authority. This
Agreement shall be subject to the following provisos:
(a) the fund(s) comply with the provisions of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act
(b) the implementation of any such arrangements shall be at the discretion of the employing
(c) the contribution shall be expressed as either a dollar amount or as a percentage;
(d) such salary packaging arrangements shall be available to all employees with the exception
of casual employees. Notwithstanding the forgoing, an employing authority, at their
discretion, may make these arrangements available to casual employees;
(e) the funds shall accept electronic funds transfer;
(f) any arrangements as set out in this clause shall be at the employee’s request;
(g) the terms of the arrangement shall be committed to writing and signed by the employing
authority and the employee;
(h) a copy of the signed Agreement shall be held by the employing authority and a copy
provided to the employee;
(i) this arrangement may be altered only once per annum;
(j) this subclause does not apply to the Archdiocese of Brisbane:
(i) the employing authority shall apply a Total Employment Cost (TEC) approach to
make payments under the Salary Packaging Agreement;
(ii) the employee’s TEC will be the sum of the base salary, leave loadings, locality
allowances where they apply and superannuation contributions being met by
the employing authority;
(iii) the parties acknowledge that within the limits prescribed in this clause the
implementation of any salary packaging arrangement shall be at the discretion
of the employing authority.
4.16.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the costs of administration of salary packaging for the purpose
of superannuation only shall be met by the employing authority.
4.17 Deferred Salary Scheme
4.17.1 Employees who have completed three (3) consecutive years' full-time service with the
employer at the time of application may apply to be included in a deferred salary scheme. The
scheme will enable employees, over a five-year period, to receive eighty per cent (80%) salary
for the first four (4) continuous years of the nominated period, and take the fifth (5th) year as
special leave, using the accumulated reserves of deferred salary.
4.17.2 The following principles for the scheme shall apply:
(a) an employee shall make application to participate in the deferred salary scheme a
minimum of three (3) calendar months before such participation is to begin.
(b) to be eligible for participation in the deferred salary scheme, employees must seek advice
from a qualified financial advisor and superannuation fund regarding individual
implications for taxation and superannuation.
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(c) the fifth (5th) year of any deferred salary agreement must be taken as special leave. The
rate of pay will be the accumulated surplus retained over the preceding four (4) years.
Deferred salary benefits cannot be accrued beyond the five (5) years of the agreement.
Any interest on the accrued deferred salary component will be utilised to offset the cost
of the scheme.
(d) an employee shall not, during any period in which the employee is on such special leave,
engage in any other remunerative employment of a kind performed by the employee in
the employment from which the employee was granted special leave.
(e) superannuation entitlements and employer contribution rates will be governed by the
relevant Superannuation Guarantee Contribution legislative provisions (that is, the SGC
component will be paid on the four (4) years worked and paid);
(f) the five (5) year agreement period counts as four (4) years' service for the purpose of
accruing long service leave;
(g) the employee's substantive position will be preserved for the fifth (5th) (special leave)
(h) any outstanding long service leave entitlements of ten (10) weeks or more can be taken
as part of the fifth (5th) special year;
(i) any employee who withdraws from the scheme will be paid the exact monies contributed
to the scheme, with no interest payable. These funds will be paid as a lump sum unless
otherwise negotiated with the employer;
(j) without prejudicing any other circumstances where an employee withdraws from the
scheme, an employee who ceases to be employed by the employer shall be deemed to
have withdrawn from the scheme at the cessation of such employment, unless otherwise
agreed; and
(k) the employee is not covered by workers compensation during the fifth (special leave)
4.17.3 Participation in the scheme is to be requested by application from the employee.
(a) Approval or rejection of the application will be determined at the employer's discretion.
(b) The employee will be formally advised of the employer’s decision within one month of
the application being made.
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5.1 Ordinary Hours of Work
5.1.1 Hours of work conditions applying to teachers are listed at clause 7.11 and Schedule 3 (Hours
of Duty – Teachers) of this Agreement.
5.1.2 Hours of work conditions applying to school officers are listed at clause 8.5 of this Agreement.
5.1.3 Hours of work conditions applying to boarding school and college boarding supervisors are
listed in Schedule 13 of this Agreement.
5.1.4 Hours of work conditions applying to services staff, other than boarding supervisors, are listed
in Schedule 12 of this Agreement.
5.1.5 Hours of work conditions applying to Nurses are listed in Schedule 11 of this Agreement.
5.1.6 Hours of work conditions applying to Children’s Services employees are listed in Schedule 14 of
this Agreement.
5.2 Meal Breaks and Rest Pauses
5.2.1 This clause applies to employees who are teachers.
(a) Meal Breaks
(i) Teachers are entitled to an unpaid meal break of at least thirty (30) continuous
minutes duration per day.
(ii) Where supervision or other duties have been rostered within the normal
timetabled meal break, an alteration to the provision of the minimum unpaid
meal break (thirty (30) minutes) may be achieved through consultation with
teachers, provided that:
(A) all teachers receive a minimum continuous meal break of twenty (20)
minutes per day; and
(B) total period for meal breaks is no less than one hundred and fifty (150)
minutes per teacher per week. This cannot be averaged over a longer
(iii) Where teachers in specialist roles are required to perform duties throughout
the course of scheduled meal breaks, a meal break of at least thirty (30)
minutes shall be provided at an alternative time determined by agreement
between the principal and individual teachers.
(b) Rest Pauses
(i) Full-time teachers are entitled to a paid tea break of ten (10) minutes duration
per day, which will be included as part of their ordinary hours. Where it is
impracticable to take the tea break on a daily basis the break may be averaged
over a one week period.
(ii) Part-time and casual teachers will be entitled to the tea break as provided in
clause 5.2.1 (b) (i) only where the tea break occurs during a period of paid
employment for the employee.
5.2.2 This clause applies to employees who are school officers and services staff.
(a) Meal Breaks
An employee who works more than four (4) ordinary hours in any one (1) day shall be
entitled to an unpaid meal break of not less than half an hour and not more than one (1)
hour per working day.
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(b) Rest Pauses
(i) Full-time employees shall receive a paid rest pause of ten (10) minutes
duration in the first half and the second half of each day worked.
(ii) Employees other than full-time who work a minimum of four (4) consecutive
ordinary hours but no more than six (6) consecutive ordinary hours on any one
day shall receive a paid rest pause of ten (10) minutes duration. Employees
who work in excess of six (6) consecutive ordinary hours (excluding the meal
break) on any one day shall receive a paid rest pause of ten (10) minutes
duration in the first half and the second half of the period worked.
(iii) Such rest pauses shall be taken at such times as will not interfere with
continuity of work where continuity is necessary.
(iv) Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the employer and the employees agree
the rest pauses may be combined.
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6.1 Annual Leave – Teachers
6.1.1 Entitlement
The NES provide that an employee (other than a shift worker) is entitled to four weeks annual
leave. This leave will be deemed to be taken, in the case of an employee whose employment
with the employer is continuing into the next school year, in the four weeks immediately
following the final term week of the current school year, unless otherwise agreed between the
employer and the employee.
6.1.2 Annual Leave Loading
The annual leave loading for teachers is provided at clause 4.9 of this Agreement.
6.2 Annual Leave - School Officers and Services Staff
6.2.1 Entitlements
(a) Full-time, part-time and fixed-term employees, covered by this Agreement shall, at the
end of each year of employment, be entitled to annual leave with pay as set out
(b) The accrual rate of annual leave for full-time employees shall be one hundred and fifty-
two (152) hours per annum (i.e. four (4) weeks annual leave per annum on a thirty-eight
(38) hour week basis).
(c) An employee’s entitlement to paid annual leave accrues progressively during a year of
service according to the employee’s ordinary hours of work, and accumulates from year
to year. Service includes a period when annual leave is taken by the employee. The
calculation of the entitlement to such leave is set out in paragraphs 6.2.1 (d) and (e).
(d) Part-time and fixed-term employees shall at the end of the initial school year in which
they are employed be entitled to annual leave calculated as follows:
(i) annual leave due to the employee will be determined using the following
A x Four (4) weeks = weeks of annual leave
Fifty-two (52)
Where: A = number of weeks worked during that year
(ii) the number of weeks of annual leave determined using the formula in 6.2.1 (c)
(i) will be paid for as follows:
weeks of annual leave x B x the hourly rate applicable at the time
Where B = average hours worked per week during that year
(e) Part-time and fixed-term employees shall at the end of each subsequent school year in
which they are employed be entitled to annual leave calculated as follows:
(i) annual leave due to the employee will be determined using the following
C x Four (4) weeks = weeks of annual leave
Fifty-two (52)
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Where: C = number of weeks worked during that year plus the number of weeks
of annual leave determined using the formula in 6.2.1 (d) (i).
(ii) The number of weeks of annual leave determined using the formula in 6.2.1
(d) (i) will be paid for as follows:
weeks of annual leave x B x the hourly rate applicable at the time
Where B = average hours worked per week during that year
(f) Annual leave for term-time employees will be calculated and paid in accordance with
the relevant provisions of Schedule 10.
(g) Annual leave shall be taken by all employees during school vacation periods unless
otherwise agreed between the employer and employee.
(h) If an employee and employer so agree, annual leave may be taken wholly or partly in
advance before the employee has become entitled to annual leave.
(i) An employee, who has taken in advance the whole of the annual leave that would be
due at the end of a year of employment, is not entitled to any further annual leave at
the end of that year of employment.
(j) An employee, who has taken in advance part of the annual leave that would be due at
the end of a year of employment, becomes entitled at the end of that year of
employment to the part of the annual leave not already taken.
6.2.2 Calculation of Annual Leave Pay
(a) In respect to annual leave entitlements to which clause 6.2 applies, annual leave pay
(including any proportionate payments) shall comprise:
(i) the employee's ordinary wage rate as prescribed by the Agreement for the
period of the annual leave; and
(ii) a further amount calculated at the rate of seventeen and a half per cent
(17.5%) of the amounts referred to in clause 6.2.2 (a) (i).
(b) Clause 6.2.2 (a) shall not apply to:
(i) any period or periods of leave exceeding four (4) weeks per annum in any
other case; and
(ii) employers (and their employees) who are already paying (or receiving) an
annual leave bonus, loading or other annual leave payment which is not less
favourable to employees.
6.2.3 Termination (employees other than casuals)
(a) If any employee shall be dismissed by the employer or voluntarily leave employment
after any leave shall have become due, and without such leave having been taken, such
employee shall be entitled in lieu thereof to a sum equal to salary computed at the rate
of wages which the employee was earning at the date of such dismissal or leaving
calculated in accordance with clause 6.2.2.
(b) If the employment of any employee is terminated before the expiration of a full year of
employment, such employee shall be paid, in addition to all other amounts due to the
employee, an amount equal to one-twelfth (1/12th) of ordinary pay for the period of
employment calculated in accordance with clause 6.2.2.
(c) If any such leave shall not have been taken as it falls due from time to time, such leave
shall be cumulative from year to year for a period not exceeding two (2) years.
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6.2.4 Cashing-Out Annual Leave
(a) A school officer or services staff employee may apply, to the employer, in writing to
cash-out a proportion of their accrued annual leave instead of taking this leave. The
criteria governing such an application are as follows:
(i) at least four (4) weeks accrued annual leave must be retained at any point of
time to use as annual leave in the usual manner;
(ii) each payment of a particular amount of accrued annual leave must be by
separate written agreement between the employee and the employer;
(iii) the employee may apply to combine the cash-out of some annual leave with
the taking of some annual leave. In this case, the time taken in annual leave
may be deducted from the minimum retained four (4) weeks leave;
(iv) cashing-out of annual leave may only occur once in any a calendar year;
(v) the notice period required to cash-out some annual leave only is a minimum of
four (4) weeks (or less by mutual agreement with the employer);
(vi) the employee will seek independent financial advice prior to making
application to cash-out their annual leave;
(vii) superannuation at the rate the employee would have received if they had
taken the leave is payable on the cashed out amount; and
(viii) the employee is paid at least the full amount that would have been payable to
the employee had the employee taken the leave that the employee has
(b) If an application to cash out annual leave is approved, the employer will provide to the
employee written confirmation of such approval. The existing arrangements for making
application for annual leave would continue in the present form.
(c) For the purpose of clarity, any agreement to cash-out annual leave in accordance with
this clause can only be initiated by the employee.
6.2.5 Direction to Take Excess Annual Leave
(a) In circumstances where a school officer or services staff employee’s accrued annual
leave balance exceeds eight (8) weeks or equivalent hours, the employing authority may
direct this employee to take the full period of annual leave that exceeds the eight (8)
weeks, or part thereof. The quantum of annual leave in excess of eight (8) weeks subject
of this direction shall be at the discretion of the employing authority.
(b) Prior to giving a direction to take leave as provided for in clause 6.2.5 (a) above the
employer shall consult with the employee and attempt to obtain an agreement as to
when such annual leave will be taken. Consultation will include consideration of the
(i) the needs of the employee;
(ii) the needs of the school;
(iii) the employee’s future intentions regarding the taking of annual leave;
(iv) any agreed arrangement with the employee;
(v) the custom and practice in the school;
(vi) the timing of the requirement or direction to take leave; and
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(vii) the reasonableness of the period of notice given by the employee to take
(c) In the absence of an agreement with the employee, the employer shall determine when
the annual leave is to be taken, provided that the employee is given notice of at least
three (3) calendar months.
6.3 Long Service Leave
This clause is to read in conjunction with Schedule 15 (Long Service Leave – Teachers).
6.3.1 Accrual of Long Service Leave
(a) Teaching staff shall accrue long service leave at the rate of 1.3 weeks per year of
continuous service in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 15 (Long Service Leave
– Teachers).
(b) Other staff shall accrue long service leave at the rate of 1.3 weeks per year of
continuous service from 1 January 1998.
6.3.2 Access to Long Service Leave
(a) Employees are entitled to access their accrued long service leave after completing seven
(7) years of continuous service. An employee is entitled to access subsequent leave,
where that employee has an entitlement of four (4) weeks or more. All applications for
leave will be in accordance with the provisions for taking of such leave.
(b) An employee who has completed at least seven (7) years of continuous service is
entitled to a proportionate payment for long service leave on the termination of the
employee’s service.
(c) The minimum period of leave that may be taken by an employee is normally one (1)
(i) In some clearly identified and demonstrated exceptional circumstances an
employer may approve an application for a period less than one (1) week, but
not less than one (1) day.
(ii) Where the period of long service leave is less than a school term (nominally
ten (10) weeks) that leave should normally be taken wholly within the school
term period.
(iii) Non-teaching term-time employees may access accrued long service leave
during periods of unpaid leave, including school vacations.
(d) Where an employee applies to access a period of long service leave of one week or
more, that employee will be required to make application at least twenty (20) weeks
prior to the proposed commencement date for the leave. This period of notice may be
reduced by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee. The
employer's right to make the final decision will not be diminished by this arrangement.
(e) Where an employee applies to access a period of long service leave of less than one
week that employee will be required to make application at least four (4) weeks prior to
the proposed commencement date for the leave. This period of notice may be reduced
by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee. In emergent
circumstances, where an employee is unable to provide four (4) weeks’ notice, the
application will be made as soon as practicable.
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6.3.3 Employer Direction to Take Long Service Leave
(a) In the first instance an employee and employer may agree when the employee is to take
Long Service Leave (LSL). This will normally occur through the employee applying, in
accordance with 6.3.2 above, to access their leave.
(b) Where an employer has concerns that an employee has excess leave, the provisions of
paragraphs (c) and (d) below will apply. However, before directing an employee to take
LSL, discussions will occur in a genuine attempt to achieve agreement as to when such
leave is to be taken.
(c) An employer may direct an employee to take the full period of long service leave
accrued within 12 calendar months of the date upon which the teacher's accrued
entitlement reaches thirteen (13) weeks and the employee shall so take that leave.
(d) An employer shall give at least twenty (20) weeks’ notice in writing of the direction to
take leave. However, where the eligible service has been served with two (2) or more
employers, the period of notice shall be nine (9) calendar months for either party.
6.3.4 Any period of long service leave taken by an employee is exclusive of any public holiday(s),
and/or paid vacation periods.
6.3.5 Interaction between personal/carer’s leave and long service leave
(a) An employee may request to have a period of long service leave re-credited and
personal/carer’s leave used instead for a period of illness, whilst the employee is on long
service leave.
(b) An employee is entitled to have the period of long service leave re-credited where the
period of illness, is one (1) calendar week (seven (7) days) or more and the request is
accompanied by a medical certificate or other appropriate proof of the reason for the
6.3.6 When an employee has a period of long service leave re-credited (as provided in clause 6.3.5
(a)) the actual period of absence from work will not normally be extended.
6.3.7 The employer will consider the particular circumstances of applications for periods of leave
without pay to be taken in conjunction with long service leave. Such applications will be
considered in conjunction with existing guidelines for leave without pay.
6.3.8 Long Service Leave at Half Pay
(a) Accrued Long Service Leave (LSL) may be accessed at half pay, in accordance with clause
6.3.2 and clause 6.3.3 (above). In such circumstances the employee will be entitled to
double the period of leave which would otherwise be applicable.
(b) The period of LSL at half pay will be paid for at half the rate which would have been
applicable if the employee were not accessing LSL at half pay.
(c) Where an employee accesses LSL at half pay that employee will accrue all leave
entitlements on a pro rata basis.
(d) The facility to access long service leave at half pay is not available to employees where
the time to be taken is less than four (4) weeks.
(e) Where an employee accesses long service leave at half pay and where a salary packaging
agreement exists, this agreement will be honoured or renegotiated. Any associated
costs will be borne by the employee consistent with current salary packaging
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(f) A period of LSL at half pay will be exclusive of public holidays. A public holiday occurring
during a period of LSL at half pay, and which falls on a day on which the subject
employee would otherwise work, will be paid for at half the rate which would have been
applicable if the employee were not accessing LSL at half pay.
(g) Where an employee on a period of LSL at half pay becomes ill during such period, the
provisions of clause 6.3.5 will apply, except that the:
(i) period of personal leave will be paid for at half the rate which would have
been applicable if the employee were not accessing LSL at half pay;
(ii) quantum of LSL re-credited to the employee will be half that which would have
been applicable if the employee were not accessing LSL at half pay; and
(iii) quantum of personal leave debited from the employee’s personal leave
account will be half that which would have been applicable if the employee
were not accessing LSL at half pay.
(h) The provisions of this clause will apply to teachers who access a period of LSL at half pay:
(i) a period of LSL at half pay will be exclusive of school vacations.
(ii) school vacations (except for the Christmas vacation) which are within a period
of LSL at half pay will be paid for at half the rate which would have been
applicable if the employee were not accessing LSL at half pay.
(iii) school vacations (except for the Christmas vacation) which are contiguous with
a period of LSL at half pay will be paid for at the rate which would have been
applicable if the employee were not accessing LSL at half pay.
(iv) where a teacher accesses a period of LSL at half pay which is wholly within one
calendar year (as defined in paragraph (v) below), that employee will be paid a
sum for the Christmas vacation calculated in accordance with the following
P = ____ X S - A
P Is the total amount paid to the employee for the Christmas vacation.
L Is the number of weeks actually worked plus the number of weeks debited
from the employees LSL account.
W Is the number of weeks the teacher would have worked if they had not
accessed LSL.
S Is the total amount which would have been paid for the calendar year if the
employee were not accessing LSL at half pay.
A Is the total amount paid to the teacher in that calendar year prior to the
Christmas vacation.
(v) for the purposes of this clause, “calendar year” will be defined in one of two
ways, depending on the method of employing teachers used by a particular
employing authority. Where an employing authority employs teachers from 1
January to 31 December, then that is the definition of calendar year to be used
in relation to that employer for the purposes of paragraph (iv). Where an
employing authority employs teachers from the beginning of term one to the
Page 57 of 334
day before the beginning of term one in the following year, then that is the
definition of calendar year to be used in relation to that employer for the
purposes of paragraph (iv).
(vi) where a teacher accesses a period of LSL at half pay and that period extends
across two calendar years, that employee will be paid in accordance with this
clause (clause 6.3.8 (h) (vi)). For the Christmas vacation at the end of each
calendar year the employee will be paid a sum calculated in accordance with
the formula prescribed in paragraph (iv). All other school vacations (including,
where applicable, the Christmas vacation at the beginning of a calendar year)
which are within a period of LSL at half pay will be paid for at half the rate
which would have been applicable if the employee were not accessing LSL at
half pay.
6.3.9 Portability of Long Service Leave
(a) Long service leave accruals with Queensland Catholic education employing authorities
from the nominated date shall be portable subject to paragraph 6.3.9 (d).
(b) For teachers the “nominated date” described in paragraphs 6.3.9 (a) and (d) is the date
identified in Schedule 15 (Long Service Leave – Teachers), paragraphs S15.3 (b), (c), (d)
and (e) as appropriate for teachers who were employed at that date (or subsequently)
by the employers identified in those paragraphs.
(c) For school officers and services staff the “nominated date” described in paragraphs 6.3.9
(a) and (d) is 1 January 2004.
(d) For the purposes of portability of long service leave:
(i) all continuous service with the employee’s employer as at the nominated date
shall be portable for the purpose of long service leave accrual; and
(ii) all continuous service, from the nominated date, with a Catholic education
employing authority shall be portable for the purpose of long service leave
accrual; and
(iii) there must be continuity of service (as defined by the Industrial Relations Act
2016 (Qld)) between Catholic education employing authorities.
6.3.10 Cashing Out Long Service Leave
Employees who are eligible to access their accruals of long service leave (i.e. after seven (7)
years’ service) may apply, to the employer, in writing to “cash out” a proportion of such leave
instead of taking leave. Provided that:
(a) at least five (5) weeks must be retained at any point of time to use as long service leave,
in accordance with clause 6.3 and Schedule 15 of this Agreement;
(b) the employee may apply to combine the cash out of some long service leave with the
taking of some long service leave. In this case, the time taken in long service leave may
be deducted from the minimum retained five (5) weeks leave, as prescribed in sub-
clause 6.3.10 (a) above.
For example, thirteen (13) weeks accrued long service leave may be taken as eight (8)
weeks cashed out, three (3) weeks in leave actually taken and two (2) weeks long service
leave retained for another time.
(c) the “cashing out” of long service leave may only occur once in any five (5) year period;
(d) the notice period required to cash out some long service leave only is a minimum of four
(4) weeks (or less by mutual agreement with the employer); and
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(e) the employee seeks independent financial advice prior to making application to “cash
out” their long service leave.
The existing arrangements for making application for long service leave would continue in the
present form.
6.4 Personal/Carer’s Leave
6.4.1 Personal/Carer’s Leave Accrual
(a) Full-time employees will accrue personal leave at the rate of ten (10) days per year.
(b) Personal/Carer’s leave is accumulated accrued at the rate one (1) day for every 5.2
weeks of service and will accumulate from year to year.
(c) Part-time or term-time employees accrue personal/carer leave on a pro rata basis.
6.4.2 Portability of Personal/Carer Leave
There will be portability of personal/carer’s leave among all Catholic education employing
authorities within Queensland, conditional upon the following:
(a) all personal/carer’s leave accruing after 12 January 2004 will be portable; and
(b) there must be continuity of service between Catholic Education Employing Authorities.
6.4.3 Personal/Carer Leave Access for Teachers
In addition to the provisions of clause 6.4.2, Diocesan employing authorities agree to continue
the provision of access to personal leave as described in Schedule 16 (Portability of Employee
6.4.4 Taking Personal/Carer’s Leave
(a) An employee may take paid personal/carer’s leave if the leave is taken:
(i) because the employee is not fit for work because of a personal illness, or
personal injury, affecting the employee; or
(ii) to provide care or support to a member of the employee’s immediate family,
or a member of the employee’s household, who requires care or support
because of:
(A) a personal illness, or personal injury, affecting the member; or
(B) an unexpected emergency affecting the member; or
(iii) for their emotional recovery following a traumatic event.
(b) If the employee has exhausted his or her entitlement under clause 6.4.4 (a), the
employee may take up to an additional two (2) days unpaid personal/carer’s leave each
time the employee needs to care for and support members of the employee’s
immediate family or household who requires care and support for a reason specified in
6.4.4 (a) (ii).
(c) The employee may take additional unpaid carer’s leave if the employer agrees.
(d) An employee cannot take personal/carer’s leave if another person has taken leave to
care for the same person unless there are special circumstances requiring more than
one (1) person to care for the person.
(e) Personal/carer’s leave may be taken for part of a day.
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(f) In this clause (clause 6.4.4):
(i) “employee” does not include a casual employee.
(ii) “personal leave” includes sick personal leave accrued before the
commencement of this clause.
6.4.5 Casual Employees
(a) A casual employee is entitled to unpaid personal/carer’s leave where a reason specified
in clause 6.4.4 (a) applies.
(b) The employer must not fail to re-engage a casual employee only because the employee
has taken unpaid personal-carer’s leave under this clause.
(c) However, the rights of an employer not to re-engage a casual employee are not
otherwise affected.
6.4.6 Provision of evidence to the employer
(a) Where an employee accesses personal leave as a result of their own personal illness or
injury (clause 6.4.4 (a) (i), and the employee's absence is for more than two (2) days, the
employee is required to give the employer a doctor's certificate or other reasonably
acceptable evidence about the nature and approximate duration of the illness.
(b) Where an employee accesses personal/carer’s leave for a reason specified in clause
6.4.4 (a) (ii) (to provide care and support) or (iii) (emotional recovery), then the
employee must, if required by the employer, produce a doctor’s certificate (where
appropriate) or a statutory declaration evidencing that the leave is taken for the
specified reason.
(c) An employee must, if practicable, give the employer:
(i) notice of the intention to take personal/carer’s leave before taking the leave;
(ii) if providing care or support, the name of the person requiring care and the
person’s relationship to the employee; and
(iii) the reason for taking the leave; and
(iv) the period that the employee estimates he or she will be absent; and
(v) if the reason for taking the leave is because an unexpected emergency has
arisen, the nature of the emergency.
(d) If it is not practicable for the employee to notify the employer of the intention to take
personal/carer’s leave before taking the leave, the employee must notify the employer
at the first reasonable opportunity.
6.5 Health Check Leave
The importance of employees maintaining healthy lifestyles and seeking regular health check-
ups is recognised.
6.5.1 Employees with forty (40) or more days of accumulated personal leave shall be entitled to use
one (1) day per annum of the accumulated personal leave to obtain medical advice and/or
treatment of a preventative nature.
6.5.2 The employee shall, where practicable, give the employing authority two (2) weeks’ notice
prior to taking health check leave.
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6.6 Access to Leave – Terminally Ill Member of Household
6.6.1 Employees are entitled to access paid leave to care for or support a household member who is
terminally ill. This leave shall be deducted from the employee’s personal leave accrual.
6.6.2 A further three (3) months of unpaid leave can be accessed by the employee to continue such
care and support if necessary.
6.6.3 An employing authority may request a doctor’s certificate indicating the terminal nature of the
6.7 Unpaid Parental Leave
6.7.1 Unpaid parental leave provisions are provided for in the NES (Chapter 2, Part 2-2, Division 5:
sections 67 to 85 of the Fair Work Act 2009) as follows:
(a) Eligibility – 12 months of service
(b) Adoption leave – child must be under 16
(c) Transfer of employment situations
(d) Entitlement – 12 months unpaid leave
(e) The period of leave – non-employee couples
(f) The period of leave – employee couples
(g) Employee may be required to take leave 6 weeks before birth
(h) Notice and evidence requirements
(i) Extending period of leave – up to initial 12 months
(j) Extending period of leave – a further period of 12 months
(k) Reducing period of leave
(l) End of pregnancy or child dies
(m) Ceasing to be responsible for child
(n) Accessing paid leave
(o) Keeping in touch days
(p) Leave not extended by keeping in touch days
(q) Unpaid special maternity leave (pregnancy related illness or pregnancy ends)
(r) Transfer to a safe job
(s) Paid no safe job leave
(t) Employee on paid no safe job leave – further medical certificate
(u) Unpaid no safe job leave
(v) Consultation with employee on leave – where significant effect on job
(w) Return to work guarantee
(x) Replacement employees
(y) Unpaid pre-adoption leave
6.7.2 For information purposes, a summary of the NES provisions are provided on the Fair Work
Ombudsman website.
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6.7.3 The normal guidelines and application procedures of the employer will be used to access
unpaid parental leave.
6.7.4 Interruption of Leave by Return to Work
(a) An employee and employer may agree that the employee break the period of parental
leave by returning to work for the employer, whether on a full-time, part-time or casual
(b) The period of parental leave cannot be extended by the return to work beyond the total
period allowed under the NES.
6.8 Paid Parental Leave
6.8.1 Eligible Employees
Eligible employees are entitled to a paid component of parental leave. An employee is eligible
if they:
(a) have at least one (1) year’s continuous service with the employer;
(b) comply with either clause 6.8.3 (a), (b) or (c); and
(c) have complied with relevant notice and evidence requirements for taking parental leave
unless the non-compliance was caused by:
(i) the child being born, or the pregnancy otherwise terminating, before the
expected date of birth; or
(ii) the child being placed for adoption before the expected day of placement; or
(iii) another reason that was reasonable in the circumstances and the employee
has given the employer:
(A) notice as soon as reasonably practicable; and
(B) evidence supporting the reason for non-compliance that would satisfy a
reasonable person in the circumstances.
6.8.2 In this clause (clause 6.8):
(a) “child” for the purposes of clause 6.8.3 (adoption) means a child under the age of five
(5) years at the date of placement, but does not include a child who:
(i) has lived continuously with the employee for a period of at least six (6)
months; or
(ii) is the child or stepchild of the employee or employee’s spouse.
(b) “full pay” means the normal average weekly earnings for the six (6) weeks immediately
preceding the date upon which the employee commenced parental leave.
(c) “PPL” means paid parental leave; and
(d) “primary carer” means the person who assumes the principal role of providing care and
attention to a child
6.8.3 PPL – Continuing Employees
Eligible continuing employees are entitled to PPL as follows:
(a) a female employee who is giving birth to a child and remains the primary carer of the
child is entitled to up to 14 (fourteen) weeks PPL on full pay;
(b) an employee who has adopted a child and remains the primary carer of the child is
entitled to up to 14 (fourteen) weeks PPL on full pay from the date of placement;
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(c) an employee who is the:
(i) spouse of a mother who has given birth to their child; and
(ii) primary carer of the child for at least five (5) consecutive working days within
the first fourteen (14) weeks immediately following the birth of the child;
is entitled to PPL on full pay for that period.
6.8.4 Where both spouses:
(a) are employed by employers covered by either this Agreement or the Catholic Employing
Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Religious Institute Schools of
Queensland 2019-2023 (or any enterprise agreement that replaces, or is replaced by
that agreement); and
(b) would otherwise comply with clauses 6.8.3 (a) and (c);
the entitlement for PPL is up to 14 (fourteen) weeks between them.
For example, an employee of a Diocesan employer is pregnant and has applied for parental
leave to commence 6 weeks before the date of birth. That employee then returns to work
6 weeks after giving birth. At this time, that employee’s spouse, who is employed by a
Religious Institute School employer, becomes the primary carer of the child for the next 8
weeks (ie. up to the end of the first 14 weeks immediately following the birth). The
employee who gave birth receives 12 weeks PPL (pursuant to this Agreement), while the
spouse would be entitled to two (2) weeks PPL (ie. a maximum of 14 weeks PPL between
For the avoidance of doubt, it is recorded that PPL is exclusive of Paid Spousal Leave – Non-
Primary Carer. Consequently, the spouse is entitled to: two weeks spousal leave at the
time of the birth (clause 6.8.11); and two (2) weeks PPL after the employee who gave birth
returns to work.
6.8.5 PPL is:
(a) taken at the commencement of parental leave as one unbroken period and cannot be
broken into smaller periods of leave;
(b) counted as service for all purposes with superannuation and all other employee
entitlements continuing to accrue during the leave;
(c) inclusive of public holidays which may fall during the period of leave;
(d) for teachers, exclusive of any paid school vacation period which may fall during the
period of leave;
(e) accessed prior to any annual leave or long service leave that the employee may wish to
apply for;
(f) not to be substituted by paid personal leave; and
(g) not diminished by any federal government’s legislative paid parental leave scheme that
is implemented consistent with that legislation.
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6.8.6 Subsequent Eligibility for PPL (eg. pregnancy) while on leave
(a) An employee who:
(i) is already on parental leave; and
(ii) subsequently becomes eligible to receive PPL in accordance with 6.8.1 (Eligible
will be entitled to subsequent period(s) of PPL without any requirement to first return to
(b) An employee on extended leave without pay (other than parental leave) is not entitled to
6.8.7 PPL - Half Pay
(a) Where an employee is entitled to PPL and elects to access this entitlement at half pay,
the following applies:
(i) the employee will be entitled to double the period of leave which would
otherwise be applicable;
(ii) the period of PPL at half pay will be paid for at half the rate which would have
been applicable if the employee were not accessing PPL at half pay;
(iii) where an employee accesses PPL at half pay, the employee’s current ordinary
hours will be deemed to be halved and all leave entitlements will accrue on a
pro rata basis;
(iv) where an employee accesses PPL at half pay and where a salary packaging
agreement exists, this agreement will be honoured or renegotiated - any
associated costs will be borne by the employee consistent with current salary
packaging arrangements;
(v) a period of PPL at half pay will be inclusive of public holidays and where a
public holiday falls:
(A) during a period of PPL at half pay; and
(B) on a day on which the subject employee would otherwise work,
(vi) the employee will be paid for the public holiday at half the rate which would
have been applicable if the employee were not accessing PPL at half pay.
(b) An employee on PPL pursuant to clause 6.8.3 (c) (a spouse who is the primary carer of
the child) is not entitled to apply for PPL at half pay.
6.8.8 PPL – Half Pay - Teachers
The following provisions will apply to teachers who access PPL at half pay:
(a) a period of PPL at half pay will be exclusive of school vacations;
(b) school vacations (except for the Christmas vacation) which are within a period of PPL at
half pay will be paid for at half the rate which would have been applicable if the
employee were not accessing PPL at half pay;
(c) school vacations (except for the Christmas vacation) which are contiguous with a period
of PPL at half pay will be paid for at the rate which would have been applicable if the
employee were not accessing PPL at half pay;
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(d) Christmas Vacation
Where a teacher accesses a period of PPL at half pay which is wholly within one calendar
year (as defined in sub-paragraph (e) below), that employee will be paid a sum for the
Christmas vacation calculated in accordance with the following formula:
P = ____ X S - A
P - is the total amount paid to the employee for the Christmas vacation;
L - is the number of weeks actually worked plus the number of weeks of PPL;
W - is the number of weeks the teacher would have worked if they had not accessed PPL;
S - is the total amount which would have been paid for the calendar year if the employee
were not accessing PPL at half pay; and
A - is the total amount paid to the teacher in that calendar year prior to the Christmas
(e) for the purposes of this clause, “calendar year” will be defined in one (1) of two (2)
ways, depending on the method of employing teachers used by a particular employing
(i) Where an employing authority employs teachers from 1 January to 31
December, then that is the definition of calendar year to be used in relation to
that employer for the purposes of sub-paragraphs (d) and (f); and
(ii) Where an employing authority employs teachers from the beginning of term
one to the day before the beginning of Term One in the following year, then
that is the definition of calendar year to be used in relation to that employer
for the purposes of sub-paragraphs (d) and (f); and
(f) where a teacher accesses a period of PPL at half pay and that period extends across two
(2) calendar years (as defined in sub-paragraph (e)), that employee will be paid in
accordance with this paragraph:
(i) For the Christmas vacation at the end of each calendar year the employee will
be paid a sum calculated in accordance with the formula prescribed in
paragraph (d).
(ii) All other school vacations (including, where applicable, the Christmas vacation
at the beginning of a calendar year) which are within a period of PPL at half
pay will be paid for at half the rate which would have been applicable if the
employee was not accessing paid parental leave at half pay.
6.8.9 PPL – Fixed-Term Employees
(a) Fixed-term employees are eligible for PPL on the same basis as continuing employees.
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, where the employee’s contract comes to an end
before the expiration of the period of PPL, the employee will be entitled to receive
payment only up until the conclusion of the fixed-term contract.
(c) Where a fixed-term employee secures a further contract, and that further contract
commences within three (3) months of the expiry of the preceding contract, any period
of PPL that would have been forfeited as a result of the expiry of the preceding contract
can be accessed from the date of commencement of the new contract of employment.
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6.8.10 Payment of PPL
(a) The employee may request, and the employer may agree, that the payment for PPL be
made in advance at the time of commencing such leave. Where agreement is not
reached, the employee shall be paid in accordance with the normal fortnightly pay cycle.
(b) Where an employee has received payment in advance for the period of PPL at the time
of commencing leave, and the pregnancy subsequently results in a miscarriage or
stillbirth, the employee shall be entitled to retain such payment, subject to the
employee remaining on leave for a minimum of fourteen (14) weeks.
(c) Where an employee is paid in accordance with the normal fortnightly pay cycle, and the
pregnancy subsequently results in a miscarriage or a still birth, the employee shall be
entitled to remain on PPL for the fourteen (14) week period.
6.8.11 Paid Spousal Leave – Non-Primary Carer
(a) An employee is entitled to ten (10) days (pro-rata for part-time employees) paid leave in
connection with the birth or adoption of child/children for whom the employee will
have responsibility as follows:
(i) this leave is a separate entitlement to personal/carer’s leave and shall not be
deducted from the employee’s accrued personal leave.
For example, a full-time employee is entitled to ten (10) days paid leave
from the school workplace (that is, a fortnight’s full-time wage payment)
in connection with the birth or adoption of their child.
(ii) subject to paragraphs (iii) to (v) below, the employee can nominate when they
will take this leave;
(iii) the period of leave nominated by the employee will be taken within one
month of the confinement or adoption, however, in cases of demonstrated
need (for example, travel to a birthing facility or caring for other children
where complete bed rest for pregnant partner is prescribed) this leave may be
accessed prior to confinement or adoption;
(iv) the employee must comply with the notice requirements identified in
paragraph (b) below;
(v) the employee must, if requested, participate in discussions with the employer
regarding reasonable operational requirements.
(vi) this period of leave is inclusive of public holidays which may fall during the
(vii) for teachers, this period of leave will be exclusive of any paid school vacation
which may fall during the leave;
(viii) an employee will not be required to provide a medical certificate to support
such leave;
(b) To be entitled to the leave (paid spousal leave – non-primary carer) provided at
paragraph (a) above, an employee must comply with the notice requirements identified
in clause 6.7.1 (h).
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(c) Employees who are the primary care givers and have accessed PPL in accordance with
clause 6.8.3 (b) or (c) within one month of the birth or adoption are eligible for paid
spousal leave pursuant to this clause only for the period within that first month that was
not PPL; and
For example, a spouse accessed PPL for the first 3 weeks following the birth of a
child. That spouse would be entitled to 1 week of paid spousal leave being the
remainder of the period not covered by PPL within the month following the birth
when paid spousal leave must be taken.
(d) For part-time employees:
(i) the provisions of paragraph (a) above apply, except where altered by
paragraphs (ii) to (iii) below.
(ii) paid spousal leave is on a pro rata basis and the quantum of paid hours of
spousal leave will be the same as the number of hours which the employee
would normally have received in the two week period of leave had the
employee attended for work; and
(iii) it is recognised that the period of absence will not often fall neatly in complete
weeks of the school timetable,
For example, a part-time employee working fifteen (15) hours per week
(Monday five (5) hours, Tuesday six (6) hours, Wednesday four (4) hours
in Week 1; and Wednesday seven (7) hours, Thursday four (4) hours and
Friday four (4) hours in Week 2) may choose to commence the ten (10)
days paid spousal (paternity) leave on the Thursday of Week 2 of the
timetable. They would be paid as follows for the period of the ten (10) day
absence: Thursday four (4) hours + Friday four (4) hours (Week 2) +
Monday five (5) hours + Tuesday six (6) hours + Wednesday four (4) hours
(Week 1) + Wednesday seven (7) hours (Week 1) = thirty (30) hours. The
total amount of paid leave for the ten (10) day period of spousal
(paternity) leave remains the normal fortnightly part-time wage payment.
(e) In addition to the provision at clause 6.8.11 (a) and (d), an employee will be entitled to
five (5) days spousal leave in connection with the birth or adoption of child/children for
whom the employee will have responsibility subject to the following as follows:
(i) the leave will be used to enable the employee to attend to medical/agency
appointments or to care for ill members of the immediate family;
(ii) an employer may request either confirmation of medical/agency
appointments, or a doctor’s certificate indicating the nature of the illness, as
the case may be; and
(iii) the leave will be deducted from the employee’s accrued personal leave.
6.9 Compassionate Leave
6.9.1 An employee, other than a casual employee, is entitled to:
(a) at least three (3) days paid compassionate leave for each permissible occasion when a
member of the person’s immediate family or household:
(i) contracts or develops a personal illness that poses a serious threat to his or her
life, for the purposes of spending time with that member; or
(ii) sustains a personal injury that poses a serious threat to his or her life, for the
purposes of spending time with that member; or
(iii) dies.
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(b) If the employee reasonably requires extra time to travel to and from the funeral or other
ceremony for the death, an amount of unpaid compassionate leave equal to the time
reasonably required for the travel.
(c) Compassionate leave may be taken as a single three (3) day period, three (3) separate
one day periods, or as otherwise agreed with the employer.
(d) If the permissible occasion is the contraction or development of a personal illness, or the
sustaining of a personal injury, (see 6.9.1 (a) (i) or (ii)) the employee may take the
compassionate leave for that occasion at any time while the illness or injury persists.
(e) An employee may take additional unpaid compassionate leave if the employer agrees
6.9.2 Casual Employees
(a) A casual employee is entitled to at least three (3) days unpaid compassionate leave on
the same basis, and subject to the same conditions, as provided in paragraph 6.9.1 (a)
(b) The employer must not fail to re-engage a casual employee only because the casual
employee has taken compassionate leave under this clause.
(c) However, the rights of an employer not to re-engage a casual employee are not
otherwise affected.
6.9.3 Notice and Evidence
(a) An employee must give his or her employer notice of the taking of compassionate leave
as soon as practicable (which may be at a time after the leave has started) and must
advise the employer of the period, or expected period, of the leave.
(b) In the event of a death, the employee must give the employer a copy of the funeral
notice or other evidence of the death the employer reasonably requires.
(c) In circumstances other than a death, an employee who has given their employer notice
of taking compassionate leave must, if required by the employer, provide the employer
with evidence which would satisfy a reasonable person that the leave is taken for the
reason specified.
6.10 Emergency and Natural Disaster Leave
6.10.1 The parties to this Agreement recognise the importance of keeping schools open wherever
possible during times of natural disasters and, should schools need to be closed for a time, to
reopen them as soon as possible.
6.10.2 Employees will assist with keeping schools open to support students, families and the
community and to provide continuity of teaching/learning as far as is feasible and safe to do
so. They will attend work unless prevented by circumstances described in clause 6.10.3 or are
otherwise on approved leave. Subject to clause 6.10.3 employees may be asked to assist with
preparing for a reopening of a damaged school.
6.10.3 An employee who is prevented from attending the employee’s normal place of employment
because of floods, cyclonic disturbances, severe storms, or bush-fires (or any other
comparable natural disaster or emergency) shall be granted a maximum of five (5) days per
calendar year non-cumulative paid leave in the following circumstances:
(a) when they have experienced extreme loss or trauma; or
(b) where the employee must, of necessity, remain at home to safeguard the employee’s
family or property; or
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(c) where the employee must remain at home to have temporary repairs effected, restore
or replace essential belongings, complete necessary clean-up for safety or to enable
occupation of residence etcetera; or
(d) where an employee must remain at home because transport services and facilities are
disrupted or discontinued due to weather or flood conditions; or
(e) where the employee is away from their usual residence and is unavoidably delayed in
returning to their place of employment due to identified and specific disruptions to
transport services and facilities; or
(f) where the employee is required to return home before the employee’s usual ceasing
time to ensure personal safety, the protection of the employee’s family and property or
because the availability of transport services and facilities may be disrupted or
discontinued due to weather or flood conditions.
6.10.4 Access to the leave as in clause 6.10.3 will be coordinated by the employing authority and/or
6.10.5 The employing authority and/or principal will make every effort to clarify contact and
communication procedures to be used at times of emergencies.
6.10.6 The employing authority may consider additional paid leave in exceptional circumstances or
where an employee is affected by more than one (1) disaster or emergency in any year.
6.10.7 Leave for attendance at emergencies
(a) An employee who is a member of the State Emergency Service, voluntary member of a
local firefighting unit, members of a Rural Fire Brigade, auxiliary of a fire brigade,
honorary ambulance officer or St John ambulance volunteer shall be granted paid leave
when called out for emergencies, to fight local fires or where an emergency situation or
state of disaster has been declared under the Public Safety Preservation Act 1986
(Queensland) or the Disaster Management Act 2003 (Queensland).
(b) Paid leave is not available for training purposes, however unpaid leave may be granted
at the employing authority’s discretion.
6.11 Defence Force Reserve Leave
6.11.1 Teachers
(a) Teachers who are members of the Defence Force Reserve may access leave with pay to
attend periods of required training offered in normal working hours (such as but not
limited to camps, field exercises or required courses) up to a maximum of ten (10)
calendar days during term time each Australian Tax Office (ATO) financial year.
In addition, a teacher may access an additional twenty-two (22) calendar days paid leave
during term time each ATO financial year, after the initial qualifying period has been paid
by the employer, provided that the employer receives a payment for the employee
absence under the Employer Support Payment Scheme (Defence Reserves Support) or
howsoever named.
(b) In addition to the above, a further fourteen (14) calendar days leave with pay may be
accessed during term time in a teacher’s first year of reserve service, where attendance
at recruitment or initial training is required.
The teacher is not required to forward to the employing authority any monies or
allowances paid by the defence force for their attendance at camps, courses or other
training whilst on periods of leave with pay during term time.
The teacher shall not be disadvantaged in terms of accrued entitlements during absence
on leave with pay for this purpose.
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(c) Wherever possible, the teacher should schedule their attendance at Defence Force
Reserve activities during school vacation periods.
(d) Any further teacher absence due to defence force reserve leave activities in term time
will be approved as leave without pay.
6.11.2 School Officers and Service Staff
(a) School officers and service staff who are members of the Defence Force Reserve may
access leave with pay to attend periods of required training offered in normal working
hours (such as but not limited to camps, field exercises or required courses) up to a
maximum of ten (10) calendar days each ATO financial year.
In addition, a school officer or services staff member may access an additional twenty-
two (22) calendar days paid leave during term time each ATO financial year, after the
initial qualifying period has been paid by the employer, provided that the employer
receives a payment for the employee absence under the Employer Support Payment
Scheme (Defence Reserves Support) or howsoever named.
(b) In addition to the above, a further fourteen (14) calendar days leave with pay may be
accessed in an employee’s first year of reserve service, where attendance at recruitment
or initial training is required.
(c) The school officer or service staff member is not required to forward to the employing
authority any monies or allowances paid by the defence force for their attendance at
camps, courses or other training whilst on periods of leave with pay.
(d) The employee shall not be disadvantaged in terms of accrued entitlements during
absence on leave with pay for this purpose.
(e) Wherever possible, the school officer or service staff member should schedule their
attendance at Defence Force Reserve activities during annual leave.
(f) Any further absence due to defence force reserve leave activities will be approved as
leave without pay.
6.12 Cultural Leave
6.12.1 The value of First Nations Peoples’ (being Aboriginals or Torres Strait Islanders) spiritualities
and cultures is recognised and affirmed, and the important relationship between the people,
their culture, traditional lore and country is acknowledged.
6.12.2 An employee, as defined in clause 6.12.9, may apply for up to a maximum of ten (10) days
cultural leave per calendar year, of which two (2) days will be paid and the remainder will be
unpaid. Cultural leave does not accumulate from one calendar year to the next calendar year.
6.12.3 Such applications will be considered within the normal leave provisions, guidelines and
application procedures.
6.12.4 The employer must not unreasonably refuse the leave.
6.12.5 In considering the employee’s request for leave, the employer must consider at least the
(a) the employer’s capacity to reorganise work arrangements to accommodate the
employee’s request;
(b) the impact of the employee’s absence on the operations of the school;
(c) the particular circumstances of the employee; and
(d) the impact of a refusal on the employee, including the employee’s ability to balance his
or her work and family responsibilities.
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6.12.6 The employee must give the employer:
(a) reasonable notice of the intention to take cultural leave before taking the leave;
(b) the reason for taking the leave; and
(c) the period that the employee estimates the employee will be absent.
6.12.7 If it is not practicable for the employee to give the notice before taking the leave, the
employee must give the employer notice of the matters in clause 6.12.6 (b) and (c) at the first
6.12.8 It is declared that leave provided under this section is a welfare measure for the purposes of
the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991, section 104.
6.12.9 In this clause 6.12: an “employee” who may apply for cultural leave means an employee who is
required by Aboriginal tradition or Island custom to attend an Aboriginal or Torres Strait
Islander ceremony.
6.13 Extended Unpaid Leave
6.13.1 An employee may apply to access extended unpaid leave on the following basis:
(a) at least six (6) months’ notice is given in all but exceptional circumstances;
(b) at least three (3) years continuous service has been completed prior to the intended
commencement of each period of leave;
(c) notwithstanding (b) above, new graduate primary teachers subject to the provisions of
any staff mobility clause (clause 7.16 of this Agreement) would usually be required to
complete four (4) years of continuous service prior to the intended commencement of
(d) the period of leave sought is a maximum of twelve (12) months duration and should
normally occur within the calendar year.
6.13.2 A subsequent application for consecutive unpaid leave may also be considered, in special
6.13.3 Approval of extended unpaid leave applications are granted at the employer’s discretion.
6.13.4 Extended unpaid leave can also be used in conjunction with other forms of leave with their
own prescribed parameters, as detailed elsewhere in this Agreement. Specifically, this clause
does not override an employee’s access to extended unpaid leave associated with parental
leave, carer’s leave, defence force leave or any other industrial provision.
6.14 Union Education Leave
6.14.1 Paid leave of absence may be granted to employees under the following conditions:
(a) up to three days leave on ordinary pay shall be granted to attend courses, seminars or
workshops of an industrial or professional nature conducted by the Australian Council of
Trade Unions (ACTU), IEUA, ANMF/QNMU or, specific union training courses approved
by the union;
(b) the leave shall be non-cumulative. One (1) month of notice must be given of the
employee's intention to take this leave;
(c) the application for leave shall be endorsed by the respective union;
(d) the granting of such leave shall be subject to the reasonable convenience of the
employing authority having regard to the efficient operation of the school concerned.
Consistent with the college’s/school’s professional development guidelines the
employer shall not unreasonably withhold approval to attend such courses;
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(e) no employee shall be granted leave in excess of the duration of the course i.e. travelling
time is not included;
(f) the employing authority is not responsible for any additional costs except for the
payment of relief employees where this is considered appropriate. The maximum
number of employees at a particular school who may avail themselves of this leave at
the same time are:
(i) teachers
(A) where the school employs up to thirty (30) teachers – One (1) teacher;
(B) where the school employs more than thirty (30) teachers – Two (2)
(ii) non-teaching staff
(A) where the school employs up to eight (8) non-teaching staff – One (1)
non-teaching employee; or
(B) where the school employs more than eight (8) non-teaching staff – two
(2) non-teaching employees.
6.14.2 Application
Applications for this leave must be submitted through the Principal to Personnel Services within
the prescribed time limits and must include the following documentation:
(a) an application for leave;
(b) details of the course to be attended; and
(c) endorsement from the respective union.
6.15 Union Development Leave
6.15.1 An employee may request leave without pay for a minimum of four (4) weeks and a maximum
of up to two (2) terms for union training and development. During this leave, the union will be
this person’s employer and the union will be responsible for the payment of the person’s
salary. Accruals of leave for the person shall continue during a union leave of absence and
provision for the costs of such accruals shall be included in a payment to the employing
The Catholic education employing authority will maintain the employee’s continuity of
employment. Upon completion of the leave of absence, the employee will return to his/her
former position.
6.15.2 Union development leave is restricted to not more than three (3) employees per year from
Brisbane Catholic Education and two (2) employees per year from each other Diocesan
Catholic education employing authority. The two (2) employees from an employing authority
should not be from the same school unless agreed upon by the employing authority. An
employee will not be eligible to apply for union development leave more than once in any
three (3) year period.
6.15.3 Such leave will be at the discretion of the employing authority. Normally, there will be at least
three (3) month of notice given, in order to secure such leave. The impact on the school, its
students and staffing profile will be taken into account in the granting of such leave. The
employing authority will not unreasonably withhold approval of such leave.
6.15.4 The employing authority will identify any reasonable consequential location, advertising or
other expense arising from the granting of union development leave and the union will meet
the costs where agreed.
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6.16 Public Holidays
6.16.1 An employee (other than a casual employee) who would ordinarily be required to work on a
day on which a public holiday falls is entitled to full pay for the time the employee would
ordinarily have been required to perform work on that day.
6.16.2 All work required by the employer to be done by an employee on any day or part-day,
declared or prescribed by the Holidays Act 1983, to be observed generally within Queensland
or a region of Queensland, as a public holiday, other than a day or part-day, or a kind of day or
part-day, that is excluded by the regulations from counting as a public holiday will be paid for
at the rate of double time and a-half with a minimum of four (4) hours.
For information purposes, Queensland Gazetted Public Holidays can be found here.
6.16.3 Double Time and a-Half
For the purposes of clause 6.16, where the rate of wages is a weekly rate, "double time and a-
half" means one and one-half days wages in addition to the prescribed weekly rate, or pro rata
if there is more or less than a day.
6.16.4 Annual Show
(a) Moreover, all work done by an employee in a district specified from time to time by the
Minister by notification published in the Queensland Government Industrial Gazette on
the day appointed under the Holidays Act 1983, to be kept a holiday in relation to the
annual agricultural, horticultural or industrial show held at the principal city or town, as
specified in such notification, of such district shall be paid for at the date of double time
and a half with a minimum of four (4) hours.
(b) In a district in which a holiday is not appointed for an annual agricultural, horticultural or
industrial show, the employee and employer must agree on an ordinary working day
that is to be treated as a show holiday for all purposes.
6.16.5 Notwithstanding any other provision of clause 6.16 when an employee works on a public
holiday such employee shall be paid at the rate prescribed by clause 6.16 for the particular
holiday or by agreement between the employee and the employer may be paid at the ordinary
rate and given a day off in lieu thereof within twenty-eight (28) days of the holiday occurring;
provided that if an employee subsequently works on the day in lieu of the deferred public
holiday, such employee shall be paid in accordance with the other provisions of clause 6.16.2.
6.17 Domestic Violence Leave
6.17.1 Leave
(a) An employee, who is experiencing domestic violence, will have access to ten (10) days
per year non-cumulative of paid special leave in order to address related matters
including, but not limited to:
(i) attending medical and/or counselling appointments;
(ii) sourcing alternative accommodation;
(iii) accessing legal advice;
(iv) attending legal proceedings;
(v) organising alternative care for members of their immediate family or
(vi) organising alternative education arrangements for their children;
(vii) rebuilding support networks; and
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(viii) other issues related to the domestic violence.
(b) This leave will be in addition to existing leave entitlements and may be taken as
consecutive or single days or as a fraction of a day and all reasonable requests will be
(c) Employees can also access existing leave entitlements for the abovementioned
purposes, without the usual notice requirements.
(d) It is not mandatory for the employee to have exhausted other forms of paid leave prior
to accessing this special leave.
6.17.2 Supporting Another Person Experiencing Domestic Violence
(a) An employee who supports a person experiencing domestic violence may use their
existing carer’s leave to accompany the person on activities related to that personal
crisis, or to mind the children of the person to enable them to undertake activities
related to such significant matter.
(b) This sub-clause applies only where an employee supports a person who is a member of
their immediate family (as defined in clause 1.3.9 of this Agreement) or household.
6.17.3 Confidentiality
(a) The employer must take steps to ensure information concerning any notice or evidence
an employee has given under clause 6.17.4 (Notice of Evidence) of the employee taking
leave under this clause (clause 6.17 – Domestic Violence Leave) is treated confidentially,
as far as it is reasonably practicable to do so.
(b) Nothing in this clause prevents an employer from disclosing information provided by an
employee if the disclosure is required by an Australian law or is necessary to protect the
life, health or safety of the employee or another person.
6.17.4 Notice
(a) An employee must give their employer notice that they will be absent from work due to
experiencing domestic violence; or the employee requires time off to deal with the
impact of domestic violence; and it is impractical for the employee to do that thing
outside the employee's ordinary hours of work.
(b) The notice must be given as soon as reasonably practicable, and include the period of
leave, or the expected period, of the leave, (which may be a time after the leave has
started unless the circumstances are beyond the employee’s control).
6.18 Jury Service Leave
6.18.1 An employee, other than a casual employee, required to attend for jury service during their
ordinary working hours shall be reimbursed by the employer an amount equal to the
difference between the amount paid in respect of their attendance for such jury service and
the ordinary pay the employee would have been paid if the employee was not absent on jury
6.18.2 Alternatively, by agreement, fees (other than meal allowance) received by the employee to
attend jury service will be paid to the employer and the employer will continue to pay the
employee their ordinary pay for the time the employee was absent on jury service.
6.18.3 Employees shall notify their employer as soon as practicable of the date upon which they are
required to attend for jury service and shall provide their employer with proof of such
attendance, the duration of such attendance and the amount received in respect thereof.
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6.18.4 If the employee is not required to serve on a jury for a day or part of a day after attending for
jury service and the employee would ordinarily be working for all or part of the remaining day,
the employee must, if practicable, present for work at the earliest reasonable opportunity.
6.18.5 "Ordinary pay" means the rate of pay that an employee would normally expect to receive for
working ordinary hours on an ordinary day of the week, including any payments over and
above those prescribe in Schedule 1 of this Agreement. "Ordinary pay" excludes overtime,
penalty rates of all types - including those attaching to working ordinary hours (for example)
on a Saturday, disability allowances, shift allowances, special rates, fares and travelling time
allowances, bonuses and other ancillary payments of a like nature.
6.19 Payment of Leave
For the purposes of Part 6 of this Agreement, the rate of payment for paid leave will be the rate
the employee would have received had the employee attended for work.
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7.1 Classification
(a) Four (4) Year Trained Teachers shall be classified according to the following table:
4 year trained teachers Graduate
Proficient 1
Proficient 2
Proficient 3
Proficient 4
Proficient 5
Proficient 6
Proficient 7
Proficient 8
Provisions relating to classifications and progression for four year trained teachers are
contained in clauses 7.1.2 and 7.1.3.
(b) Three (3) Year Trained Teachers shall be classified according to the following table:
3 year trained teachers Step 1
Step 2
Proficient 1
Proficient 2
Proficient 3
Proficient 4
Proficient 5
Proficient 6
Proficient 7
Proficient 8
Provisions relating to classifications and progression for three year trained teachers are
contained in clauses 7.1.4 to 7.1.6.
7.1.2 Appointment and Incremental Progression – Four (4) Year Trained Teacher
(a) A 4 year trained teacher shall be appointed at Graduate in the scale at clause 7.1.1 (a)
(b) A 4 year trained teacher will progress to Proficient 1 once they meet the requirements
of full registration with the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT), as provided by clause
7.10.2, and will then progress from one salary step to a higher salary step (subject to
clause 4.2.6) by annual increments to Proficient 8.
(c) A 4 year trained teacher who has an approved Bachelor's degree with first or second
degree honours from a recognised university plus one year of teacher education or two
(2) approved degrees from a recognised university plus one year of teacher education
shall be classified as prescribed by Clause 7.6.
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7.1.3 Definition - Four (4) Year Trained Teacher
“Four year trained teacher” means a person appointed as a teacher who holds:
(a) An approved degree from a recognised tertiary education institution; or
(b) An approved equivalent tertiary qualification plus at least one year of teacher
education; or
(c) An approved equivalent tertiary qualification plus such other qualifications recognised
by the employer as equivalent to one (1) year of teacher education.
7.1.4 Appointment and Incremental Progression – Three (3) Year Trained Teacher
(a) A three (3) year trained teacher shall be appointed at Step 1 of the scale at clause 7.1.1
(b) above.
(b) Except as provided by paragraph 7.1.4 (c) below, a three (3) year trained teacher shall
progress from Step 1 to Graduate (subject to clause 4.2.6) by annual increment.
(c) A three (3) year trained teacher shall progress to Proficient 1 after meeting the
requirements for full registration with the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT), as
provided by clause 7.10.2, irrespective of whether they are at Step 1, Step 2, or
Graduate when they apply. Clause 7.7 (Timely Notification of Qualifications and
Experience) applies to this paragraph (paragraph 7.1.4 (c)).
(d) A three (3) year trained teacher who is classified as Graduate, shall remain at the
Graduate step until they have met the requirements for full registration with the
Queensland College of Teachers (QCT).
(e) A three (3) year trained teacher shall progress from Proficient 1 to Proficient 4 (subject
to clause 4.2.6) by annual increment.
(f) Except as provided by clauses 7.1.5 and 7.1.6, or as otherwise provided by this
Agreement, a three (3) year trained teacher shall progress from Proficient 4 to Proficient
8 by completing two (2) years’ service (subject to clause 4.2.6) on each of Proficient 4, 5,
6, and 7.
7.1.5 Incremental Progression – Three (3) Year Trained Teacher - Additional Qualifications
(a) A three (3) year trained teacher who successfully completes further tertiary study to
achieve the status of four (4) year trained teacher shall, as from 1 January or 1 July
whichever is the first following such completion, and upon production of satisfactory
evidence thereof, have their appropriate salary step in clause 7.1.1 determined
according to the following table:
Salary Step – Clause 7.1.1 (b) Salary Step – Clause 7.1 (a)
Step 1 Graduate
Step 2 Proficient 1
Graduate Proficient 2
Proficient 1 Proficient 3
Proficient 2 Proficient 4
Proficient 3 Proficient 5
Proficient 4 Proficient 6
Proficient 5 Proficient 7
Proficient 6 and higher Proficient 8
(b) The arrangements contained in clause 7.1.5 (a) shall not alter the date at which a
teacher progresses to the next salary step on the scale (the teacher’s increment date)
where applicable.
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7.1.6 Incremental Progression – Three (3) Year Trained Teacher - Professional Development
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 7.1.4 (f), a 3 year trained teacher may
apply for progression by annual increments from Proficient 4 to 8 subject to the
following conditions:
(i) completion of at least twelve (12) months service on Proficient 4;
(ii) participation in one hundred and fifty (150) hours of accredited professional
development activities to be achieved at an annual average rate of not less
than thirty (30) hours (five (5) days) and to be undertaken outside the hours
engaged in teaching; and
(iii) provision of a statement outlining the knowledge and skills acquired through
participation in professional development.
(b) Applications for progression identified in paragraph 7.1.6 (a) shall be made through the
principal of the school and be subject to assessment and recommendation to the school
authority by a panel consisting of:
(i) a representative of the school authority;
(ii) a representative of the teacher seeking progression;
(iii) a representative jointly agreed to.
(c) Applications for progression identified in paragraph 7.1.6 (a) shall include:
(i) certification of participation in accredited professional development activities
by activity providers; and
(ii) a brief statement on a standard agreed, outlining the additional knowledge
and skills acquired and their application in the teacher's work.
(d) No teacher shall be required to undergo classroom or other inspection for the purposes
of certification.
(e) The review panel identified in paragraph 7.1.6 (b) shall make a recommendation to the
employing authority as to whether in its opinion the teacher has satisfied the eligibility
criteria in clause 7.1.6 (a).
(f) A teacher who is assessed by the review panel as having satisfied the requirements
contained in clause 7.1.6 (a) shall be entitled to progress to the next incremental pay
step (Proficient 4 to 8 as appropriate) effective from their date of application or on the
completion of twelve (12) months' service on their current incremental step (whichever
is the later).
7.1.7 Treatment of Teachers Who Have Held (or Hold) a Position of Leadership
Where a teacher is appointed to a position of leadership, that teacher will be deemed to
progress through the incremental steps as provided in paragraphs 7.1.1 (a), 7.1.1 (b) or clause
7.1.5 on the basis of their total years of service as a teacher. However, any leadership
allowance will be paid consistent with clause S2.3 (Schedule 2 – Positions of Leadership).
7.1.8 Review
(a) Any anomalies which may arise from the application of the above classification clauses
shall, in the first instance, be the subject of negotiation between the relevant parties.
(b) Where an agreement cannot be reached on the rectification of an anomaly, the matter
will be processed through the grievance and dispute settling procedure in clause 2.4 of
this Agreement.
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7.2 Experienced Proficient Teacher
7.2.1 From the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2022, a teacher (other than a casual teacher)
will be eligible to access the Experienced Proficient Teacher (EPT) classification provided that:
(a) the teacher has completed three years of full-time equivalent service on Proficient 8;
(b) a discussion occurs between the employer and the teacher which will be informed by
the focus areas and descriptors of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
(APST) Institute at the Highly Accomplished Teacher career stage.
7.2.2 For part-time teachers, a completed year of service for this clause is deemed to be the same as
provided for in clause 7.18.10 of this Agreement (namely, the performance of an aggregate of
1,200 hours of paid work).
7.2.3 For the purpose of this clause (clause 7.2), all relevant service with the employing authority or
another employer will be recognised.
7.2.4 Notwithstanding when the discussion occurs (see clause 7.2.1 (b)), the date of payment as an
Experienced Proficient Teacher shall be the date of eligibility consistent with clause 7.2.1 (a).
7.3 Highly Accomplished Teacher (HAT)
7.3.1 Definition
Highly Accomplished Teacher is a Teacher who holds certification as a Highly Accomplished
Teacher (HAT).
7.3.2 Certification and Renewal of Certification
(a) Certification and renewal will be consistent with the Australian Professional Standards
for Teachers (APST) and AITSL guidelines, and will be in accordance with the
requirements and operational procedures of the certifying authority.
(b) Appeals related to certification and renewal will be in accordance with the requirements
and operational procedures of the certifying authority.
7.3.3 Remuneration Level
(a) A HAT who has more than the equivalent of five (5) years’ (i.e. 6000 hours) teaching
experience will be classified and paid at the HAT level of the Teacher salary scale.
(b) Years of teaching experience shall be deemed to include all teaching service which is
recognised for the purpose of classifying a teacher covered by this Agreement.
7.3.4 Roles and Duties
Roles and duties undertaken by a teacher classified as HAT will be identified and confirmed by
consultation between the teacher and the employing authority. Such roles and duties will fall
within the descriptors established for HAT in the APST.
7.3.5 Positions of Leadership
(a) Teachers who hold positions of middle or senior leadership shall be eligible to apply for
HAT in accordance with the requirements of this clause.
(b) Where a teacher holds the HAT classification and a position of middle or senior
leadership, the total remuneration paid will be the greater of the two applicable salaries.
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7.3.6 Currency
(a) Teachers must maintain the currency of their certification as HAT for their classification
and payment to be continued. Where renewal is not confirmed, or if the certification is
otherwise revoked by the certifying authority, teachers will be paid on the Proficient
scale in accordance with their teaching service as provided for in the Agreement.
(b) Teachers are responsible for providing original or certified copies of their
documentation to their employer for verification and action. Clause 7.7 (Timely
Notification of Qualifications and Experience) applies to this process.
7.3.7 Portability
(a) Teachers who have been certified as HAT by the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT)
or another certifying body whose processes comply with those of the Australian
Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), and who meet the teaching service
requirement in clause 7.3.3 above, will be classified as HAT by Catholic school
authorities in Queensland.
(b) Teachers new to Queensland Catholic education who are certified as HAT, and who
meet the teaching service requirement in clause 7.3.3 above, will be classified as a HAT
for the duration of their remaining HAT certification period.
7.3.8 Quota
No quotas are applicable to this classification.
7.4 Lead Teacher (LT)
7.4.1 Definition
Lead Teacher is a Teacher who holds certification as a Lead Teacher (LT).
7.4.2 Certification and Renewal of Certification
(a) Certification and renewal will be consistent with the Australian Professional Standards
for Teachers (APST) and AITSL guidelines, and will be in accordance with the
requirements and operational procedures of the certifying authority.
(b) Appeals related to certification and renewal will be in accordance with the requirements
and operational procedures of the certifying authority.
7.4.3 Remuneration Level
(a) A LT who has more than the equivalent of five (5) years’ (i.e. 6000 hours) teaching
experience, will be classified and paid at the LT level of the Teacher salary scale.
(b) Years of teaching experience shall be deemed to include all teaching service which is
recognised for the purpose of classifying a teacher covered by this Agreement.
7.4.4 Roles and Duties
Roles and duties undertaken by a teacher classified as LT will be identified and confirmed by
consultation between the teacher and the employing authority. Such roles and duties will fall
within the descriptors established for LT in the APST.
7.4.5 Positions of Leadership
(a) Teachers who hold positions of middle or senior leadership shall be eligible to apply for
LT in accordance with the requirements of this clause.
(b) Where a teacher holds the LT classification and a position of middle or senior leadership,
the total remuneration paid will be the greater of the two applicable salaries.
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7.4.6 Currency
(a) Teachers must maintain the currency of their certification as LT for their classification
and payment to be continued. Where renewal is not confirmed, or if the certification is
otherwise revoked by the certifying authority, teachers will be paid on the Proficient
scale in accordance with their teaching service as provided for in the Agreement.
(b) Teachers are responsible for providing original or certified copies of their
documentation to their employer for verification and action. Clause 7.7 (Timely
Notification of Qualifications and Experience) applies to this process.
7.4.7 Portability
(a) Teachers who have been certified as LT by the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) or
another certifying body whose processes comply with those of the Australian Institute of
Teaching and Leadership (AITSL), and who meet the teaching service requirement in
clause 7.4.3 above, will be classified as LT by Catholic school authorities in Queensland.
(b) Teachers new to Queensland Catholic education who are certified as LT, and who meet
the teaching service requirement in clause 7.4.3 above, will be classified as a LT for the
duration of their remaining LT certification period.
7.4.8 Quota
No quotas are applicable to this classification.
7.5 Recognition of Prior Non-Teaching Service and Experience – Teachers
This clause applies to all teachers and applicants for the position of teacher.
7.5.1 In accordance with this clause a teacher, or applicant for the position of teacher, may apply to
have prior non-teaching service and experience recognised for the purposes of salary
classification. Full-time and part-time service and/or experience can be recognised. The
method of implementing the salary classification resulting from the application of this clause
(clause 7.5), is set out in clause 7.5.10.
7.5.2 Where an existing employee successfully makes application for the recognition of prior non-
teaching service in accordance with this clause, they will be paid at the adjusted rate.
7.5.3 Any application for recognition of prior non-teaching service and experience must be made in
accordance with clause 7.7 of this Agreement (Timely Notification of Qualifications and
7.5.4 A teacher or applicant for the position of teacher may seek recognition for multiple categories
of prior non-teaching employment in one application.
7.5.5 Applications for recognition of previous non-teaching service and experience should relate to
employment in an area/s relevant to their current teaching role. Recognition will be given only
to employment that ceased in the five (5) year period prior to the date of appointment.
7.5.6 The five (5) year limitation in clause 7.5.5 may be extended by the employer where special
circumstances are demonstrated by the teacher or applicant.
7.5.7 The relevance of the prior non-teaching experience must be demonstrated by the employee
and accepted by the employer as being applicable to the current teaching role.
7.5.8 For the purposes of this clause any prior non-teaching service as an apprentice or trainee will
not be recognised as relevant prior service.
7.5.9 Should prior non-teaching service and experience be recognised for salary classification
purposes, any such recognised service will count on the basis of thirty-three per cent (33%).
