[2016] FWCA 5873
The attached document replaces the document previously issued with the above code on
14 October 2016.
It corrects typographical and formatting errors.
Member Assist
Dated 19 October 2016
Fair Work Act 2009
s.185—Enterprise agreement
Glassons Australia Limited T/A Glassons
Retail industry
Application for approval of the Glassons Enterprise Agreement 2016.
[1] An application has been made by Glassons Australia Limited T/A Glassons (the
applicant) for the approval of an enterprise agreement known as the Glassons Enterprise
Agreement 2016 (the Agreement). The application was made pursuant to s.185 of the Fair
Work Act 2009 (the Act) and is a single enterprise agreement.
[2] The Agreement covers all Australian retail team members engaged by the employer,
and does not cover Head Office Team Members. As per s.186(3A) of the Act, I am satisfied
that the group of employees covered by the Agreement was fairly chosen taking into account
the operational distinction of the employees covered.
[3] The General Retail Industry Award 2010 (the Award) is the relevant reference
instrument for the purposes of the better off overall test (BOOT) as required under s. 186 of
the Act.
[4] The Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (the SDA) wrote to the
Commission advising that they had an interest in and a number of concerns about the terms of
the Agreement. The SDA sought to be provided with copies of all materials filed by the
applicant to assist them to respond appropriately.
[5] The Commission, in the interests of transparency1, permitted the SDA to attend the
Fair Work Commission offices to access the material filed in relation to the application.
[6] The Commission wrote to the applicant identifying the following concerns with the
terms of the Agreement:
1 Duncan Hart v Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd and Bi-Lo Pty Limited T/A Coles and Bi Lo;
Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union, The v Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd and Bi-Lo Pty Limited T/A Coles
and Bi Lo [2015] FWCFB 7090 at [47].
[2016] FWCA 5873
E AUSTRALIA FairWork Commission
[2016] FWCA 5873
The consultation term did not meet the requirements of the Act;
The Agreement appeared to limit unpaid carer’s leave to two days in total, rather than
two days per occasion;
The Agreement appeared to limit a casual employee’s entitlement to unpaid
compassionate leave to the event of a death in the employee’s immediate family or
The Agreement allowed the employee and employer to mutually agree at certain times
that employees would work outside of the ordinary hours of work at ordinary rates;
The Agreement only provided evening penalties in certain circumstances, which
would permit employees to be rostered up to 6.30pm Monday to Wednesday and
9.30pm Thursday to Friday without the payment of evening penalties; and
The Agreement did not afford part-time employees the same protections as the Award.
[7] A concern was also raised by the Commission in relation to the explanation of clause
4.9 of the Agreement to employees, and whether it could be considered that there was genuine
agreement under section 188 of the Act.
The consultation term
[8] The consultation term at clause 2.3 of the Agreement only requires consultation in
relation to changes to regular rosters and ordinary hours of work which are not mutually
[9] The Commission noted that this restriction did not appear to satisfy s.205 of the Act
which has wider application.
[10] Pursuant to s.205(2) of the Act, the model consultation term prescribed by the Fair
Work Regulations 2009 is taken to be a term of the Agreement.
Unpaid carer’s leave
[11] The Agreement provides at clause 6.1.12 that unpaid carer’s leave of two days is
available to employees who have exhausted their accrued personal leave, and that casual
employees may also access this unpaid entitlement.
[12] Section 102 of the Act provides that an employee is entitled to two days of unpaid
carer’s leave for each permissible occasion when a member of the employee’s immediate
family or household requires care or support because of a personal illness, injury or
unexpected emergency.
[13] In response to the request of the Commission, the applicant provided an undertaking
that the period of unpaid carer’s leave under clause 6.1.12 would be two days per occasion
that it is required.
Unpaid compassionate leave for casuals
[14] The Agreement provides at clause 6.2.6 that casual employees will be entitled to two
days unpaid compassionate leave upon the death of an immediate family member or a
member of the employee’s household.
[2016] FWCA 5873
[15] Section 104 of the Act provides that employees are entitled to two days of
compassionate leave for each occasion where a member of the employee’s immediate family
contracts or develops a personal illness or sustains a personal injury that poses a serious threat
to his or her life, or dies.
[16] In response to the request of the Commission, the applicant provided an undertaking
that a casual employee’s entitlement to compassionate leave under clause 6.2.6 may also be
used where a member of their immediate family or household contracts or develops a personal
illness or suffers a personal injury that poses a serious threat to his or her life.
