Fair Work Act 2009
s 604 - Appeal of decisions
Jeremy Lee
Superior Wood Pty Ltd
Appeal against a decision of Commissioner Hunt issued at Brisbane on 1 November 2018 in
matter U2018/2253 – unfair dismissal application – rehearing – refusal of employee to use
biometric fingerprint scanning to record site attendance – whether failure to comply with
lawful and reasonable direction – whether valid reason – whether harsh, unjust or
unreasonable – matter remitted on question of remedy.
[1] Mr Jeremy Lee has appealed a decision of Commissioner Hunt on 1 November 20181
dismissing his application for an unfair dismissal remedy (the Decision) on the basis that his
dismissal by Superior Wood Pty Ltd (Superior Wood) was not harsh, unjust or unreasonable,
and therefore not unfair, for the purposes of section 387 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (‘the
[2] Superior Wood operates two sawmills at Melawondi and Imbil in Queensland. At the
time of dismissal, there were approximately 150 employees employed by Superior Wood, and
approximately 80 of those employees worked at the Imbil site, including Mr Lee. Mr Lee was
employed as a casual general hand and had a total period of service of approximately 3 ¼
years. Superior Wood is part of the ‘Finlayson’ group of companies (the Finlayson Group),
which also includes Finlayson Timber and Hardware Pty Ltd (FTH).
[3] On 12 February 2018, Mr Lee was dismissed because he did not comply with Superior
Wood’s Site Attendance Policy (the Policy) by refusing to use newly introduced fingerprint
scanners to sign on and off for work at the site.
[4] At the heart of the matter is Mr Lee’s claim of ownership of the biometric data
contained within his fingerprint. He submits that biometric data is sensitive personal
information under the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act); that Superior Wood was not entitled to
1 Lee v Superior Wood Pty Ltd [2018] FWC 4762
[2019] FWCFB 2946 Note: Refer to the Federal Court decision of
6 February 2020 for the result of this matter.
E AUSTRALIA FairWork Commission
[2019] FWCFB 2946
require that information from him; and that his refusal to give the information to Superior
Wood was not a valid reason for his dismissal.
[5] On 25 October 2017, Superior Wood convened a floor meeting at Mr Lee’s workplace
to announce the introduction of fingerprint scanners. Employees were advised that they would
have to register their fingerprints over the following week and register their attendance using
the scanners at the start and finish of each shift.
[6] On 1 November 2017, Mr Lee was directed to attend a meeting to register his
fingerprints. He attended the meeting, but did not provide his fingerprints. He continued to
sign in and out using the site’s sign in and sign out book.
[7] On 2 November 2017, there was a meeting between Mr Lee and Superior Wood.
Reasons for the introduction of the scanners were discussed. Mr Lee expressed concern about
the control of his biometric data and the inability of Superior Wood to guarantee no third
party access or use of that data once stored electronically. He was told the scanner
implementation was proceeding, and that “he had a decision to make”.
[8] On 7 November 2017, Mr Lee wrote to Superior Wood setting out his concerns about
the use of the scanners and collection of his biometric data. On 22 November 2017, Superior
Wood responded in writing and provided a document from the scanner’s supplier, Mitrefinch,
explaining the nature of the data collected and stating that it could not be used “for any other
purpose other than linking your payroll number to a clock in/out time”. Subsequent meetings
were held throughout December 2017, related to Mr Lee’s ongoing refusal to use the scanners
to sign in and out of work.
[9] On 21 December 2017, the Policy was introduced and on 2 January 2018, the scanners
were formally implemented after a seven week trial period.
[10] On 9 January 2018, Mr Lee was given a verbal warning for refusing to use the
scanner. On 11 and 17 January 2018, written warnings were issued to Mr Lee, advising that a
continued failure to follow the Policy would result in termination of employment.
[11] On 18 January 2018, Mr Lee wrote to Superior Wood seeking to resolve the dispute in
a way that would allow him to keep his job, but retain ownership over his biometric data. The
issue was again discussed on 24 and 30 January 2018.
[12] On 6 February 2018, a show cause letter was issued. Mr Lee’s employment was
terminated on 12 February 2018.
The Decision
[13] In the Decision, the Commissioner dealt with the question of whether the Site
Attendance Policy was reasonable. In summary, she concluded that the Policy was not unjust
or unreasonable because:
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1. It improved safety in the event of an emergency by avoiding the need to locate the
paper sign in and out book to ascertain attendance on site;2
2. the scanners improved the integrity and efficiency of payroll;3 and
3. Superior Wood had the right to manage its affairs by requiring employees to comply
with the Policy, such that refusal to comply after adequate caution would not render
any dismissal invalid.4
[14] The Commissioner also considered whether Superior Wood had complied with the
Privacy Act. Our summary of her findings are as follows:
1. Biometric data collected by the scanners was ‘sensitive information’ under the Privacy
Act, which applied to Superior Wood and required it not to collect information about a
person unless:
a. the person consented to the collection of that information; and
b. it was reasonably necessary to collect the information for one or more of its
functions or activities (Australian Privacy Principle 3.3).5
Reasonably necessary
2. It was reasonably necessary to introduce the scanners at Superior Wood’s premises
after a suitable period of time of duplication between the old and new payroll systems.
