Fair Work Act 2009
s.306E—Application for a regulated labour hire arrangement order
Application by Mining and Energy Union re Appin Colliery
Application for a regulated labour hire arrangement order in respect of PIMS Mining (NSW)
Pty Ltd in relation to work performed for Illawarra Coal Holdings Pty Ltd at Appin Colliery.
[1] The Mining and Energy Union (MEU) has applied under s 306E of the Fair Work Act
2009 (Cth) (FW Act) for a regulated labour hire arrangement order to apply to Illawarra Coal
Holdings Pty Ltd (ICH) as the regulated host and PIMS Mining (NSW) Pty Ltd (PIMS) as the
employer. The proposed order would apply in respect of employees who perform production
and engineering work at the Appin Colliery in New South Wales, which is an underground
black coal mine (Mine). The covered employment instrument is the Appin Colliery & West
Cliff CPP Enterprise Agreement 2022 (Agreement).1 ICH and PIMS do not oppose the MEU’s
application, and the parties have reached agreement as to the terms of the order to be made. No
other person has indicated an interest in the application.
[2] The MEU has filed evidence and submissions in support of the application. The
evidence filed consists of the following:
• a witness statement of Scott Barry, an electrician employed by IHC at the Mine and
the Vice President of the MEU’s Appin Mine Lodge, dated 10 October 2023;
• a witness statement of Brian Hinchey, who is a production operator employed by
PIMS at the Mine, dated 10 October 2024; and
• a further witness statement of Mr Hinchey dated 28 November 2024.
[3] ICH and PIMS have declined to file any evidence or submissions.
[4] On the basis of the evidence, and the uncontradicted contentions of fact stated in the
MEU’s submissions, I make the following findings:
• The production and engineering (P&E) workforce at the Mine consists of fitters,
electricians, production operators, deputies, shift maintenance supervisors and
• ICH has a directly-employed P&E workforce of about 1000 persons at the Mine
covering all the roles identified above.
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AUSTRALIA FairWork Commission
[2024] FWC 3418
• PIMs employs about 250 persons as fitters, electricians, operators and deputies who
work at the Mine.
• Both ICH and PIMs P&E employees are rostered on Monday-Thursday day,
afternoon and night shifts and Friday-Sunday day, afternoon and night shifts by
ICH. ICH is responsible for the rostering of all employees.
• Shift crews typically contain a mix of ICH and PIMS employees.
• There is no difference between the work performed by ICH and PIMS operators in
the same roles, so that production operators, regardless of who employs them,
perform the same work, operate the same machines and perform the same tasks
interchangeably. Likewise, ICH and PIMs electricians maintain the same machines
and equipment and perform the same routine inspections.
• All workers at the Mine are required to follow ICH’s policies and procedures,
regardless of who employs them, including the Mine Manager’s Rules established
by ICH.
• All workers commencing work at the Mine, including PIMS employees, are required
to complete ICH’s site, surface and underground inductions and undergo training in
ICH’s code of conduct and behavioural expectations.
• Inexperienced workers, whether employed by ICH or PIMS, must be trained and
assessed as competent in operating each machine before they are allowed to operate
it. They must also be accompanied underground by an experienced mineworker until
they have been interviewed by an ICH undermanager and approved to work
• Persons employed by PIMS must be approved by ICH to be able to work at the
• ICH keeps a record of the training and competencies of all workers including PIMS
• If any worker is to perform a non-routine task, they are required to complete a risk
assessment or task analysis, which are part of ICH’s safety systems and are used for
assessing and mitigating risk.
• Deputies are assigned to supervise every underground crew’s work, regardless of
the employer of the crew’s members. Most deputies are employed by ICH but
several are employed by PIMS.
• Shift maintenance supervisors, who are employed by ICH, assign tasks to
maintenance workers, whether ICH or PIMS employees. Fitters and electricians are
required to perform work as directed by shift maintenance supervisors unless they
have been given an alternative direction by the crew deputy.
[2024] FWC 3418
• ICH leases or owns all the machines and equipment used at the Mine, except for
several drill rigs that are used for gas drainage.
• ICH and PIMS workers obtain their personal protective equipment supplied by ICH
from their muster rooms.
