Fair Work Act 2009
s.156—4 yearly review of modern awards
4 Yearly Review of Modern Awards
4 yearly review of modern awards.
[1] A Draft Statement published on 15 November 2013 provided a preliminary outline of
the process for the 4 yearly review of modern awards (the Review) to be undertaken by the
Commission in 2014, in accordance with s.156 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). Interested
parties were invited to comment on the proposed process by 16 December 2013.
[2] The 15 November 2013 Statement envisaged that the Review would consist of an
initial stage followed by an award stage. The initial stage would identify and determine any
legislative issues and determine the scope of the Review. The award specific issues would be
dealt with subsequently, in four groups of around 30 awards each (as set out in Attachment A
to the 15 November 2013 Draft Statement).
[3] A number of comments were received in response to the 15 November 2013 Draft
Statement and these were posted on the 4 yearly review of modern awards website. The
comments generally supported the process outlined in the Draft Statement albeit that a
number of parties sought changes in the composition and sequencing of the four groups of
[4] The Commission will convene a conference at 10:30am on Wednesday 5 February
2014 to commence the initial stage of the Review. The purpose of this conference is to
consider the legislative framework under which the Review will be undertaken and determine
the scope of the Review. At this conference interested parties should identify any variations
they wish to pursue which affect multiple or all modern awards. These ‘common issues’ will
be dealt with during the award stage, with scheduling determined in consultation with the
parties. The conference will also provide an opportunity for interested parties to make
submissions on the comments received in relation to the groupings and sequencing of awards
during the award phase of the Review.
[2013] FWC 10195
E AUSTRALIA FairWork Commission
[2013] FWC 10195
[5] An issues paper will be published in late January 2014 to facilitate the proceedings on
5 February 2014.
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