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7.5.10 Method of implementation
(a) Where the applicant is a registered teacher, that teacher will have their classification
(consistent with clause 7.1.1) advanced to the appropriate classification determined
having regard to both their years of service as a teacher and the quantum of service
recognised in accordance with this clause (clause 7.5).
(b) Where the applicant is a provisionally registered teacher, that teacher will be classified
(and paid) at the level of Graduate. Once the teacher obtains full registration (with the
Queensland College of Teachers) that teacher will be classified (and paid) at the
appropriate step on the Proficient scale determined having regard to the quantum of
service recognised in accordance with this clause (clause 7.5).
7.6 Recognition of Additional Qualifications Prior to Commencing Teaching Career
7.6.1 This clause is to grant an extra salary classification level if the proposed employee has attained
more than one (1) degree or a degree plus an honours year. These studies must be additional
to the required teacher qualification study. The method of implementing the extra salary
classification resulting from the application of this clause (clause 7.6), is set out in clauses 7.6.2
and 7.6.8.
7.6.2 A teacher must have completed the specified additional qualifications prior to, or within the
initial twelve (12) months, of commencing employment as a teacher to be eligible for the extra
salary classification in accordance with this clause. The increment date for teachers who
complete the required qualifications after commencement of duty will be twelve (12) months
(full-time equivalent) from the date of the completed additional qualification.
7.6.3 Bachelor, Honours, Master and Doctoral degrees awarded by recognised universities will be
recognised for the purpose of this clause.
7.6.4 Teachers who possess the following combinations of qualifications are eligible to receive the
extra salary classification provided by this clause:
(a) Bachelor Degree and Honours year plus teacher qualification study; or
(b) two (2) approved degrees plus teacher qualification study.
7.6.5 A four (4) year combined degree, from a recognised university, that has a minimum
requirement of eight (8) semesters at that university’s standard full-time workload will not
satisfy the requirements for the extra salary classification provided by this clause.
7.6.6 Only a combined degree, from a recognised university, that has a minimum requirement of ten
(10) semesters at that university’s standard full-time workload for that combined degree will
satisfy the requirements for the extra salary classification provided by this clause.
7.6.7 The following scenarios are provided for the purpose of examples of the qualifications and
classification levels assigned:
(a) qualifications that would not attract the extra salary classification provided by this
(i) Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (four (4) year combined degree)
(ii) Bachelor of Economics + Master of Teaching
(iii) Bachelor of Education.
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(b) qualifications that would attract the extra salary classification provided by this clause:
(i) Bachelor of Economics + Graduate Diploma of Education + Master of Teaching
(ii) Bachelor of Arts + Graduate Diploma of Education + Master of Education
(iii) Bachelor of Commerce + Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) + Graduate
Diploma of Education
(iv) Bachelor of Arts + Bachelor of Arts (Honours) + Bachelor of Education
(v) Bachelor of Education + Honours year
(vi) Bachelor of Education/Bachelor of Psychology (five (5) year combined degree).
7.6.8 The teacher will, whilst they are provisionally registered, be classified (and paid) at the level of
Graduate. Once the teacher obtains full registration (with the Queensland College of
Teachers) that teacher will be classified (and paid) at Proficient 2.
7.7 Timely Notification of Qualifications and Experience
It is imperative that employees provide, in a timely manner, documentary evidence of
qualifications and experience which will enable an employer to identify the appropriate salary
for an employee. An employee shall be paid at the rate of pay consistent with information
provided until further supporting documentary evidence is provided to the employer.
7.7.1 Timely Notification of: gaining qualifications; full registration; or certification
(a) Teachers will provide their employer with timely written advice along with documentary
evidence of any changes to: their professional qualifications; or certification as Highly
Accomplished Teacher or Lead Teacher, which would bring about adjustment to the
teacher’s classification.
(b) If a teacher does provide within six (6) months such written advice and
documentary evidence: of having met the requirements for being awarded the
qualification; or of certification, then payment for the variation will be effective from the
date of meeting these requirements.
(c) If a teacher does not provide within the timeline outlined above documentary evidence
of having met the requirements for being awarded the qualification or certification, then
the payment for the variation will be from the date of receipt of the documentary
evidence from the teacher.
(d) Teachers will provide their employer with timely written advice along with documentary
evidence of the date of provision to the reviewer of the required portfolio (clause 7.10.2
(f)). The outcomes of providing the evidence within, or outside of, six (6) months
outlined in paragraphs (b) and (c) above will apply.
(e) Documentary evidence must be an original or certified copy of an original document.
7.7.2 Timely Notification of Previous Relevant Service
(a) Teachers will provide their employer with timely written advice along with supporting
documentary evidence of relevant employment service which would be relevant to
determining the employee’s rate of pay.
(b) Subject to (c) below, if a teacher does provide supporting documentary evidence
regarding previous relevant service within six (6) months of commencement of service
with the employer, payment for the adjustment will be effective from the date of
commencement with the employer.
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(c) Where a provisionally registered teacher is seeking recognition of prior non-teaching
service (clause 7.5) the employee must provide the information during the period they
are classified as Graduate.
(d) If an employee does not provide supporting documentary evidence regarding relevant
service within six (6) months of commencement then any payment relating to that
service will be applied from the date of receipt of notification from the employee.
(e) Supporting documentary evidence of previous relevant service should include
statements of service. A statement of service from each previous employer(s) should be
provided. A statement of service is normally the appropriate proof of prior service and
satisfies the criteria at clause 7.7.3 below.
(f) A statutory declaration may be submitted in lieu of a statement of service in instances
where an individual is unable to obtain the necessary documentation from a previous
employer. For instance, a school and its records may no longer exist or exist in an area
of civil disturbance or natural disaster. A statutory declaration may be submitted only
after the employer is satisfied that the employee has exhausted all reasonable avenues
to obtain a statement of service. Where a statutory declaration is accepted it should
satisfy the criteria at clause 7.7.3 below. The circumstances preventing the employee
from obtaining the necessary documentation should be noted and retained with the
7.7.3 Statement of Service
The statement of service should:
(a) be an original or certified copy of an original document;
(b) be provided on the official letterhead of the authority responsible for the school or
institution and it must be signed and dated by the employer or an authorised person;
(c) specify the position held;
(d) specify the period of employment;
(e) specify the exact nature of the employment e.g. full-time, part-time, casual, etc. and
provide a detailed description of the teaching or other relevant duties performed;
(f) detail whether the employment was part-time – and if so the number of hours worked
per week or their full-time equivalent, or the total number of hours paid for the total
period of employment;
(g) detail whether the employment was casual – and if so the total number of hours paid for
the total period of employment;
(h) indicate any periods of unpaid leave that were taken; and
(i) specify whether any leave without pay was taken and the period when this leave
without pay occurred. If no periods of leave without pay were taken, the statement
must show that ‘no leave without pay was taken’.
7.7.4 Duty to Notify
All new employees will be given at the time of appointment a document detailing the
requirements with regards to timely notification of gaining qualifications and timely
notification of previous relevant service.
7.8 Positions of Leadership
7.8.1 All appointments to the positions of leadership structure will be made under Schedule 2 of this
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7.9 Appointment Process – Positions of Leadership
7.9.1 The parties recognise that teaching and learning outcomes may be well supported by Catholic
schools’ ability to attract and retain quality teaching staff in promotional positions.
7.9.2 As a minimum, the fundamental principles forming a transparent appointment process shall
(a) advertisement of promotional position vacancies to existing staff;
(b) opportunity to provide written response to key selection criteria;
(c) interview of short listed applicants; and
(d) in circumstances where an existing employee is unsuccessful in application for a vacant
promotional position, the employee may request employer feedback on aspects of their
written application and/or interview performance.
7.9.3 This clause does not apply:
(a) where appointments are made for the remainder of the Position of Leadership
triennium; or
(b) where appointments are made to other acting positions; or
(c) where there is redeployment of current staff following school closure or other special
7.10 Support for Graduate Teachers
7.10.1 Induction
An induction program shall be implemented for all employees and shall include as a minimum:
(a) provision of a duty statement;
(b) identification of lines of support;
(c) provision of materials relevant to the ethos and mission of the system/school;
(d) provision of documents relevant to the system/school policy and procedures;
(e) provision of clear guidance in terms of curriculum expectation and implementation;
(f) provision of documentation and training consistent with workplace health and safety
requirements specific to the duties undertaken by the employee;
(g) provision of information relevant to union coverage and benefits; and
(h) provision of information relevant to superannuation entitlements and options.
7.10.2 New Graduate Teachers
(a) Employers recognise the challenges for newly employed graduate teachers as they begin
their teaching career. They are committed to the appropriate induction and support for
new graduate teachers to assist them with the continuing development of their
knowledge, skills and attitudes.
(b) The graduate teacher mentor programme shall be for a minimum period of the
graduate’s first twelve (12) months of teaching.
The graduate teacher may request and/or the principal may determine to extend access
to quality mentoring provided through this programme beyond their first twelve (12)
months of teaching, in consideration of the graduate teacher’s particular professional
needs or the level of proficiency attained.
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(c) Provisionally registered teachers shall have access to a clear process to assist them in
meeting the requirements for full registration. Access to this process should be open to
all new graduate teachers, whether employed on a full-time, part-time, fixed-term or
casual basis.
(d) In the event that a graduate teacher has met the minimum number of days to apply for
full registration and has developed the required portfolio for such application, the
teacher shall have direct access to their current employer, seeking specific guidance and
assistance as to how the teacher’s evidence for the application may be reviewed and
assessed consistent with the registration authority’s requirements. Such access must be
provided within two weeks of the teacher’s request.
(e) The graduate teacher will provide their employer with written notification and
documentary evidence of:
(i) notification of full registration by the Queensland College of Teachers; and
(ii) the date of provision to the reviewer of the required portfolio.
Clause 7.7 (Timely Notification of Qualifications and Experience) applies to this
paragraph (paragraph 7.10.2 (e)).
(f) The employing authority shall provide back-payment of wages to the documented date
of submission of the required portfolio (7.10.2 (e) above) to be reviewed and assessed.
(g) The following support shall be provided to graduates in the first year of employment:
(i) an initial induction and orientation of new school workplace, in accordance
with sub-clause 7.10.1 above;
(ii) a formal induction program, including appropriate professional development
support should any weaknesses become apparent or are otherwise identified
by the new graduate; and
(iii) additional release time to enable the graduate teacher to undertake activities
such as:
(A) observation of exemplary teaching practice;
(B) joint and structured planning;
(C) mentoring meetings; and
(D) professional development.
(h) Time release shall be provided for any designated mentor/s to provide effective
mentoring, consistent with sub-clause 7.10.2 (i) below.
(i) The employing authority/principal may also provide:
(i) assistance by members of the school leadership:
(A) working with graduate in class;
(B) support and advice with access to teaching resources, program and
lesson preparation;
(ii) assistance by other experienced teachers; and
(iii) a collegial work group for planning and discussion of suitable pedagogies.
(j) The support offered to new graduates will normally be discussed and outlined as part of
the initial school-level induction and orientation program.
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(k) Provision for time for teachers and members of the school leadership team providing
assistance for new graduate teachers will be made within the provisions of Schedule 3
(Hours of Duty - Teachers) of this Agreement.
7.10.3 Notification of Employment Details
(a) All employees will be provided with written advice prior to the commencement of their
engagement setting out the:
(i) nature of their employment (i.e. full-time, part-time, term-time, casual, fixed-
term etc.);
(ii) date of commencement of duties; and
(iii) job title and a short description of the duties required.
(b) As soon as is practicable, the following additional details will be provided on the
employee’s pay advice:
(i) classification level and, where appropriate, the incremental step; and
(ii) rate of wages to be paid.
7.11 Hours of Duty
This clause should be read in conjunction with clause 5.1 Hours of Work and related matters and
Schedule 3 of this Agreement.
7.11.1 Secondary Schools
The ordinary hours of duty for teachers in secondary schools and in the secondary department
of primary schools shall not exceed thirty and a half (30.5) per week of which, in the case of non-
resident teachers, not more than one-third (1/3rd) shall be performed before 9 am and after 5
7.11.2 Primary Schools
(a) The ordinary hours of duty for teachers in primary schools shall not exceed thirty (30)
per week.
(b) Teachers shall be on duty fifteen (15) minutes before the morning assembly and shall
remain on duty until the time of dismissal of the school for the day.
(c) Principals may assign to members of their staff duties requiring their attendance until a
time not later than thirty (30) minutes after the time of dismissal of the school for the
day; provided that such duties shall be allocated, when practicable, on a roster basis.
7.11.3 Notwithstanding the above, the provisions of Schedule 3 (Hours of Duty – Teachers) of this
Agreement shall apply.
7.11.4 Resident Teachers
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of clauses 7.11.1 and 7.11.2 a resident teacher who is
engaged as a full-time teacher in the same school to which the boarding establishment
is attached may be required to spend no more than ten (10) hours per week in resident
duties as herein defined. These hours of duty shall be in exchange for the resident
teacher’s board and residence.
(b) By mutual agreement between the employee and the school authority the hours of
resident duty of resident teachers may be averaged over one (1) term.
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7.12 Itinerant Specialist Teachers – Primary
7.12.1 Itinerant specialist teachers employed by an employing authority will be engaged under the
provisions of this Agreement including the provisions regarding paid and unpaid breaks of
clause S3.7 of Schedule 3 (Hours of Duty – Teachers).
7.12.2 In the allocation of duties under this Agreement, the employer agrees to take into account the
itinerant nature of the role. The parties are committed to the fair and reasonable application
of the Agreement.
7.12.3 Travel time is included in paid time. When travelling from the base school to the circuit school
and vice versa, travel time is taken to include the time reasonably required to transport lesson
resource material to and from the car and the classroom and to set up and pack up these
7.12.4 Travel time is recognised as that time a teacher spends travelling between the various schools
in their circuit and is not inclusive of travel between their residence and their base school.
7.12.5 Where a teacher travels directly from home to a circuit school other than their base school to
commence their duties, the travel time, which is included in paid time, is recognised as that
time which would have been taken to travel from the base school to the circuit school.
7.12.6 Where an employee is required to use their car, kilometric allowance shall be payable. The
rates payable shall be in accordance with the employing authority’s administrative guidelines.
7.12.7 Any grievance arising from the above provisions is to be addressed through the procedures
contained in clause 2.4 of this Agreement.
7.13 Class Sizes
7.13.1 It is recognised that class size has implications for the work of teachers and as such pertains to
the employment relationship.
7.13.2 The parties acknowledge that the achievement of educational outcomes for students is
influenced by a wide range of factors including student ability, educational programs,
pedagogy, resources, time on task, the quality of classroom interactions and relationships and
parental attitudes and support. Over the life of the Agreement the employing authority will
continue to implement strategies that support teachers with the provision of quality
educational programs and sound teaching practices so as to provide students with
opportunities to achieve optimal educational outcomes.
With this in mind, employers will continue to consider class staffing and resourcing levels when
allocating classes to teachers. They will achieve class sizes that are within targets and balanced
with overall school resourcing and budgetary constraints. The school enrolment patterns and
demographic trends will also inform decisions about class sizes and resource allocation.
7.13.3 The employing authority will consider:
(a) individual staff preferences, expertise and experience in their allocation of classes;
(b) the staffing and resource needs for classes that have a high proportion of students who
have definite challenges to their learning because of:
(i) socio-economic background;
(ii) learning capabilities, including students with identified learning needs;
(iii) linguistic background;
(iv) cultural background;
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(c) class size data when making allocations of teachers to classes.
(d) making adjustments as appropriate, to address duty of care and Workplace Health and
Safety matters; and
(e) the particular circumstances, staffing and resource requirements where multi age,
composite and practical classes operate so that appropriate support is provided.
7.13.4 Targets for Class Sizes
The following targets for class sizes will inform a principal’s decision about class sizes and
resource allocation. They will assist with maintaining a focus on class size and resourcing as
important elements to be considered in relation to student learning, teacher workload and the
financial management of schools.
(a) Years P – 3, 11 and 12 25-28 students
(b) Year 4 – 10 28-30 students
7.13.5 In emergent circumstances, where there is the possibility of class sizes in excess of these
targets, the class arrangements shall be the subject of a timely and consultative process with
staff affected in accordance with the consultative principles contained in this Agreement to
establish appropriate measures to ameliorate any identified negative impact on student
learning and/or teacher workload.
7.13.6 The final decision about class sizes and the allocation of classes to teachers is the responsibility
of the employing authority/principal.
7.14 Vocational Education
7.14.1 Vocational education and training is an integral and expanding curriculum provision in
Queensland Catholic schools. In circumstances where a principal determines that the Middle
Leadership structure at his/her school will include vocational education and training, the
designated teachers responsible for its coordination and/or leadership, and who accept a
middle leader position, shall be appointed to a program leader position, as defined in Schedule
2 (Positions of Leadership in Diocesan Schools) of this Agreement.
7.14.2 Where an employee incurs expenses whilst undertaking their professional duties such
expenses will be reimbursed to the employee upon presentation of a receipt, invoice or
telephone log. Such expenses may include such items as home telephone use, vehicle
expenses, resource provision and training.
7.14.3 Where teachers are required to undertake industry placement to gain or maintain
accreditation to deliver vocational competencies, such placement will occur where possible
during normal hours of duty. Where the professional development can be scheduled only
outside of school time, the principal shall negotiate with the teacher prior to undertaking the
relevant industry placement, arrangements which may include additional release time,
timetable adjustments, time-in-lieu provision, adjustments to supervisions and release from
other duties.
7.14.4 Costs associated with the industry placement will be met by the school.
7.15 Teaching Resources
The employer shall provide access to such textbooks, computer hardware and/or software as
the principal considers necessary for curriculum delivery, support or management. All such
equipment shall remain the property of the school.
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7.16 Staff Mobility
7.16.1 This clause applies only to the Dioceses of Rockhampton, Toowoomba and Townsville
To enhance the mobility of teaching staff throughout the diocese, the following working
arrangements shall apply:
(a) each graduate primary teacher is offered employment (fixed-term or continuing) on the
basis that:
(i) the first two (2) years of employment shall be, subject to suitable vacancies, in
a more focussed regional area;
(ii) after two (2) years’ service, the staff member agrees to a transfer to a remote
area for a further two (2) year period; The employing authority will supply a
schedule of remote schools;
(iii) such a determination shall take into consideration the family commitments of
the teacher;
(iv) at the completion of the second two (2) year period, the staff member may
seek to relocate to a centre[s] nominated by the employee (subject to suitable
vacancies existing).
(b) teachers relocating in terms of (a) above shall be allowed reasonable expenses for
personal travel and transportation of furniture and personal effects to the new centre
subject to the following:
(i) the actual costs to be met by the employing authority shall be negotiated
between the teacher and the employing authority;
(ii) reasonable expenses shall include transportation of the personal effects of the
employee and the employee’s family and travel for the employee and the
employee’s family; and
(iii) the actual mechanism of payment to the employee shall be determined by the
employing authority.
(c) recognition of remote area service
(i) a graduate primary teacher who undertakes service in a remote area in any of
the Diocese of Rockhampton, Toowoomba or Townsville shall have such
service acknowledged should the teacher be employed by another Diocese as
detailed in 7.16.1; and
(ii) any remote area service completed by a teacher as detailed in 7.16.1 (c) (i)
shall count towards the teacher’s two (2) year period of service in a remote
area with the new Diocesan employer.
7.16.2 This clause applies only to the Diocese of Cairns
To enhance the professional development of graduate primary teachers in their initial years of
teaching in the Diocese, the following working arrangements will apply:
(a) each graduate primary teacher is offered employment (fixed-term or continuing) on the
basis that:
(i) initial employment shall be, subject to suitable vacancies, in a more focused
regional area;
(ii) after a period of up to three (3) years’ service, the staff member, in
consultation with the principal and the Catholic Education Office Staffing
Officer, agrees to relocate to another school for a further two (2) year period;
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(iii) such a determination shall take into consideration family commitments of the
(iv) at the completion of the second two (2) year period, the staff member may
seek to relocate to a centre[s] nominated by the employee (subject to suitable
vacancies existing).
(b) teachers relocating in terms of (a) above shall be allowed reasonable expenses for
personal travel and transportation of furniture and personal effects to the new centre,
subject to the following:
(i) the actual costs to be met by the employing authority shall be negotiated
between teacher and employing authority;
(ii) reasonable expenses shall include transportation of the personal effects of the
employee and the employee’s family and travel for the employee and the
employee’s family;
(iii) the actual mechanism of payment to the employee shall be determined by the
employing authority.
7.17 Co-Curricular Activities
7.17.1 A wide variety of co-curricular activities contribute to the mission and ethos of the school and
may enhance the holistic development of the student. Therefore, an organised co-curricular
program is provided.
7.17.2 Teachers contribute to the ethos and mission of the school by accepting the performance of
co-curricular activities which are an integral part of the total school curriculum. The employing
authority seeks to formalise more equitable practices in relation to co-curricular activities. It is
the employing authority's view that such practices may generally involve participation in at
least two co-curricular activities during each year.
7.17.3 Co-curricular activities shall be considered to include supervision of school sports, clubs within
the school, cadet training and other like duties.
7.17.4 Co-curricular activities thus defined shall continue to be performed on an honorary and
voluntary basis.
7.17.5 A schedule of the current recognised elements of the school's co-curricular shall be developed
at each school using those mechanisms outlined in clause 2.1 hereof. Members of staff are
actively involved in maintaining the schedule.
7.17.6 Where variation to the schedule is contemplated, any such variation shall be by the agreement
of those parties affected using those mechanisms outlined in clause 2.1 of this Agreement.
7.18 Part-Time Teachers
7.18.1 The hourly rate of payment for part-time teachers shall be calculated by dividing the
fortnightly rate of prescribed salary for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and
academic qualification by sixty (60). Part-time teachers shall accrue a pro rata entitlement to
personal leave and vacation periods based on the average weekly hours of employment.
7.18.2 No existing employee will have the basis of his/her employment changed unless the change is
agreed to by the employee.
7.18.3 A part-time teacher in secondary schools and in secondary departments of primary schools
shall be allowed time for corrections, assessments or evaluations at the school not less than at
the rate of one (1) hour for every five (5) hours of teaching time. This time shall be paid at the
appropriate part-time rate.
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7.18.4 No part-time teacher or job share teacher shall be employed in a school or schools operated
by the employing authority for more than an aggregate of twenty four (24) hours per week.
Such time shall be inclusive of face to face teaching, pastoral care, sporting activities which
form part of the programmed school day and other duties as described by Schedule 3 (Hours
of Duty – Teachers) of this Agreement.
7.18.5 Part-time teachers may be required to undertake the relevant proportion of supervision duties
in paid planning, preparation and correction time (as provided in clause S3.2.4 of Schedule 3
(Hours of Duty – Teachers) of this Agreement). Any hours requested and worked in excess of
the proportionate amount will be paid for, at the applicable hourly rate.
7.18.6 Payment for the hours of duty for which a part-time teacher is engaged includes payment for
the proportionate amount of other duties as provided in clause S3.2.4 of Schedule 3 (Hours of
Duty – Teachers) of this Agreement.
7.18.7 Details of the contact time, planning, preparation and correction time and other duties will be
advised to the part-time teacher at the commencement of the school year.
7.18.8 Throughout the year and in accordance with the provision for additional hours in clause S3.9 of
Schedule 3, a part-time teacher may be requested to undertake additional hours for special
activities duties in accordance with the following schedule:
(a) teacher engaged for twenty to twenty-four (20-24) hours part-time per week – two (2)
hours per term;
(b) teacher engaged for fifteen to nineteen (15-19) hours part-time per week – one hour
thirty minutes (1½) hours per term;
(c) teacher engaged for ten to fourteen (10-14) hours part-time per week – one (1) hour per
(d) teacher engaged for five to nine (5-9) hours part-time per week – half (½) hour per term;
(e) teacher engaged for less than five (5) hours per week – nil.
These hours may be required on a per term basis, or may be aggregated over a semester (a
semester being either Terms One and Two, or Terms Three and Four). Such hours will be
advised to the teacher at the commencement of the term or semester, as the case may be.
7.18.9 If a continuing part-time teacher is requested to undertake additional hours in excess of the
provisions of 7.18.5 and/or 7.18.8 they will be paid at the employee’s specified hourly rate.
7.18.10 The provisions of clause 7.1.2 of this Agreement shall apply to part-time teachers: Provided
that a part-time teacher shall be deemed to have completed a year of service, for the purpose
of this clause and this clause only, when the aggregate amount of time paid in respect of work
performed is 1,200 hours. Prior to 1 January 2013 the aggregate amount in respect to work
performed was 1,000 hours.
7.18.11 Payment shall also be made at the prescribed rate to a part-time teacher whose class or
classes are not available unless notice of the unavailability of such classes has been given to
the part-time teacher on the preceding school day.
7.19 Safe Work Practices
7.19.1 Employing authorities acknowledge that health and safety issues, especially in relation to duty
of care are important. As schools provide various activities and instruction for students,
situations requiring risk assessments may arise.
7.19.2 Employing authorities are committed to their administrative guidelines relating to risk
management for hazardous situations. The guidelines will include clear advice on the need for
Page 92 of 334
detailed risk assessment prior to undertaking instructional activities outside of the school. A
risk assessment will be informed by reference to resources such as Education Queensland’s
Risk Management Assessment of Excursion Venue and/or Activities and similar manuals from
other educational authorities, sporting and outdoor education bodies and current legal and
insurance advice. Decisions about the ratio of supervisors to students shall be made at the
school level.
7.19.3 Employing authorities will endeavour to ensure that their employees are familiar with and
adhere to these procedures when planning out-of-class activities, where student safety may be
of special concern.
7.19.4 Where an employee forms the view that the supervision level determined by the employing
authority is insufficient to meet duty of care considerations then the employee may notify a
dispute under clause 2.4 of this Agreement and the provisions of clause 2.4 will apply.
7.19.5 Employing authorities reaffirm their commitment to workplace health and safety and the need
to provide appropriate supervision. This is best attended to within the context of each
situation and the activity to be undertaken.
7.19.6 A supervisor shall be either a teacher suitably qualified for the activity or where not required
by the provisions of the Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005 an adult person
who is suitably qualified and has the direct authority of the employing authority to undertake
the activity and associated supervision.
7.20 Remote Area Provisions (ITAS and IPRASS)
7.20.1 Principles of Remote Area Incentives and Allowances
(a) The provision of comparable incentives to teachers in remote and isolated areas will
result in the enhanced ability of the employing authorities to attract and retain quality
teachers to deliver Catholic education to students in these areas.
(b) Remote area incentives are provided to recognise the increased costs of living in rural
and remote areas and to support a continuity of culture within school communities.
(c) Matters included within this provision and schedules are:
(i) Isolated Teachers’ Assistance Scheme (ITAS) financial payment;
(ii) Incentive Payments Remote Area Staff Scheme (IPRASS) financial payment;
(iii) emergent leave days;
(iv) travel leave days;
(v) reimbursement for reasonable relocation expenses;
(vi) accommodation;
(vii) professional development;
(viii) use of employee’s private vehicle;
(ix) Palm Island arrangements;
(x) Thursday Island, Weipa and Hammond Island arrangements; and
(xi) secondary teacher relocation support
(d) Schedules 4 and 5 detail benefits for teachers working in specific geographical locations.
(e) Variations applicable to teachers on Palm Island, Thursday Island, Hammond Island and
in Weipa are also included within the Schedules.
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(f) These incentives are additional to all other entitlements contained within this
7.20.2 Financial Incentive Payments (ITAS and IPRASS)
(a) This Agreement contains revised and enhanced ITAS (Schedule 4) and IPRASS (Schedule
5) provisions.
(b) In accordance with the Isolated Teachers’ Assistance Scheme Schedule 4:
(i) the payments identified in Schedule 5 (Table 1) of the Isolated Teachers’
Assistance Scheme will be reviewed each year and adjusted in accordance with
CPI increases, except where the CPI increase will result in the ITAS payment
exceeding the Queensland government locality allowance.
(ii) payments identified in Schedule 4 (Table 2) of the Isolated Teachers’
Assistance Scheme will be reviewed each year and adjusted in accordance with
the Queensland government locality allowance.
(c) In accordance with the Incentive Payments – Remote Area Staff Scheme IPRASS
(Schedule 5), the incentive payment scheme will be reviewed every three years in line
with any amendments to Education Queensland’s RAIS scheme. Additionally if in this
time there is a change to RAIS, IPRASS will be reviewed.
(d) It is acknowledged that divisional allowances have been included within the teachers’
wages table of this Agreement. This is separate to and different from either ITAS or
IPRASS allowances.
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8.1 Induction
8.1.1 An induction program shall be implemented for all employees and shall include as a minimum:
(a) provision of a duty statement;
(b) identification of lines of support;
(c) provision of materials relevant to the ethos and mission of the system / school;
(d) provision of documents relevant to the system / school policy and procedures;
(e) provision of documentation and training consistent with workplace health and safety
requirements specific to the duties undertaken by the employee;
(f) provision of information relevant to union coverage and benefits; and
(g) provision of information relevant to superannuation entitlements and options.
8.2 Classification
8.2.1 An employer shall determine the classification of a position through the following process:
(a) an analysis is to be undertaken to establish the skills and responsibilities required for
each identified position and a position description written for each position;
(b) each position is classified by reference to the classification criteria set out in clause 8.2.4
using the position description developed in accordance with clause 8.2.1 (a); and
(c) employees are appointed to a position at the appropriate level within the structure and
to a step in the level according to experience based on years of service.
8.2.2 If at any time an employee or an employer considers that the skills and responsibilities as
required by the employer for a position have altered or do not reflect the classification
determined, a review of the classification applicable to the position is to be undertaken in
accordance with clause 8.2.1 and an appropriate classification determined. However, except
in exceptional circumstances such as a change in the skill and/or responsibility required, or a
change in the conditions under which the work is performed, no employee shall be permitted
to seek a reclassification of their position on more than one occasion in a twelve (12) month
period. The employer’s determination will be conveyed to the employee within sixty (60)
calendar days of the employee submitting the request for reclassification. In circumstances
where an application to review the classification applicable to a position is received by the
employer in December, the employer’s determination will not be required to be conveyed to
the employee before the last day of February of the following year.
8.2.3 Where a disagreement arises as to the outcome of a classification review, it will be dealt with
under the grievance procedure contained in clause 2.4 of this Agreement. At any meeting
specified in clause 2.4 the person who made the decision about the classification review shall,
wherever possible participate.
8.2.4 Classification Criteria
(a) Classification criteria are guidelines to determine the appropriate classification level and
consist of characteristics and typical duties and skills.
(b) The characteristics are the principal guide to classification as they are designed to
indicate the level of basic knowledge, comprehension of issues, problem and procedures
required, the level of autonomy, accountability supervision/training involved with the
position. The characteristics of a level must be read as a whole to gain an understanding
of the position and the performance requirements. Isolated characteristics should not
be used to justify the classification of a position.
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(c) The typical duties/skills are a non-exhaustive list of duties/skills that may be
comprehended within the particular level. They reflect the competencies of a particular
level. They are an indicative guide only and at any particular level employees may be
expected to undertake duties of any level lower than their own. Employees at any
particular level may perform/utilise one such duty/skill or many of them depending on
the particular work allocated to them. Typical duties/skills should not be used as the
primary determinant in classifying employees but may be useful if the characteristics of
a level cannot be easily applied in an individual instance.
8.2.5 Some of the characteristics have been included in the typical skills/duties at each level. Where
there is inconsistency between the characteristics and the typical skills/duties, the
characteristics will prevail over the typical skills/duties.
(a) The key issue to be looked at in properly classifying an employee is the level of initiative,
responsibility/accountability, competency and skill that an employee is required to
exercise in performing the employee's work within the parameters of the
characteristics, read as a whole, of the position.
(b) It should be noted that some typical duties/skills appear at one level only while others
appear at more than one level. Because of this, the classification or reclassification of a
position needs to be done by reference to the specific characteristics of the level. As an
example, because an employee may be utilising a skill comprehended at a higher level
than that to which the employee has been appointed, the employee assumes the level
of initiative, accountability/responsibility, skill and competency envisaged by the
characteristics of the higher level.
8.2.6 Positions of all school officers will be classified according to Schedule 8.
8.3 Incremental Advancement
8.3.1 Each level of the structure has varying pay steps which provide for yearly service increments
within a level. Such increments are payable subject to satisfactory performance but will not be
unreasonably withheld by the employer without due process.
8.3.2 For the purposes of establishing the entitlement of an employee to a yearly pay increment a
year's service shall constitute 1,976 hours of service.
8.3.3 Progression from one level to a higher level is either by appointment to such higher level as a
result of vacancy at that level or the employer requiring an employee to perform at a higher
level in accordance with the classification criteria set out in clause 8.2.4.
8.3.4 An employee may be appointed to a higher level without having progressed through all pay
steps within a lower level.
8.4 Recognition of Service – School Officers
This clause is to be used to determine the incremental step in the classification level in accordance
with clauses 8.2 and 8.3.
8.4.1 Recognition of years of service for incremental purposes will include all previous service as a
school officer within non-governmental schools at or above the classification level of the
position to which the employee is appointed.
8.4.2 An employee may make application for recognition of previous service other than as a school
officer in a non-governmental school. The recognition of this other service will be based upon
demonstrated relevance to the work of the position to which the employee has been
8.4.3 The provision of documentary evidence of previous employment as a school officer will be the
responsibility of the employee.
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8.4.4 Only service in the ten (10) years prior to the date of application will be considered for
8.4.5 Timely Notification of Previous Relevant Service
(a) Employees will provide the employer with timely written advice along with supporting
documentary evidence of relevant employment service which would be relevant to
determining the employee’s rate of pay.
(b) If an employee does provide supporting documentary evidence regarding previous
relevant service within six (6) months of commencement of service with the employer,
payment for the adjustment will be effective from the date of commencement with the
(c) If an employee does not provide supporting documentary evidence regarding relevant
service within six (6) months of commencement then any payment relating to that
service will be applied from the date of receipt of notification from the employee.
(d) Supporting documentary evidence of previous relevant service should include
statements of service. A Statement of Service from each previous employer(s) should be
provided. A Statement of Service is normally the appropriate proof of prior service and
satisfies the criteria at clause 8.4.6 below.
(e) A statutory declaration may be submitted in lieu of a Statement of Service in instances
where an individual is unable to obtain the necessary documentation from a previous
employer. For instance, a school and its records may no longer exist or exist in an area
of civil disturbance or natural disaster. A statutory declaration may be submitted only
after the employer is satisfied that the employee has exhausted all reasonable avenues
to obtain a Statement of Service. Where a statutory declaration is accepted it should
satisfy the criteria at clause 8.4.6 below. The circumstances preventing the employee
from obtaining the necessary documentation should be noted and retained with the
8.4.6 Statement of Service
The Statement of Service should:
(a) be an original or certified copy of an original document;
(b) be provided on the official letterhead of the authority responsible for the school or
institution and it must be signed and dated by the employer or an authorised person;
(c) specify the position held;
(d) specify the period of employment;
(e) specify the exact nature of the employment e.g. full-time, part-time, casual, etc., and
provide a detailed description of the relevant duties performed;
(f) detail whether the employment was part-time – and if so the number of hours worked
per week or their full-time equivalent, or the total number of hours paid for the total
period of employment;
(g) detail whether the employment was casual – and if so the total number of hours paid for
the total period of employment;
(h) indicate any periods of unpaid leave that were taken; and
(i) specify whether any leave without pay was taken and the period when this leave
without pay occurred. If no periods of leave without pay were taken, the statement
must show that ‘no leave without pay was taken’.
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8.4.7 Duty to Notify
All new employees will be given at the time of appointment a document detailing the
requirements with regards to timely notification of gaining qualifications and timely
notification of previous relevant service.
8.5 Hours of Work – School Officers
8.5.1 Subject to the provisions of this clause the ordinary hours of work for a school officer shall not
exceed thirty-eight (38) hours per week.
8.5.2 Such ordinary hours of work shall be worked continuously (except for meal breaks) between 7
am and 6 pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive.
8.5.3 The normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours shall be established at the point of
engagement. The normal starting and finishing times can only be varied:
(a) by the employer giving two (2) weeks’ notice of the change; or
(b) where the employee agrees to the change.
8.5.4 Notwithstanding clause 8.5.3 (a) above, an employee’s roster cannot be changed where it
would result in the employee becoming ineligible for payment on a public holiday, in
circumstances where the employee would otherwise have been rostered to work on that day
other than at the election of the employee.
8.6 Payment or Banking of Ordinary Hours for School Officers
8.6.1 Where an employer authorises additional hours to be worked by an employee (and the
employee agrees to work those additional hours) beyond the employee’s normal starting and
finishing times, but within ordinary hours of work, prescribed in clauses 8.5.1 and 8.5.2, these
hours will be either:
(a) paid for at ordinary rates; or
(b) banked where this is agreed with the employer.
For example, the ordinary hours of work for school officers shall be worked between 7
am and 6 pm, Monday to Friday (see clause 8.5.2). Where a part-time school officer is
rostered to work from 10 am – 2 pm each day, and on one (1) day agrees to work an
extra hour between 9 am – 10 am, that hour shall be paid at the normal hourly rate – not
at the overtime rate.
8.6.2 Where an employee banks hours in accordance with clause 8.6.1 (b), those banked hours must
be availed of during school vacation periods except where the employing authority, at the
request of the employee, approves that the accrued hours be taken at alternative times. The
banked hours shall be paid at the ordinary time rate.
8.6.3 All employees shall have a zero balance of banked hours at the beginning of each twelve (12)
month cycle. A twelve (12) month cycle is taken to begin on the first day following the school
vacation period in January and extending through to the last day of the school vacation period
in the next year. Any banked hours not taken prior to the completion of each twelve-month
cycle will be paid at the employee’s ordinary time rate.
In the example provided above at clause 8.6.1, if the school officer requested and the
employer agreed for the extra hour worked outside the normal roster to be ‘banked’, the
school officer would receive an extra hour of pay in the school holiday period of their choice
within that same calendar year.
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8.6.4 On resignation, employees must avail themselves of any banked hours prior to the resignation
taking effect. In special or extenuating circumstances, if the employee is unable to avail
themselves of banked hours, these banked hours shall be paid to the employee at the
employee’s ordinary time rate no later than the date of the next full pay period after
8.7 Payment or Banking of Overtime Hours for School Officers
8.7.1 Except as provided in clause 8.7.2 all-time worked outside of or in excess of the hours
prescribed in clauses 8.5.1 and 8.5.2 shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half for the
first three (3) hours and double time thereafter.
For example: all hours worked on any one (1) day by school officers outside 7 am to 6
pm, Monday to Friday (see ordinary hours of work described at clause 8.5) shall be paid
at the overtime rate – that is, the normal hourly rate of pay plus a half for the first three
(3) hours overtime, or twice the normal hourly rate of pay for overtime worked of more
than three (3) hours (see clause 8.7.2 (c) below).
(a) Also, all hours worked by school officers more than thirty-eight (38) hours per week (see
clause 8.6) shall be paid at the overtime rate.
(b) However, a school officer who has worked extra hours at the employer’s request may
instead choose to ‘bank’ time, for later payment during a school holiday period in the
same calendar year. School officers who choose to ‘bank’ overtime should be aware
that one (1) hour worked shall be given as one (1) hour of banked payment in a school
holiday period – ‘banked’ overtime for an extra hour worked is not given as an extra one
and a half (1.5) hours of payment in a school holiday period. The clause below details
how this option would work.
8.7.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 8.7.1 an employee who has undertaken authorised
overtime may bank time which will be paid as time off in lieu in accordance with the following:
(a) only the first three (3) hours of overtime on any one (1) day may be banked overtime.
(b) banked overtime taken as time off in lieu will be taken and paid for on the basis of time
for time.
(c) overtime on any one day, in excess of three (3) hours, will be paid at the rate of double
For example: where a full-time school officer (working thirty-eight (38) hours per week)
works four (4) hours overtime on one day, they can either choose to have that time paid
at the rate of one and a half (1.5) hours for the first three (3) hours of overtime and
double time for the fourth (4th) hour OR bank the first three (3) hours to be paid at
normal time during a school vacation period in that calendar year and take the fourth
(4th) hour as overtime paid at the rate of double time.
(d) banked overtime must be availed of during a vacation period except where the
employing authority, at the request of the employee, approves that the banked
overtime hours be taken at alternative times.
(e) all employees shall have a zero balance of banked overtime at the beginning of each
twelve-month cycle. A twelve (12) month cycle is taken to begin on the first day
following the school vacation period in January and extending through to the last day of
the school vacation period in the next year. Any banked overtime not taken prior to the
completion of each twelve (12) month cycle will be paid to the employee at the rate of
time and one half.
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(f) on resignation, employees must avail themselves of any banked overtime prior to the
resignation taking effect. In special or extenuating circumstances, if the employee is
unable to avail themselves of banked overtime, this banked overtime shall be paid to
the employee at the rate of time and a half no later than the date of the next full pay
period after termination.
8.8 Range of Duties of Support Staff
8.8.1 In addition to curriculum support and the “typical duties” identified in the school officers
classification matrix (Schedule 8), the appropriateness or otherwise of allocating additional
duties to support staff, that would typically be those carried out by teachers, may be
considered by the principal at each school. Such duties may be in the areas of yard duty,
attendance records, collation of reports and supervision of students (including bus duty and
exam supervision).
8.8.2 Where a principal determines the need to allocate such types of duty to support staff, the
following conditions apply:
(a) the school will establish protocols to cover legal and operational elements of supervision
of students where a duty of care is exercised. Such protocols shall ensure that the
determination to use support staff in such supervision is minuted, training is provided, a
clear delegated line of authority to the principal is established and that supervision shall
be only within the person’s training;
(b) no fundamental change in the nature of an employee’s duties shall occur under this
clause without reasonable consultation, notice and training;
(c) where an employee perceives they cannot perform the functions requested by the
employer in accordance with a change in duties under this clause, the employee should
raise their concerns with the employer for identification of support needs including
professional development, supervision and/or alternative allocated duties consistent
with their skills and experience; and
(d) in the event of a change in duties, no employee will be required to perform more work
than is reasonable within their normal hours of work.
8.9 Multiple Contracts of Employment
8.9.1 Application of Multiple Contracts of Employment
(a) This clause (clause 8.9) applies only to school officers and services staff.
(b) An employee may only be employed on multiple contracts of employment in accordance
with the provisions of this clause (clause 8.9).
8.9.2 Part-time and casual employees may be engaged on separate contracts of employment where
any subsequent contract(s) is for a separate and distinct category of work.
8.9.3 For the purposes of clause 8.9.2, the separate and distinct categories of work are:
(a) employee assisting student learning;
(b) laboratory employee;
(c) administration employee;
(d) computer/ICT employee;
(e) library employee;
(f) boarding house (including domestic) employees;
(g) building (including maintenance) employees;
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(h) children’s services (childcare and before and after school care) employees;
(i) employees driving motor vehicles;
(j) greenkeeping and preparation and/or maintenance of playing greens employees;
(k) miscellaneous (including cleaning, caretaking and security) employees; and
(l) retail (including tuckshop, bookshop and uniform shop) employees.
8.9.4 Categories (a) to (e) will be as defined by the tables identifying the Typical Duties/Skills in
Schedule 8 of this Agreement which covers school officers. Categories (g) to (l) will be defined
by reference to the Queensland State Award which would have covered such work prior to the
implementation of the Modern Award.
8.9.5 Where an employee subject to this clause is employed for a total number of hours which are in
excess of the maximum hours permitted by this Agreement, overtime payment shall apply.
8.9.6 An employee may only be employed on separate and distinct contracts on a voluntary basis.
8.9.7 Where an employee is employed on separate and distinct contracts of employment, that
employee will be paid for the subject work at the applicable rate prescribed by this Agreement
for that work.
8.9.8 An employee may only be employed on separate and distinct contracts where the effects of
entering into such an arrangement have been explained by the employer.
8.9.9 The employment of an employee on separate and distinct contracts must be recorded in
writing and signed by the employee.
8.10 School Officer Relief Provision
The employing authority agrees that when a school officer, who is undertaking duties with
essential student supervision responsibilities that cannot be reallocated, is absent from work
due to the accessing of leave, they will be replaced, where a suitable replacement is available,
by another employee for the duration of their absence. This clause will not apply where the
absence is less than five (5) hours.
8.11 School Officer Review – Joint Working Party
8.11.1 Title
The name of the Working Party shall be School Officer Classification Joint Working Party (JWP).
8.11.2 Background
(a) School Officer classifications in Catholic schools have been regulated by industrial
provisions that were introduced in 1995(c) with some expansion of categories and
‘refinements’ in the basic structure since then.
(b) The classification structure reflects the mode of classification based on the ‘trades rate’
in vogue at the time of its establishment.
(c) The classification provisions were established using a pre-existing Clerical and
Administration common rule award.
(d) Categories of employees beyond the clerical and administrative were incorporated with
descriptors adapted to classroom teaching aides, technical staff, library and reached an
apogee with the structure being used for professionally qualified and professionally
regulation roles such as school counsellors.
(e) It is believed that the current classification structure should be reviewed so that:
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(i) relevant positions can be classified in a way that is better understood by
employers and employees; and
(ii) it is fit for purpose for contemporary roles in schools.
8.11.3 Terms of Reference
(a) The purpose of the Joint Working Party is to:
(i) review the current School Officer classification structure and associated
operations and identify its key characteristics and its strengths and deficiencies
in serving employers and employees; and
(ii) identify and analyse strengths and deficiencies of alternative classification
structures and associated operations; and make recommendations on:
(A) a structure and associated operations for a whole of school officer
cohort; and/or
(B) a structure and associated operations for segments/categories of school
(iii) make recommendations on managing the impact of any recommendations on
existing structures and existing appointments; and
(iv) make recommendations on transitional arrangements.
(b) The recommendations shall take account of contemporary best practice, developments
in classification structures and the emerging context of school officer employment in
(c) The content and structure of the report while containing clear recommendations could
also include background and context framing the recommendations.
8.11.4 Timeframe
(a) The JWP shall convene as soon as practicable with a final report and recommendation
by 31 October 2020.
(b) Where the parties agree, the agreement may be varied consistent with the Fair Work
Act 2009.
8.11.5 Membership
(a) The JWP shall be comprised of:
(i) not more than eight (8) representatives excluding industrial advisors;
(ii) equal numbers of representatives of both employing authorities and
(iii) employee representatives shall be determined by IEUA-QNT; and
(iv) a chairperson nominated by employer or employee representatives alternating
from one meeting to the next.
(b) A quorum of members must be present before a meeting can proceed. At least two (2)
employee representative and two (2) management representatives must be present for
the meeting to proceed.
(c) A proxy may be nominated by a member of the JWP, with notice is provided to the
Chairperson at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date, where practicable.
(d) Internal or external persons, with the agreement of the JWP, may be invited to attend
the meetings by the Chairperson to provide advice and assistance where necessary.
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(e) The JWP is not authorised to make decisions but to review and make recommendations.
The recommendations may be reported by consensus; however, minority or separate
reports may be made.
(f) Consistent with the Terms of Reference where necessary, travel and accommodation
costs associated for employee representatives will be met by the IEUA-QNT with release
time provided by a relevant employing authority.
8.11.6 Vacant Positions
Any vacant positions may be filled by the nominating group once the vacancy is known.
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9.1 Common Employment Arrangements Applicable to Counsellors
The following provisions shall apply to all categories of guidance counsellor and counsellor as
contained in clauses 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4.
9.1.1 Professional Development and Support
(a) The specific nature of an employee’s skills requires professional development and
training on an ongoing basis. It is the joint responsibility of both the employing authority
and the employee to have due regard to this requirement.
(b) The employing authority will ensure access to reasonable, pre-approved professional
development - provided by the employer as well as external opportunities relevant to
the needs of the counsellor role within individual schools and the priorities of each
(c) The employing authority will provide time to complete professional practice
requirements of the counsellor role i.e. follow up phone calls, scoring assessments,
writing reports and case notes, maintaining files, participating in mandatory supervision
and professional development, and involvement in system processes.
(d) The employing authority will provide counsellor supervision and monitor required
9.1.2 School Vacation Periods and Term Time Employment
(a) Subject to clauses 9.3.9 and 9.4.9, counsellors are not required to attend for work during
school vacation periods.
(b) No counsellor shall be employed on a term-time basis.
9.1.3 Savings Clause
Existing employees shall not have their current conditions, contract of employment or salary
reduced by the coming into effect of clause 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 or 9.4.
9.1.4 Teaching Allocations
No counsellor shall be allocated a classroom teaching load or be required to undertake
classroom student supervision.
9.1.5 Review of Counsellor Duties and Working Arrangements
Consistent with the consultative arrangements contained in this agreement, employing
authorities will consult with counsellors at the local level regarding the practical workplace
supports and resources necessary to address particular issues such as caseloads, counselling
models, referral pathways and other initiatives to mitigate the impact on counsellors.
9.2 Guidance Counsellors (Teacher)
9.2.1 Coverage
This provision shall apply to guidance counsellors (teacher) employed in schools under the
control of the employing authority but shall not apply to such person who are in Holy Orders
or who are members of a recognised Religious Order.
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9.2.2 Contract of Employment
(a) Each person appointed to a position of guidance counsellor (teacher) shall be
remunerated in accordance with Schedule 1 – S1.4 of this Agreement.
(b) The employer shall consider the needs of the school and whether it is possible/desirable
to appoint a guidance counsellor (teacher) on a full-time continuing basis.
(c) A periodic review/appraisal process shall be determined by the employing authority.
That process shall be in accordance with the principles set out in Schedule 7 of this
9.2.3 Recognition of Prior Service
Except for employees of Brisbane Catholic Education, all previous relevant experience as a
school counsellor or guidance counsellor, either in the Catholic education system in
Queensland or as a school counsellor or guidance counsellor with any other school authority in
Queensland or other states and territories within Australia, shall be recognised by the
employing authority in placing an employee on the appropriate salary step. Prior service for
employees of Brisbane Catholic Education shall be recognised in accordance with Schedule 17.
9.2.4 Termination of Employment
(a) Should the position of guidance counsellor (teacher) cease to exist within the school or
system, the teacher occupying the position shall be guaranteed a teaching position by
the employing authority and such salary and conditions contained in the Agreement,
should this be mutually agreeable.
(b) However, clause 9.2.4 (a) shall not apply to any employee dismissed for incompetence,
misconduct, or neglect of duty, who may be summarily dismissed without notice.
(c) Where the employee opts not to exercise the provisions of clause 9.2.4 (a), the
provisions of the redundancy clause in this Agreement shall apply.
9.2.5 All conditions of employment, other than those stated in this clause shall be in accordance
with those applying to teachers except clause 1.3.1 of this Agreement.
9.2.6 The parties agree that those employees currently employed as school counsellors (teacher)
and who occupy a position consistent with the definition provided at clause 9.2.7 and the roles
detailed at clause 9.2.8 shall be afforded the title of guidance counsellor (teacher) and shall be
remunerated in accordance with Schedule 1 – S1.4 of this Agreement.
9.2.7 Definitions
(a) Except for employees of Brisbane Catholic Education, the guidance counsellor (teacher)
is a person appointed as such at the discretion of the employing authority. A guidance
counsellor (teacher) will be a person who:
(i) is a registered teacher with appropriate experience and demonstrated
competency, and
(ii) holds an appropriate degree with major studies in psychology from a
recognised tertiary institution and completion of an approved post graduate
counsellor training program of at least one year’s duration comprising
academic course work, supervised practicum and a professional practices
component with appropriate experience and demonstrated competency or
other relevant qualifications which are acceptable to the employer.
(b) Employees of Brisbane Catholic Education shall be defined and classified as guidance
counsellors (teacher) in accordance with Schedule 17.
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9.2.8 Role
(a) The role of a guidance counsellor (teacher) is to collaboratively design and/or implement
a guidance counselling program which proactively fosters the development and mental
health of students in the context of the Catholic school. The guidance counsellor
(teacher) may be required to utilise their professional skills in areas including
counselling, consultation, programming and psycho-educational assessment to address
the relevant educational, personal, vocational and social needs of students within the
school setting. In the wider context consultation is required with specialist and other
personnel as well as various agencies in achieving service delivery.
(b) The guidance counsellor (teacher) operates as an integral part of the school’s
educational team and provides services which are negotiated with and authorised by the
school principal in support of both the Mission of the school and the goals of the
school’s development plan.
(c) The guidance counsellor (teacher) designation shall not include those persons
specifically employed as counsellors (without teacher qualification) whose role includes
provision of careers advice, social work, school home liaison, work experience or other
coordinating roles.
9.2.9 Experience - Guidance Counsellor (Teacher)
(a) "Appropriate experience" as contained in clause 9.2.7 (a) means nine (9) years’
experience accumulated either as a teacher or a school counsellor or a guidance
counsellor (teacher). In the case of experience as a school counsellor or a guidance
counsellor (teacher) such experience shall have been obtained in a school environment.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 9.2.9 (a) an employee who has less than nine
(9) years appropriate experience but who is:
(i) required to carry out the major and substantial responsibilities of the position
of guidance counsellor (teacher) as defined in clause 9.2.9; and
(ii) who fulfils the qualification requirements contained in clause 9.2.7, shall be
entitled to the full benefits of this clause.
9.2.10 Guidance Counsellor (Teacher) Engaged Across Multiple Schools
(a) The employer agrees to take into account the particular working arrangements of any
guidance counsellor (teacher) who is engaged to work across multiple schools.
(b) The arrangements and principles contained in clause 7.12 Itinerant Specialist Teachers –
Primary of this agreement shall be applicable to a guidance counsellor (teacher) who is
engaged across multiple schools.
9.2.11 Remote Area Incentives
The provisions and entitlements contained in Schedule 4 (ITAS) and Schedule 5 (IPRASS) shall
be deemed to apply to guidance counsellors (teachers) who are located in schools in the
applicable geographical areas nominated in these schedules.
9.3 Guidance Counsellors (Without Teacher Qualifications)
9.3.1 Coverage
This provision shall apply to guidance counsellors (without teacher qualifications) employed in
schools under the control of the employing authorities in the state of Queensland but shall not
apply to such persons who are in Holy Orders or are members of a recognised Religious Order.
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9.3.2 Contract of Employment
(a) Each person appointed to a position of guidance counsellor (without teacher
qualifications) shall be appointed in accordance with clause 3.5 of this Agreement.
(b) Each person appointed to a position of guidance counsellor (without teacher
qualifications) shall be remunerated in accordance with Schedule 1 – S1.4.
(c) The employer shall consider the needs of the school and whether it is possible or
desirable to appoint a guidance counsellor (without teacher qualifications) on a full-time
continuing basis. The guidance counsellor (without teacher qualifications) will not be
employed on a term-time basis.
(d) A periodic review/appraisal process shall be determined by the employing authority.
That process shall be in accordance with the principles set out in Schedule 8 of this
9.3.3 Recognition of Prior Service
(a) Except for employees of Brisbane Catholic Education, clause 7.5 of this Agreement shall
apply in recognising prior service. Relevant service for guidance counsellors (without
teacher qualifications) shall include all previous experience as a guidance counsellor,
either in the Catholic education system in Queensland or as a school counsellor with any
other school authority in Queensland or other states and territories within Australia or
other counselling experience as deemed relevant by the employing authority.
(b) Prior service for employees of Brisbane Catholic Education shall be recognised in
accordance with Schedule 17.
9.3.4 Termination of Employment
(a) Should the position of guidance counsellor (without teacher qualifications) cease to exist
within a school or system the provisions of the redundancy clause contained in this
Agreement shall apply.
(b) Provided that clause 9.3.4 (a) shall not apply to any employee dismissed for
incompetence, misconduct, or neglect of duty, who may be summarily dismissed
without notice.
9.3.5 All conditions of employment, other than those stated in this clause shall be in accordance
with those applying to school officers.
9.3.6 Regularising Current Practice and Savings Clause
(a) The parties acknowledge that currently a variety of qualification requirements and
remuneration determinations exist in relation to guidance counsellor (without teacher
qualification) positions, previously known as school counsellors (without teacher
(b) The parties agree that those employees currently employed as school counsellor
(without teacher qualifications) and who occupy a position consistent with the definition
provided at clause 9.3.7 shall be afforded the title of guidance counsellor (without
teacher qualifications) and shall be remunerated in accordance with Schedule 1 – S1.4 of
this Agreement.
9.3.7 Definition
(a) Except for employees of Brisbane Catholic Education, the guidance counsellor (without
teacher qualifications) is a person appointed as such at the discretion of the employing
authority. A guidance counsellor (without teacher qualifications) will be a person who is
a registered psychologist, or holds another degree deemed acceptable by the employing
authority, and with a minimum of two year of experience relevant to the school setting.
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(b) Employees of Brisbane Catholic Education shall be defined and classified as guidance
counsellors (without teacher qualifications) in accordance with Schedule 17.
9.3.8 Role
(a) The role of a guidance counsellor (without teacher qualifications) is to collaboratively
design and/or implement a guidance counselling program which proactively fosters the
development and mental health of students in the context of the Catholic school. The
guidance counsellor (without teacher qualifications) may be required to utilise their
professional skills in areas including counselling, consultation, programming and psycho-
educational assessment to address the relevant educational, personal, vocational and
social needs of students within the school setting. In the wider context consultation is
required with specialist and other personnel as well as various agencies in achieving
service delivery.
(b) The guidance counsellor (without teacher qualifications) operates as an integral part of
the school's educational team and provides services which are negotiated with and
authorised by the school principal in support of both the Mission of the school and the
goals of the school's development plan.
(c) The guidance counsellor (without teacher qualifications) designation shall not include
those persons specifically employed as counsellors (without teacher qualifications)
whose role includes provision of careers advice, school home liaison, work experience or
other co-ordinating roles.
9.3.9 Attendance for Work Duties and School Vacation Periods
The guidance counsellor (without teacher qualifications), who is employed on a full-time
continuing basis, is not required to attend for work during a vacation period. However,
consistent with the guidance counsellor (teacher) provisions and the nature of the role of the
guidance counsellor (without teacher qualifications), it is agreed that the role may require
(a) for meetings before and after school, including some evening work;
(b) in the event of critical incidents on weekends and during school vacations; and
(c) to respond to enquiries from parents and students about matters such as QTAC during
school vacations.
9.4 Counsellors (Without Teacher Qualifications)
9.4.1 Coverage
This provision shall apply to counsellors (without teacher qualifications) employed in schools
under the control of the employing authorities in the state of Queensland but shall not apply
to such persons who are in Holy Orders or are members of a recognised Religious Order.
9.4.2 Contract of Employment
(a) Each person appointed to a position of counsellor (without teacher qualifications) shall
be appointed in accordance with clause 3.5 of this Agreement and the provisions for
school officers contained in this Agreement.
(b) Each person appointed to a position of counsellor (without teacher qualifications) shall
be remunerated in accordance with Schedule 1 – S1.5 of this Agreement.
(c) The employer shall consider the needs of the school and whether it is possible or
desirable to appoint a counsellor on a full-time continuing basis.
(d) The counsellor will participate in the school’s periodic review/appraisal process.
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9.4.3 Classification
(a) A person shall be appointed to a position classified in accordance with Schedule 8
(School Officers’ Classification) and Schedule 9 (Counsellors Without Teacher
(b) In accordance with Schedule 9, a Level 6 or Level 7 classification shall be applicable to
counsellor (without teacher qualification) positions.
9.4.4 Recognition of Prior Service
Clause 8.4 (Recognition of Service – School Officers) of this Agreement shall apply in
recognising prior service. Relevant service for counsellors (without teacher qualifications) shall
include all previous experience as a counsellor, either in the Catholic education system in
Queensland or as a counsellor with any other school authority in Queensland or other states
and territories within Australia or as a counsellor in a school setting or not.
9.4.5 Termination of Employment
(a) Should the position of counsellor (without teacher qualifications) cease to exist within a
school or system, the provisions of the redundancy clause contained in the Agreement
shall apply.
(b) Provided that clause 9.4.5 (a) shall not apply to any employee dismissed for
incompetence, misconduct, or neglect of duty, who may be summarily dismissed
without notice.
9.4.6 All conditions of employment, other than those stated in this clause shall be in accordance
with the provisions for school officers contained in this Agreement.
9.4.7 Definitions
The counsellor (without teacher qualifications) is a person appointed as such at the discretion
of the employing authority and with formal qualifications as deemed acceptable by the
employing authority and relevant to the duties of the position.
9.4.8 Role
(a) The role of a counsellor (without teacher qualifications) is to provide individual and
group counselling services to students.
(b) The counsellor (without teacher qualifications) is required to utilise professional
counselling skills to address the relevant educational, personal, vocational and social
needs of students within the school setting. In the wider context consultation may be
required with other personnel as well as various agencies in achieving service delivery.
(c) The counsellor (without teacher qualification) operates as an integral part of the
school's educational team and provides services which are negotiated with and
authorised by the school principal in support of both the Mission of the school and the
goals of the school's development plan.
(d) Where a counsellor (without teacher qualifications) is appointed to a school that also
employs a guidance counsellor (with or without teacher qualifications), they will be
required to work under the professional supervision of the guidance counsellor and the
principal on issues of student mental health or student protection.
(e) The counsellor (without teacher qualifications) may include those persons employed to
provide careers advice, school home liaison, work experience or other co-ordinating
roles in addition to the provision of individual and group counselling to support
student’s normal developmental concerns.
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9.4.9 School Vacation Periods
Where a counsellor (without teacher qualifications), who is employed on a full-time continuing
basis, is not required to attend for work during a vacation period, that employee will be so
advised at the time of engagement.
9.5 Career Counsellor/Career Adviser (Teacher)
9.5.1 Professional Recognition and Support
(a) The employing authority recognises the integral role that Career Counsellors/Career
Advisers (Teachers) undertake within a school’s educational team and the application of
appropriate professional standards and professional associations relevant to such roles.
(b) The employing authority will provide support to Career Counsellors/Career Advisers
(Teachers) in relation to meeting and/or maintaining the Professional Standards for
Career Development Practitioners including access to continuing professional
9.5.2 Definitions
The Career Counsellor/Career Adviser (Teacher) is a person appointed as such at the discretion
of the employing authority. A Career Counsellor/Career Adviser (Teacher) will be a person who
(a) a registered teacher with appropriate experience and demonstrated competency;
(b) holds as a minimum as outlined in the Professional Standards for Career Development
Practitioners a graduate certificate or equivalent and appropriate and recognised
qualification in the field of career development; and
(c) the Career Counsellor/Career Adviser (Teacher) designation shall not include those
persons specifically employed as Counsellors (Without Teacher Qualification) whose role
includes provision of personal counselling advice, social work, school home liaison or
other coordinating roles.
9.5.3 Teaching Duties – Career Counsellor/Career Adviser (Teacher)
Where the Career Counsellor/Career Adviser (Teacher) is required to undertake teaching
duties their teaching load will prioritise the delivery of the career development program (or
the components of this program that may be integrated within the broader curriculum).
Academic subject area(s) may be included after consultation between the Career
Counsellor/Career Adviser (Teacher) and the School Principal.
9.5.4 Matters Relating to Wages
(a) Employees who are employed as a Career Counsellor/Career Adviser (Teacher) will be
paid in accordance with this clause (clause 9.5.4) and Schedule 1 – S1.4);
(b) An employee will progress from Level 1 to Level 2 on the basis of one (1) year’s
satisfactory service at Level 1;
(c) An employee will progress from Level 2 to Level 3 on the basis of one (1) year’s
satisfactory service at Level 2 and the possession of a relevant Masters qualification or
(d) An employee who is a teacher and who is classified as Proficient 8 will receive either the
wage rate prescribed by this clause (clause 9.5.4) and Schedule 1 – S1.4, or the wage
rate for Proficient 8, whichever is higher;
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(e) An employee who, at the date of making this Enterprise Agreement, is in receipt of
remuneration which is higher than that prescribed by this clause (clause 9.5.4) and
Schedule 1 – S1.4 (regardless of how that remuneration is described) will continue to
receive such higher remuneration. Further, such higher remuneration will be adjusted
in accordance with the percentage wage movements identified in clause 4.2.1.
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10.1 Students with Special Educational Needs
10.1.1 Preamble
The employing authority has a long-term commitment to the educational provision for
students with identified learning needs. Students with identified learning needs are those
requiring adjustments to the curriculum beyond what would be regarded as quality
differentiated classroom teaching due to a disability as defined in the Disability Discrimination
Act 1992 (Cth) and the Disability Standards for Education made under that legislation.
10.1.2 Discussions will take place between relevant school staff, including classroom teachers and
school officers, with respect to the allocation of learning support resources at the school level
for students with identified learning needs. Local school level resource decisions shall be
mindful of the impact of such arrangements on the work duties and working arrangements of
teachers and school officers.
10.1.3 Support
(a) A teacher, and as appropriate school officers assigned a class in which a student with
identified learning needs is enrolled, shall, as soon as practicable, be provided with
information pertinent to the needs of the student prior to the student’s placement in
the class. Within the school’s resources, this may include appropriate training for
teachers and school officers relevant to the student’s needs or impairment, and time for
planning, meetings and other required duties.
(b) The level of support provided to teachers will include reference to the following
(i) professional development and training; and
(ii) time allocation to plan support activities, develop and record educational
adjustments, prepare and undertake modified assessments, develop individual
education plans and liaise with appropriate professional groups.
(c) Training for School Officers
(i) The employing authority will provide relevant training for school officers as
part of their commitment to educational provision for these students. This will
include information relevant to the student’s particular condition, techniques
and strategies appropriate to supporting the student’s learning and other
advice. Instruction in physical lifting and support techniques shall be provided
if appropriate.
(ii) As part of the training program, specific focus will be given to the need of
providing relevant information and training to enable them to execute their
(d) Administration of Medication
The employing authority will ensure that clear procedures exist which will guide
employees in the administering of medication to special needs students. Appropriate
training will be provided and authorisation to administer medication documented.
(e) Emergency Procedures
(i) In the overall school emergency procedures, special consideration, as
necessary, will be made for students with identified learning needs. These
Page 112 of 334
procedures will be communicated to relevant teachers, learning assistants and
support staff as relevant and ongoing training will be provided.
(ii) In addition, training regarding the administration of medication and
emergency procedures will be provided.
10.2 Appraisal
A process of self-appraisal and validation provides an occasion to identify strengths and
opportunities, set goals and identify professional development needs.
10.2.1 Teachers
In consultation with staff, the employing authority shall periodically review the agreed self-
appraisal and validation process for teachers based upon the principles detailed in Schedule 7.
Such a process shall take into account the needs of staff in individual schools.
10.2.2 Non-Teachers
In consultation with staff, the employing authority may develop, implement and periodically
review a process of validated self-appraisal for non-teaching staff. Where appropriate such
appraisal process shall take into account the needs of staff in individual schools and be based
upon principles detailed in Schedule 7.
10.3 Professional Development
10.3.1 Professional development is a shared responsibility of both employee and employer.
Additionally, the value of all teachers, school officers and services staff undertaking relevant
professional development related to their work role and duties is affirmed.
(a) In negotiating the content, format, timing and financial arrangements for professional
development, the goals of the individual, the school (renewal planning) and the system
will be taken into account.
(b) Particular attention will be given to Information Communication Technology (ICT)
competencies in relation to schools’ ICT plans and implementation.
10.3.2 Employer directed professional development programmes (including on-line or e-learning
sessions) shall be included in the quantum of maximum hours of duty contained in clauses S3.2
and S3.3 of Schedule 3 of this Agreement.
10.3.3 Teachers
This clause should be read in conjunction with Schedule 3 of this Agreement.
(a) The participation in planning, pastoral and curriculum matters is an important element
in the professional status of teachers, as well as in maintaining the efficient and effective
operation of colleges and schools.
(b) The parties will cooperate in encouraging and enabling involvement in professional
activities such as subject panels, regional subject and teacher meetings within the
schools’ resource capacity.
(c) Professional development, including that held during pupil free days and staff meetings,
conducted by the employer for teaching staff will, wherever relevant, articulate the
Queensland College of Teacher (QCT) professional standards.
(d) Teachers who attend these planned professional development activities will be provided
with a record of attendance. Such documentation will be provided by the employer to
teachers to support the maintenance of a teacher’s individual account of professional
Page 113 of 334
development undertaken which is required for report to the Queensland College of
(e) In addition, the school administration may provide advice to QCT of the roll of
attendance of teachers at all relevant professional development activities through their
online reporting facility.
10.3.4 School Officers and Services Staff
(a) The employing authority recognises the specific training requirements of school officers
and services staff within schools in their contribution to the support of students,
teaching staff and school programs.
(b) The employing authorities will give consideration to the provision of professional
development and training to school officers and services staff, in ordinary working
hours, on an annual basis. Such consideration will include professional development that
is in addition to employer directed compliance and regulatory training.
(c) The quantum of professional development provided shall be such as to meet the
knowledge and skills required by the employee’s designated position, employer
initiatives and (as appropriate) future roles and duties.
(d) In practice and in order to deliver an effective approach to professional development for
school officers and services staff and to meet the needs of the school, consultation will
occur between the employee and employer in order to identify appropriate professional
development and training to be undertaken. A professional development plan will be
jointly developed between the school officer or services staff employee and their
supervisor. This plan will be implemented within the employer’s resource capacity.
(e) Where professional development is directed outside ordinary working hours (including
reasonable travel time subject to 10.3.4 (f) below), school officers and services staff will
be granted time-in-lieu for the equivalent hours taken at a mutually convenient time or
may receive payment at the ordinary hours rate.
(f) For the purposes of calculating the time-in-lieu, or the payment, prescribed by clause
10.3.4 (e) (above), an employee may be required to travel for up to one (1) hour each
way in their own time. Hence, up to one hour of travel time (each way) may not be
subject to the granting of time-in-lieu or payment.
10.4 Workplace Stress
10.4.1 Preamble
The prevention and management of workplace stress helps secure a safer and healthier and
more effective workplace for employees.
The term “workplace stress” refers to those negative reactions people have to aspects of their
environment due to pressures within the work environment.
The employer recognises its legal requirement to assess the working environment for systems
and practices that may lead to negative stress response and to put into place preventative
It is also recognised that policies which benefit employee health can improve productivity.
Low levels of negative stress response are associated with low levels of staff turnover,
absenteeism and low rates of injury. Workplaces that are perceived as healthy are
characterised by clear policies and active methods of dealing with people which encourage:
(a) respect for the dignity of each employee;
(b) regular feedback and recognition of performance;
Page 114 of 334
(c) clear goals for employees in line with organisational goals;
(d) employee input into decision-making and career progression; and
(e) consistent and fair management actions.
10.4.2 Implementation
The employing authority agrees to the implementation of strategies to prevent and address
workplace stress.
10.4.3 Managing Workplace Stress
Stress management interventions shall be based on prevention, management and
minimisation strategies and are aimed at identifying and eliminating causes of workplace
10.4.4 Structured Approach
A structured step-by-step problem solving approach involving participation and consultation
shall be adopted to identify and focus on the real issues causing workplace stress.
10.4.5 Control Strategies
Control strategies shall be adopted to reduce the incidence of workplace stress.
10.5 Workplace Harassment
10.5.1 The employing authority agrees to ensure workplace harassment policies and procedures exist.
The policy development (if relevant) shall occur in consultation with the union and their
10.5.2 The structure of the policy and procedures will be determined by the employing authority, but
consideration will be given to the following:
(a) Policy
Consideration will be given to the following inclusions:
(i) definition of workplace harassment and provision of examples of the types of
behaviour which constitute such harassment;
(ii) a statement that workplace harassment is unacceptable and will not be
(iii) a statement as to the negative impact on individuals, colleagues and the
(iv) an encouragement to workers who experience or witness workplace
harassment to engage in procedures to end such behaviour;
(v) a commitment to education and training in regard to the policy and
procedures on a regular basis or at least once per year; and
(vi) provision for the appointment, training and time release of contact person(s)
to handle complaints.