The Finlayson Group wished to consolidate its payroll and do away with manual
payroll handling and Superior Wood was the last entity in its group to adopt the
scanners. Once a decision was made that scanning had been properly implemented, it
was a reasonable course to adopt.6
3. Having Mr Lee as the only employee in a group of either 150 or 400 employees, use
an alternative method to sign on would be inefficient, inequitable, and a burden.7
Consent to collection
4. Employees other than Mr Lee had given their implied consent to the collection of their
data by registering their fingerprint for use by the scanners.8
5. Mr Lee did not give express or implied consent to the collection of his sensitive
information by the scanners.9
Compliance generally with the Privacy Act
2 Decision at [198]
3 Decision at [199]
4 Decision at [199]
5 Decision at [200] – [201]
6 Decision at [203] and [215]
7 Decision at [204]
8 Decision at [205]
9 Decision at [210]
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6. There may have been a breach of the Privacy Act in the manner in which Superior
Wood sought to obtain employee consent. Those were matters for the Australian
Information Commissioner and the Privacy Commissioner.10
7. Australian Privacy Principle 3.5 required sensitive information to be collected by
lawful and fair means. There had been no collection of Mr Lee’s biometric data as he
did not consent. Superior Wood did not unlawfully press his hand into a scanner to
provide a template.11
Notice about collection of personal information
8. Superior Wood did not inform its employees that the scanners collected their sensitive
information; did not provide a collection notice to employees; and did not discuss its
obligations in handling their sensitive information with employees. It merely informed
them that the scanners were being introduced and that they would be required to use
9. Failure to provide a privacy collection notice to employees, prior to obtaining their
personal and sensitive information, did not render the Policy unlawful.13
10. Superior Wood informed Mr Lee that if his consent was not forthcoming, and he
failed to comply with the Policy, dismissal was a likely outcome. It failed to inform
him of the responsibilities Superior Wood and its associated entities would be required
to meet under the Privacy Act.14
11. Even if Superior Wood and its associated entities had provided Mr Lee with a privacy
collection notice, he would not have provided his consent under any circumstances.15
12. It was concerning that Superior Wood did not provide a collection notice to employees
about the collection and use of their data and it was disturbing that neither it, nor the
Finlayson Group, had an appropriate privacy policy, as the Privacy Act had been in
force since 2001.16
13. Mitrefinch, who supplied the scanners to Superior Wood, did not have a relevant
privacy policy until May 2018, and its evidence about its own obligations to collect
and use personal and sensitive information in accordance with Australian privacy laws
was “poor and rather disturbing”.17
10 Decision at [233]
11 Decision at [216]
12 Decision at [208]
13 Decision at [233]
14 Decision at [225]
15 Decision at 224]
16 Decision at [206]
17 Decision at [207]
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14. AUS IT Services Pty Ltd, an IT company charged with ‘looking after data’ on FTH
servers (including data collected by Superior Wood), knew its obligations under the
Privacy Act and had given assurances to FTH that it would meet those obligations.18
Employee records exemption – s.7B(3)
15. The employee records exemption in section 7B(3) of the Privacy Act applied to
employee records once they have been obtained or held. It did not ameliorate the
obligation on Superior Wood to issue a privacy collection notice to Mr Lee and other
16. Superior Wood was not exempt from complying with Australian Privacy Principle 3.3
by reason of the employee records exemption in section 7B(3) of the Privacy Act. It
was not entitled to collect Mr Lee’s sensitive information without his consent.20
Ownership and storage of personal information
17. Principle 6 of the Australian Privacy Principles provides that if one entity collects
personal information from a related body corporate, its primary purpose for collecting
the information is deemed to be its’ related body corporate’s primary purpose for
collecting that information.21 FTH and Superior Wood are related bodies corporate
and it matters little who owned the fingerprint scanners or which entity as between
FTH and Superior Wood gathered the data from those scanners or owned the servers
that held the data, because Principle 6 applies.22
[15] The Commissioner separately made a number of observations and findings which
appear to deal generally with whether there was a valid reason for dismissal. We summarise
these below:
1. Mr Lee had made a concerted effort to identify alternatives to compliance with the
Policy and there was no evidence that Superior Wood had taken any steps to evaluate
the costs of those alternative data collection methods.23
2. Other methods of employee identification and attendance verification were available,
although some did not provide the same degree of certainty of identity verification or
the additional safety benefits derived from access to attendance information on
supervisors’ phones.24
3. It was within Superior Wood’s rights as an employer to install the scanners and create
a policy governing and mandating the use of scanners at the workplace.25
18 Decision at [214]
19 Decision at [220]-[222]
20 Decision at [223]
21 Decision at [212]
22 Decision at [213]
23 Decision at [227]
24 Decision at [228] – [229]
25 Decision at [230]
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4. Superior Wood made significant efforts to provide additional information about the
scanners to Mr Lee and allay his concerns. It may not have grasped the precise nature
of those concerns about his biometric information rather than his fingerprint. Even so,
it gave him repeated opportunities to explain his objection and made several attempts
to indicate to Mr Lee that his continued employment required adherence to the
5. Mr Lee’s concern about his fingerprint being reconstructed from scanned data is
6. Mr Lee was entitled to withhold his consent, as he did. However, doing so meant he
had failed to meet a reasonable request to implement a fair and reasonable workplace
7. In all the circumstances, and having regard to potential breaches of the Privacy Act,
there was a valid reason for dismissal.29
[16] Having found a valid reason for dismissal, the Commissioner considered the other
criteria in section 387 of the Act, which for the most part sit outside the scope of the identified
appeal grounds set out below. In relation to section 387(h), the Commissioner made the
following additional findings:
1. Mr Lee’s position in relation to the use of his biometric data by the scanners was at
odds with his position in relation to the use of other biometric data and his DNA (in
connection with drug and alcohol testing); and
2. Mr Lee’s objection to the use of his biometric data by Superior Wood, FTH and a
third party supplier was unreasonable when taking into consideration the purposes of
the Policy, improvements to payroll and health and safety and the alternatives that
would have been required to be put in place for him.
[17] The Commissioner concluded at [247] of the Decision that the dismissal was not, in all
the circumstances, harsh, unjust or unreasonable and therefore not unfair. She dismissed Mr
Lee’s application.
