Fair Work Act 2009
s.158—Application to vary or revoke a modern award
Aged Care Award 2010
(AM2020/99 and AM2021/63)
Nurses Award 2020
Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award
Applications to vary modern awards – work value – Aged Care Award 2010 – Nurses Award
2020 – Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 – Stage
2 – interim increase – draft determinations published.
[1] This case deals with 3 applications to vary modern awards to increase the minimum
wages of aged care sector workers:
• AM2020/99 – an application by the Health Services Union (HSU) and a number of
individuals to vary the minimum wages and classifications in the Aged Care Award
2010 (Aged Care Award)
• AM2021/63 – an application by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation
(ANMF) to vary the Aged Care Award and the Nurses Award 2010, now the Nurses
Award 2020 (Nurses Award), and
• AM2021/65 – an application by the HSU to vary the Social, Community, Home Care
and Disability Services Award 2010 (SCHADS Award) (the Applications).
[2] On 4 November 2022, a differently constituted Full Bench published a Decision in
relation to the Applications (the Stage 1 decision).
[3] The Full Bench in the Stage 1 decision determined to deal with the Applications in three
stages, with the Stage 1 decision concluding the first stage of this process. In the Stage 1
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AUSTRALIA FairWork Commission
[2023] FWCFB 40
decision, the Full Bench concluded that the evidence established that the existing minimum
wage rates in the Aged Care Award, the Nurses Award and the SCHADS Award (the Awards)
do not properly compensate workers engaged in the provision of direct care to aged persons, in
either residential facilities or in-home settings, for the value of the work performed. These
workers, termed ‘direct aged care workers’, included personal care workers under the Aged
Care Award, home care workers who work in aged care under the SCHADs Award, and
Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses, Assistants in Nursing and Nurse Practitioners who work
in aged care under the Nurses Award.
[4] The Full Bench in the Stage 1 decision noted the submission by the Joint Employers
that an increase in wages for Head Chefs/Cooks is justified for work value reasons and directed
the parties to confer in relation to this issue. The Full Bench indicated in relation to Head
Chefs/Cooks that if there was agreement upon the quantum of any increase and the
classification(s) to which it applies, further consideration would be given to determining an
interim increase for those workers.
[5] In the Stage 1 decision, the Full Bench decided that an interim increase of 15 per cent
to modern award minimum wages applying to direct aged care workers was ‘plainly justified
by work value reasons’, pursuant to s.157(2)(b) of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act). The Full
Bench also expressed provisional views in respect of whether the interim increase is necessary
to achieve the modern awards objective and minimum wages objective at ss.134(1) and 284(1)
of the Act, respectively.
[6] The Full Bench noted that determination of an interim increase for direct aged care
workers would not conclude its consideration of the unions’ claim for a 25 per cent increase for
other employees, namely administrative and support aged care employees, nor did it necessarily
exhaust the extent of the increase justified by work value reasons in respect of direct aged care
[7] The Full Bench noted that Stage 2 of the proceedings would consider submissions and
evidence in relation to:
• the timing and phasing of the interim increase to modern award minimum wages
applicable to direct care aged care employees, including the appropriateness and
application of the principles canvassed at [974]–[990] in the Stage 1 decision;
• whether making the interim increases to modern award minimum wages applicable to
direct care aged care workers in these proceedings is necessary to achieve the modern
awards objective and the provisional views outlined at [1001]–[1072] in the Stage 1
decision; and
• whether the interim increases to modern award minimum wages applicable to direct
care aged care workers are necessary to achieve the minimum wages objective and the
provisional views outlined at [1073]–[1083] in the Stage 1 decision.1
[8] This decision concerns Stage 2 of these proceedings.
Stage 2 proceedings
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[9] As a result of the resignation of former President, Justice Ross, effective 18 November
2022, the Full Bench in these proceedings was reconstituted. On 23 November 2022, the
reconstituted Full Bench issued directions for filing materials in relation to Stage 2.2
[10] In addition to directing parties to file submissions and evidence regarding the matters
listed at [7] above, the Full Bench invited the parties to file submissions and evidence regarding
any consultation that occurred between them in respect of whether the interim increase should
apply to Head Chefs/Cooks and Recreational Activities Officers/Lifestyle Officers under the
Aged Care Award.
[11] On 6 December 2022 the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay)
Act 2022 (Secure Jobs, Better Pay Act) received Royal Assent. As we observed at that time, a
number of amendments to the Act arising from the Secure Jobs, Better Pay Act are relevant to
these proceedings.
[12] As a result of these amendments, the directions for filing in relation to Stage 2 were
amended to allow parties to file in relation to those matters.3
[13] The matter was listed for hearing before us on 13 February 2023.
Stage 2 decision
[14] What follows is our decision in relation to the issues to be considered during Stage 2 of
these proceedings. Further written reasons of the Full Bench will follow.
[15] We confirm our view that the evidence establishes that the relevant existing minimum
wage rates in the Awards do not properly compensate direct care workers in either residential
or in-home aged care settings, for the value of the work performed. We are satisfied that the
requirements of s.157(2) of the Act are met in relation to direct care workers.
[16] We are satisfied that the requirements of s.157(2) of the FW Act are also met in relation
to employees engaged and classified as Head Chefs/Chefs/Cooks at levels 4 – 7 or as Food
services supervisors engaged and classified at level 7 provided the individual employee is the
single most senior food services employee engaged in a facility and to Recreational Activities
Officers/Lifestyle Officers at all levels.
[17] We are satisfied that an interim increase of 15 per cent to modern award minimum wages
in these proceedings is necessary to achieve the modern awards objective and the minimum
wages objective in relation to the following employees:
• direct care workers under the Awards and;
• Head Chefs/Cooks under the Aged Care Award (aged care employee level 4-7
provided the employee is the most senior chef or cook engaged in a facility) and;
• Recreational Activities Officers/Lifestyle Officers under the Aged Care Award.
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[18] In making this decision, we have taken into account the object of the FW Act, pursuant
to s.3, and the rate of the national minimum wage as currently set in a national minimum wage
order, pursuant to s.135(2) of the FW Act.
[19] We have determined that the interim increase will take effect from 30 June
2023. Pursuant to s.166(2) of the FW Act, we are satisfied that it is appropriate to specify this
[20] Draft determinations giving effect to the interim increase will be published with this
decision. Interested parties are directed to file any comments in relation to the draft
determinations no later than Wednesday 1 March 2023.
Mr M Gibian SC and Mr L Saunders (of counsel) on behalf of the Health Services Union
Mr J McKenna and Mr J Hartley (of counsel) on behalf of the Australian Nursing and
Midwifery Federation
Ms L Harrison on behalf of the United Workers Union
Mr G Taylor on behalf of the Australian Workers Union
Mr N Ward on behalf of Aged & Community Care Providers Association Limited and
Australian Business Industrial
Mr Y Shariff SC and Mr D Fuller (of counsel) on behalf of the Commonwealth
Hearing details:
[2023] FWCFB 40
13 February.
Printed by authority of the Commonwealth Government Printer
1 [2022] FWCFB 200 at [1091].
2 [2022] FWCFB 214
3 Amended directions, 6 December 2022.