(b) Procedures
The procedures shall:
(i) be fair and equitable;
(ii) ensure principles of natural justice are upheld;
(iii) respect privacy and confidentiality;
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(iv) be undertaken with discretion so as to protect the reputation of the persons
being investigated;
(v) be aimed at resolving the problem rapidly;
(vi) ensure that accurate records and documentation are kept;
(vii) include procedural steps for dealing with the alleged harassment; and
(viii) include formal steps for dealing with the alleged harassment which
incorporates an investigative process outlining how and who will conduct the
investigation, the rights of both the respondent and the complainant to
representation and the need for each party to receive a report on the
10.5.3 The policy and procedures shall be available to all staff and their availability advertised widely.
10.6 Complaints Against Employees
10.6.1 The parties acknowledge that schools are a partnership between the employing authority,
staff, students and parents. The employing authority will ensure that guidelines exist to cover
situations where complaints are made against employees.
10.6.2 The guidelines will ensure that, in dealing with a complaint, the concerns are addressed in an
objective and sensitive manner giving due consideration to the reputation and dignity of the
persons concerned, and that any staff member who is subject to a complaint will be afforded
the fundamental principles of natural justice within a fair and transparent process.
10.6.3 The parties agree that a policy and guidelines consistent with these principles shall be
developed or reviewed in consultation with employees and their union. Once developed or
reviewed the policy and guidelines will be documented and recorded by the parties.
10.6.4 It is recognised that these processes are not those used to deal with situations where
allegations of abuse or sexual misconduct are made against employees.
10.7 Breastfeeding and Expressing Facilities
10.7.1 Collegial support is crucial to providing a positive workplace environment for employees who
are breastfeeding. All staff have a responsibility to treat these colleagues with respect and
10.7.2 Women on maternity leave shall advise the principal of their intention to continue
breastfeeding upon return to work, in order to initiate constructive dialogue regarding the
specific considerations (with reference to clause 10.7.3 below) they may require of their
employer to enable them to do this.
This conversation should occur ahead of the woman’s return to work, so that the necessary
arrangements can be made.
10.7.3 The employing authority will, upon request, provide a private and secure area for the purpose
of breastfeeding and/or expressing and storing milk separate to communal staff facilities.
10.8 Resourcing of School Level Industrial Practice
10.8.1 The employing authority agrees to provide access for workplace union representatives to the
use of communication equipment, for the purpose of carrying out their union workplace
responsibilities. Such access will be in accordance with local arrangements for all staff at the
school for the use of this equipment.
10.8.2 Subject to agreement with the respective union, the employing authority shall make available
to all employees, facilities for the payment of their union fees, by payroll deduction or other
schemes as agreed. The operation of any such facility shall be dependent upon the
appropriate authorisation being signed by the employee.
Page 116 of 334
10.8.3 A school’s induction program shall include the provision of information relevant to union
coverage, membership and benefits.
10.8.4 The employer agrees to provide reasonable opportunity, for workplace union representatives
to consult with employees on workplace matters and enterprise bargaining issues. Such
consultation shall not withdraw an employee from any scheduled school activity which fulfils
part of their workplace duties.
10.9 Incidental and Peripheral Tasks
10.9.1 An employer may direct an employee to carry out such duties as are reasonably within the
limits of the employee's skill, competence and training.
10.9.2 An employer may direct an employee to carry out such duties and use such tools and
equipment as may be required provided that the employee has been properly trained in the
use of such tools and equipment (where relevant).
10.9.3 Any direction issued by an employer pursuant to clauses 10.9.1 and 10.9.2 shall be consistent
with the employer's responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy working environment.
10.10 Outsourcing
10.10.1 If an in-principle decision is made by the employing authority to contract out work currently
being done by a school employee(s), consultation with the affected employee(s) and the
relevant union(s) will occur before a decision on this matter is finalised.
10.10.2 Such consultation need not occur where contracting out is for circumstances such as
temporary increased workflow or staff on leave and does not result in a school employee(s)
being disadvantaged.
10.11 Position Descriptions
10.11.1 The employing authority shall develop generic position descriptions for all employees where
these do not currently exist. The development of such position descriptions shall be through a
process of consultation with each relevant group of employees and is to take into account:
(a) clarification of current roles supported by duty statements, where appropriate; and
(b) consultation arrangements regarding future position changes.
10.12 Affirmative Employment of the Disabled
10.12.1 Catholic employing authorities are inclusive of employees who are competent, able to fully
carry out required employment tasks and are disabled.
10.12.2 Catholic employers commit, where two (2) or more applicants for a position are of
substantially equal merit, and one is a person with a disability, to choose the applicant with
disability, as a means of enhancing opportunity for people with disability.
10.13 Services Staff Provisions
The provisions for Services Staff are listed in Schedule 12 of this Agreement.
10.14 Boarding House Supervision Provisions
The provisions for Boarding House Supervision Staff are listed in Schedule 13 of this Agreement.
10.15 Flexible Learning Centres
The provisions for employees working in Flexible Learning Centres or Special Assistance Schools
are outlined in Schedule 6 of this Agreement.
10.16 Signatures
Signatures of parties to this Agreement are contained in Schedule 19.
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Page 118 of 334 Pages
S1.1 Teachers
4 Year Trained 1 July 2019 1 July 2020 1 July 2021 1 July 2022
2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
Fortnight Annual Hour Casual Fortnight Annual Hour Casual Fortnight Annual Hour Casual
increase for 1
July 2022 will
be in
with clause
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Graduate 2,753.40 71,833 45.8900 57.3625 2,822.20 73,628 47.0367 58.7959 2,892.80 75,470 48.2133 60.2666
Proficient 1 2,887.90 75,342 48.1317 60.1646 2,960.10 77,226 49.3350 61.6688 3,034.10 79,157 50.5683 63.2104
Proficient 2 3,025.10 78,922 50.4183 63.0229 3,100.70 80,894 51.6783 64.5979 3,178.20 82,916 52.9700 66.2125
Proficient 3 3,167.40 82,634 52.7900 65.9875 3,246.60 84,701 54.1100 67.6375 3,327.80 86,819 55.4633 69.3291
Proficient 4 3,433.40 89,574 57.2233 71.5291 3,519.20 91,812 58.6533 73.3166 3,607.20 94,108 60.1200 75.1500
Proficient 5 3,570.40 93,148 59.5067 74.3834 3,659.70 95,478 60.9950 76.2438 3,751.20 97,865 62.5200 78.1500
Proficient 6 3,655.00 95,355 60.9167 76.1459 3,746.40 97,740 62.4400 78.0500 3,840.10 100,184 64.0017 80.0021
Proficient 7 3,822.60 99,728 63.7100 79.6375 3,918.20 102,222 65.3033 81.6291 4,016.20 104,779 66.9367 83.6709
Proficient 8 3,965.60 103,459 66.0933 82.6166 4,064.70 106,044 67.7450 84.6813 4,166.30 108,695 69.4383 86.7979
Experienced Proficient Teacher*
Annual salary
of $110,500
plus the
increase for 1
July 2022 in
with clause
Highly Accomplished Teacher 4,282.50 111,725 71.3750 89.2188 4,389.60 114,520 73.1600 91.4500 4,499.30 117,382 74.9883 93.7354 Percentage
increase for 1
July 2022 will
be in
with clause
4.2 Lead Teacher 4,675.30 121,975 77.9217 97.4021 4,792.20 125,024 79.8700 99.8375 4,912.00 128,149 81.8667 102.3334
* Experienced Proficient Teacher is operative from 1 July 2022 (clause 7.2).
Teachers Continued
Page 119 of 334 Pages
3 Year Trained
1 July 2019 1 July 2020 1 July 2021 1 July 2022
2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
Fortnight Annual Hour Casual Fortnight Annual Hour Casual Fortnight Annual Hour Casual
increase for 1
July 2022 will
be in
with clause 4.2
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Step 1 2,438.20 63,610 40.6367 50.7959 2,499.20 65,202 41.6533 52.0666 2,561.70 66,832 42.6950 53.3688
Step 2 2,521.80 65,791 42.0300 52.5375 2,584.80 67,435 43.0800 53.8500 2,649.40 69,120 44.1567 55.1959
Graduate 2,753.40 71,833 45.8900 57.3625 2,822.20 73,628 47.0367 58.7959 2,892.80 75,470 48.2133 60.2666
Proficient 1 2,887.90 75,342 48.1317 60.1646 2,960.10 77,226 49.3350 61.6688 3,034.10 79,157 50.5683 63.2104
Proficient 2 3,025.10 78,922 50.4183 63.0229 3,100.70 80,894 51.6783 64.5979 3,178.20 82,916 52.9700 66.2125
Proficient 3 3,167.40 82,634 52.7900 65.9875 3,246.60 84,701 54.1100 67.6375 3,327.80 86,819 55.4633 69.3291
Proficient 4 3,433.40 89,574 57.2233 71.5291 3,519.20 91,812 58.6533 73.3166 3,607.20 94,108 60.1200 75.1500
Proficient 5 3,570.40 93,148 59.5067 74.3834 3,659.70 95,478 60.9950 76.2438 3,751.20 97,865 62.5200 78.1500
Proficient 6 3,655.00 95,355 60.9167 76.1459 3,746.40 97,740 62.4400 78.0500 3,840.10 100,184 64.0017 80.0021
Proficient 7 3,822.60 99,728 63.7100 79.6375 3,918.20 102,222 65.3033 81.6291 4,016.20 104,779 66.9367 83.6709
Proficient 8 3,965.60 103,459 66.0933 82.6166 4,064.70 106,044 67.7450 84.6813 4,166.30 108,695 69.4383 86.7979
Experienced Proficient Teacher*
Annual salary
of $110,500
plus the
increase for 1
July 2022 in
with clause 4.2
Highly Accomplished Teacher 4,282.50 111,725 71.3750 89.2188 4,389.60 114,520 73.1600 91.4500 4,499.30 117,382 74.9883 93.7354 Percentage
increase for 1
July 2022 will
be in
with clause 4.2 Lead Teacher 4,675.30 121,975 77.9217 97.4021 4,792.20 125,024 79.8700 99.8375 4,912.00 128,149 81.8667 102.3334
* Experienced Proficient Teacher is operative from 1 July 2022 (clause 7.2).
Page 120 of 334 Pages
S1.2 Teaching Allowances
1 July 2019 1 July 2020 1 July 2021 1 July 2022
2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
Fortnight Annual Hour Fortnight Annual Hour Fortnight Annual Hour Fortnight Annual Hour
Moderation Allowance $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
2 Teachers 33.80 882 34.60 903 35.50 926
Percentage increase for 1 July
2022 will be in accordance with
clause 4.2
1 Teacher 22.70 592 23.30 608 23.90 624
Secondment Allowance
1st Year 113.30 2,956 116.10 3,029 119.00 3,105
2nd Year 140.40 3,663 143.90 3,754 147.50 3,848
3rd Year 168.40 4,393 172.60 4,503 176.90 4,615
Overtime 25.3668 26.0010 26.6510
Page 121 of 334 Pages
S1.3 Positions of Leadership
1 July 2019 1 July 2020 1 July 2021 1 July 2022
2.50%* 2.50% 2.50%*
Middle Management Allowances Fortnight Annual Hourly Fortnight Annual Hourly Fortnight Annual Fortnight Annual
(S2.3 and S2.17.2) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
One Unit Value 103.50 2,700 106.10 2,768 108.80 2,838
Percentage increase for 1
July 2022 will be in
accordance with clause
Tier 1.1 207.10 5,403 212.30 5,539 217.60 5,677
Tier 1.2 310.60 8,103 318.40 8,307 326.40 8,515
Tier 2 414.20 10,806 424.60 11,077 435.20 11,354
Tier 2 + Complexity Loading of 1 Unit 517.50 13,501 530.40 13,838 543.70 14,185
Tier 3 621.20 16,206 636.70 16,611 652.60 17,026
Tier 3 + Complexity Loading of 1 Unit 724.60 18,904 742.70 19,376 761.30 19,862
Tier 4 751.50 19,606 770.30 20,096 789.60 20,600
Tier 4 + Complexity Loading of 1 Unit 751.50 19,606 770.30 20,096 789.60 20,600
Tier 5 751.50 19,606 770.30 20,096 789.60 20,600
Middle Management Substantive Salaries* Fortnight Annual Hourly Fortnight Annual Hourly Fortnight Annual
(S2.17.4) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Tier 2 4,236.80 110,534 70.6133 4,342.80 113,299 72.3800 4,601.50 120,049
Tier 2 + Complexity Loading of 1 Unit 4,340.10 113,229 72.3350 4,448.60 116,060 74.1433 4,710.00 122,879
Tier 3 4,443.80 115,934 74.0633 4,554.90 118,833 75.9150 4,818.90 125,720
Tier 3 + Complexity Loading of 1 Unit 4,547.20 118,632 75.7867 4,660.90 121,598 77.6817 4,927.60 128,556
Tier 4 4,574.10 119,334 76.2350 4,688.50 122,318 78.1417 4,955.90 129,294
Tier 4 + Complexity Loading of 1 Unit 4,574.10 119,334 76.2350 4,688.50 122,318 78.1417 4,955.90 129,294
Tier 5 4,574.10 119,334 76.2350 4,688.50 122,318 78.1417 4,955.90 129,294
* For the introduction of Middle Management Substantive Salaries, the increase is greater than 2.50% as a result of the adjustments in how allowances are paid as outlined in
clause S2.3 of Schedule 2 of this Agreement.
Page 122 of 334 Pages
1 July 2019 1 July 2020 1 July 2021 1 July 2022
2.50%* 2.50% 2.50%*
Senior Leadership Salary Fortnight Annual Hourly Fortnight Annual Hourly Fortnight Annual Fortnight Annual
Assistant Principal $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
(“Old” Level 1 removed-see S2.13.6)
Percentage increase for
1 July 2022 will be in
accordance with clause
Level 1 4,668.30 121,791 77.8050 4,785.00 124,836 79.7500 5,002.70 130,516
Level 2 4,777.80 124,649 79.6300 4,897.30 127,765 81.6217 5,120.10 133,578
Level 3 4,897.60 127,774 81.6267 5,020.00 130,968 83.6667 5,248.50 136,927
Deputy Principal
(“Old” Level 1 removed-see S2.13.7)
Year 1 4,777.80 124,649 79.6300 4,897.30 127,765 81.6217 5,120.10 133,578
Year 2 4,897.60 127,774 81.6267 5,020.00 130,968 83.6667 5,248.50 136,927
Year 3 5,017.20 130,893 83.6200 5,142.60 134,165 85.7100 5,376.60 140,270
Year 4 5,143.20 134,180 85.7200 5,271.80 137,535 87.8633 5,511.60 143,793
* The increase is greater than 2.50% as a result of the introduction of Middle Management Substantive Salaries and the transitional provisions outlined in clauses S2.13.5 to
S2.13.8 of Schedule 2 of this Agreement.
S2.11 (Positions of Senior Leadership - Primary
1 July 2019 1 July 2020 1 July 2021 1 July 2022
2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
Annual Annual Annual Annual
$ $ $ $
Deputising Allowance 4,478 4,590 4,705 Percentage increase for 1
July 2022 will be in
accordance with clause 4.2
Page 123 of 334 Pages
Table 2: Diocesan Primary Schools - Senior
1 July 2019 1 July 2020 1 July 2021 1 July 2022
2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
Annual Annual Annual Annual
Enrolment (APRE/REC) $ $ $ $
151 7,845 8,042 8,243
Percentage increase for 1
July 2022 will be in
accordance with clause 4.2
151-199 11,217 11,497 11,784
Senior Leadership Salary (Assistant Principal) applies
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S1.4 Guidance Counsellor, Counsellor and Career Counsellor/Career Advisor
(i) Guidance Counsellors (Teachers, and Without Teacher Qualifications – Other than BCE)
Note: The below classifications are separate and distinct from those applying to teachers covered by this Agreement.
Guidance Counsellors (Teachers Qualifications)
1-Jul-19 1-Jul-20 1-Jul-21 1-Jul-22
0.00% 2.50% 2.50%
Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
1st Year of Service 3,933.30 102,616 65.5550 81.9438 4,031.60 105,180 67.1933 83.9916 4,132.40 107,810 68.8733 86.0916
Percentage increase for 1 July 2022
will be in accordance with clause 4.2 2nd Year of Service 4,059.00 105,895 67.6500 84.5625 4,160.50 108,543 69.3417 86.6771 4,264.50 111,257 71.0750 88.8438
3rd Year of Service 4,185.10 109,185 69.7517 87.1896 4,289.70 111,914 71.4950 89.3688 4,396.90 114,711 73.2817 91.6021
Guidance Counsellors (Without Teacher Qualifications)
1-Jul-19 1-Jul-20 1-Jul-21 1 July 2022
2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
1st Year of Service 3,933.30 102,616 51.7539 64.6924 4,031.60 105,180 53.0474 66.3093 4,132.40 107,810 54.3737 67.9671
Percentage increase for 1 July 2022
will be in accordance with clause 4.2 2nd Year of Service 4,059.00 105,895 53.4079 66.7599 4,160.50 108,543 54.7434 68.4293 4,264.50 111,257 56.1118 70.1398
3rd Year of Service 4,185.10 109,185 55.0671 68.8339 4,289.70 111,914 56.4434 70.5543 4,396.90 114,711 57.8539 72.3174
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(ii) Guidance Counsellors (Teachers, and Without Teacher Qualifications - BCE)
Teacher Qualifications 1-Jul-19 1-Jul-20 1-Jul-21 1-Jul-22
2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Graduate 1 3,287.40 85,765 54.79 68.4875 3,369.60 87,909 56.16 70.2 3,453.80 90,106 57.5633 71.9541
Percentage increase for 1 July 2022 will
be in accordance with clause 4.2
Graduate 2 3,487.60 90,988 58.1267 72.6584 3,574.80 93,263 59.58 74.475 3,664.20 95,595 61.07 76.3375
Proficient 1 3,687.50 96,203 61.4583 76.8229 3,779.70 98,609 62.995 78.7438 3,874.20 101,074 64.57 80.7125
Proficient 2 3,887.90 101,431 64.7983 80.9979 3,985.10 103,967 66.4183 83.0229 4,084.70 106,566 68.0783 85.0979
Experienced 1 4,075.70 106,331 67.9283 84.9104 4,177.60 108,989 69.6267 87.0334 4,282.00 111,713 71.3667 89.2084
Experienced 2 4,214.70 109,957 70.245 87.8063 4,320.10 112,707 72.0017 90.0021 4,428.10 115,525 73.8017 92.2521
Experienced 3 4,374.90 114,137 72.915 91.1438 4,484.30 116,991 74.7383 93.4229 4,596.40 119,915 76.6067 95.7584
Experienced 4
4,586.20 119,649 76.4367 95.5459 4,700.90 122,642 78.3483 97.9354 4,818.40 125,707 80.3067 100.3834
(Dual Registration)
Without Teacher
Qualifications 1-Jul-19 1-Jul-20 1-Jul-21 1-Jul-22
2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Graduate 1 3,287.40 85,765 43.2553 54.0691 3,369.60 87,909 44.3368 55.4210 3,453.80 90,106 45.4447 56.8059
Percentage increase for 1 July 2022 will
be in accordance with clause 4.2
Graduate 2 3,487.60 90,988 45.8895 57.3619 3,574.80 93,263 47.0368 58.7960 3,664.20 95,595 48.2132 60.2665
Proficient 1 3,687.50 96,203 48.5197 60.6496 3,779.70 98,609 49.7329 62.1661 3,874.20 101,074 50.9763 63.7204
Proficient 2 3,887.90 101,431 51.1566 63.9458 3,985.10 103,967 52.4355 65.5444 4,084.70 106,566 53.7461 67.1826
Experienced 1 4,075.70 106,331 53.6276 67.0345 4,177.60 108,989 54.9684 68.7105 4,282.00 111,713 56.3421 70.4276
Experienced 2 4,214.70 109,957 55.4566 69.3208 4,320.10 112,707 56.8434 71.0543 4,428.10 115,525 58.2645 72.8306
Experienced 3 4,374.90 114,137 57.5645 71.9556 4,484.30 116,991 59.0039 73.7549 4,596.40 119,915 60.4789 75.5986
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(iii) Career Counsellor/Career Advisor (Teacher)
Career Counsellor/Career Adviser (Teacher)
1 July 2019 1 July 2020 1 July 2021 1 July 2022
2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual Fortnight Annual Hourly Casual
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Level 1 3,933.30 102,616 65.5550 81.9438 4,031.60 105,180 67.1933 83.9916 4,132.40 107,810 68.8733 86.0916
Percentage increase for 1 July 2022
will be in accordance with clause 4.2
Level 2 4,059.00 105,895 67.6500 84.5625 4,160.50 108,543 69.3417 86.6771 4,264.50 111,257 71.0750 88.8438
Level 3
(Masters Qualification
or equivalent) 4,185.10 109,185 69.7517 87.1896 4,289.70 111,914 71.4950 89.3688 4,396.90 114,711 73.2817 91.6021
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S1.5 School Officers
1 May 2019 1 May 2020 1 May 2021 1 May 2022
Greater of 2.50% or $26.27 per week Greater of 2.50% or $26.93 per week Greater of 2.50% or $27.60 per week
Week Annual Hourly Casual Week Annual Hourly Casual Week Annual Hourly Casual Week Annual Hourly Casual
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Level 1 Step 1 966.60 50,435 25.4368 31.7960 993.50 51,839 26.1447 32.6809 1,021.10 53,279 26.8711 33.5889
Percentage increase for 1 July 2022
will be in accordance with clause
Step 2 978.90 51,077 25.7605 32.2006 1,005.80 52,481 26.4684 33.0855 1,033.40 53,921 27.1947 33.9934
Step 3 991.00 51,708 26.0789 32.5986 1,017.90 53,112 26.7868 33.4835 1,045.50 54,552 27.5132 34.3915
Step 4 1,003.30 52,350 26.4026 33.0033 1,030.20 53,754 27.1105 33.8881 1,057.80 55,194 27.8368 34.7960
Level 2 Step 1 1,015.70 52,997 26.7289 33.4111 1,042.60 54,401 27.4368 34.2960 1,070.20 55,841 28.1632 35.2040
Step 2 1,033.20 53,910 27.1895 33.9869 1,060.10 55,314 27.8974 34.8718 1,087.70 56,754 28.6237 35.7796
Step 3 1,041.30 54,333 27.4026 34.2533 1,068.20 55,737 28.1105 35.1381 1,095.80 57,177 28.8368 36.0460
Level 3 Step 1 1,077.10 56,201 28.3447 35.4309 1,104.00 57,605 29.0526 36.3158 1,131.60 59,045 29.7789 37.2236
Step 2 1,094.90 57,130 28.8132 36.0165 1,122.30 58,559 29.5342 36.9178 1,150.40 60,026 30.2737 37.8421
Step 3 1,113.00 58,074 29.2895 36.6119 1,140.80 59,525 30.0211 37.5264 1,169.30 61,012 30.7711 38.4639
Step 4 1,122.70 58,580 29.5447 36.9309 1,150.80 60,046 30.2842 37.8553 1,179.60 61,549 31.0421 38.8026
Level 4 Step 1 1,165.80 60,829 30.6789 38.3486 1,194.90 62,347 31.4447 39.3059 1,224.80 63,908 32.2316 40.2895
Step 2 1,171.70 61,137 30.8342 38.5428 1,201.00 62,666 31.6053 39.5066 1,231.00 64,231 32.3947 40.4934
Step 3 1,202.40 62,739 31.6421 39.5526 1,232.50 64,309 32.4342 40.5428 1,263.30 65,916 33.2447 41.5559
Level 5 Step 1 1,243.20 64,868 32.7158 40.8948 1,274.30 66,490 33.5342 41.9178 1,306.20 68,155 34.3737 42.9671
Step 2 1,273.40 66,443 33.5105 41.8881 1,305.20 68,103 34.3474 42.9343 1,337.80 69,804 35.2053 44.0066
Step 3 1,303.70 68,024 34.3079 42.8849 1,336.30 69,725 35.1658 43.9573 1,369.70 71,468 36.0447 45.0559
Level 6 Step 1 1,345.20 70,190 35.4000 44.2500 1,378.80 71,943 36.2842 45.3553 1,413.30 73,743 37.1921 46.4901
Step 2 1,418.60 74,020 37.3316 46.6645 1,454.10 75,872 38.2658 47.8323 1,490.50 77,771 39.2237 49.0296
Step 3 1,491.90 77,844 39.2605 49.0756 1,529.20 79,791 40.2421 50.3026 1,567.40 81,784 41.2474 51.5593
Step 4 1,566.50 81,737 41.2237 51.5296 1,605.70 83,782 42.2553 52.8191 1,645.80 85,875 43.3105 54.1381
Step 5 1,637.80 85,457 43.1000 53.8750 1,678.70 87,591 44.1763 55.2204 1,720.70 89,783 45.2816 56.6020
Level 7 Step 1 1,659.40 86,584 43.6684 54.5855 1,700.90 88,750 44.7605 55.9506 1,743.40 90,967 45.8789 57.3486
Step 2 1,689.80 88,170 44.4684 55.5855 1,732.00 90,372 45.5789 56.9736 1,775.30 92,632 46.7184 58.3980
Step 3 1,720.60 89,777 45.2789 56.5986 1,763.60 92,021 46.4105 58.0131 1,807.70 94,322 47.5711 59.4639
Step 4 1,751.30 91,379 46.0868 57.6085 1,795.10 93,665 47.2395 59.0494 1,840.00 96,008 48.4211 60.5264
Step 5 1,781.90 92,976 46.8921 58.6151 1,826.40 95,298 48.0632 60.0790 1,872.10 97,682 49.2658 61.5823
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1 May 2019 1 May 2020 1 May 2021 1 May 2022
2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
School Officers Allowances Week Week Week Week
Qualifications 40.40 41.40 42.40
Percentage increase for 1 July 2022
will be in accordance with clause
First Aid 17.40 17.80 18.20
Specialised Care 17.40 17.80 18.20
Special Projects 44.60 45.70 46.80
Note: The Specialised Care Allowance shall not be varied to reflect part-time hours.
Page 129 of 334 Pages
S1.6 Annualised Wages for Term-Time School Officers (Archdiocese of Brisbane and Cairns Catholic Education Service)
This Schedule only applies to School Officers in Brisbane Archdiocese and Cairns Diocese who have chosen to annualise their salary in accordance with clause 4.11.2 of this
1 May 2019 1 May 2020 1 May 2021 1 May 2022
Week Fortnight Hour Week Fortnight Hour Week Fortnight Hour Week Fortnight Hour
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Level 1 Step 1 780.70 1,561.40 20.5447 802.40 1,604.80 21.1158 824.70 1,649.40 21.7026
Percentage increase for 1 July
2022 will be in accordance with
clause 4.3
Step 2 790.70 1,581.40 20.8079 812.40 1,624.80 21.3789 834.70 1,669.40 21.9658
Step 3 800.40 1,600.80 21.0632 822.20 1,644.40 21.6368 844.40 1,688.80 22.2211
Step 4 810.40 1,620.80 21.3263 832.10 1,664.20 21.8974 854.40 1,708.80 22.4842
Level 2 Step 1 820.40 1,640.80 21.5895 842.10 1,684.20 22.1605 864.40 1,728.80 22.7474
Step 2 834.50 1,669.00 21.9605 856.20 1,712.40 22.5316 878.50 1,757.00 23.1184
Step 3 841.10 1,682.20 22.1342 862.80 1,725.60 22.7053 885.10 1,770.20 23.2921
Level 3 Step 1 870.00 1,740.00 22.8947 891.70 1,783.40 23.4658 914.00 1,828.00 24.0526
Step 2 884.30 1,768.60 23.2711 906.50 1,813.00 23.8553 929.20 1,858.40 24.4526
Step 3 899.00 1,798.00 23.6579 921.40 1,842.80 24.2474 944.40 1,888.80 24.8526
Step 4 906.80 1,813.60 23.8632 929.50 1,859.00 24.4605 952.80 1,905.60 25.0737
Level 4 Step 1 941.60 1,883.20 24.7789 965.10 1,930.20 25.3974 989.30 1,978.60 26.0342
Step 2 946.40 1,892.80 24.9053 970.00 1,940.00 25.5263 994.30 1,988.60 26.1658
Step 3 971.20 1,942.40 25.5579 995.50 1,991.00 26.1974 1,020.40 2,040.80 26.8526
Level 5 Step 1 1,004.10 2,008.20 26.4237 1,029.20 2,058.40 27.0842 1,055.00 2,110.00 27.7632
Step 2 1,028.50 2,057.00 27.0658 1,054.20 2,108.40 27.7421 1,080.50 2,161.00 28.4342
Step 3 1,053.00 2,106.00 27.7105 1,079.30 2,158.60 28.4026 1,106.30 2,212.60 29.1132
Level 6 Step 1 1,086.50 2,173.00 28.5921 1,113.60 2,227.20 29.3053 1,141.50 2,283.00 30.0395
Step 2 1,145.80 2,291.60 30.1526 1,174.50 2,349.00 30.9079 1,203.90 2,407.80 31.6816
Step 3 1,205.00 2,410.00 31.7105 1,235.10 2,470.20 32.5026 1,266.00 2,532.00 33.3158
Step 4 1,265.30 2,530.60 33.2974 1,296.90 2,593.80 34.1289 1,329.30 2,658.60 34.9816
Step 5 1,322.80 2,645.60 34.8105 1,355.90 2,711.80 35.6816 1,389.80 2,779.60 36.5737
Level 7 Step 1 1,340.30 2,680.60 35.2711 1,373.80 2,747.60 36.1526 1,408.10 2,816.20 37.0553
Step 2 1,364.80 2,729.60 35.9158 1,398.90 2,797.80 36.8132 1,433.90 2,867.80 37.7342
Step 3 1,389.70 2,779.40 36.5711 1,424.40 2,848.80 37.4842 1,460.10 2,920.20 38.4237
Step 4 1,414.50 2,829.00 37.2237 1,449.90 2,899.80 38.1553 1,486.20 2,972.40 39.1105
Step 5 1,439.20 2,878.40 37.8737 1,475.20 2,950.40 38.8211 1,512.10 3,024.20 39.7921
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1 May 2019 1 May 2020 1 May 2021 1 May 2022
School Officers Allowances Week Fortnight Week Fortnight Week Fortnight Week Fortnight
Qualifications 32.60 65.20 33.40 66.80 34.20 68.40
Percentage increase for 1 July
2022 will be in accordance with
clause 4.3
First Aid 14.10 28.20 14.40 28.80 14.70 29.40
Specialised Care 14.10 28.20 14.40 28.80 14.70 29.40
Special Projects 36.00 72.00 36.90 73.80 37.80 75.60
Northern Division,
Eastern District 0.80 1.60 0.80 1.60 0.80 1.60
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S1.7 Services Staff
(i) Services STAFF
1-May-19 1-May-20 1-May-21 1-May-22
Greater of 2.50% or $26.27 per week Greater of 2.50% or $26.93 per week Greater of 2.50% or $27.60 per week
Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Level 0 Step 1 917.9 47,894 24.1553 30.1941 944.8 49,298 24.8632 31.079 972.4 50,738 25.5895 31.9869
Percentage increase for 1 July
2022 will be in accordance with
clause 4.4
Step 2 923.8 48,202 24.3105 30.3881 950.7 49,606 25.0184 31.273 978.3 51,046 25.7447 32.1809
Step 3 929.7 48,510 24.4658 30.5823 956.6 49,913 25.1737 31.4671 984.2 51,354 25.9 32.375
Level 1 Step 1 966.6 50,435 25.4368 31.796 993.5 51,839 26.1447 32.6809 1,021.10 53,279 26.8711 33.5889
Step 2 978.9 51,077 25.7605 32.2006 1,005.80 52,481 26.4684 33.0855 1,033.40 53,921 27.1947 33.9934
Step 3 991 51,708 26.0789 32.5986 1,017.90 53,112 26.7868 33.4835 1,045.50 54,552 27.5132 34.3915
Step 4 1,003.30 52,350 26.4026 33.0033 1,030.20 53,754 27.1105 33.8881 1,057.80 55,194 27.8368 34.796
Level 2 Step 1 1,015.70 52,997 26.7289 33.4111 1,042.60 54,401 27.4368 34.296 1,070.20 55,841 28.1632 35.204
Step 2 1,033.20 53,910 27.1895 33.9869 1,060.10 55,314 27.8974 34.8718 1,087.70 56,754 28.6237 35.7796
Step 3 1,041.30 54,333 27.4026 34.2533 1,068.20 55,737 28.1105 35.1381 1,095.80 57,177 28.8368 36.046
Level 3 Step 1 1,077.10 56,201 28.3447 35.4309 1,104.00 57,605 29.0526 36.3158 1,131.60 59,045 29.7789 37.2236
Step 2 1,094.90 57,130 28.8132 36.0165 1,122.30 58,559 29.5342 36.9178 1,150.40 60,026 30.2737 37.8421
Step 3 1,113.00 58,074 29.2895 36.6119 1,140.80 59,525 30.0211 37.5264 1,169.30 61,012 30.7711 38.4639
Step 4 1,122.70 58,580 29.5447 36.9309 1,150.80 60,046 30.2842 37.8553 1,179.60 61,549 31.0421 38.8026
Level 4 Step 1 1,165.80 60,829 30.6789 38.3486 1,194.90 62,347 31.4447 39.3059 1,224.80 63,908 32.2316 40.2895
Step 2 1,171.70 61,137 30.8342 38.5428 1,201.00 62,666 31.6053 39.5066 1,231.00 64,231 32.3947 40.4934
Step 3 1,202.40 62,739 31.6421 39.5526 1,232.50 64,309 32.4342 40.5428 1,263.30 65,916 33.2447 41.5559
Page 132 of 334 Pages
(ii) Allowances 1 May 2019 1 May 2020 1 May 2021 1 May 2022
2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 0.00%
$ Per Week $ Per Week $ Per Week $ Per Week
Distributing Fertilizer or Spraying 1.74 1.78 1.82
Percentage increase for 1 July 2022
will be in accordance with clause 4.4
Toilet Cleaning 9.97 10.22 10.48
First Aid Attendant 18.55 19.01 19.49
Uniforms 19.70 20.19 20.69
Tool allowances
Carpenter and/or Joiner 27.95 28.65 29.37
Plumber 27.95 28.65 29.37
Plasterer and Tiler 23.08 23.66 24.25
Bricklayer 19.80 20.30 20.81
Waterproofer 10.87 11.14 11.42
Signwriter, Painter, Glazier 6.68 6.85 7.02
Licensed Drainer 6.68 6.85 7.02
Building and Maintenance Allowances $ Per Day $ Per Day $ Per Day
In charge of not more than 1 person 3.85 3.95 4.05
In charge of 2 and not more than 5 persons 8.48 8.69 8.91
In charge of 6 and not more than 10 persons 10.66 10.93 11.20
In charge of more than 10 persons 14.19 14.54 14.90
Leading Hand Plumber
In charge of less than two (2) 5.06 5.19 5.32
In charge of 2 to 4 employees 7.68 7.87 8.07
In charge of 4 or more employees 10.82 11.09 11.37
Labourers mixing wet concrete or compo 0.56 0.57 0.58
Explosive powered tools 1.52 1.56 1.60
Broken Shift 12.60 12.92 13.24
Work in excessive heat $ Per Hour $ Per Hour $ Per Hour
46-54 degrees celsius 0.6477 0.6639 0.6805
Exceeding 54 degrees celsius 0.7891 0.8088 0.8290
Asbestos 0.7829 0.8025 0.8226
Asbestos Eradication 2.0934 2.1457 2.1993
Dirty work 0.6477 0.6639 0.6805
Certificate allowance 0.6477 0.6639 0.6805
Page 133 of 334 Pages
(iii) Annualisation of Wages – Services Staff (Archdiocese of Brisbane and Cairns CES)
This Schedule only applies to School Services Staff in Brisbane Archdiocese and Cairns Diocese who have chosen to annualise their salary in accordance with clause 4.11.2 of
this Agreement.
1-May-19 1-May-20 1-May-21 1-May-22
Week Fortnight Hour Week Fortnight Hour Week Fortnight Hour Week Fortnight Hour
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Level 0 Step 1 741.4 1,482.80 19.5105 763.1 1,526.20 20.0816 785.4 1,570.80 20.6684
Percentage increase for 1 July 2022 will
be in accordance with clause 4.4
Step 2 746.1 1,492.20 19.6342 767.9 1,535.80 20.2079 790.2 1,580.40 20.7947
Step 3 750.9 1,501.80 19.7605 772.6 1,545.20 20.3316 794.9 1,589.80 20.9184
Level 1 Step 1 780.7 1,561.40 20.5447 802.4 1,604.80 21.1158 824.7 1,649.40 21.7026
Step 2 790.7 1,581.40 20.8079 812.4 1,624.80 21.3789 834.7 1,669.40 21.9658
Step 3 800.4 1,600.80 21.0632 822.2 1,644.40 21.6368 844.4 1,688.80 22.2211
Step 4 810.4 1,620.80 21.3263 832.1 1,664.20 21.8974 854.4 1,708.80 22.4842
Level 2 Step 1 820.4 1,640.80 21.5895 842.1 1,684.20 22.1605 864.4 1,728.80 22.7474
Step 2 834.5 1,669.00 21.9605 856.2 1,712.40 22.5316 878.5 1,757.00 23.1184
Step 3 841.1 1,682.20 22.1342 862.8 1,725.60 22.7053 885.1 1,770.20 23.2921
Level 3 Step 1 870 1,740.00 22.8947 891.7 1,783.40 23.4658 914 1,828.00 24.0526
Step 2 884.3 1,768.60 23.2711 906.5 1,813.00 23.8553 929.2 1,858.40 24.4526
Step 3 899 1,798.00 23.6579 921.4 1,842.80 24.2474 944.4 1,888.80 24.8526
Step 4 906.8 1,813.60 23.8632 929.5 1,859.00 24.4605 952.8 1,905.60 25.0737
Level 4 Step 1 941.6 1,883.20 24.7789 965.1 1,930.20 25.3974 989.3 1,978.60 26.0342
Step 2 946.4 1,892.80 24.9053 970 1,940.00 25.5263 994.3 1,988.60 26.1658
Step 3 971.2 1,942.40 25.5579 995.5 1,991.00 26.1974 1,020.40 2,040.80 26.8526
Page 134 of 334 Pages
Allowances 1-May-19 1-May-20 1-May-21 1-May-22
$ Per Week $ Per Week $ Per Week $ Per Week
Distributing Fertilizer or Spraying 1.41 1.44 1.47
Percentage increase for 1
July 2022 will be in
accordance with clause 4.4
Toilet Cleaning 8.05 8.25 8.46
First Aid Attendant 14.98 15.35 15.74
Uniforms 15.91 16.31 16.71
Tool allowances
Carpenter and/or Joiner 22.58 23.14 23.72
Plumber 22.58 23.14 23.72
Plasterer and Tiler 18.64 19.11 19.59
Bricklayer 15.99 16.4 16.81
Waterproofer 8.78 9 9.22
Signwriter, Painter, Glazier 5.4 5.53 5.67
Licensed Drainer 5.4 5.53 5.67
Building and Maintenance Allowances $ Per Day $ Per Day $ Per Day
In charge of not more than 1 person 3.11 3.19 3.27
In charge of 2 and not more than 5 persons 6.85 7.02 7.2
In charge of 6 and not more than 10 persons 8.61 8.83 9.05
In charge of more than 10 persons 11.46 11.74 12.03
Leading Hand Plumber
In charge of less than two (2) 4.09 4.19 4.3
In charge of 2 to 4 employees 6.2 6.36 6.52
In charge of 4 or more employees 8.74 8.96 9.18
Labourers mixing wet concrete or compo 0.45 0.46 0.47
Explosive powered tools 1.23 1.26 1.29
Broken Shift 10.18 10.43 10.69
Work in excessive heat $ Per Hour $ Per Hour $ Per Hour
46-54 degrees celsius 0.5231 0.5362 0.5496
Exceeding 54 degrees celsius 0.6374 0.6533 0.6696
Page 135 of 334 Pages
Asbestos 0.6323 0.6482 0.6644
Asbestos Eradication 1.6908 1.7331 1.7764
Dirty work 0.5231 0.5362 0.5496
Certificate allowance 0.5231 0.5362 0.5496
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S1.8 Boarding House Supervision Staff
Table 1 - Minimum Rate of Pay 1 May 2019 1 May 2020 1 May 2021 1 May 2022
Greater of 2.50% or $26.27 per week Greater of 2.50% or $26.93 per week Greater of 2.50% or $27.60 per week
Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Assistant Supervisor 971.60 50,696 25.5684 31.9605 998.50 52,100 26.2763 32.8454 1,026.10 53,540 27.0026 33.7533
Percentage increase for 1 July
2022 will be in accordance with
clause 4.4
Boarding Supervisor 1,017.00 53,065 26.7632 33.4540 1,043.90 54,469 27.4711 34.3389 1,071.50 55,909 28.1974 35.2468
Boarding Supervisor Qualified 1,056.40 55,121 27.8000 34.7500 1,083.30 56,524 28.5079 35.6349 1,110.90 57,965 29.2342 36.5428
Senior Supervisor 1,140.00 59,483 30.0000 37.5000 1,168.50 60,970 30.7500 38.4375 1,197.70 62,494 31.5184 39.3980
Allowances 1 May 2019 1 May 2020 1 May 2021 1 May 2022
Classification $ Per Occasion $ Per Occasion $ Per Occasion $ Per Occasion
(Schedule 13, Clause S13.8.5)
53.84 55.19 56.57
Percentage increase for 1 July
2022 will be in accordance with
clause 4.3
Table 2 - Aspirational Rates 1 May 2019 1 May 2020 1 May 2021 1 May 2022
Greater of 2.50% or $26.27 per week Greater of 2.50% or $26.93 per week Greater of 2.50% or $27.60 per week
Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Assistant Supervisor 1,097.20 57,250 28.8737 36.0921 1,124.60 58,679 29.5947 36.9934 1,152.70 60,146 30.3342 37.9178
Percentage increase for 1 July 2022
will be in accordance with clause 4.3
Boarding Supervisor 1,164.60 60,766 30.6474 38.3093 1,193.70 62,285 31.4132 39.2665 1,223.50 63,840 32.1974 40.2468
Boarding Supervisor Qualified 1,266.00 66,057 33.3158 41.6448 1,297.70 67,711 34.1500 42.6875 1,330.10 69,402 35.0026 43.7533
Senior Supervisor 1,352.20 70,555 35.5842 44.4803 1,386.00 72,319 36.4737 45.5921 1,420.70 74,129 37.3868 46.7335
Allowances 1 May 2019 1 May 2020 1 May 2021 1 May 2022
Classification $ Per Occasion $ Per Occasion $ Per Occasion $ Per Occasion
(Schedule 13, Clause S13.8.5)
53.84 55.19 56.57 Percentage increase for 1 July 2022
will be in accordance with clause 4.3
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S1.9 Children’s Services Employees
1 May 2019 1 May 2020 1 May 2021 1 May 2022
Greater of 2.50% or $26.27 per week Greater of 2.50% or $26.93 per week Greater of 2.50% or $27.60 per week
Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Assistant CCW
Unqualified Year 1 923.10 48,166 24.2921 30.3651 950.00 49,569 25.0000 31.2500 977.60 51,009 25.7263 32.1579
Percentage increase for 1 July 2022
will be in accordance with clause 4.3
Year 2 959.50 50,065 25.2500 31.5625 986.40 51,468 25.9579 32.4474 1,014.00 52,908 26.6842 33.3553
Year 3 974.60 50,853 25.6474 32.0593 1,001.50 52,256 26.3553 32.9441 1,029.10 53,696 27.0816 33.8520
Assistant CCW Qualified Year 1 1,013.00 52,856 26.6579 33.3224 1,039.90 54,260 27.3658 34.2073 1,067.50 55,700 28.0921 35.1151
Year 2 1,038.30 54,176 27.3237 34.1546 1,065.20 55,580 28.0316 35.0395 1,092.80 57,020 28.7579 35.9474
Year 3 1,062.50 55,439 27.9605 34.9506 1,089.40 56,843 28.6684 35.8355 1,117.00 58,283 29.3947 36.7434
Assistant Coordinator
Qualified Large Service Year 1 1,094.90 57,130 28.8132 36.0165 1,122.30 58,559 29.5342 36.9178 1,150.40 60,026 30.2737 37.8421
Year 2 1,111.20 57,980 29.2421 36.5526 1,139.00 59,431 29.9737 37.4671 1,167.50 60,918 30.7237 38.4046
Coordinator Unqualified Year 1 1,094.90 57,130 28.8132 36.0165 1,122.30 58,559 29.5342 36.9178 1,150.40 60,026 30.2737 37.8421
Year 2 1,111.20 57,980 29.2421 36.5526 1,139.00 59,431 29.9737 37.4671 1,167.50 60,918 30.7237 38.4046
Year 3 1,138.60 59,410 29.9632 37.4540 1,167.10 60,897 30.7132 38.3915 1,196.30 62,421 31.4816 39.3520
Coordinator Qualified
Small Service Year 1 1,176.00 61,361 30.9474 38.6843 1,205.40 62,895 31.7211 39.6514 1,235.50 64,466 32.5132 40.6415
Year 2 1,194.00 62,301 31.4211 39.2764 1,223.90 63,861 32.2079 40.2599 1,254.50 65,457 33.0132 41.2665
Coordinator Qualified
Large Service Year 1 1,223.10 63,819 32.1868 40.2335 1,253.70 65,416 32.9921 41.2401 1,285.00 67,049 33.8158 42.2698
Year 2 1,252.30 65,343 32.9553 41.1941 1,283.60 66,976 33.7789 42.2236 1,315.70 68,651 34.6237 43.2796
Year 3 1,292.50 67,440 34.0132 42.5165 1,324.80 69,125 34.8632 43.5790 1,357.90 70,853 35.7342 44.6678
Year 4 1,309.60 68,332 34.4632 43.0790 1,342.30 70,039 35.3237 44.1546 1,375.90 71,792 36.2079 45.2599
2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
Allowances Per Day Per Day Per Day
Broken Shift Allowance 12.60 12.92 13.24
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S1.10 Nurses
1 May 2019 1 May 2020 1 May 2021 1 May 2022
Greater of 2.50% or $26.27 per week Greater of 2.50% or $26.93 per week Greater of 2.50% or $27.60 per week
Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual
Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Enrolled Nurse 1,050.90 54,834 27.6553 34.5691 1,077.80 56,237 28.3632 35.4540 1,105.40 57,678 29.0895 36.3619
Percentage increase for 1 July
2022 will be in accordance with
clause 4.3
Registered Nurse Level 1 1st Year 1,151.80 60,099 30.3105 37.8881 1,180.60 61,601 31.0684 38.8355 1,210.10 63,141 31.8447 39.8059
2nd Year 1,209.20 63,094 31.8211 39.7764 1,239.40 64,669 32.6158 40.7698 1,270.40 66,287 33.4316 41.7895
3rd Year 1,267.10 66,115 33.3447 41.6809 1,298.80 67,769 34.1789 42.7236 1,331.30 69,465 35.0342 43.7928
4th Year 1,324.20 69,094 34.8474 43.5593 1,357.30 70,821 35.7184 44.6480 1,391.20 72,590 36.6105 45.7631
Registered Nurse Level 2 1st Year 1,612.00 84,111 42.4211 53.0264 1,652.30 86,214 43.4816 54.3520 1,693.60 88,369 44.5684 55.7105
2nd Year 1,650.10 86,099 43.4237 54.2796 1,691.40 88,254 44.5105 55.6381 1,733.70 90,461 45.6237 57.0296
3rd Year 1,688.20 88,087 44.4263 55.5329 1,730.40 90,289 45.5368 56.9210 1,773.70 92,548 46.6763 58.3454
4th Year 1,726.70 90,096 45.4395 56.7994 1,769.90 92,350 46.5763 58.2204 1,814.10 94,656 47.7395 59.6744
Registered Nurse Level 3 1st Year 1,798.80 93,858 47.3368 59.1710 1,843.80 96,206 48.5211 60.6514 1,889.90 98,611 49.7342 62.1678
2nd Year 1,850.80 96,571 48.7053 60.8816 1,897.10 98,987 49.9237 62.4046 1,944.50 101,460 51.1711 63.9639
3rd Year 1,885.10 98,361 49.6079 62.0099 1,932.20 100,818 50.8474 63.5593 1,980.50 103,339 52.1184 65.1480
4th Year 1,928.30 100,615 50.7447 63.4309 1,976.50 103,130 52.0132 65.0165 2,025.90 105,707 53.3132 66.6415
Note: Nurses in receipt of wages in excess of those applicable to their classification will continue to receive those higher wages and have pay increases of 2.5% applied on 1
May 2019, 1 May 2020, 1 May 2021, and 1 May 2022.
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S1.11 Divisional and District Allowances for Employees Other Than Teachers
Division and/or District
Per Week
Northern Division, Eastern District 1.05
Northern Division, Western District 3.25
Mackay Division 0.90
Southern Division, Western District 1.05
These amounts are payable for all purposes of this Agreement.
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S2.1 Coverage
Schedule 2 shall not apply to such persons who are in Holy Orders or are members of a
recognised Religious Institute.
S2.2 Operation
S2.2.1 All appointments to the positions of the leadership structure will be made under the provisions
of this Schedule.
S2.2.2 Purposes
The parties to Schedule 2 recognise that Catholic schools are conducted for the purposes related
to the Mission of the Catholic Church in addition to those purposes common to all schools in
S2.2.3 It is therefore accepted that the leadership and management structures appropriate to
Catholic schools will reflect both the nature and ethos or the values that derive from those
purposes and take account of different educational needs without prejudice to principles of
public accountability and equity.
S2.2.4 Schedule 2 provides Senior Leadership positions and Middle Leadership positions in Catholic
schools that:
(a) assure quality learning for students;
(b) provide a satisfactory career path for teachers;
(c) incorporate a Christian leadership model that is committed to the principle of collegiality
and subsidiarily;
(d) value responsibility for people and for processes;
(e) support school staff pastorally;
(f) maintain quality management and accountability;
(g) encourage leadership and innovation;
(h) contribute positively to the particular ethos of the school;
(i) are determined in a fair manner; and
(j) receive just remuneration.
S2.3 How Allowances are paid
S2.3.1 Clause S2.3 will apply to employees who:
(a) are covered by this Agreement; and
(b) held or holds a Position of Leadership from 1 July 2019.
S2.3.2 From 1 July 2019, where this Schedule provides for the payment of an allowance, the following
will apply:
(a) a teacher will receive the allowance added to the teacher’s substantive rate of pay, but
only up to (and including) the rate for Proficient 7; and
(b) a teacher whose substantive rate of pay is Proficient 8, and who is appointed to a Position
of Leadership, will receive either the Proficient 7 rate plus the applicable leadership
allowance, or the Proficient 8 substantive teacher rate , whichever is the greater.
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S2.3.3 From 1 July 2021, where this Schedule provides for the payment of an allowance, the teacher
concerned will receive the allowance added to the teacher’s substantive rate of pay up to and
including the rate of Proficient 8. To avoid any doubt, this includes teachers on Proficient 8.
S2.3.4 From 1 July 2022, a teacher whose substantive rate of pay is Experienced Proficient Teacher
(see clause 7.2 of this Agreement), and who is appointed to a Position of Leadership, will
receive the Proficient 8 rate plus the allowance.
S2.4 Definitions
S2.4.1 Senior Leadership Positions
Senior Leadership positions howsoever designated include all appointments of teachers within
the school who provide support to the principal in the senior leadership and management of
the school.
S2.4.2 Middle Leadership Positions
(a) Middle Leadership positions include all appointments of teachers within the school
designated to provide support to the principal in the overall leadership and management
of the school specifically in the areas of curriculum, pastoral care and other program or
coordination responsibilities.
(b) Provided that Senior and Middle Leadership positions do not include those positions
which would fill a minor co-ordinating role and which attract an allowance payment of
less than one unit as defined.
S2.4.3 The difference between leadership and co-ordination is intrinsic to the accurate classification
of Middle Leadership positions. Table 4 of this Schedule describes these in terms of
application to various roles.
(a) “Coordination” describes the administrative tasks of organising people and/or things in
order to make them work together effectively.
(b) “Leadership” describes a wide range of responsibilities and skills, particularly the ability
to guide, direct or influence people in achieving collective objectives. Leadership includes
self-development; developing, engaging and inspiring others; thinking clearly; and
delivering outcomes.
(c) “one unit” is defined in clause S2.17.3(a).
S2.4.4 “replaced agreement” means the Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective
Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2015-2019 – (AG2018/2310)
S2.5 Appointment to Senior Leadership Positions in Secondary Schools
S2.5.1 Each person who accepts a position of Senior Leadership in a secondary school shall be
appointed for an initial period for five (5) years with a further five (5) year appointment subject
to a satisfactory performance review at the conclusion of the first five (5) years. The
review/appraisal process shall be determined by the employing authority. That process will be
based upon principles outlined in Schedule 7 (Review/Appraisal Process Principles) of this
S2.5.2 After the completion of an appointment period of ten (10) years, the employing authority may
at its discretion advertise the position. Subject to a successful application the incumbent shall
be appointed in accordance with clause S2.5.1 above.
S2.5.3 After the completion of an appointment period of ten (10) years and notwithstanding the
foregoing clause S2.5.2, the employing authority may, by mutual agreement with the
incumbent and subject to satisfactory appraisal, appoint the incumbent for a period of up to
Page 142 of 334 Pages
five (5) years. At the completion of this agreed period, the employing authority will advertise
the position. Subject to a successful application the incumbent shall be appointed in
accordance with clause S2.5 of this Schedule.
S2.6 Appointment to Senior Leadership Positions in Primary Schools
Each person who accepts a position of Assistant to the Principal Religious Education or Assistant to the
Principal Administration in a primary school shall be appointed on the same terms and conditions as set
out in clause S2.5 of this Schedule.
S2.7 Termination of Employment - Primary and Secondary
S2.7.1 Both the employee and employer shall have the right to terminate employment in positions
occupied in accordance with Schedule 2.
S2.7.2 In the case of a person categorised as a Senior Leader in accordance with clause S2.4.1, a
minimum of three (3) months' notice is required by either party.
S2.7.3 A person whose position is terminated in accordance with the terms of Schedule 2 shall
continue to be employed as a teacher under the terms and conditions of this Agreement:
S2.7.4 Provided that, a person who occupies a position whose length of appointment is determined
by clause S2.5 or S2.6 may be required to accept employment with the employing authority
other than at the school where the previous position was held.
S2.7.5 Clause S2.7 shall not apply to any employee dismissed for incompetence, misconduct or
neglect of duty who may be summarily dismissed without notice.
S2.8 Allocation of Senior Leadership Positions
S2.8.1 Enrolment levels for the purpose of allocation of Senior Leadership positions within bands as
outlined in clause S2.10 and clause S2.11.5 of Schedule 2 shall be those taken from the
Commonwealth School Census for the year prior to the operating year.
S2.8.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause S2.5 and clause S2.6 of Schedule 2, in the event of a
decrease below the enrolment required for the allocation of a Senior Leadership position, the
position shall continue for that year and for the following year and then shall cease to exist:
S2.8.3 Provided that the incumbent of the position whose appointment has terminated shall be
granted continued employment with the employing authority as a teacher.
S2.8.4 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause S2.5 and clause S2.6 of this Schedule, in the event of
a decrease below or increase above the enrolment required for the current classification of a
Senior Leadership position, the classification of the position will continue for that year and
shall then be adjusted to the appropriate band at the beginning of the following year.
S2.9 Positions of Senior Leadership – Secondary Schools
S2.9.1 One (1) position of deputy principal shall be established in all secondary schools with an
enrolment of less than 300 students.
S2.9.2 Two (2) positions of deputy principal shall be established in secondary schools with an
enrolment in excess of 300 students.
S2.9.3 Three (3) positions of deputy principal shall be established in secondary schools with an
enrolment in excess of 1,200 students.
S2.9.4 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause S2.9.2 the employing authority may, at its discretion,
create two (2) Senior Leadership positions in lieu of the second position of deputy principal in
schools with an enrolment in excess of 300 students.
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S2.9.5 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause S2.9.3 the employing authority may, at its discretion,
create Senior Leadership positions in lieu of the third position of deputy principal in schools
with an enrolment in excess of 1,200 students.
S2.10 Release Time Senior Leadership Positions – Secondary Schools
S2.10.1 The following table of release time from teaching duties shall apply to senior leadership
positions in secondary schools. The designated figure represents the proportion of the
teaching load for which the appointee will be released. The teaching load is based on the
maximum contact time in Schedule 3 (Hours of Duty - Teachers).
TABLE 1: Release Time for Diocesan Secondary Senior Leadership
Release Time
Release time hours effective from
January 2010 (weekly)
150 DP+APRE 0.6 +0.3 12.9 + 6.45
151-200 DP+APRE 0.6 +0.3 12.9 + 6.45
201-250 DP+APRE 0.6 +0.3 12.9 + 6.45
251-300 DP+APRE 0.6 +0.3 12.9 + 6.45
301-350 DP2 0.7 15.05 + 15.05
351-400 DP2 0.7 15.05 + 15.05
401-450 DP2 0.865 18.6 + 18.6
451-500 DP2 0.865 18.6 + 18.6
501-550 DP2 0.865 18.6 + 18.6
551-600 DP2 0.865 18.6 + 18.6
601-650 DP2 0.865 18.6 + 18.6
651-700 DP2 0.865 18.6 + 18.6
701-750 DP2 0.865 18.6 + 18.6
751-800 DP2 0.865 18.6 + 18.6
801-850 DP2 0.9 19.35 + 19.35
851-900 DP2 0.9 19.35 + 19.35
901-950 DP2 0.9 19.35 + 19.35
951-1000 DP2 0.9 19.35 + 19.35
1001-1050 DP2 0.9 19.35 + 19.35
1051-1100 DP2 0.9 19.35 + 19.35
1101-1150 DP2 0.9 19.35 + 19.35
1151-1200 DP2 0.9 19.35 + 19.35
1201-1250 DP3 0.9 19.35 + 19.35 + 19.35
1250-1300 DP3 0.9 19.35 + 19.35 + 19.35
1301-1350 DP3 0.9 19.35 + 19.35 + 19.35
1351-1450 DP3 0.9 19.35 + 19.35 + 19.35
1451-1500 DP3 0.9 19.35 + 19.35 + 19.35
1501+ DP4 0.9 19.35 +19.35 + 19.35 + 19.35
S2.10.2 Provision of additional release time beyond the above allocation may be taken from the
general teaching provision of a school in accordance with local decision, subject to the terms
and conditions of clause 7.11 and Schedule 3 (Hours of Duty - Teachers) of this Agreement.
S2.10.3 Notwithstanding the provisions in the table above, a secondary deputy principal in any school
may be expected to teach at least one subject line or class.
S2.10.4 In circumstances where the prescribed teaching time available is insufficient to teach one class
or subject line, the principal and deputy principal will prospectively discuss mechanisms so that
the teaching can be undertaken and, on agreement, the mechanisms shall be appropriately
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recorded. Such mechanisms include the option to aggregate for periods up to one school term
the senior leadership release time that will be used as allocated teaching time.
S2.11 Positions of Senior Leadership - Primary Schools
S2.11.1 A position of Assistant to the Principal Religious Education and a position of Assistant to the
Principal Administration shall be established in schools with an enrolment of 451 or more
students. The occupant of either of these positions may be required to deputise for the
principal in respect of short term absences.
S2.11.2 A position of Assistant to the Principal Religious Education or Religious Education Co-ordinator
shall be established in schools with an enrolment of 450 or fewer students.
S2.11.3 In schools of 450 or fewer students, a specific teacher shall be designated to deputise for the
principal in respect of short term absences. Where the person deputising is not the Assistant
to the Principal Religious Education or Religious Education Co-ordinator, an allowance as
prescribed in Schedule 1 – S1.3 of this Agreement.
S2.11.4 If REC/APRE does not deputise, the person appointed to deputise shall receive an allowance as
prescribed in Schedule 1 – S1.3 of this Agreement.
S2.11.5 Table 2 (provided below) outlines the minimum positions, annual allowance and weekly
release time commensurate with school enrolments for Senior Leadership positions in primary
schools. Table 2 shall apply from 1 July 2019.
S2.11.6 The coordination time provisions allocated in the following Table 2 will be used to provide for
the coordination and development of curriculum in primary schools.
TABLE 2: Diocesan Primary Schools - Senior Leadership
Enrolment Positions for
Senior Leadership Payment Weekly Release Time
51 REC/APRE Allowance 2
51-75 REC/APRE Allowance 6
76-99 REC/APRE Allowance 6
100-150 REC/APRE Allowance 6
151-199 REC/APRE Allowance 7.5
200-224 REC/APRE Salaries 7.5
225-250 REC/APRE Salaries 7.5
251-300 REC/APRE Salaries 7.5
301-325 REC/APRE Salaries 11
326-400 REC/APRE Salaries 13.75
401-450 REC/APRE Salaries 13.75
451-500 APRE + APA Salaries 16.5
501-550 APRE + APA Salaries 16.5
551-600 APRE + APA Salaries 16.5
601-700 APRE + APA Salaries Full
701-799 APRE + APA Salaries Full
800-899 APRE + APA Salaries Full
900-949 APRE + APA Salaries Full
950-999 APRE+APA+AP Salaries Full
1000-1099 APRE+APA+AP Salaries Full
1100-1199 APRE+APA+AP Salaries Full
1200-1299 APRE+APA+AP+AP Salaries Full
1300-1399 APRE+APA+AP+AP Salaries Full
Page 145 of 334 Pages
Enrolment Positions for
Senior Leadership Payment Weekly Release Time
1400-1499 APRE+APA+AP+AP Salaries Full
1500+ APRE+APA+AP+AP Salaries Full
S2.11.7 The salaries and allowances provided for in this Table 2 are as prescribed in Schedule 1 – S1.3
of this Agreement.
S2.12 Role Descriptions and Key Selection Criteria for Senior Leadership Positions
S2.12.1 Role Descriptions
Role Descriptions for all Senior Leadership Positions will be developed where they do not already
exist. Such Role Descriptions may include statements similar to those below:
(a) Contributions to the Mission/Ethos of the school or college
(i) Participate in processes that contribute to the positive development of the
school mission and ethos
(ii) Participate in processes that assist in the formation of school/college policies
and practices
(b) Learning and teaching
(i) Develop and maintain effective teaching
(ii) Implement quality pedagogies
(iii) Plan, implement and evaluate the nature of student's learning outcomes
(iv) Develop collaborative ways of improving teaching and learning in specialised
subject areas
(c) Information, communication and technology
(i) Establish policies relating to the use of information technologies for students
and teachers
(ii) Monitor the implementation of the use of information technologies for students
and teachers
(iii) Plan for the provision of suitable professional development
(d) Accountability including student outcomes
(i) Become familiar with QCAA procedures and requirements relating to the
programming and assessment
(ii) Develop and implement QCAA and school based programs
(iii) Plan for the provision of quality professional development for staff
(e) Accountability to school community
(i) Ensure quality reporting programs are in place for students, parents and staff
(ii) Work collaboratively with the school administration to develop these reporting
(f) Professional development
(i) Access quality professional development for staff
(ii) Develop collaboratively school based professional development
(iii) Encourage participation in professional associations or similar organisation
Page 146 of 334 Pages
(g) Management of staff and resources
(i) Work collaboratively with staff and administration to ensure appropriate
allocation of classes
(ii) Establish effective budgeting and resource process
(iii) Ensure appropriate WHS procedures are established and monitored
S2.12.2 Key Selection Criteria
Key selection criteria will be developed where they do not exist currently. Such Key selection
criteria could include:
(a) demonstrated commitment to the Catholic mission/ethos of the school/college;
(b) demonstrated achievement in the learning and teaching aspects of school life;
(c) ability to implement and use creatively a range of activities associated with information
(d) demonstrated understanding of curriculum development and QCAA and employing
authority procedures;
(e) ability to plan effectively and communicate an appropriate range of reporting processes;
(f) demonstrated involvement and commitment to quality professional development; and
(g) ability to develop processes to manage staff and resources effectively and collaboratively.
S2.13 Remuneration – Senior Leadership
S2.13.1 Subject to clauses S2.13.2 to S2.13.4 (Recognition of Previous Service), an employee appointed
as a Deputy Principal or an Assistant to the Principal who is remunerated by the payment of a
salary in accordance with Table 2 of this Schedule will:
(a) be paid at the relevant level 1 of Schedule 1 - S1.3 (Positions of Leadership); and
(b) progress to the next available level by annual increments subject to the same conditions
applying to teachers pursuant to clause 4.2.6 (Salary Increments) and clause 7.18.10 (Part-
Time Teachers – increment).
Recognition of Previous Service for the Position of Deputy or Assistant to the Principal
S2.13.2 All previous service as a deputy principal or principal of a Catholic school shall be recognised in
determining the appropriate salary level for the deputy principal. Such service as deputy
principal or principal is recognised provided that there is not a break of continuous service
exceeding twelve (12) months.
S2.13.3 All service as an Assistant to the Principal, deputy principal or principal of a Catholic school
shall be recognised in determining the appropriate salary level for the Assistant to the
Principal. Such service as Assistant to the Principal, deputy principal or principal is recognised
provided that there is not a break in continuous service exceeding twelve (12) months.
S2.13.4 A break in continuous service of exceeding twelve (12) months or more may be recognised as
service for purposes of allocation of salary level, if that break was for the purposes of
professional development or some other purpose acceptable to the employing authority.
Transitional Provisions
S2.13.5 As outlined in Schedule 1.3 (Positions of Leadership), this Agreement has changed the salary
structure of the replaced agreement by:
(a) removing level 1 of the replaced agreement for Assistant Principal and Deputy Principal;
Page 147 of 334 Pages
(b) adding an additional level for Assistant Principal.
S2.13.6 From 1 July 2019, an Assistant Principal or Deputy Principal remunerated at level 1 of the
replaced agreement on 30 June 2019 will transition to level 1 of this Agreement and remain on
that level until progressing to Level 2 (subject to satisfactory conduct, diligence and efficiency)
as follows:
(a) for full-time employees during this time, on 1 July 2020; and
(b) for part-time employees during this time, on whichever is the latter of the following dates:
(i) when the employee satisfies the requirements of clause 7.18.10 of this
Agreement (Part-Time Teachers – 1200 hours); or
(ii) 1 July 2020.
Example1 [S2.13.6(a)] - A Deputy Principal (DP) is appointed on 1 April 2019 on
a full-time basis and is paid $118,820 per year (level 1) on 30 June 2019 in
accordance with the replaced agreement. From 1 July 2019, the DP will be paid
$124,649 (level 1) of this Agreement and increment to level 2 ($130,968) on 1
July 2020.
Example 2 [S2.13.6(b)] – A DP is appointed on 1 February 2019 on a part-time
basis at Level 1 of the replaced agreement. From 1 July 2019, the Deputy
Principal will be paid level 1 of this Agreement.
• If the DP performs an aggregate of 1200 hours of paid work by 1 September
2020, then the DP will increment to Level 2 on 1 September 2020.
• If the DP performs an aggregate of 1200 hours of paid work prior to 1 July
2020 (eg. by 1 June 2020), then the DP will increment to Level 2 on 1 July
S2.13.7 An Assistant Principal or Deputy Principal remunerated above level 1 of the replaced
agreement on 30 June 2019, will transition to the relevant salary level of this Agreement from
1 July 2019 in accordance with the following table:
AP or DP level of replaced
agreement on 30/6/19
(previous level)
AP or DP level of this
Agreement from 1/7/19
(new level)
Level 2 Level 1
Level 3 Level 2
Level 4 (DP only) Level 3 (DP only)
Level 5 (DP only) Level 4 (DP only)
S2.13.8 An Assistant Principal or Deputy Principal transitioned pursuant to clause S2.13.7 will progress
as follows:
(a) in accordance with clause S2.13.1(b); and
(b) service on the previous level and new level of the above table will count towards the
annual increment (that is, for full-time employees, the anniversary date is preserved).
For example, a full-time Assistant Principal incremented to Level 2 ($118, 820)
on 1 April 2019 pursuant to the replaced agreement. From 1 July 2019, the
Assistant Principal will transition to Level 1 of this Agreement ($121,791) and
Page 148 of 334 Pages
can increment to Level 2 of this Agreement ($124,649) on 1 April 2020. This
preserves the anniversary date of 1 April 2020.
S2.14 Appointment to Middle Leadership Positions in Secondary Schools
S2.14.1 Each person who accepts a Middle Leadership position in a secondary school shall be
appointed for an initial period of three (3) years. Two (2) further three (3) year appointments
will be made subject to a continued designation of the position and a satisfactory performance
review at the conclusion of the previous three (3) years.
S2.14.2 The review/appraisal process shall be determined by the employing authority. That process
will be based upon principles outlined in Schedule 7 (Review/Appraisal Process Principles) of
this Agreement.
S2.14.3 After the completion of an appointment period of nine (9) years, the employing authority may
at its discretion advertise the position. Subject to a successful application the incumbent shall
be appointed in accordance with clause S2.14.1 of this Schedule.
S2.14.4 Should an incumbent holding a position resign during a period of the contract, a fixed-term
contract will be made for the balance of the current triennium. Any subsequent appointment
will be made in accordance with clause S2.14.1 of Schedule 2.
S2.15 Appointment to Middle Leadership Positions - Primary Schools
S2.15.1 Each person who accepts a position of Religious Education Co-ordinator in a primary school
shall be appointed on the same terms and conditions as set out in clause S2.14.
S2.16 Termination of Appointment as a Middle Leader in Primary and Secondary Schools
S2.16.1 Both the employee and employer shall have the right to terminate employment in positions
occupied in accordance with Schedule 2.
S2.16.2 In the case of a person categorised as a Middle Leader a minimum of one (1) month of notice is
required by either party.
S2.16.3 A person whose position is terminated in accordance with the terms of Schedule 2 shall
continue to be employed as a teacher under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
S2.16.4 Clause S2.16 shall not apply to any employee dismissed for incompetence, misconduct or
neglect of duty who may be summarily dismissed without notice.
S2.17 Remuneration and Release Time: Middle Leadership Positions – Secondary
S2.17.1 The following table outlines the maximum and minimum units available under the revised
Middle Leadership structure, commensurate with school enrolments, for the provision of both
allowance payments and release time in secondary schools.
Page 149 of 334 Pages
TABLE 3: Middle Leadership in Diocesan Secondary Schools
Enrolment Band Middle Leadership
Number of hours to distribute
over a year
within the available dollars
150 21 207
151-200 21 207
201-250 21 207
251-300 31 310
301-350 31 310
351-400 42 417
401-450 43 423
451-500 54 530
501-550 54 530
551-600 66 652
601-650 67 662
651-700 79 779
701-750 79 779
751-800 91 901
801-850 94 930
851-900 104 1028
901-950 104 1028
951-1000 116 1150
1001-1050 117 1159
1051-1100 128 1272
1101-1150 128 1272
1151-1200 128 1272
1201-1250 132 1305
1251-1300 143 1418
1301-1350 143 1418
1351-1400 143 1418
1401-1450 143 1418
1451-1500 143 1418
1501-1600 159 1578
1601+ 161 1591
Enrolment levels for the purpose of allocation of Middle Leadership positions within the above
bands shall be those taken from the Commonwealth School Census for the year prior to the
operating year.