[18] From the Notice of Appeal, we discern nine appeal grounds raised by Mr Lee in
relation to the Decision:
Ground 1 - The finding that failure to comply with the Policy was a valid reason for
dismissal, given potential breaches of the Privacy Act and despite the finding that
Mr Lee was entitled to refuse to provide his biometric data.
26 Decision at [231]
27 Decision at [230] – [232]
28 Decision at [234]
29 Decision at [235]
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Ground 2 - The finding that Mr Lee’s dismissal for protecting ownership of his
sensitive information was not harsh, unjust and unreasonable in circumstances
where he was threatened with dismissal for refusing to allow the collection of his
biometric data.
Ground 3- A mistake of fact by finding that the new scanners improved safety.
Ground 4 - A mistake of fact by finding that Mr Lee did not consent to the collection
of his biometric data, when he was never asked for his consent.
Ground 5 - The finding that the introduction of biometric scanners was reasonably
Ground 6 - The finding that employees gave implied consent by registering their
fingerprints, instead of finding that biometric data was collected from employees
other than Mr Lee by unlawful and unfair means.
Ground 7 - The failure to find that implied consent is not sufficient for the purposes of
collecting sensitive information.
Ground 8 - The finding that there was no breach of the Privacy Act with respect to the
collection of information from Mr Lee, because his data was never collected.
Ground 9 - The finding that consent is implied by providing a scan, but that a breach
of the Privacy Act only arises if a scan is taken, with the result that Superior Wood
could never breach Mr Lee’s privacy if no scan was taken.
[19] We now turn to consider these grounds.
Grounds 1 and 8 – whether having regard to the Privacy Act, failure to comply with the
Policy was a valid reason for dismissal
[20] It is well established that a valid reason is one that is sound, defensible or well
founded, and not capricious, fanciful, spiteful or prejudiced.30 The reason must be valid in the
context of the employee’s capacity or conduct. Consideration of valid reason must have
regard for the practical sphere of the relationship between an employer and an employee,
balancing the rights, privileges, duties and obligations conferred and imposed on each to
ensure a fair outcome.31
[21] It is not in dispute that Mr Lee was aware of the Policy and its contents. Nor is it in
dispute that he refused to comply with the Policy and that his refusal was the reason for his
[22] There is no contention to the effect that the Policy formed part of Mr Lee’s contract of
employment,32 with the result that he was obliged to comply with its terms. The contract
provided as follows:
30 Selvachandran v Peteron Plastics Pty Ltd (1995) 62 IR 371
31 Selvachandran v Peteron Plastics Pty Ltd (1995) 62 IR 371
32 Statement of Ian Swinbourne, Attachment PS1
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“2.2 Various policies, procedures and work rules also exist for the safe operation of
Superior Wood Businesses and the welfare and interest of those who work for the
2.3 You are required to comply with the conditions of employment as identified in
the Enterprise Agreement, Policies, Procedures and Work Rules at all times. Policies
are displayed at various locations throughout the operations:
Superior Wood Intranet
Lunchroom noticeboards
2.4 A copy of the display policies is also attached.”
[23] As can be seen, the contract required Mr Lee to comply with the “various policies,
procedures and work rules that exist” and that “are displayed at various locations” and that
were attached to his contract in November 2014. A strict reading suggests that only those
policies, procedures and work rules in place at the time of entry into the contract of
employment were within scope of the requirement to comply.
[24] The Policy came into existence well after he was employed, and there is no evidence
that Mr Lee agreed to vary his contract of employment to incorporate the Policy as one of its
terms. His refusal to comply with its terms is evidence to the contrary. We are not satisfied
that compliance with the Policy was a term of his employment.
[25] His obligation to comply with the Policy therefore depends on whether the direction to
do so, using the scanners to sign in and out of work each day, was a reasonable and lawful
The Policy
[26] The Policy provides as follows:
“Site Attendance Policy
Due to company Workplace Health and Safety and Payroll requirements it is
imperative all employees are accounted for on site.
Therefore as at the 2nd January 2018 it is policy that all employees must use the
biometric scanners to record attendance on site.
It is reinforced that the biometric scanners do not take a finger print. The algorithm
data used to record attendance cannot be used to generate a fingerprint.
Please ensure you scan in when arriving on site and leaving site at the end of your
shift. If you are having issues with scanning please see your supervisor. If you fail to
use or attempt to use the biometric scanner then disciplinary action may be taken.
Signing the attendance sheets alone is no longer acceptable.
The Directors and Superior Wood Leadership would like to thank employees for their
assistance and patience during the ‘trial’ period.
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Ian Swinbourne
[27] According to the Policy, all employees must use the scanners to record their
attendance on site, both when arriving and leaving the site. Signing attendance sheets alone is
no longer acceptable.
[28] To comply with the Policy, employees must first register their fingerprint for use with
the scanners and then use their fingerprint to scan in and out of work each day. The terms of
the Privacy Act require consent to the collection of employee biometric information by
Superior Wood to be used for the purpose of automated biometric verification or biometric
The Privacy Act
[29] The Privacy Act commenced on 1 January 1989.34 Relevantly, it applies to an “APP
entity”, including an organisation that is a body corporate. It is common ground that Superior
Wood is an APP entity.
[30] Section 2 sets out the objects of the Privacy Act, which include:
(a) To promote the protection of the privacy of individuals;
(b) To recognise that the protection of the privacy of individuals is balanced with the
interests of entities in carrying out their functions or activities; and
(d) To promote responsible and transparent handling of personal information by entities.
