Fair Work Act 2009
s.394—Unfair dismissal
Christine Storer
On Call Interpreters and Translations
Application for relief from unfair dismissal.
[1] On 6 November 2013, Mrs Christine Storer made an application by telephone for a
remedy for unfair dismissal under to s.394 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act).
[2] After the application was made, the Fair Work Commission (the Commission) sent
correspondence on 7 November 2013 to Mrs Storer.
[3] Mrs Storer was allowed 14 days from the date of making the application to complete a
Form 2 - Application for Remedy from Unfair Dismissal (the application) in addition to
paying the filing fee or completing waiver a form. Mrs Storer was advised that failure to
return a completed application and payment/waiver form would result in her application being
[4] On 19 November 2013, the Commission contacted Mrs Storer in relation to the
correspondence dated 7 November 2013 as no completed application or payment/waiver had
been filed. Mrs Storer advised that she had suffered an injury which had prevented her from
following up with her application. Mrs Storer requested a further week be granted to allow her
time to complete her application.
[5] Mrs Storer was again contacted on 27 November 2013 as her completed application
had not been received. Mrs Storer advised that she had sent her application by post on
Monday 25 November 2013.
[6] As no application was received, Mrs Storer was again contacted on 5 December 2013.
Mrs Storer was advised that her completed application had not been received by the
[7] Mrs Storer requested a further copy of our original correspondence dated 7 November
2013 be emailed to her and that she would attend to completing the application over the
[8] No application has been received to date.
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E AUSTRALIA FairWork Commission
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[9] Further attempts to contact Mrs Storer by telephone on 10, 12 and 13 December 2013
with regards to lodgement of her completed application were unanswered.
[10] A message was left advising that the matter may be dismissed if she did not file a
completed application form or pay the prescribed fee or file a fee waiver form, an order
dismissing the application may be issued and made publically available via the Commission’s
web site.
[11] Rule 14 of the Fair Work Rules 2010 (the Rules) governs applications made by
telephone in the Commission.
14 Applications may be made by telephone
Despite rule 6, an application for an unfair dismissal remedy may be made by
telephone at a telephone number approved for that purpose, provided that:
(a) the applicant pays the application fee prescribed in the Regulations by
credit card, or applies for a waiver of the fee at the time the telephone
application is made; and
(b) the applicant signs and returns to FWA a copy of the written application
generated by FWA (amended as necessary to correct any errors) together with
a completed application for waiver if a waiver of the fee has been sought.
Note 1 The telephone number approved for making an application for an unfair
dismissal remedy by telephone can be found on FWA’s website at:
Note 2 The written application generated by FWA, and any application for waiver of
the fee, will be sent by FWA to the person who makes a telephone application under
this rule.
Note 3 A telephone application will not be accepted unless the requirement in (a) is
complied with. An application made under this rule will not be further processed by
FWA until the requirement in (b) has been complied with.
[12] Section 395 of the Act, which deals with application fees, provides:
395 Application fees
(1) An application to the FWC under this Division must be accompanied by any fee
prescribed by the regulations.
(2) The regulations may prescribe:
(a) a fee for making an application to the FWC under this Division; and
(b) a method for indexing the fee; and
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(c) the circumstances in which all or part of the fee may be waived or refunded.
[13] Having regard to the above, Mrs Storer has failed to file a completed application and
did not pay the required fee.
[14] Section 587(1) of the Act provides as follows:
587 Dismissing applications
(1) Without limiting when the FWC may dismiss an application, the FWC may dismiss
an application if:
(a) the application is not made in accordance with this Act; or
(b) the application is frivolous or vexatious; or
(c) the application has no reasonable prospects of success.
[15] Having regard to the circumstances of this matter, I am satisfied that the application
was not accompanied by the fee as prescribed by the Act and is therefore, not made in
accordance with the Act.
[16] For this reason, the application is dismissed under s.587(1)(a) of the Act. An Order
giving effect to this decision will be issued accordingly.
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