Page 150 of 334 Pages
Tier 1 and Teachers up to Proficient 4 (Tier 2 to 5)- Value of Allowance and Release Time
S2.17.2 Clause S2.17.3 applies to teachers who are appointed to:
(a) Tier 1 Middle Leadership positions; or
(b) Tiers 2, 3, 4 or 5 Middle Leadership positions and have a substantive rate up to and
including Proficient 4.
S2.17.3 The following applies to teachers prescribed by clause S2.17.2:
(a) where an allowance and release time is allocated in terms of units and where the value of
one (1) unit consists of the following:
(i) the monetary value prescribed in Schedule 1 – S1.3 (Positions of Leadership) of
this Agreement; and
(ii) one (1) hour release time per week;
(b) there are five (5) tier designations of Middle Leadership (with Tier 1 being further sub-
divided) with unit values as follows:
(i) Tier 1.1 is equivalent to two (2) units (the monetary allowance and a minimum
of two (2) hours release time per week);
(ii) Tier 1.2 is equivalent to three (3) units (the monetary allowance and a minimum
of three (3) hours release time per week);
(iii) Tier 2 is equivalent to four (4) units (the monetary allowance and a minimum of
four (4) hours release time per week);
(iv) Tier 3 is equivalent to six (6) units (the monetary allowance and a minimum of
six (6) hours release time per week);
(v) Tier 4 is equivalent to eight (8) units (the monetary allowance and a minimum
of eight and a half (8.5) hours release time per week);
(vi) Tier 5 is equivalent to ten (10) units (the monetary allowance and a minimum of
11.94 hours release time per week).
(c) the monetary allowance for each Tier listed in clause S2.17.3 (b) is outlined in Schedule
1 – S1.3 (Positions of Leadership) of this Agreement;
(d) A ‘Complexity Loading’ of one unit (the monetary allowance and one (1) hour) may be
added to Middle Leader positions, where considered appropriate, without disturbing the
appropriately designated classification tier as determined by the Principal on advice
from the School Consultative Committee;
(e) Certain Tier 2, 3 and 4 Middle Leader positions may be determined eligible for the
‘Complexity Loading’ where the release time may be considered inadequate for the
requirements of the position, where the responsibilities of the position is at the upper
end of the classification criteria or some other factor is present warranting additional
consideration in annual allowance and release time applicable.
(f) The ‘Complexity Loading’ applies as follows:
(i) Tier 2 attracts four (4) units and when a ‘Complexity Loading’ of one (1) unit is
applied, such position attracts five (5) units in total (the monetary allowance
and five (5) hours of weekly release time);
(ii) Tier 3 attracts six (6) units and when a ‘Complexity Loading’ of one (1) unit is
applied, such position attracts seven (7) units in total (the monetary allowance
and seven (7) hours of weekly release time).
Page 151 of 334 Pages
(iii) Tier 4 attracts eight (8) units and when a ‘Complexity Loading’ of one (1) unit is
applied, such position attracts nine (9) units in total (the monetary allowance
and 10.23 hours of weekly release time ).
Note: The application of the ‘Complexity Loading’ differs slightly for Tier 4
positions, as the annual allowance should not exceed that applicable to a
designated Tier 5 Middle Leader position - Instead, the additional unit of
annual allowance is converted to time and added to the new time
allowance of nine (9) hours.
(g) the monetary allowance for each Tier with complexity loading listed in clause S2.17.3 (f)
is outlined in Schedule 1.3 of this Agreement.
Teachers on Proficient 5 and above (Tier 2 – 5)
S2.17.4 Clause S2.17.5 applies to teachers who:
(a) have a substantive rate of pay from Proficient 5 and above; and
(b) are appointed to Middle Leadership positions from Tier 2 up to and including Tier 5.
S2.17.5 A teacher prescribed by clause S2.17.4 will receive:
(a) the salary for the relevant Tier of the Position of Middle Leadership as prescribed in
Schedule 1 - S1.3; and
(b) the same weekly release time that applies to the relevant Tier of the Position of Middle
Leadership as prescribed in clause S2.17.3.
S2.17.6 Additional Middle Leadership release time for allocation over the school year
(a) In addition to the minimum release time designated for each Middle Leader Tier, as
described above at S2.17.2 and S2.17.3, extra hours of Middle Leadership release are also
available for allocation over a school year. Such additional release time shall be allocated
to various Middle Leadership positions on either a weekly basis or at particular pressure
points identified within the school year.
(b) This additional release time is intended to enable the different needs of various Middle
Leadership positions to be best supported. (For example, Middle Leadership Pastoral
positions may require additional release time to be allocated on a weekly basis to enable
more contact with students during school hours; while Middle Leadership Curriculum
positions may require additional release time to be allocated ahead of a new work
program being due).
(c) Ten per cent (10%) of the total Middle Leadership resources pool available to schools have
been reserved for this purpose, prior to conversion to units.
(d) The precise number of additional release hours that may be allocated to Middle
Leadership positions over the school year for each school enrolment size, are detailed at
Table 3 above.
(e) Up to fifty percent (50%) of this flexible time may be converted into additional units for a
school’s Middle Leadership structure, should both the School Consultative Committee and
the principal agree that this is desirable.
(f) The School Consultative Committee shall consider, and make recommendation to the
principal on the appropriate distribution of these additional hours of release to the
various Middle Leadership positions, as part of their deliberations outlined in clauses
S2.17.6 g, S2.18 and S2.19 below.
(g) In determining if additional release time for a Middle Leadership position from the
quantum available is necessary, the following factors may be considered:
Page 152 of 334 Pages
(i) the number of teachers needing to be led or co-ordinated;
(ii) the number of subjects involved in any area of academic responsibility or
number of Year levels under the Pastoral Leader;
(iii) the number of students involved and their particular academic or pastoral
(iv) the structure of the school e.g. multiple campuses or 11-12, 8-12 or
arrangements spanning primary and secondary, pastoral care structure;
(v) school curriculum or pastoral initiatives;
(vi) the overall level of resourcing of the area; and
(vii) other relevant factors.
(h) In suggesting additional release time, the SCC will also suggest whether this should be in
the form of an additional allocation for each week of the school year or whether it should
take the form of a bank of time to be accessed upon request by the Middle Leader and
with the consent of the principal at times of particular need e.g. at beginning or end of a
semester, at times when essential planning is required, etc.
S2.18 School Consultative Committee – Secondary
S2.18.1 The principal shall determine the appropriate middle leadership structure and release time for
a secondary school. In determining this structure a consultative process involving the
formation of a School Consultative Committee (SCC) will be followed.
S2.18.2 Membership of the School Consultative Committee shall include:
(a) Two (2) persons nominated by the employing authority/principal; and
(b) One (1) union member elected by the school chapter of the IEUA;
(c) One (1) staff member elected by the teaching staff other than members of Senior
(d) It would be appropriate for the School Consultative Committee to determine a number of
options for the middle leadership structure which take account of the current
organisation and future needs of the school. Consultation by the whole committee with
the entire teaching staff is necessary, prior to any decisions being made.
(e) Appropriate leadership and management provision shall be made for pastoral, academic
and other program areas, designed to meet emerging needs of the contemporary
secondary school. The employing authority in consultation with the School Consultative
Committee will give consideration to the particular requirements of the school by first
allocating up to twenty per cent (20%) of available points to the pastoral area. Academic
and other needs including pastoral needs will be assessed in the context of the remaining
available points.
(f) A consultative process involving participation of the School Consultative Committee will
be the vehicle by which the school's middle leadership structure will be reviewed each
three (3) years or by local agreement. The detail and the form of such a review are to be
negotiated between the parties.
S2.19 Middle Leadership Structure
S2.19.1 Consultation
(a) The principal in a secondary school will inform the School Consultative Committee (SCC)
on key considerations underpinning the development of a Middle Leadership structure,
Page 153 of 334 Pages
(i) educational vision;
(ii) strategic directions;
(iii) particular programs, emphases and needs of the school; and
(iv) any government initiatives that may impact in the foreseeable future.
This fundamental first step ensures the appropriate opportunity for a high-level, engaged
conversation between the principal as educational leader and the School Consultative
Committee tasked with the development of the recommendations.
(b) The School Consultative Committee and principal will consult with the whole teaching
staff to further inform their deliberations.
(c) The SCC will then make recommendations to the principal about the Middle Leadership
structure for the school based on minimum available units, and any additional release
time within the available flexible hours, appropriate for the structure they have
(d) The principal, following consultation with the SCC, shall determine the Middle Leadership
structure and any additional release allocations for each Middle Leader.
(e) The final Middle Leadership structure will be widely published to teaching staff to enable
all an opportunity to apply, where appropriate. Full details will include a list of all Middle
Leadership positions, existing appointments/vacancies, unit allocation, time release,
financial allowance and flexible hours allocation.
An example of a table that may be used for this purpose is detailed below:
Name of
or ‘position
S2.19.2 Positions of Middle Leadership in Secondary Schools
(a) The responsibilities of each tier and category of middle leadership position in secondary
schools are detailed in Table 4.
This table further details criteria to guide the appropriate tier designation of each middle
leadership position. There are five (5) tiers of Middle Leader position, according to the
level of responsibility, complexity and/or autonomy entailed in the particular role.
(b) Responsibilities of Middle Leaders in secondary schools vary according to: type of position
held; school size; school location; school complexity; school culture and community;
school pedagogy; nature of student cohort; and the experience of the role holder.
(c) Middle Leader Tier 1 is intended to be used only where straightforward coordination
(rather than leadership) is required of a role. It may be most relevant for a less
experienced teacher, a teacher new to Middle Leadership responsibility or in a very small
school where a number of areas may be overseen by a designated member of Senior
Page 154 of 334 Pages
Table 4: Middle Leaders in Catholic Secondary Schools
The following criteria shall be read in conjunction with S4.19.3 (a), (b) and (c) as relevant. The responsibilities of Middle Leaders in secondary schools vary
according to:
(i) the type of position held,
(ii) the size of the school,
(iii) the location of the school,
(iv) school complexity ,
(v) the school culture and community,
(vi) school pedagogy,
(vii) the nature of the student cohort, and
(viii) the experience of the role-holder.
In general, there are five (5) Tiers of Middle Leader described according to the level of responsibility entailed in the role.
Leader Tier 1
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school who is
appointed to be responsible for:
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
(a) the coordination of a curriculum area
taught for between 1 and 30 hours (Tier
1.1) or between 1 and 55 hours (Tier
1.2) in a secondary school over an
average five-day period and/or
(a) the coordination of pastoral care of up to 70
students (Tier 1.1) or between 70 and 120
students (Tier 1.2) and/or
(a) the Coordination of an identified
program in the school and/or
(b) the pastoral care of staff working within
the designated curriculum area and/or
(b) the pastoral care of staff working within the
designated pastoral area and/or
(b) the pastoral care of staff working
within the designated area and/or
(c) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal and consistent with the
teacher's level of experience and
(c) other appropriate duties as required by the
Principal and consistent with the teacher's
level of experience and expertise.
(c) other appropriate duties as required
by the Principal and consistent with
the teacher's level of experience
and expertise.
Page 155 of 334 Pages
Leader Tier 2
(a) the leadership of a curriculum area(s)
taught for between 1 and 90 hours in a
secondary school over an average five-
day period,
(a) the leadership of the pastoral care of
one year level of 120 students in a
school or
(a) the leadership of an identified program
in a secondary school of 500 students
(b) the application of contemporary
learning and teaching research to
classroom practice through professional
development of teachers engaged in
the area(s) of curriculum responsibility,
(b) pastoral care of several year levels in
one section of a secondary school of
300 students and/or
(b) supervising teachers engaged in the
program throughout the school.
(c) supervision of teachers engaged in the
area(s) of curriculum responsibility,
(c) supervision of teachers engaged in
pastoral care within the area of pastoral
responsibility and/or
(c) induction of new teachers within the
program (or supervision of induction
where it is undertaken by another
experienced teacher), and/or
(d) induction of new teachers within the
area(s) of curriculum responsibility (or
supervision of induction where it is
undertaken by another experienced
teacher), and/or
(d) induction of new teachers within the
area of pastoral responsibility ( or
supervision of induction where it is
undertaken by another experienced
teacher), and/or
(d) pastoral care of staff engaged in the
designated area(s) of responsibility,
(e) pastoral care of staff engaged in the
designated area(s) of curriculum
responsibility, and/or
(e) pastoral care of staff engaged in the
designated area(s) of pastoral
responsibility, and/or
(e) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal.
(f) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal and consistent with the
level of expertise indicated above.
(f) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal and consistent with the
level of expertise indicated above.
Page 156 of 334 Pages
Middle Leader
Tier 3
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
(a) the leadership of designated curriculum
areas taught for more than 90 hours in
a secondary school over an average
five-day period
(a) the leadership of pastoral care of a
section of a school (e.g. senior school) of
300 students and/or
(a) the leadership of an identified program
in a mid-sized secondary school (500 -
1000 students) or a school of special
character ( 400 students) and/or
(b) the application of contemporary
learning and teaching research and data
analysis to classroom practice through
professional development and
supervision of staff engaged in these
areas and/or
(b) whole-school pastoral care of up to 500
students and/or
(b) supervising teachers engaged in the
program throughout the school.
(d) induction of new teachers within the
area(s) of curriculum responsibility (or
supervision of induction where it is
undertaken by another experienced
teacher), and/or
(c) supervision of teachers engaged in
pastoral care within the area of pastoral
(c) induction of new teachers within the
program (or supervision of induction
where it is undertaken by another
experienced teacher), and/or
(f) pastoral care of staff engaged in the
designated area(s) of curriculum
responsibility, and/or
(d) induction of new teachers within the
area of pastoral responsibility (or
supervision of induction where it is
undertaken by another experienced
teacher), and/or
(d) pastoral care of staff engaged in the
designated area(s) of responsibility,
(g) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal and consistent with the
level of expertise indicated above.
(e) pastoral care of staff engaged in the
designated area(s) of pastoral
responsibility, and/or
(e) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal.
(f) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal and consistent with the
level of expertise indicated above.
Page 157 of 334 Pages
Middle Leader
Tier 4
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
(a) leading the overall curriculum
development, implementation and
evaluation in a secondary school of up
to 1000 students under the overall
direction of Senior Leadership and/or
(a) leading the whole-school pastoral care
of up to 1000 students in a secondary
school under the overall direction of
Senior Leadership or
(a) leading a substantial identified program
in a secondary school of up to 1200
students or in a school of special
character of up to 600 students under
the overall direction of Senior Leadership
(b) the application of contemporary
learning and teaching research and data
analysis to classroom practice through
whole-school professional development
in a secondary school of up to 1000
students and /or
(b) whole-school pastoral care of up to 400
students in a secondary school of special
character under the overall direction of
Senior Leadership and/or
(b) supervising teachers engaged in the
program throughout the school.
(c) providing professional development
and monitoring improvement of
teachers' professional practice in areas
of identified need in conjunction with
Senior Leadership and/or
(c) providing professional development and
monitoring improvement of teachers'
professional practice in areas of
identified need in conjunction with
Senior Leadership and/or
(c) induction of new teachers within the
program (or supervision of induction
where it is undertaken by another
experienced teacher), and/or
(d) induction and mentoring of beginning
teachers in a secondary school of up to
1000 students and/or
(d) induction and mentoring of beginning
teachers and/or
(d) pastoral care of staff engaged in the
designated area(s) of responsibility,
(e) pastoral care of staff engaged within
the designated areas of responsibility,
(e) pastoral care of staff engaged
within the designated areas of
responsibility, and/or
(e) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal.
(f) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal and consistent with the
level of expertise indicated above.
(f) other appropriate duties as
required by the Principal and consistent with
the level of expertise indicated above.
Page 158 of 334 Pages
Middle Leader
Tier 5
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
(a) leading the overall curriculum
development, implementation and
evaluation in a secondary school of
1000 students or in a P-12, 4-12, 5-12
school of 1500 students under the
overall direction of Senior Leadership
(a) leading the whole-school pastoral care
of 1000 students in a secondary school
under the overall direction of Senior
Leadership or
(a) leading a substantial identified program
in a secondary school of 1200 students
or in a school of special character of
600 students under the overall direction
of Senior Leadership and/or
(b) the application of contemporary
learning and teaching research and
data analysis to classroom practice
through whole-school professional
development in a secondary school of
1000 students or in a P-12, 4-12, 5-
12 school of 1500 students and /or
(b) whole-school pastoral care of 400
students in a secondary school of special
character under the overall direction of
Senior Leadership and/or
(b) supervising teachers engaged in the
program throughout the school.
(c) providing professional development
and monitoring improvement of
teachers' professional practice in
areas of identified need in conjunction
with Senior Leadership, and/or
(c) providing professional development and
monitoring improvement of teachers'
professional practice in areas of
identified need in conjunction with
Senior Leadership, and/or
(c) induction of new teachers within the
program (or supervision of induction
where it is undertaken by another
experienced teacher), and/or
(d) induction and mentoring of beginning
teachers in a secondary school of
1000 students or in a P-12, 4-12, 5-12
school of 1500 students and/or
(d) induction and mentoring of beginning
teachers in the school and/or
(d) pastoral care of staff engaged in the
designated area(s) of responsibility,
(e) pastoral care of staff engaged within
the designated areas of responsibility,
(e) pastoral care of staff engaged within the
designated areas of responsibility,
(e) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal.
(f) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal and consistent with the
level of expertise indicated above.
(f) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal and consistent with the
level of expertise indicated above.
Page 159 of 334 Pages
Middle Leader
Tier 5
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
Refers to a teacher in a secondary school
who is appointed to be responsible for:
(a) leading the overall curriculum
development, implementation and
evaluation in a secondary school of
1000 students or in a P-12, 4-12, 5-12
school of 1500 students and/or
(a) leading the whole-school pastoral care
of 1000 students in a secondary school
(a) leading a substantial identified program
in a secondary school of 1200 students
or in a school of special character of
600 students and/or
(b) the application of contemporary
learning and teaching research and data
analysis to classroom practice through
whole-school professional development
in a secondary school of 1000
students or in a P-12, 4-12, 5-12 school
of 1500 students and /or
(b) whole-school pastoral care of 400
students in a secondary school of special
character and/or
(b) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal and consistent with the
level of expertise indicated above.
(c) performance management of teachers
including induction and mentoring of
beginning teachers in a secondary
school of 1000 students or in a P-12,
4-12, 5-12 school of 1500 students
(c) performance management of teachers
including induction and mentoring of
beginning teachers in the school and/or
(d) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal and consistent with the
level of expertise indicated above.
(c) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal and consistent with the
level of expertise indicated above.
Page 160 of 334 Pages
S2.19.3 Middle Leadership Positions
(a) Curriculum Leaders
In establishing the appropriate Curriculum Middle Leadership structure, the School
Consultative Committee shall take account of the following:
(i) all academic subject areas within a school shall be led, managed and supervised
by either a Curriculum Middle Leader or a member of the Senior Leadership
(ii) there shall be five (5) tiers of designation;
(iii) the School Consultative Committee will give consideration to the following
factors, in addition to referring to the criteria at Table 4 above, when making
recommendations as to the appropriate tier designation and additional flexible
hours for each Middle Leader position:
(A) the number of teachers and other staff to be led or coordinated;
(B) the number and/or range of subjects involved in any area of academic
(C) the number of students involved and their particular academic needs;
(D) amount of curriculum development required;
(E) other associated responsibilities (such as equipment maintenance,
resource ordering, industry training and placement);
(F) the structure of the school e.g. multiple campuses or 11 – 12, 8-12 or
arrangements spanning primary and secondary, pastoral care structure,
school curriculum initiatives; and
(G) the overall level of resourcing of the area.
(iv) The leader of a subject area or group of subject areas shall receive either a
substantive salary or an allowance in addition to the salary payable under
Schedule 1– S1.3 of this Agreement and a minimum release time according to
the prescribed criteria, as set out in Table 4.
(b) Pastoral Leaders
(i) The appropriate designations, units, allowance and release time to be allocated,
are determined by the principal following consultation with the School
Consultative Committee.
(ii) The occupants of these positions may be responsible for the welfare of groups
of students whether structured by year groups, "houses" in schools or
(iii) In determining the appropriate tier classification to be recommended for
Pastoral Leaders, the School Consultative Committee shall take account of the
following factors:
(A) the pastoral care structure of the school e.g. vertical or year level;
(B) the number of students and teachers involved in the pastoral care
(C) the number of year levels involved if structure is based on year levels;
(D) particular pastoral care needs peculiar to the school;
Page 161 of 334 Pages
(E) responsibility for outside school activities each of which is of more than
four (4) days' duration e.g. camps; or
(F) other relevant factors.
(c) Program Leaders (or other) positions in response to emerging needs
(i) The appropriate designations, allowance and release time to be allocated, are
determined by the principal following consultation with the School Consultative
(ii) In determining the appropriate allowances and release time to be
recommended for these positions, the School Consultative Committee shall take
account of the following factors:
(A) impact of school initiatives;
(B) the numbers of students and teachers involved in the program / activity;
(C) the level of overall resourcing in a particular area e.g. technical support;
(D) other relevant factors.
(iii) The occupants of these positions shall be responsible for activities which may
include, but are not limited to, vocational education and training or sports co-
(iv) The term of appointment to these positions may be varied according to need
and be less than that provided in clause S2.14 of this Schedule. Such variation
would be by consultation with the incumbent, the School Consultative
Committee and the principal/employing authority.
(d) Criteria guidelines
(i) Criteria guidelines for the appropriate designation of all middle leadership
positions in secondary schools are described in Tables 5, 6 and 7.
(e) Teachers holding multiple middle leader roles
(i) Except in exceptional circumstances, and by mutual agreement, a teacher
should not hold more than one middle leadership position due to inherent
workload pressures.
(ii) Subject to sub-paragraph (iii) of this clause, where a teacher holds multiple
middle leader roles, the sum of the annual remuneration and weekly time
release for each separate middle leader roles are due to the teacher with
payments as follows:
(A) If the teacher is eligible to receive a substantive rate of pay in
accordance with clauses S2.17.4 and S2.17.5 (Teachers on Proficient 5
and above (Tier 2 – 5))., then the teacher will be paid:
(1) the substantive rate for the highest tier Middle Leadership
position; plus
(2) the applicable allowance for the other role(s) [namely the Tier 1
allowance in accordance with clause S2.17.2(a) or the Tier 2, 3, 4
or 5 allowance as if clauses S2.17.2(b) and S2.17.3 applied (Tier 1
and Teachers up to Proficient 4 (Tier 2 – 5) – Value of Allowance
and Release Time)];
Page 162 of 334 Pages
(B) If the teacher is only eligible to receive allowances in accordance with
clauses S4.17.2 and S4.17.3 (Tier 1 and Teachers up to Proficient 4 (Tier
2 – 5) – Value of Allowance and Release Time), then the teacher will be
paid the applicable allowance for each position.
(iii) In the special case where the combined annual remuneration of the multiple
middle leader roles would exceed the Tier 5 annual remuneration, any monies
above this maximum limit would be converted to additional weekly time
For example, as at 1 July 2019, a teacher on Proficient 8 holding a Tier
1.2 ($8,103 + three (3) hours) and a substantive Tier 3 rate ($115,933 +
six (6) hours) middle leadership position simultaneously would receive a
minimum weekly release time of nine (9) hours and a maximum annual
remuneration of $119,334. The balance of the annual financial
allowance that would otherwise be due ($4,702) is converted to an
additional 1.23 hours of weekly release time.
S2.19.4 Release Time Allocations
(a) A ten per cent (10%) flexibility level is permissible in allocating release time per position.
For example:
Position Release time (min) 45 min periods 50 min periods 60 min periods 70 min
Tier 1.1 120 3 3 2 2
Tier 1.2 180 4 4 3 3
Tier 2 240 5 5 4 4
Tier 3 360 8 7 6 5
Tier 4 510 11 10 8 7
Tier 5 716 16 14 12 10
(b) Middle leader release time provided is from normal contact time.
(c) Except in exceptional circumstances, time release should be provided in usable blocks of
at least thirty (30) minutes.
S2.19.5 Role Descriptions and Key Selection Criteria for Middle Leaders – Secondary (Table 5)
Page 163 of 334 Pages
(i) Table 5: Curriculum Leaders
The role of the Curriculum Leader is to support the mission of the school through leadership of the learning and teaching program. This involves developing
appropriate curriculum in line with national, state and local requirements; ensuring that appropriate pedagogies are developed and implemented at all
levels; ensuring the quality of student learning and the effectiveness of teacher practice through appropriate supervision; utilising thorough analysis of
current data to inform decisions; developing appropriate partnerships within and outside of the school; and prudently administering available resources.
Curriculum Leader
Tier 1
The Curriculum Leader Tier 1 is responsible
The Curriculum Leader Tier 1 will
demonstrate the following :
(1) Coordinating the development of
work program(s) according to
national, state and local
(a) coordinating the designated curriculum
area taught in the school and/or
(a) understanding of and support for
the ethos and mission of the
(2) Coordinating assessment,
moderation and reporting
(b) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal.
(b) ability to coordinate and manage a
curriculum area
(3) Managing financial and material
resources within the area of
responsibility including formulating of
budgets and expending allocated funds.
(c) leadership potential - appropriate
levels of vision, initiative,
organisational and communication
skill and ability to accept
(4) Regularly communicating with
stakeholders about issues of
legitimate interest and/or concern.
(d) success as a classroom teacher
(e) an appropriate level of
professional qualification both
formal and informal and/or
relevant experience
Page 164 of 334 Pages
Curriculum Leader
Tier 2
The Curriculum Leader Tier 2 is responsible for: The Curriculum Leader Tier 2 will
demonstrate the following :
(1) Coordinating the development of work
programs according to national, state
and local requirements.
(a) the leadership of designated curriculum
area(s) taught in the school
(a) a clear vision of and support for the
school's mission and its underlying
values and ethos
(2) Coordination of assessment, moderation
and reporting programs, and the keeping
of appropriate records.
(b) the application of contemporary learning
and teaching research to classroom
practice through professional development
of teachers engaged in the area(s) of
curriculum responsibility
(b) leadership capacity - a broad vision that
extends beyond subject boundaries,
initiative, perseverance, acceptance of
responsibility, effective organisational skill,
ability to communicate appropriately and
ability to foster cooperation and collegiality
(3) Keeping abreast of developments within the
area of responsibility through on-going
professional reading and research, and
providing for the professional learning of staff
in line with these developments.
(c) supervision of teachers engaged in the
area(s) of curriculum responsibility
(c) success as a classroom teacher (4) Engaging in professional discourse with
staff on an individual and departmental
basis through regular meetings.
(d) induction of new teachers within the area(s) of
curriculum responsibility (or supervision of
induction where it is undertaken by another
experienced teacher), and/or
(d) an appropriate level of professional
qualification both formal and informal
and/or relevant experience
(5) Supervising the quality of teaching practice
through activities such as collegial planning,
moderation, classroom observation, and
facilitation of reflective teaching practice.
(e) pastoral care of staff engaged in the
designated area(s) of curriculum
responsibility, and/or
(e) professional activity through
membership of professional
associations and on-going professional
(6) Supervising the quality of student learning
through analysis of student performance data
and addressing areas of concern through
appropriate interventions.
(f) other appropriate duties as required by the
Principal and consistent with the level of
expertise indicated above.
(7) Contributing to the leadership of the
school through active participation in
staff and middle leadership meetings.
(8) Managing financial and material resources
within the area of responsibility including the
formulation of budgets and the expenditure
of allocated funds.
(9) Regularly communicating with
stakeholders about issues of legitimate
interest and/or concern.
Page 165 of 334 Pages
Curriculum Leader
Tier 3
The Curriculum Leader Tier 3 is responsible for: The Curriculum Leader Tier 3 will
demonstrate the following :
(1) Coordination and/or development of work
programs according to national, state and local
(a) leading the overall coordination of
designated curriculum areas taught in the
(a) a clear vision of and support for the
school's mission and its underlying
values and ethos
(2) Coordination of assessment, moderation and
reporting programs, and the keeping of
appropriate records.
(b) the application of contemporary learning
and teaching research and data analysis to
classroom practice through professional
development and supervision of staff
engaged in these areas and/or
(b) leadership capacity - a broad vision that
extends beyond subject boundaries,
initiative, perseverance, acceptance of
responsibility, effective organisational
skill, ability to communicate appropriately
and ability to foster cooperation and
(3) Keeping abreast of developments within the area of
responsibility through on-going professional reading
and research, and providing for the professional
learning of staff in line with these developments.
(c) induction of new teachers within the area(s) of
curriculum responsibility (or supervision of
induction where it is undertaken by another
experienced teacher), and/or
(c) ability to analyse school curriculum
data to determine areas of success
and areas for improvement and to
develop plans to address these
(4) Engaging in professional discourse with staff on
an individual and departmental basis through
regular meetings.
(d) pastoral care of staff engaged in the
designated area(s) of curriculum
responsibility, and/or
(d) success as a classroom teacher (5) Supervising the quality of teaching practice through
activities such as collegial planning, moderation,
classroom observation, and facilitation of reflective
teaching practice.
(e) other appropriate duties as required by the
(e) an appropriate level of professional
qualification both formal and
informal and/or relevant experience
(6) Supervising the quality of student learning through
analysis of student performance data and
addressing areas of concern through appropriate
(f) professional activity through
membership of professional
associations and on-going
professional development.
(7) Contributing to the leadership of the school
through active participation in staff and middle
leadership meetings.
(8) Managing financial and material resources
within the area of responsibility including the
formulation of budgets and the expenditure of
allocated funds.
(9) Regularly communicating with stakeholders
about issues of legitimate interest and/or
Page 166 of 334 Pages
Curriculum Leader
Tier 4
The Curriculum Leader Tier 4 is responsible for: The Curriculum Leader Tier 4 will
demonstrate the following :
(1) Collaborating with other Curriculum Leaders,
teaching staff and appropriate Senior Leadership
personnel to review curriculum frameworks and
plan future directions.
(a) leading the overall curriculum
development, implementation and
evaluation in the school under the overall
direction of Senior Leadership, and/or
(a) a clear vision of and support for the
school's mission and its underlying values
and ethos
(2) Keeping abreast of developments in the areas of
contemporary curriculum, learning and teaching
through on-going professional reading and research,
and providing for the professional learning of the
whole staff in line with these developments.
(b) the application of contemporary learning
and teaching research and data analysis to
classroom practice through whole-school
professional development and /or
(b) leadership capacity - a broad vision of holistic
curriculum, initiative, perseverance,
acceptance of responsibility, effective
organisational skill, ability to engage in
professional discourse and to communicate
appropriately, and ability to foster
cooperation and collegiality
(3) Managing the performance of teaching staff
through on-going professional discourse,
facilitation of reflective teaching practice, and
formal and informal goal-setting and appraisal.
(c) providing professional development and
monitoring improvement of teachers’
professional practice in areas of identified
need in conjunction with Senior Leadership,
(c) ability to analyse whole school
educational data to determine areas of
success and areas for improvement and
to develop plans to address these
(4) Providing for the induction of beginning teachers and
their on-going mentoring programs in collaboration
with Senior Leadership personnel and other
Curriculum Leaders.
(d) induction and mentoring of beginning
teachers, and/or
(d) ability to relate professionally to other
staff members so as to provide a role
model of the successful classroom
teacher and to challenge inappropriate
teaching practice
(5) Supervising the quality of student learning throughout
the school through analysis of student performance
data (both internal and external) and addressing
whole school areas of concern through appropriate
(e) pastoral care of staff engaged within the
designated areas of responsibility, and/or
(e) an appropriate level of professional
qualification both formal and informal
and/or relevant experience, particularly
in the areas of effective learning and
teaching practice
(6) Contributing to the leadership of the school through
active participation in staff and middle leadership
meetings, and through close collaboration with Senior
Leadership in curriculum development.
(f) other appropriate duties as required by the
(f) professional activity through
membership of professional associations
and on-going professional development.
(7) Regularly communicating with stakeholders
about issues of legitimate interest and/or
Page 167 of 334 Pages
Curriculum Leader
Tier 5
The Curriculum Leader Tier 5 is responsible for: The Curriculum Leader Tier 5 will
demonstrate the following :
(1) Collaborating with other Curriculum Leaders, teaching
staff and appropriate Senior Leadership personnel to
review curriculum frameworks and plan future
(a) leading the overall curriculum
development, implementation and
evaluation in the school under the overall
direction of Senior Leadership, and/or
(a) a clear vision of and support for the
school's mission and its underlying
values and ethos
(2) Keeping abreast of developments in the areas of
contemporary curriculum, learning and teaching
through on-going professional reading and research,
and providing for the professional learning of the
whole staff in line with these developments.
(b) the application of contemporary learning
and teaching research and data analysis to
classroom practice through whole-school
professional development and /or
(b) leadership capacity - a broad vision of
holistic curriculum, initiative,
perseverance, acceptance of
responsibility, effective organisational
skill, ability to engage in professional
discourse and communicate appropriately
at all levels, and ability to foster
cooperation and collegiality
(3) Managing the performance of teaching staff
through on-going professional discourse,
facilitation of reflective teaching practice, and
formal and informal goal-setting and appraisal.
(c) providing professional development and
monitoring improvement of teachers’
professional practice in areas of identified
need in conjunction with Senior Leadership,
(c) ability to analyse whole school
educational data to determine areas
of success and areas for improvement
and to develop plans to address these
(4) Providing for the induction of beginning teachers
and their on-going mentoring programs in
collaboration with Senior Leadership personnel
and other Curriculum Leaders.
(d) induction and mentoring of beginning
teachers, and/or
(d) ability to relate professionally to
other staff members so as to provide
a role model of the successful
classroom teacher and to challenge
inappropriate teaching practice
(5) Supervising the quality of student learning throughout
the school through analysis of student performance
data (both internal and external) and addressing
whole school areas of concern through appropriate
(e) pastoral care of staff engaged within the
designated areas of responsibility, and/or
(e) an appropriate level of professional
qualification both formal and
informal and/or relevant experience,
with particular emphasis on effective
learning and teaching methodology
(6) Contributing to the leadership of the school
through active participation in staff and middle
leadership meetings, and through close
collaboration with Senior Leadership in
curriculum development.
(f) other appropriate duties as required by the
(f) professional activity through
membership of professional
associations and on-going
professional development.
(7) Regularly communicating with stakeholders about
issues of legitimate interest and/or concern.
Page 168 of 334 Pages
(ii) TABLE 6: Pastoral Leaders
The role of the Pastoral Leader is to support the mission of the school through leadership in the support of students as school and family
community members. This involves developing and implementing effective pastoral practices which provide for students' welfare and
coordinating the efforts of staff in students' holistic growth through ensuring that appropriate programs and processes are developed and
followed at all levels to encourage students to embrace a way of living based on the values of the Gospel and to manage student behaviours
which are contrary to this; ensuring the quality and effectiveness of teacher practice through appropriate supervision; developing
partnerships with parents and carers and other appropriate partnerships within and outside of the school; and prudently administering
available resources.
Leader Tier
The Pastoral Leader Tier 1 is responsible for: The Pastoral Leader Tier 1 will demonstrate the
following :
(1) Coordinating the work of staff engaged in the
holistic development of the designated
group of students in the light of the values
and ethos of the school.
(a) coordinating the pastoral care of the
designated group of students.
(a) understanding of and support for the ethos
and mission of the school
(2) Monitoring the behaviour of the student
group in accord with the school's behaviour
management policy and procedures.
(b) other appropriate duties as required by the
(b) ability to coordinate and manage (3) Organising pastoral activities for the group
including camps, retreats, etc.
(c) leadership potential - appropriate levels of
vision, initiative, organisational and
communication skill and ability to accept
(4) Regularly communicating with stakeholders
(students, parents, school personnel) to
affirm student growth and to collaborate in
addressing issues of concern.
(d) empathy with young people and an ability to
relate positively with them
(5) Managing financial and material resources
within the area of responsibility including
formulating budgets and expending allocated
(e) an appropriate level of professional
qualification both formal and informal
and/or relevant experience
Page 169 of 334 Pages
Leader Tier
The Pastoral Leader Tier 2 is responsible for: The Pastoral Leader Tier 2 will demonstrate the
following :
(1) Coordinating the work of staff engaged in the holistic
development of the designated group of students in
the light of the values and ethos of the school.
(a) leading the overall pastoral care of the
designated group of students
(a) a clear vision of and support for the school's
mission and its underlying values and ethos
(2) Monitoring the holistic development of students
through observing their academic, social, spiritual
and physical well-being, and addressing areas of
concern through appropriate interventions.
(b) supervision of teachers engaged in pastoral
care within the area of pastoral responsibility
(b) leadership capacity - a broad vision of student welfare
that extends beyond behavioural management,
initiative, perseverance, acceptance of responsibility,
effective organisational skill, ability to communicate
appropriately and ability to foster cooperation and
(3) Monitoring the behaviour of the student group in
accord with the school's behaviour management
policy and procedures.
(c) induction of new teachers within the area of
pastoral responsibility (or supervision of
induction where it is undertaken by another
experienced teacher), and/or
(c) empathy with young people and an ability to
relate positively with them
(4) Organising pastoral activities for the group including
camps, retreats, etc. and assisting with the
organisation by other personnel of activities which
enhance the informal curriculum.
(d) pastoral care staff engaged in the designated
area(s) of pastoral responsibility, and/or
(d) an appropriate level of professional qualification
both formal and informal and/or relevant
(5) Keeping abreast of best practice in the area of
student care and welfare through on-going
professional reading and research, and providing for
the professional learning of staff in line with these
(e) other appropriate duties as required by the
(e) professional activity through membership of
professional associations and on-going professional
(6) Engaging in professional discourse with staff on an
individual and group basis through regular feedback.
(7) Supervising the quality of staff pastoral practice
through collegial support, advice, observation and
facilitation of reflective response to issues.
(8) Regularly communicating with stakeholders
(students, parents, school personnel) to affirm
student growth and to collaborate in addressing
issues of concern.
(9) Contributing to the leadership of the school through
active participation in staff and middle leadership
Page 170 of 334 Pages
(10) Managing financial and material resources within
the area of responsibility including the formulation of
budgets and the expenditure of allocated funds.
Page 171 of 334 Pages
Leader Tier
The Pastoral Leader Tier 3 is responsible for: The Pastoral Leader Tier 3 will demonstrate the
following :
(1) Coordinating the work of staff engaged in the holistic
development of the designated group of students in the
light of the values and ethos of the school.
(a) leading the overall pastoral care of the
designated group of students
(a) a clear vision of and support for the school's
mission and its underlying values and ethos
(2) Monitoring the holistic development of students
through observing their academic, social, spiritual and
physical well-being, and addressing areas of concern
through appropriate interventions.
(b) supervision of teachers engaged in
pastoral care within the area of pastoral
(b) leadership capacity - a broad vision that extends
beyond behavioural management, initiative,
perseverance, acceptance of responsibility,
effective organisational skill, ability to
communicate appropriately and ability to foster
cooperation and collegiality
(3) Monitoring the behaviour of the student group in
accord with the school's behaviour management policy
and procedures.
(c) induction of new teachers within the area
of pastoral responsibility (or supervision
of induction where it is undertaken by
another experienced teacher), and/or
(c) ability to research and analyse school
behavioural management programs and student
well-being issues to determine areas of success
and areas for improvement and to develop plans
to address these
(4) Organising pastoral activities for the group including
camps, retreats, etc. and assisting with the organisation
by other personnel of activities which enhance the
informal curriculum.
(d) pastoral care of staff engaged in the
designated area(s) of pastoral
responsibility, and/or
(d) empathy with young people and an ability to
relate positively with them
(5) Keeping abreast of best practice in the area of student
care and welfare through on-going professional reading
and research, and providing for the professional
learning of staff in line with these developments.
(e) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal.
(e) an appropriate level of professional qualification
both formal and informal and/or relevant
(6) Engaging in professional discourse with staff on an
individual and group basis through regular feedback.
(f) professional activity through membership of
professional associations and on-going
professional development.
(7) Supervising the quality of staff pastoral practice
through collegial support, advice, observation and
facilitation of reflective response to issues.
(8) Regularly communicating with stakeholders (students,
parents, school personnel) to affirm student growth and
to collaborate in addressing issues of concern.
(9) Contributing to the leadership of the school through
active participation in staff and middle leadership
Page 172 of 334 Pages
(10) Managing financial and material resources within the
area of responsibility including the formulation of
budgets and the expenditure of allocated funds.
Page 173 of 334 Pages
Leader Tier
The Pastoral Leader Tier 4 is responsible for: The Pastoral Leader Tier 4 will demonstrate the
following :
(1) Coordinating the work of staff engaged in the
holistic development of the designated group
of students in the light of the values and
ethos of the school.
(a) leading the overall pastoral care of the designated
cohort of students under the overall direction of
Senior Leadership
(a) a clear vision of and support for the school's
mission and its underlying values and ethos
(2) Monitoring the holistic development of
students through observing their academic,
social, spiritual and physical well-being, and
addressing areas of concern through
appropriate interventions.
(b) providing professional development and monitoring
improvement of teachers’ professional practice in
areas of identified need in conjunction with Senior
Leadership, and/or
(b) leadership capacity - a broad vision of
holistic pastoral practice, initiative,
perseverance, acceptance of responsibility,
effective organisational skill, ability to
engage in professional discourse and to
communicate appropriately, and ability to
foster cooperation and collegiality
(3) Monitoring the behaviour of the student
cohort in accord with the school's behaviour
management policy and procedures.
(c) induction and mentoring of beginning teachers,
(c) ability to research and analyse school
behavioural management programs and
student well-being issues to determine
areas of success and areas for improvement
and to develop plans to address these
(4) Organising pastoral activities for the group
including camps, retreats, etc. and assisting
with the organisation by other personnel of
activities which enhance the informal
(d) pastoral care of staff engaged within the designated
areas of responsibility, and/or
(d) empathy with young people and an ability
to relate positively with them
(5) Keeping abreast of best practice in the area of
student care and welfare through on-going
professional reading and research, and
providing for the professional learning of staff
in line with these developments.
(e) other appropriate duties as required by the Principal. (e) ability to relate professionally to other staff
members so as to provide a role model of
successful pastoral practice and to
challenge inappropriate practice at all levels
(6) Managing the performance of staff involved
in pastoral care through on-going professional
discourse, collegial support, observation of
practice, facilitation of reflective responses to
issues, and formal and informal goal-setting
and appraisal.
(f) an appropriate level of professional
qualification both formal and informal
and/or relevant experience, particularly in
the areas of effective pastoral practice
(7) Providing for the induction of beginning
teachers and their on-going mentoring
programs in collaboration with Senior
Leadership personnel and other Pastoral
Page 174 of 334 Pages
(g) professional activity through membership of
professional associations and on-going
professional development.
(8) Contributing to the leadership of the school
through active participation in staff and
middle leadership meetings, and through
close collaboration with other Pastoral
Leaders, teaching staff and appropriate Senior
Leadership personnel to review pastoral
frameworks and plan future directions in
pastoral care.
(9) Regularly communicating with stakeholders
(students, parents, school personnel) to
affirm student growth and to collaborate in
addressing issues of concern.
(10) Managing financial and material resources
within the area of responsibility including the
formulation of budgets and the expenditure
of allocated funds.
Page 175 of 334 Pages
Leader Tier 5
The Pastoral Leader Tier 5 is responsible for: The Pastoral Leader Tier 5 will demonstrate the
following :
(1) Coordinating the work of staff engaged in
the holistic development of the
designated group of students in the light
of the values and ethos of the school.
(a) leading the overall pastoral care of the designated
cohort of students under the overall direction of
Senior Leadership
(a) a clear vision of and support for the school's
mission and its underlying values and ethos
(2) Monitoring the holistic development of
students through observing their
academic, social, spiritual and physical
well-being, and addressing areas of
concern through appropriate
(b) providing professional development and monitoring
improvement of teachers’ professional practice in
areas of identified need in conjunction with Senior
Leadership, and/or
(b) leadership capacity - a broad vision of
holistic pastoral practice, initiative,
perseverance, acceptance of responsibility,
effective organisational skill, ability to
engage in professional discourse and to
communicate appropriately, and ability to
foster cooperation and collegiality
(3) Monitoring the behaviour of the student
cohort in accord with the school's
behaviour management policy and
(c) induction and mentoring of beginning teachers,
(c) ability to research and analyse school
behavioural management programs and
student well-being issues to determine
areas of success and areas for improvement
and to develop plans to address these
(4) Organising pastoral activities for the group
including camps, retreats, etc. and
assisting with the organisation by other
personnel of activities which enhance the
informal curriculum.
(d) pastoral care of staff engaged within the designated
areas of responsibility, and/or
(d) empathy with young people and an ability
to relate positively with them
(5) Keeping abreast of best practice in the
area of student care and welfare through
on-going professional reading and
research, and providing for the
professional learning of staff in line with
these developments.
(e) other appropriate duties as required by the Principal. (e) ability to relate professionally to other staff
members so as to provide a role model of
successful pastoral practice and to
challenge inappropriate practice at all levels
(6) Managing the performance of staff
involved in pastoral care through on-going
professional discourse, collegial support,
observation of practice, facilitation of
reflective responses to issues, and formal
and informal goal-setting and appraisal.
Page 176 of 334 Pages
(f) an appropriate level of professional
qualification both formal and informal
and/or relevant experience, particularly in
the areas of effective pastoral practice
(7) Providing for the induction of beginning
teachers and their on-going mentoring
programs in collaboration with Senior
Leadership personnel and other Pastoral
(g) professional activity through membership of
professional associations and on-going
professional development.
(8) Contributing to the leadership of the
school through active participation in staff
and middle leadership meetings, and
through close collaboration with other
Pastoral Leaders, teaching staff and
appropriate Senior Leadership personnel
to review pastoral frameworks and plan
future directions in pastoral care.
(9) Regularly communicating with
stakeholders (students, parents, school
personnel) to affirm student growth and to
collaborate in addressing issues of
(10) Managing financial and material resources
within the area of responsibility including
the formulation of budgets and the
expenditure of allocated funds.
Page 177 of 334 Pages
(iii) TABLE 7: Program Leaders
The role of the Program Leader is to support the mission of the school through leadership of specific academic, cultural, outreach, sporting or other defined
programs offered to students and/or the school community. This involves interacting with students, staff and parents in an appropriate manner as well as
developing and implementing effective processes and practices in keeping with the values and ethos of the school and designed to accomplish the desired
outcomes of the specific program. Depending on the nature of the program, the role may also involve interacting with personnel and organisations outside
the school community and developing partnerships that enhance results for students.
Leader Tier
The Program Leader Tier 1 is responsible for: The Program Leader Tier 1 will demonstrate
the following :
(1) Coordinating the work of staff engaged
in the designated program in keeping
with the values and ethos of the school.
(a) coordinating the designated Program in
the school and/or
(a) understanding of and support for the
ethos and mission of the school
(2) Regularly communicating with
stakeholders (students, parents, school
staff and other personnel) to ensure the
smooth operation of the program.
(b) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal.
(b) ability to coordinate and manage (3) Organising program activities including
resources, transport, operations, staff,
(c) leadership potential - appropriate levels
of vision, initiative, organisational and
communication skill and ability to
accept responsibility
(4) Managing financial and material
resources within the area of
responsibility including formulating
budgets and expending allocated funds.
(d) empathy with young people and an
ability to relate positively with them in
the context of the particular program
being coordinated
(e) an appropriate level of professional
qualification both formal and informal
and/or relevant experience
Page 178 of 334 Pages
Leader Tier
The Program Leader Tier 2 is responsible for: The Program Leader Tier 2 will demonstrate the
following :
(1) Coordinating the work of staff engaged in
delivering the designated program in the light of
the values and ethos of the school.
(a) leading the designated program in the
(a) a clear vision of and support for the school's
mission and its underlying values and ethos
(2) Monitoring program outcomes for students and
addressing areas of concern through appropriate
(b) supervising teachers engaged in the
program throughout the school.
(b) leadership capacity - a broad vision of student
welfare that extends beyond behavioural
management, initiative, perseverance, acceptance
of responsibility, effective organisational skill,
ability to communicate appropriately and ability to
foster cooperation and collegiality
(3) Regularly communicating with stakeholders
(students, parents, school staff and other
personnel) to ensure the smooth operation of
the program.
(c) induction of new teachers within the
program (or supervision of induction
where it is undertaken by another
experienced teacher), and/or
(c) empathy with young people and an ability to
relate positively with them in the context of the
particular program within the school
(4) Organising program activities including
resources, transport, operations, staff, etc.
(d) pastoral care of staff engaged in the
designated area(s) of responsibility,
(d) an appropriate level of professional qualification
both formal and informal and/or relevant
(5) Keeping abreast of best practice in the program
area through on-going professional reading and
research, and providing for the professional
learning of staff in line with these developments.
(e) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal.
(e) professional activity through membership of
professional associations and on-going
professional development appropriate to the role.
(6) Engaging in professional discourse with staff
engaged in the program on an individual and
group basis through regular feedback.
(7) Supervising the quality of staff practice through
collegial support, advice, observation and
facilitation of reflective response to issues.
(8) Contributing to the leadership of the school
through active participation in staff and middle
leadership meetings.
(9) Managing financial and material resources
within the area of responsibility including the
formulation of budgets and the expenditure of
allocated funds.
Page 179 of 334 Pages
Leader Tier
The Program Leader Tier 3 is responsible for: The Program Leader Tier 3 will demonstrate the
(1) Coordinating the work of staff engaged in
delivering the designated program in the light of
the values and ethos of the school.
(a) leading the designated program in the
(a) a clear vision of and support for the school's
mission and its underlying values and ethos
(2) Monitoring program outcomes for students and
addressing areas of concern through appropriate
(b) supervising teachers engaged in the
program throughout the school.
(b) leadership capacity - a broad vision that
extends beyond behavioural management,
initiative, perseverance, acceptance of
responsibility, effective organisational skill,
ability to communicate appropriately and
ability to foster cooperation and collegiality
(3) Regularly communicating with stakeholders
(students, parents, school staff and other
personnel) to ensure the smooth operation of
the program.
(c) induction of new teachers within the
program (or supervision of induction
where it is undertaken by another
experienced teacher), and/or
(c) ability to research and analyse the operations
of similar programs in other schools and
sectors to enhance the school's program, to
determine areas of success and areas for
improvement and to develop plans to address
(4) Organising program activities including
resources, transport, operations, staff, etc.
(5) Keeping abreast of best practice in the program
area through on-going professional reading and
research, and providing for the professional
learning of staff in line with these developments.
(d) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal.
(d) empathy with young people and an ability to
relate positively with them in the context of
the particular program within the school
(6) Engaging in professional discourse with staff on
an individual and group basis through regular
(e) an appropriate level of professional
qualification both formal and informal and/or
relevant experience
(7) Supervising the quality of staff Program practice
through collegial support, advice, observation
and facilitation of reflective response to issues.
(f) professional activity through membership of
professional associations and on-going
professional development appropriate to the
(8) Contributing to the leadership of the school
through active participation in staff and middle
leadership meetings.
(9) Managing financial and material resources
within the area of responsibility including the
formulation of budgets and the expenditure of
allocated funds.
Page 180 of 334 Pages
Leader Tier 4
The Program Leader Tier 4 is responsible for: The Program Leader Tier 4 will demonstrate the
following :
(1) Coordinating the work of staff engaged in
delivering the designated program in the light of
the values and ethos of the school.
(a) leading the designated program in the
(a) a clear vision of and support for the school's
mission and its underlying values and ethos
(2) Monitoring program outcomes for students and
addressing areas of concern through appropriate
(b) providing professional development and
monitoring improvement of teachers’
professional practice in areas of
identified need in conjunction with
Senior Leadership, and/or
(b) leadership capacity - a broad vision of holistic
educational practice, initiative, perseverance,
acceptance of responsibility, effective
organisational skill, ability to engage in
professional discourse and to communicate
appropriately, and ability to foster cooperation
and collegiality
(3) Regularly communicating with stakeholders
(students, parents, school staff and other
personnel) to ensure the smooth operation of
the program.
(c) induction and mentoring of beginning
teachers, and/or
(c) ability to research and analyse the operations of
similar programs in other schools and sectors to
enhance the school's program, to determine areas
of success and areas for improvement and to
develop plans to address these
(4) Organising program activities including
resources, transport, operations, staff, etc.
(5) Keeping abreast of best practice in the program
area through on-going professional reading and
research, and providing for the professional
learning of staff in line with these developments.
(d) pastoral care of staff engaged within the
program, and/or
(d) empathy with young people and an ability to
relate positively with them in the context of the
particular program within the school
(6) Coordinating the program's evaluation and
(e) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal.
(e) ability to relate professionally to other staff
members so as to provide a role model of
successful educational practice and to challenge
inappropriate practice at all levels
(7) Managing the performance of staff through on-
going professional discourse, collegial support,
observation of practice, facilitation of reflective
responses to issues, and formal and informal
goal-setting and appraisal.
(f) an appropriate level of professional
qualification both formal and informal and/or
relevant experience, particularly in the areas
pertaining to the designated program
(8) Providing for the induction of beginning teachers
and their on-going mentoring programs in
collaboration with Senior Leadership personnel
and other Middle Leaders.
(g) professional activity through membership of
professional associations and on-going
(9) Contributing to the leadership of the school
through active participation in staff and
middle leadership meetings, and through
Page 181 of 334 Pages
professional development appropriate to the
close collaboration with other Middle
Leaders, teaching staff and appropriate
Senior Leadership personnel to review school
programs and plan for future developments.
(10) Managing financial and material resources
within the area of responsibility including the
formulation of budgets and the expenditure
of allocated funds.
Page 182 of 334 Pages
(a) leading the designated program in the
(a) a clear vision of and support for the school's
mission and its underlying values and ethos
(2) Monitoring program outcomes for students
and addressing areas of concern through
appropriate interventions.
(b) providing professional development and
monitoring improvement of teachers’
professional practice in areas of
identified need in conjunction with
Senior Leadership, and/or
(b) leadership capacity - a broad vision of holistic
educational practice, initiative, perseverance,
acceptance of responsibility, effective
organisational skill, ability to engage in
professional discourse and to communicate
appropriately, and ability to foster cooperation
and collegiality
(3) Regularly communicating with stakeholders
(students, parents, school staff and other
personnel) to ensure the smooth operation of
the program.
(c) induction and mentoring of beginning
teachers, and/or
(c) ability to research and analyse the operations
of similar programs in other schools and
sectors to enhance the school's program, to
determine areas of success and areas for
improvement and to develop plans to address
(4) Organising program activities including
resources, transport, operations, staff, etc.
(d) pastoral care of staff engaged within the
program, and/or
(d) empathy with young people and an ability to
relate positively with them in the context of
the particular program within the school
(5) Keeping abreast of best practice in the
program area through on-going professional
reading and research, and providing for the
professional learning of staff in line with these
(e) other appropriate duties as required by
the Principal.
(e) ability to relate professionally to other staff
members so as to provide a role model of
successful educational practice and to
challenge inappropriate practice at all levels
(6) Coordinating the program's evaluation and
(7) Managing the performance of staff involved in
the program through on-going professional
discourse, collegial support, observation of
practice, facilitation of reflective responses to
issues, and formal and informal goal-setting
and appraisal.
(f) an appropriate level of professional
qualification both formal and informal and/or
relevant experience, particularly in the areas
pertaining to the designated program
(8) Providing for the induction of beginning
teachers and their on-going mentoring
programs in collaboration with Senior
Leadership personnel and other Program
Page 183 of 334 Pages
(g) professional activity through membership of
professional associations and on-going
professional development appropriate to the
(9) Contributing to the leadership of the school
through active participation in staff and middle
leadership meetings, and through close
collaboration with other Middle Leaders,
teaching staff and appropriate Senior
Leadership personnel to review school
programs and plan for future developments.
(10) Managing financial and material resources
within the area of responsibility including the
formulation of budgets and the expenditure of
allocated funds.
Page 184 of 334 Pages
S2.19.6 Appointment of Religious Education Co-Ordinator - Secondary Schools with Enrolments of
Fewer than 300 students
In secondary schools with enrolments of fewer than 300 students, a Religious Education Co-
ordinator may be appointed to a middle leadership position. The employing authority may at
its discretion appoint an Assistant to the Principal Religious Education. The additional cost
beyond the appropriate allowance pertaining to a middle leadership position shall be borne by
the employing authority.
S2.20 Middle Leadership in Primary Schools
S2.20.1 Remuneration and Release Time - Primary Schools
The middle leadership and curriculum coordination time provisions allocated in the following
table will be used to provide for the development, coordination and innovation of curriculum in
primary schools.
TABLE 8: Diocesan Primary Schools – Curriculum Coordination Time
Enrolments Weekly time release
51 4 hrs
51-75 4 hrs
76-99 4 hrs
100-150 4 hrs
151-199 4 hrs
200-224 4.5 hrs
225-250 9 hrs
251-300 9 hrs
301-325 11 hrs
326-400 10 hrs
401-450 10 hrs
451-500 9 hrs
501-550 11 hrs
551-600 11 hrs
601-700 13.5 hrs
701-799 15.5 hrs
800-899 18 hrs
900-949 20 hrs
950-999 20 hrs
1000-1099 22 hrs
1100-1199 24.5 hrs
1200-1299 26.5 hrs
1300-1399 29 hrs
1400-1499 31 hrs
1500+ 33.25 hrs + 0.1 FTE per additional 100 students
S2.20.2 Appointment of Assistant to the Principal Religious Education or Religious Education Co-
ordinator - Primary schools with enrolments of fewer than 150 students
(a) It is recognised by the parties that difficulty may be encountered in the attraction of
suitable applicants to the positions of Assistant to the Principal Religious Education or
Religious Education Co-ordinator in schools in remote localities with enrolments of fewer
than 150 students.
(b) The employing authority undertakes to make every effort to fill a vacant position both by
internal notification and by newspaper advertisement. Should the position remain
Page 185 of 334 Pages
vacant, the principal shall carry out the appropriate duties until a suitable applicant can
be found.
Provided that a suitably qualified applicant may be appointed for a fixed-term period of
one year, in accordance with the fixed-term provisions contained in clause 3.6 of this
S2.21 Middle Leadership in P-12 Schools and other Non-Standard Compositions
S2.21.1 Allocation of Middle Leadership Positions Across Primary and Secondary Enrolments
(a) The principal is responsible for determining the appropriate middle leadership structure
for the school. The School Consultative Committee shall propose to the principal possible
models of middle leadership appropriate for the particular school after consultation with
the whole teaching staff, in accordance with clause S2.18 and S2.19.1 of this Schedule.
(b) In determining these models and recommending the appropriate allowances and release
time, the SCC shall take into account factors such as:
(i) the distribution of positions that would occur if the primary and secondary
components of the school were separate;
(ii) the curriculum organisation of the school as a whole;
(iii) special curriculum initiatives that impact across the school;
(iv) the pastoral care structure of the total school;
(v) the number of students and teachers involved in each segment of the pastoral
care structure;
(vi) the campus structure;
(vii) the extent to which such things as technological provision and sporting
competition cross over traditional primary/secondary categories; and
(viii) the level of technical, clerical or aide support across primary and secondary
components of the school.
S2.21.2 The cost of administering the Middle Leadership structure of the secondary component (Year 7
– 12) of the P – 12 school shall first be determined (that is, variable A).
(a) The cost of administering the Middle Leadership structure of the school if Year 6 students
were added to the Year 7 – 12 numbers when determining middle leadership allocations
shall then be calculated (that is, variable B).
(b) The cost of administering the Year 6 component of the Middle Leadership structure may
then be identified (note that variable C is found by taking variable B – variable A).
(c) This cost (variable C) may then be discounted from the Senior Leadership allocations for
the primary school component of the P – 12 school, should the principal / employing
authority choose to do so.
It should be recognised that the above formula approach represents a ‘minimum’ allocation for
the funding the middle leadership structure of a P – 12 school. Where the school is able to
include a Year 5 component as well, the above formula will be adjusted accordingly.
S2.21.3 Additional Resourcing
After considering the overall level of resources across the school, the employing authority, at its
discretion, may provide additional points in exceptional circumstances.
S2.22 Appointment Processes
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S2.22.1 Appointment of Members of Religious Congregations to Senior and Middle Leadership
(a) An employing authority shall place in a school any number of Religious Congregation
members it deems appropriate. Whilst placement of Congregational members would
normally be at the beginning of the year or semester, placement may occur at other times.
The employing authority, in making all placements shall consider the interests of the
students, principal and other staff members.
(b) The employing authority shall retain the right to appoint the principal, and any other
person to Senior and Middle Leadership positions through the principal.
(c) Where a Congregational member is appointed to a position of Senior or Middle
Leadership then the points allocated to both allowance and release time for such a
position should be considered to be allocated as if the appointee was a salaried teacher.
(d) Schools shall not allocate points belonging to a Congregational member occupying a
middle leadership position to any other Middle Leadership position in the school. A
salaried teacher may be appointed to a Middle Leadership position previously held by a
Congregational member. A Congregational member may be appointed to a middle
leadership position previously held by a salaried teacher.
S2.22.2 Appointment of Acting Positions
Provision for the Appointment of a Person to Act in a Senior or Middle Leadership Position.
(a) This provision applies to the appointment of a person to act in the position of deputy
principal, Assistant to the Principal (Administration), Assistant to the Principal (Religious
Education), in primary and/or secondary schools or a Middle Leadership position.
(b) Appointment to an acting position is for a defined period and shall be confirmed in writing.
(c) An acting position may be determined in those situations where the incumbent is on leave
or an interim vacancy exists.
(d) The number and/or existence of such positions are determined by the employing
(e) The appointment to an acting position is for a fixed-term of four (4) or more continuous
weeks. This paragraph (S2.22.2 (e)) shall not preclude appointment to an acting position
for less than four (4) weeks for emergent reasons.
(f) An appointment of four (4) weeks may include student free days.
(g) The four (4) weeks or more of continuous service in the acting position will be exclusive
of the vacation periods. Where the appointment is made across a vacation period the
appointee will be paid at the acting rate for the vacation period. Where the appointment
is contiguous to student free days the student free days shall be paid at the acting rate.
(h) The salary rate paid shall be in accordance with the salary schedule outlined in Schedule
1– S1.3 of this Agreement for that position provided that the acting appointee's
experience in the position shall be recognised.
(i) Where appropriate the employing authority/principal may call for expressions of interest
from current employees regarding the acting position.
(j) All paid leave taken during an acting appointment shall be paid at the appropriate acting
(k) School vacation leave, which is immediately following a period designated as acting, shall
be paid at the acting rate.
Page 187 of 334 Pages
(l) When an employee takes paid leave immediately following a period designated as acting,
that employee shall be paid for such leave at the acting rate.
S2.23 Fundamental Principles of the Appointment Process
S2.23.1 The parties recognise that teaching and learning outcomes may be well supported by Catholic
schools’ ability to attract and retain quality teaching staff in promotional positions.
S2.23.2 As a minimum, the fundamental principles forming a transparent appointment process shall
(a) advertisement of promotional position vacancies to existing staff;
(b) opportunity to provide written response to key selection criteria;
(c) interview of short listed applicants; and
(d) in circumstances where an existing employee is unsuccessful in application for a vacant
promotional position, the employee may request employer feedback on aspects of their
written application and/or interview performance.
S2.23.3 This clause does not apply:
(a) where appointments are made for the remainder of the Position of Leadership triennium,
(b) where appointments are made to other acting positions, or
(c) Where there is redeployment of current staff following school closure or other special
S2.24 Amendment to the Application of this Schedule
S2.24.1 In special or unique circumstances the employing authority and the union may enter into
arrangements, the application of which will amend the provisions of this Schedule for an
identified school. These arrangements will be recorded in writing by way of exchange of
letters between the parties and will normally be for a period not exceeding twelve (12)
S2.25 Review/Appraisal Process Principles
The principles for any review/appraisal process will be identified in Schedule 7
(Review/Appraisal Process Principles) of this Agreement.
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S3.1 Coverage
This Schedule shall apply to those teachers employed by Diocesan employing authorities in Catholic schools
throughout the state of Queensland who are not categorised as Principals, Deputy Principals, Assistant to the
Principal - Religious Education or Assistant to the Principal - Administration.
S3.2 Hours of Duty – Secondary
The hours of duty of secondary teachers shall be up to thirty-one (31) hours per week in those schools where
existing arrangements require such a quantum. In all other cases, the hours of duty shall be thirty and a half
(30.5) per week.
S3.2.1 Contact Time
Of the thirty-one (31) hours or thirty and a half (30.5) hours required per week occurring
between Monday and Friday in a secondary school a maximum of up to twenty-one and a half
(21.5) hours shall be contact time. Contact time shall include programmed teaching time,
programmed sporting, administrative/pastoral care classes and assembly time.
S3.2.2 Preparation and Correction Time - Classroom Teachers
(a) In addition, an amount equal to twenty per cent (20%) of actual contact time (excluding
assembly time) shall be allocated to preparation and correction time. However part of
this preparation and correction time may be used for supervision or cover periods for a
maximum of ten (10) periods per year.
(b) The schedule of preparation and correction time shall be negotiated at the school level in
advance of the commencement of each term and committed to writing. Such a schedule
will endeavour to minimise disruptions to the provision of preparation and correction
time by taking into account planned school events and activities. Where preparation and
correction time is unable to be accessed by a teacher due to planned school activities,
timely consultation will occur at the school level to make alternative arrangements with
the teacher for the replacement of such time. Arrangements for the replacement of
preparation and correction time is not required when the time is unable to be accessed
due to scheduled collaboration time pursuant to clause S3.2.3.
(c) The primary and main function of preparation and correction time shall be to undertake
necessary preparation and correction to effectively carry out the role as a teacher.
(d) Duties undertaken during preparation and correction time may include:
(i) planning for class and group teaching instruction;
(ii) planning for student excursions;
(iii) setting and correcting assessment items;
(iv) evaluating and assessing student work;
(v) curriculum planning; and
(vi) compilation of assessment records.
(e) It is recommended that preparation and correction time in secondary schools be provided
in minimum thirty (30) minute blocks of useable time.
S3.2.3 Collaborative Planning Time in Secondary Schools
(a) No later than the commencement of the 2022 school year, the school/employing
authority will provide the equivalent time of at least two (2) days per annum focussed on
collaborative planning.
Page 189 of 334 Pages
(b) A school/employing authority may schedule such time, as an arrangement for the whole
of school, or for segments of the staff.
(c) Collaborative planning time will be used to undertake collaborative planning discussions,
activities and/or meetings based on the local circumstances and needs of the school.
S3.2.4 Other Duties
The remainder of the total quantum of hours shall be defined as "other duties" and shall include
the following activities:
(a) Movement between classes;
(b) Preparation and correction outside the twenty per cent (20%) mentioned above
programmed in the school day;
(c) Class/playground/transport etc. supervision;
(d) Staff meetings;
(e) Educational activities associated with the programmed curriculum;
(f) Parent/teacher consultations which form part of the school's programmed reporting to
(g) Attendance at school for the required time before the commencement of classes;
(h) School worship;
(i) Supervision or covers periods outside that mentioned above;
(j) Activities in association with the appraisal of other employees or mentoring programs;
(k) Professional development as provided in clause 10.3.2 of this Agreement.
S3.3 Hours of Duty – Primary
S3.3.1 The hours of duty for primary teachers shall be up to thirty (30) hours per week worked
between Monday and Friday.
Contact Time
S3.3.2 Class contact time in the primary area shall be twenty-four (24) hours forty (40) minutes per
week, and shall include face to face teaching, pastoral care and sporting activities which form
part of the programmed school day.
S3.3.3 No later than the commencement of the 2022 school year, the class contact time outlined in
S3.3.2 will be twenty-four (24) hours ten (10) minutes per week.
Planning Preparation and Correction Time
S3.3.4 Entitlement to Planning, Preparation and Correction Time is as follows:
(a) Teachers in primary schools and pre-schools and primary departments of a secondary
school shall be entitled to two hours of planning, preparation and correction time per
week aggregated as necessary for periods of up to one school term.
(b) No later than the commencement of the 2022 school year, the entitlement to planning,
preparation and correction time per week outlined in paragraph (a) will be two (2) hours
and thirty (30) minutes.
(c) Part-time teachers, engaged for seven (7) hours or more per week, will receive planning,
preparation and correction time equivalent to time which reflects the proportion the
hours the engagement bears to full-time contact hours.
(d) Such time shall constitute ‘duty’ in terms of relevant industrial instruments.
Page 190 of 334 Pages
(e) The schedule of preparation and correction time shall be negotiated at the school level in
advance of the commencement of each term and committed to writing. Such a schedule
will endeavour to minimise disruptions to the provision of planning, preparation and
correction time by taking into account planned school events and activities. Where
planning, preparation and correction time is unable to be accessed by a teacher due to
planned school activities, timely consultation will occur at the school level to make
alternative arrangements with the teacher for the replacement of such time.
(f) With the exception of primary schools within the Archdiocese of Brisbane, the minimum
block of planning, preparation and correction time shall not be less than thirty (30)
(g) For primary schools within the Archdiocese of Brisbane, it is recommended that the
minimum block of planning, preparation and correction time shall not be less than thirty
(30) minutes.
(h) A teacher’s allocated entitlement to planning, preparation and correction time shall be
identified on an individual teacher’s hours of duty timetable.
(i) The primary and main function of planning, preparation and correction time shall be to
undertake necessary planning, preparation and correction to effectively carry out the role
as a teacher.
(j) Duties undertaken during planning, preparation and correction time may include:
(i) planning for class and group teaching instruction;
(ii) planning for student excursions;
(iii) setting and correcting assessment items;
(iv) evaluating and assessing student work;
(v) curriculum planning; and
(vi) compilation of assessment records.
Other Duties
S3.3.5 The remaining hours shall be defined as "other duties" and shall include:
(a) Class/playground/transport supervision;
(b) Staff meetings;
(c) Educational activities associated with the curriculum as programmed;
(d) Attendance at school for the required time before the commencement of classes;
(e) School worship;
(f) Parent/teacher consultations which form part of the school's programmed reporting to
(g) Sacramental programme;
(h) School assembly for administrative purposes;
(i) Activities in association with the appraisal of other employees or mentoring programs;
(j) Professional development as provided in clause 10.3.2 of this Agreement.
S3.4 Playground Supervision - Primary Teachers
In those primary schools where duty of care obligations cannot be accommodated within the
maximum quantum of thirty (30) hours per week, an additional one (1) hour per week shall be
required for the performance of playground supervision.
Page 191 of 334 Pages
S3.5 Overtime Rate
Overtime shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of clause 4.2.7 of this Agreement.
S3.6 Extra-Curricular Duties
Extra-curricular activities shall be honorary and voluntary.
S3.7 Meal breaks
S3.7.1 Morning tea breaks of fifty (50) minutes per week shall be included in the total number of
hours per week.
S3.7.2 Unpaid lunch breaks shall occur in accordance with existing practice.
S3.8 Additional Hours per Term
There shall also be a quantum of three (3) hours per term which will be required of all primary
and secondary teachers for attendance at special activities for particular groups, e.g. year level,
whole school, special interest group activities.
S3.9 Determination of Other Duties
S3.9.1 Other duties shall be exclusive of week-ends and public holidays, and shall be determined:
(a) at the beginning of a term, semester or year by consultation between both primary and
secondary teaching staff and the school administration;
(b) within the maximum allocation outlined in clauses S3.2 and S3.3; and
(c) by scheduling before and after school activities taking into consideration any impacts on
the ability of teachers to reasonably fulfil their professional responsibilities.
S3.9.2 Variations to this arrangement as a result of emergent or unforeseen circumstances shall also
be determined by way of the consultative process.
S3.9.3 Disputes between the staff and the employing authority shall be processed through a
grievance procedure which will be characterised by the following steps:
(a) in so far as it is possible, the principal should indicate to members of staff the extent and
nature of other duties required of them on a semester by semester basis;
(b) both the principal and the staff shall hold a formal meeting to discuss the issues arising
out of such a requirement; and
(c) if a consensus is not reached and both parties, namely the school staff and the principal
cannot reach agreement, then both parties can have recourse of their industrial advisers.