• ICH and PIMS employees all present for work at one of three portals at the Mine
and are required to attend a shift pre-start meeting conducted by the shift
undermanagers from a central location and streamed to each of the portals. The
deputies then outline the work to be performed on the shift.
• ICH and PIMS employees working in the same crews take crib breaks, as directed
by the crew deputy, in the same crib room.
• PIMS employees apply for annual leave using a system administered by PIMS but,
before the leave is granted, ICH must approve it.
[5] Clause 2.2 of the Agreement provides that the Agreement applies and is binding upon
ICH in respect of (relevantly) the Mine and ICH’s employees employed at (relevantly) the Mine
in the classifications set out in the Agreement. The classifications and rates of pay are set out
in Appendix 1 to the Agreement and include: Surface Operator; Surface Trade, Underground
Operator, Underground Trades and Specialist. Clause 15.3.1 makes apparent that ‘Trade’
encompasses electrical and mechanical trades.
[6] In Application by the Mining and Energy Union2, a Full Bench of the Commission
outlined a number of principles concerning the proper interpretation and application of s 306E.3
I apply, but do not repeat, the principles stated in that decision.
[7] I am satisfied, for the purposes of s 306E(7) of the FW Act, that the MEU is an
organisation entitled to represent the industrial interests of employees of ICH and PIMS
employed to perform P&E work at the Mine. Accordingly, the MEU is entitled to apply for a
regulated labour hire arrangement order under s 306E of the FW Act by operation of s
[8] I am likewise satisfied that the requirements of s 306E(1) of the FW Act, which must be
satisfied in order to enliven the obligation to make a regulated labour hire arrangement order,
are met. Specifically, on the evidence before me, I am satisfied that:
(a) PIMS provides its employees to perform P&E work for ICH at the Mine.
(b) The Agreement would apply to PIMS’ employees who perform work for ICH at
the Mine if ICH were to employ these employees directly to undertake the same
kind of work.
(c) ICH is not a small business employer.
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[9] For the purposes of s 306E(1A) of the FW Act, I am satisfied that the performance of
work is not and will not be for the provision of a service, rather than the supply of labour. In
forming this view, I have had regard to the matters set out in subsection (7A). In relation to the
matters set out in s 306E(7A), I make the following findings:
(a) PIMS is not involved in matters relating to the performance of P&E work by its
employees at the Mine, except only that leave applications must be made to PIMS.
As earlier found, ICH must first approve the leave sought before PIMS can grant
(b) The evidence demonstrates that ICH directs, supervises and controls the PIMS
employees. ICH manages their rosters, assigns their work tasks, and is responsible
for their training and safety.
(c) PIMS employees work entirely within ICH’s systems of operations and operate
machinery and equipment owned or leased by ICH, and ICH supplies them with
personal protective equipment.
(d) There is no evidence that PIMS is or will be subject to industry or professional
standards or responsibilities in relation to the work of its employees supplied to
(e) The work undertaken by PIMS employees at the Mine involves the operation of
machinery and equipment within the context of ICH’s system of operations and
safety at the Mine, but does not involve work of a specialist or professional nature.
[10] Having regard to the considerations referred to in s 306E(7A) of the FW Act, it is clear
that the performance of work by PIMS employees supplied to ICH at the Mine is not and will
not be for the provision of a service, rather than the supply of labour. I am satisfied that PIMS
supplies labour to ICH.
[11] In relation to s 306E(2) of the FW Act, I am not satisfied that it is not fair and reasonable
in all the circumstances to make a regulated labour hire arrangement order as sought by the
SDA. Section 306E(2) requires the Commission to have regard to the matters listed in
subsection (8) in relation to which submissions have been made. In this case, no submissions
were made in relation to any of the matters listed in subsection (8). Accordingly, I am not
required to have regard to those matters.
[12] In those circumstances, I am required by s 306E of the FW Act to make the regulated
labour hire arrangement order sought by the MEU. I will publish the order together with this
decision, setting out the matters specified in s 306E(9) of the FW Act. The operative date of the
order will be 9 December 2024, consistent with s 306E(9)(e)(ii).
[2024] FWC 3418
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1 AE517907.
2 [2024] FWCFB 299, 333 IR 249.
3 Ibid [8]–[17].