Mutual agreement to work without the payment of overtime penalties
[17] The Commission noted that clause 5.2.11 of the Agreement provides that the employer
and employees may mutually agree, at certain times, that employees will work hours or work
patterns outside of the ordinary hours of work at ordinary rates.
[18] The Commission was not satisfied that the rates of pay were high enough to
compensate employees in the event that they were regularly working hours or work patterns
outside of the ordinary hours without the payment of penalty rates.
[19] In response to the request of the Commission, the applicant provided an undertaking as
“In relation to clause 4.6 of the Agreement, Glassons has set remuneration for each
classification to ensure Employees are better off overall under this Agreement than
under the General Retail Industry Award 2010 (“Award”) which would otherwise
apply. Where an Employee considers that over a roster cycle (as stipulated in clause
5.1.1 of the Agreement), they are not better off overall under this Agreement than
under the Award, they may request a comparison of the wages received for that roster
cycle under this Agreement and the wages they would otherwise have been provided
with under the Award. Any shortfall in wages which would otherwise be payable
under the Award will be paid to the Employee in the next pay period after the review is
completed. If the Employee and Glassons cannot reach agreement on the wages which
should be paid, the Grievance Procedure in clause 2.4 of the Agreement will be
followed and the parties will agree to the Fair Work Commission arbitrating and
making a binding determination to resolve the matter.”
[20] The Commission is satisfied that this undertaking creates an enforceable right to
payments to employees equal to or higher than those contained in the Award, and has no
limitation on its availability. The undertaking is accepted on the basis that it is a possibility
that an employee would be worse off under the Agreement clause than the Award provision.
The lack of evening penalties in the Agreement
[21] The Commission noted that clause 5.3 of the Agreement only provides evening
penalties where a store’s usual trading hours are extended beyond those specified in clause
5.2.1. This would permit employees to be rostered up to 6.30pm Monday to Wednesday and
9.30pm Thursday and Friday.
[2016] FWCA 5873
[22] The Commission was not satisfied that base rates of pay were high enough to
compensate employees in the event that they were regularly working between 6pm and
[23] In response to the request of the Commission, the applicant provided the undertaking
referenced above at [19].
[24] The Commission considered that a reconciliation clause such as the above should not
be used to cure recognised deficiencies identified in the BOOT, as opposed to the
circumstances described in [20] above.
[25] The applicant has provided a revised undertaking increasing the rates of pay for
employees working between 6pm and 9.30pm so that those employees will be better off
overall under the Agreement.
Part-time employees under the Agreement
[26] The Commission noted that clause 3.2 of the Agreement provides that, on
commencement of employment, the employer would provide the employee with details of
their expected contracted hours which may change in accordance with clause 5.1.2
[27] The Commission was not satisfied that the Agreement provided the same protections
to part-time employees as the Award.
[28] In response to the request of the Commission, the applicant provided an undertaking as
“In relation to clause 3.2 of the Agreement, upon commencement of employment
Glassons will also provide each part time employee with their expected working days
and expected hours of work each day, including expected start and finish times and any
variation to these hours will be by Agreement”
Undertakings provided
[29] The undertakings provided by the applicant address the Commission’s concerns in
relation to unpaid care’s leave, compassionate leave for casuals, agreement to work additional
hours without penalty rates, the lack of evening penalties in the Agreement and the
protections afforded to part time employees.
[30] The undertakings are taken to be a term of the Agreement and a copy is marked
Annexure A. The undertakings are not so substantial that if asked to vote again the
employees who voted would not approve the Agreement. I am therefore satisfied that the
undertakings do not result in a substantial change to the Agreement, as per s.190(3)(b) of the
Genuine Agreement
[31] The Commission noted that clause 4.9 of the Agreement provides that any changes in
the Award to Saturday, Sunday and public holiday penalties would be mirrored in the
[2016] FWCA 5873
Agreement taking effect from the first full pay period following the change in the Award
having effect.
[32] The Commission sought further information as to what steps were taken to explain the
implications of this clause to employees. The Commission was concerned that if the clause
was not adequately explained to employees there may not have been genuine agreement as
per the requirement under section 188 of the Act.
[33] The applicant provided submissions explaining the processes that it undertook to
explain the terms of the Agreement to employees.
[34] Notably, the applicant advised that there were no questions asked about clause 4.9 and
that the material distributed to employees did not specifically address clause 4.9.