S3.10 Spread and Flexibility
S3.10.1 The hours of duty required of a teacher in both the primary and secondary areas shall be
flexible over a term or semester. Such requirements will be prospective and made known to
the teacher involved.
S3.11 School Level Variation
S3.11.1 The employer, whether system or school, the employees concerned in each establishment and
the union may consult over variation to the provisions herein or implementation thereof; the
objective of consultation being to reach agreement on variation and implementation at
enterprise level. The outcome of such consultation shall be recorded in writing and require
endorsement of the parties to Schedule 3.
S3.12 Vacation Leave
S3.12.1 It is not intended to reduce the quantum of vacation periods currently being enjoyed by
teaching staff. Any proposed variation to this arrangement which may arise as a result of
Page 192 of 334 Pages
changing educational needs would be subject to consultation and negotiation between the
parties. Where agreement cannot be reached either party reserves the right to refer the
matter to the Fair Work Commission for determination.
Page 193 of 334 Pages
S4.1 Preamble
S4.1.1 The Catholic Church, throughout the vast remote areas of Queensland, relies heavily on its
dedicated religious and lay teachers to share the Christian message in a missionary spirit in
many of these places today. In Pope John Paul II’s 1979 address to Catholic teachers on the
occasion of his visit to the United States, he said:
“No Catholic school can be effective without dedicated Catholic teachers,
convinced of the great idea of Catholic education. The Church needs men and
women who are intent on teaching by word and example – intent on helping to
permeate the whole educational milieu with the spirit of Christ. This is a great
vocation and the Lord himself will reward all who serve in it as educators in the
cause of the word of God.”
S4.1.2 The scheme is designed to recognise the disabilities of teacher service in centres distant from
each diocesan CEO. It caters for full-time, part-time and fixed-term teaching staff living
throughout Queensland in centres which meet the above definition. Diocesan Directors are
appreciative of the commitment these teachers have to our Catholic schools in these areas.
S4.2 Criteria
S4.2.1 To be eligible for the Isolated Teachers’ Assistance Scheme, teachers must be from schools
nominated as being in a remote area in any of the five dioceses and listed in either of the
following tables (Isolated Teachers’ Assistance Scheme or Isolated Teachers’ Assistance
Scheme for IPRASS Centres). The benefits paid to teachers vary according to:
(a) category of school;
(b) teachers without dependents;
(c) teachers with dependent spouse or housekeeper; and
(d) number of dependent children and full-time students living at home.
“Dependent” is as defined by the Australian Tax Office (ATO).
S4.2.2 To facilitate the correct payment of entitlements it will be necessary for a diocesan office to be
supplied with details of the number of dependents in single income family situations.
S4.2.3 All full-time, part-time and fixed-term teaching staff must complete an application form
provided by the employing authority at the commencement of each school year. The
application form enables the correct category of payment to be identified, so that correct ITAS
or ITAS for IPRASS can be paid.
S4.3 Part-Time Teachers
S4.3.1 Provision has been made for payments to part-time teaching staff. Where part-time teaching
staff are eligible for an ITAS or an ITAS for IPRASS payment they will receive a proportionate
amount based on the hours they work.
S4.4 Teachers on Leave
S4.4.1 The scheme will apply to teachers absent on authorised paid leave. Teachers absent on
personal leave and long service or on special leave approved by the diocesan Director shall
receive the full entitlement. No benefits shall be received by teachers on leave without pay.
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S4.5 Payment on Termination
S4.5.1 Payment to individual teachers terminating their employment at the end of a calendar year
will coincide with normal pay arrangements, i.e. the rates would be paid up to the first day of
school in the subsequent year. When duty ceases prior to the conclusion of the school year,
payment shall be made for the period ended on the last day of school prior to the date of
ceasing duty.
S4.6 Teacher Movement
Teachers interested in moving to any school nominated in the Scheme’s Schedule are welcome to contact
the appropriate diocesan director.
S4.7 ITAS Payment Schedule
ITAS is a locality payment made fortnightly to continuing full-time, continuing part-time and fixed-term
teachers (with or without dependents) who are employed in locations specified in the table below:
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TABLE 1: Isolated Teachers’ Assistance Scheme
1 March 2012
Allowances for Each
Dependent Child & Full-
Time Student Living at
Teachers Without
Includes Dual
Income Families
Teachers with Dependent
Spouse, Child or
per fortnight
per fortnight
per fortnight
Ayr 32.15 64.30 5.50
Biloela 24.10 48.20 5.50
Bowen 21.70 43.40 5.50
Charters Towers 34.95 69.90 5.50
Chinchilla 22.90 45.80 5.50
Gladstone 13.75 27.50 5.50
Clinton 13.75 27.50 5.50
Tannum Sands 13.75 27.50 5.50
Halifax 37.70 75.40 5.50
Home Hill 33.70 67.40 5.50
Ingham 35.30 70.60 5.50
Kingaroy 11.25 22.05 5.50
Monto 11.25 22.05 5.50
Mount Morgan 11.25 22.05 5.50
Nanango 12.65 25.30 5.50
Stanthorpe 13.15 26.30 5.50
Trebonne 36.35 72.70 5.50
Atherton 34.50 69.00 8.70
Babinda 31.90 63.80 8.70
Gayndah 17.80 35.65 8.70
Herberton 36.90 73.80 8.70
Innisfail 35.80 71.60 8.70
Mareeba 31.75 63.50 8.70
Miles 27.80 55.60 8.70
Mossman 34.15 68.30 8.70
Proserpine 29.40 58.80 8.70
South Johnstone 37.20 74.40 8.70
Abergowrie 40.35 80.70 14.00
Blackwater 29.25 58.25 14.00
Dysart 29.25 58.25 14.00
Moranbah 29.25 58.25 14.00
Ravenshoe 41.20 82.40 14.00
Silkwood 37.40 74.80 14.00
Tully 47.40 94.80 14.00
Page 196 of 334 Pages
Table 2 – 1 March 2012: Isolated Teachers’ Assistance Scheme for IPRASS Centres
Teachers Without
Includes Dual Income
Teachers with
Dependent Spouse,
Child, Or Housekeeper
Allowances for Each
Dependent Child &
Full-Time Student
Living at Home
$ per fortnight
$ per fortnight
$ per fortnight
Charleville* 41.00 82.00 18.45
Clermont 48.25 96.50 18.45
Springsure 38.45 76.90 18.45
Barcaldine 54.85 109.70 25.15
Blackall 52.10 102.50 25.15
Cunnamulla* 54.85 109.70 25.15
Hughenden 65.70 131.40 25.15
Longreach 54.00 108.00 25.15
Mt Isa 52.10 104.15 25.15
Quilpie* 54.25 108.50 25.15
Mitchell 33.15 66.30 12.60
Cloncurry 68.20 136.25 32.65
Palm Island * 68.20 103.70 32.65
Winton 71.75 143.50 32.65
Inglewood 19.00 38.00 4.90
Murgon 15.40 30.80 4.90
Roma 22.15 44.30 4.90
St George 37.40 74.80 12.60
Thursday Island* 135.65 271.30 32.65
Tara 17.20 34.40 4.90
Collinsville 31.80 63.60 7.80
Monto 16.25 32.50 7.80
Dimbulah 37.35 74.70 12.60
Emerald 31.55 63.10 12.60
Goondiwindi 26.25 47.00 12.60
Taroom 51.15 102.30 12.60
Cooktown 91.05 182.10 32.65
Weipa 135.65 271.30 32.65
+ plus disability
+ plus disability
+ plus disability
* Disability Allowance means assistance with air fares (subject to negotiation between the parties)
** In Section B of the above tables 1-2, “Dependent” is as defined by the Australian Tax Office (ATO).
NB: Payments identified above for ITAS for IPRASS centres (in sections A and B of Table 2) will be reviewed
each year and adjusted in accordance with the Queensland Government Locality Allowance. The
employing authority agrees to apply a 7(A) rating to Weipa for the purposes of this Schedule.
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Listed below are the remote centres eligible for the Incentive Payments – Remote Area Staff Scheme
Barcaldine (5) Cloncurry (6) Charleville (5) Childers (4) Cooktown (7C)
Blackall (5) Collinsville (4) Cunnamulla (7C) Gayndah (4) Dimbulah (4)
Clermont (4) Hughenden (6) Goondiwindi (4) Kingaroy (4) Hammond Island (7A)
Emerald (4) Mt. Isa (5) Inglewood (4) Murgon (4) Ravenshoe (4)
Longreach (5) Palm Island (7C) Mitchell (5) Nanango (4) Thursday Island (7A)
Monto (4) Winton (6) Quilpie (7C) Weipa (7A)
Springsure (4) Roma (4)
St. George (5)
Tara (4)
Taroom (6)
S5.1 Financial Incentive Payments
S5.1.1 Eligible employees are defined as continuing or fixed-term teachers (including principals and
senior administration staff) who relocate or are located in schools in the above centres and
who meet the criteria detailed in this Schedule. Eligible employees will receive a Remote
Incentive allowance in accordance with the following provisions:
S5.1.2 All full-time, part-time and fixed-term teaching staff must complete ten (10) weeks service
before a proportionate payment is made on termination, including resignation. In the event
that an eligible teacher is employed for a complete term, with that term being less than ten
(10) weeks, the employee is entitled to a proportionate payment based on the completed
term. Any proportionate payment made to an eligible teacher will be calculated on the basis of
their number of weeks teaching service relative to the number of weeks in the school year.
S5.1.3 Fixed-term teaching staff who are engaged for ten (10) weeks term time are entitled to receive
a proportionate payment on the basis of their number of weeks teaching service relative to the
number of weeks in the school year (i.e. a teacher who works twenty (20) weeks term time out
of a school year of forty (40) weeks is entitled to receive 20/40 of the relevant IPRASS
S5.1.4 Proportionate payments will be made to eligible part-time teaching staff, who are engaged for
ten (10) weeks of term time (i.e. a part-time teacher who is employed for sixteen (16) hours
per week is entitled to sixteen (16) divided by thirty (30) of the respective incentive payment).
S5.1.5 Eligible employees will receive a Remote Incentive allowance on the following basis:
(a) In years one and two, the following payments will apply:
(i) an incentive payment of $1,500 will be paid to all eligible employees in the
designated IPRASS centres with Level 4.
(ii) an incentive payment of $1,650 will be paid to all eligible employees in the
designated IPRASS centres with Levels 5 and 6.
(iii) an incentive payment of $1,650 will be paid to all eligible employees in the
designated IPRASS centres with Levels 7C (with the exception of Palm Island).
(iv) an incentive payment of $2,750 will be paid to all eligible employees in the
designated IPRASS centre of Palm Island.
(v) an incentive payment of $5,500 will be paid to all eligible employees in the
designated IPRASS centres with Levels 7A.
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(b) In year three, the following payments will apply:
(i) an incentive payment of $2,500 will be paid to all eligible employees in the
designated IPRASS centres of Level 4.
(ii) an incentive payment of $2,750 will be paid to all eligible employees in the
designated IPRASS centres of Level 5.
(iii) an incentive payment of $2,750 will be paid to all eligible employees in the
designated IPRASS centres of Level 6.
(iv) an incentive payment of $2,750 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 7 C (with the exception of Palm Island).
(v) an incentive payment of $8,250 will be paid to all eligible employees in the
designated IPRASS centre of Palm Island.
(vi) an incentive payment of $11,000 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 7A.
(c) In year four, the following payments will apply:
(i) an incentive payment of $2,500 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 4.
(ii) an incentive payment of $4,400 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 5.
(iii) an incentive payment of $6,600 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 6.
(iv) an incentive payment of $10,450 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 7C (with the exception of Palm Island).
(v) an incentive payment of $8,250 will be paid to all eligible employees in the
designated IPRASS centre of Palm Island.
(vi) an incentive payment of $11,000 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 7A.
(d) In year five, the following payments will apply:
(i) an incentive payment of $2,500 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 4.
(ii) an incentive payment of $4,400 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 5.
(iii) an incentive payment of $8,250 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 6.
(iv) an incentive payment of $11,550 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 7C (with the exception of Palm Island).
(v) an incentive payment of $8,250 will be paid to all eligible employees in the
designated IPRASS centre of Palm Island.
(vi) an incentive payment of $11,000 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 7A.
Note: A principal, upon reaching Year 5 in a designated IPRASS centre, is entitled to
remain on the level of payment applicable for the duration of his/ her
principalship in that centre. This arrangement is applicable to designated IPRASS
centres of Level 4, 5, 6 or 7. (This will apply except where the Year 6 payment is
Page 199 of 334 Pages
higher than the Year 5 payment. In this situation, it will be the Year 6 higher
annual payment that will apply from Year 6 onwards for the duration of his/her
principalship in that centre).
(e) In year six, the following payments will apply:
(i) an incentive payment of $1000 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 4.
(ii) an incentive payment of $1,650 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 5.
(iii) an incentive payment of $5,050 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 6.
(iv) an incentive payment of $11,950 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 7C (with the exception of Palm Island).
(v) an incentive payment of $9,750 will be paid to all eligible employees in the
designated IPRASS centre of Palm Island.
(vi) an incentive payment of $12,500 will be paid to all eligible employees in
designated IPRASS centres of Level 7A.
(f) In year seven and subsequent years, the following cash payment will be payable to all
eligible employees (other than principals) who remain in IPRASS centres with a designated
Level of 5, 6 and 7:
(i) designated IPRASS centres of Level 4, an incentive payment of $1,000 per annum
will be paid to all employees.
(ii) designated IPRASS centres of Level 5, an incentive payment of $1,000 per annum
will be paid to all employees.
(iii) designated IPRASS centres of Level 6, an incentive payment of $1,750 per annum
will be paid to all employees.
(iv) designated IPRASS centres of Level 7, an incentive payment of $2,500 per annum
will be paid to all employees.
S5.1.6 The payment of the Remote Incentive is based on the continuous period that the eligible
teacher has served in a designated IPRASS Level 4 – 7 centre.
(a) This continuous period includes movement from one to another designated IPRASS
location of an equal or higher Level (e.g. Level 5 to Level 5; Level 6 to Level 7C).
(b) Where movement is to a lower designated IPRASS location Level, service counting
towards eligibility of IPRASS financial incentive benefits will restart from Year 1 at the new
location. (This does not apply in circumstances where teachers are relieving in a position
at another location).
S5.1.7 The incentive payment is not an all-purpose allowance, but will be paid as a type of bonus.
Therefore the incentive payments will be paid in two (2) instalments, one in June and the other
in December.
S5.1.8 Teachers on approved paid leave (i.e. personal leave) should not be disadvantaged in the
calculation of the annual incentive payment.
S5.2 Emergent Leave Days
S5.2.1 Non-cumulative emergent leave days will be available each year to full-time and part-time
teachers in designated IPRASS centres of Levels 4, 5, 6 and 7 on the following basis:
(a) Level 4 Two (2) days per year
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(b) Level 5 Four (4) days per year
(c) Level 6 Five (5) days per year
(d) Level 7 Five (5) days per year
S5.2.2 Emergent leave days may be used to travel to a more focused regional centre to attend to
both urgent and non-urgent personal, medical or legal appointments that cannot be
conducted in the remote area location.
S5.2.3 To facilitate alternate class supervision arrangements over the period of absence, teachers are
required to provide at least one week notice of their intention to access emergent leave day(s),
wherever possible. Applications should be submitted in writing and approval should not be
unreasonably withheld. Where non-urgent business is to be conducted, principals are to be
given appropriate advance notice so as to maximise the opportunity to obtain a replacement.
Where such advance notice is not provided the principal may determine that the leave will not
be granted.
S5.2.4 Approval of emergent leave immediately prior to or after vacation periods is subject to the
principal’s discretion but should normally be approved only in exceptional circumstances.
S5.2.5 Once the allocation of emergent leave on full pay has been exhausted, there will be no further
entitlement to paid emergent leave until the following calendar year. Entitlements to
emergent leave are regained for each calendar year.
S5.2.6 Fixed-term teachers in designated IPRASS centres of Levels 4, 5, 6 and 7 will also receive
emergent leave days on a pro rata basis (based on the number of weeks in the school year
their fixed-term contract bears to a full school year).
S5.3 Travel Leave Days
S5.3.1 Teachers in designated IPRASS centres are entitled to two (2) days leave per year. These days
may be attached to the Easter vacation or the Christmas vacation at the discretion of the
diocesan Director. In recognising the needs of employees the Director may seek consultation
from employees as to appointing the two (2) days, with the decision at the discretion of the
S5.3.2 The provision of these two (2) days leave per year to teachers shall not negatively impact on
school officers’ paid work time. School officers will continue to work and be paid for these two
days in accordance with their normal work arrangements.
S5.4 Reimbursement of Reasonable Relocation Expenses
S5.4.1 Where a teacher commences in a remote area location school, both the reasonable relocation
costs of their family’s belongings and transport costs shall be reimbursed to the teacher, in
accordance with Diocesan guidelines.
S5.4.2 At the conclusion of a teacher’s remote area service commitment, the teacher shall also be
reimbursed for the reasonable removal costs of their family’s belongings to their next teaching
position in the diocese, in accordance with Diocesan guidelines.
S5.5 Accommodation
S5.5.1 Employer-Provided Accommodation
Where the employer provides accommodation to teachers in designated IPRASS centres, it shall
be of a reasonable standard and contain modern facilities such as hot water, air conditioning
and ceiling fans, and major appliances in good working order. Basic furniture should also be
provided where the teacher chooses not to move personal furniture to the remote area location.
S5.5.2 Salary Packaging of Remote Area Accommodation Costs
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(a) Salary packaging is available to employees in accordance with clause 4.15 of this
(b) Employees should seek personal and professional financial advice in relation to salary
packaging of rent and other accommodation costs.
S5.5.3 Payment of Rent over Christmas Vacation Period
Where the employer does not provide accommodation to remote area teachers, the employer
may pay the cost of rental accommodation over the Christmas period according to Diocesan
S5.5.4 Townsville Diocese Accommodation Assistance Options
(a) Accommodation arrangements on Palm Island
Eligible teaching staff working on Palm Island have access to employer-provided
accommodation in accordance with clauses S7.5.1 and S7.8.1 (b) (i) of this Schedule.
(b) Accommodation arrangements in other designated IPRASS centres
Eligible teaching staff working in Hughenden, Cloncurry, Mount Isa, Collinsville and
Winton may access either of the following options:
(i) Option to Retain Private Tenancy Arrangement or Home Ownership
An annual accommodation allowance, along with the option to salary package
remaining rental or mortgage costs, is available where a private tenancy
arrangement or home ownership is preferred by the teacher.
In this case, access to an annual accommodation allowance and salary packaging
of remaining accommodation costs is available in the terms below:
(A) General Conditions
All continuing teaching staff and senior administration members are
entitled to receive an annual Teacher Accommodation Assistance
From 1 July 2019, the allowance will be $1,095 per annum.
The allowance payment will be reviewed and enhanced on 1 March each
year, in accordance with the CPI for Brisbane.
Fixed-term teachers are eligible for a proportionate payment provided
that the engagement is for a period of at least ten (10) weeks.
(B) Eligibility
Teacher Accommodation Assistance will be provided to the following staff
in designated remote area schools:
(1) Deputy Principals and Senior Administrators including APAs, APREs
and RECs
(2) full-time teachers
(3) part-time teachers
(4) fixed-term teachers engaged for a period of at least ten (10) weeks.
The payment is not available to school officers or ground maintenance
staff employed in remote area schools.
(C) Timing of Payment
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Teacher Accommodation Assistance will be paid once a year. The
employing authority will determine whether the payment is made in the
last or second last pay of the school year.
(D) Calculation of Payment
(1) Proportionate payments will be made to part-time teachers on the
basis of their weekly hours of engagement relative to the maximum
number of weekly hours for a full-time teacher. (For example, 0.4
FTE entitles an employee to receive 0.4 of the annual payment).
(2) Fixed-term teachers engaged for a period of at least ten (10) weeks
are entitled to receive a proportionate payment on conclusion of
the contract. (For example, a teacher who works twenty (20) weeks
term time out of a school year of forty (40) weeks is entitled to
receive 20/40 of the relevant Teacher Accommodation Assistance
(3) If the fixed-term teacher is also engaged for part-time weekly
hours, the proportionate payment calculation described above is
also relevant to the calculation of the amount of Teacher
Accommodation Allowance payable.
(E) Review
(1) The allowance payment will be reviewed and enhanced on 1 March
each year, in accordance with the CPI for Brisbane.
(2) In addition to the accommodation allowance detailed above,
access to salary packaging for remaining accommodation expenses
is also available in accordance with clause S5.5.2 above.
(ii) Option to reside in employer-leased or owned accommodation
Where a teacher chooses to reside in accommodation leased or owned by the
Townsville Catholic Education Office, employees need only pay seventy-five
percent (75%) of market rental for forty-seven (47) weeks of the year. The
facility to salary package remaining rental expenses at no cost to employees is
also offered under this arrangement. (A full explanation of these arrangements
are detailed in the joint TCEO and IEUA guides titled “Teacher Accommodation
Scheme 2008” and “Summary Guide – Remote Area Incentives Package 2008”).
S5.5.5 Thursday Island, Hammond Island and Weipa Accommodation Assistance Options
(a) Diocesan-Provided Accommodation Arrangements
(i) Eligible teaching staff working on Thursday Island, Hammond Island and in
Weipa have access to employer-provided accommodation wherever possible, in
accordance with clauses S5.5.1 and S5.8.2 (b) (iii) of this Schedule.
(ii) Employer-provided accommodation is offered to those teaching staff appointed
from outside Thursday and Hammond Islands and Weipa in the first instance.
However, the employer will endeavour to place any other teaching staff in any
available Diocesan accommodation on a needs basis, should their personal
circumstances change over the course of their employment. Should such
allocated accommodation be required for a teacher relocated to the Island, then
the accommodation would need to be returned for Diocesan purposes on the
basis that reasonable notice is given.
(b) Alternative Accommodation Arrangements
Page 203 of 334 Pages
Eligible teaching staff working on Thursday Island, Hammond Island and in Weipa may
choose to access either of the following options:
(i) Option to Retain Private Tenancy Arrangement or Home Ownership
An annual accommodation allowance, along with the option to salary package
remaining rental or mortgage costs, is available where a private tenancy
arrangement or home ownership is preferred by the teacher.
This payment does not apply to teachers residing in subsidised accommodation
supplied by government departments or other employers.
Access to an annual accommodation allowance and salary packaging of
remaining accommodation costs is available in the terms below:
(A) General Conditions
All continuing teaching staff and senior administration members are
entitled to receive an annual Teacher Accommodation Assistance
From 1 July 2019, the allowance will be $1,069 per annum.
The allowance payment will be reviewed and enhanced on 1 March each
year, in accordance with the CPI for Brisbane.
Fixed-term teachers are eligible for a proportionate payment provided
that the engagement is for a period of at least ten weeks.
(B) Eligibility
Teacher Accommodation Assistance will be provided to the following staff
in Thursday Island, Hammond Island and Weipa schools:
(1) Deputy Principals and Senior Administrators including APAs, APREs
and RECs
(2) full-time teachers
(3) part-time teachers
(4) fixed-term teachers engaged for a period of at least ten (10) weeks.
The payment is not available to school officers or ground maintenance
staff employed in remote area schools.
(C) Timing of Payment
Teacher Accommodation Assistance will be paid once a year. The
employing authority will determine whether the payment is made in the
last or second last pay of the school year.
(D) Calculation of Payment
(1) Proportionate payments will be made to part-time teachers on the
basis of their weekly hours of engagement relative to the maximum
number of weekly hours for a full-time teacher. (For example, 0.4
FTE entitles an employee to receive 0.4 of the annual payment).
(2) Fixed-term teachers engaged for a period of at least ten weeks are
entitled to receive a proportionate payment on conclusion of the
contract. (For example, a teacher who works twenty (20) weeks
term time out of a school year of forty (40) weeks is entitled to
Page 204 of 334 Pages
receive 20/40 of the relevant Teacher Accommodation Assistance
(3) If the fixed-term teacher is also engaged for part-time weekly
hours, the proportionate payment calculation amount of Teacher
Accommodation Allowance payable.
(E) Review
(1) The allowance payment will be reviewed and enhanced on 1 March
each year, in accordance with the CPI for Brisbane.
(2) In addition to the accommodation allowance detailed above,
access to salary packaging for remaining accommodation expenses
is also available in accordance with clause S5.5.2 of this Schedule.
(ii) Option to reside in employer-leased or owned accommodation
Teachers residing in accommodation leased or owned by the Catholic Education
Services, are subject to the following rental charges:
(A) From 1 July 2019, single or married teachers are charged a total of $70
per week for accommodation provided. Where accommodation is shared,
rental payable is $46 per week for each teacher occupant.
(B) In 2020, single or married teachers are charged a total of $74 per week
for accommodation provided. Where accommodation is shared, rental
payable is $48 per week for each teacher occupant.
(C) In 2021, single or married teachers are charged a total of $78 per week
for accommodation provided. Where accommodation is shared, rental
payable is $50 per week for each teacher occupant.
(D) In 2022, single or married teachers are charged a total of $82 per week
for accommodation provided. Where accommodation is shared, rental
payable is $52 per week for each teacher occupant.
(iii) Rental payments are only required for forty-five (45) weeks per year.
(iv) The facility to salary package remaining rental expenses at no cost to employees
is also offered under this arrangement.
S5.6 Professional Development
S5.6.1 Teachers working in remote area locations have less access to professional development
opportunities than colleagues in more focused regional areas.
Strategies will be implemented to support the professional development of teachers in remote
areas and to best enable them to continue to deliver high-quality Catholic education to students.
Such strategies may include:
(a) Catholic Education Office Consultants to develop and deliver relevant professional
development in remote area and rural locations, following consultation with teaching
(b) Regular support visits by Diocesan Consultants and Leadership Personnel;
(c) Teachers to be released to attend identified professional development opportunities
available in cities or more focused regional areas;
(d) The use of technologies including teleconferencing, video conferencing and the use of
computer based programs.
Page 205 of 334 Pages
S5.6.2 Where teachers are required to travel to attend professional development activities, their
travel time arrangements will be determined through a process of negotiations with the
employing authority and will generally be in paid work time.
(a) In circumstances where travel is undertaken outside of paid work time, accommodation
will be provided if teachers would need to drive between sunset and sunrise.
(b) Employers will consider the start and finishing times of planned professional development
in light of the travel needs of any participants. Teachers will be provided with
accommodation according to Diocesan guidelines in circumstances where they may need
to travel significant distances prior to or after required professional development.
S5.6.3 Accommodation, meals and other reasonable associated travel costs shall be paid by the
employer in accordance with Diocesan guidelines when staff in remote area and rural schools
attend employer-approved in-service or professional development during school term time.
S5.7 Use of Employee’s Private Vehicle
S5.7.1 Where use of a school vehicle cannot be provided and a staff member is required to use their
own vehicle for any approved, work-related reason (including transport to professional
development), appropriate reimbursement to the employee for use of their vehicle will be
S5.7.2 Appropriate reimbursement to the employee will be calculated using the vehicle engine size
and total distance travelled (as identified on RACQ road maps), in accordance with the
kilometre rates prescribed by Diocesan guidelines.
S5.8 Palm Island, Thursday Island, Hammond Island and Weipa
It is acknowledged that special arrangements have been developed for Palm Island, Thursday Island,
Hammond Island and Weipa.
Specific arrangements have been developed to address the specific nature of these two centres. Teaching
staff in these centres are eligible for the appropriate IPRASS payment along with the following conditions:
S5.8.1 Palm Island (Townsville Diocese)
These additional benefits will be extra to the salary paid according to a teacher’s normal salary
(a) The IPRASS payment for Palm Island is as follows:
(i) in years one, an incentive payment of $2,750 will be paid to eligible employees.
(ii) in year two, an incentive payment of $2,750 will be paid to eligible employees.
(iii) in year three, an incentive payment of $8,250 will be paid to all eligible
(iv) in year four, an incentive payment of $8,250 will be paid to all eligible
(v) in year five, an incentive payment of $8,250 will be paid to all eligible employees.
(vi) in year six, an incentive payment of $9,750 will be paid to all eligible employees.
(vii) in year seven and subsequent years, all eligible employees who remain at Palm
Island will be paid an incentive payment of $2,500 per annum.
(b) In addition the following entitlements are available:
(i) Furnished Units
A range of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom furnished units are provided to teachers free of
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(ii) Pets
No pets are allowed inside these units or houses.
(iii) Furniture
All units and houses are furnished with basic household items. Tenants are
responsible for supplying all linen, cutlery, crockery, cookware, small appliances
etc. Beds are supplied in these units/houses. Should other beds be required, it
is the responsibility of the tenant to provide.
(iv) ITAS (Isolated Teachers’ Assistance Scheme).
Fortnightly payments will be as prescribed in the published Schedule (including
increases when applicable).
(v) A Return Airfare
A return airfare for each teacher and resident family members will be provided
each term from Palm Island to Townsville. Please note that the intention of this
offer is to provide regular breaks away from the closed community, with its
restricted services and shopping facilities. Airfares cannot be "saved up" or put
towards more expensive arrangements.
(vi) Extra Airfares
Assistance will be considered for one (1) family member e.g. mother, father,
sister, brother, husband or children of single teachers to access one (1) return
flight each term to and from the island.
(vii) All Reasonable Relocation Costs
All reasonable relocation costs to Palm Island will be paid for by the Catholic
Education Office. This will include an annual barge transfer to and from the
island of personal effects and household items not able to be taken on the plane.
Relocation away from Palm Island will be restricted to travel to Townsville.
(viii) Staff Well-Being
(A) A three day transfer (consisting of Thursday, Friday & Saturday nights)
from Palm Island to Townsville will be provided to a teacher once per
term. To facilitate this transfer an allowance of $500 per term (paid as a
taxable allowance) plus the return airfare will be provided by the
employer. From 1 March 2020, the allowance value shall increase each
year on 1 March in accordance with the published CPI for Brisbane.
(B) The transfers provided by paragraph (a) may not be cashed out.
(C) Teachers who access the entitlement in paragraph (a) must return to Palm
Island on the Sunday.
(D) The provision of the return airfare will also apply to family members
(spouse and dependent children).
(E) This clause replaces the two (2) emergent leave days available through
the IPRASS Agreement.
S5.8.2 Thursday Island, Hammond Island and Weipa (Cairns Diocese)
(a) The IPRASS payment for Thursday Island, Hammond Island and Weipa are as follows:
(i) in years one and two, an incentive payment of $5,500 will be paid to all eligible
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(ii) in year three, an incentive payment of $11,000 will be paid to all eligible
(iii) in year four, an incentive payment of $11,000 will be paid to all eligible
(iv) in year five, an incentive payment of $11,000 will be paid to all eligible
(v) in year six, an incentive payment of $12,500 will be paid to all eligible
(vi) In year seven and subsequent years, all teaching staff who remain at Thursday
Island or Hammond Island or Weipa will be paid an incentive payment of $2,500
per annum.
(b) In addition the following entitlements are available:
(i) Choice between enhanced superannuation and additional ITAS payment
Teachers may choose between the benefits of enhanced superannuation
described at A below or an additional ITAS payment described at B below:
(A) completed years of service for teaching staff will attract an additional one
per cent (1%) employer contribution to superannuation for the duration
of service on Thursday Island, Weipa and Hammond Island; or
(B) service on Thursday Island, Weipa and Hammond Island will attract an
extra $21.33 per week from 1 July 2019 in Isolated Teachers’ Allowance.
The allowance payment will be reviewed and enhanced on 1 March each year,
in accordance with the CPI for Brisbane.
(ii) Accelerated Long Service Leave
From 1 January 1998 all subsequently completed years of service on Thursday
Island, Weipa and Hammond Island will count as double for the purposes of long
service leave entitlements. This will apply only to full years of service.
(iii) Reduced Rental
Employer-provided accommodation is available on Thursday and Hammond
Islands, in terms outlined at sub-clause S5.5.5 (b) (ii) of this Schedule.
(iv) Pets
Pets are not allowed inside the units.
(v) Furnished Units
Units are furnished, however teachers are required to supply their own bed
linen, pillows, towels and tea towels.
(vi) Isolated Teachers’ Assistance Scheme (ITAS)
Payments will be as per the published Schedule.
(vii) Annual Airfares Allowance
(A) Each teacher is entitled to an annual airfare allowance, payable in
accordance with Diocesan policy. The purpose is to allow the teacher to
leave the island for recreation purposes during term breaks, weekends or
other approved leave periods.
(B) From 1 July 2019, the airfare allowance will be $4,267 per annum.
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(C) The value of the annual airfare allowance shall increase on 1 March each
year in accordance with the published CPI for Brisbane.
(D) Additionally, in the event of significant increases in airfare costs, a review
of the annual allowances prescribed in this sub-clause may be requested
as part of the employing authority’s internal annual budget review
processes. However, any decision to further enhance the annual airfare
allowances beyond the quantum above shall be at the absolute discretion
of the employing authority.
(E) Airfare allowances for teachers at Cooktown are provided for in clause
S5.11 of this Schedule.
(viii) Reasonable Relocation Costs
All reasonable relocation costs to Thursday and Hammond Islands and Weipa
will be paid by Catholic Education Services. On completion of two years of
service, Catholic Education Services will pay for relocation costs to Cairns.
(ix) Freight Allowance – Hammond Island
(A) An annual freight allowance is payable to teachers residing on Hammond
Island only, in recognition of the additional costs incurred in transporting
household groceries to this location.
(B) The annual freight allowance is $762.80 per family and $508.50 for a
single teacher.
The allowance payment will be reviewed and enhanced on 1 March each
year, in accordance with the CPI for Brisbane.
(C) The annual freight allowance is payable in two instalments, one in June
and the other in December.
S5.9 Remote Area Secondary Teacher Relocation Support
S5.9.1 Diocesan Secondary School Appointment Processes
(a) Secondary teachers are appointed to Diocesan secondary colleges at school level
following application and selection procedures, including interviews.
(b) The parties acknowledge that secondary schools in remote areas experience difficulty in
attracting and retaining suitable teaching staff to maintain a suitable range of curriculum
offerings to meet the learning needs of their students, particularly at senior level and with
VET courses. They also wish to support teachers who, after a reasonable period of
employment within a remote secondary college, wish to obtain a position in a
metropolitan or alternate regional centre within their Diocese.
S5.9.2 Mechanisms of Relocation Support
(a) In order to assist secondary teachers employed in remote areas, employers will provide
timely notice of vacancies that arise within their Diocesan secondary schools. Employing
Authorities will ask secondary schools within the diocese to place notice of teaching
vacancies on the Diocesan website, in addition to the school’s website.
(b) Diocesan Employing Authorities will receive Expressions of Interest from teachers and
will, on request, pass their application on to other schools within their diocese.
(c) Secondary teachers in remote areas may request to meet on site with Diocesan
Consultants or Assistants to the Directors – Schools to discuss their options for seeking
other Diocesan positions, vacancies, application and selection procedures. In such
Page 209 of 334 Pages
instances, Diocesan officers will subsequently assist by advising schools of teachers
seeking to relocate to metropolitan or alternate regional centres within their Diocese.
S5.10 Airfare Assistance (Toowoomba Diocese)
S5.10.1 The Toowoomba Diocese will provide one return airfare to teachers (and immediate family
members residing with them) in the locations of Quilpie, Cunnamulla and Charleville to
Toowoomba each year.
S5.11 Airfare Assistance for Cooktown (Cairns Diocese)
(a) Each teacher employed in the location of Cooktown is entitled to an annual airfare
allowance, payable in accordance with Diocesan policy. The purpose is to allow the
teacher to leave for recreation purposes during term breaks, weekends or other approved
leave periods.
(b) From 1 July in 2019, the annual airfare allowance is $2,131; and
(c) The value of the annual airfare allowance shall increase on 1 March each year in
accordance with the published CPI for Brisbane.
(d) Additionally, in the event of significant increases in airfare costs, a review of the annual
allowances prescribed in this sub-clause may be requested as part of the employing
authority’s internal annual budget review processes. However, any decision to further
enhance the annual airfare allowances beyond the quantum above shall be at the
absolute discretion of the employing authority.
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S6.1 Application of this Schedule
S6.1.1 This schedule will apply to employees employed in Flexible Learning Centres or Special
Assistance Schools operated by Catholic Employing Authorities in Queensland.
S6.1.2 Where the provisions of the Agreement are inconsistent with the terms of this Schedule, the
arrangements contained in this Schedule will take precedence.
S6.2 Travel time to and from external educational activities and mobile programs
S6.2.1 The parties recognise the unique nature of work in Flexible Learning Centres and the need for
flexibility when considering staff member responsibilities where travel is required to attend
excursions, for mobile programs and for other educational activities external to the FLC
S6.2.2 Subject to S6.2.3 below, travel time shall be regarded as paid time and included within an
employee’s ordinary hours in accordance with the arrangements contained in this Schedule.
S6.2.3 Travel between an employee’s residence and their centre shall not be regarded as travel time.
S6.2.4 Travel time for the purpose of this Schedule is deemed:
(a) to have commenced either from the time of arrival at the FLC premises, or pick up of the
first student, or after the expiry of the usual time of travel from the employee’s residence
to the FLC premises, whichever is the earliest; and
(b) to have ceased from the time of leaving the FLC premises, or drop off of the last student,
or after expiry the usual time of travel from the FLC premises to the employee’s residence,
whichever is the latest.
S6.2.5 When traveling to or from an FLC to an excursion/activity destination, travel time is taken to
include the time reasonably required to set up and pack up any materials.
S6.2.6 In the case of teaching staff travelling with students for the purpose of student transport
supervision only, travel time shall be deemed to be ‘other duties’ in accordance with the hours
of duty arrangements contained in the Agreement.
S6.2.7 Where an employee is required to use their car for work related travel, kilometric allowance
shall be payable in accordance with the employing authority’s administrative guidelines.
S6.3 Christmas Closedown Arrangements - School Officer
S6.3.1 This clause will only apply to school officers.
S6.3.2 Flexible Learning Centres (FLCs) have in place varied closedown arrangements over the
Christmas period to cater for local circumstances and vacation care programs that may
operate in particular centres.
S6.3.3 The dates, and leave arrangements (where relevant), for Christmas closedown periods shall be
confirmed in writing with relevant employees no later than the end of Term three (3) each
S6.4 Planning and Collaboration Time
S6.4.1 The parties recognise the unique circumstances under which the staff at the Flexible Learning
Centres (FLC) operate. The parties recognise the requirement for continued compliance with
the provisions contained in Schedule 3 of this Agreement (Hours of Duty – Teachers).
S6.4.2 The parties agree that Planning, Preparation and Correction Time (PPCT) as defined in
Schedule 3 of this Agreement, does not reflect the full range of teaching and learning practices
within FLCs. The parties agree that for the purposes of FLCs, the PPCT duties contained in
S3.2.2 (d) of the agreement may also include any or all duties contained within S6.4.7 so that
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the time used for the purposes of planning and collaborating with other staff in lesson
preparation for young people should be identified as Planning and Collaboration (PAC) Time.
S6.4.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of S3.2.2 (a), FLC employers will provide a minimum
entitlement equivalent to 20% of maximum contact time (260 minutes per week) allocated for
PAC time in lieu of PPCT. A PAC entitlement of 260 minutes per week shall be provided to FLC
teachers regardless of their individual teaching contact time.
S6.4.4 PAC is provided for teachers to undertake both individual and collaborative duties.
S6.4.5 It is acknowledged that from time to time, where circumstances which are beyond the control
of the employer, a teacher may be unable to access the minimum weekly PAC time. Both
parties acknowledge the need for flexibility in such circumstances and timely consultation will
occur at the FLC to ensure the provision of minimum PAC.
S6.4.6 Consistent with the parties’ flexible approach to PAC arrangements, PAC may be aggregated
for periods up to one school term to provide more effective use of such time. Such aggregation
arrangements shall be prospective and by mutual agreement with the teacher involved.
S6.4.7 Duties undertaken within PAC may include:
(a) Personal unit and lesson planning and preparation
(b) Marking
(c) Report writing
(d) IEP or PLP writing (where undertaken in the absence of students)
(e) Reporting relating to traumatic events or census requirements
(f) Collaborative unit and lesson planning
(g) Morning staff briefings relevant to teaching and learning
(h) Debrief discussions
(i) Curriculum, teaching and learning and/or pastoral care planning sessions
(j) Student Reviews (Case Management)
(k) Professional supervision activities directly related to the education or wellbeing of Young
(l) Sessions conducted within strategic planning/School Improvement that directly relate to
planning for curriculum, teaching, learning and/or pastoral care of Young People.
S6.5 Teacher in Charge/Deputiser
S6.5.1 A Teacher in Charge/Deputiser position may be established at the sole discretion of the
employer in centres.
S6.5.2 This position will be responsible for the carriage of the Principal/Head of Campus duties when
the Principal/Head of Campus is temporarily absent (up to four (4) weeks) from the centre and
otherwise unable to fulfil the role.
S6.5.3 The Teacher in Charge/Deputiser is appointed for a maximum period of 12 months. Such
appointment may be reviewed by the employing authority during the 12-months period or at
the conclusion of the appointment.
S6.5.4 A Teacher in Charge/Deputiser shall be paid an agreed allowance on a fortnightly basis.
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S7.1 The principles that shall be applied to the appraisal process will include the following:
(a) Shared Responsibility
(b) Negotiation
(c) Consultation
(d) Self-Review of Performance Based on Role Description and Duty Statements
(e) Validation
(f) Documentation
(g) Confidentiality
(h) Natural Justice
(i) Resourcing
S7.2 The above principles are elaborated in the following terms:
S7.2.1 Shared Responsibility
(a) The responsibility for the appraisal process is shared by the employer (or nominee) and
the appraisee.
(b) The details of the process will clearly indicate who has the responsibility for each
component of the process and how the responsibility will be exercised.
S7.2.2 Negotiation
(a) Negotiable aspects should be identified and documented within the broad framework
developed by each employing authority/school for its appraisal process.
(b) The principal/appraisee should be prepared to discuss and agree upon certain aspects
within the broad framework of the appraisal process.
S7.2.3 Consultation
(a) The employing authority/principal consults collaboratively with the role holder for input
and advice.
(b) The final decision on the appraisal process rests with the employing authority.
S7.2.4 Self-Review of Performance Based on Role Description and Duty Statement
(a) The appraisee reflects upon practice within the framework of the role description and
duty statement applicable during the term under review.
(b) These documents set and inform the parameters for the format of the self-review.
(c) The self-review may be transmitted in written, oral or some other negotiated form.
(d) The self-review may be a culmination of on-going documentation of practice.
(e) The reflection includes areas of performance that are believed to have been effective and
areas of performance that may require further development.
(f) It is the performance of the incumbent that is being reviewed. There is no judgement of
the person involved.
S7.2.5 Validation
(a) Within the framework of the process, data related to the role and duty statements will be
gathered to validate the self-review.
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(b) The methodology for validation shall form part of the consultation process.
S7.2.6 Documentation:
The Summative Appraisal generates a written report that is submitted to the employing
authority/principal. The report remains the property of the employing authority/principal and
the appraisee.
S7.2.7 Confidentiality:
All materials other than the final report generated in the process shall remain confidential to
that process.
S7.2.8 Natural Justice:
(a) The appraisee is advised of the content of information obtained in relation to the
appraisee as part of the process. Only information which has been substantiated will form
part of the appraisal process.
(b) The appraisee has the right to approach the panel to be informed of the content and
nature of the information gathered and the identity of those who supplied it.
(c) The appraisee is given reasonable opportunity to respond to the matters dealt with in the
(d) Any person asked to provide information for use in an appraisal process is to be advised,
at the time of the request, that such information and the identity of the person providing
the information may be made known to the appraisee.
S7.2.9 Resourcing:
(a) Provision of appropriate resources for the appraisee and those undertaking a role in the
appraisal will be negotiated.
(b) Those elements of the process which are of the nature of self-appraisal will not receive
additional resources from the employing authority.
(c) The level of resourcing to address the outcomes of appraisal will be a matter of
negotiation between the appraisee and the employing authority.
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S8.1 Wage Relativities
Level Step Relativity
1 1 88
2 90
3 92
4 94
2 1 96
2 99
3 100
3 1 105
2 107
3 109
4 110
4 1 112
2 115
3 118
5 1 122
2 125
3 128
6 1 132
2 139
3 146
4 154
5 161
7 1 163
2 166
3 169
4 172
5 175
S8.2 Reclassification Process for School Officers
S8.2.1 A school officer may request a reclassification of their position. Such a request may be made
either in relation to the classification level of an existing position or where the classification
level of the position has been changed. Except in exceptional circumstances no employee shall
be permitted to seek a reclassification of their position on more than one (1) occasion in a
twelve (12) month period.
S8.2.2 The employee shall make any such Request for Reclassification, in writing, to the employer.
The request will contain the following:
(a) a description of the work performed by the employee;
(b) the employee’s assessment as to whether the position description is accurate and any
substantiating reasons for that assessment;
(c) information comparing the work performed and the characteristics, skills and duties, and
criteria prescribed by this Agreement for the respective levels;
(d) the identity of persons who support the subject employee’s application for review; and
(e) other material as appropriate.
An employee may be assisted and/or represented in preparing and presenting the material
identified in paragraphs (a) to (e) above.
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S8.2.3 The employer shall consider the Request for Reclassification and notify the employee in writing
of the decision regarding the employee’s request. The employer’s decision will be conveyed to
the employee within sixty (60) calendar days of the employee submitting the request for
reclassification. In circumstances where a request to reclassify an employee’s position is
received by the employer in December, the employer’s decision will not be required to be
conveyed to the employee before the last day in February of the following year.
S8.2.4 If after receiving the employer’s notification, the employee believes that their position has not
been classified at the correct level, the employee may apply for a review of that decision. In
this case the employee shall make written application for a Review of Classification to the
S8.2.5 Where the employer receives a Review of Classification application, the employer shall advise
the IEUA in writing that an application has been received.
S8.2.6 A joint review of the classification by IEUA and the employer shall then take place. The
persons representing IEUA and the employer will, wherever practicable, have substantial
experience in the classification of school officers. Further, wherever practicable, the person
who made the original decision in relation to the classification will also be involved.
S8.2.7 Subject to paragraph S8.2.8, when determining the merits of a decision made by the employer
related to a Request for Reclassification, the consideration of the Joint Review Panel will be
limited to the material identified at S8.2.2.
S8.2.8 Where an employee has identified another person as supporting their application the Review
Panel may interview that other person as part of the review process.
S8.2.9 Where all of the representatives on the Joint Review Panel agree the Panel may conduct the
review using teleconference/videoconference facilities.
S8.2.10 The joint review will seek to reach a consensus position. The school officer will be advised in
writing of the outcome of this review.
S8.2.11 If an agreed outcome cannot be reached between the employer and IEUA then the employee
may refer the matter to the Fair Work Commission in the terms of the Grievance Procedure.
S8.2.12 The provisions of this clause S8.2 will be in addition to the provisions of clause 8.2 of this
Page 216 of 334 Pages
Competency of Employee
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Competency at this level
involves application of
knowledge and skills to a
range of tasks and roles
Competency at this level
involves application of
knowledge with depth in
some areas and a broad
range of skills
Competency at this level
involves self-directed
application of knowledge
with substantial depth in
some areas
Competency at this level
involves self-directed
development and
application of professional
knowledge with
substantial depth in some
Competency at this level
involves the use of initiative
in self-directed development
and application of expert
knowledge with extensive
recognised expertise in some
There is a defined range of
contexts where the choice
of actions required is clear
There is a range of roles
and tasks in a variety of
There is a wide variety of
tasks and roles in a variety
of contexts.
A range of technical and/or
other skills are applied to
roles and functions in both
varied and highly specific
A broad range of
professional skills are
applied to roles and
functions in both varied
and highly specific
A breadth and depth of
professional skills are
applied to roles and
functions in both varied
and highly specific
There is limited
complexity of choice
There is some complexity
in the extent and choice of
actions required
There is complexity in the
ranges and choice of
actions required
A proportion of
competencies involve
complex, specialized or
professional functions.
A high proportion of
competencies involve
significant scope and/or
complex, specialized or
professional functions.
Competencies are
normally checked within
well-established routines,
methods and procedures
Competencies are
normally used within
routines, methods and
Competencies are
normally used within a
variety of routines,
methods and procedures
Competencies are normally
used independently and
both routinely and non-
Competencies are used
independently and are
substantially non-routine
with initiative being
exercised in the
application of professional
Duties of an innovative
and/or critical nature are
undertaken without
professional direction and
initiative is exercised in
the application of
professional practices
Limited discretion and
judgement about possible
actions is involved
Some discretion and
judgement are involved in
selection of equipment,
work organisation,
services, actions and
achieving outcomes
within time constraints.
Discretion and judgement
are required for self
and/or others in planning,
selection of equipment,
work organisation,
services actions and
achieving outcomes
within time constraints.
Discretion and judgement
are required in planning
and selecting appropriate
equipment, service
techniques and work
organisation for self and/or
Significant discretion and
judgement are required in
planning, design,
professional, technical or
supervisory functions
related to services,
operations or processes
for self and/or others.
Significant discretion and
independent judgement
are required within
constraints set by
Page 217 of 334 Pages
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Works under direct and/or
routine supervision
depending on function.
Works under limited
Work is carried out under
general supervision.
Works under general
supervision and/or broad
guidance depending on
Works under broad
Work is usually performed
under general guidance with
limited or no professional
Work is intermittently
Work may be checked in
relation to overall progress
Work is usually measured in
terms of the achievement of
stated objectives to agreed
The general quality of work
is monitored by school
management and is subject
to stated objectives and
professional standards.
May take the form of
general guidance where
working in teams is involved.
May take the form of broad
Progress and outcomes
sought are under general
May be less direct than at
lower levels and usually be
related to task methodology
and work practices.
May involve detailed
instructions in some
May involve a level of
autonomy when working in
May involve a level of
autonomy in accordance with
a broad plan or budget
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
An employee at this level will
have no supervisory
Peer assistance may be
provided to others.
The work of others may be
An employee may have
limited responsibility for
guidance of the work of
Responsibility for the work
and organisation of others in
limited areas.
Responsibility for the planning
and management of the work
of others may be involved
Responsibility for the
supervision and monitoring
of the work of others and of
workflow in the area of
responsibility may be
Responsibility for the setting
and achieving of objectives
by a work section and its
staff may be involved.
An experienced employee
may assist others by
providing peer support in
the completion of routine
Team co-ordination may be
Teams may be guided or
Leadership and development
of teams and responsibility for
outcomes may be required.
Training of subordinate staff
may be required.
Supervision and training of
lower level staff may be
Responsibility for assessment,
training and development and
performance counselling of
staff may be required.
Page 218 of 334 Pages
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Junior Certificate is the
minimum formal
qualification. No
experience is required.
Junior Certificate is the
minimum formal
qualification. No
experience is required.
Tertiary qualifications
at Certificate level or
qualifications relevant
to the position may be
required or such
qualifications and
experience that are
deemed by the
employer as necessary
to successfully carry
out the duties of the
Tertiary qualifications
at Certificate level or
qualifications relevant
to the position may be
required or such
qualifications and
experience that are
deemed by the
employer as necessary
to successfully carry
out the duties of the
qualifications at
level or equivalent
relevant to the
position may be
required by the
employer or
qualifications and
experience that are
determined by the
employer as
necessary to
successfully carry out
the duties of the
Relevant formal
qualifications at
degree level are
Formal qualifications
at degree level are
required, along with
relevant post
qualifications or
extensive and
relevant experience
as required by the
employer to reflect
higher levels of
Page 219 of 334 Pages
Employees Assisting Student Learning
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Assist developmentally
appropriate student learning,
either individually or in
groups, under the direct
supervision of an academic
staff member where limited
discretion and judgement are
Under direct supervision of a
higher level officer or
members of the academic
staff prepare and clear away
materials for display/use in
classrooms or libraries.
Perform within well-
established routines tasks
associated with the mass
production of printed
material including collating,
stapling, binding, folding,
cutting, etc.
Under direct and /or routine
supervision, perform tasks of
limited complexity,
associated with classroom
learning experiences, such as
assisting teachers in
preparing, implementing and
supervising learning
Support students in relation
to their physical needs.
Assist developmentally
appropriate student
learning, either
individually or in groups,
where some discretion
and judgement are
involved in evaluating
and assessing (under the
supervision of an
academic staff
member(s)) the learning
needs of students.
Within routines, methods
and procedures carry out
liaison between the
school, the student and
the student’s family
where some discretion
and judgement are
Support students in
relation to their physical
needs where some
discretion and judgement
are involved.
Assist developmentally
appropriate student
learning, either individually
or in groups, under the
general supervision of an
academic staff member(s).
Employees at this level are
required to exercise
discretion and judgement
to modify education
programmes to meet the
learning needs of specific
Carry out liaison between
the school, the student and
the student’s family where
discretion and judgement
are required in relation to
planning, actions and
achieving outcomes.
Within a variety of
routines, methods and
procedures provide
significant assistance in
the enrolment, family
liaison and placement of
overseas students.
Apply a range of technical
and other skills involving
the self-directed
application of knowledge
gained through formal
applicable to this level or
knowledge and experience
that are determined by the
employer as necessary to
successfully carry out the
duties of the position. This
may include: developing
the framework for and
providing the instruction to
students (within a
structured learning
environment) under the
general supervision of an
academic staff member(s);
providing pastoral ministry
and support for students.
Under broad guidance,
supervise the operations
of the school’s processes
and activities in relation to
overseas students. This
may include: enrolment;
family liaison; and
Apply a range of
professional knowledge
gained through successful
completion of an
appropriate undergraduate
degree. This may include:
the gathering, analysis and
interpretation of data; or
preparation of reports and
the consequent giving of
advice to other
professional staff to assist
student learning; or
providing pastoral ministry;
or providing counselling
and/or guidance support
for students.
Provide professional
advice to staff and
students in the officer’s
area of expertise or
Undertake more complex
professional activities involving
the selection and application,
based on professional
judgement, of new and existing
techniques and methodologies
requiring the exercise of
professional independence
combined with competence
derived from extensive
experience and/or additional
Undertake supervisory
responsibilities which may
include on the job training,
staff assessment and
performance counselling in
relation to staff in lower level
Operate and be accountable
for the quality of output of a
section or function within the
Page 220 of 334 Pages
Laboratory Employees
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Provide science program
assistance where limited
discretion and judgement are
Maintain science equipment,
materials and specimens not
requiring a depth of
knowledge or technical skills.
Under the direct supervision
of an academic staff
member(s) prepare and
maintain laboratory teaching
areas including routine
setting up and dismantling of
items of equipment for use in
experimental, observational
and teaching activities
Assist in the demonstration
of experiments and scientific
equipment under the direct
supervision of an academic
staff member(s).
Provide science program
assistance where some
discretion and judgement are
Assist in the
design/demonstration of
experiments under
supervision of an academic
staff member(s) where some
discretion and judgement are
Under direction, prepare,
maintain, organize, set-up
and dismantle equipment and
materials for routine
experiments or student
projects and dispose of waste
Peer assistance and/or
guidance may be provided for
other assistants in a
Under direction and within
existing routines, methods
and procedures, prepare,
maintain and dispense stock
solutions, simple chemical
mixtures and compounds,
cultures or similar materials.
Responsibility for and/or
training of subordinate staff in
limited areas may be required.
Design and demonstrate
experiments, within a variety
of routines and procedures,
under the supervision of an
academic staff member(s)
where discretion and
judgement are required.
Where there is complexity in
the range and choice of action
and discretion and judgement
are required: prepare,
maintain and dispense
solutions, chemical mixtures,
compounds and cultures;
prepare, maintain, organise,
set-up and dismantle
equipment and material for
Apply a range of technical
and other skills involving the
self-directed application of
knowledge gained through
formal studies/qualifications
applicable to this level or
knowledge and experience
that are determined by the
employer as necessary to
successfully carry out the
duties of the position. This
may include: designing
laboratory experiments; and
appropriate responsibility for
the application of workplace
health and safety
requirements in the
Apply a range of professional
knowledge gained through
successful completion of an
appropriate undergraduate
Operate (at a level
consistent with the
qualifications required) a
laboratory. This may (or
may not) include
responsibility for the
supervision, monitoring and
training of staff in lower
level positions.
Administer the allocation
and monitoring of resources
in the laboratory.
Support employees
reporting to the position in
policies to be followed,
methods to be used and
standards to be observed.
Provide professional advice
to staff and students in the
officer’s area of expertise.
Formulate procedural policy
and guidelines in the
employee’s area of
responsibility; submit
recommendations for
decision and prepare
supporting statements as
7.2.1 Apply a range of
professional knowledge
gained through successful
completion of an
appropriate undergraduate
degree and post graduate
qualifications and/or other
professional development
and/or industry experience.
7.2.2 Responsibility for the
operation of a laboratory
which provides complex and
varied services. This may (or
may not) include
responsibility for the
supervision, monitoring and
training of professional staff
and staff in lower level
7.2.3 Manage the allocation
and monitoring of resources
in the laboratory.
7.2.4 Responsibility for
direction and support of
employees reporting to the
position in policies to be
followed, methods to be
used and standards to be
7.2.5 Provide subject matter
expertise and/or policy
advice across a range of
programs or activities
undertaken by the
organizational area.
Formulate policies and
provide specialist advice on
policy development to
senior management.
Page 221 of 334 Pages
Administration Employees
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Use keyboard skills to
produce a document from
written text using a standard
Receive and deal with
enquiries within well-
established routines,,
including the provision of
general information and
assistance to the public,
parents, students and other
Perform a range of general
clerical duties at a basic level,
for example, filing, handling
mail, maintaining records.
Carry out a wide range of
secretarial and clerical duties
at an advanced level, including
shorthand, typing, word
processing and maintaining
manual and computerized
Respond to enquiries from
staff, students, parents and
the general public and
address issues in accordance
with routines, methods and
Enter financial data into
computer and prepare
financial and management
reports for review and
authorization by senior
Provide administrative
support to senior
management of a school
where discretion and
judgment are required,
including: taking minutes;
shorthand; organizing
appointments and diaries;
initiating and handling
correspondence (which may
include confidential
correspondence); monitoring
telephone calls; and
establishing and/or
maintaining working filing
Within a variety of routines,
methods and procedures
apply inventory and
purchasing control
procedures, prepare monthly
summaries of debtors and
creditors ledger transactions
and reconcile these.
Apply knowledge of
advanced functions of
computer software packages
and to manage data i.e.
modify fields of information,
develop new databases or
spreadsheet models; or
graph previously prepared
Provide executive support to
senior management and
associated committees
concerning designated aspects
of school management.
Direct and supervise the work
of administrative/clerical
and/or other staff.
Under broad guidance,
supervise the operations of
the school's office and other
administrative activities, in
the areas of enrolment,
equipment and statistical
staffing returns.
Under broad guidance,
supervise the operations of
the school’s processes and
activities in relation to
overseas students. This may
include: enrolment; family
liaison; and placement.
Operate and be responsible
for an autonomous section
and all its operations.
Provide professional advice to
staff and students in the
officer's area of expertise.
Monitor and analyse regular
management information,
such as staffing and financial
resource usage; ensure that
associated information
systems are maintained and
that regular reports are
provided to management.
Supervise staff including
implementation and
participation in induction,
training, review, counselling
and appraisal
Manage the work of
administrative officers and
other staff, assigning and
outlining the work, advising on
administrative problems, and
revising work for accuracy and
Identify policies and
procedures requiring review
or re-development, and
define relevant issues.
Page 222 of 334 Pages
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Operate within well-
established routines, office
equipment, such as, computer,
photocopier, facsimile, binding
machine, guillotine, laminator,
franking machine, calculators,
switchboard, etc.
Under the direct supervision of
the principal or nominee,
contact parents, students
and/or others in relation to
school attendance and related
Under the direct supervision of
the principal or nominee assist
with the arrangement of group
meetings, morning teas,
meetings of parents and
external parties,
parent/teacher nights etc.
Carry out minor cash
transactions including
receipting, balancing and
Prepare and process payroll
transactions within routines,
methods and procedures.
Within routines, methods and
procedures: provide
administrative support to
senior management; arrange
appointments and diaries; and
prepare correspondence.
Within routines, methods and
procedures, prepare and
dispatch statements to
debtors and payments to
creditors, follow up on
unpaid accounts; prepare
bank reconciliations and
reconcile accounts to
balance; maintain wage and
salary records.
Maintain petty cash float and
expenses for accounting
From verbal or rough
handwritten instructions;
answer non-standard
executive correspondence,
prepare papers, briefing notes,
or other written material.
Utilizing a variety of routines,
methods and procedures,
calculate and maintain wage
and salary records; perform
routine classification
determinations; and process
resignations, retirements and
redundancies in accordance
with relevant entitlements.
Within a variety of routines,
methods and procedures
provide significant assistance
in the preparation of: financial
information to trial balance;
budgets; cash flow records;
balance sheets; trading
accounts; cash management
analysis; FBT and entity
disclosure requirements. NOTE
An employee is not required to
perform all duties listed to
satisfy this skill descriptor.
Train staff classified at lower
levels by means of personal
instruction and demonstration.
Within a variety of routines,
methods and procedures
provide significant assistance
in the enrolment, family liaison
and placement of overseas
Prepare the accounts of the
school to operating statement
stage and assist in the
formulation of period and
year-end entries.
Provide advice requiring
knowledge of policies and/or
the interpretation of rules or
regulations within their area
of operation. Assist in
developing policy and
procedures relating to their
work area and identifying
future trends.
Under broad guidance
supervise the administration
of specialized salary and
payroll requirements, which
may include: eligible
termination payments,
superannuation trust deed
requirements, redundancy
calculations or workers’
compensation claims.
Prepare for senior
management financial
reports relating to the
employee’s area of
Provide financial, policy, or
planning advice which may
include providing reports,
statistical surveys and advice
on regulations and
Monitor expenditure against a
budget at a school level, draft
financial forecasts / budgets at
organizational level and/or
prepare complex financial
Administer programs with a
range of tasks such as advice
on financial implications,
interpretation of information,
assistance and advice
concerning complex issues.
Prepare correspondence
which is complex, original and
which initiates or responds to
new cases or situations.
Provide written reports to the
school executive on complex
matters, suggesting
alternative courses of action
and analysing the implications
of each alternative.
Provide financial, policy and
planning advice and
investigate, interpret or
evaluate information for the
guidance of staff or clients.
Be substantively involved in
the construction of annual and
forward planning school
Manage the operations of a
discrete organizational area,
program or administrative
Page 223 of 334 Pages
Monitor and maintain stock
levels of stationery/materials
for office/department within
established parameters
including reordering.
Within well-established
routines, sort, prepare and
record documents (e.g.
invoices, cheques,
correspondence) on a daily
basis; file such documents in
the appropriate system.
Within well-established
routines, receive and
distribute incoming mail
collect outgoing mail,
maintain mail registers and
records and collate and
dispatch documents for bulk
Perform, within well-
established routines, tasks
associated with the mass
production of printed
material including collating,
stapling, binding, folding,
cutting, etc.
Assist in the preparation of
internal and external
Assist in the enrolment
function including handling
initial enquiries and arranging
Under supervision, prepare
Government and Statutory
Authority returns for
authorization by senior
Use software application
packages for personal
computers to create
database file structures; and
spreadsheets/work sheets.
Under direction and within
routines, methods and
procedures: draft agenda for
meetings; assemble
supporting documents for
informal meetings; take and
produce minutes.
Draft and type routine
correspondence from brief
oral or written instructions.
Respond to requests for
information including
drafting routine
correspondence in reply.
Apply knowledge of relevant
industrial instruments and
occupational health and
safety requirements. Provide
general advice to staff in
these areas.
Original writing of
promotional and advertising
Coordination of, and
participation in, marketing
Design of promotional and
marketing plans.
Responsibility for liaison with
Formulate procedural policy
and guidelines in the
employee’s area of
responsibility; submit
recommendations for decision
and prepare supporting
statements as necessary.
Direct and support employees
reporting to the position in
policies to be followed,
methods to be used and
standards to be observed.
Advise and assist in the
preparation of the school
Provide executive support to
Principals and senior
Provide advice or make
recommendations requiring
detailed knowledge of
policies, and/or the
interpretation of rules or
regulations within established
guidelines, relating to a major
function of the organizational
work areas.
Supervise staff including
participation in induction,
training, review, counselling
and appraisal and providing
feedback on performance.
Provide subject matter
expertise and/or policy advice
across a range of programs or
activities undertaken by the
organizational area, formulate
policies and provide specialist
advice on policy formulation
to senior management.
Undertake high level research,
review or investigations
including the preparation of
reports and associated papers
to provide advice to the school
on the operational and/or
future directions of the
employee’s section and to
contribute to the
development of that section in
the educational context of the
Prepare papers, investigate
and present information with
recommendations for decision
by senior officers.
Page 224 of 334 Pages
Maintain established central
filing / records systems in
accordance with routines,
methods and procedures.
This would include: creating
and indexing new files,
retrieving records;
distributing files within the
school as requested,
monitoring file locations and
identifying and processing
inactive and closed files.
Maintain a store through
such duties as participation
in ordering and issue of
expendable stores, recording
of stock levels, maintaining
records of equipment
distribution, delivery
dockets, invoices and
payment vouchers and
responsibility for keys.
Make and record
appointments on behalf of
another and, where
necessary, resolve involved
appointment scheduling
Make travel and
accommodation bookings in
line with a given itinerary.
Within routines, methods and
procedures carry out liaison
between the school, the
student and the student’s
family where some discretion
and judgement are involved.
Develop systems and
procedures for
implementation in accordance
with school policy.
Provide financial, policy and
planning advice and
investigate, interpret or
evaluate information for the
guidance of staff or clients.
Original writing of
promotional and advertising
material requiring significant
discretion and judgement
concerning content and
Management of, and
participation in, marketing
Design of promotional and
marketing plans requiring
initiative in the application of
professional practices.
Responsibility for representing
the school in the media.
Page 225 of 334 Pages
Information Services and Resource Employees
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Process basic transactions
such as issues and returns,
produce overdue lists, entry
of orders in a computerised
system, perform stock takes,
entering of accession
information into computer.
Operate and demonstrate
the use of audio-visual
equipment where there is
limited complexity.
Maintain a booking system
for equipment use and for
the organisation of repairs
and replacement of
Within well-established
routines, methods and
procedures, record
audio/video programs and
maintain a catalogue system
of such recordings.
Perform a range of general
duties at a basic level, for
example, minor book repairs,
photocopying and shelving.
Receive and deal with initial
requests for information
from library clients.
Under the direct supervision
of an academic staff
member(s), assist in the
demonstration of routine
library operations and
Under the direct supervision
of an academic staff
member(s), assist in the
supervision of students in the
Search and verify
bibliographical data where
some discretion and
judgement are involved.
Copy catalogue books,
magazines, journals and
recorded material where
some discretion and
judgement are involved.
Maintain circulation systems
where some discretion and
judgement are involved.
Respond to enquiries from
staff, students, parents and
the general public and
address issues in accordance
with routines, methods and
Assist in the demonstration
of complex audio visual or
computer equipment under
supervision of academic staff
member(s) where some
discretion and judgement
are involved.
Responsibility for and/or
training of subordinate staff
in limited areas may be
Within a variety of routines
and procedures and with a
depth of knowledge in some
areas: demonstrate to staff
and students the use of
complex audio visual or
computer equipment; or
monitor performance of and
carry out repairs to
specialised equipment.
Apply a range of technical and
other skills involving the self-
directed application of
knowledge gained through
formal studies/qualifications
applicable to this level or
knowledge and experience
that are determined by the
employer as necessary to
successfully carry out the
duties of the position. This
may include: independent
and original cataloguing and
classification following
precedents and standards;
monitoring the performance
of, and carrying out repairs
to, specialised equipment;
and developing the
framework for and providing
the instruction to students
(within a structured learning
environment) under the
general supervision of an
academic staff member(s).
Apply a range of professional
knowledge gained through
successful completion of an
appropriate undergraduate
Operate (at a level
consistent with the
qualifications required) a
library/resource centre. This
may (or may not) include
responsibility for the
supervision, monitoring and
training of staff in lower
level positions.
Administer the allocation
and monitoring of resources
in the library/resource
Support employees
reporting to the position in
policies to be followed,
methods to be used and
standards to be observed.
Provide professional advice
to staff and students in the
officer’s area of expertise.
Formulate procedural policy
and guidelines in the
employee’s area of
responsibility; submit
recommendations for
decision and prepare
supporting statements as
7.4.1 Apply a range of
professional knowledge
gained through successful
completion of an
appropriate undergraduate
degree and post graduate
qualifications and/or other
professional development
and/or industry experience.
7.4.2 Responsibility for the
operation of a
library/resource centre
which provides complex and
varied services. This may (or
may not) include
responsibility for the
supervision, monitoring and
training of professional staff
and staff in lower level
7.4.3 Manage the allocation
and monitoring of resources
in the library/resource
7.4.4 Responsibility for
direction and support of
employees reporting to the
position in policies to be
followed, methods to be
used and standards to be
7.4.5 Provide subject matter
expertise and/or policy
advice across a range of
programs or activities
undertaken by the
Page 226 of 334 Pages
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Under direct supervision of a
higher level officer or
members of the academic
staff prepare and clear away
materials for display/use in
classrooms or libraries.)
organizational area,
formulate policies and
provide specialist advice on
policy formulation to senior
Computer/ICT Employees
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Use keyboard skills to
produce a document from
written text using a standard
Operate within well-
established routines, office
equipment, such as, computer,
photocopier, facsimile, binding
machine, guillotine, laminator,
franking machine, calculators,
switchboard, etc.
Use software application
packages for personal
computers to create
database file structures; and
spreadsheets/work sheets.
Within a variety of routines,
methods and procedures,
maintain the hardware and
software components of a
computer network and
provide user support.
Responsibility for and/or
training of subordinate staff in
limited areas may be required.
Apply a range of technical and
other skills involving the self-
directed application of
knowledge gained through
formal studies/qualifications
applicable to this level or
knowledge and experience
that are determined by the
employer as necessary to
successfully carry out the
duties of the position. This may
include: Assisting with
systems analysis and design in
relation to the development
and maintenance of
computer systems; and
Operate and be responsible
for the computing section of
the school and all its
Perform non-routine
professional tasks governed
by procedures or guidelines.
Within such constraints the
employee is responsible for
the independent
performance of such
Provide financial, policy and
planning advice and
investigate, interpret or
evaluate information for the
Operate and be responsible
for the computing section
which provides complex and
varied services to the school
community including being
responsible for the
supervision, monitoring and
development of other staff
reporting to the position.
Research and examine likely
long-term requirements for
computer systems, suggest
alternative plans and
strategies and report on their
Page 227 of 334 Pages
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
assisting with application
programming (e.g.
modification of package
systems; and investigation of
malfunctions in operational
guidance of staff or
management in the
computing area.
Be responsible for the
development of software,
hardware or applications
systems based on the use of
current computer
Be responsible for the
development of computer
systems, and recommend
changes and improvements
in systems where
Undertake maintenance
programming tasks, including
investigation and design
requirements necessary to
implement changes to
existing systems.
Provide advice to the senior
executive of the school on
the operations/future
directions of the section by
utilising acquired knowledge
and experience.
Carry out a range of tasks
necessary to support and
develop systems software or
other support processes
Consult with departmental
computer users to
understand and meet the
needs of the department and
resolve problems concerning
Investigate and design the
implementation of computer
systems to meet specific
needs of work areas.