[31] The Full Federal Court has observed that the Privacy Act reflects the Parliament’s
concern to recognise and protect individual privacy within the framework of a complex
statutory regime. It is to be construed so as to give effect to Australia’s international
obligations, so far as the statutory language permits.35 The Privacy Act contains a series of
statutory provisions “which protect the privacy of individuals from unlawful or arbitrary
interference” but also specify “circumstances (or “exceptions”) which reflect the Parliament’s
concern to strike an appropriate balance between competing community interests.” Those
exceptions are to be interpreted carefully, with an eye to preserving the balance struck.36 The
Privacy Act does not make paramount the protection of individual privacy. What it does, or
seeks to do, is to protect individual privacy from arbitrary or unlawful interference.37
[32] Section 13 of the Privacy Act deals with interferences with privacy. Relevantly, an act
or practice of an ‘APP entity’ is an interference with the privacy of an individual if it breaches
an Australian Privacy Principle in relation to personal information about the individual. By
33 See the definition of “sensitive information”, Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), s.6
34 Amendments from 12 March 2014 gave effect to the Australian Privacy Principles.
35 AIT18 v Australian Information Commissioner [2018] FCAFC 192 at [88]
36 [2018] FCAFC 192 at [85]
37 [2018] FCAFC 192 at [92]
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reason of section 15, acts and practices that breach an Australian Privacy Principle are
[33] Separately, section 13G is a civil penalty provision dealing with serious and repeated
interferences with privacy. It covers serious interferences with the privacy of an individual as
well as repeated acts or practices that are an interference with the privacy of one or more
[34] There are exceptions to the general obligation to comply with the Australian Privacy
Principles. Section 16A sets out some of those exceptions, which relevantly include the
collection, use or disclosure of personal information where:
1. it is unreasonable or impracticable to obtain the individual’s consent to that collection,
use or disclosure; or
2. there is reason to suspect unlawful activity or serious misconduct and a reasonable
belief that such collection, use or disclosure is necessary for the purposes of taking
appropriate action.
[35] It was not contended, and we are not satisfied, that any of the section 16A exemptions
applied to the collection of Mr Lee’s fingerprint.
[36] Section 7B(3) of the Privacy Act also contains an exemption in relation to employee
records. An act done, or a practice engaged in, by an employer that is directly related to a
current or former employment relationship between the employer and the individual and an
employee record held by the organisation and relating to the individual, is exempt from the
obligation to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles.
[37] “Employee record” is a defined term and in relation to an employee, means a record of
personal information relating to the employment of the employee.
The Australian Privacy Principles
[38] The Australian Privacy Principles are found in Schedule 1 to the Privacy Act.
[39] Principle 1 provides for open and transparent management of personal information.
Among other things, it requires (at 1.3) that entities have a clearly expressed and up to date
policy about their management of personal information.
[40] Principle 3 deals with the collection of solicited personal information that is solicited
by an APP entity. It prohibits the collection of sensitive information about an individual,
unless that person consents to the collection of the information, and the information is
reasonably necessary for one or more of the entity’s functions or activities (at 3.3). ‘Sensitive
information’ includes biometric information that is to be used for the purpose of automated
biometric verification or biometric identification.38 It is not in dispute that the collection of
fingerprint data by the scanners meets the description of sensitive information. Collection of
personal information may only occur by lawful and fair means (at 3.5).
[41] Principle 5 deals with notification of the collection of personal information. It provides
that, at, before or (if that is not practicable) as soon as practicable after the time that an APP
38 Definition of “sensitive information”. Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), s.6
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entity collects personal information, it must take reasonable steps to notify the individual of
certain specified matters, or to otherwise ensure the individual is aware of those matters. That
which must be notified to an individual depends on what is reasonable in the circumstances.
The specified list of matters includes:
1. The identity and contact details of the APP entity;
2. If personal information is collected from someone other than the individual, or the
person may not be aware that the organisation has collected the personal information,
the fact that the APP entity does, or has, collected the information and the
circumstances of that collection;
3. The purposes for which the APP entity collects the personal information;
4. The main consequences for the individual if all or some of the personal information is
not collected by the APP entity;
5. Any other entity or type of entity to which the APP entity usually discloses personal
information of the kind collected;
6. That the APP entity’s privacy policy has information about how to access one’s
personal information and seek its correction;
7. That the APP entity’s privacy policy has information about how to make complaints
about breaches of the Australian Privacy Principles and how complaints will be dealt
with by the APP entity;
8. Whether the APP entity is likely to disclose the personal information to overseas
recipients; and
9. If overseas disclosure is likely, the countries where recipients of personal information
are located (if practicable to identify).
[42] We will refer to the requirement to notify individuals in accordance with Principle 5 as
a requirement to issue a ‘privacy collection notice’.
[43] Principle 8 deals with the cross-border disclosure of personal information. Before an
organisation discloses personal information about an individual to an overseas recipient, it
must take reasonable steps to ensure that the overseas recipient does not breach the Australian
Privacy Principles in relation to that information. There are some exceptions to Principle 8,
but none appear presently relevant.
[44] Principle 11 deals with the security of personal information. If an organisation holds
personal information, it must take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to protect
the information, and to destroy that information once it is no longer needed in the relevant
[45] Principles 12 and 13 deal with access to, and correction of personal information.
Was the direction lawful?
[46] As noted above, Mr Lee was directed to consent to the collection of his biometric
information by Superior Wood, for use for the purpose of automated biometric verification or
biometric identification. He did not consent as required, and his fingerprint was not collected.
