Fair Work Act 2009
s.739 – application to deal with a dispute
Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (105N) &
Mr Matthew Howard
Mt Arthur Coal Pty Ltd T/A Mt Arthur Coal
Application for Commission to deal with a dispute in accordance with a dispute settlement
procedure in an enterprise agreement
[1] This Statement concerns an application by the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining
and Energy Union (the Applicant) under s. 739 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the FW Act) seeking
that the Fair Work Commission (Commission) deal with a dispute arising under a dispute
resolution procedure in the Mt Arthur Coal Enterprise Agreement 2019 (the Agreement).
[2] The application was listed for conciliation before Deputy President Saunders on 28
October 2021. The dispute did not resolve at conciliation. The Applicant has requested that the
following question be arbitrated by the Commission:
“Whether the direction as set out in attachments 1 and 2 to the application filed by the
CFMMEU in proceedings C2021/7023 is a lawful and reasonable direction in respect to
employees at the Mt Arthur mine who are covered by the Mt Arthur Coal Enterprise
Agreement 2019”
[3] The Respondent consents to this question being arbitrated by the Commission.
[4] During the conciliation on 28 October 2021, the parties were asked whether they had
any objection to the arbitration of the dispute being heard by a Full Bench of the Commission.
The parties did not raise any such objection, provided the dispute is dealt with expeditiously by
the Full Bench.
[5] Permission has been granted to both parties to be represented by a lawyer. The directions
set out below have taken account of the availability of each parties’ counsel.
[2021] FWCFB 6039
AUSTRALIA FairWork Commission
[2021] FWCFB 6039
[6] The following directions are made:
1. The Applicant is to file and serve on the Respondent full written submissions and any
evidence it wishes to rely upon by no later than 4.00pm on Tuesday 9 November 2021.
2. The Respondent shall file and serve on the Applicant full written submissions and any
evidence it wishes to rely upon by no later than 4.00pm on Tuesday 16 November
3. The Applicant shall file and serve on the Respondent any submissions and evidence in
reply by no later than 2.00pm on Tuesday 23 November 2021.
4. The matter will be listed for Mention by telephone at 4:00pm on Tuesday 23
November 2021. The purpose of the Mention is to confirm which witnesses are
required for cross-examination, the expected duration of any such cross-examination
and any other scheduling issues.
5. The matter will be listed for Hearing by video conference at 9:30am on Wednesday 24
November 2021; with Thursday 25 November 2021 reserved for hearing if necessary.
6. Given the potential significance of this matter, we propose to draw this application to
the attention of peak union and employer bodies and the Minister, and to grant them
leave to intervene if they wish to do so. Any union intervenor is required to file and
serve full written submissions and any evidence it wishes to rely upon in accordance
with Directions 1 and 3 above. Any employer intervenor is required to file and serve
full written submissions and any evidence it wishes to rely upon in accordance with
Direction 2 above.
7. Any applications for interim relief are to be made to Deputy President Saunders.
8. The parties are to provide the Full Bench with three copies of any relevant authorities
from which parties intend to read on the day of the hearing.
9. All documents and submissions should be filed and served electronically and filed in
both Word and PDF format to Chambers.Ross.J@fwc.gov.au.
10. The parties are granted liberty to apply to the Presiding Member of the Full Bench to
vary the above directions.
[2021] FWCFB 6039
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