Carry out a range of complex
and varied tasks requiring the
selection and application of
new and existing techniques
and methodologies necessary
to support and develop
systems software or other
support processes.
Develop and present
appropriate computer
training courses.
Page 228 of 334 Pages
Level 6 Level 7
Competency of employee
Competency at this level involves self-directed development and application of
professional knowledge with substantial depth in some areas.
A broad range of professional skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied
and highly specific contexts.
A proportion of competencies involve complex, specialised or professional functions.
Competencies are used independently and are substantially non-routine with
initiative being exercised in the application of professional practices.
Significant discretion and judgement are required in planning, design, professional,
technical or supervisory functions related to services, operations or processes for self
and/or others.
Works under broad guidance.
Supervision of employees’ work
Work is usually measured in terms of the achievement of stated objectives to agreed
May be less direct than at lower levels and usually be related to task methodology
and work practices.
May involve a level of autonomy in accordance with a broad plan or budget strategy.
Supervision of others
Responsibility for the supervision and monitoring of the work of others and of
workflow in the area of responsibility may be involved.
Leadership and development of teams and responsibility for outcomes may be
Competency of employee
Competency at this level involves the use of initiative in self-directed development
and application of expert knowledge with extensive recognised expertise in some
A breadth and depth of professional skills are applied to roles and functions in both
varied and highly specific contexts.
A high proportion of competencies involve significant scope and/or complex,
specialized or professional functions.
Duties of an innovative and/or critical nature are undertaken without professional
direction and initiative is exercised in the application of professional practices.
Significant discretion and independent judgement are required within constraints set
by management.
Supervision of employees’ work
Work is usually performed under general guidance with limited or no professional
The general quality of work is monitored by school management and is subject to
stated objectives and professional standards.
Supervision of others
Responsibility for the setting and achieving of objectives by a work section and its
staff may be involved.
Responsibility for assessment, training and development and performance
counselling of staff may be required.
Page 229 of 334 Pages
Characteristics (additional to above and specific to school counsellors (without teacher qualification)):
Level 6 Level 7
Competency of employee
The solution of problems may require the exercise of professional judgement through
the selection and application of professional procedures, methods and standards,
however guidance from senior staff is readily available.
Employees at this level may operate individually or as a member of a project team
within a work group.
Professional judgement may be exercised within prescribed areas, however the
provision of results are subject to verification and validation.
Supervision of employees’ work
Work is initially performed under close supervision by a more experienced
professional, however, this supervision is expected to reduce as experience increases.
Guidance is always close at hand.
Supervision of others
Generally no supervisory responsibilities, although more experienced employees may
assist new employees by providing guidance and advice.
Competency of employee
Apply detailed knowledge of standard professional tasks required, with scope existing
for exercising initiative in the application of established professional work practices
and procedures.
Employees are expected to exercise initiative in the application of professional
practices either as a member (in some situations as leader) or a specialist professional
in multi-disciplinary teams or independently and may deputise for the professional
head of a small work unit.
Supervision of employees’ work
Work is usually performed under general guidance with the general quality of output
monitored by superiors. However, the technical content of the work is not normally
subject to direct supervision.
Guidance may be given in reviewing work programs or on unusual features of an
Supervision of others
Some supervisory responsibility of subordinate staff may be required. The degree of
supervision is variable depending on the assignment or project.
Employees at this level may have supervisory responsibilities for technical staff, if
required, together with responsibilities for training and development of subordinate
professional staff within their discipline.
Supervisory responsibilities include on-the-job training, staff assessment and
performance counselling in relation to subordinates with the discipline or para
professionals, as well as authority for the verification and validation of work results of
supervised staff.
Page 230 of 334 Pages
Qualifications: School Counsellors (Without Teacher Qualification)
Possession of an appropriate degree with major studies in psychology from a recognised tertiary institution and completion of an approved post graduate counsellor training
program of at least one year's duration comprising academic course work, supervised practicum and a professional practices component with appropriate experience and
demonstrated competency or other relevant qualifications which are acceptable to the employer.
Typical Skills and Duties: School Counsellors (Without Teacher Qualification)
Level 6 Level 7
Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an
appropriate undergraduate degree. This may include: the gathering, analysis and
interpretation of data or preparation of reports and the consequent giving of advice to
other professional staff to assist student learning; or providing pastoral ministry; or
providing counselling and/or guidance support for students. (6.1.1)
Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer’s area of expertise or
qualification. (6.1.2)
Formulate procedural policy and guidelines in the employee’s area of responsibility;
submit recommendations for decision and prepare supporting statements as
necessary. (6.2.6)
Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an
appropriate undergraduate degree. (6.2.1)
Address the relevant educational, personal, vocational and social needs of students
within the school setting.
Consult with other specialist and personnel and various agencies to achieve service
delivery as required.
Apply knowledge of basic professional practices and procedures relevant to the
Analyse and interpret findings relating to elements of specialist guidance and
counselling work.
Perform non-routine professional tasks, governed by established procedures, specific
guidelines and standardised instructions.
Apply theoretical knowledge of the relevant discipline of formal study to basic
problems or minor phases of broader assignments.
Undertake more complex professional activities involving the selection and application,
based on professional judgement, of new and existing techniques and methodologies
requiring the exercise of professional independence combined with competence derived
from extensive experience and/or additional study. (7.1.1)
Undertake supervisory responsibilities which may include on the job training, staff
assessment and performance counselling in relation to staff in lower level positions.
Operate and be accountable for the quality of output of a section or function within the
school. (7.1.3)
Responsibility for direction and support of employees reporting to the position in
policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed. (7.4.4)
Provide subject matter expertise and/or policy advice across a range of programs or
activities undertaken by the organisational area. Formulate policies and provide
specialist advice on policy development to senior management. (7.2.5)
Identify policies and procedures requiring review or re-development, and define
relevant issues. (7.3.3)
Provide written reports to the school executive on complex matters, suggesting
alternative courses of action and analysing the implications of each alternative. (7.3.4)
Undertake high level research, review or investigations including the preparation of
reports and associated papers to provide advice to the school on the operational
and/or future directions of the employee’s section and to contribute to the
development of that section in the educational context of the school. (7.3.9)
Address the relevant educational, personal, vocational and social needs of students
within the school setting.
Consult with other specialist and personnel and various agencies to achieve service
delivery as required.
Page 231 of 334 Pages
Level 6 Level 7
Carry out research under professional supervision and may be expected to contribute
to the advances of the techniques used.
Responsible for various professional assignments.
Requires knowledge of either a broad or specialised field.
Use combinations of standard procedures and/or modifications of standard
procedures to resolve non-routine problems.
Page 232 of 334 Pages
S10.1 Term-Time Definition
S10.1.1 Term-time employee is an employee who may be employed on a continuing basis or on a
fixed-term basis (as defined below) and is engaged to work:-
(a) thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours per week but less than fifty-two (52) weeks per annum;
(b) less than thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours per week and less than fifty-two (52) weeks per
annum, provided that the minimum weekly hours, except for school officers, will be
twelve (12).
S10.2 Contract of Employment
S10.2.1 Employees offered term-time employment, as described in this Agreement, shall be advised in
writing, at the point of engagement and at other times when varied in accordance with this
Agreement, the following:-
(a) the nature of engagement as a term-time employee
(b) the weeks the term-time employee is to be employed.
(c) the days of the week the term-time employee is to be employed.
(d) the normal starting and finishing time for each day's employment.
(e) the duration of the engagement in respect of employment for a fixed-term.
S10.3 Employment Conditions for Term-Time Employees
S10.3.1 Where an employee is employed on a term-time basis, the employee shall be entitled to be
paid an hourly rate for ordinary hours worked equal to the appropriate weekly full-time rate
divided by thirty-eight (38).
S10.3.2 Employees under this subclause shall be entitled to receive pro rata entitlements to annual
leave and personal leave in accordance with clauses S10.6 and S10.7 within this Schedule.
S10.3.3 Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally employed, that
employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that
S10.4 Term Time Employees - Additional Hours
S10.4.1 Where an employer identifies either additional hours to be worked, or additional work to be
performed, (either short or long term) the employer must (in the first instance) thoroughly
investigate and consider whether such additional hours or work can be performed by an
existing term time employee.
S10.4.2 So as to avoid doubt the expressions “additional hours” and “additional work” include both
work during periods when students are in attendance and periods of vacation.
S10.4.3 The employer will, subject to clause s10.4.4 (below), offer such additional hours or work to an
existing term time employee (or employees).
S10.4.4 Nothing in this clause will require an employer to offer additional hours or work to an
employee where:
(a) The additional hours or work would result in the employee working more than the
maximum number of ordinary hours permitted by this Agreement; or
(b) It is impracticable, having regard to both the needs of the school and the nature of the
work, to offer such additional hours or work to a particular employee (or employees).
Page 233 of 334 Pages
S10.4.5 An employee who is offered additional hours or additional work may, at their discretion,
accept or decline the offer.
S10.5 Accrued Hours
S10.5.1 Where an employing authority authorises additional hours to be worked by an employee
beyond the normal hours worked, these hours may be accrued on an agreed basis between
the employing authority and the employee. These accrued hours must be availed of during
school vacation periods except where the employing authority, at the request of the
employee, approves that accrued hours be taken at alternative times. The hours accrued shall
be paid at the ordinary time rate.
S10.5.2 All employees shall have a zero balance of accrued hours at the beginning of each twelve (12)
month cycle. A twelve (12) month cycle is taken to begin on the first day following the school
vacation period in January and extending through to the last day of the school vacation period
in the next year. Any accrued hours not taken prior to the completion of each twelve (12)
month cycle will be paid to the employee.
S10.5.3 Notwithstanding the above, the annual leave loading will be paid on no more than four (4)
S10.5.4 On resignation, employees must avail themselves of any accrued hours prior to the resignation
taking effect. In special or extenuating circumstances, if the employee is unable to avail
themselves of accrued hours, these accrued hours shall be paid to the employee upon
S10.6 Personal Leave for Term-Time Employees
S10.6.1 Term-time employees shall be entitled to pro rata personal leave calculated on the following
(a) for each completed year of service – seventy-six (76) hours x ordinary hours worked per
week ÷ thirty-eight (38);
(b) for each completed period of 5.2 weeks in respect of an incomplete year of service - 7.6
hours x ordinary hours worked per week ÷ thirty-eight (38)
S10.7 Annual Leave for Term-Time Employees
S10.7.1 Entitlements –
(a) The accrual rate of annual leave for full-time employees shall be one hundred and fifty-
two (152) hours per annum (i.e. four (4) weeks annual leave per annum on a thirty-eight
(38) hour week basis).
(b) An employee’s entitlement to paid annual leave accrues progressively during a year of
service according to the employee’s ordinary hours of work, and accumulates from year
to year. Service includes a period when annual leave is taken by the employee. The
calculation of the entitlement to such leave is set out in paragraphs S10.7.1 (d) and (e).
(c) Term-time employees shall at the end of the initial school year in which they are employed
be entitled to annual leave calculated as follows:
(i) annual leave due to the employee will be determined using the following
A x Four (4) weeks = weeks of annual leave
Fifty-two (52)
Where: A = number of weeks worked during that year
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(ii) the number of weeks of annual leave determined using the formula in S10.7.1
(c) (i) will be paid for as follows:
weeks of annual leave x B x the hourly rate applicable at the time
Where B = average hours worked per week during that year
(d) Term-time employees shall at the end of each subsequent school year in which they are
employed be entitled to annual leave calculated as follows:
(i) annual leave due to the employee will be determined using the following
x Four (4) weeks = weeks of annual leave Fifty-two (52)
Where: C = number of weeks worked during that year plus the number of weeks
of annual leave determined using the formula in S10.7.1 (c) (i).
(ii) The number of weeks of annual leave determined using the formula in S10.7.1
(d) (i) will be paid for as follows:
weeks of annual leave x B x the hourly rate applicable at the time
Where B = average hours worked per week during that year
(e) Subject to the provision of sub-clause (a) above annual leave shall be taken by term-time
employees during school vacation periods unless otherwise agreed between the
employer and employee.
(f) If an employee and employer so agree, annual leave may be taken wholly or partly in
advance before the employee has become entitled to annual leave subject to the
(i) An employee who has taken in advance the whole of the annual leave that
would be due at the end of a school year, is not entitled to any further annual
leave at the end of that school year.
(ii) An employee who has taken in advance part of the annual leave that would be
due at the end of a school year, becomes entitled at the end of that school year
to the part of the annual leave not already taken.
(g) Annual leave shall be exclusive of any public holiday which may occur during the period
of that leave and shall be paid for by the employer in accordance with current provisions.
S10.7.2 Calculation of Annual Leave Pay
In respect to annual leave entitlements to which this clause applies, annual leave pay (including
any proportionate payments) shall comprise:
(a) The employee's ordinary wage rate as prescribed by this Agreement for the period of the
annual leave; and
(b) A further amount calculated at the rate of seventeen and one-half percent (17 ½%) of the
amounts referred to in provision (a) of this subclause.
S10.7.3 Payment of Annual Leave Accrual on Termination of Employment
(a) If a term-time employee is dismissed by the employer or voluntarily leaves employment
after any leave has become due, and without such leave having been taken, such
employee shall be entitled in lieu thereof to a sum equal to salary computed at the rate
of wages which the employee was earning at the date of such dismissal or leaving
calculated in accordance with subclause S10.7.2 hereof.
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(b) If the employment of any employee is terminated before the expiration of a full school
year, such employee shall be paid, in addition to all other amounts due to the employee,
an amount equal to one-twelfth of ordinary pay for the period of employment calculated
in accordance with subclause S10.7.2 hereof.
(c) If any such leave shall not have been taken as it falls due from time to time, such leave
shall be cumulative from year to year for a period not exceeding two (2) years.
(d) Such annual holiday shall be exclusive of any statutory holiday which may occur during
the period of that annual holiday and shall be paid for by the employer in accordance with
current provisions.
S10.8 Fixed-term Term-Time Definition
S10.8.1 A fixed-term term-time employee is one engaged to work thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours or
less per week with a specified commencement and cessation date and for a period of less than
fifty-two (52) weeks in respect of any one engagement.
S10.8.2 A fixed-term term-time employee shall be appointed only to accommodate an identifiable
short term need. Without limiting the application of the foregoing, an identifiable short term
need could include:
(a) special projects
(b) proposed closure of a school
(c) special government grants
(d) filling the position of a specified employee who is on nominated leave from the school
(e) filling the position of an employee arising from a resignation, where such position is
declared vacant and no suitable permanent employee is available.
S10.8.3 Provided a fixed-term employee shall be employed for a period no greater than twelve (12)
months; provided further that if the identifiable short-term need exists after the twelve (12)
month period, the fixed-term appointment may be re-negotiated.
S10.8.4 Any agreement reached between an employer and an employee as prescribed by this clause
shall be in writing, signed by both the employee and the employee, and shall clearly identify
the terms, conditions and specific duration (commencement and cessation dates) of the
S10.9 Other Conditions for Term-Time Employees
All other terms and conditions of employment will be in accordance with those contained in
the relevant Schedule to this Agreement.
S10.10 Annualisation of Salary
Term-time school officers and service staff employees may have their wages annualised over
a year as provided in clause 4.12 of this Agreement.
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Where there is inconsistency between the provisions of this Schedule and those contained in this Agreement,
the conditions of the Agreement will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
S11.1.1 Coverage
(a) This Schedule applies to all nursing staff employed as such working in a school.
(b) This Schedule does not apply to any person who is a member of a Religious Order.
S11.1.2 Definitions
(a) "AHPRA" is the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.
(b) "Boarding School" is a school providing primary level, secondary level or vocational
education that makes provision, as part of the provision of education or as an adjunct to
the provision of education, for students to be accommodated.
(c) "Casual Employee" is an employee who is employed on a daily basis for not more than
thirty-two (32) hours in any one (1) week.
(d) "Enrolled Nurse" means an employee who:
(i) appears on the Register of Practitioners of the AHPRA as an Enrolled Nurse
(Division 2)
(ii) is subject to the registration standards, codes and guidelines of the NMBA; and
(iii) provides nursing care only under the direction and supervision of the Registered
(e) "NMBA" is the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.
(f) "Part-time Employee" means an employee, other than a "Casual Employee", as defined,
or an employee employed in a relieving capacity, who is engaged to work regular hours
each week.
(i) The ordinary daily working hours shall be worked continuously, excluding meal
breaks, and shall not be less than four (4) hours or more than eight (8) hours per
(ii) Such hours shall be fewer than thirty (32) per week.
(g) "Registered Nurse" means an employee who:
(i) appears on the Register of Practitioners of the AHPRA as a Registered Nurse
(Division 1); and
(ii) is subject to the registration standards, codes and guidelines of the NMBA.
(h) “Term-time” has the same meaning as outlined in clause S10.1.1 (Term- time Definition)
of Schedule 10 of this Agreement.
S11.1.3 Area of Operation
For the purposes of this Schedule the Divisions and Districts are as follows:
(a) Divisions
(i) Northern Division - That portion of the State along or north of a line commencing
at the junction of the sea-coast with the 21st parallel of south latitude; then by
that parallel of latitude due west of 147 degrees of east longitude; then by that
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meridian of longitude due south to 22 degrees 30 minutes of south latitude;
then by that parallel of latitude due west to the western border of the State.
(ii) Mackay Division - That portion of the State within the following boundaries -
Commencing at the junction of the sea-coast with the 21st parallel of south
latitude; then by that parallel of latitude due west to 147 degrees of east
longitude; then by that meridian of longitude due south to 22 degrees of south
latitude; then by that parallel of latitude due east to the sea-coast; then by the
sea-coast northerly to the point of commencement.
(iii) Southern Division - That portion of the State not included in the Northern or
Mackay Divisions.
(b) Districts
(i) Northern Division
(A) Eastern District - That portion of the Northern Division along or east of
144 degrees 30 minutes of east longitude.
(B) Western District - The remainder of the Southern Division.
(ii) Southern Division
(A) Eastern District - That portion of the Southern Division along or east of a
line commencing at the junction of the southern border of the State with
150 degrees of east longitude; then by that meridian of longitude due
north to 25 degrees of south latitude; then by that parallel of latitude due
west to 147 degrees of east longitude; then by that meridian of longitude
due north to the southern boundary of the Mackay Division.
(B) Western District - The remainder of the Southern Division.
S11.2.1 Contract of Employment
(a) Type of Engagement
An employee may be engaged as a full-time, part-time, term-time or casual employee.
(b) Written confirmation of employment details
The employer shall provide to the employee, upon engagement, written confirmation of
employment details that specifies the following:
(i) type of engagement;
(ii) classification and pay point level;
(iii) whether a probationary period applies, and if so, the duration and terms of that
probationary period;
(iv) in the instance of part-time employees such confirmation shall include the
number of ordinary hours of work contracted as usually required.
(c) Term-time employees
Terms and conditions of employment outlined in Schedule 10 (Term-Time Employees
other than Teachers) of this Agreement apply to employees engaged on a term-time basis.
S11.3.1 Wages
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(a) The minimum rates of pay for employees covered by this Schedule are contained in
Schedule 1 – S1.10 of this Agreement
(b) Casual Employees
Casual employees, as defined in clause S11.1.2 (c), shall be paid twenty-five percent
(25%), in addition to the ordinary weekly rates of pay prescribed in clause S11.3.1 (a) and
shall be further entitled to any allowance applicable based pro rata on the number of
hours worked in relation to thirty-eight (38) in any week. Such employees shall be paid
as for a minimum of two (2) hours' work per engagement.
(c) Part-Time Employees
Part-time employees shall be paid at the rate of one-thirty-eighth (1/38th) of the weekly
rate of wages prescribed for the appropriate classification per hour with a minimum
payment as for four (4) hours on any day when work is performed. Such employees shall
be further entitled to any allowances applicable, based pro rata on the number of hours
worked in relation to thirty-eight (38) in any week.
(d) Term-time employees
In accordance with clause S10.3.1 (Employment Conditions for Term-time Employees) of
Schedule 10 of this Agreement, where an employee is employed on a term-time basis, the
employee is entitled to be paid an hourly rate for ordinary hours equal to the appropriate
weekly full-time rate divided by thirty-eight (38).
(e) Full-time Nurses in Boarding Schools - Annualised Salary Arrangement
(i) A full-time nurse and the School may enter into an agreement whereby the
nurse is paid an annualised salary. The nurse must be paid at least the
appropriate minimum weekly rate for that nurse as set out in Schedule 1 – S1.10
for the entire twelve (12) months. For the purposes of Annual Leave under the
NES, such leave is included in this salary and is deemed to be taken during
semester breaks. Employees who enter into an annualised salary arrangement
may agree to be excluded from the following provisions of this Agreement:
(A) on-call allowance (clause S11.3.2 (b))
(B) recall (clause S11.3.2(c))
(C) meal breaks - extra payment for working during meal break (clause
(D) weekend work - extra payment (clause S11.4.5)
(E) afternoon and night duty - extra payment (clause S11.4.6)
(F) overtime (clause S11.4.7)
(G) annual leave (clause S11.5.1)
(H) public holidays (clause S11.5.2)
(ii) Negotiating the Annualised Salary
When negotiating the annualised salary the School and the nurse shall take into
consideration the expected work requirements and the excluded provisions that
would otherwise apply. The terms and conditions of employment for a salaried
employee agreed under this clause shall not be less favourable overall than
those which would otherwise apply if the employee had not entered into the
salaried arrangement.
(iii) Recording the Annualised Salary
Page 239 of 334 Pages
(A) Where such annualised salary agreement exists, it must be recorded in
writing between the School and the nurse affected prior to its
commencement and a copy must be kept as part of the nurse’s time and
wages record. The written agreement must include the following:
(1) the number of weeks to be worked under the arrangement
(2) the hours of work required
(3) the negotiated exclusions under subclause (i) above.
(B) A nurse covered by an annualised salary arrangement must have all hours
worked recorded by the employer and kept for seven (7) years. These
records are to include, as a minimum:
(1) the start and finish times of each shift;
(2) start and finish times of meal breaks taken;
(3) sleepover/on-call taken and the start and finish times of this
sleepover/on-call; and
(4) the number of times the employee was required to perform work
during a sleepover/on-call and period of time of each such occasion
(C) For the purposes of this clause "sleepover" is defined as sleeping in at
night to undertake duty of care requirements and to be on-call for
(iv) Review of Annualised Salary
(A) On the anniversary date of entering into the annualised salary
arrangement, the nurse and the School may review, or at the request of
the nurse must review, the annualised salary arrangement. During any
such review either party may elect to discontinue the annualised salary
arrangement by giving four (4) weeks’ notice in writing. If this occurs then
the nurse will thereafter revert to term-time employment unless another
arrangement is negotiated.
(B) If the annualised salary arrangement is renegotiated the new or amended
agreement is to be recorded in accordance with subclause (iii) of this
(C) If the school does not inform the nurse of this clause every time a review
is available then the nurse retains the right to discontinue the annualised
salary arrangement at any time.
(D) During the review the nurse must be provided with a detailed comparison
by the School showing how their annualised salary arrangement would
compare to a nurse working the same hours but not working on such
arrangement for the preceding year.
(v) Treatment of Salary upon Termination or Discontinuance of the Arrangement
A nurse who is employed under an annualised salary arrangement and whose
employment terminates or who decides to discontinue the annualised salary
arrangement as allowed in subclause (iv) above shall be paid the proportion of
their annual salary of that year that their service (excluding school vacations)
bears to the number of weeks in a year that they would ordinarily be required
to work. Such proportion of salary shall be calculated on the salary which the
employee was receiving immediately before cessation of employment or
discontinuance of the arrangement.
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(f) Annualisation of Salary for Term-Time Employees
Term-time employees may have their wages annualised over a year as provided in clause
4.12 (Annualisation of Salary – Term-Time School Officers and Services Staff) of this
Agreement as if they were school officers/services staff employed by the relevant
(g) Accelerated Advancement
(i) A Registered Nurse Level 1 shall be entitled to advance one paypoint on that
person's first employment following registration with the AHPRA, or at any time
during that person's employment as a Registered Nurse Level 1, upon successful
completion of a post-registration course of at least twelve (12) months duration
where the employee is required to perform the duties of a position to which the
course is directly relevant.
It is recommended that nurses contemplating undertaking a course as described
in clause S11.3.1(e) should consult with their employer prior to commencement
of study to clarify whether the employer accepts that it is a course as described
in clause S11.3.1 (e).
(ii) Advancement
(A) A Registered Nurse Level 1 whose current Schedule rate of pay includes
the advancement provided for in clause S11.3.1 (g) (i) shall not be entitled
to further advancement under clause S11.3.1 (g).
(B) A Registered Nurse Level 1 shall not retain an entitlement to
advancement in paypoint pursuant to clause S11.3.1 (g) (i) if that nurse is
no longer working in a position for which such additional registration is a
(iii) A Registered Nurse Level 1 shall not retain an entitlement to advancement in
paypoint pursuant to clause S11.3.1 (g) (i) if that nurse is no longer working in a
position for which such post-registration course is directly relevant.
(iv) "Paypoint" in clause S11.3.1 (g) only, means a year in pay.
(h) Total Experience to Count
(i) For the purpose of determining the rate of wages payable by reference to the
year of service or paypoint of any employee, an employee shall be given credit
for all previous continuous nursing service.
(ii) Previous nursing service shall include time spent in obtaining additional nursing
qualifications other than the basic qualification required for registration.
(iii) A part-time term-time or Casual Employee shall be required to complete the
equivalent of a full working year (1,976 hours) from the time of their first
appointment, enrolment or registration or of their last increment before being
eligible for the next increment. A person who has completed 1,976 hours of
duty, or has received payment for 1,976 hours, including annual, personal,
compassionate and other paid leave, shall be deemed to have completed a full
(iv) In calculating continuous nursing service for the purpose of this clause, any
period of service (other than time spent as a nursing employee on full pay in
obtaining additional nursing certificates) prior to an absence of over three (3)
years from nursing duties covered by a relevant nursing agreement shall not be
taken into account.
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(v) On termination of employment each employee shall be given a certificate signed
and dated by the employer setting out the duration of employment at that
facility, capacity of employment, details of any advancement (or reversal of
advancement) in paypoint pursuant to clause S11.3.1 (g), and in the instance of
part-time and Casual Employees, the total hours worked.
(vi) The onus of proof of previous experience shall be on the employee.
(vii) An employee unable to provide proof of previous experience within four weeks
of engagement, will be paid at the appropriate rate of pay for the first year of
service or the year to which proof of experience is provided for the class of
employee so appointed. Wages shall continue at this rate of pay until proof of
previous experience is provided to the employer or until such time as service
has been accumulated to warrant payment at a higher rate. Where proof of
previous experience is not provided within 4 weeks of engagement, wages will
continue to be paid at that rate of pay until such time as further proof of
previous experience is provided to the employer and only then will the higher
rate become payable from the date supplied.
(viii) Subject to proof of previous experience being provided within four (4) weeks,
the employer will adjust previous payments back to the date of commencement.
(ix) The employee may seek the assistance of the union to obtain or establish such
proof of previous experience still outstanding.
(i) Board and Lodging
(i) Where board and lodging are supplied to employees residing within employer
accommodation the employer shall be entitled to deduct the following amounts
from the weekly rates of pay prescribed for such employees:
$ Per week
For all Registered and Enrolled Nurses 54.78
For Assistants-in-Nursing 51.54
(ii) In all cases the ratio of the value of board to that of lodging shall be two (2) to
one (1).
(iii) The above rates will increase in accordance with any annual percentage increase
to wages for nurses outlined in this agreement.
(iv) Where employees who are living out are provided with meals by the employer,
a deduction shall be made from the employee's wages at the rate of one-twenty-
first (1/21st) of the allowances for board calculated to the nearest cent for each
meal so provided.
S11.3.2 Allowances
(a) Divisional and District Parities
The divisional and district parities (as described in Schedule 1 – S1.11) for employees other
than teachers shall be paid in addition to the employee’s wages as prescribed in Schedule
1 – S1.10 (Wages, Salaries and Allowances) of this Agreement.
(b) On Call Allowances
(i) The provisions hereunder apply to employees who are rostered to be on-call at
their private residence, or at any other mutually agreed place, other than the
employer's premises.
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(A) An employee rostered to be on-call shall receive an additional amount as
(1) $21.16 for each twenty-four (24) hour period or part thereof when
the on-call period is between rostered shifts of ordinary hours
Monday to Friday inclusive;
(2) $31.77 for each twenty-four (24) hour period or part thereof when
the on-call period is on a Saturday;
(3) $37.05 for each twenty-four (24) hour period or part thereof when
the on-call period is on a Sunday, public holiday or a day when the
employee is rostered off duty.
payment shall be calculated by reference to the allowance applicable to
the calendar day on which the major portion of the on-call period falls.
(B) If an employee rostered to be on-call is required to work, such work shall
be remunerated at the appropriate overtime rate, in addition to the rates
prescribed in clause S11.3.2 (b) (i). A minimum payment of three (3) hours
at the appropriate overtime rate shall be paid, except in the case of
unforeseen circumstances arising, the employee shall not be required to
work for three (3) hours if the work for which the employee was required,
and any associated duty is completed within a shorter period.
Entitlement to such remuneration shall commence from the time the
employee starts work.
(C) An employee who is required to work shall be provided with transport to
and from the employee's home or shall be refunded the cost of such
Where an employee is required to work within three (3) hours of
commencing normal duty and remains at work, the employee shall be
provided with transport from the employee's home to the workplace, or
shall be refunded the cost of such transport.
(D) An employee placed on-call is required to remain at the employee's
private residence or any other mutually agreed place as will enable the
employer to readily contact the employee during the hours for which the
employee has been placed on-call. Clause S11.3.2 (b) (i) should not
prevent the provision by employers of electronic or other devices by
which the employee could be contacted as an alternative to being
stationed at an agreed place.
(E) An employee on-call who usually lives out and who is required to remain
on close call within the workplace precincts shall be provided free of
charge with board and lodging in addition to any allowance payable
pursuant to clause S11.3.2 (b).
(ii) In employee who is required to remain on the employer's premises and is
provided with board and lodging shall be paid the following amounts in addition
to the amounts specified in clause S11.3.2 (b) (i):
(A) $12.00 for each twenty-four (24) hour period or part thereof when the
on-call period is between rostered shifts of ordinary hours Monday to
Friday inclusive;
(B) $15.00 for each twenty-four (24) hour period or part thereof when the
on-call period is on a Saturday;
Page 243 of 334 Pages
(C) $20.00 for each twenty-four (24) hour period or part thereof when the
on-call period is on a Sunday, public holiday or a day when the employee
is rostered off duty.
Payment shall be calculated by reference to the allowance applicable to the
calendar day on which the major portion of the on-call period falls.
(iii) Clause S11.4.7 (c) shall not apply when an employee has actually worked less
than two (2) hours in total on one or more call-outs.
(iv) Clause S11.3.2 (b) shall not apply to employees who have negotiated an
annualised salary arrangement with the employer in accordance with clause
S11.3.1 (d).
(c) Recall
The following provisions shall apply to employees who are not rostered to be on-call, but
who are recalled to work:
(i) an employee who is recalled to work shall be paid at the appropriate overtime
rate, with a minimum of three (3) hours. The time spent travelling to and from
the place of duty shall be deemed to be time worked;
(ii) where an employee is recalled within three (3) hours of rostered
commencement time, and the employee remains at work, only time spent in
travelling to work shall be included with actual time worked for the purpose of
overtime payment;
(iii) except in the case of unforeseen circumstances arising, an employee who is
recalled to work shall not be obliged to work for three (3) hours if the work for
which the employee was recalled, any associated duty, is completed within a
shorter period;
(iv) if an employee is recalled to work, the employee shall be provided with
transport to and from the employee's home or shall be refunded the cost of such
(A) Where an employee is recalled to work within three (3) hours of
commencing normal duty and the employee remains at work, the
employee shall be provided with transport from the employee's home to
the workplace or shall be refunded the cost of such transport;
(B) the provisions of clause S11.4.7 (c) shall not apply when an employee has
actually worked less than two (2) hours in total on one or more call-outs;
(v) clause S11.3.2 (c) shall not apply to employees who have negotiated an
annualised salary arrangement with the employer in accordance with clause
S11.3.1 (d).
(d) Uniform and Laundry Allowance
(i) The employer shall supply free of charge, a uniform of a type or design
considered most suitable, or in lieu thereof, an allowance at the rate of $312 per
annum shall be paid on a pro rata basis each pay day.
(ii) Where uniforms are not laundered at the employer's expense an allowance of
$1.85 per week shall be paid.
(iii) The uniform and laundry allowance shall only be payable where the employer
requires a uniform of a specific type to be worn but does not provide such
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(e) In Charge Allowance - Independent Schools
(i) there is no Registered Nurse Level 2 or Registered Nurse Level 3 employed and
there are two (2) or more nurses employed on nursing duties in any one
Boarding School; and
(ii) the employer directs and names one (1) of those nurses to be the senior nurse;
the named senior nurse shall be paid the amount of $19.30 per week in addition to the
rates prescribed in clause S11.3.1 (a).
S11.4.1 Hours of Work
(a) Ordinary Hours
Subject to clause S11.4.1 (c), and subject to the exceptions in clause S11.4.1, the ordinary
hours of work shall be an average of 38 hours per week, to be worked on the following
(i) one hundred and fifty-two (152) hours within a work cycle not exceeding
twenty-eight (28) consecutive days;
(ii) if there are compelling reasons to do so, and subject to clause S11.4.1 (d) the
method of implementation of the thirty-eight (38) hour week may be varied for
individual employees, groups or sections of employees.
(b) Maximum Daily Ordinary Hours
The ordinary hours of work shall be worked continuously and shall not exceed ten (10)
hours on any day.
(c) Where the ordinary working hours are to exceed eight (8) on any day, the arrangement
of hours shall be subject to the agreement of the employer and the majority of employees
(d) Implementation of Thirty-Eight (38) Hour Week
Subject to clause S11.4.1 (d):
(i) subject to the exceptions in clause S11.4.1 (c), the principal way by which the
thirty-eight (38) hour week is to be implemented is by working ordinary hours
through the work cycle so as to provide an accrued day off.
(ii) where the thirty-eight (38) hour week is implemented by granting employees an
accrued day off it shall be on the following basis:
(A) by rostering employees off on various days of the week during a particular
work cycle, so that each employee has one work day off during that cycle;
(B) by fixing one (1) or more work days on which all employees will be off
during a particular work cycle.
(iii) when the ordinary work cycle provides for an accrued day off, the accrued day
off shall not fall on a public holiday. The employer and employee shall, by
mutual agreement, arrange for an alternative accrued day off.
(iv) where the arrangement of ordinary hours of work provides for an accrued day
off, the employer and each employee in each section, establishment or unit
concerned may agree to accumulate up to a maximum of five (5) days off.
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(v) consent to accumulate accrued days off shall not be unreasonably withheld by
either the employer or the employees. Where agreement is reached to defer or
accumulate accrued days off, payment for work on accrued days off will be at
ordinary rates.
(vi) where agreement in clause S11.4.1(c)(v) has been reached, the accumulated
accrued days off shall be taken within twelve (12) calendar months from the
date of the entitlement to the first accrued day off.
(vii) subject to, and in accordance with the twelve (12) calendar month requirement
in clause S11.4.1 (d)(vi), an employee must take and exhaust all accumulated
accrued days off prior to the taking of periods of annual leave, but such
accumulated accrued days off may be taken in conjunction with annual leave
and/or long service leave.
(viii) subject to clause S11.4.1(d), and where there are compelling reasons to do so,
different methods of implementation of the thirty-eight (38) hour week may
apply to individual employees, groups or sections of employees in the facility
(ix) for the purpose of clause S11.4.1(c) "compelling reasons" mean:
(A) where employees bound by this Agreement are employed by an employer
whose principal business is other than of nursing and the majority of
employees are covered by an agreement approved by the Fair Work
Commission then the provisions for implementing a thirty-eight (38) hour
week as specified by that the agreement shall apply.
(B) where the operational or administrative requirements of the business
necessitate implementation of the thirty-eight (38) hour week by
methods other than an accrued day off.
(C) where there is a dispute over whether the operational or administrative
requirements necessitate the implementation of the thirty-eight (38)
hour week by methods other than an accrued day off, the employer shall
have the onus of establishing such reasons exist.
(e) Thirty-Eight (38) Hour Week - Procedures for Work Area Level Discussions
(i) The employer and all employees concerned in each section, establishment or
unit shall consult over the most appropriate means of implementing and
working a thirty-eight (38) hour week.
(ii) The objective of such consultation shall be to reach agreement on the method
of implementing and working the thirty-eight (38) hour week in accordance with
clause S11.4.1 (c).
(iii) The outcome of such consultation shall be recorded in writing.
(iv) In cases where agreement cannot be reached as a result of consultation
between the parties, either party may request the assistance or advice of the
relevant employee or employer organisation.
(v) After implementation of the thirty-eight (38) hour week, upon giving seven (7)
days' notice, or such shorter period as may be mutually agreed upon, the
method of working the thirty-eight (38) hour week may be altered, from time to
time, following negotiations between the employer and employees concerned
utilising the foregoing provisions of clause S11.4.1.
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(vi) Notwithstanding the provisions of clause S11.4.1 if a dispute or difficulty should
arise over the implementation of the thirty-eight (38) hour week it is open to
either party to seek the assistance of the Fair Work Commission to resolve the
(vii) Should a dispute or difficulty over implementation of the thirty-eight (38) hour
week concerning the accrued day off arise the onus in any proceedings is on the
employer to establish that there are compelling reasons as to why the accrued
day off should not be implemented.
(viii) Notwithstanding the consultative procedure outlined in clause S11.4.1 (d), in the
event of a dispute or difficulty arising over the implementation of the thirty-
eight (38) hour week the employer may determine the method by which the
thirty-eight (38) hour week is implemented until such dispute or difficulty is
(f) Any such determination by the employer shall be without prejudice to the resolution of
the dispute.
S11.4.2 Meal Breaks
(a) Where an employee is rostered to work at least six (6) hours, a meal break of no less than
thirty (30) minutes shall be available between the fourth (4th) and the sixth (6th) hour
after commencement of duty, and thereafter at intervals of no more than six (6) hours.
(b) Except as provided in clause S11.4.2 time and a-half shall be paid for all work required to
be performed during meal breaks and thereafter until a meal break is taken.
(c) Clause S11.4.2 (b) shall not apply to employees who have negotiated an annualised salary
arrangement with the employer in accordance with clause S11.3.1 (d).
(d) Employees performing ordinary work in excess of eight (8) hours and up to ten (10) hours
per day shall be entitled to a meal break of not less than one-half hour and not more than
one hour at or about the fifth (5th) hour from the ordinary starting time each day.
(e) In the event of an emergency circumstance occurring during the meal break such meal
break may be delayed without penalty.
(i) The meal break should be taken as soon as the emergency circumstance ends.
(ii) Payment in accordance with clause S11.4.2 (b) shall be made if the meal break
is unable to be taken after the emergency circumstance ends.
S11.4.3 Rest Pauses
(a) Full-Time Employees
Every full-time employee covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to a rest pause of
ten (10) minutes' duration in the employer's time in the first and second portion of daily
work. Such rest pauses shall be taken at such times as will not interfere with the
continuity of work where continuity is necessary.
(b) Part-Time and Casual Employees
(i) Every part-time and Casual Employee shall be entitled to a paid rest pause after
three (3) hours continuous duty.
(ii) Such employees who are engaged to work more than six (6) and a-half hours in
any one (1) engagement shall be entitled to rest pauses as for a full-time
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(c) Combining Rest Pauses
(i) Notwithstanding clauses S11.4.3 (a) and S11.4.3 (b) and by management
discretion, the employer may combine the period of the two (2) rest pauses to
provide one (1) twenty (20) minute rest pause. In the case of the morning duty,
it is taken in the first portion of the duty period, and in the case of the afternoon
duty, it is taken in the second portion of the duty period. Such rest pauses shall
be taken at such times as will not interfere with the continuity of work where
continuity is necessary.
(ii) The ability to combine rest pauses shall not be available with respect to
employees working ordinary hours of more than eight (8).
S11.4.4 Rest Days
(a) Employees working the hours prescribed by clause S11.4.1 shall be allowed four (4) rest
days (rostered days off) during each fortnight (fourteen (14) days). Each rostered day off
shall consist of a continuous period of twenty-four (24) hours, which where practicable
shall include from midnight to midnight.
(b) An employee's roster may provide for any one (1) of the following combinations of days
free from rostered work in each fortnight:
(i) two (2) periods comprising two (2) days each;
(ii) three (3) consecutive days and one (1) stand-alone day or;
(iii) one (1) period of four (4) consecutive days.
(c) Any one (1) of these combinations may be varied to enable two (2) single days free from
rostered work if requested in writing by the employee.
(d) Where agreement under clause S11.4.1 (b) has been reached, employees shall be allowed
additional rest days in accordance with the rostered hours of duty for the particular
S11.4.5 Weekend Work - Extra Payment
(a) All rostered ordinary hours worked by any employee between midnight Friday and
midnight Sunday up to and including ten (10) ordinary hours in any one shift shall be paid
for at the rate of ordinary time plus the additional percentage of the employee's ordinary
time rate as follows:
(i) midnight Friday to midnight Saturday fifty per cent (50%)
(ii) midnight Saturday to midnight Sunday seventy-five per cent (75%)
(b) All time worked by an employee during the above week-end period in excess of ordinary
hours in any one shift shall be paid at the appropriate overtime rate in lieu of the above
additional percentages:
(c) Clause S11.4.5 shall not apply to employees who have negotiated an annualised salary
arrangement with the employer in accordance with clause S11.3.1 (d).
S11.4.6 Afternoon and Night Duty - Extra Payment
(a) Afternoon Shift - Extra Payment
(i) “afternoon shift” means a shift where a majority of hours are worked after 12
midday and finished at or after 6:00pm
(ii) afternoon shift workers shall be paid an allowance of twelve and a half per cent
(12.5%) for each shift of ordinary hours.
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(b) Night Shift - Extra Payment
(i) Night shift is a shift commencing at or after 6.00 p.m. or before 7.30 a.m. the
following day, the major portion of which is worked between 6.00 p.m. and 7.30
(ii) Night shift workers shall be paid an allowance of fifteen percent (15%) for each
shift of ordinary hours.
(c) In the case of a Casual Employee the shift allowance shall be calculated upon the relevant
wage rate exclusive of the casual loading.
(d) Afternoon and night shift allowances shall not apply to Registered Nurses working on
Saturday and Sunday when extra payment for week-end work applies.
(e) Clause S11.4.6 shall not apply to employees who have negotiated an annualised salary
arrangement with the employer in accordance with clause S11.3.1 (d).
S11.4.7 Overtime
(a) Employees Entitlements
(i) All time worked in excess of the ordinary working hours as prescribed in clause
4.1 of this Schedule shall be overtime and shall be paid for at the following rates:
(A) in the case of shift workers at the rate of double time;
(B) in the case of all other employees at the rate of time and one-half for the
first three (3) hours and double time thereafter on any one day;
(C) all overtime on a Sunday shall be paid at the rate of double time.
(ii) Payment shall be made for all overtime worked and time off in lieu shall not be
regarded as payment.
(b) Overtime Meal
An employee who is called upon to continue work after the usual ceasing time shall be
supplied with a reasonable meal at the employer's expense or be paid $13.64 in lieu, after
more than two (2) hours or after more than one (1) hour if overtime continues beyond
6.00 p.m. in addition to overtime payment for the time worked.
(c) Time Off in Lieu of Overtime
(i) An employee and an employer may agree that the employee will receive paid
time off in lieu of overtime. Such an agreement must be recorded in writing.
(ii) Time off in lieu of overtime shall be at the equivalent of the number of hours of
ordinary pay that the employee would have received for such overtime.
(iii) Accumulated time off in lieu of overtime shall be taken at a time mutually agreed
between the employee and the employer, and within twelve (12) months of its
accumulation. Time off in lieu of overtime may be banked to a maximum of
thirty-eight (38) hours at any one time.
(iv) Where there is written agreement between an Industrial Organisation and the
employer time off in lieu of overtime may be accrued for a period longer that
twelve (12) months and/or a quantum in excess of thirty-eight (38) hours may
be accrued.
(v) Any accrued time off in lieu that is outstanding after twelve (12) months (in the
absence of written agreement between the Industrial Organisation and the
employer) or at the time of termination of employment, for any reason, by
either party, shall be paid out at the employee's ordinary time rate of pay.
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(d) Ten (10) hour Break Between Shifts
When an employee is required to continue working after the completion of the
employee's ordinary shift, the employee shall be allowed not less than ten (10) hours off
duty without loss of pay in respect of the employee's next ordinary shift of duty.
(e) Exemption - Full-time Nurses in Boarding Schools - Annualised Salary Arrangement.
Clause S11.4.7 shall not apply to employees who have negotiated an annualised salary
arrangement with the employer in accordance with Clause S11.3.1 (d).
S11.5.1 Annual Leave
(a) Entitlement
Every employee (other than a casual Employee) covered by this Agreement shall at the
end of each year of employment be entitled to annual leave on full pay as follows:
(i) not less than one hundred and ninety (190) hours if employed on shift work
where three (3) shifts per day are worked over a period of seven (7) days per
(ii) not less than one hundred and ninety (190) hours if employed in a Boarding
(iii) not less than one hundred and fifty-two (152) hours in any other case.
(b) Such annual leave shall be exclusive of any public holiday which may occur during the
period of that annual leave and (subject to clause S11.5.1 (g)) shall be paid for by the
employer in advance:
(i) in the case of any and every employee in receipt immediately prior to that leave
of ordinary pay at a rate in excess of the ordinary rate payable under this
Agreement, at that excess rate; and
(ii) in every other case, at the ordinary rate payable to the employee concerned
immediately prior to that leave under this Schedule.
(c) By mutual agreement employees (other than casuals) may utilise up to thirty-eight (38)
hours of annual leave entitlement in a minimum of single day absences for personal
(d) If any such annual leave has not been taken as it falls due from time to time, such annual
leave, by mutual arrangement, may be accumulated for a period not exceeding two (2)
(e) The application of clause S11.5.1 (d) is conditional upon the employee having been
afforded reasonable opportunity to take such leave.
(f) Reasonable notice of the commencement of annual leave shall be given to the employee.
(g) Except in case of termination it shall not be lawful for the employer to give or for any
employee to receive payment in lieu of annual leave.
(h) Calculation of Annual Leave Pay
In respect to annual leave entitlement to which clause S11.5.1 applies, annual leave pay
(including any proportionate payments) shall be calculated as follows:
(i) shift workers
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subject to clause S11.5.1 (h) (ii), the rate of wage to be paid to a shift worker
shall be the rate payable for work in ordinary time according to the employee's
roster or projected roster, including Saturday, Sunday or holiday shifts.
(ii) all employees
Subject to clause S11.5.1 (h)(iii) in no case shall the payment by an employer to
an employee be less than the sum of the following amounts:
(A) the employee's ordinary wage rate as prescribed by the Schedule for the
period of the annual leave (excluding shift premiums and week-end
penalty rates);
(B) a further amount calculated at the rate of seventeen and a half per cent
(17.5%) of the amounts referred to in the above subclause.
(iii) Clause S11.5.1 (h) (ii) shall not apply to the following:
(A) any period or periods of annual leave exceeding:
(1) one hundred and ninety (190)hours in the case of employees
employed in a calling where three (3) shifts per day are worked over
a period of seven (7) days per week; or
(2) one hundred and fifty-two (152) hours in any other case;
(B) employers (and their employees) who are already paying (or receiving) an
annual leave bonus, loading or other annual leave payment which is not
less favourable to employees.
(i) Leave Debits
Leave debits will be equivalent to the ordinary hours employees would have worked had
the employees not been on paid leave. Such leave will therefore be paid and debited on
the basis of hours actually taken.
(j) Accrued Day Off Arising from the Implementation of the Thirty-eight (38) Hour Week
Whilst on annual leave an employee continues to accrue time for the purpose of an
accrued day off as if the employee had been at work.
(k) Part-Time Employees
(i) Part-time employees shall be entitled to annual leave in accordance with clause
(ii) The calculation of "full pay" shall be based upon the average number of hours
worked per week during the employee's year of employment.
(iii) By mutual agreement, part-time employees in private schools may request leave
without pay for any remaining weeks during the school year when the school is
on vacation.
(l) Exemption - Full-time Nurses in Boarding Schools - annualised salary arrangement
Clause S11.5.1 does not apply to employees who have negotiated an annualised salary
arrangement with the employer in accordance with Clause S11.3.1 (d).
S11.5.2 Public Holidays
(a) Public Holidays are prescribed in clause 6.16 of this Agreement, except as provided in
paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) below.
(b) Part-Time Employees
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(i) A Part-time Employee who usually works on a day of the week on which a public
holiday falls and is not required to work on that day, shall be paid for the hours
which would normally have been worked on that day.
(ii) Should a Part-time Employee actually work on a public holiday, payment for
such time shall be made according to clause S11.5.2.
(c) Exemption - Full-time Nurses in Boarding Schools - Annualised Salary Arrangement
(d) Clause S11.5.2 shall not apply to employees who have negotiated an annualised salary
arrangement with the employer in accordance with Clause S11.3.1 (d).
S11.6 Generic Level Statements
Registered Nurses
S11.6.1 The classification descriptors outlined in Schedule A of the Educational Services (Schools)
General Staff Award 2010 (Modern Award) applying to Registered Nurses are incorporated
into this Agreement.
S11.6.2 For the purposes of subclause 1, the following table outlines the relevant classification level in
this Agreement and the equivalent classification level in the Modern Award:
Classification Levels
- This agreement
Classification Levels
- Modern Award
Typical Activities
Registered Nurse
Level 1
Nursing Services
Grade 1
• Providing primary nursing care with its
associated responsibility
• Occupational equivalent - school nurse
Registered Nurse
Level 2
Nursing Services
Grade 2
• Providing health counselling, health education
and acting in a resource capacity to the school
community, in addition to providing primary care
with its associated administrative duties
• Occupational equivalent - school nurse
Registered Nurse
Level 3
Nursing Services
Grade 3
• Providing Health Counselling, health education
and acting in resource capacity to the school
community, in addition to providing primary
nursing care with its associated administrative
duties and being responsible for the co-
ordination, administration of health services and
who is in charge of or directs the activities of
other employees of the school’s health service
• Occupational equivalent – Nurse in charge
Enrolled Nurses
S11.6.3 For Enrolled Nurses, see definition outlined in clause S11.1.2. of this Schedule.
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S12.1 Application
S12.1.1 Title and Coverage of Schedule
(a) This Schedule will be called the Services Staff Schedule (Schedule 12). This Schedule will
provide the terms and condition of employment for employees who are not: teachers;
school officers; boarding supervisors; childcare employees; or nurses.
(b) The Classifications for employees covered by this Schedule are contained in Attachment
2 of this Schedule.
(c) The provisions of this Schedule will operate from, and be implemented from, no later than
1 January 2017.
(d) Where a particular provision appears in the body of the Agreement, that provision will
override (to the extent of any inconsistency) a provision in this Schedule which deals with
the same matter.
S12.1.2 Arrangement of Schedule
Subject Matter Clause No.
Title and Coverage .................................................................................................................................... S12.1.1
Arrangement ............................................................................................................................................ S12.1.2
Definitions ................................................................................................................................................ S12.1.3
Area of Operation ..................................................................................................................................... S12.1.4
Employment Categories ........................................................................................................................... S12.2.1
Part-time Employment ............................................................................................................................. S12.2.2
Casual Employment .................................................................................................................................. S12.2.3
Trainees .................................................................................................................................................... S12.2.4
Term Time Employment ........................................................................................................................... S12.2.5
Anti-Discrimination ................................................................................................................................... S12.2.6
Classifications ........................................................................................................................................... S12.3.1
Wage Rates ............................................................................................................................................... S12.3.2
Allowances ................................................................................................................................................ S12.3.3
Uniforms ................................................................................................................................................... S12.3.4
Board and Lodgings .................................................................................................................................. S12.3.5
Mixed Functions ....................................................................................................................................... S12.3.6
Multiple Contracts .................................................................................................................................... S12.3.7
Hours of Work .......................................................................................................................................... S12.4.1
Meal Breaks .............................................................................................................................................. S12.4.2
Page 253 of 334 Pages
Penalty Payments ..................................................................................................................................... S12.4.3
Overtime ................................................................................................................................................... S12.4.4
Time off in lieu of Overtime ..................................................................................................................... S12.4.5
S12.1.3 Definitions
(a) “Greenkeeping and grounds employees” include all employees involved in preparation
and maintenance of playing greens, sports grounds and courts and school grounds.
(b) “Building maintenance employees" means employees who are engaged in the repair and
renovation of buildings and structures necessitating the use of building tradespersons', or
labourers' skills and/or tools.
S12.1.4 Area of Operation
For the purpose of this Schedule, the divisions and districts are as follows:
(a) Divisions
(i) Northern Division - That portion of the State along or north of a line commencing
at the junction of the sea-coast with the 21st parallel of south latitude; then by
that parallel of latitude due west to 147 degrees of east longitude; then by that
meridian of longitude due south to 22 degrees 30 minutes of south latitude;
then by that parallel of latitude due west to the western border of the State.
(ii) Mackay Division - That portion of the State within the following boundaries -
Commencing at the junction of the sea-coast with the 21st parallel of south
latitude; then by that parallel of latitude due west to 147 degrees of east
longitude; then by that meridian of longitude due south to 22 degrees of south
latitude; then by that parallel of latitude due east to the sea-coast; then by the
sea-coast northerly to the point of commencement.
(iii) Southern Division – That portion of the State not included in the Northern or
Mackay Divisions.
(b) Districts
(i) Northern Division:
Eastern District – That portion of the Northern Division along or east of 144
degrees 30 minutes of east longitude.
Western District – The remainder of the Northern Division.
(ii) Southern Division:
Eastern District – That portion of the Southern Division along or east of a line
commencing at the junction of the State with 150 degrees of east longitude,
exclusive of the Local Authority Area of the City of Brisbane; then by that
meridian of longitude due north to 25 degrees of south latitude; then by that
parallel of latitude due west to 147 degrees of east longitude; then by that
meridian of longitude due north to the southern boundary of the Mackay
Western District - The remainder of the Southern Division.
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S12.2 Employer and Employees' Duties, Employment Relationship and Related Arrangements
S12.2.1 Employment Categories
Employees (other than casuals) covered by this Agreement shall be advised in writing of their employment
category upon appointment. In the case of casual employees such notification need only be supplied at the
initial engagement and when that employee's employment status changes.
Employment categories are:
(a) full-time;
(b) part-time (as prescribed in clause S12.2.2 of this Schedule); or
(c) casual (as prescribed in clause S12.2.3 of this Schedule).
(d) trainee (as prescribed by clause S12.2.4 of this Schedule)
(e) term time (as prescribed by Schedule 10 of the Agreement)
S12.2.2 Part-Time Employment
(a) A part-time employee means an employee who is employed on a continuing contract of
employment who works (subject to this clause) fewer hours than a full-time employee.
(b) A part-time employee will be employed as follows:
(i) the spread of ordinary working hours shall be the same as those prescribed for
full-time employees;
(ii) the number of ordinary working hours in any one week shall not be less than 12
and shall not exceed 32;
(iii) the ordinary daily working hours shall be worked continuously, (excluding meal
breaks or when a broken shift allowance applies in accordance with S12.3.3(h)),
and shall not be less than 4 hours or more than 10 hours per day;
(iv) hours worked outside, or in excess of the ordinary working hours will be paid for
at the overtime rate;
(v) part-time employees shall be paid an hourly rate equal to the appropriate
weekly rate divided by 38;
(vi) part-time employees shall be entitled to a proportionate amount of annual
leave, personal/carer’s leave and long service leave and all public holidays as
prescribed for weekly employees.
(vii) all other provisions of this Agreement relevant to full-time employees shall
apply to part-time employees.
(viii) notwithstanding clause S12.2.2 (b) (ii) above, cleaners currently have a
minimum part-time weekly engagement of 7.6 hours per week. Transition to
the prescribed 12 hour per week minimum shall occur no later than 1 January
S12.2.3 Casual Employment
(a) A casual employee is an employee who engaged as such, who is employed by the hour
and who works less than 38 ordinary hours per week.
(b) A casual employee will be paid:
(i) 25% in addition to the applicable rates of wages prescribed for a similar
employee; and
(ii) for a minimum of two hours for each engagement.
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S12.2.4 Trainees
The national training wage rates and conditions applying to employees undertaking traineeships
are outlined in the Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award 2010, which incorporates
the terms of Schedule E to the Miscellaneous Award 2010.
S12.2.5 Term Time Employment
Employees may be employed as term time employees in accordance with Schedule 10 (Term-
Time Employment) of this Agreement.
S12.2.6 Anti-Discrimination
(a) It is the intention of the parties to this Agreement to prevent and eliminate discrimination,
as defined by the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 and the Fair Work Act 2009, which
(i) discrimination on the basis of sex, marital status, family responsibilities,
pregnancy, parental status, age, race, impairment, religion, political belief or
activity, trade union activity, lawful sexual activity and association with, or
relation to, a person identified on the basis of any of the above attributes;
(ii) sexual harassment; and
(iii) racial and religious vilification.
(b) Accordingly, in fulfilling their obligations under the grievance and dispute settling
procedure in clause 3.1, the parties to this Agreement must take reasonable steps to
ensure that neither the Agreement provisions nor their operation are directly or indirectly
discriminatory in their effects.
(c) Under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 it is unlawful to victimise an employee because
the employee has made or may make or has been involved in a complaint of unlawful
discrimination or harassment.
(d) Nothing in this clause is to be taken to affect:
(i) any different treatment (or treatment having different outcomes) which is
specifically exempted under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991;
(ii) an employee, employer or registered organisation pursuing matters of
discrimination, including by application to the Human Rights and Equal
Opportunity Commission/ Queensland Human Rights Commission.
S12.3 Wage Related Matters
S12.3.1 Classifications
(a) An employer shall determine the classification of a position through the following process:
(i) an analysis is to be undertaken to establish the skills and responsibilities
required for each identified position and a position description written for each
(ii) each position will be classified by reference to the classification criteria set out
in Attachment 1 of this Schedule using the position description developed in
accordance with clause 10.11 of this Agreement;
(iii) employees are to be appointed to a position at the appropriate level within the
structure and to a step in the level according to experience based on the
employee’s years of service in a position at a similar or higher level; and
Page 256 of 334 Pages
Classification Criteria
(b) The Classification criteria (competency, supervision and qualifications/experience) in
Attachment 1 of this Schedule will be used to determine the appropriate classification
(c) The criteria are designed to indicate the level of knowledge, comprehension of issues,
problem and procedures required, the level of autonomy, accountability
supervision/training involved with the position. The criteria at each level must be read as
a whole to gain an understanding of the position and the performance
requirements. Isolated criteria should not be used to justify the classification of a
(d) The key issue to be looked at in properly classifying a position is the level of initiative,
responsibility / accountability, competency and skill that an employee is required to
exercise in performing the employee's work within the parameters of the criteria, read as
a whole, of the position.
(e) The “Description of Skills and Duties” sets out detail of typical skills and duties at each
level. This document aligns the competencies with the typical skills and duties which may
be exercised by employees. As such it is to be read alongside the classification criteria for
the purpose of classifying a position.
(f) The indicative duties are a non-exhaustive list of job titles that may be comprehended
within the particular level. They are an indicative guide only and at any particular level
employees may be expected to undertake duties of any level lower than their
own. Employees at any particular level may perform/utilise one such duty or more than
one depending on the particular work allocated to them. Indicative duties should not be
used as the primary determinant in classifying employees.
(g) Level 0 in the structure will be applied as a level at which employees learn and gain
competency in the basic skills required by the employer. In the event that the increased
skills/competency are utilised by the employer, progression through the structure may be
Re-Classification Process
(h) An employee may request a reclassification of their position. Such a request may be made
either in relation to the classification level of an existing position or where the
classification level of the position has been changed. Except in exceptional circumstances
no employee shall be permitted to seek a reclassification of their position on more than
one occasion in a 12 month period.
(i) An employee will make any request for reclassification, in writing, to the employer.
(j) An employer will consider a request for reclassification and notify the employee in writing
of their decision regarding the employee’s request.
Review of Classification/Reclassification Process
(k) If, after receiving the employer’s notification (in relation to either the classification or
reclassification of a position), the employee believes that their position has not been
classified at the correct level, the employee may apply for a review of that decision. In
this case the employee shall make written application for a Review of Classification to the
(l) Where the employer receives a Review of Classification application, the employer shall
advise IEUA in writing that such an application has been received.
Page 257 of 334 Pages
(m) A joint review of the classification by the IEUA and the employer shall then take place.
The persons representing the IEUA and the employer will, wherever practicable, have
substantial experience in the classification of employees – other than teachers. Further,
wherever practicable, the person who made the original decision in relation to the
classification will also be involved.
(n) The joint review will seek to reach a consensus position. Where a consensus position is
achieved the employer will adopt this position.
(o) The employee will be advised in writing of the outcome of the joint review.
(p) If the joint review does not reach a consensus position the employee may refer the matter
to Fair Work Commission in the terms of the Grievance Procedure/Dispute Settling
Classification Structure - Characteristics
(q) The tables provided in Attachment 1 of this Schedule describe the Classification structure
– Characteristics for Services Staff, other than School Officers, Boarding Supervisors,
Childcare employees and Nurses.
Incremental Progression
(r) Clause 8.3 of this Agreement sets out the process of incremental progression through the
classification structure for Services Staff.
S12.3.2 Wage Rates
(a) The wage rates for Services Staff, other than School Officers, Boarding Supervisors,
Childcare employees and Nurses are prescribed in Schedule 1 – S1.7 of this Agreement.
(b) Junior rates
(i) The Junior rates provided in this clause will only apply to Level 0 and Level 1.
(ii) Junior employees will be paid the following percentage of the adult rate:
Age Percentage of Adult Wage
Under 16 years 55
Under 17 years 65
Under 18 years 75
18 Years and thereafter 100
S12.3.3 Allowances
All Allowances, with the exception of the Divisional and district parities in clause S12.3.3 (a)
below, will be adjusted by the same percentage movement that applies to wage rates as
prescribed by Schedule 1 of this Agreement.
(a) Divisional and District Parities
The divisional and district parities (as described in Schedule 1 – S1.11) for employees other
than teachers shall be paid in addition to the employees’ wages as prescribed in Schedule
1 (Wages, Salaries and Allowances) of this Agreement.
(b) The following allowances detailed in sub-clause S12.3.3 (b) through to and including
S12.3.3 (g) are contained in Schedule 1 – S1.7 Wages, Salaries and Allowances and are
subject to percentage increases thus provided for in this Agreement.
(c) Work in the Rain
When an employee is required to work in the rain and by so doing gets their clothes wet,
such employee shall be paid double rates for all work so performed. Such payment shall
Page 258 of 334 Pages
continue until such time as the employee finishes work or is able to change into dry
This clause (clause S12.3.3 (c)) does not apply where the employee has been supplied with
adequate rainproof clothing.
(d) Distributing Fertilizer or Spraying
Employees who are required to distribute fertiliser or who are engaged upon spraying
shall be supplied with gloves, overalls, goggles and a double respirator at the employer's
expense or, by mutual agreement, be paid an allowance of $1.54 per week in lieu thereof.
(e) Toilet Cleaning
Employees required to clean toilets connected with septic tanks or sewerage are to be
paid an allowance outlined in Schedule 1 – S1.7 per week in addition to their ordinary
wage rates.
(f) First Aid Attendant
Where an employer appoints an employee, who holds an appropriate first-aid certificate,
as a first-aid attendant, that employee will be paid an additional allowance per week
outlined in Schedule 1 – S1.7.
(g) Allowances relevant only to Building and Maintenance employees have been included as
Attachment 2 to this Schedule.
(h) Broken Shift
(i) “Broken Shift” means a shift that is broken into two or more periods (excluding
rest pauses and meal breaks) where the unpaid break in between such periods
is greater than one hour.
(ii) An employee rostered to work a broken shift on a day is entitled to the broken
shift allowance prescribed in Schedule 1 – S1.7) (Services Staff Allowances) for
that day.
(iii) To avoid doubt, an employee will not be entitled to the broken shift payment on
a day where:
(A) the employee is engaged to work hours in accordance with multiple
contracts (see clause 8.9 of this Agreement); and
(B) there is not an unpaid break greater than one hour between any of
those hours worked on that day.
S12.3.4 Uniforms
Where an employer requires any employee to wear any special uniform, dress or clothing such
shall be supplied by the employer and such employee shall be paid an allowance outlined in
Schedule 1 – S1.7 per week unless such uniform, dress or clothing is laundered by the employer.
S12.3.5 Board and Lodging
The amounts which may be deducted from the wages when an employee is provided with board
only or board and lodging shall be:
(a) Where full board and lodgings are made available to adult employees, and those lodgings
are available for the employee’s exclusive use 52 weeks of the year, the employer shall
have the right to deduct from the pay of the employee residing on the premises an
amount of $95.50 per fortnight.
(b) Where lodgings only are made available to adult employees, and those lodgings are
available for the employee’s exclusive use 52 weeks of the year, the employer shall have
Page 259 of 334 Pages
the right to deduct from the pay of the employee residing on the premises the sum of
$31.85 per fortnight.
(c) In all cases the ratio of the value of board to that of lodging shall be 2 to one.
(d) The value of board and lodging shall be increased or decreased by an amount equal to
23% of any increase or decrease in the federal minimum wage subsequently determined
by the Fair Work Commission.
(e) In the case of employees who do not reside on the employer's premises, a deduction may
be made from their wages by the employer at the rate of 1/21st of the allowance for
board calculated to the nearest cent for each meal supplied and consumed during the
employee's spread of working hours. This paragraph (paragraph (e)) does not apply to
meals supplied in accordance with clause S12.4.2 (d) of this Schedule.
(f) Lodging rooms shall be fitted with adequate and appropriate heating and cooling
(g) In the case of junior employees the employer may deduct half of the appropriate amount
applicable to adult employees.
S12.3.6 Mixed Functions
Where an employee is required to perform work, which attracts a higher rate of pay, on any day
that employee shall be paid as follows:
(a) If such work is performed for four (4) or more hours on any day the employee will be paid
the higher rate for the whole of the day.
(b) If such work is performed for less than four (4) hours then the employee will be paid at
the higher rate for four (4) hours.
S12.3.7 Multiple Contracts
Clause 8.9 (Multiple Contracts of Employment) of this Agreement prescribes the parameters
under which an employee may be engaged for separate and distinct categories of work.
S12.4 Hours of Work, Breaks, Penalty Rates, Weekend Work and Overtime
S12.4.1 Hours of Work
(a) Ordinary Hours of Work
(i) Subject to clause S12.4.1 (c), the ordinary hours of work for all employees shall
be an average of thirty-eight (38) per week, to be worked on one of the following
(A) thirty-eight (38) hours within a work cycle not exceeding seven (7)
consecutive days; or
(B) seventy-six (76) hours within a work cycle not exceeding fourteen (14)
consecutive days; or
(C) one hundred and fourteen (114) hours within a work cycle not exceeding
twenty-one (21) consecutive days; or
(D) one hundred and fifty-two (152) hours within a work cycle not exceeding
twenty-eight (28) consecutive days.
(ii) The ordinary hours of work will be worked on not more than five (5) consecutive
days in a week. The ordinary hours of work will be worked continuously, except
for meal breaks.
Page 260 of 334 Pages
(iii) The ordinary working hours will be worked on the following days and between
the following times:
(A) building and building maintenance employees, Retail employees: Monday
to Friday inclusive, between 6.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.
(B) greenkeeping and Grounds employees: Monday to Sunday inclusive,
between 5.30 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.
(C) Catering and domestic employees, Boarding House services employees,
Employees driving motor vehicles and involved in associated duties:
Monday to Sunday inclusive between 6.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m..
(D) cleaners, caretakers, security employees: Monday to Sunday inclusive
between 6.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.
(iv) All employees will work their ordinary working hours in accordance with a
roster. That roster will not be changed except by seven (7) days of notice. The
roster shall be displayed in a conspicuous place or places accessible to the
employees concerned.
(v) The maximum number of ordinary hours of work shall not exceed ten (10) hours
any day.
(b) Working of thirty-eight (38) hour week
(i) The thirty-eight (38) hour week shall be worked in one of the following ways,
most suitable to the particular employer, after consultation with, and giving
reasonable consideration to the wishes of the employees concerned:-
(A) by employees working less than eight (8) ordinary hours each day; or
(B) by employees working less than eight (8) ordinary hours on one or more
days each work cycle; or
(C) by fixing one or more work days on which all employees will be off during
a particular work cycle; or
(D) by rostering employees of on various days of the week during a particular
work cycle, so that each employee has one work day off during that cycle.
(ii) Subject to clause S12.4.1 (b) (i), employees may agree that the ordinary hours
of work are to exceed 8 on any day, thus enabling more than one (1) work day
to be taken off during a particular cycle.
(iii) Notwithstanding any other provision clause S12.4.1 (b), where the arrangement
of ordinary hours of work provides for a rostered day off, the employer and the
majority of employees concerned, may agree to accrue up to a maximum of five
(5) rostered days off. Where such an agreement has been reached, the accrued
rostered days off shall be taken within twelve (12) calendar months of the date
of which the first rostered day off was accrued. Consent to accrue rostered days
off shall not be unreasonably withheld by either party.
(iv) When the ordinary working cycle provides for a rostered day off, the rostered
day off shall not fall on a public holiday, but shall be on the ordinary working day
immediately before or immediately after the public holiday, or deferred in
accordance with clause S12.4.1 (b) (iii).
(v) Different methods of working of the thirty-eight (38) hour week may apply to
individual employees, groups or sections of employees in the organisation
Page 261 of 334 Pages
(vi) Ordinary hours for all employees shall be paid on the basis of not more than
thirty-eight (38) per week, on an averaged basis according to the work cycle,
notwithstanding that in excess of thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours may be
worked to maximise leisure time off in accordance with this clause (clause
S12.4.1 (b)).
(c) Procedures for Enterprise Level Discussions
(i) The employer and all employees concerned in each establishment shall consult
over the most appropriate means of working a thirty-eight (38) hour week.
(ii) The objective of such consultation shall be to reach agreement on the method
of working the thirty-eight (38) hour week in accordance with clause S12.4.1 (b).
(iii) The outcome of such consultation shall be recorded in writing.
(iv) In cases where agreement cannot be reached as a result of consultation
between the parties, either party may request the assistance or advice of their
relevant employee or employer organisation.
(v) Notwithstanding the consultative procedures outlined above, and
notwithstanding any lack of agreement by employees, the employer shall have
the right to make the final determination as to the method by which the thirty-
eight (38) hour week is implemented or worked from time to time.
(vi) Upon giving seven (7) days of notice or such shorter period as may be mutually
agreed upon, the method of working the thirty-eight (38) hour week may be
altered, from time to time, following negotiations between the employer and
employees concerned, utilising the provisions of clause S12.4.1.
S12.4.2 Meal Breaks
(a) Employees are entitled to an unpaid meal break of between thirty minutes and one hour
when they work for five or more hours on any one day. The meal break will be taken
between the 4th and 6th hours from the commencement of work:
All work required during the recognised meal break shall be paid for at the rate of double
time, such payment to continue until a meal break has commenced. Such meal break
shall be of the duration prescribed for the ordinary hours of work by clause S12.4.1 (a).
(b) Hot water shall be provided by the employer for meal breaks and rest pauses.