[47] However, in our view, Principle 3 has a broader application than that contended for by
Superior Wood. An entity “collects” personal information if they collect that information for
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inclusion in a record or generally available publication.39 Superior Wood did not breach
Principle 3 by actually collecting Mr Lee’s sensitive information. Principle 3 also deals with
the solicitation of information (see 3.7). An entity “solicits” personal information if it requests
another entity to provide the personal information.40 The express requirement to obtain an
individual’s consent would become meaningless if Principle 3 was only enlivened once
information had been collected. Construed in context, Principle 3 applies both to the
solicitation and collection of sensitive information. It necessarily operates at a time before
collection, because an APP entity ‘must not’ collect sensitive information ‘unless’ the
individual consents to that collection. Any collection that occurs without first having obtained
consent to that collection would be contrary to Principle 3.
[48] Mr Lee was directed to submit to the collection of his fingerprint data in circumstances
where he did not consent to that collection. In our view, the direction was directly inconsistent
with Principle 3. The Commissioner was correct to find that Mr Lee was entitled to refuse to
provide his biometric data under the Policy.
[49] The Policy, and the direction, were issued in circumstances where at all relevant times,
Superior Wood did not have a privacy policy as required by Principle 1. There is no evidence
that it was even aware that one might be required.
[50] Superior Wood also had not issued a privacy collection notice to Mr Lee (or any other
employee) in accordance with Principle 5. That is not to say that Superior Wood failed to give
any information to Mr Lee as required by Principle 5. Plainly, he was aware of Superior
Wood’s identity and contact details and there is no dispute that he was also informed of the
purpose for collecting the information, which was to enhance its payroll system and improve
workplace safety. He was informed of the main consequences for him if the information was
not collected – that is, he would face disciplinary action and ultimately, termination of
[51] However, it seems to us that it would also have been reasonable to notify Mr Lee of
some of the additional matters set out in Principle 5. That included information about the
range of other entities that were likely to have access to his sensitive information, including
FTH, Mitrefinch and AUS IT Services. It should also have included information about
Superior Wood’s privacy policy (which it was required to have) and information in relation to
privacy complaints and how to access his personal information. The fact that Superior Wood
did not have a privacy policy does not mean it would not have been reasonable to provide that
information, in circumstances where its inability to do so arose from its apparent breach of
Principle 1.
[52] As to the timing of the privacy collection notice, there is no basis for concluding that it
was not practicable for Superior Wood to provide this information to Mr Lee, either before or
at the time it sought to register his fingerprint for use with the scanners. While it first sought
to do so approximately one week after the scanners were announced, formal implementation
of the scanners was trialled throughout November and December 2017 and only commenced
from early January 2018. Mr Lee was dismissed in February 2018 and the manual sign in and
sign out system continued in use on site until it was discontinued in or about June 2018.41
39 Definition of “collects”, Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), s.6
40 Definition of “solicits”, Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), s.6
41 Transcript of 15 June 2018, PN329
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There was no shortage of time available to Superior Wood to collate and provide the
information described above to Mr Lee.
[53] Superior Wood submits that despite the absence of a privacy policy and privacy
collection notice, it did not breach the Privacy Act because the employee records exemption
applied in relation to the fingerprint scanner. We understand the submission to be to the effect
that all records generated by an employer, including those that have not yet been created, are
within the scope of that exception. We do not agree. It is inconsistent with the plain words of
the statute, which are in the present tense and refer to a record “held by” the organisation. An
entity “holds” personal information if they have possession or control of a record that contains
the personal information.42
[54] Neither the text of section 7B nor the surrounding provisions of the Privacy Act
support a wider construction. Section 8 uses the language of an agency that “does not hold
that record” or “holds that record”. Section 10 deems certain agencies to hold a record if it is
“in the care” or “in the custody” of a different agency.
[55] In context, it is clear that the wording of section 7B(3) speaks to an act or practice in
relation to an actual record held by the organisation that relates to a particular individual. It
does not encompass employee records that are yet to be held by an organisation. Nor is the act
or practice of generating employee records an act or practice directly related to the
relationship between an employer and a particular employee. It is an act or practice in relation
to employees generally.
[56] It follows that we agree with the Commissioner’s finding that the employee records
exemption applies to records obtained and held by an organisation. A record is not held if it
has not yet been created or is not yet in the possession or control of the organisation. The
exemption does not apply to a thing that does not exist or to the creation of future records.
[57] The significance of that finding is that the Australian Privacy Principles applied to
Superior Wood in connection with the solicitation and collection of sensitive information
from employees, up to the point of collection. Once collected, the employee records
exemption was enlivened and the Privacy Act no longer regulated its use or disclosure.
[58] For the reasons set out above, we consider the direction to Mr Lee to submit to the
collection of his fingerprint data, in circumstances where he did not consent to that collection,
was not a lawful direction. Moreover we consider that any “consent” that he might have given
once told that he faced discipline or dismissal would likely have been vitiated by the threat. It
would not have been genuine consent. Given this finding, it is not necessary to consider
whether the direction was reasonable. Nonetheless had it been necessary to do so we conclude
the direction was unreasonable. A necessary counterpart to a right to consent to a thing is a
right to refuse it. A direction to a person to give consent does not vest in that person a
meaningful right at all. Such a direction is in the circumstances of this case, unreasonable. It
was not a valid reason for dismissal.
[59] We uphold Grounds 1 and 8 of the appeal. Given our findings, it is not necessary to
deal further with Ground 9 of the appeal.
42 Definition of “holds”. Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), s.6
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Ground 2 - finding that Mr Lee’s dismissal for protecting ownership of his sensitive
information was not harsh, unjust and unreasonable in circumstances where he was
threatened with dismissal for refusing to allow the collection of his biometric data
[60] For the reasons we set out above, Superior Wood did not have a valid reason for
dismissal arising from Mr Lee’s refusal to comply with its Policy. That reason was the sole
reason for dismissal, and no other separate matter that might give rise to a valid reason for
dismissal is apparent on the materials or submissions in this case.