[35] The applicant submitted that the meaning of the clause is clear on its face, and that all
reasonable steps were taken to ensure that explanations of the Agreement were provided and
that employees had ample opportunity to ask questions about any aspect of the Agreement.
[36] Having considered the submissions provided by the applicant, and on the basis of the
material contained in the application and accompanying statutory declaration, I am satisfied
that the requirements of section 188 of the Act have been met.
SDA submissions regarding their objections to the Agreement
[37] The SDA filed submissions in the Commission on 28 July 2016 detailing concerns that
it had with the Agreement.
[38] The applicant was invited to, and did on 8 August 2016, file submissions in response
to the concerns raised by the Commission and the submissions lodged by the SDA.
[39] Having considered both the submissions lodged by the SDA and those provided by the
applicant, the Commission is satisfied that the concerns raised by the SDA have either been
addressed by the undertakings provided or pose no impediment to the Agreement’s approval.
[40] Taking into account the undertakings provided by the applicant, I am satisfied that the
Agreement results in employees being better off overall under the Agreement.
[41] The undertakings should be brought to the attention of the employees covered by the
Agreement by the applicant.
[42] I am satisfied that each of the requirements of ss.186, 187 and 188 of the Act as are
relevant to this application for approval have been met.
[2016] FWCA 5873
[43] The Agreement is approved. In accordance with s.54(1), the Agreement will operate
from 21 October 2016. The nominal expiry date of the Agreement is 13 October 2020.
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Price code G, AE420645 PR584449
[2016] FWCA 5873
Annexure A
Deputy President Bull Fair Work Commission 11 Exhibition Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000
By email: chambers.bull.dp@fwc.gov.au Copy to: Keryn Midwood Member Support Research Team member.assist@fwc.gov.au Dear Deputy President Bull,
AG2010/5624 - Glassons Enterprise Agreement 2010 These undertakings are provided in relation to the Glassons Enterprise Agreement 2016 ("Agreement"). 1. The period of carer's leave under clause 6.1.12 that an employee may take, is 2 days per occasion that it is required. 2. A casual employee's entitlement to unpaid compassionate leave under clause 6.2.6 may also
be used where a member of their immediate family or household contracts or develops a personal illness or suffers a personal injury that poses a serious threat to his or her life. 3. In relation to clause 3.2 of the Agreement, upon commencement of employment Glassons will also provide each part time employee with their expected working days and expected hours of work each day, including expected start and finish times and any variation to these hours will
be by agreement. 4. In relation to clause 5.2 of the Agreement, any Permanent Employee who works after 6.00pm Monday to Friday, but within the span of Ordinary Hours in clause 5.2.1, will be paid the rate of pay set out in the table below for those hours worked: Classification Permanent Employee evening rate
Sales Assistant $25.14 Visual Merchandiser $25.16 Assistant Store Manager $25.16 Store Manager $26.58 unless a higher rate of pay is payable pursuant to clauses 5.3 or 5.4, in which case, that higher rate will be paid instead.
For the avoidance of doubt, junior employees (who are Permanent Employees) working the evening hours above, will be entitled to the rates of pay in the table above, at the applicable percentage set out in clause 4.5 of the Agreement for their age. 5. In relation to clause 4.6 of the Agreement, Glassons has set remuneration for each classification to ensure Employees are better off overall under this Agreement than under the
General Retail Industry Award 2010 ("Award") which would otherwise apply. Where an Employee considers that over a roster cycle (as stipulated in clause 5.1.1 of the Agreement),
[2016] FWCA 5873
they are not better off overall under this Agreement than under the Award, they may request a comparison of the wages received for that roster cycle under this Agreement and the wages they would otherwise have been provided with under the Award. Any shortfall in wages which would otherwise be payable under the Award will be paid to the Employee in the next pay
period after the review is completed. If the Employee and Glassons cannot reach agreement on the wages which should be paid, the Grievance Procedure in clause 2.4 of the Agreement will be followed and the parties will agree to the Fair Work Commission arbitrating and making a binding determination to resolve the matter. Glassons will provide a copy of this undertaking along with the Agreement to the Employees.
Signed for Glassons Australia Limited ACN 074 774 637 In the presence of: A (Signature) (Signature)
5/10/2016 5.10.16 (Date) (Date) James Glasson Ellen Slater Name: Name:
Title: General Manager Clistralia Title: . Product Coordinator Address: Glassons Australia Limited Unit 7 154 O'Riordan Street Mascot NSW 2020