(c) Employees who are required to continue working for more than one and a-half hours
beyond their ordinary finishing time shall be entitled to take a thirty (30) minute paid meal
break and shall be provided with an adequate meal by the employer or paid an allowance
of $9.60 in lieu thereof. Where an employee has provided a meal because of receipt of
notice to work overtime and such overtime is not worked that employee shall be paid
$9.60 for any meal so provided.
S12.4.3 Penalty Payments
(a) Weekend Work
Where ordinary hours of work are worked on a Saturday or Sunday, the following classes
of employees will be entitled to the following penalty payments:
(i) greenkeeping and Grounds employees: Sunday – 100%
(ii) catering and domestic employees, Boarding House services employees,
employees driving motor vehicles and involved in associated duties, Cleaners,
caretakers, security employees: Saturday and Sunday – 50%
Page 262 of 334 Pages
(b) Night Work
Where ordinary hours of work are worked during the times identified below, the following
classes of employees will be entitled to the following penalty payments:
Cleaners, catering and domestic employees, Boarding House services employees, Security
employees, employees driving motor vehicles and involved in associated duties: between
6 pm and 6 am – 15%, Monday to Friday inclusive.
S12.4.4 Overtime
(a) All time worked in excess of or outside of the ordinary hours of work will be deemed
overtime, except for work performed in accordance with clause S12.4.3 (Penalty
Payments). Such hours may be compensated using either this clause (clause S12.4.4
Overtime) or clause S12.4.5 (Time Off In Lieu Of Overtime).
(b) All overtime in any one day, except as otherwise provided, will be paid for at one and a
half times the ordinary rate for the first three (3) hours and double time thereafter. All
overtime worked on a Sunday will be at the rate of double time.
(c) An employee recalled to work overtime after leaving the employee's business premises
(whether notified before or after leaving the premises) will be paid for a minimum of three
(3) hours' work at the appropriate rate.
(d) All overtime worked on a Saturday or on a Sunday shall be subject to a minimum payment
as for two (2) hours worked for each occasion that an employee is required to attend for
duty. This minimum payment shall not be applicable where overtime is worked
continuously with ordinary working hours on a Saturday.
(e) Where an employee is recalled from home to work overtime, the employee shall be paid
for the time so worked at the rate of double time, with a minimum payment as for three
(3) hours' work in respect of each such recall.
(f) When calculating overtime payments, any part of a-half of an hour that is worked on any
one day shall be paid for as a full half of an hour.
(g) Where an employee has worked so much overtime between the termination of the
employee's ordinary work on one day, and the commencement of the employee's
ordinary work on the next day that the employee has not had at least ten (10) consecutive
hours off duty between those times the employee will be released after completion of
such overtime until the employee has had ten (10) consecutive hours off duty without
loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence.
If on the instructions of the employer such an employee resumes or continues work
without having had such ten (10) consecutive hours off duty, the employee will be paid
double rates until the employee is released from duty for a period of ten consecutive
hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such
S12.4.5 Time Off in Lieu of Overtime
(a) An employee and an employer may agree that the employee will receive paid time off in
lieu of overtime. Such an agreement must be recorded in writing.
(b) Time off in lieu of overtime shall be at the equivalent of the number of hours of ordinary
pay that the employee would have received for such overtime.
(c) Accumulated time off in lieu of overtime shall be taken at a time mutually agreed between
the employee and the employer, and within twelve (12) months of its accumulation. Time
off in lieu of overtime may be banked to a maximum of thirty-eight (38) hours at any one
Page 263 of 334 Pages
(d) Where there is written agreement between an Industrial Organisation and the employer
time off in lieu of overtime may be accrued for a period longer that twelve (12) months
and/or a quantum in excess of thirty-eight (38) hours may be accrued.
(e) Any accrued time off in lieu that is outstanding after twelve (12) months (in the absence
of written agreement between the Industrial Organisation and the employer) or at the
time of termination of employment, for any reason, by either party, shall be paid out at
the employee's ordinary time rate of pay.
Page 264 of 334 Pages
Attachment 1 – Classification Characteristics (Services Staff, other than teachers; school officers; boarding supervisors; childcare employees; or nurses)
Competency of Employee
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Exercises minimal judgement.
Performs routine duties of a
manual nature.
Competency at this level
involves application of
knowledge and skills to a
limited range of tasks and
Competency at this level
involves application of
knowledge and skills to a
range of tasks and roles.
Competency at this level
involves application of
knowledge with depth in
some areas and a broad range
of skills.
There is a wide variety of tasks
and roles in a variety of
Not required to provide
more than basic problem
solving skills.
There is a specific range of
contexts where the choice of
actions required is clear.
There is a defined range of
contexts where the choice of
actions required is clear.
Fully competent and
experienced in a technical
sense and requires little
There is complexity in the
ranges and choice of actions
Competencies are normally
used within established
routines, methods and
procedures that are
There is limited complexity of
Over time the employee will
demonstrate understanding
of a broad knowledge base.
Competencies are normally
used within a variety of
routines, methods and
Judgment against established
criteria is also involved.
Competencies are normally
used within well-established
routines, methods and
There is a range of roles and
tasks in a variety of contexts.
Discretion and judgement are
required for self and/or
others in planning, selection
of equipment, work
organisation, services actions
and achieving outcomes
within time constraints.
Discretion and judgement
about possible actions are
involved in some cases.
There is some complexity in
the extent and choice of
actions required.
As the employee gains
experience they may be
asked to identify, analyse and
Page 265 of 334 Pages
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
evaluate information from a
variety of sources.
Competencies are normally
used within routines,
methods and procedures.
Some discretion and
judgement are involved in
selection of equipment, work
organisation, services,
actions and achieving
outcomes within time
Good interpersonal and
communication skills.
Supervision of Employees’ Work
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Works under close direction
using established routines
and procedures with little
scope for deviation.
Works under direct and/or
routine supervision
depending on function.
Works under direct and/or
routine supervision
depending on function.
Works under limited
Work is carried out under
general supervision.
Requires regular supervision.
Work is intermittently
checked, and may be
reviewed on completion.
Work is intermittently
Work may be checked in
relation to overall progress.
Progress and outcomes sought
are under general guidance.
Usually operates within a
team with very limited
May take the form of general
guidance where working in
teams is involved.
May take the form of general
guidance where working in
teams is involved.
May take the form of broad
May involve detailed
instructions in some
May involve detailed
instructions in some
May involve a level of
autonomy when working in
Page 266 of 334 Pages
Supervision of Others
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Does not supervise other
An employee at this level will
have no supervisory
An employee at this level will
have no supervisory
Operates with autonomy
individually or within a work
team. Over time the
employee may be asked to
lead or supervise a work
The work of others may be
An experienced employee
may assist others by
providing peer support in the
completion of routine tasks.
An experienced employee
may assist others by
providing peer support in the
completion of routine tasks.
An employee may have
limited responsibility for
guidance of the work of
Responsibility for the work
and organisation of others in
limited areas.
dination may be required. Teams may be guided or
Training of subordinate staff
may be required.
Level 0 to 4 Qualifications & Experience matrix
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Junior Certificate or equivalent
is the minimum formal
Junior Certificate or equivalent
is the minimum formal
Junior Certificate or equivalent
is the minimum formal
Tertiary qualifications at
Certificate level, or completion
of an apprenticeship, or
equivalent qualifications
relevant to the position may
be required or such
knowledge, qualifications and
experience that are deemed
by the employer as necessary
to successfully carry out the
duties of the position.
Tertiary qualifications at
Certificate level, or completion
of an apprenticeship, or
equivalent qualifications
relevant to the position may
be required or such
knowledge, qualifications and
experience that are deemed
by the employer as necessary
to successfully carry out the
duties of the position.
No experience is required. No experience is required. No experience is required.
Page 267 of 334 Pages
Indicative Tasks and Duties
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Kitchen hand
(including Cooks Assistant,
Pantry duties and
Restaurant useful)
An employee engaged in
assisting a cook or cooks in
any kitchen:
Indicative duties of an
employee at this level
i Removing food plates;
ii Setting and/or wiping
down tables;
iii Cleaning and tidying
dining areas;
iv Cleaning of cooking
and general utensils;
v Assisting employees
vi Assembly and
preparation of
ingredients for
cooking; and
vii General pantry duties.
Qualified Cook
An employee who is
employed substantially in the
cooking and/or preparing of
An employee possessing a
relevant trade qualification
and/or the equivalent skill
and/or experience.
Indicative duties of an
employee at this level
i Trade cooking duties
including baking, pastry-
cooking or butchering;
iii Specialised skills in
dining room duties.
Qualified Cook in charge of
other cooks
The cook permanently
employed to be in charge of
a kitchen.
An employee possessing a
relevant trade qualification
(or relevant post-trade
qualification) and/or the
equivalent skill and/or
Indicative duties of an
employee at this level
i Trade cooking duties
including baking, pastry-
cooking or butchering;
ii Specialised skills in
dining room duties;
iii The co-ordination,
training and supervision
of employees at lower
Laundry Hand
An employee who is
employed to perform
general laundry work.
Waiting - Food and/or Drink
Indicative duties of an
employee at this level
Head Waiter
Means an employee without
relevant trade qualifications
possessing skills and
Greenkeeper (Supervisor),
Landscape Gardener
Page 268 of 334 Pages
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
i Undertaking general
waiting duties; and
ii Non-cooking duties in a
kitchen or food
preparation area.
performing duties beyond
that of a Waiting – Food
and/or Drink employee.
An employee at this level
works under general
supervision and is
responsible for assuring the
quality of their own work.
Indicative duties of an
employee at this level
i Responsibility for on-
the-job training of
kitchen staff of a lower
ii Supervision of and
responsibility for
security of property and
equipment; and
iii Supervision of and
responsibility for the
security and conduct of
• presentation of written
and/or verbal reports,
general liaison with
• activities requiring
application of specialist
• supervision and training
of subordinate staff,
including tradespersons.
• preparation of budgets
and financial reports.
• planning for the overall
development of the
facility in consultation
with management.
• supervision and co-
ordination of large
numbers of subordinate
staff, including
development of staffing
and training plans, staff
counselling and assisting
management in the
selection of personnel.
General Maintenance
An employee who is
responsible for repairing
structures necessitating the
use of Labourers tools / skills,
and general labouring duties.
An employee engaged in
attending to petrol pumps, or
otherwise supplying petrol
for motor vehicles, or
performing any labouring
Greenkeeper (General),
Landscape Gardner
• assists in the training and/or
supervision of employees at
Levels 0, 1 and 2.
• major non-trade maintenance
of equipment.
Head Security Officer
• Monitoring, recording,
inputting information or
reacting to signals and
instruments related to
electronic surveillance of
Page 269 of 334 Pages
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
work in or about or in
connection with any garage.
• assists in chemical and other
spraying, where required to
hold an appropriate license.
• completes basic records.
• assists in the construction and
installation of facilities and
• operates a specialised range
of machinery e.g. greens,
mowers, fairway units.
• operates and/or maintains a
wide range of turf machinery
and equipment.
• training and supervision of
other employees and including
• construction of surfaces, gardens.
• installation and maintenance
of irrigation and drainage
• control and maintenance of
stores and facilities.
• stock control, record keeping.
• plans the work programme in
consultation with
•trades maintenance of
any kind within a central
• Keyboard operation to
alter the parameters
within an integrated
intelligent building
management and/or
security system.
• Co-ordinating,
monitoring or recording
of the activities of
security officers utilising
a verbal communications
system within a central
• May be required to
perform the duties of
security officers.
General Labouring
An employee who is
responsible for cleaning the
work area as necessary,
loading of trucks, and
general labouring duties.
Handyman (Non-trade)
An employee who has
completed an apprenticeship
or recognised period of
training under the Training
and Employment Act 2000
Cleaning Supervisor
An employee who is
entrusted with the
supervision of cleaning as a
principal responsibility
and/or who may be required
to generally superintend and
maintain a building or
Page 270 of 334 Pages
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
buildings and/or building
equipment and who may also
perform the duties of a
cleaner as required.
House Attendant (room
An employee who is
employed to perform general
house cleaning work,
including where required, the
laundering of small items
such as pillow slips, towels
Indicative duties of an
employee at this level include
servicing accommodation
areas and cleaning thereof.
An employee who is required
to drive a bus and who may
also act in the dual capacity
of conductor where called up
on to issue tickets or collect
Groundsman (Unqualified),
Assistant Greenkeeper,
Landscape Gardeners
• assists in the general
maintenance and
development of turf
areas and surrounds.
• labouring and operation
of some machinery.
Retail Supervisor
An employee who is
appointed by the employer
to be, or is, responsible for a
defined or designated area of
a shop.
An employee who is
appointed by the employer
to be, or is, in charge of a
Page 271 of 334 Pages
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
• operates and/or
maintains machinery.
• at a Golf Club - mark
hazards, operates
motorised bunker
rake/slashers, etc.
• at a Sports Club - set out
and mark fields for play.
• planting and maintaining
trees and gardens.
• maintains simple
• assists in the
maintenance of playing
surfaces, including
setting up of greens, top
dressing, fertilising under
supervision, seeding,
turfing, coring and
number of defined or
designated areas of a shop,
or to be, or is, in charge of a
Such employee may work
alone, or directly supervise
other employees, in the
defined or designated area.
Static Security Guard
• Watch, guard or protect
persons and/or Premises
and/or property.
• Be stationed at an entrance
and/or exit and whose
principal duties include the
control of movement of
persons, vehicles, goods
and/or property coming out of
or going into Premises or
property, including vehicles
carrying goods of any
Page 272 of 334 Pages
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
description, to ensure that the
quantity and description of
such goods is in accordance
with the requirements of the
relevant document and
includes an area or door
attendant or commissionaire
in a commercial building.
• Respond to basic fire/security
alarms at the designated post.
• In performing the duties
referred to above, the security
officer may be required to use
electronic equipment such as
hand-held scanners, walk-
through detectors and simple
closed circuit television
systems utilising basic
keyboard skills.
An employee whose
presence is required on
Premises for the protection
(including the closing and
locking and unlocking and
opening) or convenient use
thereof, and who may also
have other duties in respect
to the premises cleanliness or
Page 273 of 334 Pages
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
A person employed for the
greater part of their working
time in cleaning work of any
description on any Premises
or in bringing into or
maintaining Premises in a
clean condition, whatever
may be the nature of their
other duties.
Static Security Guard
(Undertaking training)
A person employed to
safeguard Premises, or
property on or about
Premises, and who may be
required to perform related
functions for the purpose
of effecting such
Cook (non-trade)
Means an employee without
relevant trade qualifications
and possessing the skills to
perform the following
indicative duties including:
i Non-cooking duties in a
kitchen or food
preparation area;
ii Basic cooking duties;
iii Responsibility for on-
the-job training of
kitchen staff of a lower
level; and
Page 274 of 334 Pages
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
iv Cooking duties below
those of a trade level
(Undertaking training)
A person employed for the
greater part of their
working time in cleaning
work of any description on
any Premises or in bringing
into or maintaining
Premises in a clean
condition, whatever may
be the nature of their other
Security Officer
• Securing, watching,
guarding and/or
protecting as directed,
including responding to
and attending to alarm
signals, and required to
patrol in a vehicle two or
more separate
establishments or sites.
• Monitoring and
responding to electronic
intrusion, detection or
access control equipment
terminating at a visual
display unit and/or
computerised printout
(except for simple closed
circuit television systems).
• Operating a public
weighbridge by a security
officer appropriately
licensed to do so.
• Monitoring and operating
integrated intelligent
building management and
security systems,
terminating at a visual
display unit or
computerised print out,
Page 275 of 334 Pages
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
which requires data input
from the security officer.
Cleaner using specialised
An employee performing the
duties of a cleaner, who in
addition is engaged for the
greater part of the day or
shift on any of following
tasks, or a combination of
those tasks:
• Ordering supplies and
receiving deliveries
and/or being given the
responsibility for the
distribution and
maintenance of toilet
and other requisites and
cleaning materials in
buildings or
establishments and/or
an employee performing
customer or public
relations or other duties
as required.
• Carpet cleaning -
operating equipment
used in any or all of the
following methods -
powder systems or
liquid shampoo systems
or hot water injection
and extraction systems
Page 276 of 334 Pages
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(commonly called
"steam cleaning").
• Cleaning windows on
the exterior of multi-
storied buildings from
swinging scaffolds,
bosun's chairs, hydraulic
bucket trucks or similar
• Operating "Ride-On"
powered sweeping
• Operating steam
cleaning and pressure
washing equipment on
the exterior of buildings.
Retail employee
An employee engaged in the
reception, sale, or delivery by
hand of any goods for sale by
retail and/or for hire,
wherever employed, and
shall include all managers,
heads of departments and
section heads, salespersons,
floor walkers, floor
superintendents, floor
supervisors, cash order
and/or time-payment
collectors, travellers, wireless
salespersons, electrical goods
and/or appliances
salespersons, hearing aid
Page 277 of 334 Pages
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
appliances salespersons,
carter salespersons, produce
salespersons, window
dressers, ticket writers, order
collectors, mail order
assistants, store persons,
packers, porters, linoleum
and carpet layers and
cutters, rubber mat and
rubber floor covering layers
and cutters and all other
floor covering cutters and
layers demonstrators,
footwear repair receivers,
dry-cleaning receivers in
retail stores, message juniors
who are not covered by any
other Schedule, all persons
employed or engaged in
selling, demonstrating or
canvassing for or taking
orders for goods for sale by
retail and/or for hire or in
any duties in taking orders
for goods for sale by retail
and/or for hire or in any
duties in any way incidental
thereto, employees engaged
as dusters in furniture,
crockery or hardware shops,
all employees in or
connected with the pattern
department in any shop or
shops automobile and/or
Page 278 of 334 Pages
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
farm implements, spare-
parts and/or accessories
salespersons, store persons
in retail bulk stores, all
employees in florists' shops
not covered by any other
Schedule, and cosmetic
and/or beauty aid
consultants and persons
employed for special
occasions, e.g. Santa Claus.
Page 279 of 334 Pages
Attachment 2: Building and Maintenance Employees: Allowances
A3.1 The allowances prescribed in Attachment 3 of this Schedule will be paid irrespective of the times
at which work is performed and, unless specifically provided, will not be subject to any premium
or penalty.
A3.2 Where more than one of the allowances provides payment for disabilities of substantially the
same nature, then only the highest of such rates will be payable.
A3.3 Allowances with the exception of sub-clause (a) District Allowances are the allowances
prescribed at the time of making this Agreement, such allowances will all be increased by the
same percentages as wages in Schedule 1 – S1.7 of this Agreement.
(a) District allowances
The divisional and district parities (as described in Schedule - S1.11) for employees other
than teachers shall be paid in addition to the employee’s wages as prescribed in Schedule
1 – S1.7 (Wages, Salaries and Allowances) of this Agreement.
(b) "Wet work" - When employees are required to work in any place where water is
continually dripping so that their clothing becomes wet with water, or when they are
required to work where there is water under foot so that the feet of the employees
become wet.
This allowance will not be payable when protective clothing or boots are supplied.
When an employee is instructed by the employer or the employer's authorised
representative to work in the rain and by so doing gets wet clothing, the employee will be
paid double rates for all time so worked with a minimum of one hour.
Such payment will continue until such time as the employee finishes work or is able to
change into dry clothing.
(c) "Leading hand" - An employee, other than a plumber, appointed to be in charge of all
other employees will be paid the additional amounts according to the number of persons
in such employee's charge:
(i) In charge of not more than 1 person
(ii) In charge of 2 and not more than 5 persons
(iii) In charge of 6 and not more than 10 persons
(iv) In charge of more than 10 persons
Leading hand allowances referred to in sub-clause (e) (above) will be taken into
consideration in the computation of overtime, payment for annual leave, sick leave, public
holidays, week-end work, etc.
(d) "Leading hand plumber" - A leading hand plumber in charge of other employees will be
paid an allowance.
A "leading hand plumber" means a qualified plumber who has one or more employees
under their control. Where the employer is not a licensed plumber, the plumber in charge
of the work will be deemed to be a leading hand plumber.
(e) "Labourers mixing wet concrete or compo" - Labourers employed mixing or depositing wet
concrete or any labourer employed mixing compo for bricklayers or plasterers will be paid
an allowance.
(f) "Work in excessive heat" - An employee when working for more than one hour in the
shade in places where the temperature exceeds the temperatures specified in Schedule 1
– S1.7 will receive an allowance.
Page 280 of 334 Pages
Where the work continues for more than 2 hours in temperatures exceeding 54 degrees
Celsius, an employee will also be entitled to 20 minutes' rest after every 2 hours' work
without deduction of pay. The temperature will be decided by the representative of the
employer after consultation with the employee who claims the extra rate.
(g) "Asbestos"
(i) Employees required to use material containing asbestos or to work in close
proximity to employees using such materials will be provided and will use all
necessary safeguards as required by the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011
(Queensland) and where such safeguards include the mandatory wearing of
protective equipment (i.e. combination overalls and breathing equipment or
similar apparatus) such employees will be paid an allowance whilst so engaged.
(ii) The following will apply to employees engaged in the process of asbestos
eradication on the performance of work within the scope of this Schedule.
Asbestos eradication is defined as work on or about buildings, involving the removal or
any other method of neutralisation of any materials which consist of, or contain asbestos.
All aspects of asbestos work will meet, as a minimum standard, the National Health and
Medical Research Council codes, as varied from time to time, for the safe
demolition/removal of asbestos based materials.
Without limiting the effect of the above provision, any person who carried out asbestos
eradication work will do so in accordance with the legislation/regulations prescribed by
the appropriate authorities.
In addition to the rates prescribed in Schedule 1, an employee engaged in asbestos
eradication (as defined) will receive an allowance in lieu of all special rates, except those
for hot work, cold work, swing scaffold, and second hand timber.
Respiratory protective equipment, conforming to the relevant parts of the Australian
Standard 1716 "Specification for Respiratory Protective Devices" will be worn by all
personnel during work involving eradication of asbestos.
(h) "Dirty work" - An employee engaged on unusually dirty work to which no other allowance
applies will be paid an allowance.
(i) "Tool allowances" - Tool allowances will be paid in addition to the ordinary rates to the
tradespersons set out in Schedule 1 when using their own tools:
Carpenter and/or Joiner
Plasterer and Tiler
Signwriter, Painter, Glazier
Licensed Drainer
These allowances will not be paid while the employees are absent on annual leave.
(i) The maximum list of tools to be supplied by glaziers when required to use such
tools in their employment will be as follows:
(A) Two putty knives (one facing, one stripping), 12 mm wood chisel, light
claw hammer, pair of pincers, duster nail punch, hacking knife, heavy claw
hammer, 1 metre folding rule, one pair of 250 mm snips.
(B) A glazier employed other than in a joinery shop will supply in addition to
the above the following:
Page 281 of 334 Pages
Medium screwdriver; heavy punch; centre punch; prick punch; broad
knife; marking line (20 metres); one three metre steel tape.
(ii) The employer will be required to provide the following tools and appliances
where necessary:
Chain wrenches, pipe cutter, plumbing irons, ratchets, stocks and dies, taps and
drills, vices, soldering iron file, and hacksaw blades, hammers over .9 kilos in
weight, pinch bars, and all pipe tongs 300 mm and over in length, chamois
leather, gilding tip, gilding knife, gilding brush, signwriter's mop, dagger liner,
sponge, pliers, claw hammer, screw driver, stripping knife, large compass,
duster, perspex square, tracing wheel, sign t-square, cutter, glass cutters and
putty knife.
(j) "Explosive powered tools" - Employees required to use explosive powered tools will be
paid an allowance for each day such tool is used.
(k) "Certificate allowance" - A tradesperson who is the holder of a scaffolding certificate or
rigging certificate issued by the Division of Workplace Health and Safety and Office of
Industrial Relations and is required to act on that certificate whilst engaged on work
requiring a certificated person will be paid an allowance.
Page 282 of 334 Pages
S13.1 Application and Operation
S13.1.1 This Schedule covers employees howsoever described who are employed to provide and
manage the supervision of students in the boarding component of a Catholic Boarding School.
S13.1.2 Teachers (other than full-time) who, in addition to their teaching at the school, have a role in
boarding may voluntarily apply to enter into a separate and distinct contract of service.
S13.1.3 Other employees who, in addition to their role at the school, have a role in boarding may
voluntarily apply to enter into a separate and distinct contract of service. Any such separate
and distinct engagements are to be made in accordance with the provisions of clause 8.9
(Multiple Contracts of Employment) of this Agreement.
S13.1.4 Basis of Employment – Averaging or Non-Averaging
(a) The primary basis of the employment of employees covered by this Schedule will be that
their hours of work are averaged across a year. The provisions of this Schedule, with the
exception of clause S13.19, will apply to such employees.
(b) An employee may, by mutual agreement, be employed on the basis that their hours of
work are not averaged across a year. That agreement by the employee and the employer
will be recorded in writing.
(c) The provisions of clause S13.19 will apply where it is mutually agreed that the employee’s
hours of work are not averaged across a year.
S13.1.5 This Schedule does not apply to:
(a) Employees who are full-time teachers who, in addition to their teaching at the school,
have a role in boarding (see clause 7.11.4 of this Agreement).
(b) Kitchen staff, grounds staff, laundry staff, tuckshop staff, bus drivers, caretakers, cleaners
and/or minor maintenance staff employed to carry out tasks at Boarding Schools. The
terms and conditions for these employees (Services Staff) are set out in Schedule 12 of
this Agreement.
(c) Overseas individuals accessed through global volunteering programs (e.g. Gap) are not
employees, nor covered by this Schedule.
(d) Those persons who are in Holy Orders or who are members of a recognised religious order
are not covered by this Schedule.
S13.1.6 No Diminution
Existing employees shall not have their current entitlements, conditions, contract of
employment or salary reduced by the coming into effect of this Schedule.
S13.2 Definitions
S13.2.1 “Agreement” means the Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement
– Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019-2023 to which this Schedule is attached.
S13.2.2 “Boarding School” means any School covered by this Agreement, which provides board and
lodging to primary and/or secondary students.
S13.3 Classifications
S13.3.1 The employing authority shall determine the quantum and composition of Boarding School
Supervision staff appointments made.
S13.3.2 It is not required or envisaged that every boarding school has an employee appointed at each
classification of employment.
Page 283 of 334 Pages
S13.3.3 Appointments shall be made to the relevant classification with reference to the responsibilities
and typical duties outlined as part of the descriptions below at clauses S13.3.1 to S13.3.4
S13.3.4 Assistant Supervisor
An employee at this level may be responsible for:
(a) The provision of basic assistance to a Boarding Supervisor (involving the pastoral care and
welfare of students and general functions of the boarding house) under direct
(b) The provision of assistance to more senior staff on duty in the daily routines of the
boarding house involving the supervision of students and the general functioning of the
boarding house. This will involve the use of well-established routines, methods and
(c) Ensuring students rise, attend to personal hygiene, personal housekeeping and
community duties under the direction of a more senior employee.
(d) Assisting in the supervision of study and homework.
(e) Assisting in the supervision of student activities and outings as required.
In addition to the above, obtaining and maintaining a current bus licence is an advantage at this
classification level.
Obtaining and maintaining a current First Aid Certificate is a requirement at this classification
S13.3.5 Boarding Supervisor
An employee at this level may be responsible for:
(a) ensuring that students understand and adhere to School policies. This involves the
application of knowledge with depth in some areas.
(b) overseeing and monitoring the departure and return of students on weekend leave. This
will be carried out in accordance with existing routines, methods and procedures.
(c) supervision of study and homework where direction and judgement are required.
(d) supervision of student activities and outings where direction and judgement are required
(involving the pastoral care and welfare of students and general functions of the boarding
Obtaining and maintaining a current bus licence may be a requirement at this
classification level.
(e) provision of supervision of meals and meal times. This will be carried out under general
(f) liaison with parents as the need arises and as provided for in existing School policy.
(g) reception duties including basic administration, distribution and posting of mail, provision
of phone cards, stamps etc. These duties will be carried out in accordance with existing
routines methods and procedures.
In addition to the above, obtaining and maintaining a current First Aid Certificate is a
requirement at this classification level.
S13.3.6 Boarding Supervisor Qualified
(a) An employee at this level will perform the duties and exercise the responsibilities
identified for a Boarding Supervisor.
Page 284 of 334 Pages
(b) In addition, an employee at this level will:
(i) hold a current first aid certificate; and
(ii) possess a recognised residential care certificate or sufficient practical
experience which, to the satisfaction of the employer, enables the employee to
operate at a similar level of skill and responsibility; and
(iii) have at least two years’ experience working in a school boarding facility; and
(iv) where required by the employing authority, obtain and maintain a current bus
S13.3.7 Senior Supervisor
An employee at this level may be responsible for:
(a) the smooth and efficient management of student activities in the boarding house
(involving the pastoral care and welfare of students and general functioning of the
boarding house);
(b) Implementation of school policy and procedures as identified by senior management;
(c) Supervision of lower level staff; and
(d) Liaison with parents where discretion and judgment are required.
(e) In addition, an employee at this level will:
(i) hold a current first aid certificate; and
(ii) possess either a recognised Diploma or Degree in a discipline relevant to
residential care or education, or sufficient practical experience which, to the
satisfaction of the employer, enables the employee to operate at a similar level
of skill and responsibility; and
(iii) have appropriate experience working in a school boarding facility; and
(iv) where required by the employing authority, obtain and maintain a current bus
S13.4 First Aid Certificate
S13.4.1 First Aid Certificate
(a) Where the employer requires a Boarding School Supervision staff member to hold a
current First Aid Certificate, the employer will reimburse enrolment fees and
subsequently course fees associated with both obtaining and maintaining a First Aid
(b) Notwithstanding the provision in S13.4.1 (a) above, where new employees are required
to hold a current First Aid Certificate as a condition of their employment, the course fees
and time associated with obtaining that certificate is the responsibility of the new
S13.4.2 The time required to obtain and maintain the First Aid certificate shall constitute paid work
S13.4.3 The First Aid qualification obtained or maintained by the Boarding School Supervision staff
member must include proficiency in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and anaphylactic
response, consistent with within Qld Health Department requirements regulations, in order for
the employer to pay reimbursement of course fees incurred.
S13.4.4 Where the Boarding School Supervision staff member is a designated First Aid Officer, an
allowance is also payable in accordance with Schedule 1 – S1.8 of this Agreement.
Page 285 of 334 Pages
S13.5 Bus Licence
S13.5.1 Where the employer requires an existing Boarding School Supervision staff member to hold a
current bus licence, the employer will reimburse course fees associated with both obtaining
and maintaining such a licence. The time required to obtain and maintain a current bus licence
shall constitute paid work time.
S13.5.2 Notwithstanding the above, where new employees are required to hold a current bus licence
as a condition of their employment, the course fees and time associated with obtaining a
current bus licence is the responsibility of the new employee.
S13.5.3 Provided that driving a bus for the purposes of transporting boarding students to activities and
outings is an ancillary duty, and would only occur where a Boarding School Supervision staff
member is required for the supervision of boarding students at the intended destination.
S13.6 Types of Employment
S13.6.1 Full-time Employment
A full-time employee is an employee who is engaged to work thirty-eight (38) hours per week,
pursuant to clause S13.10 – Hours of Work of this Schedule.
S13.6.2 Part-time Employment
Clause S13.6.2 applies to employees whose hours are averaged over a year.
(a) A part-time employee is an employee who is engaged to work less than thirty-eight (38)
ordinary hours per week and who has reasonably predictable hours of work.
(b) A part-time employee shall be paid an hourly rate of 1/38th of the weekly rate for the
employee’s classification.
(c) A part-time employee shall be entitled, on a pro rata basis, to annual leave,
personal/carer’s leave, and long service leave as specified in this Agreement.
(d) At the point of engagement, the employer and part-time employee will agree on the
number of hours to be worked by the employee.
(e) The hours of work of a part-time employee will be aggregated and averaged in a cyclic
roster in accordance with clause S13.9.2 of this Schedule.
(f) The actual number of hours worked each day, days of the week the employee will work,
the number of weeks in the school year the employee will work and the starting and
finishing times each day will be as provided in the roster/s made available and
administered in accordance with clause S13.10.
S13.6.3 Casual Employment
(a) A casual employee is an employee engaged as such.
(b) A casual employee will be paid an hourly rate of 1/38th of the weekly rate for the
employee’s classification plus twenty-five per cent (25%).
(c) A casual employee will be engaged and paid for a minimum of two (2) hours for such
(d) A casual employee must be paid at the termination of each engagement, or fortnightly in
accordance with the employer’s usual payment cycle.
Page 286 of 334 Pages
S13.7 Board and Lodgings
For Employers other than Cairns Diocese
S13.7.1 For employers other than Cairns Diocese, board and lodging shall be provided to those
boarding school supervision staff who perform up to ten (10) hours supervisory duty in any
one (1) week.
For Cairns Diocese
S13.7.2 The following applies to Cairns Diocese:
(a) If an employee is provided board and lodgings by the employer, then the employer may
deduct amounts for the reasonable cost of providing such board and lodgings from the
wages payable to the employee.
(b) The amount of those deductions must be agreed in writing between the employer and
the employee before any deductions occur. Such agreement must not be unreasonably
withheld by either party.
(c) A written agreement entered pursuant to clause S13.7.2 must not have the effect of
contravening section 326 of the Fair Work Act 2009.
(d) For the purposes of S13.7.2, “board and lodgings” includes when an employer may
provide lodgings without meals (other than meals required by clause S13.14 when the
employee is on duty during meal times).
S13.8 Wages and Wage Related Matters
S13.8.1 All employees to which this Schedule applies shall be classified according to the structure set
out in clause S13.3 - Categories of Employment.
S13.8.2 Minimum Wage Rates
(a) The minimum rates applicable to Boarding Supervisors are those prescribed by Schedule
1 – S1.8 Table 1.
(b) The rates identified in Schedule 1 – S1.8 Table 2 are the minimum rates to which the
parties aspire as the general minimum rates for Boarding Supervisors. To that end
discussions will occur during the during the life of this Agreement regarding the capacity
of all Boarding Schools to pay the rates identified in Schedule 1 – S1.8 Table 2.
(c) The rates identified in Schedule 1 – S1.8 Table 2 will be the minimum rates prescribed by
this Agreement for a particular Boarding School where the employing authority for that
school and the IEUA enter into an exchange of letters to that effect. Upon such exchange
of letters occurring, the rates in Schedule 1 – S1.8 Table 2 become an enforceable term of
this Agreement.
(d) Where an employer is currently paying a rate or rates higher than those identified in
Schedule 1 – S1.8 Table 2, it is an enforceable term of this Agreement that the employer
will continue to pay such higher rates and that the employer will adjust such higher rates
in line with the wage increases prescribed by this Agreement. The actual rates being paid
will be recorded in an exchange of letters between the respective employing authority
and the IEUA.
(e) Where an employer pays a rate or rates which are higher than those identified in Schedule
1 – S1.8 Table 1, but not those identified in Schedule 1 – S1.8 Table 2, it is an enforceable
term of this Agreement that the employer will adjust such rates in line with the wage
increases prescribed by this Agreement. The actual rates being paid will be recorded in
an exchange of letters between the employing authority and the IEUA.
Page 287 of 334 Pages
S13.8.3 A part-time employee will be paid a proportion of the payment applicable to a full-time
employee. That proportion will be calculated by comparing the number of hours worked in a
year with the “maximum rostered hours per annum” which may be worked as identified in
clause S13.10.2 of this Schedule.
S13.8.4 Where a full-time or part-time employee who averages their salary ceases work without
having worked for a full year (52 weeks) the employer will perform the calculations identified
in S13.8.4 (a) and S13.8.(b) and receive the payment identified in S13.8.4 (c).
(a) Multiply the number of ordinary rostered hours worked x the ordinary hourly rate
applicable at the time.
(b) Total the amount of money paid to the employee for ordinary hours of work over the
period of the employment.
(c) Where the amount identified in S13.8.4 (a) is greater than the amount identified in S16.8.4
(b), the employee will receive, in addition to any other entitlements due, a payment equal
to the difference between these two amounts.
S13.8.5 Where an employee is required to sleep overnight at the boarding school that employee will
be paid an allowance outlined in Schedule 1 – S1.8 per occasion. In addition, such an
employee will be provided with suitable accommodation, including reasonably convenient
bathroom facilities, at no cost to the employee. This clause (clause S16.8.5) is subject to clause
S13.8.6 Where an employee is required to perform work during a sleep over period, that employee will
be paid for such work at the rate of time and a half with a minimum payment as for thirty (30)
minutes worked per occasion. Such work will not be counted for the purpose of determining
“ordinary hours” as prescribed by clauses S13.10.2 to S13.10.8. This clause (clause S13.8.6) is
subject to clause S13.8.7.
S13.8.7 Boarding School Supervision staff who are provided with reasonable accommodation and food,
for their exclusive use for fifty-two (52) weeks of the year at no cost to the employee, will not
receive the additional payment provided in clause S13.8.5 and clause S13.8.6.
S13.8.8 All accommodation provided for employees must include adequate facilities to ensure the
safety and welfare of employees.
S13.9 Employee Undertaking Higher Level Duties in an Acting Capacity
S13.9.1 An employer may direct an employee to perform duties applicable to a classification higher
than their current classification.
S13.9.2 Where the employee performs such duties the employee will be paid the rate of pay
applicable to the higher classification.
S13.9.3 This clause shall apply where an employee is directed to perform higher level duties for four
(4) weeks or more.
S13.10 Hours of Work
Clause S13.10 applies to employees whose hours are averaged over a year.
S13.10.1 The maximum ordinary hours of work will be thirty-eight (38) hours per week.
S13.10.2 The ordinary hours of work will be averaged over a period of time not exceeding one year. A
full-time boarding employee’s annual roster of hours will be calculated as follows:
Maximum Hours 1976 (52 week x 38 hours/week)
Less Annual Leave 152 (4 weeks x 38 hours/week)
Maximum Rostered Hours per annum 1824
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For the purposes of this clause, the number of weeks in a school year (variable X) is calculated
Number of weeks in Term 1 + Number of weeks in Term 2 + Number of weeks in Term 3 +
Number of weeks in Term 4 = X
1824 ÷ X = Y
For example: If the number of weeks in a particular school year is thirty-eight (38), the formula
would be 1824 ÷ 38 = 48. Therefore, a full-time boarding employee may be rostered to work up
to 48 hours per week over thirty-eight (38) weeks.
S13.10.3 An employee will not be rostered to work more than the ordinary hours in any one week.
(Note that the number of ordinary hours cannot be more than variable Y in the preceding
clause S13.10.2).
S13.10.4 The ordinary hours of work shall be worked on no more than five days in any seven days
(Monday to Sunday). Wherever practicable, an employee will receive two consecutive days
S13.10.5 The maximum number of ordinary hours which can be worked on any one day is ten (10).
S13.10.6 The ordinary hours of work on a day will be worked within a span of sixteen (16) hours from
initial commencing time to final ceasing time.
S13.10.7 The ordinary hours of work on a day will be worked in no more than two periods
S13.10.8 An employee must have at least ten (10) consecutive hours off duty between the termination
of that employee's ordinary work on one day and the commencement of the employee's
ordinary work on the next day. However, the number of hours off duty may be reduced to
eight (8) by mutual agreement.
S13.11 Rostering
S13.11.1 The employer will produce a roster showing the normal starting and finishing times and the
name of each employee. This roster will be displayed in a place conveniently accessible to the
employees. The term roster (or semester roster, at the election of the employer) will be
prepared and displayed at least seven (7) days before the commencement of the term.
S13.11.2 A roster may be altered by the employer by giving seven (7) days’ notice, or where mutually
agreed between the employer and the employee, the roster may be altered at any time.
S13.11.3 Notwithstanding clause S13.11.1 and S13.11.2 above, an employee’s roster cannot be changed
where it would result in the employee becoming ineligible for payment on a public holiday, in
circumstances where the employee would otherwise have been rostered to work on that day,
other than at the election of the employee.
S13.12 Overtime and Time off in Lieu
S13.12.1 The employer may require an employee to work reasonable additional hours.
S13.12.2 Where an employee is required to work outside or in excess of the ordinary hours permitted
by clauses S13.10 (Hours of Work) and S13.19 (Provisions Applicable To Employees Who Are
Employed On The Basis That Their Hours Of Work Are Not Averaged Across A Year) of this
Schedule, overtime shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half for the first three (3)
hours and double time thereafter on any one day.
S13.12.3 Where requested by an employee, and agreed by the employer, time off (equivalent to the
quantum of overtime worked) in lieu of payment may be provided.
S13.13 Public Holidays
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Clause 6.16 (Public Holidays) of this Agreement shall apply to Boarding School Supervision
S13.14 Provision of Meals
S13.14.1 An employee who is required to be on duty during meal times will be entitled, at no cost to the
employee, to the meal provided to the school boarding students.
S13.14.2 Meals supplied to employees shall be of good quality and of sufficient quantity, and shall
include for employees morning and afternoon tea.
S13.15 Provision of Accommodation
Reasonable accommodation means living quarters, light, heating and cooling, which is available
to the employee for their exclusive use.
S13.16 Provision of Laundry Facilities
Where board and residence are provided for employees, the employer shall permit any of the
employees the use of the laundry equipment necessary for the employee to launder their own
clothes, free of cost.
S13.17 Formative Appraisal
S13.17.1 A process of self-appraisal and validation provides an occasion to identify strengths and
opportunities, set goals and identify professional development needs.
S13.17.2 In consultation with Boarding Schools Supervision Staff, the employing authority may develop,
implement and periodically review a process of validated self-appraisal.
S13.17.3 Where appropriate, such formative appraisal process shall take into account the needs of staff
in individual schools.
S13.17.4 The formative appraisal process will be based upon principles detailed in Schedule 8 of this
S13.18 Professional Development
S13.18.1 Employing authorities recognise and affirm the value of Boarding Schools Supervision Staff
undertaking professional development relevant to the performance of their work role and
S13.18.2 Clause 10.3 (Professional Development) of this Agreement applies to Boarding Schools
Supervision Staff.
S13.18.3 The Principal and Boarding Schools Supervision Staff accept a joint responsibility for the
negotiation of a program of relevant professional development linked to the appraisal
outcomes, the school goals and the development/renewal plan.
S13.18.4 A professional development plan will be jointly developed between the Boarding Schools
Supervision Staff member and their supervisor. This plan will be implemented within the
employing authority’s resource capacity.
S13.18.5 As part of the school’s professional development program and consistent with the professional
development guidelines, all employees are entitled to apply to undertake relevant professional
development activities. Costs and release time involved in attending such professional
development shall be covered in accordance with the school’s professional development
S13.18.6 Where professional development is required by the employing authority for Boarding Schools
Supervision Staff outside ordinary working time, the employee will be granted time in lieu for
the equivalent hours taken at a mutually convenient time or receive payment at ordinary
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S13.18.7 Information relevant to professional development will be made available to Boarding Schools
Supervision Staff through the induction process.
S13.19 Provisions applicable to employees who are employed on the basis that their hours of work
are not averaged across a year
S13.19.1 This clause (clause S13.19) will apply to employees who are employed on the basis that their
hours of work are not averaged across a year.
S13.19.2 Hours of Work
(a) The maximum ordinary hours of work will be thirty-eight (38) hours per week, which may
be averaged over a 2 week period. The Ordinary hours will be worked on no more than
five days of the week. Wherever practicable, an employee will receive two consecutive
days off.
(b) The maximum number of ordinary hours which can be worked on any one day is ten (10).
(c) The ordinary hours of work on a day will be worked within a span of sixteen (16) hours
from initial commencing time to final ceasing time.
(d) The ordinary hours of work on a day will be worked in no more than two periods.
(e) The employee must have at least ten (10) consecutive hours off duty between the
termination of that employee's ordinary work on one day and the commencement of the
employee's ordinary work on the next day. However, the number of hours off duty may
be reduced to eight (8) by mutual agreement.
S13.19.3 Payment or Banking of Additional Ordinary Hours
(a) Where an employer authorises additional hours to be worked by an employee (and the
employee agrees to work those additional hours) beyond the employee’s normal starting
and finishing times, but within ordinary hours of work, prescribed in clause S13.10 of this
Schedule, these hours will be either:
(i) Paid for at ordinary rates, or
(ii) Banked where this is agreed with the employer.
(b) Where an employee banks hours in accordance with clause S13.19.3 (a)(ii), those banked
hours must be availed of during school vacation periods except where the employing
authority, at the request of the employee, approves that the accrued hours be taken at
alternative times. The banked hours shall be paid at the ordinary time rate.
(c) All employees shall have a zero balance of banked hours at the beginning of each twelve-
month cycle. A twelve-month cycle is taken to begin on the first day following the school
vacation period in January and extending through to the last day of the school vacation
period in the next year. Any banked hours not taken prior to the completion of each
twelve-month cycle will be paid at the employee’s ordinary time rate.
If the boarding house employee requested and the employer agreed for the extra hour
worked outside the normal roster to be ‘banked’, the Boarding House employee would
receive an extra hour of pay in the school holiday period of their choice within that same
calendar year.
(d) On resignation, employees must avail themselves of any banked hours prior to the
resignation taking effect. In special or extenuating circumstances, if the employee is
unable to avail themselves of banked hours, these banked hours shall be paid to the
employee at the employee’s ordinary time rate no later than the date of the next full pay
period after termination.
S13.19.4 Payment or Banking of Overtime Hours
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(a) Except as provided in clause S13.19.4 (b), all time worked outside of or in excess of the
hours prescribed in clause S13.19.2 of this Schedule shall be paid for at the rate of time
and one-half for the first three (3) hours on any one day and double time thereafter.
(b) A boarding house employee who has worked overtime hours at the employer’s request
may instead of the payment of overtime choose to ‘bank’ time, for later payment during
a school holiday period(s) in the same calendar year. In such circumstances clauses
S13.19.4 (c) to S13.19.4 (f) apply.
(c) Where an employee chooses to ‘bank’ overtime one hour worked will result in one hour
of paid time in a school holiday period.
(d) Banked overtime must be availed of during a vacation period except where the employing
authority, at the request of the employee, approves that the banked overtime hours be
taken at alternative times.
(e) All employees shall have a zero balance of banked overtime at the beginning of each
twelve-month cycle. A twelve-month cycle is taken to begin on the first day following the
school vacation period in January and extending through to the last day of the school
vacation period in the next year. Any banked overtime not taken prior to the completion
of each twelve-month cycle will be paid to the employee at the rate of time and one half.
(f) On resignation, employees must avail themselves of any banked overtime prior to the
resignation taking effect. In special or extenuating circumstances, if the employee is
unable to avail themselves of banked overtime, this banked overtime shall be paid to the
employee, at the rate of time and a half, no later than the date of the next full pay period
after termination.
S13.19.5 Payment of Wages
Employees subject to this clause (clause S13.19) will be paid only for the time worked and will
not, subject to clauses S13.19.3 and S13.19.4, be paid for school vacation periods.
S13.19.6 Types of Employment
An employee may be employed in accordance with the “Types of Employment” prescribed in
clause 3.1 of this Agreement. Further, the provisions of clauses 3.2 to 3.6 and Schedule 10 will
apply to those respective types of employment.
S13.19.7 Other Conditions of Employment
Clauses S136.1, S13.2, S13.3, S13.4, S13.5, S13.8, S13.9, S13.11, S13.13, S13.14, S13.15, S13.16,
S13.17, and S13.18 of this schedule will apply to employees covered by this clause (clause
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Where there is inconsistency between the provisions of this Schedule and those contained in this Agreement,
the conditions of the Agreement will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
S14.1.1 Definitions
(a) "Assistant Director" means an employee appointed as such who is approved in terms of
the relevant legislation to have charge of the Centre in the absence of the Director.
(b) "Broken Shift" means a shift of work performed by employees in the Outside School Hours
Care Program which is broken into not more than two (2) periods (excluding rest pauses
and meal breaks), where the unpaid break in between such periods is greater than one
(c) "Education and Care Legislation" means the Education and Care Services National Law
(Queensland) Act 2011 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations as
amended from time to time and any predecessor legislation where relevant or
consequential amendments.
(d) "Children's Services Worker" means an employee who is engaged in the provision of child
care within a Centre and/or who is engaged in functions in or in connection with the
general operation of the Centre including but not limited to all aspects of food preparation
and service, cleaning and maintenance of all areas of the Centre (internal and external) to
the standards required by the employer.
(e) "Centre Based Care" means care for children in a centre as defined in the Education and
Care Legislation.
(f) "Assistant Children's Services Worker - Unqualified" - means an employee who:
(i) has successfully completed Year 12 at Secondary School; or
(ii) on the day the person is first employed as an assistant, is at least seventeen (17)
years of age and is undertaking, or has completed a Child Care Practice
Certificate at a College of Technical and Further Education.
An assistant who is not an adult must be supervised by an appropriately approved Group
Duties would include, but not be limited to, some or all of the following:
(A) assist in the implementation of the early childhood program under
(B) implement daily routine;
(C) ensure the health and safety of the children in their care;
(D) give each child individual attention and comfort as required;
(E) work in accordance with the licensing requirements of Education and Care
(F) understand and work according to the Centre or Service's policy;
(G) perform general duties associated with the operation of the Centre,
including but not limited to all
(H) aspects of food preparation, service and cleaning/maintenance of all
areas of the Centre (internal and external).
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(g) "Children's Services Worker - 1 Year Qualified" means an employee who has completed
an AQF Certificate III or IV in Children's Services.
(i) This classification will also include a cook who prepares at least one full meal per
day for each of a substantial proportion of children present at the Centre.
(ii) Duties would include, but not be limited to, some or all of the following:
(A) any of the duties of an Assistant Children's Services Worker - Unqualified;
(B) co-ordinate and direct activities of unqualified workers engaged in the
implementation of programs and activities in group settings;
(C) liaise with parents;
(D) ensure a safe environment is provided for the children;
(E) ensure that records are maintained and are up-to-date concerning each
child in their care;
(F) assist in the development, implementation and evaluation of daily
(G) be responsible to the Director for the assessment of students on
(H) ensure the Centre or Service's policies are adhered to.
(I) assist the Director in the assessment of students on placement to the level
of their competency;
(J) under direction, work with individual children with particular needs;
(K) undertake and implement the requirements of quality assurance;
(L) administer first aid to the level of their competency when appropriate.
(h) "Group Leader - 1 Year Qualified" means an employee who has completed a Certificate III
or IV in Children's Services.
Duties would include, but not be limited to, some or all of the following:
(i) carrying out the work of a Group Leader;
(ii) the co-ordination of the activities of a group of children;
(iii) general supervision of workers in the Centre;
(iv) assisting in the Centre's or the Service's administrative functions;
(v) any of the duties of Children's Services Worker – One (1) Year Qualified;
(vi) to ensure that a developmentally appropriate program is planned and
implemented for each child;
(vii) to assess the needs of each child and monitor the child's progress;
(viii) to maintain effective communication with a parent of each child in the group
that the person leads;
(ix) administer first aid to the level of their competency when appropriate.
(i) "Group Leader - 2 Year Qualified" means an employee who has completed an AQF
Diploma in Children's Services.
(i) A Registered Nurse who has enrolled in or has successfully completed an
appropriate bridging course in Early Childhood studies will also meet the criteria
for a 2 Year Qualified Group Leader.
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(ii) Duties would include, but not be limited to, some or all of the following:
(A) any of the duties of a Group Leader - 1 Year or less;
(B) work as the person in charge of a group of children in the age range from
birth to twelve (12) years;
(C) take responsibility in consultation with the Director for the preparation,
implementation and evaluation of a developmental program for
individuals and groups of children in care;
(D) co-ordinate and direct the activities of workers engaged in the
implementation and evaluation of developmental programs and activities
in a group setting;
(E) contribute, through the Director, to the development of the Centre or
Service's policies;
(F) ensure that the policies and practices of the Centre are maintained;
(G) administer first aid to the level of their competency when appropriate.
(j) "Group Leader - 3 Year Qualified" means an employee who has completed an AQF
Advanced Diploma or higher qualification in the field of Children's Services or Education.
Duties will include, but not be limited to, some or all of the following:
(i) any of the duties of a Group Leader - 2 Year Qualified;
(ii) work as the person in charge of a group of children in the age range from birth
to twelve (12) years;
(iii) take responsibility in consultation with the Director for the preparation,
implementation and evaluation of a developmental program for individuals and
groups of children in care;
(iv) co-ordinate and direct the activities of workers engaged in the implementation
and evaluation of developmental programs and activities in a group setting;
(v) contribute, through the Director to the development of the Centre or Service's
(vi) ensure that the policies and practices of the Centre are maintained;
(vii) administer first aid to the level of their competency when appropriate.
(k) "Assistant Director - 2 Year Qualified" means an employee who has completed an AQF
Diploma in Children's Services.
(l) "Assistant Director - 3 Year Qualified" means an employee who has completed an AQF
Advanced Diploma or higher qualification in the field of Children's Services or Education.
Duties of Assistant Director (2 Year Qualified and Minimum 3 Year Qualified) include, but
are not limited to, some or all of the following:
(i) all of the duties of a Group Leader - Minimum 3 Year Qualified;
(ii) to supervise the programs and the quality of care that the service provides;
(iii) to maintain the Service's policies and practices;
(iv) to maintain effective liaison with other agencies in the community;
(v) to maintain the Centre's records;
(vi) supervising qualified and unqualified workers;
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(vii) planning and co-ordinating in-service training for the Centre or Service;
(viii) planning and implementing programs for children with special needs, including,
but not limited to, children with disabilities and children of non-English speaking
(ix) take responsibility for the day-to-day management of the centre or service in
the temporary absence of the Director;
(x) administer first aid to the level of their competency when appropriate.
(m) "Director 2 Year Qualified" means an employee who has completed an AQF Diploma in
Children's Services.
(n) "Director - 3 Year Qualified" means an employee who has completed a AQF Advanced
Diploma or higher qualification in the field of Children's Services or Education.
Duties of Directors (2 Year and Minimum 3 Year Qualified) include, but are not limited to,
all or some of the following:
(i) responsibility for the overall administration of the Centre or service;
(ii) to develop, implement and supervise developmental programs and the quality
of care that the Service provides;
(iii) to maintain the Service's policies and practices;
(iv) to establish a process for the recruitment, orientation and support of staff;
(v) to identify and assist in meeting in-service training needs of staff;
(vi) to establish and maintain effective communication systems with staff and
(vii) to establish and maintain liaison with other agencies in the community (as
(viii) to maintain the Centre's records;
(ix) recruit staff in consultation with the Manager/Owner or Licensee of the Centre;
(x) to keep day-to-day accounts and handle clerical administrative matters;
(xi) ensure that the Centre or Service adheres to all relevant Regulations;
(xii) formulate and evaluate annual budgets in liaison with relevant authorities
where necessary;
(xiii) all of the duties of an Assistant Director;
(xiv) administer first aid to the level of their competency when appropriate.
S14.1.2 Outside School Hours Care and Vacation Care
(a) "Assistant Children's Services Worker - Unqualified" means an employee who is
unqualified and is employed to assist at an Outside School Hours Care and Vacation Care
(i) An Assistant must be supervised by a Co-ordinator.
(ii) Duties would include, but not be limited to, some or all of the following:
(A) supervise children's activities;
(B) ensure the health and safety of the children in care;
(C) take a genuine interest in the children, their activities and participate in
these as much as possible;
Page 296 of 334 Pages
(D) supervise sports activities;
(E) routine communication with parents to the level of the employee's
(F) assist in developing and implementing programs/activities;
(G) understand and work according to the Centre's policies.
(b) "Children's Services Worker - 1 Year Qualified" means an employee who has completed
an AQF Certificate III or IV in Children's Services.
(i) This classification will also include a cook who prepares at least one full meal per
day for each of a substantial proportion of children present at the Centre.
(ii) Duties would include, but not be limited to, some or all of the following:
(A) any of the duties of an Assistant Children's Services Worker - Unqualified;
(B) co-ordinate and direct activities of unqualified workers engaged in the
implementation of programs and activities in group settings;
(C) liaise with parents;
(D) ensure a safe environment is provided for the children;
(E) ensure that records are maintained and are up-to-date concerning each
child in their care;
(F) assist in the development, implementation and evaluation of daily
(G) be responsible to the Director for the assessment of students on
(H) ensure the Centre or Service's policies are adhered to.
(I) assist the Director in the assessment of students on placement to the level
of their competency;
(J) under direction, work with individual children with particular needs;
(K) undertake and implement the requirements of quality assurance;
(L) administer first aid to the level of their competency when appropriate.
(c) "Assistant Co-ordinator - Qualified - Large Service" means an employee who is required to
assist a Co-ordinator of After School Hours Care as prescribed by the Education and Care
Services National Legislation to manage a licensed Outside School Hours Care service
licensed to accommodate sixty (60) or more children at any time of the day. Their duties
include, but are not limited to, some or all of the following:
(i) all of the duties of an Assistant Children's Services Worker - I Year Qualified;
(ii) in consultation with the Coordinator prepare, implement and evaluate
developmentally appropriate programmes for individual children or groups of
children in care;
(iii) supervise staff and ensure staff members fulfil their various duties and
(iv) ensure a safe environment is maintained for both children and staff;
(v) ensure records are maintained accurately for each child in care;
(vi) ensure a service's policies and procedures are adhered to;
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(vii) liaise as need be with members of a child's family;
(viii) administer first aid to the level of their competency when appropriate.
(d) "Co-ordinator - Unqualified" means an employee who co-ordinates and manages an After
School Hours Care and/or Vacation Care Service for children and has no relevant post-
secondary qualification. The duties would include, but not be limited to, some or all of
the following:
(i) develop and/or oversee programs and ensure they offer a balance of flexibility,
variety, safety and fun;
(ii) supervise the programs/activities, staff and ensure each staff member is
fulfilling their relevant duties and responsibilities;
(iii) carry out administration tasks including fee collection and receipting, banking,
staff pay, etc.;
(iv) administer first aid when appropriate to the level of their competency;
(v) to work positively in working with parents and/or Committees;
(vi) understanding and working in accordance with the Service's policies.
(e) "Co-ordinator - Qualified" means an employee who has completed a AQF Diploma in
Children's Services. The duties would include those listed under Co-ordinator -
(f) "Joint Union/Employer Validation Committee" means a Committee with equal
representation of union/employer, set up to resolve disputes between employees and
employers in relation to incremental levels of pay or to relevant/equivalent qualifications.
(g) "Outside School Hours Care" means care of children provided in schools, supervised
playgrounds and other establishments, but not including child care centres as defined in
the Education and Care Legislation, outside normal school hours.
(h) "Teacher" means an employee who meets the following criteria:
(i) that the employee holds a three (3) or four (4) year qualification in early
childhood studies as approved under the Education and Care Legislation; and
(ii) that the employee be registered with the College of Teachers; and
(iii) that the employee be required to deliver an educational program.
(i) "Vacation Care" means care of children provided in schools, supervised playgrounds and
other establishments, but not including child care centres, as defined in the Education and
Care Legislation, during school vacations.
S14.1.3 Coverage
(a) This Schedule shall apply to persons engaged in the callings and classifications set out in
this Schedule, who are employed at or in Child Care Centres as defined in the Education
and Care Services National Legislation or Outside School Hours Care, adjunct care,
wherein employees are charged with the care of children, and/or the delivery of child care
services as per clause S14.1.3 (b) within Queensland, for whom classifications and rates
of pay are herein prescribed, and to their respective employers. Subject to clause S14.1.2
(c) no other Schedule shall apply.
(b) Without limiting the scope of coverage, this Schedule shall apply to employees engaged
in the provision of long day care, sessional care, occasional care, vocational care, adjunct
care, respite care, emergency care, before and after school hours care and extended
hours care of children as defined in the Education and Care Legislation.
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(c) This Schedule will not apply to:
(i) persons who are in holy orders or who are members of a recognised teaching
(ii) persons whose service is voluntary and whose service is covered by an exchange
of letters between the employer and the volunteer; and
(iii) students on work experience or placement.
(d) Partial Exemption
(i) This clause does not apply to employees in outside school hours care or vacation
care programs.
(ii) An employee (classified at or below the level of Director - 1 Year Qualified Year
1) who agrees in writing with the employer to be paid at a rate not less than
twenty-five per cent (25%) above the classification level of Director - 1 Year
Qualified Year 1, will be exempt from the provisions of clauses S14.2.2 and S14.4
of this Schedule. An employee classified at the level of Director - 1 Year Qualified
Year 2 and above who agrees in writing with the employer to be paid at a rate
not less than twenty-five per cent (25%) above the appropriate classification
level, will be exempt from the provisions of clauses S14.2.2 and S14.4 of this
S14.1.4 Area of Operation
For the purpose of this Schedule, the Divisions and Districts will be as follows:
(a) Divisions
(i) Northern Division - That portion of the State along or north of a line commencing
at the junction of the sea-coast with the 21st parallel of south latitude; then by
that parallel of latitude due west to 147 degrees of east longitude; then by that
meridian of longitude due south to 22 degrees 30 minutes of south latitude;
then by that parallel of latitude due west to the western border of the State.
(ii) Mackay Division - That portion of the State within the following boundaries -
commencing at the junction of the sea-coast with the 21st parallel of south
latitude; then by that parallel of latitude due west to 147 degrees of east
longitude; then by that meridian of longitude due south to 22 degrees of south
latitude; then by that parallel of latitude due east to the sea-coast; then by the
sea-coast northerly to the point of commencement.
(iii) Southern Division - That portion of the State not included in the Northern or
Mackay Divisions.
(b) Districts
(i) Northern Division - Eastern District - That portion of the Northern Division along
or east of 144 degrees 30 minutes of east longitude.
(ii) Northern Division - Western District - The remainder of the Northern Division.
(iii) Southern Division - Eastern District - That portion of the Southern Division along
or east of a line commencing at the junction of the southern border of the State
with 150 degrees of east longitude; then by that meridian of longitude due north
to 25 degrees of south latitude; then by that parallel of latitude due west to 147
degrees of east longitude; then by that meridian of longitude due north to the
southern boundary of the Mackay Division.
(iv) Southern Division - Western District - The remainder of the Southern Division.
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S14.1.5 Parties Bound
This Schedule is legally binding on the employers and employees as prescribed in clause S14.1.1
and any union eligible to represent those employees.
S14.2.1 Contract of Employment
(a) Employees covered by this Schedule shall be advised in writing of their employment
category upon appointment.
(b) Employment categories are:
(i) full-time;
(ii) part-time (as prescribed in clause S14.2.5); or
(iii) casual (as prescribed in clause S14.2.6).
S14.2.2 Mixed Functions
(a) Where an employee is approved in accordance with the relevant legislation to perform a
higher duty, and when approved and called upon by the employer to perform that higher
duty for four (4) hours or longer per day, such employee will be paid the rate of pay
attaching to the higher duty for the actual time worked.
(b) Provided that clause S14.2.2 will not apply to Assistant Directors who are acting as the
Director of a Child Care Centre:
(i) whilst the Director is temporarily absent; or
(ii) in cases where there is no Director employed, for a maximum period of six (6)
S14.2.3 Employee Duties
(a) Extended Duties
(i) An employer may direct an employee to carry out such duties as are within the
limits of the employee's skill, competence and training consistent with the
classification structure of this Schedule, provided that such duties are not
designed to promote deskilling.
(ii) An employer may direct an employee to carry out such duties and use such
resources and equipment as may be required, provided that the employee has
been trained in the use of such resources and equipment.
(iii) Any direction issued by an employer pursuant to clauses S14.2.3 (a) (i) and
S14.2.3 (a) (ii) will be consistent with the employer's responsibilities to provide
a safe and healthy working environment.
S14.2.4 Full-Time Employment
A full-time employee is one who is engaged by the week in accordance with the provisions of
this Schedule.
S14.2.5 Part-Time Employment
(a) A part-time employee is a weekly hired employee who is engaged to work a constant
number of hours per week which is less than thirty-eight (38) hours per week on not more
than five (5) days of the week within the ordinary hours prescribed in clause S14.4.1 of
this Schedule. Except as hereinafter provided, all conditions provided for permanent full-
time employees shall apply to part-time employees on a pro rata basis.
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(b) Part-time employees may be employed with a minimum single period of daily attendance
of two (2) hours.
(c) The ordinary hours of work for a part-time employee may be altered by mutual agreement
recorded in writing. In such cases part-time employees may work up to ten (10) hours per
day, without the payment of overtime. The additional hours so worked will be taken into
account in the pro rata calculation of entitlements.
(d) Except in the case of clause S14.2.5 (c), a part-time employee who works in excess of the
ordinary daily or weekly hours prescribed in the contract of employment will be paid
overtime in accordance with clause S14.4.2.
(e) Part-time employees will be paid an hourly rate equal to 1/38th of the weekly rate
prescribed by this Schedule for the classification under which they are engaged.
(f) A part-time employee will be required to complete a minimum of 1,000 hours of service
from the time of their first appointment or their previous increment date before being
eligible for their next increment. Such increment will become payable at the expiration
of 1,000 hours service or twelve (12) calendar months, whichever will occur later, and the
increment date will be adjusted if necessary.
S14.2.6 Casual Employment
(a) A casual employee is an employee engaged and paid as such but will not include:
(i) an employee working thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours per week; or
(ii) an employee who is engaged to work a regular, predetermined number of
ordinary hours, in excess of thirty-three (33) hours each week; or
(iii) an employee defined as a part-time employee in accordance with clause S14.2.5
(Part-Time Employment)
Provided that:
(A) for the purposes of relieving other employees on approved leave or
rostered days off, a casual employee may work the ordinary rostered
hours of the employee on such leave.
(B) for the purposes of performing duties of a temporary nature including,
but not limited to vacation care, a casual employee may work up to 38
hours per week.
(b) The rate of payment to casual employees will be 1/38th of the appropriate weekly wage
for the class of work they are engaged upon plus a twenty-five per cent (25%) loading.
Prior to 1 January 2013 the casual loading applicable was twenty-three per cent (23%).
(c) A casual employee will be engaged for a minimum period of two (2) hours' work or receive
a minimum payment for two (2) hours per engagement.
(d) The employment of a casual employee may be terminated by one hour's notice by either
side or payment or forfeiture of one hour's pay as the case may be.
(e) The provisions of clause S14.2.6 (a) (ii) relating to the maximum ordinary hours per week
will not apply to those casual employees engaged as at 1 September 1993 who were
working in excess of thirty-five (35) hours per week and who agreed in writing to continue
to work those hours per week.
S14.2.7 Term-Time Employment - Outside School Hours Care
(a) Clause S14.2.7 applies only to employers who operate facilities to specifically provide
Outside School Hours Care, and to employees who are specifically engaged under their
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contract of employment to provide Outside School Hours Care, and this is the primary
purpose of their engagement.
(b) An employee who consents to such an engagement, may be classified as a term-time
employee. The employee's consent to be classified as a term-time employee is to be
genuine and in writing and a copy of the written agreement is to be maintained with
relevant time and wages records.
(c) A term-time employee is an employee engaged to work only those weeks of the year
deemed to coincide with the provision of primary education to school children in a school
(d) All entitlements for term-time employees are no less than those for their non-term-time
counterparts, except that no ordinary wages are payable for the weeks the employee is
not engaged to work.
(e) Non-engaged periods count as service and employment for the purposes of the accrual of
paid leave for annual leave, personal leave and wage increments, except that no ordinary
wages are payable for the weeks the employee is not engaged to work.
(f) Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee normally works during
term time or any public holiday falling on their annual leave, the employee shall be paid
at the ordinary hourly rate for the number of hours that would ordinarily be worked by
the employee on that day.
S14.2.8 More Than One Engagement - OSHC and Vacation Care
(a) Clause S14.2.8 applies only to employers who operate facilities to specifically provide
Outside School Hours Care and/or Vacation Care, and to employees who are specifically
engaged under their contract of employment to provide Outside School Hours Care
and/or Vacation Care, and this is the primary purpose of their engagement.
(b) A part-time employee may be engaged on a casual basis for duties in a separate
engagement under this Schedule provided that such engagement satisfies the following
(i) this arrangement is subject to mutual agreement between the employee and
employer. Such agreement is to be recorded in writing and maintained with
relevant time and wages records;
(ii) an employee who elects to take a casual engagement is to be required to work
no more than thirty-eight (38) hours in any one (1) week;
(iii) the work required to be performed in the separate engagement may be
consistent with the usual job description of the employee concerned;
(iv) the work required to be performed in the separate engagement does not
interfere with the employee's original contract of employment;
(v) the work required to be performed in the separate engagement is not designed
to avoid overtime obligations;
(vi) the separate engagement enables the employee to obtain additional hours
and/or remuneration; and
(vii) employment on a casual basis performed during the separate engagement does
not break the continuity of service of an employee.
(c) Where the casual engagement requires an employee to travel a distance in excess of that
travelled to the usual workplace the employee must be:
(i) paid for such excess time as for other work; and
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(ii) either paid the amount prescribed in clause S14.3.2 (b) or be provided with
transport by the employer to the workplace.
S14.2.9 Equal Employment Opportunity
The employers respondents to this Schedule are equal employment opportunity employers.
Accordingly, they undertake to comply with all relevant legislation. Further, the employers
undertake to develop and implement a uniform policy and practice, consistent with the
provisions of the Education and Care Services National Legislation, that reflects their
commitment to equal employment opportunity.
S14.3.1 Classifications and Wage Rates and Allowances
(a) Wage rates
The minimum weekly rates of pay for employees in the Southern Division, Eastern District
working in Other Than Outside School Hours Care and Vacation Care will be as set out in
Schedule 1 – S1.9 (Wages, Salaries and Allowances) of this Agreement.
(b) Juniors
(i) The junior rates prescribed in clause S14.3.1 (b) will apply to the positions of
Assistant Children's Services Worker - Unqualified and Children's Services
Worker - 1 year qualified.
Junior employees - % of appropriate adult rate
17 and under 18 years of age 55
18 and under 19 years of age 65
19 and under 20 years of age 75
20 years of age 85
(ii) Calculation of rates - The rates of pay applying to junior employees will be
calculated in multiples of ten (10) cents, with any result of five (5) cents or more
being adjusted to the next highest ten (10) cent multiple.
(c) Increments –
(i) Annual Salary Increments - Employees will be entitled to annual salary
increments as specified in clause S14.3.1 (a), being subject to increments for
part-time and casual employees in accordance with clause S14.2.5 (f) for their
appropriate classification. All employees will receive increments in salary
according to the scale of salaries under this Schedule up to the maximum rate,
subject to satisfactory conduct, diligence and efficiency.
(ii) Accumulation Toward Increments (other than teachers) - For the purpose of the
introduction of the incremental salary scale years of service will begin to
accumulate from 1 September 1991.
(iii) Continuous Service - For the purpose of determining the incremental level
within a classification, total continuous service within the child care industry as
defined in the Education and Care Services National Legislation or in a
kindergarten or other child care centre as defined in the Education and Care
Services National Legislation within Australia, will be counted effective from 1
September 1991. Employees moving from one (1) classification level up to
another will commence on the first year of service rate of that higher
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(iv) Disputes re Incremental Level - Any dispute relating to appropriate incremental
level will be referred in the first instance to the Joint Validation Committee as
defined in clause S14.1.1 (Definitions).
(v) Credit for Previous Experience –
(A) An employee who has been away from the Child Care Industry for three
(3) years or less will return at the same level of experience at which the
employee was at when leaving the industry.
(B) For any absence of three (3) years or part thereof over and above the
period of three (3) years referred to in clause S14.3.1 (v), one year will be
deducted from the actual years of experience fulfilled.
(C) A teacher on a second or subsequent engagement will be given full credit
for previous experience in any educational institution, crèche or child
care centre for which the required qualification is a kindergarten teacher's
diploma or the equivalent (within Australia).
(D) Following termination of employment for any reason an employer will,
upon demand, supply to a former employee a certificate of service, in
writing, which certificate will amongst other things, specify the period of
service of such employee and the classification level at which such
employee was employed from time to time.