[61] The Commissioner properly considered each of the factors relevant to whether a
dismissal is harsh, unjust or unreasonable within the meaning of section 387 of the Act. For
the most part, those findings are not challenged in this appeal. However, her findings in
relation to section 387(h) do have a bearing on the matters raised in this appeal.
[62] Firstly, the finding that Mr Lee’s position in relation to the use of his biometric data by
the scanners was at odds with his position in relation to DNA in connection with drug and
alcohol testing had its origins in questions raised independently of the parties by the
[63] The evidence of Mr Lee on the matter was to the following effect:
he had never been the subject of drug and alcohol testing at work;
there was a company policy requiring urine testing under certain circumstances;
if required under that policy, he would undertake a urine test;
his concerns about a third party provider holding his information from a urine test
were different to his concerns about third party providers holding his biometric
data, because he didn’t think they would be getting DNA or any kind of
biometric data; and
that he did not know how drug and alcohol testing worked;
he would be okay with a hypothetical scenario involving a drug and alcohol test
required by Superior Wood, but carried out by a third party, which then took a
DNA sample to a laboratory for further testing.44
[64] In our view, this evidence was of limited probative value in relation to matters the
Commissioner was required to determine. There was no evidence in the proceeding of any
actual testing, or testing procedure. There was no evidence of what the company policy was in
relation to drug and alcohol testing, other than Mr Lee’s evidence above and induction
material which refers simply to a “process” that “Superior Wood conducts”45 (although it is
not clear that this material was in existence at any time prior to Mr Lee’s dismissal). There
was no detail as to the actual method of collection or holding of DNA, or whether those
functions might be outsourced to a third party. To the extent that the Commissioner relied on
Mr Lee’s evidence in this respect and weighed it against a finding of unfair dismissal, we
consider she was in error.
[65] Secondly, the Commissioner held that Mr Lee’s objection to the use of his biometric
data by Superior Wood, FTH and a third party supplier was unreasonable when taking into
43 Transcript of 15 June 2018, PN199 – PN220
44 Transcript of 15 June 2018, PN212 – PN215
45 Witness statement of Ian Swinbourne, Attachment PS3
[2019] FWCFB 2946
consideration the purposes of the Policy, improvements to payroll and health and safety and
the costly alternatives that would have been required to be put in place for him. Her
conclusion in this regard is likely to have been informed by her earlier conclusion that there
was a valid reason for dismissal. In our view, this conclusion constituted an error which
tainted the approach to weighing up the various factors relevant to whether the dismissal was
harsh, unjust or unreasonable.
[66] We uphold this ground of appeal.
Ground 3 - mistaking the facts in finding that the new scanners improved safety
[67] This appeal ground raises for consideration the Commissioner’s findings at paragraph
[198] and [229] of the Decision, as follows:
“[198] It is entirely reasonable for the employer to improve upon an inherently unsafe
obligation to run to the front administration office in the event of an emergency, locate
a paper sign-on sheet and attempt to ascertain who is at work over a site of significant
size. On the evidence before the Commission, supervisors can immediately see who
from their area of work is present in the workplace using the information collected
through their adherence to the Site Attendance Policy and displayed on a supervisor’s
[229] Further, I note that the scanners allowed for additional safety benefits beyond
simple attendance verification, such as reviewing site attendance on supervisors’
phones. The other methods identified by Mr Lee do not provide such additional
[68] Mr Lee contends that the evidence did not establish that the scanners improved safety.
In support of this contention, he claimed that a fire alarm did sound after the introduction of
the scanners and rather than rely on information gleaned from the scanners, Superior Wood
relied on the manual sign in and out sheets to verify attendance on site.
[69] We agree with Mr Lee as to the effect of the evidence in relation to the fire alarm in
January 2018. The timing coincides with the scanners having been formally implemented
after a trial period. However, despite its formal implementation, both the scanners and the
manual sign in and out sheets remained in use.
[70] In our view, the primary purpose for introducing the scanners was to address payroll
issues across the Finlayson Group. However, we accept that the potential for improved safety
was also a reason for its introduction. The Mitrefinch Proposal put forward the prospect of
safety improvements. From its initial communication with employees in 2 November 2017,
Superior Wood consistently referred to its perceived benefit of helping to keep track of people
on site. It appears to us that prima facie, this makes logical common sense.
[71] We do not necessarily agree that it was “inherently unsafe” to have to run from the
front office in the event of an emergency to locate the sign in and out sheets. However, we are
satisfied that there was a sufficient evidentiary basis for the Commissioner to find that the
[2019] FWCFB 2946
scanners, through their capacity to display attendance records on supervisor’s phones, offered
safety benefits, even though the main function was clearly to improve its payroll operation.
[72] We reject this ground of appeal.
Ground 4 - mistaking the facts in finding that Mr Lee did not consent to the collection of his
biometric data, when he was never asked for his consent
[73] In our view this ground of appeal is misconceived. We accept that Superior Wood’s
request for Mr Lee’s biometric data was expressed in the form of a direction, rather than a
choice. It was nevertheless a request for his consent. It thereafter erroneously sought to negate
his choice by threatening him with disciplinary action.
[74] Mr Lee’s correspondence to Superior Wood on 7 November 2017 expressly stated that
he was “unwilling to consent to having his fingerprints scanned” because he regarded his
biometric data as personal and private.46
[75] According to Mr Lee, on 24 January 2018 Skene Finlayson, Director of Superior
Wood, asked him if he would use the scanner, and he said no.47 This plainly amounted to a
request, albeit one which he refused.
[76] Accordingly, this ground of appeal is rejected.
Ground 5 - finding that the introduction of biometric scanners was reasonably necessary
[77] This ground of appeal raises for consideration the Commissioner’s findings at
paragraphs [203], [204] and [215] of the Decision.