S14.3.2 Allowances
(a) Broken Shift Allowance
Employees, other than casual employees, required to report to work twice per day will be
paid the broken shift allowance outlined in Schedule 1 – S1.9
(b) Travel allowance
Where an employee is required to use a private motor vehicle on official business, such
employee will be paid a travel allowance in accordance with the employing authorities’
vehicle guidelines.
(c) Telephone allowance
Employees required to make business calls on their private telephone or on a public
telephone will be reimbursed the cost of such call.
S14.3.3 Divisional and District Parities
(a) The divisional and district parities (as described in Schedule 1 – S1.9) for employees other
than teachers shall be paid in addition to the employee’s wages as prescribed in Schedule
1 (Wages, Salaries and Allowances) of this Agreement.
(b) Juniors - Junior employees likewise situated will be paid, in addition to the rates of wages
prescribed by clause S14.3.1 (b), amounts calculated by applying the scale of percentages
set out in clause S14.3.1 (c) to the prescriptions contained in clause S14.3.3 (a).
S14.4.1 Hours of Work
(a) Hours of work - Other than outside school hours and vacation care –
(i) Thirty-eight (38) hours of work
(A) The ordinary hours of work excluding meal breaks will be an average of
thirty-eight (38) hours per week to be worked as follows:
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(1) thirty-eight (38) hours within a work cycle not exceeding seven (7)
consecutive days; or
(2) seventy-six (76) hours within a work cycle not exceeding fourteen
(14) consecutive days; or
(3) one hundred and fifty-two (152) hours within a work cycle not
exceeding twenty-eight (28) consecutive days.
(B) The thirty-eight (38) hour week will be based on one of the following:
(1) by employees working less than eight (8) ordinary hours each day;
(2) by employees working less than eight (8) ordinary hours one or
more days each work cycle; or
(3) by fixing one or more work days on which all employees will be off
during a particular work cycle; or
(4) by rostering employees off on various days of the week during a
particular work cycle, so that each employee has one (1) work day
off during that cycle.
the method of implementation of the thirty-eight (38) hour week
shall be agreed between the employer and the majority of
employees in accordance with Appendix A to this Schedule.
(C) Where the arrangement of ordinary hours of work provides for a rostered
day off, the employer and the majority of employees concerned, may
agree to accrue up to a maximum of five (5) rostered days off. Where
such agreement has been reached, the accrued rostered days off will be
taken within twelve (12) calendar months of the day on which the first
rostered day off was accrued.
(ii) Except as hereinafter provided, such ordinary working hours will be worked
between 6.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. on Monday to Friday inclusive and will not
exceed eight (8) ordinary hours per day.
(iii) An employee may, by agreement with the employer, work up to a maximum of
ten (10) ordinary hours per day.
(iv) The union may agree in writing with any employer upon ordinary working hours
to be worked outside the time specified in clause S14.4.1 (a) (i).
(v) Non-contact time - Teachers –
(A) full-time teachers will not be required to teach an Educational Program
for children for more than twenty-seven and a half (27 1/2) hours per
week. Subject to clause S14.4.1 (a) teachers may be engaged in
supervising children during their remaining ordinary hours of duty.
(B) teachers will be provided with two (2) hours of paid time per week to plan
and prepare the educational programs which they are required to deliver
and to give guidance, advice and assistance to other staff within Child
Care Centres in the preparation and conduct of their developmental
programs. The two (2) hours per week is not to be part of the twenty-
seven and a half (27.5) hours per week that a teacher may be required to
teach. The teacher is to be free of all other duties during this planning
and preparation time.
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(b) Hours of Work - Outside School Hours Care and Vacation Care –
(i) Outside School Hours Care –
(A) The ordinary working hours will not exceed 38 hours in any one week and
will be worked Monday to Friday inclusive.
(B) An employee other than a full-time employee will be engaged for a
minimum period of two (2) hours per day:
(1) provided that the two (2) hours may be broken into two (2) periods
of not less than one (1) hour.
(2) such ordinary working hours will be worked between the hours of
6.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. for which the Broken Shift Allowance
specified in clause S14.3.1 (a) will be paid if employees report for
work twice per day.
(C) Where co-ordinators are required wholly or mainly to supervise children
during the operative hours of the program and are required to perform
administrative duties in relation to the Outside School Hours Care
program, they will be employed for additional time to perform these
duties. This additional time will be the equivalent of not less than fifteen
(15) minutes per hour, for each hour of contact time with the children.
(D) Where employees are required to prepare equipment and facilities for
the Outside School Hours Care program, they will be allowed adequate
paid time to perform these duties.
(c) Vacation Care –
(i) The ordinary working hours will be worked continuously excluding meal breaks
and will not exceed thirty-eight (38) hours in any one week:
Provided that where there is agreement between the employer and the
employee the ordinary working hours will not exceed ten (10) in any one day.
(ii) Such ordinary working hours will be worked between 6.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m.
Monday to Friday, inclusive.
(iii) Where employees are required to prepare equipment and facilities, or perform
administrative duties for the Vacation Care program they will be allowed
adequate paid time to perform these duties.
(d) Rosters –
Where the employer prescribes the ordinary working hours for employees by way of a
roster, twelve (12) hours' notice of any change of roster will be provided to the
employees; provided however, that in the cases of sickness, unplanned absenteeism or
where the employer and the employees concerned mutually agree, the roster may be
changed with less than twelve (12) hours' notice.
S14.4.2 Overtime
(a) Except as hereinafter provided, all time required to be worked outside or in excess of the
ordinary hours of work prescribed by this Schedule, or outside of an employee's usual
commencing and ceasing times, will be deemed to be overtime and will be paid for at the
rate of time and a half for the first three (3) hours and double time thereafter.
(b) All overtime worked on a Sunday will be paid for at the rate of double time, and all
overtime worked on a Saturday or Sunday will be paid for with a minimum payment as
for two (2) hours' work.
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(c) An employee recalled from home to work overtime, after having left the premises of the
employer, will be paid a minimum of two (2) hours at overtime rates.
(d) In the computation of overtime payments, any part of a quarter of an hour worked on any
one (1) day will count as a full quarter-hour worked.
(e) In lieu of the provisions contained in clauses S14.4.2 (a), S14.4.2 (b) and S14.4.2 (c) above,
the employer and an employee may agree that overtime may be taken as time off in lieu
of payment.
(f) Where there is agreement for the taking of time off in lieu of overtime, such time off will
be calculated on a time for time basis according to the number of overtime hours that the
employee worked. Such time off in lieu will be taken at a mutually agreed time within
thirty (30) days of accrual; provided that where an employee terminates or is terminated,
payment of any accrued time off in lieu will be paid at the appropriate overtime rate.
Subject to mutual agreement between the employer and the employee directly affected,
the time off in lieu may be added to an employee's annual leave. A record of time accrued
and time taken off in lieu will be kept by the employer.
(g) A maximum of four (4) hours per day calculated in accordance with clause S14.4.2 (f)
above and twelve (12) hours per week may be taken as time off in lieu.
S14.4.3 Meal Breaks
(a) Except as hereinafter provided when an employee is employed for at least six (6) hours,
such employee will be allowed not less than thirty (30) minutes and not more than one
(1) hour for a meal not later than five (5) hours after commencing work; provided that in
lieu of the foregoing, by mutual agreement between an employee and the employer an
employee may be allowed a paid crib break of one-half hour, such period to be counted
as time worked where the employee may be required to supervise children.
(b) If an employee is required to work through the meal period, other than as prescribed in
the proviso to clause S14.4.3 (a), the time worked will be deemed to be overtime and paid
for at the rate of double time and such double time payment will continue until such time
as the employee finishes work or is allowed a half-hour meal break for which no deduction
of pay will be made.
(c) Any employee who is required to continue working for more than two (2) hours beyond
the ordinary ceasing time will be provided with an adequate meal by the employer or paid
an amount of $9.60 in lieu thereof; provided that where an employee has provided their
own meal because of receipt of notice to work overtime and such overtime is not worked,
they will be paid $9.60 for any meal so provided.
S14.4.4 Rest Pauses
(a) Weekly employees - Weekly employees will receive a rest pause of ten (10) minutes'
duration in the first half and the second half of each day worked.
(b) Casual employees - Casual employees who work a minimum of four (4) consecutive
ordinary hours but less than 7.6 consecutive ordinary hours, will receive a rest pause of
ten (10) minutes duration. Employees who work a minimum of 7.6 consecutive ordinary
hours will receive a rest pause of ten (10) minutes' duration in the first half and the second
half of the period worked.
(c) Rest pauses will be taken in the employer's time.
Rest pauses will be taken at times to suit the employer and where the employees agree
the rest pauses may be combined so that the employee has one rest pause of twenty (20)
minutes' duration each day.
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S14.4.5 Start and Finish Times
Employers and employees will strictly adhere to start and finish times.
S14.4.6 Payment for Meetings
(a) In each calendar month, where an employee is expected by the employer to attend a
meeting or meetings, outside of the employee's ordinary paid working hours and/or usual
commencing or ceasing time, such attendance shall be paid for at a minimum rate of:
(i) single time for the first 1 1/2 (1.5) hours;
(ii) time and a half for all time in excess of one and a half (1 1/2) hours and up to
and including three (3) hours;
(iii) double time for all time in excess of three (3) hours; or
(iv) the actual remuneration being paid for such attendance by the employer prior
to 27 June 2006, whichever is the greater.
(b) In clause S14.4.6, "meeting" includes, but is not limited to, staff meetings, meetings to
discuss accreditation requirements, meetings with parents and meetings where training
is delivered.
S14.5.1 Annual Leave
(a) Period of Annual Leave –
(i) Every employee (other than a casual employee) covered by this Schedule will at
the end of each year of employment be entitled to four (4) weeks annual leave
on full pay as set out hereunder.
(ii) Unless the employee will otherwise agree, the employer will give the employee
at least fourteen (14) days' notice of the date from which annual leave will be
(iii) Such annual leave will be exclusive of any public holiday which may occur during
the period of that annual leave and will be paid by the employer in advance –
(A) In the case of any and every employee in receipt immediately prior to that
leave of ordinary pay at a rate in excess of the ordinary rate payable under
this Schedule at the excess rate; and
(B) In every other case, at the ordinary rate payable to the employee
concerned immediately prior to that leave under this Schedule.
(iv) If the employment of any employee is terminated at the expiration of a full year
of employment, the employer will be deemed to have given the holiday to the
employee from the date of the termination of the employment and will
forthwith pay to the employee, in addition to all other amounts due, such
employee's pay, calculated in accordance with clause S14.5.1(b), for four (4)
weeks and also such employee's ordinary pay for any public holiday occurring
during such period of four (4) weeks.
(v) If the employment of any employee is terminated before the expiration of a full
year of employment, such employee will be paid in addition to all other amounts
due, an amount equal to one-twelfth (1/12th) of such employee's pay for the
period of employment calculated in accordance with clause S14.5.1(b).
(vi) Except as hereinbefore provided it will not be lawful for the employer to give or
for any employee to receive payment in lieu of annual leave.
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(vii) Part-time employees will be entitled to pro rata annual leave based upon the
average number of hours worked per week.
(b) Calculation of Annual Leave Pay –
In respect to annual leave entitlements to which clause S14.5.1 applies, annual leave pay
(including any proportionate payments) will be calculated as follows:
(i) All employees - Subject to provisions of clause S14.5.1 (b) (ii), in no case will the
payment by an employer to an employee be less than the sum of the following
(A) the employee's ordinary wage rate as prescribed by the Schedule for the
period of the annual leave.
(B) a further amount calculated at the rate of seventeen and a half percent
(17 1/2 %) of the amounts referred to in clauses S14.5.1 (b) (i).
(ii) The provisions of clause S14.5.1 (b) (i) will not apply to:
(A) any period or periods of annual leave exceeding four (4) weeks.
(B) employers (and their employees) who are already paying or receiving an
annual leave bonus, loading or other annual leave payment which is not
less favourable to employees.
S14.5.2 Personal/Carer’s Leave
(a) Entitlement
(i) Every employee, except casuals and school-based apprentices and trainees, is
entitled to 60.8 hours' personal leave for each completed year of their
employment with their employer; provided that part-time employees accrue
personal leave on a proportional basis.
(ii) This entitlement will accrue at the rate of 7.6 hours' personal leave for each six
(6) weeks of employment.
(iii) Payment for personal leave will be made based on the number of hours which
would have been worked if the employee were not absent on personal leave.
(iv) Personal leave may be taken for part of a day.
(b) Employee must Give Notice
The payment of personal leave is subject to the employee promptly advising the employer
of the employee's absence and its expected duration.
(c) Evidence Supporting a Claim
When the employee's absence is for more than two (2) days the employee is required to
give the employer a doctor's certificate, or other reasonably acceptable evidence to the
employer's satisfaction, about the nature and approximate duration of the illness.
(d) Accumulated Personal/Carer’s Leave
(i) An employee's accumulated personal leave entitlements are preserved when:
(A) the employee is absent from work on unpaid leave granted by the
(B) the employer or employee terminates the employee's employment and
the employee is re-employed within three (3) months;
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(C) the employee's employment is terminated because of illness or injury and
the employee is re-employed by the same employer without having been
employed in the interim.
(ii) The employee accumulates personal leave entitlements whilst absent from
work on paid leave granted by the employer.
(e) Workers' Compensation
Where an employee is in receipt of workers' compensation, the employee is not entitled
to payment of personal leave.
(f) Absenteeism Counselling
(i) Where an employer identifies an employee who is taking higher than average
personal leave entitlements, the employer may implement the following
(ii) Contact the union or the employee's nominated representative and within one
(1) month the union organiser or other officer of the union will be available to
conduct a counselling session jointly with the employer representative for the
employee in question.
(g) Single Day Absences
An employee will not be entitled to single days of paid personal leave on more than three
(3) occasions in any one (1) year of service unless the employee produces to the employer
(immediately upon return to work) a certificate from a qualified medical practitioner to
the effect that the employee is unfit for duty on account of personal illness or injury by
S14.5.3 Public Holidays
(a) Public Holidays are prescribed in clause 6.16 of this Agreement, except as provided in
paragraphs (b) and (c) below.
(b) Part-Time Employees
A part-time employee who usually works on a day of the week on which a public holiday
falls and is not required to work on that day, will be paid for the hours which would
normally have been worked on that day.
(c) Stand Down
Any employee, with two (2) weeks or more of continuous service, whose employment has
been terminated by the employer or who has been stood down by the employer during
the month of December, and who is re-employed in January of the following year, will be
entitled to payment at the ordinary rate payable to that employee when they were
dismissed or stood down, for any one (1) or more of the following holidays, namely,
Christmas Day, Boxing Day and the 1st January (New Year's Day).
S14.6.1 Training
(a) The parties to this Schedule recognise that in order to increase the efficiency and
productivity of the enterprise and also the national and international competitiveness of
the industries covered by this Schedule, a greater commitment to training and skill
development is required. Accordingly, the parties commit themselves to:
(i) developing a more highly skilled and flexible workforce;
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(ii) providing employees with career opportunities through appropriate training to
acquire additional skills; and
(iii) removing barriers to the use of skills acquired.
S14.6.2 Professional Development Leave – Teachers
(a) Teachers will be provided with five (5) paid days per annum professional development
leave in addition to annual leave.
(b) Three (3) of these days will be structured professional development days designated by
the employer. A teacher will be required to attend the equivalent of the other two (2)
days at a time mutually agreed between the teacher and the employer.
S14.6.3 Apprentices and Trainees
(a) Introduction of additional training and wage progression conditions for apprentices and
With the introduction of new training and wage progression structures, employers, the
relevant union/s, apprentices and trainees will co-operate to achieve its effective
This process will require the parties to:
(i) familiarise themselves with the new training qualifications;
(ii) examine the outcomes and impact associated with the National review of the
Community Services Training Package;
(A) where relevant, transfer current employees, apprentices and trainees
from their existing wage level to their appropriate new wage level;
(B) ensure that the new training and wage progression structure is
(C) ensure that students and apprentices and trainees who enter an
apprenticeship or traineeship by way of conversion from a previous
Training Contract are appropriately classified according to their
qualification and aggregated periods of time served under previous
Training Contracts or indenture;
(D) identify and resolve any problems created by the transition;
(E) inform their industrial representatives of any problems encountered or
envisaged; and
(F) resolve any difficulties or problems associated with the implementation
of the new training and wage progression structure in accordance with -
clause 2.4 of this Agreement;
(b) Objectives
(i) The objectives of Part Six of this Schedule are to establish a training and wages
framework for persons undertaking training or an apprenticeship or traineeship,
including those apprenticeships and traineeships that are in accordance with
qualifications within the Community Services Training Package approved or
recognised by the Training Recognition Council.
(ii) It is acknowledged that the qualifications that support the child care industry
are under continuous review and that they may result in amendments to this
Part Six of this Schedule from time to time.
Page 311 of 334 Pages
(iii) The arrangements within Part Six of this Schedule are not to be regarded as a
precedent in any other proceeding by any party or in any other proceeding
(c) Application
Part Six of this Schedule will apply to all apprentices and trainees who are registered with
the Training Recognition Council.
(d) Definitions
(i) "Act" will mean the Training and Employment Act 2000 (Queensland) (for the
purposes of clause S14.6.3)
(ii) "Community Services Training Package" will mean a series of industry based and
nationally recognised qualifications, competency standards and assessment
guidelines that are endorsed by the Australian Quality Training Framework. The
Community Services Package may also be supported by non-endorsed
components such as learning strategies, assessment resources and professional
development materials.
(iii) "Competencies" will mean the units and elements of competence to be achieved
by an apprentice or trainee as specified in the relevant Community Services
Training Package qualification or other qualification approved by the Training
Recognition Council.
(iv) "Part-Time Apprentice or Trainee" will mean an apprentice or trainee who
undertakes an apprenticeship or traineeship on a part-time basis in accordance
with clause S14.6.3 (f) (i).
(v) "Qualification" will mean a qualification approved by the Training Recognition
Council within the meaning of the Education and Care Services National
Legislation (Queensland) and issued by the relevant Supervising Registered
Training Organisation.
(vi) "Recognition of Prior Learning" will mean the process whereby competencies
already attained by an individual (for example, through formal and informal
training, work or life experiences) can be assessed and recognised as fulfilling
certain components or competencies of the qualification.
(vii) "School-based apprentice or trainee" will mean a secondary school student who
is seventeen (17) years of age or older who has entered into a Training Contract
with an employer that also involves an arrangement with the school and/or
institution in accordance with clause S14.6.3 (f) (ii).
(viii) "Supervising Registered Training Organisation" will mean an organisation such
as a secondary school, TAFE or a private provider that meets the registration
requirements within the Child Care Act 1991 (Queensland) with respect to the
delivery of particular qualifications and the assessment of the achievement of
(ix) "Training Recognition Council" will bear the meaning and powers as defined in
the Child Care Act 1991 (Queensland).
(x) "Training Contract" will bear the meaning contained in the Education and Care
Services National Legislation (Queensland) and will include any other Training
Contract or indenture recognised by the Training Recognition Council.
(xi) "Training Plan" will mean a structured plan to enable an apprentice or trainee
to attain the competencies for a particular qualification. Training Plans will be
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developed by Supervising Registered Training Organisations, in conjunction with
the employer and apprentice or trainee.
(xii) "Training Record" will bear the meaning within the Education and Care Services
National Legislation (Queensland).
(e) Training Conditions
(i) The apprentice or trainee will be permitted by the employer to undertake a
qualification in accordance with the provisions of the Child Care Act 1991
(Queensland) and the delivery arrangements approved by the Training
Recognition Council. This will involve progression through an individual Training
Plan, which outlines agreed competencies, training methods and monitoring
arrangements, which is developed in conjunction with the Supervising
Registered Training Organisation.
(ii) On commencement the employer will request that the apprentice or trainee be
assessed by the relevant Supervising Registered Training Organisation to
determine the competencies possessed relative to the qualification to be
undertaken. Such assessment outcomes will be identified in the apprentice's or
trainee's Training Plan and/or Training Record.
(iii) Employers will provide adequate supervision for apprentices and trainees to the
extent that each participant has the opportunity to ensure that all qualification
outcomes are achieved. As a minimum, the ratio of adequately qualified
supervisory staff to apprentices and trainees will be as follows:
(A) one (1) qualified staff member (at AQF certificate level III or above) to a
maximum of two (2) trainees (or full-time equivalent thereof); and/or
(B) one (1) qualified staff member (at Diploma level or above) for each
apprentice (or full-time equivalent).
(iv) In clause S14.6.3 (e), supervisory staff will possess a qualification that is
consistent with Education and Care Services National Legislation for the
classifications of:
(A) Group leader;
(B) Assistant Director; or
(C) Co-ordinator.
(v) Officers of the Training Recognition Council will monitor the overall training
program. The Training Plan and/or the training record may be utilised as part of
this monitoring process.
(vi) It is the responsibility of the relevant Supervising Registered Training
Organisation in conjunction with the employer, to conduct ongoing assessment
of the apprentice or trainee. This ongoing assessment is to ensure that the
apprentice or trainee is making adequate progress towards the achievement of
competencies and associated minimum training requirements in the
(f) Employment Conditions
(i) Part-Time Apprentices/Trainees
(A) An apprentice or trainee may be engaged on a part-time basis and be
remunerated on a part-time basis in accordance with the provisions of
this Part Six of this Schedule.
Page 313 of 334 Pages
(B) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Schedule, the ordinary hours of
work including on and off-the-job training for a part-time apprentice or
trainee will be employed and paid not less than an average of fifteen (15)
hours per week over each four (4) week period throughout the duration
of the Training Contract.
(C) A part-time apprentice or trainee will have regular hours of work, and will
be rostered to work on a regular and continuous basis.
(ii) School-based Apprentices and Trainees
(A) School-based apprenticeship or traineeship training arrangements
(1) that the apprentice or trainee be seventeen (17) years of age or
older at the commencement of the apprenticeship or traineeship;
(2) a Training Contract, involving on-the-job training and productive
work, guardian where appropriate;
(3) off-the-job training supervised through a Supervising Registered
Training Organisation;
(4) that the student/employee attends secondary school and/or
institution offering secondary courses; and
(5) progression towards the attainment of a senior secondary
certificate and completion of or progress towards a nationally
recognised vocational education and training qualification.
(B) The minimum hours provided for part-time apprentices and trainees will
not apply to school-based apprentices and trainees.
(C) When a student ceases to be enrolled in a school and/or institution
offering secondary courses and the student has not completed the
apprenticeship/traineeship, they will continue as an apprentice or trainee
in accordance with the Training Contract on either a full-time or part-time
(iii) College Attendance and Rostered Days Off
(A) Where an apprentice's or trainee's rostered day off, or days off, coincide
with attendance at a course of instruction that leads to a qualification, the
rostered day off will not be a rostered day off for the apprentice or trainee
and will be substituted by one of the following methods:
(1) the equivalent of the time spent at the course of instruction may
be added to apprentice or trainee's annual leave (but does not
attract leave loading);
(2) payment for the equivalent of the time spent at the course of
instruction may be made to the apprentice or trainee on the next
succeeding pay day;
(3) the apprentice or trainee may be allowed the equivalent of the
time spent at the course of instruction in lieu of such rostered day
(B) Unless otherwise agreed between the employer and the apprentice or
trainee, such time in lieu will be taken within twenty-eight (28) days of
the rostered day off falling due.
Page 314 of 334 Pages
(C) All other payments for college attendance will be consistent with the
(g) Existing Employees
(i) In clause S14.6.3 (g), "existing employee" will mean a person who has been
employed for at least three (3) months immediately prior to becoming an
apprentice or trainee with the employer.
(ii) Existing employees may participate in apprenticeships and traineeships. An
existing employee will not be required to serve any probationary period in
relation to their contract of employment or for the purposes of the Education
and Care Services National Legislation (Queensland).
(iii) A trial period, in accordance with Training Recognition Council Policy, may be
set for the purpose of assessing the employee's suitability for training under a
Training Contract. Where the employee proves to be unsatisfactory for training
under a Training Contract, the person will revert to employment at least equal
in status to the classification held prior to the commencement of their Training
(iv) Where existing employees commence an apprenticeship or traineeship, the
employer will endeavour to minimise any adverse effects on other employees.
Additionally, such other employees will not be displaced from or disadvantaged
in their employment by the engagement of new apprentices or trainees.
(v) Existing employees will not suffer a reduction in their ordinary hourly rate of pay
by virtue of becoming an apprentice or trainee; provided that existing
employees who were casually engaged prior to becoming employed as a full-
time or part-time apprentice or trainee will not be entitled to retain their casual
(vi) Existing employees whose Training Contract is completed or cancelled and
subsequently remain in their employer's employ, will revert to employment at
least equal in status to the classification held prior to the commencement of
their Training Contract.
(vii) They will only advance to an employment level commensurate with their
qualification when a vacancy occurs in a position assigned to that level.
(h) Wages
(i) Entry Wage Level and Transition Wage Arrangements
Apprentices or trainees who enter an apprenticeship or traineeship by way of
conversion from a previous Training Contract, whether fully or partly completed,
will receive:
(A) the appropriate year/wage level previously attained and paid, whichever
is the greater. In determining the appropriate year/wage level,
aggregated periods of credit and time served under previous Training
Contract/s will be taken into account.
(B) Where an apprentice or trainee transitions from one qualification to
another within an existing Training Contract (e.g. Certificate III in
Children's Services Traineeship transitioned to Certificate III in
Community Services (Children's Services)), they will retain the wage level
for the initial qualification undertaken as a minimum and progress
thereafter in accordance with the minimum requirements for the new
Page 315 of 334 Pages
(C) Employers who object to the entry and transition wage rates provided for
in accordance with clause S14.6.3 (h) may progress the matter through
clause 2.4 of this Agreement.
(ii) Wage Progressions
(A) Progression through the Wage Levels will be based upon the completion
of aggregated periods of time as specified in the relevant Table in clause
S14.6.3 (h) and/or recorded in the Training Plan and/or the Training
(B) Where the employer considers that the apprentice is failing to make
reasonable progress, the employer will notify the Training Recognition
Council in accordance with the provisions of section 182 of the Education
and Care Services National Legislation (Queensland) before the
completion of the aggregated period specified in the Table.
(C) In this situation the apprentice will not progress automatically to the next
Wage Level through the elapsing of the specified aggregated time.
Progression thereafter will be on the achievement of competencies as
managed by the Supervising Registered Training Organisation.
(D) If an employer fails to notify the Training Recognition Council as specified
above, the apprentice or trainee will progress to the next Wage Level at
the completion of the aggregated period referred to in the relevant Table.
(iii) Wages and Other Conditions
(A) Trainees and apprentices in the first year of their nominal 3 year
apprenticeship will be entitled to Wage Level 1 rates as follows:
Wage Level 1
Under 18 Years 55
18 and under 19 Years 65
19 and under 20 Years 75
20 and under 21 Years 85
Adults 80 (see Note 1 below)
Note: 1.*The relevant adult rate for persons employed in the Other Than
Outside School Hours sector will be as follows:
o Adults - Children's Services Worker - 1 Year Qualified - Year 1
o All other ages - Assistant Children's Services Worker -
Unqualified - Year 1.
Note 2. The Relevant Adult Rate for persons employed in the Outside
School Hours Care and Vacation Care sector will be as follows:
o Adults - Assistant - Year 2
o All other ages - Assistant - Year 1.
(B) Apprentices in the second and third year of their nominal three (3) year
apprenticeship will be entitled to Wage Level 2 and 3 wages and
progression as follows:
Wage Levels 2 and 3
Page 316 of 334 Pages
Wage Level Minimum Training
Requirements on Entry
% of Relevant
Adult Rate*
On completion of an AQF Level
III Certificate in child care
traineeship or an aggregated
period of 12 months after
commencing the
On completion of an
aggregated period of 2 years
after commencing the
apprenticeship or 12 months at
Wage Level 2, whichever is the
(AQF Level V
On completion of an
aggregated period of 3 years
after commencing the
apprenticeship or 12 months at
Wage Level 3, whichever is the
Note: The Relevant Adult Rate for persons employed in the Other Than
Outside School Hours Sector will be as follows:
o Group Leader - 2 Year Qualified - Year 1
o Co-ordinator - Qualified - Year 1
(iv) Part-Time and School-Based Apprentices/Trainees
(A) Wages for part-time and school-based apprentices and trainees will be
based on the wage progression arrangements for apprentices and
trainees calculated on a pro rata basis.
(B) The part-time and school-based rate will be used as the ordinary time rate
for the calculation of overtime, penalties and all other purposes of the
Schedule; provided that a school-based apprentice or trainee will receive
a loading of 25% of the ordinary time rate in consideration of non-
payment for:
(1) time spent at school and/or institution or undertaking off-the-job
(2) annual leave;
(3) personal leave; and
(4) public holidays, where the school-based apprentice or trainee is
not required to work on such days.
(5) Where the Table in clause S14.6.3 (h) ((iii) specifies that the
minimum training requirements of an apprenticeship will be based
on the achievement of competencies or a period of aggregated
time after commencing a wage level, the aggregated period of time
specified refers to full-time apprentices and trainees.
(C) For part-time apprentices and trainees, the minimum period of time
specified for wage progression arrangements will be double that specified
for full-time apprentices.
Page 317 of 334 Pages
(v) Qualifications obtained through institutional training
Graduates of pre-trade or other institutionally delivered programs relevant to
the child care industry up to the equivalent of an AQF Level III qualification will
commence apprenticeships at Wage Level 1 and 6 months after commencing
their apprenticeship, will progress to Wage Level 2.
S14.6.4 Training and Related Matters – General
(a) The parties commit themselves to continuing and upgrading the training provided to
(b) It is agreed that the parties will co-operate in ensuring that training is maintained and
improved and that qualifications within the Community Services Training Package will be
utilised and accessed where appropriate.
(c) This training will form the basis of an enhanced career structure in the industry.
S14.6.5 Skill Development Courses
(a) Where a child care worker as defined in the Education and Care Services National
Legislation attends a course or conference relevant to their employment outside of
ordinary working hours the employer is to:
(i) pay the cost of the course or conference;
(ii) provide transport to the course or conference or pay the allowance to the
employee specified in clause S14.3.2 (b) for travel to and from the conference;
(iii) pay all other expenses associated with attending the course or conference,
including accommodation expenses.
(b) Time spent travelling to and attending courses/conferences outside of ordinary working
hours is unpaid time.
(c) Where a child care worker as defined in the Education and Care Services National
Legislation attends a course or conference relevant to their employment during ordinary
working hours, the employee shall not suffer any loss of pay.
(d) The employer is not to unreasonably withhold permission for an employee to attend a
course/conference either during or outside ordinary working hours.
S14.6.6 Financial Assistance to Obtain Qualifications
(a) Clause S14.6.6 does not apply to qualifications undertaken as part of a traineeship or
apprenticeship under the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000
(b) Where there is a mandatory requirement for the employee to possess or enrol in a
Certificate III in Children's Services or where the employer requires and/or approves an
employee to undertake other studies such as a Diploma or higher qualification in
Children's Services or Education, the following will apply:
(i) Financial assistance to undertake a Diploma or higher qualification is dependent
on the employer requiring or approving the child care worker to undertake the
applicable course.
(ii) Where the employee undertakes a Certificate III, Diploma or higher qualification
then the employer shall contribute fifty per cent (50%) of the approved course
in two (2) equal instalments; twenty-five per cent (25%) on commencement and
twenty-five per cent (25%) on completion, subject to satisfactory proof of
successful completion of the course being provided to the employer.
Page 318 of 334 Pages
(iii) The employee will refund the employer the initial twenty-five per cent (25%)
paid if the course is not completed unless it is not completed for unforeseen
circumstances e.g. serious illness, family bereavement or other reasons which
are no less compelling. Such reimbursements shall be paid under mutually
agreed arrangements between the employee and the employer.
(iv) Unless an agreement is reached between the employer and the employee that
the employer will pay the training costs directly to the training provider, the
employee will pay for the course and be reimbursed by the employer. Such
reimbursement will be made to the employee within fourteen (14) days of proof
to the employer of the initial payment being made by the employee and proof
of successful completion of the course, respectively.
(v) The employer shall reimburse the employee fifty per cent (50%) of the cost of
the prescribed textbooks and other prescribed course materials. Such
reimbursement will be made to the employee within fourteen (14) days of the
production of the receipts.
(vi) Where any disputes arise over financial assistance then the grievance procedure
contained in the Schedule is to be accessed.
S14.7.1 First Aid Kit
A first-aid cabinet will be available for employees in cases of accidents. Such first-aid cabinet
will be kept and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Work Health and Safety
Act 2011 (Queensland), relating to such first-aid cabinets.
S14.7.2 Uniforms
Where employees are required to wear uniforms and/or aprons, such uniforms and/or aprons
will be supplied, maintained and laundered at the employer's expense and will remain the
property of the employer; provided that where, by mutual agreement, an employee launders
such items of clothing, the employee will be paid an allowance of $2.00 per week on that account
or 40¢ per day for part-time or casual employees.
S14.7.3 Dressing accommodation
The employer will provide the employees with reasonable accommodation for dressing
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This Schedule shall be read subject to the provisions of this Agreement.
S15.1 Application of Schedule
Schedule 15 shall apply to all teachers employed in schools conducted by Catholic Education employing
authorities but shall not apply to such teachers as are in Holy Orders or are members of a recognised Religious
Teaching Order.
S15.2 Definitions
(a) "Eligible service" means continuous service with the employer as from 1st January 1982,
and where a teacher is employed by a school at that date it shall include all continuous
service at that school as from 1st January 1975.
(b) Long service leave entitlements not to be reduced.
(c) Nothing in Schedule 15 shall be deemed or construed to diminish the conditions of long
service leave any teacher was receiving prior to the date of coming into operation of
Schedule 15.
S15.3 Amount of Long Service Leave
(a) A teacher shall be entitled to long service leave on full pay in respect of eligible service
and the amount and further amounts of that long service leave shall be as follows:
(i) in respect of eligible service completed prior to the date of commencement in
accordance with the Act.
(ii) in respect of ten (10) years' eligible service undertaken as from the dates
specified from the various individual Employers hereunder - thirteen (13) weeks'
long service leave.
(b) As from 1st January 1973 - Teachers employed by the Sacred Heart Fathers;
(c) As from 1st January, 1982 - Teachers employed by the Augustinian Friars, Brigidine Sisters,
Christian Brothers, De La Salle Brothers, Franciscan Friars, Franciscan Sisters, Good
Samaritan Sisters, Loreto Sisters, Marist Brothers, Mercy Sisters (All Hallows), Oblates of
Mary Immaculate, Presentation Sisters, Sisters of Charity, Sisters of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus, Ursuline Sisters;
(d) As from 1st January 1983 - Teachers employed by the Mercy Sisters (Cairns);
(e) As from 1st January 1985 - Teachers employed by the Directors of Catholic Education of
the Archdiocese of Brisbane and of the Dioceses of Cairns, Rockhampton, Toowoomba
and Townsville, Josephite Sisters, Mercy Sisters (Rockhampton), Mercy Sisters
(f) In respect of a further or subsequent ten (10) years' eligible service completed after the
date of commencement-thirteen (13) weeks long service leave.
S15.4 Transitional Arrangements
Where a teacher ceases employment with the employer prior to 1st January, 1985, and thereby payment in
lieu of long service leave is made, the operative date for the calculation of eligible service as in clause S15.3
(a) shall be the date of commencing continuous service at the school by which the teacher was employed at
1st January, 1982, notwithstanding that such date may be prior to 1st January, 1975.
S15.5 Date of Operation
Schedule 15 replaces the Teachers - Catholic Schools (Long Service Leave Scheme) Industrial Agreement.
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Policy and Administrative Procedures
The following statement was endorsed by Directors on 8 October 1987.
S16.1 Sick Leave / Personal Leave
S16.1.1 Policy
On 18 August 1982, the Directors of all Catholic Education Offices in Queensland issued the
following policy statement:
“The Directors have agreed that portability will apply from 1st January 1983, from Parish and
Diocesan owned schools throughout Queensland to all teachers currently employed. Service to
be retrospective to 26 January 1979 as the earliest date of adequate central records for all
Dioceses. Sick Leave entitlement within the Diocese will not be affected by these decisions”.
This policy is for teaching employees only.
S16.1.2 Parties to the policy
It should be noted that this policy in regard to portability of sick leave / personal leave only
relates to Parish and Diocesan owned schools. That is, Order owned [now Religious Institute]
schools are not a party to this policy statement.
S16.1.3 Order of payment
Where a person takes sick leave / personal leave, the leave should be taken off the entitlement
accrued with the present employer. It should only be taken off leave accrued with previous
employers where there is no leave balance available that was accrued during the present period
of service.
S16.1.4 Claim on previous employer(s)
At any point, if the current employer has granted sick leave within an individual’s entitlement
and this exceeds by ten (10) or more days the aggregate of:
(a) sick leave / personal leave accrued with the current employer, and
(b) sick leave / personal leave previously claimed by the current employer and paid for by a
former employer (transferred),
then a claim for reimbursement from the previous employer(s) equivalent to the monetary value
of the total leave shortfall may be made.
Page 321 of 334 Pages
S17.1 Brisbane Catholic Education Guidance Counsellor (Teacher) and (Without Teacher
S17.1.1 Recognition of prior service:
(a) To be recognised for salary determination purposes prior service needs to be deemed:
“supervised experience working with children and/or young people in an education, child
protection or counselling environment or supervised experience in counselling and psycho-
educational assessment.”
(b) Proof of relevant prior service needs to be supported by Statements of Service and where
necessary/requested additional information confirming that the prior work experience
falls within the criteria detailed.
(c) It will be the responsibility of the Senior Education Officer – Student Wellbeing to confirm
that the prior service is relevant and therefore is to be recognised. The pay office will
calculate how much service the prior service equates to for salary determination
S17.2 Definition and Classification Criteria
Salary Level Criteria
Graduate 1 Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a teacher in Queensland [B
Ed/Master of Guidance and Counselling]
Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a psychologist in Australia [Psych
degree/Master in Educational and Developmental (preferred major)]
There is no requirement for relevant prior work experience.
Graduate 2 Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a teacher in Queensland [B
Ed/Master of Guidance and Counselling]
Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a psychologist in Australia [Psych
degree/Master in Educational and Developmental (preferred major)]
A minimum of the equivalent of one (1) years full-time supervised experience working
with children and/or young people in an education, child protection or counselling
environment or supervised experience in counselling and psycho-educational
Proficient 1 Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a teacher in Queensland [B
Ed/Master of Guidance and Counselling]
Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a psychologist in Australia [Psych
degree/Master in Educational and Developmental (preferred major)]
Page 322 of 334 Pages
Salary Level Criteria
A minimum of the equivalent of two (2) years full-time supervised experience working
with children and/or young people in an education, child protection or counselling
environment or supervised experience in counselling and psycho-educational
Proficient 2 Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a teacher in Queensland [B
Ed/Master of Guidance and Counselling]
Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a psychologist in Australia [Psych
degree/Master in Educational and Developmental (preferred major)]
A minimum of the equivalent of three (3) years full-time supervised experience working
with children and/or young people in an education, child protection or counselling
environment or supervised experience in counselling and psycho-educational
Experienced 1 Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a teacher in Queensland [B
Ed/Master of Guidance and Counselling]
Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a psychologist in Australia [Psych
degree/Master in Educational and Developmental (preferred major)]
A minimum of the equivalent of four (4) years full-time supervised experience working
with children and/or young people in an education, child protection or counselling
environment or supervised experience in counselling and psycho-educational
Experienced 2 Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a teacher in Queensland [B
Ed/Master of Guidance and Counselling]
Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a psychologist in Australia [Psych
degree/Master in Educational and Developmental (preferred major)]
A minimum of the equivalent of five (5) years full-time supervised experience working
with children and/or young people in an education, child protection or counselling
environment or supervised experience in counselling and psycho-educational
Page 323 of 334 Pages
Salary Level Criteria
Experienced 3 Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a teacher in Queensland [B
Ed/Master of Guidance and Counselling]
Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a psychologist in Australia [Psych
degree/Master in Educational and Developmental (preferred major)]
A minimum of the equivalent of six (6) years full-time supervised experience working
with children and/or young people in an education, child protection or counselling
environment or supervised experience in counselling and psycho-educational
Experienced 4
Dual Registration equates to:
• 2 x full registration or eligibility for full registration; or
• 1 x full registration or eligibility for full registration and 1 x provisional
registration or approved provisional registration
as a teacher in Queensland [B Ed/Master of Guidance and Counselling] and as a
psychologist in Australia [Psych degree/Master in Educational and Developmental
(preferred major)]
A minimum of the equivalent of three (3) years full-time experience as a Guidance
Counsellor in an education environment.
Page 324 of 334 Pages
S18.1 This Schedule defines the conditions which will apply to employees who because of the
effects of a disability are eligible for a supported wage under the terms of this Agreement.
S18.2 In this Schedule:
(a) “Approved assessor” means a person accredited by the management unit established by
the Commonwealth under the supported wage system to perform assessments of an
individual’s productive capacity within the supported wage system.
(b) “Assessment instrument” means the tool provided for under the supported wage system
that records the assessment of the productive capacity of the person to be employed
under the supported wage system.
(c) “Disability support pension” means the Commonwealth pension scheme to provide
income security for persons with a disability as provided under the Social Security Act
1991 (Cth), as amended from time to time, or any successor to that scheme.
(d) “Relevant minimum wage” means the minimum wage prescribed in this award for the
class of work for which an employee is engaged.
(e) “Supported wage system (SWS)” means the Commonwealth Government system to
promote employment for people who cannot work at full award wages because of a
disability, as documented in the Supported Wage System Handbook. The Handbook is
available from the following website: www.jobaccess.gov.au.
(f) “SWS wage assessment agreement” means the document in the form required by the
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations that records the
employee’s productive capacity and agreed wage rate.
S18.3 Eligibility Criteria
S18.3.1 Employees covered by this Schedule will be those who are unable to perform the range of
duties to the competence level required within the class of work for which the employee is
engaged under this Agreement, because of the effects of a disability on their productive
capacity and who meet the impairment criteria for receipt of a disability support pension.
S18.3.2 This Schedule does not apply to any existing employee who has a claim against the employer
which is subject to the provisions of workers compensation legislation or any provision of this
award relating to the rehabilitation of employees who are injured in the course of their
S18.4 Supported Wage Rates
S18.4.1 Employees to whom this Schedule applies will be paid the applicable percentage of the
relevant minimum wage according to the following schedule:
Assessed capacity (clause S21.5)
Relevant minimum wage
10 10
20 20
30 30
40 40
50 50
60 60
70 70
80 80
90 90
Page 325 of 334 Pages
S18.4.2 Notwithstanding clause S21.4.1, the minimum amount payable must be not less than $87 per
S18.4.3 Where an employee’s assessed capacity is ten per cent (10%), they must receive a high degree
of assistance and support.
S18.5 Assessment of Capacity
S18.5.1 For the purpose of establishing the percentage of the relevant minimum wage, the productive
capacity of the employee will be assessed in accordance with the Supported Wage System by
an approved assessor, having consulted the employer and employee and, if the employee so
desires, a union which the employee is eligible to join.
S18.5.2 All assessments made under this Schedule must be documented in an SWS wage assessment
agreement, and retained by the employer as a time and wages record in accordance with the
S18.6 Lodgement of SWS Wage Assessment Agreement
S18.6.1 All SWS wage assessment agreements under the conditions of this Schedule, including the
appropriate percentage of the relevant minimum wage to be paid to the employee, must be
lodged by the employer with the Fair Work Commission.
S18.6.2 All SWS wage assessment agreements must be agreed and signed by the employee and
employer parties to the assessment. Where a union which has an interest in the award is not a
party to the assessment, the assessment will be referred by the Fair Work Commission to the
union by certified mail and the agreement will take effect unless an objection is notified to the
Fair Work Commission within ten (10) working days.
S18.7 Review of Assessment
The assessment of the applicable percentage should be subject to annual or more frequent review on the
basis of a reasonable request for such a review. The process of review must be in accordance with the
procedures for assessing capacity under the supported wage system.
S18.8 Other Terms and Conditions of Employment
Where an assessment has been made, the applicable percentage will apply to the relevant minimum wage
only. Employees covered by the provisions of this Schedule will be entitled to the same terms and conditions
of employment as other workers covered by this Agreement on a pro rata basis.
S18.9 Workplace Adjustment
An employer wishing to employ a person under the provisions of this Schedule must take reasonable steps
to make changes in the workplace to enhance the employee’s capacity to do the job. Changes may involve
re-design of job duties, working time arrangements and work organisation in consultation with other workers
in the area.
S18.10 Trial Period
S18.10.1 In order for an adequate assessment of the employee’s capacity to be made, an employer may
employ a person under the provisions of this Schedule for a trial period not exceeding twelve
(12) weeks, except that in some cases additional work adjustment time (not exceeding four
weeks) may be needed.
S18.10.2 During that trial period the assessment of capacity will be undertaken and the percentage of
the relevant minimum wage for a continuing employment relationship will be determined.
S18.10.3 The minimum amount payable to the employee during the trial period must be no less than
$87 per week.
S18.10.4 Work trials should include induction or training as appropriate to the job being trialled.
Page 326 of 334 Pages
S18.10.5 Where the employer and employee wish to establish a continuing employment relationship
following the completion of the trial period, a further contract of employment will be entered
into based on the outcome of assessment under clause S18.5.
Page 328 of 335 Pages
Signed for and on behalf of The Corporation of the Trustees of the
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane
ABN: 49 991 006 857
Postal Address:
Brisbane Catholic Education
2A Burke Street
In the presence of -
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.A9MELf.l .... A:~.~ ...... e£..TQ .......... .
(Full Name)
.~.X£.C.U.T..I..\J.E .... ;P..l./?.J2.C-.T'.CR.
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(Full Name)
.E.XED..:J.T..l.V.E ..... A.~.!..~.T.A:Nl
Postal Address: Brisbane Catholic Education 2A Burke Street WOOLLOONGABBA QLD 4102
Signed for and on behalf of The Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane ABN: 49 991 006 857
In the presence of
Page 329 of 335 Pages
Signed for and on behalf of The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation
for the Diocese of Cairns
ABN: 42 498 340 094
Postal Address:
Catholic Educational Services - Cairns
130 Lake Street
In the presence of -
_William. George _Dixon ........................................... .
(Full Name)
Executive Director
& ......... · ................................... .
. Hannah. Burgess ................................................ ..
(Full Name)
Administration Officer
Signed for and on behalf of The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Cairns ABN: 42 498 340 094 (Signature) Postal Address: William George Dixon Catholic Educational Services - Cairns (Full Name) 130 Lake Street CAIRNS QLD 4870 Executive Director (Position) 30/06/2020 (Date) In the presence of - (Signature) Hannah Burgess (Full Name) Administration Officer ......... ........... (Position)
Signed for and on behalf of Corporation of the Roman Catholic
Diocese ofToowoomba
ABN: 88 934 244 646
Postal Address:
Catholic Education Office (Toowoomba)
73 Margaret Street
(Full Name)
�(J·Op,c){QO ......... Y. ....................................................................... .
In the presence of -
(Full Name)
Page 330 of 335 Pages
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Doughlan (Signature) PATRICK COUGHLAN
Page 331 of 335 Pages
Signed for and on behalf of The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation
:~~~::~::e::::::ckhampton ~ ----~--¥~
Postal Address:
Diocesan Catholic Education Office (Rockhampton)
143 West Street
In the presence of -
... 1~~·······~~1(.t: ... ~~~ .......... .
(Full Name)
(Full Name)
"h£~ W14-oJll~ . ...................................................................................
Signed for and on behalf of The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Rockhampton ABN: 21 528 592 597 (Signature) Postal Address: LEESA MADONNA JELECOAT Diocesan Catholic Education Office (Rockhampton) (Full Name) 143 West Street ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 DIOCESAN DIRECTOR-CATHOLIC EDUCATION (Position) DIOCESE OF ROCKHAMPTON 30/6/20 (Date) In the presence of - (Signature) GARVI COOPER (Full Name) ESS MANAGER (Position)
Signed for and on behalf of The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation
for the Diocese of Townsville
ABN: 13 622 319 794
Postal Address:
Catholic Education Office (Townsville)
2 Gardenia Avenue
KIRWAN QLD 48481070
In the presence of -
..... I.B..C�.9..t;;.l.J.N.E ...... FW..N.CJ.§ .... .
(Full Name)
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Page 332 of 335 Pages
o__. .................................... . ""''"i;i~~~~i ........... .
Signed for and on behalf of the Independent Education Union of
Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch
ABN: 7 4 662 601 045
Postal Address:
346 Turbot Street
In the presence of -
Terence P. Burke
{Full Name)
(Full Name)
5 H�. I ric1.1�(Rllllt. Ptrr/G.1.,,({
Page 333 of 335 Pages
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900 (Signature) JOHN US SPRIGGS
Signed for and on behalf of the United Workers Union
ABN: 52 728 088 684
Postal Address:
United Workers Union
27 Peel Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101
In the presence of -
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Page 334 of 335 Pages
(Pos it ion)
Signed for and on behalf of the Queensland Nurses and Midwives'
Union/Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation
ABN: 43 880 656 135
Postal Address:
106 Victoria Street, West End
In the presence of -
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Page 335 of 335 Pages
CATHOLIC EMPLOYING AUTHORITIES SINGLE ENTERPRISE COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT DIOCESAN SCHOOLS QUEENSLANDS 2019-2023 Signed for and on behalf of the Queensland Nurses and Midwives' Union/Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation ERManle ABN: 43 880 656 135 (Signature) Postal Address: ELIZABETH RUTH MOHLE 106 Victoria Street, West End (Full Name) BRISBANE QLD 4101 SECRETARY (Position) 15 July2020 (Date) Machum In the presence of - (Signature) Messer Dickins (Full Name) PA ti Secretary (Position) Page 335 of 335 Pages
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
FWC Matter No.:
The Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane
(ABN.49 991 006 857)
Undertakings - section 190
The persons outlined in ATTACHMENT 1 of this Undertaking have the authority of the named
employers (collectively referred to as “the Employers”) to give the following undertakings with
respect to the Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement –
Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023 ("the Agreement"):
Procedures for Preventing and Settling Disputes (Clause 2.4)
1) For the purposes of clause 2.4 of the Agreement, the Employers undertake that the
matters to be dealt with in the procedure shall include all grievances or disputes:
about matters under the Agreement and the National Employment Standards; or
between an employee and an employer in respect to any industrial matter; and all
other matters that the parties agree on and are specified herein. Such procedures
shall apply to a single employee or to any number of employees.
Part-Time and Term-Time - Payment of Additional Hours (Other than Teachers)
2) For all employees (other than teachers) who are:
a) part-time; or
b) term-time working less than 38 hours per week; and
c) required to work reasonable additional hours within:
i) the maximum daily ordinary hours
ii) the maximum weekly hours; and
iii) the ordinary span or hours,
the Employers undertake to pay for such additional hours at the applicable casual
hourly rate (with no leave accrual except Long Service Leave).
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
Employees (other than Teachers, Nurses and Children’s Services) – Meal Allowance
3) For all employees (except Teachers, Nurses and Children’s Services Employees),
the Employers undertake the following:
a) Where the employer requires an employee to work more than 2 hours
overtime after a period of work of at least 7.6 hours, the employer will provide
the employee with a meal.
b) If it is not possible to provide the employee with a meal, the employer will
pay a meal allowance of $16.27 per occasion to the employee for the period
of operation of the Agreement.
c) The employer is not required to provide a meal or pay the allowance to an
employee who could reasonably return home for a meal.
Note: For Children’s Services employees, see Undertaking 38) below.
Employees (Other than Teachers) – Vehicle Allowance
4) The Employers undertake that when an employee (other than a teacher) is required
to use their own car in the performance of duties, the employee is entitled to claim
reimbursement of kilometres travelled in accordance with the Australian Taxation
Office cents per kilometre method.
Casual Employees (Other than Teachers and School Officers) –
Right to Request Casual Conversion
4A) For casual employees (other than Teachers and School Officers), the Employers
undertake the following:
a) A person engaged by a particular employer as a regular casual employee
may request that their employment be converted to full-time, part-time or
term time employment.
b) A regular casual employee is a casual employee who has in the preceding
period of 12 months worked a pattern of hours on an ongoing basis which,
without significant adjustment, the employee could continue to perform as a
full-time employee, part-time employee or term-time employee under the
provisions of the Agreement.
c) A regular casual employee who has worked equivalent full-time hours over
the preceding period of 12 months’ casual employment may request to have
their employment converted to full-time employment.
d) A regular casual employee who has worked less than equivalent full-time
hours over the preceding period of 12 months’ casual employment may
request to have their employment converted to part-time or term-time
employment consistent with the pattern of hours previously worked.
e) Any request must be in writing and provided to the employer.
f) Where a regular casual employee seeks to convert to full-time, part-time or
term-time employment, the employer may agree to or refuse the request,
but the request may only be refused on reasonable grounds and after there
has been consultation with the employee.
g) Reasonable grounds for refusal include that:
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
i) it would require a significant adjustment to the casual employee’s
hours of work in order for the employee to be engaged as a full-time,
part-time or term-time employee;
ii) it is known or reasonably foreseeable that the regular casual
employee’s position will cease to exist within the next 12 months;
iii) it is known or reasonably foreseeable that the hours of work which the
regular casual employee is required to perform will be significantly
reduced in the next 12 months; or
iv) it is known or reasonably foreseeable that there will be a significant
change in the days and/or times at which the employee’s hours of work
are required to be performed in the next 12 months which cannot be
accommodated within the days and/or hours during which the
employee is available to work.
h) For any ground of refusal to be reasonable, it must be based on facts which
are known or reasonably foreseeable.
i) Where the employer refuses a regular casual employee’s request to convert,
the employer must provide the casual employee with the employer’s
reasons for refusal in writing within 21 days of the request being made.
j) If the employee does not accept the employer’s refusal, this will constitute a
dispute that will be dealt with under the dispute resolution procedure of the
k) Where it is agreed that a casual employee will have their employment
converted to full-time, part-time or term-time employment, the employer and
employee must discuss and record in writing the form of employment to
which the employee will convert – that is, full-time, part-time or term-time
l) The conversion will take effect from the start of the next pay cycle following
such agreement being reached unless otherwise agreed.
m) Once a casual employee has converted employment, the employee may
only revert to casual employment with the written agreement of the
n) A casual employee must not be engaged and re-engaged (which includes a
refusal to re-engage), or have their hours reduced or varied, in order to avoid
any right or obligation to casual conversion.
o) There is no obligation for a regular casual employee to convert employment,
nor permits an employer to require a regular casual employee to so convert.
p) There is no requirement for an employer to increase the hours of a regular
casual employee seeking conversion to full-time, part-time or term-time
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
Part-Time and Term-Time - Payment of Additional Hours (Other than Teachers)
See Undertaking 2) above.
Overtime on Sunday (Clause 8.7.1 of the Agreement)
5) For the purposes of clause 8.7.1 of the Agreement (School Officers), the Employers
undertake that the payment for overtime worked on Sunday will be at the rate of
double time.
Meal Allowance
See Undertaking 3) above.
6) The Employers undertake that a School Officer:
a) who is required by the employer to hold themselves available to be recalled
to work will be paid an allowance equal to one ordinary hour’s pay (for that
employee pursuant to the Agreement) for each period up to 24 hours that
the employee is required to be on-call; and
b) recalled to duty at the workplace will be paid a minimum of 2 hours at the
appropriate overtime rate where that duty is not continuous with their
ordinary hours of duty.
Breaks Between Duty
7) The Employers undertake that:
a) A School Officer will be entitled to a minimum break of 10 consecutive hours
between the end of one period of duty and the beginning of the next, which
applies to both ordinary hours and where overtime is worked.
b) If the employer instructs the School Officer to resume or continue work
without having had 10 consecutive hours off duty in accordance with
paragraph a), then the following applies:
i) the School Officer is entitled to be absent from duty without loss of
pay until a 10-hour break has been taken; or
ii) the School Officer is entitled to be paid 200% of the minimum hourly
rate until released from duty.
c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to a School Officer who is attending a
school camp or excursion.
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
8) For School Officers, the Employers undertake that where an employer requires an
employee to wear a uniform or protective clothing, which includes clothing and/or
footwear, during the performance of the employee’s duties, the employer will:
a) provide the uniform or protective clothing, which includes the maintenance
and laundering of the items; or
b) provide a uniform or protective clothing allowance of $1.20 per day up to a
maximum of $6.00 per week and a laundry allowance of $0.30 per day up
to a maximum of $1.50 per week, if the employer does not launder the items;
c) reimburse the employee for the purchase price of the uniform or protective
clothing and provide a laundry allowance of $0.30 per day up to a maximum
of $1.50 per week, if the employer does not launder the items.
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
Trainees – Wages (Clause S12.2.4 of Schedule 12 – Services Staff)
9) For the purposes of clause S12.2.4 of Schedule 12 (General Staff), the Employers
undertake to pay the following weekly wage for full-time traineeships:
a) the relevant minimum weekly rate pursuant to Schedule E of the
Miscellaneous Award 2020 (incorporated into the Educational Services
(Schools) General Staff Award 2020); plus
b) an additional $5.00 per week.
Part-time (Clause S12.2.2 of Schedule 12)
9A) For the purposes of clause S12.2.2 of Schedule 12 (Services Staff), the Employers
undertake the following for part-time Services Staff employees:
a) A part-time employee is engaged to work less than 38 ordinary hours per
week or less than an average of 38 hours per week;
b) clause S12.2.2(b)(ii) will not apply, which means there is no minimum weekly
hours of 12 or maximum weekly hours of 32;
c) the 4 hour minimum daily working hours in clause S12.2.2(b)(iii) will not
apply; and
d) clause S12.2.2(b)(vii) regarding cleaners will not apply.
Part-Time and Term-Time - Payment of Additional Hours (Other than Teachers)
See Undertaking 2) above.
Meal Allowance
See Undertaking 3) above.
Casual Employees – Right to Request Casual Conversion
See Undertaking 4A) above.
Broken Shift (Clause S12.3.3(h)(i) of Schedule 12)
10) For the purposes of clause S12.3.3(h)(i) of Schedule 12 (Services Staff), Employers
undertake that:
a) a “broken shift” means a shift that is broken into two or more periods
(excluding rest pauses and meal breaks); and
b) the words “where the unpaid break in between such periods is greater than
one hour” do not apply.
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
Greenkeeping and Grounds – Span of Hours (Clause S12.4.1(iii)(B) of Schedule 12)
11) For the purposes of clause S12.4.1(iii)(B) of Schedule 12 (Services Staff), the
Employers undertake that the ordinary hours of work will be worked on:
a) any day from Monday to Friday between 6.00am and 6.00pm; and
b) Saturday between 6.00am and 12 noon,
with the starting or finishing times of the above spans being able to be varied by up
to 1 hour if there is mutual agreement between the employer and the majority of
employees in a workplace – for example, between 5.30am and 5.30pm Monday to
Greenkeeping and Grounds – Weekend Penalties (Clause S12.4.3(a)(i) of Schedule 12)
12) For the purposes of clause S12.4.3(a)(i) of Schedule 12 (Services Staff), the
Employers undertake that greenkeeping and grounds employees are entitled to a
penalty payment on Saturday of 135%.
Catering and Domestic – Weekend Penalties (Clause S12.4.3(a)(ii) of Schedule 12)
13) For the purposes of clause S12.4.3(a)(ii) of Schedule 12 (Services Staff), the
Employers undertake that catering and domestic employees are entitled to a penalty
payment on Sunday of 155%.
Drivers, Cleaners, Caretakers, Security – Weekend Penalties (Clause S12.4.3(a)(ii) of
Schedule 12)
14) For the purposes of clause S12.4.3(a)(ii) of Schedule 12 (Services Staff), the
Employers undertake that employees driving motor vehicles, cleaners, caretakers,
security employees are entitled to a penalty payment on Sunday of 175%.
On-call (Schedule 12)
15) The Employers undertake that a Services Staff employee (Schedule 12) who is
required by the employer to hold themselves available to be recalled to work will be
paid an allowance equal to one ordinary hour’s pay (for that employee pursuant to
the Agreement) for each period up to 24 hours that the employee is required to be
Permanent Night Shift
16) The Employers undertake that they will not require any Services Staff (Schedule
12) to work a permanent night shift.
A “night shift” for the purposes of this undertaking (and as outlined in clauses 22.1(c)
and 22.2(b) of the Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award 2020)
means a shift that finishes after midnight and at or before 6:00am.
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
Tool Allowances
17) The Employers undertake that all tools necessary for tradespersons to perform their
work will be provided by the Employers so that the “better off overall test” is not
relevant where a tool allowance may be less for a particular type of tradesperson in
the Agreement compared to the Educational Services (Schools) General Staff
Award 2020.
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
Part-time (Clause S11.2.1(b)(iv) of Schedule 11 - Nurses)
18) For the purposes of clause S11.2.1(b)(iv) of Schedule 11 (Nurses), the Employers
undertake that for part-time employees, the written confirmation of employment
details will include the following:
a) the agreed regular pattern of work specifying the following:
i) the hours worked each day;
ii) which days of the week the employee will work;
iii) the number of weeks of the school year to be worked; and
iv) the actual starting and finishing times each day; or
b) for employees working to a shift work roster, that the employee will work to
a roster showing the normal starting and finishing times that will be
conveniently accessible to the employee at least 7 days before the
commencement of the roster period.
19) The Employers further undertake that the agreed regular pattern of work referred to
in undertaking 18) a) above may be varied by agreement between the employer and
employee and recorded in writing.
Part-Time and Term-Time - Payment of Additional Hours (Other than Teachers)
See Undertaking 2) above.
Casual Employees – Right to Request Casual Conversion
See Undertaking 4A) above.
Full-time Nurses in Boarding Schools - Annualised Salary Arrangement
(clause S11.3.1(e) of Schedule 11 – Nurses)
20) For the purposes of clause S11.3.1(e)(ii) of Schedule 11 (Nurses) and after a review
pursuant to clause S11.3.1(e)(iv), the Employers undertake that the terms and
conditions of employment for a salaried employee agreed pursuant to clause
S11.3.1(e) will be at least, the greater of the following:
a) $10 better off each year than those that would have applied if the employee
was covered by the Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award
2020; or
b) the same as those that would have applied if the employee had not entered
into the salaried arrangements under the Agreement.
Span of Hours (Clause S11.4.1 of Schedule 11 - Nurses)
21) In addition to and for the purposes of clause S11.4.1 of Schedule 11 (Nurses), the
Employers undertake that the ordinary hours of work will be worked on:
a) no more than 5 days in any 7 days; and
b) any day from Monday to Friday between 6.30am and 6.30pm (with the
starting or finishing times of that 12 hour span being able to be varied by up
to 1 hour if there is mutual agreement between the employer and the
majority of employees in a workplace – for example, between 7.00am and
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
Weekend Penalties (Clause S11.4.5(a)(ii) of Schedule 11 - Nurses)
22) For the purposes of clause S11.4.5(a)(ii) of Schedule 11 (Nurses), the Employers
undertake that employees are entitled to a penalty payment on Sunday of 190%.
Breaks Between Duty (Clause S11.4.7(d) of Schedule 11 – Nurses)
23) The Employers undertake that where an employer instructs an employee to resume
or continue work without having 10 consecutive hours off duty as referred to in
clause S11.4.7(d) of Schedule 11 (Nurses), the employee is entitled to be paid
200% of the minimum hourly rate until released from duty.
24) The above undertaking will not apply to an employee who is attending a school
camp or excursion.
Permanent Night Shift
25) The Employers undertake that they will not require any Nurses (Schedule 11) to
work a permanent night shift.
A “night shift” for the purposes of this undertaking (and as outlined in clauses 22.1(c)
and 22.2(b) of the ESSGS Award) means a shift that finishes after midnight and at
or before 6.30am
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
Part-Time and Term-Time - Payment of Additional Hours (Other than Teachers)
See Undertaking 2) above.
Meal Allowance
See Undertaking 3) above.
Part-time (Clause S13.6.2(d) of Schedule 13)
26) For the purposes of clause S13.6.2(d) of Schedule 13 (Boarding Supervision Staff),
the Employers undertake that for part-time employees:
a) the agreed number of hours to be worked by the employer and employee
will be in writing; and
b) the agreement may be varied by agreement between the employer and
employee and recorded in writing.
Casual Employees – Right to Request Casual Conversion
See Undertaking 4A) above.
Overtime on Sunday (Clause S13.12.2-Schedule 13)
27) For the purposes of clause S13.12.2 of Schedule 13 (Boarding Supervision Staff),
the Employers undertake that employees:
a) receiving minimum rates (see clause S13.8.2(a)); and
b) whose hours of work are not averaged across a year,
will be paid at the rate of double time for overtime worked on Sunday.
Span of Hours (Clause S13.19.2 of Schedule 13)
28) The below undertaking does not apply to boarding supervision staff who:
a) work averaged hours across a year;
b) are provided with reasonable accommodation for their exclusive use for 52
weeks of the year; or
c) agree in writing to work within a span of sixteen hours on a day from initial
commencing to final ceasing time outlined in clause S13.19.2(c).
29) For the purposes of clause S13.19.2 of Schedule 13 (Boarding Supervision Staff),
the Employers undertake that for employees who work hours in excess of a 12 hour
span on any day (including the working of a broken shift), such excess hours will be
paid at the following rates:
a) For employees paid minimum rates (see clause S13.8.2(a)):
i) 135% for the first three hours; and
ii) 175% thereafter; and
b) For employees paid aspirational rates (see clause S13.8.2(b)):
i) 115% for the first three hours; and
ii) 155% thereafter.
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
Uniforms (Schedule 13)
30) For Boarding Supervision Staff (Schedule 13), the Employers undertake that where
an employer requires an employee to wear a uniform or protective clothing, which
includes clothing and/or footwear, during the performance of the employee’s duties,
the employer will:
a) provide the uniform or protective clothing, which includes the maintenance
and laundering of the items; or
b) provide a uniform or protective clothing allowance of $1.20 per day up to a
maximum of $6.00 per week and a laundry allowance of $0.30 per day up
to a maximum of $1.50 per week, if the employer does not launder the items;
c) reimburse the employee for the purchase price of the uniform or protective
clothing and provide a laundry allowance of $0.30 per day up to a maximum
of $1.50 per week, if the employer does not launder the items.
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
Wages (Schedule 1 – S1.8 – Children’s Services Employees)
31) For the purposes of Schedule 1 – S1.8 (Children’s Services Employee), the
Employers undertake to pay Year 2 Co-ordinator Unqualified employees the same
rate as Year 3 Co-ordinator Unqualified employees, which is reflected in the below
amended wages table:
Part-time (Clause S14.2.5 of Schedule 14)
32) For the purposes of clause S14.2.5 of Schedule 14 (Children’s Services), the
Employers undertake that for part-time employees, at the time of engagement, the
employee and employer will agree on a regular pattern of work specifying the
a) the hours worked each day;
b) which days of the week the employee will work;
c) the number of weeks of the school year to be worked; and
d) the actual starting and finishing times each day.
33) The Employers further undertake that the agreed regular pattern of work referred to
in undertaking 32) above may be varied by agreement between the employer and
employee and recorded in writing.
Part-Time and Term-Time - Payment of Additional Hours (Other than Teachers)
See Undertaking 2) above.
Casual Employees – Right to Request Casual Conversion
See Undertaking 4A) above.
Termination Payments (clause 3.7.7)
34) For the purposes of clause 3.7.7 of the Agreement, the Employers undertake that
for Children’s Services employees (Schedule 14), such an employee must be paid
no later than 7 days after the day on which the employee’s employment terminates:
a) the employee’s wages under the Agreement for any complete or incomplete
pay period up to the end of the day of termination; and
b) all other amounts that are due to the employee under the Agreement.
35) The requirement to pay wages and other amounts under the above undertaking is
subject to further order of the Fair Work Commission and the employer making
deductions authorised under the Agreement or the Fair Work Act 2009.
1 May 1019 1 May 1010 1 May 1011 1 May 1011
Gruter of 2.50!I or $26.27 -k Greater of 2.50!I or $26.93 Greater ol 2.SO!I or $27 .60 -Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual
Coordinator Unqualified Year 1 ... 1,094.90 57,B0 28.81l2 36.0165 i,m.io 58,559 36.9178 1,15040 60,026 30.2737 37.8421 Percentage increase will be in accordance ....
Year 2 1,138.60 59,410 29.9632 37.4540 1,167.10 60,897 38.3915 1,196.30 62,421 31.4816 39.3520 with clause 4.3
1 May 2019 1 May 2020 1 May 2021 1 May 2022 Greater of 2.50% or $26.27 per week Greater of 2.50% or $26.93 per week Greater of 2.50% or $27.60 per week Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual Week Annual Hour Casual ------ Classification $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Coordinator Unqualified Year 1 1,094.90 57,130 28.8132 36.0165 1,122.30 58,559 29.5342 36.9178 1,150.40 60,026 30.2737 37.8421 Percentage increase will be in accordance Year 2 1,138.60 59,410 29.9632 37.4540 1,167.10 60,897 30.7132 38.3915 1,196.30 62,421 31.4816 39.3520 with clause 4.3
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
Broken Shift Penalty (Clause S14.3.2(a) of Schedule 14)
36) For the purposes of clause S14.3.2(a) of Schedule 14 (Children’s Services), the
Employers undertake that the broken shift allowance paid will be $34.60 per day
whilst the Agreement is in operation.
Span of Hours (Clause S14.4.1 of Schedule 14)
37) For the purposes of clause S14.4.1(a)(ii) of Schedule 14 (Children’s Services), the
Employers undertake that the ordinary hours of work will be worked on:
a) no more than 5 days in any 7 days; and
b) any day from Monday to Friday between 6.00am and 6.00pm (with the
starting or finishing times of that 12 hour span being able to be varied by up
to 1 hour if there is mutual agreement between the employer and the
majority of employees in a workplace – for example, between 6.30am and
Meal Allowance (Clause S14.4.3(c) of Schedule 14)
38) For the purposes of clause S14.4.3(c) of Schedule 14 (Children’s Services), the
Employers undertake that the meal allowance paid will be $16.27 whilst the
Agreement is in operation.
On-call/Recall (Schedule 14)
39) For a Children’s Services employee who is required by the employer to hold
themselves available to be recalled to work, the Employers undertake to pay an
allowance equal to one ordinary hour’s pay (for that employee pursuant to the
Agreement) for each period up to 24 hours that the employee is required to be on-
Note - For Children’s Services employees, recall provisions are outlined in clause
S14.4.2(c) of Schedule 14 (Children’s Services).
Breaks Between Duty
40) The Employers undertake that:
a) A children’s services employee (CSE) will be entitled to a minimum break of
10 consecutive hours between the end of one period of duty and the
beginning of the next, which applies to both ordinary hours and where
overtime is worked.
b) If the employer instructs the CSE to resume or continue work without having
had 10 consecutive hours off duty in accordance with paragraph a), then the
following applies:
i) the CSE is entitled to be absent from duty without loss of pay until a
10-hour break has been taken; or
ii) the CSE is entitled to be paid 200% of the minimum hourly rate until
released from duty.
c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to a CSE who is:
i) attending a camp or excursion; or
ii) working a broken shift.
AG2020/2030 Employer Undertakings
Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019 - 2023
Employer The Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of
Employer’s ABN 49 991 006 857
Name of person Pam Betts
Position Executive Director
Date 9 November 2020
Employer The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Cairns
Employer’s ABN 42 498 340 094
Name of person William Dixon
Position Executive Director
Date 9/11/2020
Employer The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of
Employer’s ABN 21 528 592 597
Name of person Leesa Jeffcoat
Position Director
Date 9/11/2020
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