[78] The relevant findings are as follows:
“[203] Having regard to the issue of whether the introduction of biometric scanners at
the Superior Wood premises is ‘reasonably necessary’, I have no hesitation in so
finding. For the same reasons stated earlier, the Finlayson Group wished to consolidate
its payroll. Superior Wood was the last entity to have the scanners introduced, and
after a suitable period of time where there was duplication, it was a reasonable course
for the employer to then remove the paper payroll system to join in with its parent
entity activities. Once Superior Wood and the Finlayson Group was satisfied the
biometric scanning was properly implemented, the entities wished to do away with all
manual payroll handling. Once that decision was made, I do then consider the
collection of the biometric information to be reasonably necessary for its functions or
[204] On a fairness and reasonableness consideration, I am minded to side with the
views of management of Superior Wood that having Mr Lee use some alternative
method such as a swipe pass or continue to use a paper sign-on would be inefficient,
inequitable, and a burden. Requiring a manual pay run to be implemented for a single
46 Witness statement of Jeremy Lee, paragraph 24
47 Witness statement of Jeremy Lee, paragraph 35
[2019] FWCFB 2946
employee, as against either 150 employees or 400 employees in the group would be an
onerous obligation.
[215] At this point in time I am satisfied that the collection of the private and
sensitive information was for a function or activity that was reasonably necessary. I
am disturbed that none of the organisations, except the IT provider has in place a
privacy policy, and I am concerned that there was a failure by Superior Wood to issue
a collection notice.”
[79] The evidence in relation to alternatives to fingerprint scanners was limited. The
Mitrefinch proposal to FTH confirms that it offered data capture alternatives to fingerprint
scanners, including key fobs and swipe cards.48 Other options set out in that proposal included
computer and mobile login systems, as well as SMS and email options. The Commissioner
concluded at paragraph [227] of the Decision that there was no evidence of any evaluation of
the costs of alternative options by Superior Wood. In our view, there was no evidence that it
even considered those alternatives.
[80] It was established that for many months after Mr Lee was dismissed, and
notwithstanding the formal introduction of the scanners from 2 January 2018, manual sign in
and out sheets continued to be used at the site.49 The timing of the decision to dismiss Mr Lee
in February 2018 is therefore difficult to explain. Mr Finlayson gave evidence that Mr Lee
would not have been able to be paid through the payroll system if he did not use the scanners,
and yet there does not seem to be any controversy that he was in fact paid after the scanners
were formally introduced.50
[81] Both Mr Finlayson and Mr Swinbourne gave evidence that Superior Wood could not
allow Mr Lee to continue to sign in and out manually because it left Superior Wood open to
time recording inaccuracy and fraud; they would not know where he was in case of
emergency; the costs of an alternative mechanism were too high; and for reasons of
consistency with other employees.
[82] No evidence was introduced to establish that Mr Lee posed a risk to Superior Wood in
relation to inaccurate time recording or fraud. Rather, the evidence tends to the contrary
[83] In our view, the notion that Superior Wood would not know where Mr Lee was in case
of an emergency was, in the present case, somewhat overstated. Whether Mr Lee used the
manual sign in and out sheets or the scanners, the data then recorded would not have allowed
it to locate him at a particular place during work on what was described by Mr Finlayson as a
very large site. On the one occasion where there was evidence of having to verify attendance
due to an emergency (that is, the fire alarm in January 2018), the manual records were relied
upon rather than the scanners. Both systems remained in use well after his dismissal.
48 Exhibit A4
49 Transcript of 15 June 2018 at PN329
50 Transcript of 15 June 2018 at PN570
51 Witness statement of Jeremy Lee at paragraph 11; Transcript of 15 June 2018 at PN417
[2019] FWCFB 2946
[84] We have dealt above with the purported costs of an alternative to the scanners. That
contention takes the matter no further.
[85] Overall, the evidentiary basis for concluding that collection of Mr Lee’s fingerprint
data was reasonably necessary for Superior Wood’s functions or activities was not
compelling. It is clear that Superior Wood’s introduction of the scanners was administratively
convenient for FTH, who operated the payroll system on its behalf. We also accept that had
the direction to Mr Lee been lawful, it might also have been reasonable to decline to make an
exception for him in circumstances where he was the only one of approximately 400
employees seeking a different method. However, neither of those matters establish that it was
‘reasonably necessary’ for Superior Wood to proceed with the collection of Mr Lee’s
fingerprint, particularly in circumstances where other options had been identified and had not
yet been considered.
[86] For these reasons, we uphold this ground of appeal.
Grounds 6 and 7 - finding that employees gave implied consent by registering their
fingerprints instead of finding that biometric data was collected from employees other than
Mr Lee by unlawful and unfair means; and failing to find that implied consent is not sufficient
for the purposes of collecting sensitive information
[87] Mr Lee submits that the Decision is in error because it did not make findings at large
about whether breaches of the Privacy Act effectively vitiated the consent of all other
employees (which might otherwise be implied by their cooperation with the Policy). He also
submits that a higher standard of consent is required in the collection of sensitive information,
and the Commissioner was in error in not finding to that effect.
[88] In our view, neither of those matters are findings the Commissioner was required to
make. Her task was to consider the circumstances relevant to Mr Lee’s dismissal by Superior
Wood. Her finding that other employees gave implied consent by registering their fingerprints
were made in response to the case put by Mr Lee. We discern no error in her finding, at least
on a prima facie basis, that employees gave implied consent by registering their fingerprints.
[89] As to whether a higher standard of consent is required in relation to sensitive
information, that ground is not made out and nor is it apparent that it is a matter that falls for
resolution by the Commission. Grounds 6 and 7 of the appeal are rejected.
Disposition of appeal
[90] For the foregoing reasons we have decided to uphold the appeal in C2018/6600 and
quash the Decision.
[91] We have decided to rehear the application.
Section 387(a) - was there a valid reason for the dismissal related to capacity or conduct?
[92] For the reasons set out above, we find that there was no valid reason for the dismissal.
[2019] FWCFB 2946
Section 387(b) and (c) - notice of reason for dismissal and opportunity to respond
[93] There is no dispute that Mr Lee was given notice of the reason for dismissal on the
numerous occasions outlined earlier in this decision and prior to his eventual dismissal. On
each occasion, he was given the opportunity to respond to Superior Wood’s concerns and he
took up that opportunity as he saw fit. These matters weigh against a finding of unfair
Section 387(d) - any unreasonable refusal to allow a support person to assist in discussions
relating to the dismissal
[94] There is no evidence of any refusal to allow a support person to participate in
discussions relating to the dismissal. It is a neutral consideration in this case.
Section 387(e) - warnings
[95] Mr Lee was warned on multiple occasions that his failure to comply with the Policy
may result in further disciplinary action including termination of employment. This weighs in
favour of a finding of unfair dismissal given our findings as to the direction to comply with
the Policy.
Section 387(f) and (g) - size of the employer’s business and access to dedicated human
resources management specialists or expertise
[96] Superior Wood is a business of reasonable size. There is no evidence that it employed
dedicated human resources specialists or experts at, or prior to the time of dismissal, but nor is
there any evidence that it did not have the means to access specialist advice had it wished to
do so. It should have been, but was not, aware of and compliant with its obligations under the
Privacy Act well before the introduction of the scanners. Its failure in this regard contributed
substantially to a dismissal without valid reason.
[97] To the extent that the size of Superior Wood’s enterprise would likely have impacted
on the procedure adopted to effect Mr Lee’s dismissal, it was in Superior Wood’s failure to be
aware of its obligations under the Privacy Act. In the circumstances this weighs in favour of a
finding that Mr Lee’s dismissal was unfair.
[98] As we have already noted, there is no evidence that Superior Wood had any dedicated
human resources management specialists or expertise. As this consideration is concerned with
the degree to which the absence of dedicated human resources management specialists or
expertise would be likely to impact on the procedures Superior Wood followed in effecting
the dismissal, the absence of any evidence one way or the other means that this matter is not
able to be assessed and therefore weighs neutrally.
Section 387(h) - other relevant matters
[99] We accept Mr Lee’s submission that once biometric information is digitised, it may be
very difficult to contain its use by third parties, including for commercial purposes. In this
case, various organisations required access to data obtained by the biometric scanners.
Mitrefinch captured the data derived from the features of tissue lying beneath the skin and on
the skin surface. Those features were converted into a template unique to the individual, using
[2019] FWCFB 2946
an embedded algorithm owned by another entity, ‘Lumidigm’. The template was stored on
one or more of the site readers installed at FTH and Superior Wood sites. It was also stored on
servers owned by FTH, which were accessible remotely by at least FTH, Mitrefinch and AUS
IT Services, who operated the servers.52 The data was used by ‘Ironbark’ to operate the FTH
payroll system and by FTH to process the payroll for FTH and Superior Wood.53
[100] There is no evidence that any of these entities had, at the relevant time, any actual
mechanism in place to protect and manage information collected by Superior Wood,
consistent with its obligations under the Privacy Act (other than the warranty of AUS IT
Services that it would comply with the Privacy Act; a warranty which FTH also gave to it). In
the circumstances, the concerns expressed by Mr Lee were not, in our view, devoid of merit.
It is a matter that weighs in favour of unfair dismissal.
[101] There was a dispute between Mr Lee and Superior Wood about whether the data
captured by the scanners could be reproduced in the form of a fingerprint, which appears to us
to be a matter of form rather than substance. Superior Wood’s rejection of Mr Lee’s concerns
on this basis was misplaced. Whether the data was captured in pictorial or numerical form, it
was data unique to the individual and derived from that individual’s biometric characteristics,
above and beneath the skin. It was data that Mr Lee was entitled to seek to protect. Plainly,
the parties have not addressed the question of an appropriate remedy, given this conclusion of
the Full Bench.
[102] It is apparent from the above that Superior Wood did not have a valid reason for the
dismissal which related to Mr Lee’s capacity or conduct. This is a significant factor in the
circumstances of this case. As we have also concluded, some relevant matters weigh
neutrally, some weigh against a finding that dismissal was unfair and others weigh in favour
of such a conclusion. However the procedural fairness matters do not weigh so heavily in
favour of a finding that the dismissal was not unfair as to outweigh the significance of an
absence of valid reason. After all, Superior Wood was procedurally fair in effecting the
dismissal for a reason that was not valid and in contravention of its obligations under the
Privacy Act. Therefore for the reasons set out above, on balance we find that Mr Lee’s
dismissal was unjust. It was unjust because Mr Lee was not guilty of the conduct alleged. As
the direction was unlawful he was entitled to refuse to follow it. Mr Lee was unfairly
[103] We order as follows:
1. the appeal is upheld;
2. the Decision in [2018] FWC 4762 is quashed;
3. on a rehearing we determined that Mr Lee’s dismissal was unfair; and
4. the question of what remedy, if any, should be ordered is remitted to
Commissioner Simpson for determination having regard to our findings.
52 Witness statement of Andrew Douglass, dated 7 May 2018
53 Transcript of 15 June 2018 at PN338
[2019] FWCFB 2946
J. Lee appeared in person
A. Herbert of Counsel for the Respondent
Hearing details:
Brisbane (via video) and Melbourne:
March 18.
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